No Longer Needed Items Sell Quickcly ln The Wa nt Ads EMPLO MPEETFRAL 5VEHICLES FOR SALE -7 WANTED ag HELP WAETED Agroup 0 BIRITHS IN MEMORIAMS CLASSIFIED RATES 19-CERITsainUE ertr' ek Call CLEANmN wom-, 1 day a Europe in 19 195203 87VOF sain8-2393. sk fretr Jack RCar- week. 978.3229 after 6 P.m. Amy v BUDY Cuc adEvly ORNBY-. In loving memory ft sdTactors wagon. 854-2561, -c.O7233 o c5.0 8c5-2055 BUNDY --- Chuc and Eelyn Elmr ephe The Canadian 191 main S.son, c.O3 c-o Bundy (nee Booth) are haphopae y of oure derfte , me -M Teapio Milton, Ontario Nfil 06 16) fully 1 963 PONTIAC sedan, 6 cylin- - 2 MEN for tearm and mush. Europe V to announce the birth of their wh8asdaa nJn 7-31 hminNfil 06 16)3,100. der, automatic, very good con- UlKE quartette singing? if roomu farming, must have soe Call ville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospi- Dear Dad, wie think of you to- Amora-N s1NmnmmMfr1 Nuffield 460 (1963), excellent 878-3669. Apply 75 Miles corner of 7th Line (Tr alagar Aplact faprmce McNaiyrk A-NG T SI tal on Wednesday, May :29, 1968. day, ron lAE o RN ès tiaun n erabag condition ..................-.. $2 -g.5524 R. n o wy., 8p.m.' roomy fam, ear. 4, §h GActon. Asd wehe one o te dn, tu mnmmcrsfri sewrs staur 1o thrr okshutt 550 diesel (1%2) .....Mondays. for information, call 8b49.257 AndO fee once more the. sude U di.on 1nwdfreawnet 1,490. Ross Harkness 878-2952. COLSN- r adMr. blow, co=ZG ENTAnsrTANs-s.fontne e.3n 120 For Your Next Car ... - c-2034.t BANK1NG CAREER. Youn Wayne Coulson of R.R. 2, MIl- That does not seem to soften. 1 z IMNr eac128additiona fie Cockshutt 35 gas 3poin $1,500 TRFaGae1 r13gaut, 1'LS ton, are pleased to annunC You bid no one a last farewell, IN mmognr - $1.3 pleHICs ee une* 09 "e"t'. Int. B275, like new ............ fl . inefst' ian, G a po2to n w t r a n the birth of their son, Glen Stan- Nor even said good-bye, cLAssria DmP1AY. RAL ESTATIC _-. sio r el-un inch. Farmall M, Super kit, loader ... BUCK HAM'LTON exceRlent future. Contact 1. LOST o ley, weight 7 lbts., 12 ozs., at Jo- You haed gone before we knew DeadHne this chicanon - 5 >.- Uondy. $700. 8, H ELP WANTED SmlBn fMnraM. ° seph Brant Memorial Hospital itBOX NUunEns to tis omle - ne adiuonl. For SeNe good ..-....f- M' on c6-86, t, gass onMy 0 18 n nl nehk hn DEADLINE IS 12 NOON TUESDAY Ford 8N, overhau rha $550 BELL BROS. RE IBLE wora for bâb BEo'* Cneo. DnatelHi, 81 CAHON--M. n Ms Dn life's doe-Muta, ov87"380 ins a7-29 8c5.2088 train ambitions women in gla.SBRA Ca-Mlounr (nee h ail of R.R. Wheevraeavniaybe Chamin Wednesdlay, June 5, 1968 New Nuffield diesels, serviced 8.92t9 morous profession. Top orm mis sigsn 4,Mi'tn ae lasd o an- That you'll be standing at the g-h aaia min ready to go. OIFseadfrCnda in.Fl attm.Ms ent f2 nounce the birth of their daugh- door CE -----tentcwORUEaCR ego ranc 13o, aSien P-Prtntie2 road. nsine ter, weight 7 lbs., 10 ozs., at Mil- Up there to welcomne us. F0RS EBefore you buy, conac. plyU E C R eion wrtng to6 Chalstoe. Sigmmons 827.4605tisn. afntr 6. 