Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Jun 1968, p. 4

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4 Tie Canadin Champion, Wednes"y, Jus. 5, 1968 Ruck Cole dominates Junior A ad <ports forum Brush wins scorung tutie for thurd time b v b b c r I irk Colt teit teis teammates edth ie MVP awrdon bhahtlotthe mati n c a lame-by-game haste Ktp Tock tii, Decnliearns ari Kranto w envixessiallertliepresentutootChantesliotet Cle recoivoti a andthec a fitnal klly bytoamGraham litre sharlsi g ity r eetiuti n1 rephies ami uvrds IttedaY Rtehie nf the er Avard frnm sia isi n se AI lrody.lolth teJuniors atond eiires ey on ehW lThe cesroerstal sgt chang r.cexliy tettitti y he1 C.A.e.A. atertoon et te Juorertruts Traialgar Meicro ami a shirt .lrtsh rceineti a soitprotent- r.ctlctd lackets ei1Wtheum lvsnsa lali sometixng 1n W tittireti hy helisJuior anti Jovniethockey hockey anqet.The ymcnger nf trem MiltonnDeparimentiltre eti hy Inn halry on ehait of crestionxIl. retignatit eams. Junior Merchacti Manager AI P&rton fetit ilcesiti kil lite ive Cle hrcliers naîheti fer Wtng tht third ttar. lie MtotnnDeparsmenliStore. Don Piata ImoeSandseCharles, vnris ful Janenli hockey. avap ilith teMcti Vatoahie Cralg lrush cpped thtiton South, otecotive memker pre- liel sponxtr.ti triphies. nlui s utr Playr Trcphy,Rotleiefethle scring uvnrd for tise ihird con- senieti th t ti0ortmunlike Tht coggedbcitih e ielami- i- lt ie sgt as tetttihy lthe C..H.A. lets lie sgtimail t fJovnie t year aviliee lord star uward. teculine er in JunorC. linckey trophy te lCtp Tochveil. tInn led Wixgs, Id Bloth vuonstifs anti sp le 10 y Decmker 31 ami itversthle Juior uge in il hy Dec- leih MVP audi ocletavurd ami uns amedth le nuteker otee The tans' chonteofthle metibanhaus gsse saker and offer.d ralLuti y emhr 31 usiisg JonenitIinte midle Ioir andmidtget. nere tht renlt ofet tectttt ttar. Ted Nemi nos te scod papoer player for lie yer rt- tome oesti adie, congratila- liai, hat cete. Pte Chnhmunlprest- star. Tht tiret star chelce waxt uteet in a ihrte-euy lie vih iot, locentint ttc lttmittg fume. hocepayers anti serai hancit Of Tht agt liotis Stiti ut feles: Nvice 11 years andtiuxter hy Decemkec 31. Pet Wtt untir 13, laniam ottier 15. Msidmet oxter 17, Jeneie 08er il ami Jnior onder 20, ail is Deemer 31. Pariex poits tthla idetlhockey players ii W etgie Jtvetkle sunsmnts ater asti il W ieuntngJuvneito uio .ir ite mexlis soeur, mutiic a ytur off lie Joenlie ilglilily. Th t wan ve iWespecaly niceahît te a situionsexusitis iilt whverethle Junior cluh spnsrs lie Jereicluisvi ith h hope of dravixg frnm tise Jovneis. Asti stands a Jovntile gratis- ain frem ihâ a cais vsitionly huv ne nuytuc te play Jnior. Iccorntg Parien an applicaite 1a hfece th O.l.A. te have lie age imt et Juior alut. This, nf cnusruld esin tier- pr.teti ne jumpng fremte fie cy tpan lotnoteire. Etity losh pixtei ot prohlims nf havng boys eer 2i lenJoir hockey authle Junior banquet i ixtay. AmstiauoteicalP concies anti mategert haneve t eal iliplayers in bWtc parlrs antimr chge, vhich rembies te preitie eeriseti heutaches. Tht pcnot h a een irlea roseti hy tnery hockey assocaion in ihe cmantry storetheW sgtchange vas propoeeti ame ime ugo. Tise pcthkem Is a complet one antiastenetenevos axover. Il la a matrci et hs bgond fer sltrs la net alvupo god fr juniors amdinlea tow e eetact s tepeett