uy2S ut on tesop- în wasthrostt t sent off the tslvert. The 1 spen 'round t the fonce. une mens. ae nde ef thse agnedelutter- r toi A sews sate oai ailiceru for tCe 1988688ters sua elected ai Che anosalmeetinof cd uietle Ward Onse Batepayers' Association un Wedssnday etenlng, May 2ln Percy W. Merry Publiea chuni. Tisty include presidant John Vnulitle, secrelary Clarence Peacoci ami board masmbrs D. Tho5p500a Dmg LeBtule, BiBl Kelly, Harold siggar,Mrs.Phyl- Ust Ferrier, Mrs. Nnrma Lapa and Dun Jones. GeoffDrtshrooh Ose of Isa 0f tis arts repre- sentutites un Gahoille Cmunuil is automaticaliy a semisr of Che board. An ailenanca ai ocer SOheard unother Wsrd Ose cumocillor, Don Gordons upportltCe loat 0f a lasyer Mired 10 represent Melier Cadet Crig iddeli, 31, ci Mlton graduaied FridaLy1 fros Che Royal Mthtary Cllege of Cu"edinKingstion, star un extesie corse in academic, leadernisp ami thlttus, under Che Bglar Officer Trainng Plan ai Che Candian Miltary Col- lgs. Melier Cadet Rddll, sas ai Dr. sud M. W. G. Riddell, 219 Martin Street,hMilo, wsllle- LT. CRAIG R1DDELL celte a Bahelar f Arts degrea (Bonours Economirs ami Com- merce) and his Cmssioin as a Lieutenant lnstCe Canadan Ars- ed Forces. Craig iddell atendet i Mlts Ne lires, but 14 amical No ire talas era recorden during tCe pgst wcekat 1ittun Fire Departoesi. uthsugh mes- bers cg Ce brigade sere oui four tlimes 10 ice days an irai id and stand-by tall. Wedesdy tCe truckas ere unlld toana accident t feceofi Line and 10 fldtrnad lnOkvill, shert a tractr-trailer und tsa car s lad calllded and tm-trcs bacis on itu cleels. In Bs ar- ciden mueral people sera 1n- >red andl eeral tons ai ses braadloes estaed fros Cbe trucka mn spiled os Che grouud. Tie brigade wse tllaI ln cms k lire isolaout, btitCere sere nospraileme iii rigatiag tCe ehil. Au accident os Hligllsay 401 o fahrday a hert Patient saadiag a ramacitator Friday amd acar- motoeyle acidard usehe ado remited ln clla for uiaial û«. the brigade. Che arta's citiatos in Ce reent airpori lasule. WhietCe tegal counnot sas hred to reprenntCe BatepaLy- ers drisg un atictpaled Ontario Municipal Board hearing. Mus sorh pracluded tht ceai for île laariog, ta a satisfactary con clusion for th tharil Osilie residenl. Depty-Reeve W. A. Gies spoke of tCe eed for ratepayers' associations in dealloîs lelseco cumnuiliamithe average citizen, andi a Irlef address coscerotng Che nec alloo Cmunty Bard of Edusion sas giuao hy Dmug Wood, hrmanofaithe Oshoilae Board. ldes ai A. E. Rohuson's trip Crougl Europe andth îe Communit cumtries preuedad a Blght luc aillhe conclusion aillae meeting. King, Mary traffic must stop at Bell St. District 51gb tchadl, radsattsg in 1964 and i he there sas a member of tht Stttdent Counci. At RMC ha has heldithe appoint- ment f Cadet SectonCosrsander drlsg is final yearsldthseean actie lu athetts. prttcipatlog la retresetatlte JniorVrstty foattall, squadran hockey, setm- mtog ad srestlig. He was asardedithe Edth Boul- ton Nordtsttmer Memoraltîrlca. tnsiutad y tht National Exc- tite ai the tsperla.l Order ai tht Daghters of the Empire ln 19it, as a memral titaMs. Samuel Nordtelmer shoot sou and ephew hotit attended tht Cotteg. The prisa ta asardedia Che officer cadet slmitltlnRthe esi essay on some aspect of Canadiao or Commonwealth a- faims. 