Jim's Jottings ty i im di s Sugar and Spice b y b i ar1sn i1e Y ReBadig tneetfte recent aticles aon eplluitoni t laSeGntateot&W te dagers OnSisal cothtaie vu atter iteteestia, aller liteai S tee dapa tfsette aonllla's applicalia foc assasialo. Tiere te mggesioa m a ia lice saolsi pipe ls sumage effluet drectltl ete laas ail lie laesitore comciies anareosas stalg. Woder I Sialetarellp te ltg-trma smer lu iftille's deetepast, or mhtete lotis- logical adosnesaamponts mpplp s more paicLlal d eal anseer? Tie teta cst tci tlillena's eseaian applcation wtt! seer biisaematettese tf canru tare are cota te ter te- dividaals ad orgasisaiona ta et! ta le caer mattcipalittes. TeAgsthUittilltea lad sgeai noen$27,39aven a pentesict evtiM eans. - Téalaangesta eard5t te ta 1963 mes cota et Se$10,612.78. Glaeciag rmet tahetearig rosasIl Toronto bdt ee I toated nuses lamera, ise cagiseer, So pbinsac a Iearer, uni taditor plsanteatnlnt t of it tftlals unid tterested Isoseers. TUis, tf canasemac taadditio IteSmomaina- br itattae Bouad ttaecaurtreporter. Hueanga tas te esipenean et Io tlet iscgt isala tae lutn taS wtt! te e- qered os Sidsaspplition. eTbire anilevtibt ltes tfternor I ao.iLB.tbearngmwislttremvelcoee additosate mlat tas terise te erp dot! proredare. I tiat Gag McCssacie wome thlmer aard, tomeoer n etes- ttssalip. miea te gtsng as gellisig pretty ticis os te mater et people tat cald te ttottsded os gioses axetse acres tf dnoelqsed land, te gui a little logue ied fr te Inssatland bigto reterrng le prosapeopleaoa sel acres, wmttc s sees rlppled te reern atith ogiter. C akillie preseted terne ery al- Iactive grapis aM st cisiits fr tee- plaaia tofcerneoft teir pois. Tlrny ere te bitster te lsm's oppsition tetesp tgaldltaet rosai for Mlilton te grembectuea ofth tandger ct efflet fIthe tIna peUtettg te strea. Atterte prosentalios nas ceaplets Il strect mp tdaaed ntnmas bitgoverdned Mmasipf et agapte Irrelevet. Gsiteotiser histetiltlos tedle tln te mtp toftaal presesttionse as mUile nos ose cassap Il masatdtadoaelaie, taie mcmre terne tiege tsI cmtd lave bics more nallpeptetsed wtternem OTise OCiosteunicipal Bard lhas a canvetiet tesdqsaniera os Qeen Si . witt pletp tfpartog tsi taeaderground Cipy Hal garage. t fatn, aller trptig le et tiaogis teie ne of ttearng tsi te message lnte c atrosam al nae metttsg et finter "legaiese"l. Il retd litetOd: Tbian accemmedtias are prevtdcd olelp fr ypar comfrt and con- vetiesce. Yrn wtt! cotfer a taoor I pa wtt! esercîsa te rdtstrp cane est cleas- limass le teir osetal a ebarve ite par oms tere", Te epenimesilot Peilic Wents ta le te cemennted fr cotigep wtt satt tnotip. 4Down[s] in this wih top demna Corner "Tar ar clr reoca s te type et stoe ad t'e tstameoltt a warm clr. perses Ya.are,»sc..amd te teadlise Il gtves te Idea et ire ted eteusiasm. Tise tettile ctegisl mp ee, bicaeul'nc jest iagt a sea car ted for te irt IlmiasnesmpIle l'ya givees ep mp esreial cneative feelings temaod clrr. Up mm e e asla trqoise-wtt a hile mort treen tas bie e Il --amtreatp qiorlp se natienallp I ted te rot watltee sema trp sid tisai car colora teilog abaut paur pesnatlilp. Il seemn acatte malt clre sI car