ntexle tier, lie vcecinge oetonu as te W Inerpreteti s a srur io tte s antocste. Tht agremeticarniesthiila stilpulion liaI aliovo a iltget lie rigisi et ciie eiveen Jee ditJasioetr, asnd asta Jvnile ran bm nJnior ater his icsti yeartofttie vil i ne relenue from lie clb., Thece ib ne hlacksanti whitesltioxn aliahie pesly bWlpon euan Wsur. the issue hato't een tel te esticompitely asti wo't W for a vhiit asyvay. Et Siss vianunsetihe iii leat it cuachixg jtein lxiliton te go 10 lastitte ful limîe,utaisthetoranuet lSuntay. Iiso itants licetisor open foclie eucondti lme lx twon ussons. 'isi decisovas net matie iseve tomte potlirer playert unlil thuanquet andstie oebisions qetioneb, vito ii ritide itete texi ear? Jere oa ch lt ateani is ilule lis gel irst crack aithlicjob. ltfuctless et vise liully tahtt,litilhuse tob e ieitistan- er lian ast eur accordLtil0onnager AWe Prte. Paclon nid lthe d lu focrcstcas hati bea ex mi pin Augs nt siolg a M hg ràwn.nrom s t b e rntdabdlm&b rmownfr A VETERAN AND TWO FORWARDS multeit tee, R9mbCole won tht eeie et o tht Yens amaymith mntf thtamr t he Jniosr Amatit and Most Vualei Ployer, and Kip Merchent banquet Senday. Crie resh mes 1eckwtll won tht Mest Sponnismanlihe Pînyti tht tep scring prize fer tht third yea r in a ae.ard. (Staff Photo) otiy busineslots hbas ener vorlat inl). luth snidter.vttaatinumit- eti huture fer a hoy vhe asttise tlient ami lie deire t10 Wcomc a pro hockey player. Tier. 1e moey aai uicatiox fer tlieu vise have lie deire, ho tait. lie clted lirto players othle Red WteIam wviseallte tiM- isttir tUnersity liniHamilton, pasoti ad nener misseti 5 fume or praclico W ast dsaiaillisir choeiln pai for hy the Ican. lotis iteketiartesti lie retem, liotgisl for a minuets, anti csm- memied lie pisyert fotr antidleg lie long hair crtme. lic tffertd excouragement for any players viswredtît te gel a crack at hit lHamiltnrubaisnst nid MIsltot vus very capaislae o Ipredocint proetsaent. 'Ofteit e 18 ustia litlte tifer- exce 1inllattitelveteex a test jmiss astis toper star. Yenthave te vantitI," hW nid. loshs bld a stiry he iat heurs trom National Fotbaii League hem Pauni ortio ahbout Viocs Lemisrdi, a fermer ceuais, te dlspiay lie neeti ftr discipline in lite pros. ltrtixg snid 'vhise Lemardi naid Go le lieU his players utset, hou do ye vol ts te traneL"' luth speneti it speech bh tilgglng hali Dune lrush andtiAI Parles. "Tht fttd's aivuyl gett inl MIItxn, test ilok t Dan anti Ai astiyo'ii sesthlaI.1 lie cituti yhy iorousi inocldng Id eis se tixoubei as Mite Coure anti limilc traixer at year. "Feiles If you hune laartedanytistgf'om ose lirsogis Eddy tiis ycar yms'rc vcictme, anti1 vus gis 10 do tIl." e qstppcd. Chlis PretitietDate lrust tuvnile maagaer Ju Wliotx JuirCoch cd OvIn ail mad ceme bhat eters ws astisoe lise Pre' have heup Wtt a bh Tise fcr ors thata spet ri thcetghh thexegisi Nas ut tht hantitet colt- thetlovnutdhIlilevt- tait of mixer hockey. amasott ieitplant for ion asti keether plat l Il ime vlth thceiHamltoni tainer. nid there vert son. dqurrein. "M 1mev r ao is audti 1 calledyon tlhul's &II pari of the We rtully hati a gloti fgoya tsyeur", hesnid. Mot, titis vill ke tht of tihe s t-- tome vil ric, sont nul goisigiter, 'ilu go aller att edactrait ne vii rai ltlqutt or ltlx ).Am raDjas. i1 mev yxe t meaniiieeihe elp 10 yt." pe1 av ormer coacistoltiPaY- u llithats liey