2 ton District Hospital on June 4, Loved and remembered al- FOR SALE 1 O SEEE MOFFA MOOR wooecin tCarles an ian WANTE immdiaely ia .An 1968. ways by daughters Eleanor and odSWANSTON LegiFFTMOOR o, Me. Ser e or womanie tosppyenu er --- FREShirley and sons - in - law Chris ýFREEZER, Gilson, in c52079 BABY carriage; 1 Jolly Jumn- Alsoon foron usedE pat. nMltnad ate Haltn .1 FRE- Mr. and Mrs. Rich- and Don. c5-2076 cnion. 8783817' -prA-1 condition. 878.29 FrEqimn TXACOe STAo O bee wihRaarg routs. orwmnI upyCansr ard Fune (nee Gardin) of - FORD Feguo mower in epei m in earn awekl pat time; Co.100 PMME 43ArFirst Line, .Milton, are pleas- FODiron 878.94% RnockWOOd- 856-951 INSOFATIOand u full time. Write Raw. . ed to announce the birth of CARDS OF THANKS good conditin ·78-94 52% 0 KENMORE washing machine Opeod 5-91 N weekends COmanyr Limited ,ea 4,, ,.e336y RMIch drue; SIW PAME the iric augh ter ala o uie, __ wit timer, A- hp, 9 uf eld & 0 Ge ear fo b-tf in elieu st., st. Henry, Motreal. evenings 87 wegt 5bs,2½ zsaMi- We want to thank our friends ¯FLOWER and vegetable 25.___ oe 0yas c-37 SL-O ton. Dist rcHial o Jue3rn. egbrsfrcrs lw plants. Cali at 69 King St. or -2 miles west of "Rockwood on SHERIDAN PARK -.l8 SLFW 1nd%8. tndch adin rs and deed of kmndness shown phone 878-9579, Ed Jonec6s V T WR.eHsLn e en 6BS POTNTE DRSOu PRm a n em oOI -(e onll hn odfrRban aasHeteigon. 4b49mahn nwRy- S L -WNED Previous experience is requir- REQUIRED POWELL ~ ~ ~ c-25 -mi n ah o n aa eteigon , EWNacie, newRay-SAE2WNT. ed. Salary and fringe benefits Part or Full Timne ELECTRIÎ (esae Cornelil) thneofrc521mod trade.87.921 ic5.-2094 A Man With Ambition wml be comensurate with ex- Tomtr esn aei ETR thMafe arrva of6 etJoeheiragh . eito ·a ss yotor 0 oe isaldwt l hn VEHICLES FOR SALE Who is interested in a good perience. Excellent working con- no barrir) to be trie or.Phone Mite terRbecaJaeonTu sda, Inwollie top expe 6m _¯¯ H.oar 30'in toer intleh ih l hn local business opportunity. Min. ditions. set ln stabised to» n. W Memay 8, 1968 , Jspu rnt sie aprecisand teo m a16012.. ikin g u ned5head. $58.50. prmumi inetmn rlurdfrApyt:t on company e famou Memria 'HspialBuring on.r lat frie crds and neigh r o r. Phn l7-55 c5-2095 40' tower installed with all chan- 196diio P KS AGn ,7 good exc nell rient re eronerMnae for Apl a ntsoa scho an h o teahs ETt kinnes sh Brant Mm DE LAVAL creama separator, ned head. $723.50 5c5-2028 BOX 285, CHAMPION. BeaVer I.umber ing aids.o -ot tool n e.Vrit Ca ENGAGEMENTS 20 P BreÀSptty a hoe. sng orta nglcondit-on.6Re.5-0' toer isald with50 ala--1961 AUSTIN HEALEY 3M0, c5 Company Limited vice new and estabâshed si. 9384. c5-08 Bett Learont soabe.87-35. c521 nlea.$7.0 good condition. Phone 878-627. Box 1450, Sheridan Park, Ont. conut. Applicants must own NE- - TMI-nr.. Mrs hitopherr- 1 would like to thank my ADDING MACHINES type 9 5c-2027 WATDc6arndhvplsnte iqutpr omHnon , Mhoeng reds i and relties for their- r7 2 s afo s oStre alPhone Extra heads (for second TV ¯ O.CART", 5 h.p. West 'Bend ity.o ute inomto ,ad entd le e mae n he r . onlyatr -:ads d igsmadfow rece i v inIctf-417 set). Installed $15.00. engine, good condition, $55. 