Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Jun 1968, p. 12

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1 - TABLE TOP GREATLY REDUCED 36" x 60" SHEETS 3 9cs 30" x 48"i SHEETS Reg. Prise 55ecaic i.I LISE FOR Counlers, Vanilies, Table Tops, Window Slis, Door Facings, Furnilure and WalIs. Avaiable ite attier lessintis an urnilure intis It Varteus Cotera andi Patterns. This Stock Indes Disconlîsueni Lnes or Slght Imprections ail et this Specal Luw Prce DON'T DELAY -- BUY NOW WE DELIVER LAKEVIEW DISCOUNT Main S. N. Acton "3-1190 12 Tie Canadan Champion, Wedneaday, Jane 5, 1968 OMAH Her grandfathers carrnage transports Saturday bride ByMc. Cecil Pattersea marnces, Mr. and Ms. Bill Bp Loclde Je il axai Mr. Kon Coagratulaiosn an ti ntisi- Mca, Nrman Lewsee cite ctU es te Mr. anti lr. Jhn Aen- oserve thier ltit anienrsii'y dec Dogtas cite"mre marral qletlt. mRi ta S. p&ut'a Unitedi Ciurci,lilt- Mr. anti Mc. Sam oiac tSon an turday Jette 1. Fettec- cempaniel itp secs David, icS tag te ceddleg service teirin- anti Iosatt iRnd allonde te ai Party cern driveS rem te commencementt cecemoos at cherci to le iaecepien halinlea Conoation al, Toronteos tirea anatercarciage dracs Sp Wedsatay, May 129citen thr a landslaea im of talgian taugiter Miss Ma Red e- lirean. celsed ler Bacielr et Arts le Thea iridie castetormer Misa Cassies rem te Uiversity et Loia tard, daegiter of M. and Torento. A gardon party recap- Mc. BruenBird, Milen and ec 00e cwas eld en tae campes toc gine acay carriagc ad becite geduates andt eiir rientis. owed btySpbec cmii granfaterSMis ell plans 10 Incier ec Featr Brownridge of Gongh. studios cilS a year ai Uniersty William aner is te present lu France. Congratlations. awer eofte cacritndtle orses aaid cante driver toc tiis spe- Omagli Ireels ace piasel le cial happy avent. Thte lirdal leare uaI Clffocd Beelp is ce- attendants cern mid of onor alesclflg ai is homec toltociig Miss Jean Wilson, blirdesmaids srgers a iln tonosial. Mc. GaliCrcle and Mc. Ar lacs Baan, test ma euoeectConsgatulaions to M. anti Crner c Cledonla, ssiecs Srs. Petr Stetemnan on ue ica. Waynea icitets adonand Dmt- recentls of iliir daocittnc Jlie. Mr. anti Ms. Dugas ciii EBENEZER caitie ai Caledenia. Mc. MiitaeliJons, Fmrtlv Nurse in India Lite, enrlanedaiotool3liriend a a edseellaencas siteer eti he hm o unayeennJueguest speaker Marialtartnett o osnilie will Bp Ms. iR. MLean itaceme te brdbetfTom Jetes, andt Lina on Jsoe 29. Miss Miss Louise lco, R.N., a Hantt receiel manyieautiflurse te Iniiafor anucmier on ahdomefol itis mc ec ee ears, cas the special speaker itee, occlili it eeresed ai Eeneer. Sie cas dresse, ler apnreciaiin. Games cern in a îeveîp mauve sit srt. ptayed, clloed Sp a datnt lunch tTieceliase ieon Chirstianmis- arved Sp te hnssi;sand ssi s- siens tocte i00 million Indians ati SplMc. Dan Jones., toc 90 vears. Eicittv-flve pvr Congraulaions 10 Miss Marg- cent othIem are Bled. te King en Soc graduation remn Teronton Gesecet Bosptal Sciteci Tiere are 50 congregatîone of Nursing. ln the ciuchcit cni. The Congratlaions te Mc.