an periencea selll la valse aillhe tsdteldeually. s of boit clobs 'alr maiSasa- se rerelvel Oie tziaulicallp. eting prepera- ascail fer Oie nits scerlede ëderal elerlice llep aisre the ersltp Weme's, laadap, Jane 12 lester Public ilercion cets f lise new Martois ase et HaISse Ceneenial Manor. HlaSRssCer-Ad- minisrlsr Garfeled arowened Wsrdee WSi.- liam Huster, ets. accep the chaeque tramn Mr. Soberwie Reeves George Currne of taques- isg and Ausen LedwiSis et Milton lkRn et rigis. (Statt PheRo) HORNBY Cbla ai seli li iev Nl tlac iri Jn Ba 4-H club dedicates unaple tree hosts crowd at tea, rummage sale By lira. Jîce iamdIton ile 1001h AnvermLry Service ver reuaeoi!caidles decorated ci £den Uni ted Chrcbon sday the tes table. lira. Jusmica.y Tla Norths Trafalgr Ochr Jnga 16 ai ':3- pm.Res. Fred ad lira. Roy Wilson are the b blid tlair ceeidy eschre on Jebln f Fii (Unitedl Cbsrch, leader.. ardgy nlght, jusa 1. Tise Port Credt, wetl l e the guest Congraatatons tR 1Mr. ad re 10 tal ienuclre inplay MqianLar.Mfr. Jcsln waafrm- lirs. Gerald Deonm (e Rit& h tI pria gesiete lse tl- o miulerRf Oei ait~ muit) who cere mrrted on thO th seser t;,1tr.. o-eOra. larisFrf den nt e d Slarday, Jueu 1 at liely RRsary rig c ers, mmr. JS E114 ar- aectai loi uiltheldslrvthe CbLreb, Mluton. 4 Fred Workma, dCe WII- lasamfet cf the dlarch. Brlsdsyd galreletiJneDis i ad Walter Barnard. Te Caretleaslef1.5on Sidap 7, pcsa id V a Elle , UaenJe Lisp dracea cere 'socsby mr& nilgit hp plane from the Toronto Frnkate ir andWlma ElaPla . l.iamlice anWlmer Manni. InternaionRal Airpor for London, Frnil rRe aDndnad Paise e sat uchre prlp sn euln encgOslasd, sberg e setfillpend ceJe .DnaadDaa &nrday nigit, Jue8 . iiree veeels seti Sady louis- Break on Joie 10, Peter Hlaione Mr. aid lira. Jack Nixnenqient eeed sels bas leen vlstng fr Juese1ilad Larry Rtotedge on t weeeaaad ai Wamp aBeach. serai ceenlh isesti er gan. June 9. JoanGilap i Donsvew pen arents..Caroi~l a ady wil (etce ellises te Up. Elle aSeand ttla eflCahyla et etsn un 2.Dicisensass seIn la apattent Inte ine CurchillEssavard. 1Mr. aid lire. Peter Rtledga OkËtie-Tr&fagar IHospita. Anvermrp greetiga telMr. adidnlty ci Barrie cere gaeta Beetstses are eteideil t. liMra. Bil Lcidecehesvinl onus iidap sttl 1r. and nrs. Mr. aid lira. Jark Digwallcf labraete ar ceddtstg a"ver.- ilsPlant. Brnby se in eti acetebrattel rp ce Tesday, Jeus Il.- Asrxàarmngreeinga te 1Mr. tieir ltis seddtng aniversary Mr. d MmMelvn pq y aid lira. CiiBord Russasr ad Wdsday, Jeu . aid famllp ofGrrieslaitad ce the eeulk eO i 1fr. am M lin.. Albert Marcismesi sud relaives ln Oe local district. Aslveraarygreeings te1fr. aid lira. hmart liclilliss 51 sil clbrais tlIr ceddlsg an- nverflronyJce sa10. Eincere spmpahln a ateidail te the taulpof Artur DeaOi Sr. cebe die ce Teiday, May 38 ai Oe Milice District Hqdtl lit B anu tla leloved laahaid et Ida Masp Caslndear taler aiArt- r c et e rahy district ad Martel Or. Alan Brmes) ci coeuie. lir. aid lra. llassallSoull aidlailp of Gergtownsi vlsld ce Tlaradsb c euith1fr. aid lira.Garrp Hailtoic n dtaill. 