modela ta ied te it par persenai ap tf lit. Tte aticle as prebitlp tie re- mîtit isine ored reporter est as ewmm dt, Siig asthis YPerter ad dreatong il il ep as te est along. Bst mtpbi tise efiten test pei. I as dtapptsited taere ms fno separate disinction for thbi nmnseofturquipsemtatc Coes l'191iave te uile ton tetestofttis aticle'a descrriptieon for grets and ste. t! pasonsa trotsncr, pes're adentr- aus, fresisyn, ai, td vil!,euTa too altdor lite a and 'r flliofte Pioemer mpii!,YTa ejep petple atedYpa tata a likto e malitai. Wnt Bn wabauttatl asre dos't suat moci lite me. I'd go ter teoaidaor lite adenaloisitpeople parts, btloter- ie t tapre t liisg abautsmemese ise !et's me mtaitop binhae te eSp abaut bie car onere: mm . ..-. coserva- Ove (amai"c"),en tempened, elittie, tadttleallp qeiet wtt srtogere bt n- ceedioglp lapai mtfinet, uoaaitp mid- die-e-te-roadera,Iece alinrev. even et in front bti eer loggtog biid, WelitTtidses'i qite sait ce te t iTV' iter, btl t'e dloser tan green. tiaptgt 1at ld ave tet!ned mp finaltm- puotas etd baugi a tise car alte IL. Tiesaine article bissocenfiormatio WhUle atinactsatUelle peopleWmise t prelip tinge est bel tnp temmîves are gnd te lest ti.WhUle duse et distraci frea tie total pei, teretene a pers sLttong ilot mte tan temoern cespicoas, Tisep des'I effet tep definilliosi fr black, brome or eliea. Bt l'Il tel ttep cauld bi Itierettsg, Thn car matuactimeres sp elorpreer- osces rntitescycles. Rtgtngreenioes tf te most poplar, pet laI aller tiesemc- ond orld wam tepcrld'i eli a green car. Il aneme everon as ted op ils ssyttiog cleseip resmmtlisg biati in colo. Boe tepsap, bis nener biet aleader, btits iealmape a otetdentonrlie "mot poplar" tenon. In tepast ltInle etre l'veoned five came -- Ime blo, ose dont green, ose jet blacks and nontie turqoitejob. Fongt- iog te slack,aet taisg tise lrquos as hall bien td bit! treen, I ies paraIud cal me a blet car tanciet more Ibis tep- tioni se. Betten pt me doms as a coomeatio, I gee. PIna . . . . tat'e a emal "e"' .. I'm ite toagispoliticai tratble itaiu gtila myseli deinteiy lbbiued as as aneet os e peltittai part. (eIdes, set aee'e cotomo ili te mvre aîog pliteal Ulimaatel atempt tb it doms ted amses tise campaigo o dte tnd do sonne progoosticatiOt on vie eveolial iee. Anot pa EXCITEI) abaut it?) Ose pariog tisaght -- noomtiait 'on totd pas lio to ldgt ciaacters ovi pran t- qotttaveesbW tise cotoron t teir ctrs, please do't betvdisi tie iiformatton sn- itttp l abaut. At etst, vol ovti pa chsetkails tie car omne te semieter te O tSt IFE made tieselectioo otIte cars coto. Dîd pai ever siidvoad mtetallst of te thioge pa lite ted dlite, love aed tale? l's good liecapp, and if ypa rlrt, prnt! leare sosmettog aotl percett. I lite seeping ted ete sleep 14 taure wittal a tgeoft git. Bel I de'llite goglto ed. Seemo aucta aste oft Ure. Atd I btlegetilog ep, bt 1lite bila attoe te patloette tomas rtce, onee o groped trrnght Ualtirst tearseme teg ot realitp. I lite 1sports, btl et te siectaler vr- lel. I love le fiat 1r qecles, aU alose tln toast ewtmpi le deliver a curling alose rlghtteostte sse: le aot te biset teilles te corser pectetle mate ose