-aeti curccilteSlt India Is sîceng Mc. Angele Tonelli wcite ene- andt groin. hany sciteols are rattieir tlcnny-lfit ceding ccocded. Tite Mint-led Boarc sanelversary on Jsse 1. A tam- of Eamîners an international Ils parts cas St e lditeir Sonr gcmup, Is cortdeg te alse the at Beyan Cntre. ttus et ymng me anit en ,Congratlations sod al gond Griduate scitoots teac nutiion dihs te M. anti Mc. Kenctit auti puitliealt. "Gent cocitl GOltea ofPaerm site sili oi- an 1 cori." anrve titir 4ltitcnidieg si- erssycsnune B. The Indue goerent Is non A cate or 15e et mumps as nn lsftarISth ise ear pli. ltean reported ntetedistrict loin Tiece is ndesre toc soi-muf attaire ding e el. cenecy andthie sog people aiE Sncece spapabl sennxendeit talle gup te lasi, tilitct e h ltute Deati anis o Oe pas- cd lite mss e an epresstona ln ofAriSur Sr.lie is sommientfiBslite. Sp hia it, a sec Arthur anti a On Tuesitay esestng, a mmli dagttaef Port Credit, aIse nI rienits gatitere t le tiecr Je& anecai graundehiddrea. Asnetaclep, a June iride-elect Friands in ts district cern Contets andt a sleg-seng ser saidaene to tearetai Mss Mil- enoed. Sanra soitLanri irent Olcp cdf Milnnt dps- Earlp sang a dot, as dit Mif eti acas anntentp oneFrlntey. cessrandsitJoy. Jean Ann Bpmpatitp laetendent ec Seti- cao pesee thcilSwoiv arsanaxai stners ilte irSosrre. ctarst edmgue aS Bicltdy groetng ont eMiss wcincitsiteepressoit leecappric Betty Larence, Ms. T. tnou, lîne. Jntip Jates, Ease Lanl,Beetl- ar ves and Allan Kiersea. nîncece sympet iseeprente Congratulattios le te toles- le te relatises soit rienitsi lac ceitbraing cending anniver- Jan Malien; aine te lirs. hi saies, Mr. anai Mc. IcS Bec- Aniersons's mstty rienits,a an Je 3, Mir. andi Mrs. Cliflerd le Ms. Iurray Sassed, nti tanns Jue 4 , Mr. enMrs.SReb- iett et ler mouer, lirs. HBe er Croslr, Juse 8 (l ears men. LOWLUx Honor Rev. E.* Baskier 25 years minister Sp Srs. A. R. Couler Pano nmmlacs Johne Beyer, Wvndy Coulson, FrIs McAvlla, An impressise sii depicOing Marie, Sari and Jane Oye, unit Mand searchSOe tor Gentin a an eccordien seincttoe byShoelley sertit et ale, tear, pre5ndicen Sallasno cern att sory mecS ap- soi jaalmusp cas perdrmeti Sp preclaitd Sp Oe "toti-Smse" Oe edernece unit ofthlie Les- audience, as cern the slits pre- vIll SelentCitocitWemeal e tntaibth Oe ltermediata nlasa sprint getralmeetingtlastsneit. sanaSpyMa. .neyerYut Thee Mp tuntherccas "Love"' taaneBa rns soitoler eln as sitoco lpssangesefSoritire OcmpBesand Nprseitumonte, ea rmB te lctrn 1Inteacm MsentNgcaprias i'oi h Centre Sp Srs. .E. armpanlen th ieir gniarsand Basitier. Mrs. George Cecisen uoMiele. This grmup Is rom- rarrien te main vocal snt prisent of Maielina Bakiter, a speaiin parts, essistait Sp the Belan and Gee Peer,Annnem. I- Ymlt Gcmp Bandt onteir guiars sues, Shelley Nailses, SteplienI and uketeles. Mrs. tarntgn Gun- GunSp and thercoont Canisen.I S, Mrs. N. Leegin, Mc. F.O. Ciurcli ctet classes tieglit andt M. RoyT Gnter porîraed ati Ber, Mms. C. McCncmlitk, selces oethîe e rtit-Mrs. IL taper anti Osen Peer Mrs. George ScCorelacit in- aise sang citrai nmmlars, Mrs. Irentuceit thec gensi speaker, . J, . Daly actent as accotepanint. B. James et