1fr. aid lir. Ivan lcIrachan aid snDrt of la»m viited ce Saidap sitOi Ur.aid lir. Jarkliarcmeit aid tamlly. Auilvercerpgreelinge 1talir. aid lira. (aut Ili sadlir. aid lira. CraigRosyce Whoe sIlI celelrata Ilir ceddiig sunver- aries ce Jasa 7. Ccngratuaions ta1fr. ad Mra. BIB Marrismentiot elidr of Oiir ue, Daryle William ce May i. Ufr. a&W lra. Garry Hamsilon aid 1fr. aid lir. Jim Hlamilton alieaded Oe ceddisg o fMr. ait lira. Eruest Claso ce Butor- day Jeu 1, aiSi. John's Roman Cahloir Clurchin hBsrlisgtce. Finaitplansbave lee iadaeio 1fr. aid Mmlins3Illi=emcl sel aeate Ilair »clg ai- nlvereartaes nSidap Jeu9. A very uccaatel atersoce tea aid remmage male cueaild yhe HOilernly 4-Hl Acinsalleace Oatrday, Jeu 1 ai Oie Orange Hall, Bornsy. The le& ceaiof- irlalip opeued by e. Canai J. . IMaxwel. Tise girlasho poureil tescere Pet Crasetord, Barara Prestce, liMryJean Maxwell. Darlaue Lelie, Joyce Wilson aid Kare Bradley. Br- vig cvere Visp Tyner, Unda, Aidrewsanad lady Prestcenshe att core Sari, la charge of lise remmage ale seresIleany Baller, Judy lais- ders id! Vaerie OUa.Tiep @nid everylig Imagicaedac ai lotilng boeks, pprr, ec- eliery, eid ts4sles. The peset cere greeleil ai Oe dent by Laire Mawel Jim Slie,, ialocEaOst ILP.P. aid ira. lalriu Wllams veres mog thunshe atteided Oie dedcalienreremoncesdsst- ed ly ey. Caven J. . lMaxwell lu lie lornby Parks celaitOe pRed àmeple treR shicis aiplaileil ii jas year te commemorate ais. adaa CeilaiitaJ year cea Il plasaaed ce Strday, Jane 1. . lirs. WillamsaOe Rime icone- I mt algospe. . Thse tes tale wceuparated a froce the rummage sale by a illhie pichet enuceidr c ai S decorated selll Plik fower. Sl- AL ST. 11 rENDENT I SE cY0 Jim Snow Building code action Oaa pieu et saw laglallce tceavu ery pleaaad lisapast ianideced tOu ceak ai s Ue las. ceeeh tu have vilite ilthellgs- ilare of paricular linereai lalare by tcee grupaeRetasel ta tise At eitted lise Emptey- stadents trec tise tlceEs ment Standards' At, wch l li rdlsg. Ons Teeday, liay 28, roeulace soserat oller acs cn- aproxlmately 70 stidents trois cerelefg empteyment. lioly Cross Orbool la George- This &eat seil tring Oanea l ecetn. aid ce Ttusrday, liay 30 emplepint standards legisia- annller 70 studenla frem Main licettin B euIthceriiq con- Street Peblic Sciscl la Miltoce diices lIat have cedeacceplaisce vssted lise Legialalve Buildinsg la tisa province. Thisaueart, ani brletly sel laco e sessaice expected te le efferlive ln lise of tise teglaalre. tit, iraldesaon tise bensats miade avaliable ite seerara eder the preuent leglatice aid set- Frs candidate abialses ue provsiocs caliUng frcu t o r fr ime and a hlI pay fr ver- frc u t o r ime leyid 48lbhure a seul, Tise irsi caiddtateanaceare