Thse Canadien Champion, Wsdnssduy, June 5, 1968 5 bd ive &&mle i v eseontine îlcemeal"Y- su isoldu u r any of tise ivie. : lat peur, huled tu at- etive mas- emusere hope velcome te, jaelor club. e lisld attise fluor tuil ut f 3ue League lu a dluuer Sbis Ludgs p1ug15511thel gaiss vers la tis yafl- Wial a vondrull vmind il vau for fleltingi Tise longisollday prevlded gond vealier lntie Kavirlidi. Rideau, and Rortieru rogions, alihongi s loliero Ont rio a td old amp vweaiher. Picierel veru ltinglise rany ln ail ustiuau Mcie Province anal mut ftuhsrmsn came home vush talc limiteaiftiesetutlauly and eogl-aflerflot; ln theroun- try. Vere Bridgmna, Pte Thoumae and prly ceugisi lieir Umil Mf picisrel ai Siietl Cone on Lse Rlpesbeg Reg Lecocq ami tise Teulli lemilly jorneyed logur- penPlle anal relorsed ils a Bll catch, ion and Sandre Wn drcM Luwvrile, Wayne and Ane Auckland Mi Brlinglon and Arn, Boisa anal Weady Colsun al relsreed rom diseir.eariisa Lakesa idi a 8u11 catch oM pick. erel. Jack and Audrey Coler lueg vlithFredanodDoreenRonee ci Caapisllnillls rsurnedsemply- heeeddfroon f[Êtng toc vallsye et SbdIaiLake.oser Pertih. Paul Culson, Preeldent Mf te Bllon Sprlemeue Assocaion and friaeds report poor fiaidug freis Helo, Lae aDorset.Tise late haa s eutlhul fin10Il lent lhsy are vry mondy acrordlng lu Le aylr andl Don Kearney vhe aivayemuange to cac sume ins e ks rot from tale la. MlanyfIlermen are reportieg gond pirliel flabinglnlheocand iertdit epue. Tie reporte hanejsft roses 1n &bsot tien commrcal fiehlatnd. ngs lu Gnarie vaers for lest Ys l. RMay saealie omepeeple 10 heOv dial Otaro commercial fihermesn caegisi 5,81,000 ibs. Mf fthvrth$5,92,8.lastpsar andthe cacsdcppdiy 5per cent from 1. ers lu enter startllng fig- rs: lie mocis talised &boueland pollaled Lake Eris acconnsd for wo dhicdu of die total fis caaghl in Ontario fr a a els $3,340, 000. Boveer, dis fiel. are de- creauleg ai au darmiug raie lu Lakse Eris. Tise picerel catch wau dnwn 25 pr cent and 53 pr cent 1n0wviste Bas. Lite Superlor, once the larget producer nf fielt gesop 2,568,000 pond. This e isl un the lecreasstage tamprey cuntrul bau lakn effec. More C lisant12 and ute al million P poundodu M ml vers leken laul year. Mist of M deu are eld to U.S.A. Bus valu" aise u ildIle? Portocaluly vs arenovbsgLoig lu s h illites playu a ery Important part lu or lns. Toc instance, moles and sartavurma ture oer tenu qteertisachyear, diu sepieg lthe grone opefor plant Ilfe. Progu ami fiel. consume fr food sacis ear, lterally Ibillonsulapon Eilionnof mosqutoeu amid hisr larva. Hawks, ol,audsclaisconsume a tremendounumsber oM cale ami mice eacis day. Every day, anni eseuclally drtng die prlng, ummer ami fall visen insec populations are hgb, tarduliler- aly deltry toue Mf Inondas. Tie agriculture aiueofM avis, uvîs ami Mier Erdllle cannoise oer- eetlmaied ami lu place a dollar i naleasnefiir servceluspractlr. aly Impossible. lu yoou se wîldile le ery, ery importunti lu dinevelfareonsIl. Mi Star gaime te he held in Wutartlowa August Il attu connty bhambaLli