Nassagaweya Cou ncil Briefs tlering te ragotar Jase meet- ing cfiftasnagaeya Township1 Caineil Macday eenlng at Brmibvie, ranci: 0 Deciei ca hoisiailcqtectlan lait ai local sparies ic eariy June. * Myed oppoitian n ta lnsng ai ai atansinnesi rmisiattaaite stedesitta adies toa a tad- mee's hodngs teaane ai ieaih regulations,mon the grouns tisad mii aibihave In le te- opemi Iif toi mlen sale oaima- ral aLdlting boilding lals la tompletes. -Reticestesi te Ontaroater Resairces Cammission la so- vey mater rentnscces in tle Camptalinle trot inprapara- Sion for Investigation aibuiltding a subdivisiolante tra. *Entered itoataaiagreemsent it Acton FIre AeaBardSimt- 11r to tane in eistence fr fire protection aifte orttaerntaio te tonhidp foc maicatl yearo. *bRard a reprt on the annti C.G.0.D.C. meeting fran Nassa- gaeeyt reprasentative crmnittnr Mrs. Ane Macrthar. Committee wiII study adopting builder code suggested by Jim Snow The on. Dacy Mrteuh, Mlnltec ai Municipal Afalre, in a Maternenit tie Legislare 1 Wtdsesday ctnnIcned tttie stafff te DepatmnaloaiMn- icipal Affare han icen gincg1 ueriones rnosderatin tate ai- option af the Naialulding Code ai Canadasmitha stanadard bulin calelacrte Province Voters ltonr te met liai can day on AU tiv WIUtami aM New igOLan,1 &t Eri and ait ai June Clul M. McKeougts statesi te es- ltics brugista S te floor ai te Lgisatace 17 te moner fac haitoncEat, Jim n Samhas rootriboiesi rettia taards tise eepediting aifIbs mter. It ms- Mr. Scow-s efforts thai have helpesi io hicg liiss moter rles- r ta tise srface. O. M. McKeougis asisoos that ia carry on lartiter mI ithte StUdY, a it la is Intecntccn laesiabtisis n rnIi neessnailînamnîlteeaf aion thoee»Mets scaledgbe ad experienced 10u Jej St aistc ng 1-lama ic tie pravncte ta Il i thenorh en Of examine, eportas and omnt ol rlding have Ma rhanceas te Gcerneflt tin sic la tishe tree Jase 25 eer- elgisi mocîiss about Uclfccn dildales tefare eettion Building Santdards. fie Can- la rauns. nslee iii rceeatisies ran rat -- P, C. Peter M- acit h avae an InerestinîcUni- s, Liteant ud Wiing, lacs BuldiagStasdards. ls i liensarat Muray Kera- repaort saisi pronisie Rastae iil ta on s"npetogoSoer tram ebiit In deide lise meils a Legion RHalOn Jase 6, ai theiseIlIrnBuidinsg Stantd- in st Acton linitedCurch rda,.telitenoler 1 einh iley 20. sasois apyty adtallie meano whrribysy annad naY te b weIcomes triseard. new Rotarians Pair m ne nta b@rs ere a- licianly lisictes ilntcte Rtary CbleisoaiItIton tdering tastmweei's meeting 17 former praident aod chrter member G. C. Goianas. ipelcomesi b, Soenembern vera Jîn Seger, sucorlty on- gillanllJm ustsffy, clvii ecgin- ering; BIU Cuter, lfod re- tailla; ani Ditis Farleypeato saaicturng.persainL Me- brdint1080cdaisnu o tcld. THE HELPFUL COMPANY OPPERS 2nd and 3rd Mtgo.j 24-Hour Appti.vals Lm cm, up te M j. te 19 p.., odey. PrFsi betejape.. M E.i. Uaa Moiti d., W, Tutatbt t (h~Net uSL aeas UmN Tisa Conedien Champion, Wedneodmay, Jane 5, 1968 Nine street Ilights for Moflat village 51's ging otae a