crlsgolf aShaIot otree. liest 1wald't glon 20 tests for a tictel le the Wrld tertes or te Grey Cep isa!, 20 years ago Tateo froc theise of tTise Caadite Champion, Jon3194f. Mtobs, tise Cotp Town, tas alratend two 00w biesses, mticliiave tegunnigen- alisig dornthlie pastwmekntMGon Strlient tn te Ntxon Blct, vnet desr te lb. Prin- cees Theatre, tiseWMte alerp opeoed tom bisinss taset Stcirdap, Tisep carry atflt lin tf iastie sod tome eestnd bieg, bides mervtog ligst loncies. A tormer Uitonian, Esmi Woodcoct, bas set et stose croeliieg macieronrovotise Hardy prvpertp abaut a mite ansI ot tults. Ur.Woodcort tas saint Us binss il tbektonsas Milton Crosisen tOton, mtis atie pmnment ice is cupuable of ternantest 2tlonssot eresised ceosefor builtding prposes dstp. Hen lapes tisaI bter permtoenotcaciîerp il te iosaldtui e to came ovte teay cati tom tisaI catertat. Stades of 'Nid lime' polittcet ooissiasm boced est vi seeteeloattie otfieialiooc- tnation ceeting ot candidatestein t aitise TeonHtll, Mitlton, tast Uvndap aterseo. Uaop moos bave crosenthtie sto stece qettons, impromptu speevches, uppasee bsasntd eteais greetont t speater. In taet, pat nomcinations bicace se lame, on seme necios, apeeches W tbe eandidtes atme catent ohf. Sac Hall, sttng membir ted Progressivce Coservatîve candidate for iattoo, tome tis e ntere Irstothtie interuptions tor isotis Lilerti sntC.C.F. supporters. Ai imes be as usaisie lte teard,wmisethtie oaiecto r. C, A. tMar- tin oagenip caitent ion attention. 50 years ago Tutto troc tise ismue ot Thie Cantdie Ciampîo, Jon6, 1018, OTbrtdap tn avitor, a cadet misoleot Uis biarogsand aodut ofetv gasolin itnd ssdeip close tevtte Geelphs soant a Utile emt tfCampbeuiville. Tise oit damage dovewats tise birstinof va motter titre. O Fridty se tostrocive item troc Toronto, adjostent totiserte, got everytia te enter, rose, tnd item aaay. Tise ctdet tev rose. Mbev sabot as titis as te tope ofth îlees hiseme entl bm Is tead. Oe item tto tise top oi atrne. Hic mactine nas meeted, bit te as esters. Gn o UeoetGoenor UcGtttee nid te liead isepricosere in tise tait, te oteal asmbir ion tUis seteon, aet s,-oi t Iem agrata, btl1aItettiesernoa stences on aaitlog triai for aleged ettesees. Us- ferlesaieiy, tiene ta ne stane breaki,sien tep menfrt ertm. OnGonetp apeyempiaped ai astres Garage atiempind te crasis a Ford car. TUas macsneSt ia mort ast te did est teow tai te sarS nas mng, as ti ns. Tisere mss a tLctilte ted hUs arso as trobies bteentheilse cIantd te wmnt. t 1kv ires, vveryttiog tro vonitre iv lare-tire. Thaugt l'm tooe-toîy. t sets- tny lite or. I love teettog 1ln te tact- yard, witt a cold teer, tnd tise bitet eqr- rets tnd te cocty robies. I lite staoleg,,let desplle eletrle razors. I like peace &Md order, bt my todp te a mode! et confsion, and my lite le a mesterplece etofnte, toe!terlad exlernul. I lite te te alose, tet! ht leIeese. I lite mosep, leut il apçeressllp dseso'l lite I lite people, especttlty 0tom muitcur- aie and htor, btl1IdisUelie oos. I de- lest oiolence. bt!I love western mootes te wttct 10 people btle te dost. I lite parades, tep it; I rees, tep tisid; I crnld writteeebokSbtiite ttigaI