878- Mature Man dress a card to Mr. W. Eider, 678-2056 John Weston, son of Mr. and Mlilton District Hospital. Spec- -12 FOOT Rambler trailer, F.M. stereo head. Oftale 9ma2 Matr ) e27 F Reials In , et n 7206 Mrs. Roy Weston of Milton on al thanks et 'Dr. MacKay and sleeps 5; aiso beige studio $15.00. 160 DUAImtocceoF 0Tr00ARSfAnBx22FR June 8, 1%8. tev- Foster, nurses and staff couch, reasonable. 878-6266. 165 elmn oo ed ntle i dsh Aie o meag e, A-1 Wit larg hous of RE 5ae l bemos. 4 Y ar O of 'Milton District .Hospital- , 1c520 .5 comn oo ea.Isaldwndsiti on. 877-3804. 5c -16. Na iha ofer Ch mp o Offic, Mi on Rb Z5-2099 Elsie Shannon. _ theo Peel95 anditon 87-8.8c60 Wt ag os o erm. 4 COMNS ARRAGE 1 ishta han al myfrindCleBIN4 tai nle 12f.'Rce Aulomtic rotor. Installed 1963 VOILKSWAGEN, in good CALTMGE f Willing to travel tePe n COMINGan MAReAES I is h o hank al pmhfin le p 4,gsadeetric install. u a - condition, with new tires. $475 I ALTMGLSo Halton Counties region, calln and rlaties wh mad pho ele. 878-9516, Cliff Paul, 463 •69-oeto-e.8696.5c-0. ie O o chosadlbais oyu NDIEER- OVCHK alls, sent flowers and cards Kingsleigh Ct 1c5-2043 or •e •fr - 929 'c-0 is a.H ie o n cllen and rriemuert ThT WAT Do yg len H.ndER - KVcHI' K - nvitemewleIasa196 METEO -33, V-8 auto- 8513or ive vain forlen a retiredbt 9EPOM cenn Mr. and Mrs.te Vito Kova-1w patient in Milton District Hos- TWO pony saddles and bridl- Repairs of all types. maibce etboz, 845-483 i"e v"erticeron w eithd inut-9EPOMETW E oratce anr chik announce the forthcomning pital. Special thanks to Dr. Mac- es, in very good condition, begeti or, ew sctirs, prowzer EVenings 84 -a8 tivIe.egei w e ran rduethe l- wrlareorcidrnnn ins wit marriage of their daughter, iKay and to the nurses and staff Phone Acton 853.00 fe 6.ig s teeri a n b res, excelent Realtors 7cacenesnt emeso u w oe. 831. 942 Gener , o Mr.Diete und-wowreokn om.Tak 6914 condition. 878-4792. 5c4-2059 78School and Library Division Rates foi risro9 Strdy8Jn 15, to all who helped in othier ways.woea sfrexed4 ad 96,at 2 o'clock in Holy Ro.-29 (Mrs.) Janet King. ITA01AN Provincial dnin a O hs nomsaewl bv sar Church, Milton, Ont. --aythnst all or andith; k chen suie Ir Rcadon' ThFOsA 2sag eres xed4 a friends, neighbors and relatives atty wringe washer. Phonc5- 20R Mai Stee EstRelyby leteto.K.. for the lovely flowers, cards, 1300 mn mornmng. lc- 4 21MiLn Bret atuown ViePrsdet Grise DEATHS good wishes and gifts received YOUTO WILL UK buying you of. Canda 200 UnvestyAv. on our 50th Wedding Anniver. bOu ild E ing mateial anBota hn 7.99Trownto 1.ePrsdet 6c6 DEATH, Arthur Rounding --At ary. Special thanks to ths craword' Campe-6vlle Quick . owV Miltoni District 'Hospital, May who helped to make it such a Crervi. ig uaelity. Phn ae Oe41)TECOC S OR THCE FRSL cEILE O AE PR 28, 1968, Arthur 'Rounding, in memnorable occasion. 'ampbellville 854-2232. lctf-416 lb4.-tf 5 VEIC ng YO R TPRE his 80th year, beloved husband Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rae- - EICE Fus typesILE ORSLE O of Ida May Canning; dear fath- c52036 SHTADsalo pn;i ak RchrsnBYN IT OFDNEFO rvi 1p er of Mrs. Allant Norman (Mur- -tydeesprcatint -igation system, good condit- Jac PRchDUCEo FRSL..rte r W,H of ks n ile and acts of consolto imese boom, with spray gn.r, 9 ¯84 CH EV - OLDS Limited MPLTO MOT RlALSiTD ,randfather of Mrs. David Pipe 7"9 th osb ponmn. 