Uttle isigis- Ai presen, a fiai cale f $300 tr inte vllaoge ai1hiitiaisono, pr eponatian Isarisarges, bt de. tnt a mtionla pmd by Na Ste igisvolme ai resoestesi gaetTvod anllatttelr eparations bas lorresi couocît lune metingMos eyeing. ta riange te rative ta $500 for Tie Ontaio Iydro Eecrt a residence, $300 pr unit for a Comnmiioni begin inmalling dupex ond $00 pr unit fr vine tanqi alodarde ai a ttal a tments. etimaeld cool ai $1.400 as son, neair SeI ileepermt. Rctd aiperlntetntenlGmt0.stMc Ponloebng raadlng aifte Ont- Milloon raportesi eorkisprnctied- adio Mnicpal Bard'ns eisomilng otisattorlly on repaire ta on te oectip'ssoailng b,.tam te Tain neise te Milaon canndI utorlaed Prolett Plu- Helgits oras, ant an aistonnesi ning Asociaies ta impemeal beement in thelghts wilitae mmior cisages aiggoted b, te lilesiIn tapraveal ln)iry in O.M.B. pasnersby. CatnI bai been informes, Tise aement le on luidte traifi complainteo airatepayers crancitl lrcosdrlcf pprop- ai teestablitsmeniofa autto- rltting tise tate large tlu Mît moilarackisng yard itin the owlng on it. bansel ai Mofit. AItaiugi no licenne focaitis Tormto resalent Marin Gin. an operatimi as leen atpliesfor cmmi appearedasi ate meeting and te milng aifte are&a ancea toatsk reversa i te decision #or aitytesale ands eraltlnf ta have Mim ramoye a largo, ai nmv ani cned cars, searlY boildng fromNorath NassagaWeya. tan dsmen aibitteS have leen property. broitihl le Ste village amidte Destritasi hy M. Glotoni oneraiftens bas begna ainr- an a ool shedi an temporary isLa isMnblasinessinItentions. eattar seler for h, Mnbil ie Townaidp sningadinintrator ont iamlty hentey ieilthSe S. W. Stvage an ent a ltter t-acre garden properly, tie 10 te proprietor notifing Mimbuiltding catraveltes te ragota- ofis MInfuracionsonmiNaunga- tonc rallng for a Unmit le aU eyala onlng 1-ta. cnstruction eccepi hanes it A by.tam viii ta reads horily ai teast 2,000 aq. fi. floor spate. colfng for a changin10tie ton- Cauni plathSe opinion ai giup'a capital charge for landl Sir aoolng aminsitrator ansi Spertions. te cmunilt's etnier deciian. Durlng a ragstar neetng Moi day, Mitai Cooncili *Appalnies M&.OGive Nye in te itlonpublic Liisary Orsi lotfin a recetl esig.sation. c Appravei prepartias f a by.tavt lncraaslog tSete e fac dng Urcenes. effective JanarY, t9t9. Licemse for a fenait mli ta $10, foc a spayeti fenale or nae $5. Lonagoilthelite ce catatlaIn inesi laingihrgl atar i Stled ious sanithe lsr ai ligiss ram green la chite. * Derisied la dlstasa use nom- mec scisasle meinlgs ceai weeisand t laisa appraie te sorressofa lte presani nombiai- tiiaa aicammillea asindconit meetiags oa alecae weeiss. cAutisrîiz toasHysrato a unConra C. Fay aa is attendl- lnsait on asidulo liglts on aare ai lise Onaria Fine Ciiels te ugis St.