Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jun 1968, p. 11

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Lower spe.d to 40, Horniby recommendation AIT COMMUNION for severai stodents aofiki, Deise Ses-elle, Mrîssa Peccint; (sanding Hly Boaury Sapas-oie ichool, tccamponied by et el t) 11en Harkie, Chrieve Burgeois; (sec- Roman Ctttaiic siadents of lise Onlario Schaol ovd tam) Aureit Bourgeois, Desaid Schneider, for tise Deaf ws thteld Sondoy, Jon. 2. leciod- ttvo Demea, Catom Turney, Devey Baldwin, ed le the service re (front) Doreen Mclii- Dean Odasica.Iia Talflit, Jimmy Mclain, writh, Mary Ellev Crlyle, Virginia Gysel, Anthony Sostes-, Kenntth Story, Chasles Arg- Deenna McLt, Seava Tes-cap, Soson John- avion; (rear) John Trey, Donatd Colonie and stan, Susev Rues, tise Levesqot, Jenice Jon-' Michael Turcey. (Staff Photo) lhe mdmcuig pool cI Kelon Ce.run i.Ar& viII open this Sklortty for lise ammer. 1111 bu"tbàsi a utone.~ accordleg te celmmeru la lbe croweI t,ttsbWo-Seclcrawbe flocbd lisre e.nBSancy. Thehot am droee bmases laliclo, vsoeatlb VadItpoold escopta sied a apervlmed cemmng ara Ia theGlas Edn1Lb ws tltid le cpacly. Ascrmilt, maany of helisi- ors de.e.d sails ad 5sped late 011c rceaaofuthlie lob Vbrt eâre tIna supervse.n- c dn- grous prucides e ote lb ,a IAN POSTERgroduateol Jane 1 rs, Qeaes Universty at Kingston with a S.A. degrea. le September h. wili assumne thc prlecipaishtp ot Inyders Public Ichoal te appeas-as ville. He is tiesosavof Mr. andl tors. E. W. Fstes- oI Wood- ward St., Milton. eanny hblit 09 "aropping off', la depvtoýr qiote ibarply. al- le. Bgle. Ce.servation kaIsr- lly publiel relatie.scdirtctoriMse GacliFergoe.roprttddmee.ut peope Ver. iioncdrirnmdane.r- oumcas etoces utl taiirgieh day. Bame eenaplonged laie lbe cresis 1010w tlbdans. "Our poold 5sa uI OZ'raady to cpen," 55. aid. Durlng lb evmotti i Bcay, a mottrcycis and a car ctlitded on mne ofthe lb Btinrot"d,. saman Vu t nretllliverebt pros- tration. RECElVESM.A. Strue Galbraiths, son of Ms. ed Mns. tari Gabrtith ot RtR. 1, Milton, gradoated Jane 6 Item University Collage, Uviversity of Trante, with hi, M.A. te Frnch. Ha ewlîl h. teachivg et Yrk Miii, Caitegiate te Septenber. mteedts mu em bave le I djant tiir qmcd t1040 mcile aueoinsce 10usd ci50 m.ps. em te ftaUnLie Ibroogi Beraliy, if a recammedatio bylthe casa- ly ruade commttet meets ils tise appronat nf casoty counoci an cd thse titardofTransport. Tise aare&lanquestion wold nlode tram lloreby bal paris la lstth e etliUne. (Tnrac Road). lis cemmitta recom- med 40 m.p..raibur usas 30 bO0c ut ofa la.stlaticg mtr- laie le ceytilcg mr.a 35 m.p. Zoemet aie. for chooîl bue. TMn action lc a remitl of a petitie. olrcalattd Sp lirs. Lii- licneyr of Honeiy. Tlbarlg- licelpetitle. ctsd actas ut Tra- ilgcc llted, tisaBam nsLee ai tise titvetlLie in Enqteccg bu lowered. Tis restIs cammitte ditI rt- Toc lcsMcd tegg ln thei e S Id part ut BamUnie bu me.aatry. Ot netlise trylcgpce lnwertd soitfet evestis Lie Imt tise Friar. rtay Se lowtred starte ruttI AT HARRIS STATIONERY CARLTON - FATHER'S DAY CARDS A Coletnton C h»» Frm J 0 BRIEF CASES 0 ATTACHE CASES 0 WALLETS 4 KEYTAINERS Several Styles - 4 Calot 19 Northrite Fait Tip Bail Pans $19 Marker - 39c ________ Guest Book Registars Pants and Sts Special - $1 .65 98c to $25. * OFFICE AND PERSONAL STATIONERY I Miscellaneous Ideas 0 eNome and Address books 0 Fts Album& 0Wctiîg Per. etc., etc. HARRIS Stationery &office Supplies 162 Main St. Milton 878-6962 diversioe la Borciby vu cons- pletd. TiIs las cledaled fer caciplein lnaflait or SeptI- ember. Tisai prtien of evenus Lice wIlI become ce Estseslng tawn- ship rmai clter thse dInersons. Mns. Ayer loiThse Chtampion site vas pleaotd iltiste action taises. DeMI lotit lt ot rleisly- yc-11 eer gelt ut til live. BPECL.L TRADODG Scenesobas aâonW eproe le u tst lise mtatally relardcd cas bu belped Tisty tan te taubl toe b t lvto. Tis training umeut le trrltd e. la stcil clacssoe ender special spervision. Tise Northis lctes Association for tise Metally Rt- tarded ls maising use of tiese new metisods and techniques. Supporittteir dedlcattd vos-kisy pisoingthtie Flowers noflHope metdn ttsiyau Vill recelve. And pisot bt