espial psy fer mon aid wceue s Itenticente standorneleslice dsilng tlisoimesOri, aid uvea te the use alîce Cunty Beard statery hetldays fr seicis em- 09 Edacallen le EruastFergrave, plepees seul recelve ime aid preuently lastunes-adulaitirat- a lait If they serk oce tseudapa. or fer Georgetowns Di strict ligI r The uelegllaice sin &IBO Scisce. empeser tise Labur Deparement M1r. Fergrave lasieesurret- te celect esnstd seages fer em- ary-reaurer ai tise Georgetown pleyeea up te a tetli r iatbo Iard irce 1962, feleselng a $1000. Ise-year penid of pari-lime t Tishe.m AllaiGressman on urvice lnthe capaclly. liay 27 itredacu selg Hl- ie ta aise a frmer ciairmai ionicalled Oe Crrectiecel Ser- OethOe lirtisBltolice 11< ciscel vicea At. Thisasat cunselidaten District Baird, of seidel he ana ie usoe 18 eilatlng at. dealiag a memer troce 1955 te 1919. sith adeit effeidera. Tise mater changea are le la made lnlise --lie, tisey serenIt 'remev- cemplte melid et eperaice ofi gtih Oe Once Chrcis steeple au crreclicealInitionslic andm a Clampice Plote capice lIRs changes la theselleceecll eek Ismplied. The capin saolei attitusde aid ystem. lave aid ltheserisuensere 'Ire- Tise lien. Darry licKeegh, nvalief" tise steeple. n'a s allI lilalater etflMunicipal Affaire, Oere. amuneel Wedneiay tata cem- --TIere's a lest et largalns muttee la lelng sup immediate- la Clampen casltLeds, 5B 13' te turlier stssdy slepessttdlity weeha a year. et bringiv inelle naionail bud- Ssg rude as a standard busiding *code fr Oe Province of OGaaie as sggesled in my resollice te At.a Per-Cua Oie flur oethlelicueonliarch j y 4oet lise ear. I amery pleLaud RCoffret# Sinduw a tu e ib iseearly activn e leng MANUFACTURERS OF talai ce my ftiraire solalion ai a a memler of Oe Legslalalre. 0 Septic Tanks We lave ibisseeel cempleted (Ail Suxes> Oie censderaieieofOtheeattmates efthOe Deparmeal et Serilad * 36" Wall Tla Famlly Services, aid are pre- adLd uently censldering bu etfOe edLd >1 Departmeet of RetrmIs tl- * Culverts Le Ilwa n steresttng te note tils 12" end 18« to post ceee hBal ceniMay 13 Oie * Siciwalk Siabs 09 tireti brthday efthtie GO transit aystem, lIaI ever 4,000,000 paa- * Pig Slats S sgera lad leen rarried ly Oie y systeis inlits irst year et eper- Phone 853-1529 adoe. L Scouts get eight tons of papers Tisanis le Bumaiy people of MIton &Wd dstrict, the Second )ItSos Scouts collectei aprei- maely inhtSIons of casSe paper on Friday, May 31. Tise Conadien Champions, Wedeeeday, Jus. 5. 