1c28 SAAU.M ra Gýrace), Harold and Edith Nr- such comfort tame ihnk the - ppitin 99c52.85 2c5-1974S .. Ta ,54 38MANS.MLO 3 U mn, Ck sville; Lauri, Jimtmy nurses of' Joseph Brant Hospi- SOD, delivered ortlaid. lit 7I pl -rwH rtp6-odG lai 0'882 5 and KfEnzeth Deah, Miltn; al an Gr a Nur n rom t prie. Fieohn tuner, This stylish Chevrolet 2 - dooer Finished in powder blue wh882 5 da o Seci d th.McKersi andrv McD rncp Contracter, Acton, 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE hardtop s fnshed in Ember marching interior ts S iBatEprec bur(ene, tte), Walter, dees ak r.-Rbrunnhm b-4927-tf 2YA.LShtadpn.ndbcko.Eqidhauomoile uipe ath Vs- YoBilbahruhl ovne hnyo rween OS e.c5-2035 85-2663. 3c5-2047 V-8 engine, automai tri s in, o s tern is po e u lge election of Bran d e os ucs B eo nts ' AE Funeral was from, the Mac. LARGE glossy prints of Cart- - misin poe steigpw raecso aio i.Fmid, cdas ..C rcs raqult M Cmi Nab and Son Funeral Chapel dia Champio staff photos siun 'MwLE Colieng puppy, free torg aeo er brksBuktsetrnJ85.a................n,9."odwi Used Cta s of your dhoice. , DetsM onFia M y3.Itr et7 size $L.00,83 x 10 size $1.50plus good5 ho e ...78-2969.......... 3c5-203 customll radio Thas car car-ho Prospect cemnetery, Toronto. COMING EVENTS tax. Cash must accompanry or- ries with.it7·the6balance2of aus64mACadian Chnsocar"car DREGE IeneK.- t ierBigogentsevro der. Euire, now Mat CMpion. GELDI'NG, pinto, 2½î years, new car warranty. Lic. J-818555. MAR OFaia EXCELENC Soeny, DREDGE ~ .. Irene K thrBn o a vry Monday Hatfiel anS, Mlto-23-t gentle, needs training. Reason- $2,M95. 4 Door Sedan OUR MAKJuly op hil R1,AtnoSau.8pmHlRoayPrsHa,1-23-faetogohoe8528. Finished in satin silver with "GOODWILL USED CARS' SKOK day, June 1, 1968, Irene K. Jon- Milton. 'b3-1916-tf -SCNHADpcebok.3c5-2092 66 Impala 2-Dr. Hardtop complementing bue iteerl16 HERLT2DORoi.164BIKL SBE4DO esDboed ie ofherberClar- St. Stephen's Anglican church, Hundreds to choose fromnt PAOIOglige easHr n tot Laefn qpdwt neooia 021 iihd i e HARDTOP. Lc H6BuE 0 R A ecofMofat Roert E. of Mil. Horbyn ersacelebrate their Wayne's Harmny RecordC,1 m d Alham t blsof2117 0n a hnnr lo il g t-hdEqui - d ar rans sine an dta eooia 021 wihd in e am h ville, Vera CMrs. Reg Meadley) tion Day, June 9, 1%8. Serv20 anc givenp on. pocke book ---. ---- wait V-eng m er auomati fatrans so rad i s2 . o $25down and monetys tern an7baes hie of Guelph, Norman of Milton, Ill a.m. -523 brou gtin, in godcontibon. H E ado me chsnt tais ioeni p o r teerm , lt. - .c..- - forio 3e mo s al aeAsigpc $,9 nlus aweel iscs. Pore Phi Magrt Ms Gog 1mn)iEuchre. Bridge and Fun Hc5-208 eld n sodm1. hasnds, power. brakes custom. raro at ,75o25 down and 16$66l tern n rars ht Kef Cambellvile, Helnt(Mrs. Nih.MloeuligCuSt xcellent show prospects; fan- Li.J-60 1..- . 2,395. 63 Parisienne a5 CHEVELL CNET motyfor 24 6 KenrCer N of Br Ac anod urday, June 8, 8.30 p.m. Admis- CAR, TRUCK & TRACTOR y lady's hack. 844-3597 al-ter 6.2Dr Hardto IBL E.L 680155. - Equipped24mm Sherbert N. o e R.R.1, cand sin e 0.Lde rvd. TRS e n sd vr200 I3c5-2154 66 Chevrolet Coach Finished in Tuxedo Black with with automatic, high perfor- 1966 AUSTIN A1100. Lic. 1187794. 