Buliegtont,cto gave Ses. E. E. Benier spoeM a tes dm55s on "WtOs antiExistaes." Mc. D. Oclles, leader of te Bn clalmeithlie moDsl importan Junior Coir andt lrs. George adice lin catit gise cas toe MCaulnnn, pianit, ieserveit greal one andtnaSee acwliigel e-. credit tor the ladershitplae Ti prt antsce, Oienn M sore teme gistng te tiis grmup cd tatlet R cas soeone et respoesitlis ymngter. Tiey cern assIstait s nimedIn lexeecule Oe conents. oneFritep nigitl Sp M. Peler lrs. Reg Canisn etoMit litm Gaes.lirs. A, B. Cecisen, ind en Mitait et ait preseni. Mrs. R. Beyer, cemmite toc lirs. G. Maimstrnm presidedth Oe social limr wducS tolloeei foc a tes items of business nid the concert. il 505 iecitei totecaler te tht C.N.L.B. picels ai Loovitin Par in Jun antol a cedding i a Thte ovening unit sersnd e lifehensadte grmup vseee a diapiay nI seslng ituna fer ire w» S on ite Fanlig Cillireits Home Ite Hong Kong. tu d vso OnStnaiesa gi t f25ced ,s roses cas presenle to le Se. anda i I diitn't laie long fer ceai SMms. .. askiere. symtlircdf estate rnpcnsenatve Daidlieai a imller nmar of pemrs te te fini t miEqiesle Coctl's the miniscy of Oe UniitdCiurcc reaclien te a proposentmie- is f Canada. On Junen2, 193, division wiSe intng distance Se es. Ernent . Basier w55 of5e t telnsiip's offices. entanent le Grace Citrcl, Wn- Coicittrs mutlnedithue steps ce npog, andithle Lecsie-Zlmmer- Oe suliiivlder coltiave te laSe rd manpastoral Cierge is Ss first te ut 1 0 or 0 lhomes on the IL erral appelintneel. In thie tatiay "i«od Cleasell tnrm Sel mante il le mornng services, Mr. SasIner clear tywmlddnotinelgteep n. siaren hth~~le tocoegrngatoes Implamefli île Idua. onmany ancites ant i tgllightis. Seeve George Currie saithie soh soit elanitterise, oer tetoctishilp cas nt iteresltei hi year perlen. Be sommeit up aidtiotesubsoiiiton. easmT? te tliS Spsaytng taI lieieas The pubietIrsich i ml caleca Dw u thOallie proilems efthOe op 10 mîllis tIls ear. More a. itemin lieel remain Oesaime, hiomes meant more chilitren - f- and tesolution, toilai in teeandtmore scitools. iteit-nere loIs cilS reits, parS andt a centrai saencsystem. Clecit K. c. Lindsy notei thOe central saler sclseme seclit M appresei Sp lte O.W.SC. bt sien sçerallng nermitiy lte toWnSip must lakit loser and operaeeIl as e uiililY MIer Beallhit sI ppcosel seciti M Mr. Seat seitlits fuecien cas onxytp lefini tthi Oemartien anti lie seclit peso Ilon. --Tite 5011 ConsersvationSon- ciels ef America is planning e tour ef ternsisn Ballen Cmunly on June l15. IF YOU. HAVE COVERAGlE 7' os an y et these ev Prescriptions, etc. e oVA. @ BLUE CROSS 0 GREEN SHIELO OR WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION W. forward accounts direct every montb MILTON PHARMACYn 246 Mais S. Mlon r.. Delivery on Prescriptions, Drugs, etc. PHONE 878-2343 At your local trust Company - increaue pur interest bicone! GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 71/e/o 7% for 4 & 5 Ysarsfo2&3 er 6Y4% for 1 Year cltercst paid half.ynely by cheque or il cas be deposited to your Savisgs Accoune? 