10 walch lorsa change li hestop- streol pollcy ai lhn intarsections af in n dMary St. ai Beit Si. tnotle near future. Presenlly. traffic prucecdlog east or wst on King i.sandhuary Ci. hace the rlght-ot-why ai Bell Ci., and Bail Si. trafic must stop. Os Che recommeodaion olMilton Police Deparlmeol, tle signssili le changad wstilotCe nmolweeh ar so0t10gica Bell St. lrasic the right-af-way. This wtt smale Bell St. a ChrouRh streat iroo, Maio fi. 10 Roberi St., and lrom Boieri Si. 10 Heslop Road. The stop for Bell St. Inufit ai Robert St. han pur- poseiy leco leltIntoact for île puryoses ai slosioi trsffi, Pollue Chiai Ray Andress re- ports. Besides, Robert St. Is olico used as a parade aouie le. iseeo Brouie St. and tle Milton Fair grods no il was flt Bol. art Si. slmld retain theriRill-oi. wny. Hollywood Cockl:LMurriage onc tle rochs. PROCLAMATION I4fLTOt' WHEREAS, Jane 9 te Jue 15, 1968 lias bean desigcated by the optimist Club cf Mlton as Optiosint filin Salety Weah in bilton in co-uperatuo mtli the Mil- on Police epartmect and, WHEREAS, Bke Salety Weeh is dsgced ta make Milton the salant tomo for Cpuits cn Canada by maing 000 motorists and hîcyclissis amare of trolîju sefaty cules, and, WHEREAS, the Optimits are draoring the attention of al motoisîs ta road and tralîlu hazards used ointiv by cyclises no, THEREPORE, i herehp procialiliaht June 9 ta Jonc 15, 1968,te kbowm as tht Milton Optimist ihe Safety Week uoder the authoriiy gluen tc me top tht seat cf this tcwn; and THEREPORE, es Mayor, t rge ehl cillerans cf Milton ta ta- operate mitto tht Optimist Club and the Milton Police eparement taoaeMilton the sfesi cyling toma ,ia Canada. SIGNED, BRIAN BEST, Mayor Il sa"AU Waldie igit" ai Miltos PIre Bal u SatrîLay sIen irefightero, coascllars sud mslers ofille Milon Areu Firo Cumoîlîlue gtlorcd tu psy ribule 10 Mr. Wldle on lin ra- tirament foliostoR 38 years of service sIC the rtgade. On ehaU f Cte asaembly PIre Chief A. E. Cemen gat a testimosial address, Deputy Chuef George Cindy presenieti an engraned plaque, and Mayor Bria Best hanored Che retlret sICh a framed crli on hehali ai tht ms. Whie It sas AUt Wadie's bMg nlgit, four nlhers in atteodance sert alsa lonored for sertira. Betiring firelighter Big Dyer raceiued a plaque 1n triute fr il years ai service, former councllor Chares Wilson re- celeda scrailto10recogoisa Mis efforts os tle lire are& cas. mte, and Mrs. Waldle and Mms. Dyer saro presesied sICh gilis on bhllioaitCe Ladies' Aaaililary oaitCe ire depariseni. Mr. Waldie 10 Che tBrd ge- erationo f tht Waldle family op- erating tCe nid lacksmlC flhop on James Ci. ilwsu staried 103 years sf0 ly hs grandiathr, paoned down ol A's faîher, aid eethally tla A. He follased 1n0 s famlys loalsiepu la Che ire ervice 10, yointed out Chi Cleseni. Ali's father also serced 38 pears in theeMilton ire Depriment Me- fore Mis retirement. Thty sere oo f tCe lrlgude's frut faer- and-snn teuss. Mr. Waldle bMs serctd Che brigade as stcrelary, lieutenanl ai the allon Cmmly Motail Aid andi aiso île Bmer'C redit Ds-1 lrict Firellgltors, sud hbld cr-i lors commttee posesiluthu Ontario Firelighlrs Assoiation of whluhhlewans recanly namad a lute mecaler. Be alun fcod tise tu serve in Ce HBlun ire Precantimi Brea. "HetbMs Men a falthini servant in ur ire deparisent. We ai. says fmuni AU tory helpis," conudad the ire chiai. Mayor Besi pralsed Mr. Wal- die's service tlatCe brigadeansd Che communty. Be noned the comsunnly cmuld tala an eas' Die iros Che irefigiters ami île charsao A. . Service of the Fire Ares. Commilteealnso an- teuded grelligs lu the rollree, adding the Loto Le rotuid le arusi luror ay ayeuo in "an adisory usysity." En.rhlif Willina Osodolre- ralted AU swas 'aissys cary siBlng and nious 10 do hMs sharel' durlog his years siC fthe brigade. Conuillor Charles Fay made Cae raaeniatio fofie nroli 10 Mr. Wilson. He niso yrnlsed Chuef Clament for his sorh aLd notad tCe respect whiuhlila oas acuorded driog tCa rouant Onl- ario Fire Chef s Asocation Hydro to read water meters, collect bis fioy are lnslitd, il M aid- led ly tCe Multa ydro Com- mission on bMMII nif Ce bsn, meoilers of Miton Counoil agraad Mosduy. The commission sut silso il and colieut the au- cumols. Counoitior C. Fay reported discusions sith tCe Bydra han- ager racentty icattd chanoges in procedres ami rates onder- sny euthîe ydra