gtntrmcs setnhe cau- vanoor ctisl. Here's how the Progressive Conservative pro gram for eastern farmers wiII assure: a stroii, ypmofitale family faim. Tht tamily tare. las been llgblimg a losiag baille. Tht average Imeome per farts in eostern Canada lo Iris tIsas $1,600 pet year. Increasing cos t fred grains, tsot-mrkelable suepluses et butter, eggs, miîk, the. igis cent off credil, and it-or-aie. goverument policics bave driven miany tarmsers tram Ibeir land. l'he Progressive Censervalive Party program b plcnssed le give lthe ulmosl asistance le tamily fra operaliens; le establis a programi le couver marginal tartesite payitsg tarmso. Here are lise rsi stepsta t st aeW tken: 1. A permaetc Easern Agcla tarali Bureau-Tisnperomuoent bu- roaua fotEatere Agrculure noutd c-ordmulouiariculturalpolicesnand condsîet oeral asseýcnt oethlie eîest cooootsutiiaiosiofettise grcoliEstnleagrieultura rsord 2. Fed gnl- Transportation as- sistance te provide led grains ut reasenaisie pires forbent, dairy, hog and peultly larenng. Asc,,l;nee tee forage and grain erops. Le. nteresl raese ecueextenion ofl cd grain acreace. Imces cnnphin 1 teedeerlots and comnittupanIe- rage. Btier terlilser subidies. 3. Srplse- Stepup sale o agri- culturalisurpluses lu oresn cort- tries. leiliabo effectine ant-dumping neus~ure. Assisaneeo indstries ulîiîieg dairy prodse lnioiate noe-mrakel,îe sorpienes of buller. eggN it.olt. skni 50 ltlpouder and indecst iffii,. 4. Reclivato ARDA Proranss Beteco.eedinated and rcgion.dizcd nîaking it possible to deat amore cf- fielcy Mn lis proviceilagricolural S. 5ineolc insrasce - Tsougis eenlsoneoferop iosuranee. 6. Renion tax laad onsfaier Wlh a vieIoaeeeleratitg rateoft deprecsoion senI atm siorage fîcil- hies,. ddslselnat production huid. gs and future land doeopment. 7. Amesd Fra Improvement Loamct and Face Credit Lame Ac-To ho lied jenwih province tars, impsoemeetnds. This would inciudcoeeiofetrbnis et repay- 8. Semssal dllas - Roeviead ny-date mraosds of psotcclvg nmar- bts througis a whote nOeaopproacis to tarit, suhsidy, quota, areage conirot and iconse le produco in cooporation wils provinces and pro- The more you think about it... STANFIELD) is the man. VOTE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE Pubhshled btecPogeccuc Cuonie Paty ofCouad, an, VmT1 McW ILLIAMS Pete« PRORESSIVECONMVAYIVSCANDISAU IN HALTMR Tise Canadien CCtampion, Wcneeduy, Jonc 12, 1968 11 --Tees vorstee baye bue gsldK-BOÙ P&Ved uMtt losey rownËFlulthelbVite tramec -Bd 11111e. Kelso pool opens Saturdlay 10,000 there Iast weekend 0 0 Attention Farmers! "CROPS - NOT -- WEEDS" Now is the Tima te, ba Planning Your Waods Spraying Pragram WE CARRY A COMPLEEUNE 0F WEED SPRAYS INCLUDING 0 2-4 D AMINE 0 ATRAZINE le 2-4 D ESTER 0 SRUSH KILLERS 0 MCPA AMINE5 0 DALAPON CAUTIONI Always stop and rcd and foIIswdm Itie-c tiens wilech. manufacturer bas priti on ebld and Insecticide Labels. Ths wlll glas you further Infofma. tisn on hoot te apply tise chemîicals and on conditions othicis wiIl affect results. This otili sèvea ou moaey and help prevent crop damage. "BALIR TWINES" W. cme agente for MASTER AND PLYMOUTH4 SALER YWINBS SALER TWINE cames in two Iengths. No. 9 - 9,000 E. per bale tenoille strength 325 lis. No. 10 - 10,000 li. par baileleamngtrehi 290 Obn. Saler Twines are Dswn ln PrIce This Year «CALI. US AND ORDER YOUR SUPPLY TODAY" W. stock a full lino of* MASTER FEEDS MASTER FEEDS 0 Dial 877-3512 - Georgetown 0 In genulne ULgu 1Em CONGOLEUM WW sop on roun Here ore beautiful roses on backgrounds of gray, beige, or blue ta compliment your decor. The colon and sizes you 9 hpjýn t00ci$U want, ci the prices you Wel Stop in todoy - see for f000ci last dm a Cs las arny .8 9 X 12 rUg yourwf whot those "CONGOLEUM" printed rugi con do for your homet 1 P asp 0 ses OCH0assasu tactgMGyr YM ai Wall a tod@409ud calais î a dm wM JO a dm@ mp 0 mihry-wels 09 dln dln 00 0 lait rem 00. Cod 0 lie$ lasd"uduiugY'ý nly $14-88 9 x 12 rug K. W. (DKIO CLEMENT & SON 123 Thomas St. LTON 878. 194 C ) S N 8 sesac rar0 371 S411b ~II89c tTs sleeved Sport plae shadea, te ted Entra i.00OO ITS "DOWN WUTH DEFROSTUNG" I a R zw-" m m 1 1 a MUR

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