asso- ition ma ls the Candian Leglon Menay te disusns tasîr motaiy belees ee.tserainalMe!Min- eresulcame ot cM tas isngtisy meeting. The Al Star ams usai vus sa arneundl let yer in Wa- erduonill te onse aiun tel4 tasce. Tte dais lu uet for Aug- ui lb ami ataegbtae opposition for lbe AUl StarsuMe ot be fimUeled tlb meetigvubutin vor Mf aruichiog Gepb agin tOde er wmhitlctener asuserond chics, Bthaire tplaler-coun- ty tueams. Classification, a rontroersal icptc lest ear came rp amidail isîmu hans declred tasîr rlau- sifiations. Bilon miii play loermediats BOhli anda s te auldytests i1n t eavsan 10at category Il have a direct stry inotas O.B.A. playalle Leaside lu tas ooiy senior leis, Hamiltono ill go Junilor A Mjor, Watrdovn lnlrmed- bts C ami Gergeton A, ami iiu Il have direct entrins 1010 tas O.B.A. playdovns. Dndae, Burlibogon, Gaisle and Prestos ill &Ill attis Io tas Riation Coinly loup for an O..A. entry ander tas Inermediats A Mtor lausectton. Blad veaiher bu gvinf inague ronnener Brry Deacon a king sie ieadache. GI the 26 gane uated 10 ie plaped, oly Il Mâd quaily as i gante by Monday. Billon ill play rainod ot gantes agebot Georgetovn 1n Georgetovn Auget 7 and Bur- Uingono iere Jon 23. Dondue ves laed fiere Mnnday bel tas gaule wvsu catisIL Ilhau yet lu te rescheduled House lecigue resuits A LEAGIJE H8gb coresuprevîlisd 1n the "A"' dinision ci minr beil thd veeli ita Kngtu Mens Wear anal tae Leglon teîm btttUng In a 14-14 dca, antd K,4gblaepbugged tu a secondda,,malîMef Ome- mite Il-bt. la lbe irsI game Dans BRobrs ptchd for Ksgb'e und Ica BeilIea George Balisu ami G. Tlmbrs anl teriedgurtl.Legbon Tlseters doisisdlOrta Legios and hoced tris ronsainbwhtei L BouM aiB. Farrel ted S. poverudn M. Peirson ai a triple and donisis resctinsiy. )& Porsnsd M.Kendici ptcied for Kngt'e Itaeseucon gamu andl & Smita and B, Rami- loiisaeled tae plîrMof for tie Optimise. S. Poser anti tEMilerdonhisti for fuIghl-u sud L. Charlton and . Htamieltilpetdanti dobsd for Optimuste bntait order. Optimbt B. achis esagged i ise drive ita tae basse iudd tu retire tas ides. B LEAGUE Eisy Pharmacy ImituBulon- Ato Body May7 bttbattilsd bri 10 tend Tip-ln Tire e 14-10 de- Oesa. PalMcCs vas tae ioutog picter fr iae in luhlbfirul lame. Grog Emma anal HaPer. cti iamdsup tn vIn tegame from tae mnis! fr llon Aou Budy. Grog Emmu trlbd and Bill Rogesliclietd up Me BB.Ls Onaàdoauble. Pul MCue anti PeterBail. frmai a vbigbteryfrîE.s leyhs B oisri DehtiaMd ti il Clauige vers Melb euefer Tip-to Tire. Clardgs donbisd Mwine vtin Detob lased Mu Singles ademin b aoeged à single for Tlp-In Tir. STANDINGS Tise lloing are tas ou Leaguenstandings for tas io minor Meteal leglen au MfJuu9 "A" LEAGIJE W L T PIs Blit. ptindste 2 t 5 Brascler Jviry t 1 2 Catteiln 1 1 1 KslgtS Cinr. 2 2 "B" LEAGIJE Bit. Auto Bedy 2 4 Eisisy Pterm, 2 4 Ttp-ln Tire 2 1 1 I.A.W. 1067 1 1 1 Register for soccer league Boys lnrnsted 1n enacer ana balseen tas egee M of ae md 14 hOnidr reglter il tae Candia Legl88 tard fluor frum 6 p.5. 