may notht ofil, manager AI Partes nmy eteeplasa tigls 1 it conctcttfer thet 10km seut tiselUo. Juniors .I.d new executive Jtac 5 (totiglt)&en lcOmeulY- tee &Mt enerytise sho isoldo at teteresi ln runnleg for aty et tht potions on the execulive. A timilar meetintg laxi peur, opet te lise piulc. faliati te ut- tract any xcvexlcettive mem- heru. Ail prenant mcmhcera s pc tesecomors vil bel valcoea l hecome acttv n the is. sslr clxib. The meetintgstill eiselt iltsc LegLox, on thet Ilird fixer tesics ai 1.30 P.M. Novices ut fun aight lles Notice RliteIa&LPt leams ver. Iretlat lxa tittttr pet enyth ie Rehelals Lesig lades Thsrabiy. 'xUlovlnthe1 tuer mosica stiWgsmcxvcrt antilasie 10o crtithtie ysong. aicrs. THREESPIRST YEAR MERCHANTS ticti for tise Most Poputar Ployer amarti. Defensemese hp Tucismeli asti fornerds Don Heares tndi Grahame ers tii receiseti trophies. The fans votati ons the amartiandt club Presitient Dave Bruth madeti.tie prea. ettion. (Staff PhotO), a Uile pre-acasnspromtin. islf aeht.txulr Dont. Alixiugistie vetherman i: glu hestanit tesr.us onia TAkes lose > snner efor. De canhe, Paciex larconfiden lie herchanîs seilyk sf e We me oft lhe s nxi ytar. u e, oauch "We have r.utiy matit glttiiofad astic uWhrt iy lie &ge change as bal as sont. Vaugihan Iscraîchisse Ms fee, ihe xceAulattspd rey hrs htSpl -0-0-L vit i t go gn gal u," AI sai, "asti viliPhil licoth ve'il Mlo yeA.asdopd Bez hrsT o pl have an gond r botter gtltemdii:t ban ve hasteer iat." a had fosgisl 9-7 decîtixe 10 The Marchants ilbu use vn players vlthoui cuoiog tu loRsteil, Dtg Thomptox, Bruce vise ay or may nt mkt Juir t or A ttams neter tout. ElltsoontiM Itepisex StiCulrkeox Don lieanetandicis Coe artespecledt t tnpamibrekthliee h truti in aa taady ptching Junior A lunup. leues vIl vrs o ithl Oshva Geeals ami THREE STARS choses on a retisg for eacis game tht rght ast i trisCnte on1te lefîtesRo performance. Coe us liiteiy 10 tala anoter thot l in amilton. 1Cours lty Tvssouatetccteti V hept by statisticias AI Brotiy Inst Craig Mallary matit tht presestaties os behaîfoffoin hemgtisefue for proestlxg tise Il Cote eginso ulr. la leli off at er, uier licl or igis trush t tishe opfello tti by Ted IttetionsMltsnDeparl est Store. (Staff Photo) tMsir.srails. Teuodnr vaer seIl hetp hm otîoi lie lHamlton liluop. litanxs, ullixagisPR SOT nt a protiiet goal cort, raies s ouetflite hardesi voning ad steaiet pfrnes onlastiyer's Merchaxi riait ami Junior D n H a n e e a Red Sox win ynm er two -dgell ceyloterandPsin o a tr has bee Wred n S A ND YS T OWN E lie fats' fasorits. Allen tee Inan Davies, a sott for th yaofJunior C liernxs halise Oshawas Geterals. nte P TO A K I~ L C À li t K l o e sv chneeveny poexiaiproeetis, For lieuros tistre vus ne de- P TO - A K -FI PL C I 1 andt l a sacrack ai ane .l.A. rîsio sto g rntt o 1 and Stone Facings Al. o linet atti Rled Ioi te pceentthim icom atsanclsgt 10Juio A eamn. tix't vanî toreme hc,"liearcs necssrelyit psithIvane ad IfTIR LÇA D TC cr.v riallatiup their secod cxensct v n n terloettglhier cour in Leaie isp dglsg lie Preston Pirates 5-4 Thruiay in Presto. Play ctach asnd manaer Deg McCutcise hatW xthisg but prit. for lie leam f ollog liir is. "l'm realip qote happy ilth tevioilea ix i gouerai"'. McCtchexe ptixteti mat Cralg Bushtesxniopcessive hute. Bruati, a gratiate frtm te ýveieoa hava imiket 10 a minslinfour