-Mary St. parUssE canveatian ondanenseacissran- lot. etla. * Accetitesithe reslgaallnn f Constable Rami Camiar oant q. provesi te bing f DaviiLag- dos trans Calgary, a five yan nterai f palire ma frislate toaa Calgry plice depatmnea. n Arisnamlesgesi te lnspcavos lighting evident on Ontara S. smilh sixte tanspietian fte proet eSre. Whes tleepisase lices ara maned telsi stand- ardis it ta ransnosid, Mayr B. BSt copoctos. a Agrees ta mat a eor ac, report on ai erlier rosicet fac compliaice ish a Cansnittee f Adjutsnent decision rogacsilng a dlean-tnpofai ll St.pcopecty. n Aaed tao, rait E. B. CIa. toilas Micar Basehatt Assatli- &ian la isld lis ansaal risatae tac soie. * Aulsoinesi any memtac abie ta attenlise convealion of tise Onarnia Maniial Assoiatian- Tie eene and depaiy-ceevo in- icalesitey saisI e ateasilsg an teasaith ie rounay. c Dlrceniilens of ram- meadaion io Fre Ciief A. E. Cemeal oania yac's servcie as preasieniaofte Onarsa As- sottiasni Fce Ciiea s asd sa Slitcit D. A. Mhunaanie lac has itadisg aifte Mltonaaaeo- atonaptpicatioan, nmaser chai te ourame. ttr swram oprcperty -- Town issue M S t. a nt t asenesi ua tino aid naiectai asesi iy tie ' 1 74 tnmn foc tise maris. is $418,745 *Notifiesi Ray Crne, iWsake- fielsi Rd., te iowns isi nove te ice iydrat ltatesi ai is drtveway if ho as illisg ta tear te cpecse. a eard Cainciicc P. Bacc repart tOu arreatraere improv- icg mis a toa ai $3,t00 ot- standing, most ai micwsnfrcn 1961. * Namesi Juty 2 ns n date an miic s attele mwonsi le presentesi toan nsnstr ai ritinen sa bo ave ernesi os cannunlly bards ansi retiresi. Bilding permaits ails a total Vaueofai$l,T45 oece ismuint Mltoaa daing May, ocrardingtol figares rataased 5v te oafcre Of tise building taspecir. Tise canstructionantndesi nasltylitgitl additaans, recasa- tians, garages, parchies, ansi te Thsiisscrins ate Yeo's totni ta $59,45 eacsis ai bilding, comparesi sa $113,50atheise n tine ta 1967. Keep tudge lrosiiag saitanc wackaise wile ussng, iy ptnrlsý dhiaan ofa alt a aer. L00K FOR OUR X~MILTON PLAZA GRAND 8702313 g MILTON 8 MART11N OST. Milton Duning a regutam meetinghMn- n Learasi tis e cently-puc- day, Iiton CaneIs risasesi lastont oder oin banision itasiacives. Twe cycllts A dilltttsilaC ptiP amm- eousaabranllS SentILa Wood- mord St. cesident to Miltai Dia- ticn tHospital foliomiof a motter- cynlis-Car cracs ai theinoter- section aifiRotart and Branle Streels StsodaLy atternoL R. S."'100- Jcimoicil385 Woodward St., rldlng aL ntarlY h cew maoccycle va. 0collilli F wlit & veisittedrives b, rred- ericis Sictars ai 31 hobertiSi. Dianage to tise motorcycle mai estlmaied ai $450 misile liseBSuk- ers tacracelved $200 dainage. Salsscday. a bicycle rldden b, 14..year-old Fred ClaMi aiof431E Oak St. racelvtid $2 damagemisea it ens 1n colllisinmiILara drivn y MMryThsomson ai n.h. 5, Miltieu. Tise incident ocrerred ai lise siersecticon aiMain St.andMiii- isg Lasse (opposite Chartes St.). The boy racelved cots asnd braises. Seeks stand for new taxi Councîtwaa asked tlii.eeis ta recoastderlits vlema mitaiu- siraric i axisanud oaila Main St. preperly. in a letter irons Solicior David TsoUMaoi an bhiait of CUiffMilan. Tise soliciorreviewed the pro- visionsosfite by.taw ansi notd te bislding mat raaliyIa tela- pihone soet wici mould contain