Offica smuld sala it possible for the iling 10 Me haned wstCmt additiooal staff. No estImatniofiahecharg- es ta tht bsn for Che service sereaaalhebutCouncilor Fay saggested Che sorh cound bM 10 35 par coul ulosper tlan Cae 1000 landllog a separata opera- Bion. ht ans aiso nolcd fiat if a publicutillîlas commission s ecer adoptedin tle fulore, tBas smild minimisa fiai transtion. aolng Lices BarbiraCantie, Oritan'stran- sport minitar, son approsil 1n Che Bouse of Commons for a bMl maldng Il un offensa b daite siC uan alunhol lecel of .08 per cent. eWîîî lis oas standard in force,' oIe said, 'se estimat asanncng in hughway casoaltien esul year of Mean 18,00und 3,000.- lad atiesded us un oserver. Chiai Clement wsnpresident ni tle O.F.A. lest yaar aod oo- ducled tle tKingso oetionl aitou ues agao. Captain Harold Cmulson made tle preseotation 10 firefighter 8111 yer. Mrs. Junice Ker, Che gIfs ta lise Ma fireligitersa wines, and sâed tCes mauy happy momorles. The Scotch Block W. 1. soroed fie ruast belf dicuer. A dance followed, wcul msic bp Frcd Timbers. Thora sere a&boti80 ai tle social eveolng. fo..Dad Set Dad up for a sunamer of easy living ina these... the ltest in fine fumnishings, ail smartiy-styled for the man of today. MEN'S Sport Shorts FROM .................... s3.98 PERMANENT PRESS FROM $5.98 The Newest Shades tn Plains and Chek Patterns PYJAMAS 8V FORSYTH AND MR. JEPP SHORT SuIEVESs4o AND LEGS - POOM .......... 40 LONG LEGS * s 0 AND LONG SIREVES - PROM .s ,a CARDIGANS PULLOVERS and DOUBLE KNITS WITH SUEDE TRIM eautifully Styled nI Smart Shades s9.95 to s32.95 MEN'S PERMANENT PRESS CASUAL PANTS 0 COTTON AND TERYLENE PROM Goid, Bick, Backi s7-98 FORSYTH TIE and PUFF SETS AIL NEW SHADES AND PATTERNS $250 - $350 - $450 - $550 a 0 Jewellery * Hankies *1l Boxer Shorts by Forsyth FORSYTH DRESS SHIRTS SHORT SLEEVES PROM REGULAR COTTONS AND PERANETPESS sÀ4..5o *1 Ail the Collar Styles and Stades LONG SLEEVES FROM ---s5.00 Sf 8~ *KNI1TED SHIRTS *SHORT SHIRTS eJAC SHIRTS *TURTLENECKS DY fORSYTH. BLUESTONE, JAV.BERMA, CLARFIELD, REN-DALE, CORTEZ s4.00 to s9.95 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNER 0F OUR BABY BONUS CONTEST - JUNE 1. MRS. BRUNO CORRADETTI 379 Woodward Ave., Milton Disses by Mrs. Auna Seli, Cem ascil St. MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE 200 Main St. - Phono 878-9261 Il OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. e~N OPTUMUST t4 J CLUB 0F MILTON AUCTION SA LE SATURDAY, JUNE 8 - 1 P.M. CHRIS SCHOUTEN - 878-2576, Auctioneer in charge of Sale. JACK ELLIOT, Assistant AGRICULTURAL HALL - FAIR GROUNDS Watch for Cottage Supplies, Furniture - Gardon TOols - TV', - Stoves, etc., etc. We need your unwanted articles for aur sle. Ail proceeds to be used for Comntunity pralecta. 0 Fer articles tu b. picheai up cati aftt. 6 p.m. Berny Se.- 878-3397 Bill Rssnell - 873-2062 Jim lige - 8783334 John Perrmt - 878-9286 Tom Bown - $784178 Cadet Officer Craig Riddel is Mfiliary grudoute Testimonial dinner Tht Cenadien Champion, Wednesdey, Jane 5, 19M8 Thank Aif Waldie for 38 years of fire service ne lh pliera YOU?7 schrents>. 2-HP BriOg w Va-Shifi 21 foaward revere. No wihn each vth new 48' tr. acro ace up front mare impleb- $1,410. Obis lbie 1 REIIING AMISS 38 YEARS cf serviue 10 Mil- Clamant, riglit, prasectod an ecgraund plaque. ton Pire Oepartment, Alf Maidie mas prOsanted Mr. Maidie foiioorad bis laliars lootstays io mithtu Io giîts ut a dincar ic his honor cn the tha lira dapartorant - bIth iad 38 years cf lire hall on Saturday euening. Mayor 5ri an seruvlue aI retiremavi .- as weii as cn business. Best, laIt, prasented a tomo suroill while Depo- Hans the third Wailie to oparata the lamily's ty ChiaI George Bundy and Fire ChiaI A. R. James St. llaubsorith shop. Staff Photo) rom. offiliis ,peak John Van Sickle heads ratepayers