trps tthe plie Tlaruay op ha anhiling lihe anvel net'att]Yaa lte of dlime efore the longhUisttart trspgatng In forcbae h il. Secondi heunan Et cLeoti SMi siorisp les Patitesnsp- peaitth i esiuhbifl manager sa oet omniona. "Titey vans reai vol togolie", M- cattceoslid. BIII Clli, a Catepellilie saerats dtidieti htntstIn li Mmt villalithe "netCampell- siis tuan, igust a Rd tS &enWatila expect 10 toblp te ebb eStis aly mamte irâtiruatcame in lie dal t lIs.es a douesistal. SlsCalcian, lase Graiasn gea sy ed ixn halali ehr la R u A int tu Wmaeme Pruxsntgli desalila- Gervaiswss nie aM enthaily scoreti. MrCutchen oeitia useon con te tend Milton aheat ix 1W fesrlhi haing, as Bil1 Ellot etog- itti hlm le. leoeetle letissg was est Prestes lad narcouet lie leadti teucn. Ion Puloersox ocoreti ex a single le the tioli for lie vis. Paitersn tingieti, utinncedti l seconti on Garynt lir's sacri- lice andoscoredonlcosis'susingle, is only kit ni lie gaime. lox lapler held Preston tlist singles lai vas reliesetinlxtIse stnliInxlng hp leib Lee seho fittthedtheliene. Gilou, osits, Lee, Grtvein ant inler an slngîtti ion Pres- tes. Dntvtlc hurieti for Preton ailof tg ise cons en elgh istis. McCuicieset etegitivce,Bcogs once, Bi11 Elliot oece anti les Nlapon isata pair. Gervais uni Pattersox taris tallittionue for one snnkers. Lowvîle drops firs game lhir iret fume efthle seasnx Fniay, 3-ile lialte itel. Lowvvllie soeetisitgle cons in lie ireasti dslnli inngs. lts King scoredti eli oss. lialo liotti cortd singe cons le iret, Lee Colsox pinchetilie enlîre gamne, giving UP lire cnone elgist Mis ami his teummtes remmitti Inn errers. le lie itilxg tepacîment lst King hati a home cox ami single, Gord Ma- shal antiPhiilockch rtsingitti tice, amidhMarks loch txgieti Ltwviii's ueti home fume ix Frlslay Jute 7, againti Omagis ai r .11 P.m. Hlton Hights Golf .? or L . Country Club OPEN FOR MEMEUHI i P se 2.00<me initiaioF«as PAY As POU MIY $15 W Wediy .2.50 Wee,.tA malte Ph...87&4701 he Is going te make theseunolr Asised abot intentiotns for a carter tinlsckey the yungsler nid qif sorente giet me a shot, 5Fil go. i1tutti tt play hockey." IBrockton Quarry GEORGETOWN - ONTARIO 877-4022 or 8774218 Prepare for Your SUMMER VACATION Let Milten Mter Sales therosghly Imspat Giseu aanneahldyt.La and repaîr peur front suspension for Milten Mter Sale prepare peur car maximum tire life attd positive safetp angine wih a an peur vacation. urEUPSECA 0 Wheela alignedi $TNU PCA 4 trkes .01e-e Pu 6 cvi. $9.75 Plus Parts % Whee, hemrins cleanei Parts ~cî 1a0Plut Parts -mdrced (front) R.quired Fr the long hard dring tht you will JUNE VACAMO SPECIAL be dting this tummer. MITO *.R ALS p Wisut s vau ttc fia presitiedii Kavantis, regixtIx, i Plcker.i v aiu nclla Mont «nsc tlier li try. Ver. Bt plcker.l a llPisig. Toeilntlai fuIS catchs terci fLm calencan Laitsa ii er.l. Jas &long viei et Celuit kattded 10 uit Mwbuiss PuI Ct amtifrier train Hot lab isll lkcy are ta Lex N vWhe alvR, tic. laits Mney f ia glati pins; Th e r. aI gslis yaar. l 10 kxtv t ÀAil in talion no ler.at metig The tier.. set li foc th fnlixe of ami year s châtice. sy Icats Cias ispir t tilicuhl termi ocliyt, Hc veek 14-14 MisI pitchc Bealiq team. Tin ami k L Be S.1 fume ton h S.] P. Bit for 0 lite tec fut. Pa fuma lotiî tri Item onua Pl tecx I - 6fflHmfflmý

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