Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jun 1968, p. 16

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h.Canadien Champion. Wednesday, June 12, 1968 Benson visits ridings A GOUP0fI4ONBYREIOETSMcand in to hold e press confereece and heto Ifellot Mt ClUpOF SORetelan anDEc ao Mrc j ien clg candidate Rud Whiting with hie cern- mr.CKe Sncoen ad Mrcannd Mrt tn Ok- ologn Here Mr. ienson, standing t lefl, and coli Chccbc ofCovncece hadccececcm, Whitog cht vith the copes. tehen Finance Mnscer Edgatrlencon dcepped (tf ht Issues anyone? Tiioroigi ha* iMotaeSan hlglly sPirted argumentasara 1 enpected te arismt lthe Meet- the-Csnddates meeting June 12 (lesigiti) ai Marin S. Senior Publie ShocOl. The Me eting le slated toc 8 p.Mt. and Mrs. F. D. Tiempsoneciii te thte medecater. Thte meeting le soenred iy Milles aed District Utniversity Woren's Clb. A simnlor meet- ing iy te same sponsor van ceil receloed drlng lihe previo- cial eleclien. Question and answern dili lolloc lihe deltate. %'T500 club" A euw fundralsing gtmrnlck, a "T500S Clob'"'IsaSing neud 10 te campolgo et John Mormson te BnrlingloO. supporers are urged le pay a $5 memterntlp teele lo ite T500 Club, wleic glveseernbners a T500 lotIon fer lieir lapel ".andlie satsfactionor k toclng MRS. EILA F0010. one of the yorN'e made s ced rcontrbution Brlirl ion Liberel cempige hE toe lic tceen of Trudeaue le btton ard a Mrsen rbboe n Hallen-Weelwrti." Memitr- ienson drighie visit tlte ieH sitp le retricted le 500. cesdey. Candidate Morisoe lenks d*LUCflON '68 Common sense approach is urged by Morison lNJeon . MriO, Liter& a cm didole foc Halloo-Wentseorth 1 4 rlding. s L e mcface le momyf Burelingloand NassagavleYa resideois bt e te t est mc 1 Ponties. Tie itoedrY rentoton1 creain ilido mut rîding gises lie tocn' s ciizens lie epperiin- hte tore-elecl oL mon of proe experience ln Ottawa - a mon cite gelo hidnf ndose.oL monncite descrtten hitmseuf as a "rediape ctter." s "1 elevt le a comen mse approachin tegovecnmet," M. Morisen sud recetlY, "and 1 550e liti oly icy rapldecontlnc groctcao Canada pop foc sUl te gond luige ste cont." M. Morteonole a family mon citfnrrcicldren. living telles- ds, amd le famullar dît lite local are&anmdlils proileme. A eeaof ette R.C.A.F. ervtof lnewKr Me le Wrid War TcO, asti vdely travelel IneCanad os a mnemlter ofthlie pariatente arc Commlllee on Conaimnerst Affaire, te tas a trlad oaillol onlie mmv proiieme loang t CUATINO WITH VOYERS t e hec stop le ut date John Moison, l. Wllh tem 5 sMr.country îtaY. ington, Canada s ne, ininstec of finance Id- Onsons son Pter who accornpenied his ded on Naional tnil: Mr.MoriO nec lie' iensn pts e lugfoccheLit on thn e hlrnnd tout of 25 ridngs le Ontarioonesspeqile tmpiy -_--"On, car Ben'Benon ýutsin aplugforthe ibý(Staff Photo) nationo lesemtial. Seme rot- nera pe o and HaltonWentwe h rdng candi- ast eek. eilullonai cianes are nmeded, __________________________________Qeiec's legtimtae comploiflt musti Se smisfied as so s possilte, bt eci are ail Canal- Jans se ie's teiid o alato e cee ail te pcmud eofciitee la' prejadices ail pettp 5ri 11. On te Juet Society; "le thl long ru, a man's phiclosoph ecuioiy fr te. indiideol citizenj tecaem some of omc rigide are e le danger frem compuerzedald , de-haicnzeled tecinolegicai de-a velgoelent. 