grass, green;itmaer, raugi or calm, greesi lie, a tnm paragrapise&btiitvas I dosi'. or blet; bittes, cter ses. Bel,apa taonav craltp rmtmed, ai ldti te letdiog ep b aeretig. A POPULAR PASYIMI for pocg tnp pond je a dremiog spot evep day et an vint ep ta tht coostaot aaret for the cent Here poono IsaeceWatoa the ciuiveetot in the miii pond ce 1ev tInerlce t ettht sptttwap. Ceteoo jet Part on Mitten. Rtenotip a octed wit ove 2000 nw fasthte (Staff Phoiq) Ieglection 0q incomp etence Ht WILL SUBANCt 3]C yci . . . . dependog o teeor ot par Tes cap ltWnie'e t scooti swsiocern i Presnt ehlleUc sfinee nginent convertibln, on a Mît- w4/Iasn a promet veticle. nte.ofthte.roaner in is cliotsipdon e s, <juOIfJ <1 t ie i Oad an asenaesja ble luoetd bti e etreflth al csp te is ile ibisV isigiog, se il &spe te. ent meansepas- clm edeetsn.Wtîein v eu ttc wents locat cooots cdt ve ctvsîvg toirtescecie nîveths.Tht ovecot scuocîg wmultacoi PEEKING INTO MILTQN'S pae PAST csný antn c i -- . i. tpoç fcslineop csscooec sconstucton 0e cî ulivgs cît tee genelty pcnpeced toc the tnpeccivc mue Wn ivyn Ihtu onitdoy v in e ne muuei ont lit necer cp ose socl expnsvet tecîbuîts tor sucea ontvg Tht i vceasivg tncgteof nuva- ceions teor indusatot mcins and a fleemtng desire for nec and înntestivg teicurenactivittes eeetd uîetplin ecum- tined t vetîteetrainng proqeama in LOCL SLDIU tit itde BaleteoLeen a tird froc te cfften tta phtoo, vocant tigtscetoot chope thet meature cempe in mts et Ceenocvitin an iftecnnnd tp ave Howant et Campbll»tt- some e t etredr qimn in 196 forOvereas. he laeevetMc'tille 'n vOlt fer ovarsece The tene Jet Mc vilit. tet eeited in Catoitte mten the toco and townshtp merged. Pesomatip Catoitte ted ila ditti- evlies in steUtot! devetepment mittin reneitette mtteand ite (st positle Mit- ton tee ctiepertencentht neemat dit- ttcettie et geect. Te imptp. as Cet- oitle seeme se cepette ot doing, that ltoen iaouttetp incpetle of dettng citt avet dittievitins, stie ttaatongret- epenseneoet enaetmnnt tomerd tht "tig rten nthe ott". It cep te ditticoit tee Cetoitte te renaize it h tee etnoe tv aem friand- atipo cith tste etizens et the ceea ad- jacent te Mliton. Tista teontetftht taetors tonne eut in tht rnpnctnd teot- toge, petitiensaend ettees et ttent. Moset of tht annevettonare esidents etlizentht pessitititp thertesne iii i nceese, pet ttnp taoneoonep tehnd indictetand c oet tonget aittytancente thtMitov eomcoetyt to che lipae sa tirmip oientent. An oorcitntming maîvritt of ttetctiînns art svppvrttng thtappiceatiov for annnoativv chiet mst steoct tînd otfeeordin annexa- tien ttaetngs. Cotteovosip Cetoitie tee no plans tot enp dnontopcnnt in ttte acta. Thise me c cnoctndgnd in the nvtdencen.Antlitvg elivonNo. 5 ttgli- cep issnvpnctnd ta recoin ondtonivpnd and this is togicet tee ricclof the rna. t dons not, toceont. pencivdneecon- abendneotpcnvt eoond Mton citttv thelntseand cepecitîns vt thteevtens chieli cen linpevtcidd Anp ennnetîon cîtt peovode Mton cîtli itschaelteogno bct lin toco lies sotntypropeon o encstenttp thevugli pro- teootnd deps and detetes, tts desin ta goc and ils eepetcittp tn evping cîi tlnh service cqicncnntn Wn r ecniîdenotMitono cttt olion eddittonet tend, opntotytp îtoott uetetdep, btithe ecoot of lthe nd and theten- ent tavwchitt ciflline grantnd esn abe i tls, ins citt the Ontecco Monte.