10 8 p.m. FridaP evestaf. Tte secretary ci theauviy- ers mi o etigvudrol Bored MEeatnt son uu utud vdta te rel at untui tasn. lunri meageso8Igbteen te age ,20,MSo8haLveexprosa. mdiInlreutln le P9te lSaiegea. iTbey eenb»IllY plutpayter CHAMPIONS IN THU league received mmmlr Centre. Sealed aret Norma MacMorphy. Champoun. Jo0 DeBie, Murphy. Jacks ChampoL ish and Game News r' by ece coulson Ontario Scisoul foc tise Deuf, Milton O.S.D. BOYS WIN CHAMPIONSIIIP On May 11, tas CWG8SA "'BI' Tracis Meet vos hbatitlie Univesity oM Guelph. SIholu 'rom Oven Sound t )Milon, Brampton 10 Waterrlovers in- volved. O.S.D. snsior Boys von tas Senior Boys' Trophy isy amas- etng 26 paots. Oreg Crorblord nad lico luinthe discos anal chai put, vhile 0111 Wisyts Ionisa pair Mf seconds 1n the pole vnuit and higb famp. O.SD.'s reisy tease came a vnry clono nocond io tas 40 rare. Bilt Whyln, Wai Bing sto, Gerry Wldsman, and Cecil Buer made up tas rnlay em. Tennis social The tennis socil pianosd for F rlday had lo ba callsd oMl doe 10 improper court coodltiooe,amdi balng rnmchsdisd for Prlday oight. Membaru are veicoe andlce- grndtmesn vlU te uervedfollov- lng a 1ev games Mf temnis.. Evans tops in bowling Bien Bildrnd Evans, daugblsr Mf Mre. FanilsEvans,l22KlngSt. Bilton vas i membar oM use Ladies leam, Toronto Zone, viso contpeled in tbe Canadian Fins Pin Cisampionelîlpu ai Cataraci Lanvu iu Niagara Falls, May 18- 19-20. Toronto Ladies l0iovsî tas ladies leam Mf Winnipeg ami von tise eenol ita 12,099 pin 10 wlmnipeg'u 11,t8. Tornto tcaiied 150 pins aller the Birai game bel cime on strong mita Billie Evans ieading tiseviayvita a2,619 nores. Millte, vho anerages 275, vu on tas Ctempioual.t eamu 1n 1958, 1960, 1964, 1965, 1966, ana ruoner sp 1n 1967. She roiled 1,283 for loir gameu linte East. ern Cisampoenu 114e hser ai Niagara Aprîl 11-12-13. Bulle vas bars u inilto anal received hec education isnrs Osto vas second in tan triple famp ami MamvIn Fsrrte vas seond Ilu tas 120 yard igis hurdies. Gercy Wdmas vus tird I10the 20yard des, Su- geen igh S Rhaut vas second 1n tas Senior Boy' dnision ita 21 points. Bo uis omy von the junior dis- cu ami BsntDay vae fourta 1n tan mldget discur. BU lWbyteset a pair oMucisool records. Aliisuegh only 51'8t" toillh te mped 517" Ilte SeIn- toc H8gb JomplBeHe allsd 10 4"- in the poisnauit. MamvIe Ferrie et a scisool record Mf 18.2 nocomis lu tas 120 yird tbgis hardls. Os May 16 Blll thyte, Grsg Crorkord, htersin Perris ami Bois Comiy vssl lu tas CWSS2A "'A" Fnl. AU competiture perlormsd ve in 10 qdlsoM dis donaqtr. Mars10 Ferrleplacsd foird 1Inte bordierand Buis Comiy sucomi tate dse.Greg Crorslord performed ery vel bt e te tlucumpele egeleet Came Crosby, a meseter Mf Cas. edale Pan-Am Tsîm lu bail. cht put amd iseour. 81 Wiyle mt tas sme fats nesie cumpetsd aginaltasheCanadien. 