252 Mais Sreet - 878-2834t [ Donald Smith, Manager Lorre likuce, Special Representative mLOCAL DIRECTOR: Dr. Carl Marin, Vice-Presdent NORTH MALTON ADVISORY BOARD Michael Ledwith, Lorne Skuce, John Goy, Dr. B. D. Young CONVENIENT OFFICE HOURS Mos.- Thurs. 9.00 - 500 - Fridays 'tii 6.00 HALTON& PEEL TRUST &SAVUNos COMPANY Head Office: Oakville OTHER OFFICES SRMdPTON, BURLINGTON, b»tCOE, DELHI, COOKSVILLE, GEORGETOWN, DUNDAS Total Asseta under Member Canada Deposit Administrationl exceed $82,000,000 Insuranea Corporation EVERYONE WELCOME MEET YOUR CANDIDATES FOR HALTON RIDUNG MURRAY KERNIGMAN PETER K. McWILLIAMS RUD WITING N.D.P. Progressive Conservative LiWeal AT THE MARTIN STREET SCHOOL MILTON WEDNESDAY, JUNE l2th AT 8 P.M. I The Three Federal Candidates WiliI Speck Briefly on Behaif of Their Parties and Answer Questions From the Audience This Meeting is Speesarent by THE UNIVERSITY WOMEN'S CLUB 0F MILTON AND DISTRICT UNDER THE CHAIRMANSHIP 0F MRS. F. D. THOMPSON, Moderator For the Promotion of a Widr Knowledge of the Issues to, b. Voted Upon June 25. PREPARE TO CAST YOUR VOTE WISELY THE ANNUAI. MAY CROWNING CEREMONY mas hld inle oy ______________________ tosary Chuech one Wedsesday eveisog, oit chiîdren treni the schenî paricipoist. The childreesisclnded Marînne Poirier ANNOUNCIMENT oe crowved thie satue et The lessed Virgis, flownr girls Anne Clarkie, Mry Lyse Thormas, Doaatyav, Lena Lauricelîn, A Crystal Chuchueoh, Lancie Anse Mcivinis. Letitia Nadalin, . T. MOORE WISMES TO ANNOUNCE THAT, ALTHOUGM Dela Wrght, Sua Geisi, Jbas Corradelli, Lieda Lasngdyli.HEl S RETIRINO AS SECRETARY - TREASURER 0F TME Maurees Bradley; and Phillipe Leckie wlie placedt he flemers, MALTON MUTUAL IRE INSURANCE CO. ME WILL Claudie Zulias vuhe rectedthre oct of cossecraies, tîewer CONrTINUE TO CARRY ON IS GENERAL INSURANCE carrier Allas King, ant atedants Dassv Michelson and Seven BUSINESS AS BEFORE PROM IS RESIDENCE Power. 15taf Phote)lIN CAMPBELLVILLE. _________854-2271 1 1 1 R eadng on the lte dangers rallier listei days ofdelàt dlrertly te coxasaalttel tal le cra MtlIte'. de, togical atm pruttital an Tb ta of canuru dividai asi allier xsaatc blant aynt i diveM p et lu ln 1963 Glaartng Taronto llu fine engin&e sed aditsi of canran r liera ci tlie Iteacinga c lingen t tin CTitere le anC duil procei won teIh tlanally. Y thik an t pecnOt'yo te a rerani Tti ma conseritg ne tus elois Ig granalina story esa yanr para Ilmans modeml i etf1nie., suit ci an day, s1111 Il att sp writer ha I cad disttntir Guest 1t artlcle's If yan ous, Ire: eutdmor 1 Wewl fle axai wIse tae Le's loncar Oive (Smn traditioin ceeintgl de-o-tI lin ront Weill tdayita 1 pulses 1 The à &bou.' prescnt Redt t laughini LOC camI in Il eGel, iii ealys M ite -me. Of Tite Junior Coir andthOe Yect Gocmp bnt reniereitappreprlaln er mustcai mmlara. an " Meledies toc Ma" cas Oe t teme ginen te tIls ears' sprlnc e concer, enecatly presonieti Sp le mnmlars et Loitie Unied Ciurcit Junior Choir andithOe r. Ciurcli cOil.rmup nmmlrt nil once pectormen Sp te Junior tor Chior, "Becrnai Thou Art:"; ., Up * p andt Asas"; "Unlceýre, "ThianSYm Very MurS"; anit -'Tel me Oe sînins et Jesu."

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