- pet Boerd. Lyvng,îcoovd te s , c-ctom day t se is oppv eaiatînia ek ork c and the h id cnnk o ci e t , cie îoecy soctîc. ace o ceýngcoc ld s,îcnyoneputcio prccaeiand -eni,îcet u e i orseca ooo,îtdcnh, ons iclo adsi Thatet cl d eek of nd lv the cc-e ncorses teclivi loin ccvi yeecs. it cootd ntevd cccv et kvoctndgn oc open nec horizons 0 cvy ep lin end tha etrllaie9 vto stofi ca aenagerett enpovo îiîlîtp bot ce suspnct tbrei stcit cvvc lvfocorne peesoea]t itielo. An ncptopnn cie tot senel appicaetcmmetcoursens cotd uey ent einva eteetposition te cove op tht taddee than tht ont cho meent intnrnsted ce additionai training. iCesitasant os Pan, »S) mest oter ioreige" fotds. Te, mies me goalutle eti, l'malape te gepaiseorders soettong exoe itlie >gged lare or biot sauoage or ciictesimoulin rauge, etly tsi fitd thatI'm eatisg takcd biosp, ram tamn- bing or frted cictes it paprika aprno- Atd et 1 oe swnI!, Tist'sa bil pagel abe pa decide te taon someitig diter- est. Lite teeter igit, Tinstee nt e mtrcitg lnthe cutisie. le tact, te steve tad'l nons tees binsed on. te I ptcised in. Ltelct!. Iptcted tn a cte tf aimos, an tf mshorn samp, ose ot vegetatle amup, ose ot wenersa te bes, Ties i ptctt ten ailthte letievers tsitte refriger- aIent a etnof o!crsed teet, a glet of eteese, taIt t tomat, seme lioe, tas tord-toiled nggs te four limptat aRrdtnsa Il as dlictaas. le tact, Il mas se gotd tha teet oethlie ttmilp cauldo'i biar te desertt mp asterpiece tp eaitg il, etd I ted t tree imes a dp, fer thre dop. Otast. i eves gave Ilt amîe - Ties Brtog Beici. I1lite wmenotnd mes, int ti rder. Womev tectesete'rne t lite mes, and mnbictese tep're set lite vmrn. Ssrrp te sisal lite thai, btl t'otuen. I mildip dtlite doge tnd cals, toe ntd isppctvtdrttca. BHallca peispaithtnm. iteever, mtesi my wtte stariss apisi, "dWhclide pau lite, tise turquoise or tise a&qea?" taiteisrnmust t adifferesil cler, and!1 bigis to eme red, Ste'si ose otiser asiealtprtegtreastts ed te tamue liitercd att mlipapen teos, cler carte and carpet oactes. Ptrmtiip I sent, "Wtp then bu dtdo't pas marrp a patnr?" etd te tile te os. Beiut e's tees Ion, piysIcalip ad! ltlmp prieciples dreqi. I patsted. Atd psitiid Atd emore. Atd grmucted. I stot ep ltoeaeampacttsg lacis tnd cssgisi a cptoard daor corser rigisitite sar. Adthte blod t e nd eontedta mess mtgtty etmiicis I taosi't tetrd sisce World Wtr IL, tn dtd'ot eeftetat fr 20 miaies, biomteg tel ose mord mauld lave molt br, palet toishaistd cte aiute daor. Gi, wmcli, Igessetan celt e peninct. Item, fiet pr l. 100 years ago Taises froc te itseotTise Ca"aIas Champon, bMilen, Jn 4, lOIS, Tise Actes otter Ita apposent tetee natted aI tst GsiFtdtp menng lbit, bitaen ose ant imo o'cloct, te attempi maa mede te rot Camise Hotei. Tise terg- Ian mas deette ntise act ot cmtiet thragis tisemtsdom ted mas etogisi and met oiitontto s tant Uis trial tere. Oe resideas ean Clan's and te caliedChttfond, te oId Crtmean te ras mt Masgot con- doci medo!, Ht