14gbucisuol record l.idr b is e poeuis ui Wolfe, lrom OenS ond. 8111 Wl.yle veut ot at 10' 6" and ie vent tas 1gest oM asy bey vîta a steel pois -.ntbedlforiafIrel ysar vulert 1 Ties cisonicisemptonelîlpo are telng teld tals eeki aller scisonl and a mldget meel miii e l.ld May 29. Many oM tas boys vurted bacd t iis ysîr and vs lS olrvird le 1brtng"n home mre ulivervare 1neol year vissa vs improvest1 - Se. Coaing Eveeetm t for TRAURE U Township of Raioeslng foc dhe monta ofMaisteloalnd $d84,600, Il ais rsportsd ai Monday's meeting Mf thn townsip consil. OaPePe report 12 accidents Durbog lise perlod ofMaly 26 10 June 1 inclusive, ntaroPro- vtncliPolice, ilton Detaci- ment, invesllgated 12 accidents lncludlng loir perennal lefary accidents remulling 1n seveeper- aonus belng lnjured. Prcpnrly damage totallnd $7.010 and 1l charges vere prefrred as a mmsli Mf taneeaccdents. Tiere vers 0 treffic charges prelerred, 41 treffc varniogu luonied anal 31 vehiscles salety ciecied. Tvo isreai, enter and taef, occrrences vsre lnvetlgated; 1,0 toles ausbeielg inesti- gaied, une stolen lrom RNorcal ami recovered ib Brampton ami une wvl acs a ianidnned ous411 ltigiwsv uonandamont reconered lu dae; to liquor Investigations reoullng le Mwo peruonsu ing ciargsd uamer tas Llquor Contrnl Act-,une javenle peruon mlssbng ami ialsr loraled; sud liscen premlgsetotal inncuru i idgit, reports C. J. Parison, Sgt. in Bantami Mlton LioBntols os ltg- gvd Ouville voriari ei avie that woud op 12-8 lor Milonulii Qabvitte Thrsday. Mlton fsmped on Oakisite's pitcher Brooksuin tise secontilon- lng. Roger Rn'wey loulnd a triple lu score iotisticiandPete Roerts. Dîne lleipels douisle scored Jensen and Beaotieu aller lisey slngted. Rtoberts senredintise tiirdion- lng visen ise ungledandscoredon Grog Ciscimci's doisle. tais- noipiont sngles tiy L. Cargili, J. Harriuon and J. Zanalecconl. ERATEPAYERS bowling triple and Norma MacMurphy tise higis aver- ed for loir more runs in tise 'ds t Boyne Community age. Individual winners in the bacis row are fo mii ng. thse league champions, Joe Hichey, mens high single; Bonnie Mcleod, avilte scored treen con1 Jacks Champoxo, Helen ladies' higis triple; Donna Neal, ladies' higis lie sintisandfilve in tiese nveoti eMrje Detie. Don Mec- single; Jim Colviri. mens high average. o a nrton of Mitoo ercors. ion won tise mens higis(Staff Phoo) Peter Rotuso, Lwrence Car- guIland Roger Ronley siare lie Newsfro ~. . D Esquesinu issures perfts worth $484,600 in May Lions top Oakville MEET Peter McWILLIAMS and family deocns bt une vas for a faciory on Loi 18, Con. 10, lsmued 10 Boyard Tîcoveli. Fnnslcomtise permits came 10 $821. c Building logiector Tom Mc- Lean vas asbed 10 mite a de- cision on an appication cor a bultdng permît iy Ray S. Brooks for a ueter ami place 10 est plcnic loncises ai hMs trot isis- lîîg cuba ai Lot t6, Con. t. Cono- cillors fnarod tae 120x 1tibuilding proposed vold contranene tise iy-la. "Il is'ususi ng il foc aple- oic sielter atrigis t I iss'sl goiog 10 put sides on ie'Illbine to apply for a sammer cottagn permt" said Dspoiy Reeve Tom Hill. A nommer cottage permit reqaîres a minimum area Mf 488 attire lest. rots on an appication is Wns O Lois MofNornel to putaaddition O on a collage on his prcperly. JUth V u T JOHNSON, OD ITuedmylMcWILLIAMS PeterX Friday e am. us a p.