14 WA| Shly , t hom;pedcae c5-2029 Kelly Springfield tires in stock,.---- - Biscayne 2-door, finished in er- complementing turquoise in- mance 6 cylinder engine, rad- Original factory finish. Alow -- - by "Dorothy. al~~~~~~~l sizes, low prices; flats fixed, POODLE, black miniature, mirne white with red interior, terior. This Pontiac 2 - door io, whitewls ad hel megwelkpcrrcd W UL Funeral service was held on The members of the Milton $1.50; wheels balanced, $1.50. remale, registered, by Champ-| equipped with economnical 61 hado i qipe ih - iss h s smart appearing wel whi you r , udge at U BMonday at the McKersie Funt- Senior Citizens' Cu are remin- We have batteries for most cars ion Escapades Special Edition.' cylide enie tn ard to n ine utomati tanmi- ad mehaica s ound coprn- $995 or $25 down ad $37 783556 Seral Home, Milton, Interment ded to meet at Grce Anglican and truicks. 'Milton Tire and iv miioons Hedeso Rd. e-ns isi ne d a stomar snin, p or s te rsig, powe v ertbehashad regular ser- monthl for 36 os.adI 7-56 in Nassagaweya Presbyterian Church next Sunda, June 9, at i atrSrie 19, Mill St.,g7g9g4 , 3c5-204nR., trads sio. Lic. J a59 _.. to si65· bae, power wteind, ow eus veie ba ale p ri e g a $1,88 or .tSMA. cemetery.urc b Se4 a.frv he r Anua -27. c-93t tom radio. This car is in ex- down and $72 monthly for 30 1963 FOR.D COUNTRY SEDAN- wae GILEY MilientA h urch Service c5-2100edH 65 Parisienne tremely good condition for mos. .Lic. 527%X. A dual p& ,ouplnedw GIdenly, aiMlcent A.strict Ho" -uarae Howbuildig Halltoan Cedar PostS & PoleSSmlRestrdHd 2-Dr. Hardtop thyerLc.6239.. ,45 1966 BU ICK :E SABRE 2-DOOR etS,ý 5ocedow an ck8 ptal, on Friday, May 31, 1%8, uate n e m gSatuda Her is a popular Pontiac 2- 63Fr -r HARTOP. Lic. 551004. Faluip- mnhyfr2 o.IO Milicent Annie, dauhter ofn 5 .Bftr Hydro & Building Poles ABRDE ANUFeoaraa'tihth Fnse i adod tan rotl fo h8 anu a u 11PNIA TAT HBEeu bel theae Ete afnd stamc of ter, centennial costumes opt- GORDON CROW eir. quip with V-8hin en- with complementing red in- btong sn-ai ra io, Lic. J8553 DrNI ven 31,00 m-hi ldren Je;da itr of n n Tae >nal. Information and tickets: R .2,Hser Will sell separately- ,cir qipdwt - n terior. This locally - owned .uto so t c whel dics Le and 53 relctrie 31f0 reMi -ire 6 Milton, Gladys (Mrs. Jh Ta-Ron Harris 878-962. c4-1729 R .2, es lr.gine, automatic transmission, uooiei qipdwt whitewall tires,Buick' seur eshipntrough the er s. Asf -- k6 [or) adRv Stne GibyP O E87 - 45 power steermsg and br s. V.8moil en ie utomat ts an mnyt.•hni e $590 r s 5dw A NTl oToronto, John of Montreal Treasure Bus Tour, Sunday, Phone: Guelph 822-2259 PHN: 7-34 35 custom radio. Lic. J-84531. missiogne automi tradi.t pins . ayo Ausm pur and 90 otlor 18 o. WTafIe and Geoffrey of Milton; loving 'une 23, leaving fromt Milton lc5 1.95 Thissicleand -onerit trad o ha s 35orpt5i o n askn lor an arc aunt of ·Mrs. Ann Bye of Norval. rravel Service, 14 Martin St., to99. bei sleen t-owbe aeiad .38 r$5dw n 9 n 3 monthly for 30 mos' 1%5f CH VLet-M orA funeral service was held on Milton, Ont., 878-9211, at 9.00 FO AE HREHEN 5Crar4D.Hr top Lc Z-632.o .. $1,095t. m%5 PONTIAC PA3 IEN 4e . 