toasts ot bitaioseot te "noeble six toodren." Uanyof t r recidense ili lte atonseed te leanc tisaI tientare moives tn Eeqeeasig bit e are creditIp itformndsmcl istatise case. Uasip eteep taon be desinoeent tem, as cao eacIlp te es W ytise pecl- tam manenr invmiscis tiey are btues. Uns- srs. S. icNasgtsos, Turner, Ftsher, Sttnm- art and oties e n losera tn tlitemap. Ttey esgbt bto aon tees tled n the iete, alet iep colav binees trteted, Sttrdtp tise tttIloo iattalios lite ordere lv tie neadp b move est,sant tn te evnotg the Acioo Compteypots et lied est tb gel tetr iavestelia, etc. eudp. Tise membina living In teceantry ere &IlIbragti laie te village lelly tcaotmed nted thene lie te wat for lise signtal to trt ior te fron. Tise greatest esettemeot tas eisled tient tnce Stlrdep, ted mes paurenttormard tb tise Capttio, bieisiot iim toe noletir mames tnd plon tliem arme. Inverti test te et ster tise Companp mas itlentpre- paratorp tob ing hteted over invtyotiser Company tistI map taon resm fortem. A sseripîo as set o onet W tir. tSharpe lv pronide tise Poteers wtt attatin otdercietiiotand $50 ac ralsed Ilot tem moments. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION * l.1oN.NGAN PBiO vINiO.ornTOc 5nrc.eio.c ,ciecOCi 0--i, ic cic ,. ernc .1 Yio i'ic .-ni$700rnn .1g..i..ni o o cý .... d Me ndnes, ù,i.in. A.h nirnO c anna an -1i t1l nn te 000. omnorei.ee.aW.- Aftnn aittint! teogt the mo lainsi dao etlitos cpplicationi fer annee- tio tefone te Octante Municipatlisoand, we are tnt t with on everpoeencg feln- ingt htGoakitte etfictels tav on cccd- ed this tee s apepe end edmictit- ent tp incompetecia. Noce et the agumentls mttttsecte oncen vend teaoubsatitaeleet kite- Trafetgar amagactonctien c tetgne ere nove grneid anp eedecce fer cP- pttction teMltteca pesiiton. ltite nt eccnpted, tornstcace,teat Miten ahoit te gtonan ccp oem even and eon ee s mediaeeeode fer mhteh il migtt pcc inteitgentty. Ttc objectiveofetOctoitiee ic ntaethst Miton atoint te gncnted e (tile ce possitte "in cae iltncoes dangei- ove". TheGoakitte tnsicuatioc titea os es tetog thet Mltit incempeteni te, eept vetîtdeveeepmnnt and nopan- sio. Sfegeende avet as the Ontaeio We- te RsooncenaCommission eqiemecta, wche ee enetcteed setticient iv Oet- oite, re nont qitetigtt enoghttecon- steeto Mitten, it tetmptted. ot coorsen Catoîttea ovewed con- ceen te that Miteo ctt petitete St- tenoMleteCeet etetItemlstnroogh tht town entenemptytot! toto Le Onteeto. Tn eOtvintoepeta cte pro- jettons eod peogocetteettecs te pevon t te ose impossibte fteeMltton te get o btg ctttoot thie tappeng.In fet e popultton of 20,000 wchet teec- knovctdgnd os aceptabein ntht 1960 terng, te voc egereddas nove oton cn 1960 teveuse poo ochvtao in- crease tht dluttofecto. Tht pots tht toce's opper lhottet o popoltonofe 0,000 iv thtepes o ofkotie evc. Mton otortlyp pesntnd notdenoe iv diapeltis iv , notog the engin- neerng possittîtînes btp cheltht toco vold goc Io 20,000 or tvo tht pion- nenîs peojetnd t16,000 tp t1986i ittoot Milton officiets ecsusopet,ar aareot tht pressurens fordevttvp- met hcivdtvcor if tond itegeeet- $uSTRICT Pages of the Past f rteem champion files I ...MMIJ 1