-. To Volunter or For Information 184 MIN S., MLTONPlease Phono 878-3831 Some big ones too For tisvse wisothase wondered ois.l thevpond alCente aial Park îv'igul a ii îilioil g<oiiâfd small roit, convs"iliw îîh Ii Robis of Mlto. JoBs cauglil s 14 loch Brown Trout on workits llRtrdaLynair tise dam io tise pond. Fisisermon sOlt florE lv lise taniseon lise weeisend and tiere le sonolan tiere nvery day oftino week. Bemove s140e Irvai wol clu- ties. Spongo germent titti sol- tion of11 teaspoon ammonla tb s tquart o uster. Prvvsoowcong id. action pitcising ddries on tise Milton ittiiid. Dose Harrisvu vulisvd, rible second and scorod visc Rosis made licol bae on an iolield Kenln Rus anal Ricis McTcacs turned in good deleusine efforts, robisilg ahivlle un serai scor- lng cisances. Roger Rovley trip- led andl uingled,wile Daee telpel dceniled Mwite and Pote Roiserte anal Gceg Cisocimaciseacisponnd- ed a double and a pair of singles for lisesein. Tise Rentame go againsi Georgetown ai Rotary Paris Tiusday. Most Popeter fornards Don 'h. fane vouesi ase lise proa- (Staff Pisoto) 0-04 VA DNT SHIRT. tua à nitalitn re inrdibly mhly iened $6.00 il 11% YARD 'N GARDEN TIME FOR OUTDOOR NEEDS SHOP UCO GARDEN CENTRE B Tonte St. MILTON M. T. D. TRACTOR Outstanding performance, osefuineus andl al-round versatility. Relax a? lawn nand gardev chores. 10 hp. Brggs and Stratton, cant iron block wils 12 volt electric starter. Powrr train direct drive f rom engine to double faced i 4' disc clutch. 4 speed transaxie. Power take- off for tiller and mower. Opîlenal Aunesasorea Avalahie 0 48" SICKLE BAR 0SNSOW THROWER 10 SNOW PLOUGH 0 ROW CROP CULTIVATOR 42" ROTARY MOWER complele milfi coup- tng . Simp!y hoofi on and voo're ready t0 Re95 Vaue$s799.8cor grass with ease. d~B Budget Plan Terms Avalable Reg. Value $21995 $138 TRANSPARENT GARDEN 1105E RTR ANMW High quality vîvyl garden noe with R T R A N M W R 1/s" inside diometer. 50 1.Levgtft... ClperRoay owr Reg. $399 - ------C---p----R-t--r--- $2.9 CURVED BLADE PRUNING SHEARS Powerful 3 ho., 4 cycle Briggs& Fully chromed, sharp curvnd blades ~A Stratton evoine witlr fingertip Reg Vlu $.8 ... .......... $.4 control of speed and coe Reg. alue 1 89Easy t0 use spin starter mith 4 8" I4EDGE SIIEARS automatc revind. Adjust- Fully polished forged steel blades. able curling height. Nem Notched blade aclos culing t gs 2.8turbo lifrtllade cuts clean JET STREAM OSCILLATINO SPRINKLER 22" MOWER Set. 'N' Spray dial permits precision f0 matering. Corrosion resîstant metal $4.98$63.8 Meinor 3-Arm Revoving SPRINKLER MOWER - Reg. Velue Non-corroding zinc base o alo inom $73.9 'led-type runvers. Covnrs up to 45"'59.9 PISTOL GRIP HOSE NOZZLE Moel Aussand lochs for desired spray te Goaranteed one full year.-------98C $93888 SPuINKUNO CAN Suciset type, earrow k.F"'aI1I~ Polysîfrylene. blae, shepeal CITATION 2 cycle, 3 h.p., 2«#moe 9 cl. cepacitv foc rasPrcd t uy$78 Rutproof. balance -P$2.8t8ny 758 Dent preof $18 $ .8 FR GAS APPLUANCES SEEL. Richurdsodus TV & »I1 mAINST. . MITSN 009