a lelepisoce, a table and a 1evw rchairs for tise convenlence ai passecgers. il msnld ta tocated taris ai te lot, pari cf mbitis la elevaiesi. tnd wii l ta evisible irons Mals St. Il wosld also ta a n sisfo1r oame in movemeni. Councît roferresi te setter 1u is solicitlor for raplY. Boston Cals Demi Boaton laeIsegtinisg la bey bock ilqaar licences loton effort ta rut dawc tise nuntar cf lispior onilels inte cty. Sa Sac, 18 iceses bave bees sold bacS la tisa rityani $10,000 tacis, repre- a enllcg elgist Packaoge stores ansi aIlne an.te-lsrecslse dclnklng If sipals, arcorsOngtloton article in the Chistanm Science Maillot. SUNDAYDINR SPECIAL CHICKEN WITH RICE SOUP s 2 ROAST YOUNG CHICKEN DfNNER MASHED POTATOES OR FRENCH PRIES FRESH GREEN PEAS STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE FO NSeRvATIONS PHONO 0784061 W. Are opene mary Dey Thrfflohdueat LIDO RESTAURANT 181 Maie AIR CONDITIONIO me atlendesi ai neaitive meeting beMd o oday tante Job 5t Full eltniantvu mmm t ci tan aimbera lautlise meeting got oft on & dlng-iaig alart. Tbe ageinda nclades i Fnance, realt,enter- tainment, sports, tiWtmeaber- iip. Prlmarilyl is e Iliocla aide mai lia nemty orgaiaed Bilding Fond mtareb, me isepe to rainealte mierevilo l ay a item 11001, ani raoogtotae te main iloor 1n general. Ottar ai- teraticnsai mltas item coaisE, attertions b blîtchen and ber facilltea are contepaiesi At Ibe prement time a 50.10 dram proltint la ioder mty aidait membersatraorgedlopattilpote ta raie lisocemntcy fond& This projetmilita aontmonta5y bisl tn int ua adn liaior six meeboto go before te ml dram lîproin- mset in ta very lucrative 1080 mimner. At lise meeting I van mcp impresnesi lte mLncerityaiftis nem atate tf alItera and eneca-, iel te qusosuatbs, tue tamsera glain, andI te itempro- positioi nsiMrecomaesntatinas misicis&aadop lot airy prom. baing yetr tiseasi, iotblinancflan and ancilny for te Daci. Midmay inte meeting rapte. nentativea aite Ladies' Antis- lary vers tnvited 10 partinipale, Grievncen aif lsong acsdngmOe Irneou onmibolsindea aMsin my opinion te brancis1la ctyto have airs a graip ni aifitersan eecte ti 10 thetir tilatra foi tooliser yetr. AUtey need la a ltla belp and co.ctseration irom ymu, tla members. t'o yair clis ai jour mony. Atiendte maitlt meetings ansld it tahre ait gces o. Ta mait ta dappoinles In fart. yas mey ta proui of misal air bracisla dring ttday for tf promotion ofisporta foryjoirtcil andi mine, ont aity In sports, la in atiser needy fields ai melt. An important tcsdlinadeclntfi made aite meeting mas St membern miso bave atillic f - Bleui. Jmpe 88,', B.D. -5.50 Awacu Légion Notes & by chares soîl ATTENTION Home-Freezer Owners VILLA ABATTOIR laoks forooti d a establishing for you a first-clmss abaeoi and e eti sale af meat prepared for home freezing on these premises. a B .hLn,. Un. Rd. 878-4331 AIL MEAT GOVERNMENT INSPECTED AND APPROVEO Before Yeu Buy; Check Ouer PRICES on GOOD QUAL17Y MEAT have tliit amenwihdrtmsfroin lie membershMp boar'd. AsfLtail warslng notices viii ta ens ait