1wt tol eme 2o ciatrer cof iumrighi le mc mcw costttion." On locolemest: "Tite recet leaderhipconentilons and tlis eleclisonshtocaL mounning excie- ment &croseelnsd, a hito01 tingete cemne. Thits desire le prlicipae enplure m ad smc- vce leo oe'e crntrY muet te encouraged and used lte i mon imnm." oPterre Trudceau: "I'mcilic 1tm I I te cp. Ttis m nas iteiped leo roue te People et Canada leo areolizatt Of et teir îpoteollaL Al lant sometinnmc lihas teen added ltte polilloal 1 jewohkerine John Mo isert hedqnerters, pi.ns o Trudedt oîsitiflg linence Minister Edgoi HeltenWnworh ridieg Weçl es on et rjghl (staff Pheth ns useai", approacit, er a teld rasp on lte realSues et ldoy ad temerroce. Conditions are Saegtng ail arund us, ce seeti ths yoeng, icrilllsOt man cil on tue dithlice emod f lice preet." Jeon Iorleen le a man wcit lave op lis eonbtems toeter ptilics. For lihe pont ftnn years he itos teen a flitime ict.P. elith no olter roeflicllng inter- rnis. He ceenlte old Weqlcoric rlding l iteensttwIo eleclos, and bs Literai sepprers icace itigit topes ef paltiog hMs eoPer- lle cent toc licr te nmcHaleon- weotcorlt ridlng. Iurlingten Arn# centre for retuflis Toenaie lte pubcliread lice proste gel firsltohnd eleclion ceauile, lte Haloe-Weolterlth Literais icave reoled Burlioglos Central Acena fer Juoe 25. Local and nmtional ceautill l te pested ltere os ttey coernl. Titis ciu ollea me people le te- cerne clomer boand more inooied aitlte Jue ilelectien. This is t he sale that's got it. Five of canada's moat popular cars ait VB equlpped*...I Home Freezer Owners. VILLA ABATTOIR ooks le me d I enstabliehingfon yen a f i-gîs abbti oaod e ealsae eof meut prepared for home freezng on these prem mse crerof cse ne Rd. 87"4331' aud 7tIu Une, Haeuhy AL MEAT GOVtINMENT INSPECIEO AN'D APPROVID FRONT QUARTER OF BEEF A c between 90 and 120 lbi. average 4 1 BEEF HINDS..c good and ight meat --- .... -.. 6 9 1b BEEF SIDES - C 180 to 220 Ibs. average -----.. .... 591b GOOD QUALITY MEATS - Alil Cul and Wrapptid Free Wa a. oi te Yaer Speatkatbit PLEASE CALL TO RESERVE YOUR ORDERj Check 'em and sav I - Teen dunce, oriental food Toue. rt Ut SWunIhorough tmvotein" See Coming ef Teenagers topplog tothe emccd nlog as ane ilependcn Literai T RR U telisof e paeoftce "ihe Cobras" mnd smsaliog Norman lirade. rodec at 22, foodwclii form te lasifor some polcai itec-le in Hallon-Wenl- orm Ceeterootive candidateK Jlm livanocngi's corner. Thte "-voe-mn" le t e te idTitmereda f ngt i I uclioton Centra Aren. cAeCmlt rsidentote b OStarleYcung Coneratives,H &Wi represoltRtes fromt e&ci ci lbe mneartding ligle scicela vMiibit ateinlase. a Caaarav&mbagquaoerare-e prubctabeDar Mer te St amag vilS aclivit!" indmce qeldî @W t int l Iir fa- Keith Davey gest fund-raisinq dinner. Keitta Davey, Litera! ergani- zation man and former Cern- misalener ofthme Canadian FoOt- hlli Leagne wilU ngeak siathei Hiton Literai tued-ralslsg dîn- eur ithte Holiday Inn In Oakslla jette 13. Tickets are belttg aoid at $25 a plate and dieur Choir- mtan Mturray Hassler sald b etipectel a*bout 125 papiata attend. Mayoe Mcea Anderso, v*hn loont tad IWWu for MW t» &@&. Uboul 0- t&lBalSd WM* e1S,1I O~ foaIar cu s, usoen. r.. VIh. n --k« - o r in ,e r o e r v ic al-1 -e .S a l e ! Just for you-ChévrQlets Bonanza\jiSae C A LSee our author ized C hevro te a lo er LMTEDJACK RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLSMOBILE UMITID S M IN .IL 6791 o 5 I'ighwy - Mitn jer.~ ~ ~~on tant a v rim M«àken. a ina Il rkàrdocainermtuuMMr oer* Yeg rd enl u leeeruce- Tme igealen uett W erOU loc U&e S 1e Skaw hlte M,p lein, qton hepre va, al ter, aits et rud ennd M r.mon on, atitne, flrnC"sed Yorng cTrepauersre cron- tess. aon nil&tr JCigtebATkad hteN eeTIOn hN teleivtR 'r-

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