16HARDTOP. Lic J86335. ,,Orig Monday at the McKersie Fun- m., and return about 5.00 p.m. del SAs DOORHENG 6 orar -r Hado Li..7$,9-16POTAPAROP. N LcK543 inal dark Le 835 finis with eral 'Home. Interment in Ever- Adulis 13.75, children under 12 62Hi-fi record player & stand Village Blacksmith This popular compacth match. 63ý FaCo 4-Dr Hinished in ivor gold 3 w ith m ain blue finei or. 2 PR green cemetery, Milton. occupying a seat, $2.75. c7-2081 Mr;ogebunisstm built ing e intor Eupe with | h ere is aplaco mpc mo-r m:ing inteior. Equpd Equppe mwci th alut omaetic, equ Ri MilonDitrctHoricltra i rngean to ves;dish GO D EO D an economica'l 1 cyinder eng- del in above average condit- with 8 cylinder engine, auto- power steermng, cuto yls INM M RIAMS Society Spring Flower Show, wvasher; dnte s;elcrc - Farrier -ine, automat.ic transmisio ion. Equipped with economni- matic, power steering and button raonlr NME OUnion*Hall, Pine St., June 12, 7 trains; electric water cooler; Specializing in corrective and custom radio. This cal 6-cylinder engine and au- brakes, whitewalls and wheel wheel discs and 6 cyli e 0& onthly toNB 9.3 p.m Speaker Mrm.E utermooror ede;soig n rm in o l car is ideal for the familyý tomatice transmission. Finish- discs. Asking price $1,8815 or gine. Asldng price $8;8 0 x 283 HOR BY -. n ovng emrySimkins, Oakville. Subject, transit levels; tripod and staff; types of horssadpm . htrqie god rnpr- d in g ux edoblc ith cm 25 donane8smnhl.o $25 dow and. $74 i ___, of my dear husband, Elmer, "'Planting and Care of Annuals." half inch cepper Pipe; fire ex- PHONE tato at a rasonbl cot. pmntn gre inetrLc 4ms for30msANE who passed away June 7, 1967. Music by the Higgins Sisters, tinguishers; H.D. brake mach- Lic. 724-979tý. ...... .......... $1,495. J6-805 . .... ...... ..-..............$9fa One year has passed since -that Everyone welcome. c5-2039 ine. Oakville - 844-9187 EASY TERMS AVAILABLE % tafi lAec ee 11111bfdroo sadt day, 3c-tf Your present car in trade atafi Hwneee fMiltc When the one I loved was call- The pupils of the North Hal- P one 877-2286 ALL CARS GUARANTEED nefn .6Jly God too hi bomne, It was His in uhei Schoa ar haoi between 9 and 5-odyt MLMNSFRSL We Guarantee SatisfactionWihEeySl Within my heart he liveth still. taypm. Closing xr'cie " 65*JA K RIH RD O Sadly missed and member- be held at Robert Little school, MOWER grasCcoppr;Sake rd always by your wife, StelHa. Acton, on Monday, June 17, at BEAUTIFUL OLD HOME wagon. 878-9413. 4c5-2153 CE LSLD iT N M T RS LSLD c5277730pm.Eeroe ecb6-2032 10 large rooms, all in perfect OLIVER 4 - bar side delivery Open tI 9 p.m. - Monday through Friday 388 MAIN ST. MILTON o MIUS - n loconditiY on, còpetely renovat- rakte, on rubber, $100. Bronte Saturlay 5 p.m. Mf Indmfather Jo° E. FO AE de 'I 1 n on Main St. 827-3489. 4c5-2086 6791 Highway 25, Milton South 878-2355 Mills whom pase away Jue ON EA eedse, o1 878-2393 - 878.3812 "Where Customers Send Their Friends" Foevrrew bd -yB 93 ME woode ng Phone 87 8-4324 17CO inbb. $73 537"17. 465'152 "