1968 W9 offarad te CacedianTrucks Leasl- ing, Jackis RilaraisClas-Olda, Jaisase Bres. Garage, Unilted Co-o>p, George Bidlie and %ac Pipeline Protectice fer Oie gen- erces usuetfIheir trecka. I any payer ans minsesi, Oie Scots are sorry and proiisce te try larder uetime. Blten mstlaecet by Jasa ilor the maWicpalllp Is asmsosred to eut Oem aid carge lise owSsr the Co"s --Anrsllces for a asepplng mail coverisgceolocksidocen- ow c ArîhavSeRbecs dropyed ly Thse Camler of Commerce, atler Oie prejeci ra inItoopposilien. Id n ns 52 222 MAIN ST.' MILTON 's exci' .1t llihe SooSSerS folif ttrougliSSi iius h v is uuil Ra i1 VlliuS tithi the theii vuo r i, u s isu i liS Sssuil. S ta uS atIss lt coly Bi f Is ut s Ssso. Iiueyiisi ui o ,thr ,iie sire puvsdiiss m 55 ith al i ls Ss , s. r iisUlv ifelib dinsue ihlis. ituîrîl fLbs behied the srisi utO tuîtibotingto ylis diisulfoI. 1 w ls tiiigs uit.sgaguss~ eas e sciti soa a s theIR resl p dri l att r lself osa iot, 'ci oe lsu gai ss Sisios. N tr l dos ' sllo o l s Iltle place6t00 segae.sîlmr1 gr a air tieraly "nreh il ifThe% Paea eatheoearn Kississasi ey're faily eqoippedauits oaSaral gan listoso. The chefcs peeferthiSl for nid, jsrecisîîîs, euornsy. Most chefs 4 ,as a sisstStrUf flict. ThsinsiSf it tSis ýy ouretssttieisis are easierto niaiie th natal gs for ciokinf. aocet 5*the Tapi Foni ndaiand 10 niables lu paddock uaeigas seates missainaunun sed] spply sf pipi.0 bot seler- lo. afler gaullons of il' Your bomseratins ronty a fraction as mecs, ef cour- ft an i guivemtihe sasiee petil idependability. HOAME tf yGU ore Iocoied on the tome side ot the sreet as o gos lino which mss insSlled prios ta Apsil 1, 1967 YOU MAY QUAIJFFORA 50 ~iiowoe tf you change SO o natUrol gos central heoiing system belween nom ond September 28 1968. YDU MAY ALSO RIEVAN OUPTO 50 tf you Instoil a 555w oelamoliC gos moles hooler attise sous ime os yau o noori la your nolurol gos ceetral heolieg synes. Ses vaur iseoting cantroclar, deatml stors or Col U steGi Ld. FOU NALTON COUNTY OPICALS raveled o Quee's Park in Toronto recently, whiece HaSon East M.P.P. James W. Snece preseeeed aàrcheque for $200000 on bealf of tise o. John Vremko, Mînlsear ot Social andl Famly Serviras. Tie cheque repreenled the finai payment for tie Province's hare ofthlie con- BEDDING PLANTS Ir$s Plant Up Tima Now. Choos Hardy Bsdding Plants rom Our Solectilou Including " ORRANIUMS 0 ROS IUSHUS 0 PETUNIAS a MARIGOOI.S a SALVIA " ALYSSUM a SNAPORAOONS 0 HARDY MUMS 0 TOMATO PLANTS 0 VliORTABLR PLANTS dM005TM Now A Muites reeahusf MAIN ST. AT ONTARIO MILTON 8784501l 6th UNf1ID GAS Total Energy for Toal Comforl Pile carpet in the Rec-roomn? Anywhere, as long as itfs CQTURF Canada's first real outdoor/indoor pile carpet GLUS POOLSIDES. TERRACES AND REC ROOMS TRAT LUXURY 5ROADLOOM LOOK It s a breakthou. Al te s,,,.od.,.,. ,uistace of HERCULON OGeitofibrePLUS tA, uSuy0 dense.pW, 1555511 t ANVWHERE.. npohe. *s, ercs; récration r5555,5. SpaSSsSSHShousS coffid-, kJ.Shs nd b.SSoo. LsreTurf defies uot. eildw and sRe i s s efed by ,satnd virtlb ,sicfre.C os hirtean poplarUelursad in mee-fSmSt h. FOR ALL ITS LUXURY LOOK. FEEL AND WEAR hou CAN INSTAU. LEISURE TURF FOR I.ESS THAN THE COST 0F MANY HARO SURFACE FLOORINGS. 5 year wear and stamn proot guarasce. .13 modern colours. $7.95 sq. yd. a wi:iwà_ee 1