in lise delinspitnt membera cai- cernes. MONTIILY GENERAL MEETING Nit Montay, Jucm 10 promis- ta lo be a very Interenling mete- ing. What viltalaeilise iraI meeting condicles b, lise nem offittic andm e eeutiai oant itaîr racommendatian. initia- tion ai nem membera, nmv ldeao tint propositioun mayta ve cato snemiere fron tarel flot il takea more ha0 a meeting bo get tiings o ring. We neeithlisap- port ai eairy avaltable body mta clle Mmli a member. Atishe prament tinme esponsor isockey tint football, souatsa ont cabasdart a ntolsflbotcrdtand nom from ratent reportsa tnt tiavertiaing ItloIonksa Ut Ibd. (toi parenta) are gctng tu go ptaytng mater. tIfyai are intar- esles i n anay oai seesportsanad are a catrma, tise Leg ta ltlie ptace for yai. We need members andsu apport for air ide. LEGIOSI GOLF * For a iew moniaa ite yetî * e gel ostis mua lishe goIcIn ýe fralencty. The lbug eema 1< 9 have net in unsmand 1 raprdcde n aimidvertinessent frais te clb 0 ronm isacisoard. Apparetini5 The Milton Plaza Association B OTH USA BON USAB CONTEST OUR CONGRATULATIONS TO RUTH E. BAILEY, R.R. 1, Hornby WINNE.R 0F $25.00 In Our MAY Baby Bonus Award 0 yo« To. May b. a Wnn.r - Just Deposit un Entry et »M MgltonPiaon Store or Business le le ,nd ng pn. (are Stey salt). Green Feus 84.M .Onky 40 eourles paatnid.Etras metlbain (Gord Wrtga glemorfli. D. Comtes, arou Fe rgesmi Or Mrm ray Octale BINfGO Duriaitiesa smmer montha misas teLadies' uxititi",clone for vacation, car membera tala avec lise bingo tint ni l Irontts tisa fil. Dodt si airpclaed if yau m arela to .17Siveailt carda or bvni do liseC0111114, If yoi bave a Sgt. Mjor'a volte. Tread Carefuîly' Drivers, check tire tread periodically. Good tires meke good sense, sayn the Ontario SafetY Leogue. Your 1 brakes con stop the 9 wheels - but only your tires can stop the car. M s. THEA KURZ 3242 Lomer Dame Lina W. R.R. 1, Miltoul. 878-9741 * Cooperatars InsorciSI r AssociationsofaIGuelphs Un Ri WMit for Dlai onri ai press coi sewnmen in were he dl asmered que Aller Ivo i Mallerldlng9 aioal niti reldients, ai Govaentne, lly as tisa sdarged P.C. fild van ai .Qmebec at pepe i Ci poliea ver West. Thse Liber lned a Stiei pracliceflace Win1 put Mig in ot lait "lW. de nt to Labraedor g o n h a r d i s tlion tmiUV Witlng cli efly a provi lu oait the gage and ne mainaalio $,000 tueu geated Ilinre iinatinefi su ite, ingle oditi Adv An aivai expecl 1 lederat ehe ta ieli 8 3m5aml ta Miltai le lncaed iMcDoigal, poinsare o I a.m. toi1 slete0aiVo OPI O.K Altisaigi ides ai ti: diulagrt Rad Willi candidate 1 cyetu ai Procnr Lts enican llrni a gcci coil enoarage dollars to ilis econos isocsAnmi callier en Incantive ment," MI N.SLP. à lie sale o dillerant i stilie N. spart i "leylng b ustry. lis tant veins Salis LIl candidate& tatement, Bons Mininte Btson v loday (Ws iniliter Joisn Moi ptiog fla lot re Wini atlas aillhe Es lter go talion Tise f miletsi Burlingt, The I lac Caod ioraLtedl tetepisai heRdqua West, te 3532. A sin iteai ci prothite la lisrt iave ci bud, eon given & self i