Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Jun 1968, p. 11

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Rev. Robrt W . Foster Tise Casadian Champion, Wedeesday, Jus. 5, 1968 ~ new rector at Grace »W 5LÇWIbuet rautais RernRoetW. Fate, tOi quoi ttollpîike ali. a former retidanti etRaitltia, nea vatas n erleutiambn r e ar K e s fo bu y um r vas reoently appoiinoter i t i Lwak Tssp fSkol Board r p e K ls fo bu y um r Mlteist Grise Asglican Currk, asd pretidesi f the Lincoln Tbe staffia Is et ese days, tios viS bo operated on Gles - every losrurtor lbas bathi Sors is Behtenglowculipbe i- rCthep 19g7r8ier moutelnesiprepartof the 350-acre Kels Eden Lake by CorbotSportof National Lfeuard andRed Cros tSoedonte rin gto Beach Pu ll foi1l0tonrerm, urs7is Coservation Arva complox nmac Gonds o avilte, addvr v ho lvstcnntvr's - the higbvnt quai- Sobol n be orisgoO eali iii10hIlonloced isres-Millton Heights toc obat may la already populu.r fsbivg and iications in Canada". Twntlay- antd a Hamilton hs ols be- 11tios. ils beiest sommer seaso. swelmsds attractios o nielabe. grassd leaders supervse Oie fare gting is vork for the Inter. Rev. Foster alto Ruitinsa 2,6 i nibsseesM.Dbe iaIa sstaicnirsOmniilemrig mnatilHavesier Comipany la bees IsereStianti soosberis iled25 K00so Is19nd f tn aes M.tm elnti ose-intif fe t lothln ARe oUfhte aina i ie B ami.In the Matsoir Lodgs. veàagel n 190,000 e teroho a ve bossnaU-h. fit is. elie& Aol ield oues0ffesm l.sg Folsvsg10perai ntlo- is vife ta Oie fermer Beiiy- nomal lindy. Si veek. Tine record calcin a local gmasp f lifeguards for meti tre be eoueed RresJeas Townskeiti, diter ci tino Werner Delimel bat benired wtt a trait, rangint bplHarvey thOilcreaisî seedîniftie swtm- Hp Me. Ceci Patersos Thne recent Oeli Paras Sweep- stikes kad suveral wtonesin1 is ditrict. Alelogrim, David isep anti Fred Worinmas tere oderi f lorky iabes,tndt&I retved suts of tieakblives. latctoniist. Drsmquls Fel, omed atid rted kp William iacley aid r. Shirley uledgelaOihe local il Para Service Agnt. Cogrtulatonssle Miss Jaset coutple as ber rceetigranit- os icone Toronto Ganerai Res- tai Sholof iNursig, aise 1n ss Steilagli Lynrch, fomerly hila district, a graduate frot e ganseciti. The orth TraaIgar limeles Id iliete veeklp meeting 1n ercspW. Merry Sfelios Ma- p Map 27 ai viiclidntimeOi emieeteictised Oe kut- . Nearly40pertssenoyed es ei volleyislU, cesideco stick al. The ladysiaplalas e Mc. Mary Hase Wingflel, tir. Glana Map anti rs. Mary Pospir. Congratuations 10 e usbandis ntning ail Ihe Ipeiai avarda vere gies te membon ferrliat veigiuI sera in bries: Category ome, c. Otina Re; salegory tw, t. Wlsie Woid; rategory ee, Mes& Jodp Finie. Tiese eeplestof Bkie Maniais tery. Ms. Danna Jans peuolted certificateof menit to Mc. eve, te plysiliasorurler ore Oeclii, luapaciaies if r vorl. Te serilisale lui o baaitfllp lbaid engcaned MissaiMoiaJnes. Te mm ts easli eseised as isard foc nmpleting te csanad a rer. WATCH OUR jWINDOWS FOR SPECIALS -AT best End MEAT MARKET Lot Us PERSONALLY Fi11 Your FREEZER with Sidai and Quartera of '-BEEF- - Caed Maaday Opta Ail Day Wedesaday Thur. and Frlday elÇ Piture Red kand 11» Serveheait EnSoSd, TY- W. CHARLTON, Prop. ord of Oeir caritevement, pre- uented lip Ms. Fine. A tbuffet luosbesn was enjoped liy ail. A leter of ipprciallsn was lu bo ueni 10 alville Rer- reaios Board aid toJobnKsbzee principal of Meccp Orbool, fsr is so-speritio 5dmtie club. Tbeheibas iboogl enjsyed thOe social eening aid aiggested Ibat vinstbep club resemes in Oe fait Ihe meaboct plan in in' vite Oe. The past 10 meeois ase pcsved aosti airsestiol, lep ave pro- vlded soial addlteidlpenetningi aid a chanre 10 gel btter asqoited. Al membrs feel leter aid ave losti seigb, aid are eagerlp lesidng formard 10 fat alienlthe chaseaiesme. Cograulations tstbe orgijt- ers for maling Oe club possible soit foc Il the eoecgp aid zeal In malilng il von mad be ortc- welle. eîcty cograbilaioni aid bai vwise s for maaopmoeears 10 M. aid Mss Ralpin Rte, wbo relelicated Ieir Ot aniersry as Uap 2l. Ms. Tom Rtppos aid Mc. Veie Bradlep vsited iOuspati weel i alOiMr. aid Ms. Fred Slecvood aid faidly ai Peffer- liv, andd lto wmttbMr. aid rs. Harold Fotise aid familp a ewmmeriet. Congraultionsu 1 Mc. EdiOi OSmih vobiLaievedbher ai' elor ofSciense degee is nursing 1 Icom e OiUniverstyipof Toonto, > anti bai been appointed asitast direrior il te Rocthn Yrk Ges-n eral Hopital, Toroto. krs.C Smirommesred er 500 sockil a fev veelis ago.b Mrs. Veroira teetbroqin fb MliFoii fnt the bolidiyv weebend wmttbMc. Iin OScmiOi and Mr. anikis eeri bbet el aid baby Critinue0ffOSudbry vlsted ai Oe smone bome-wli 9 Iele moer. Hald Walace of Fairfax. Vermont t isiting wtO bis-. ratsios M. aid Mc. Leslieu Rutledge anid famly, inti nLie.1 BicOiday greetiogi 10 Nancyi Cursu, Sobbp ttcewbcoe,Diana I Repre, Serry Deinig,ElizabeOi Hall, Lawecne Jonstio, Raidy1 Nemo, Larcy Grave s, Peter' Hall, Debrab Vas De Pol, Aita1 Allen aid Mc. Leslie Rutledge.1 Congratulations aid boni ises 10 the follomlsg celebrt- log wedding aniectartes, M. anti krs. Ccalg Ropre os Juse 7, anti M. and Mrs. Delbet Dwns, 40 ears marrled as Juse i. Seven homes assagimepa Zsnng admits- tralor O.W. Savage reports build- ing peris forc cesticncttsnnltb a total salue f $126,205 ers tpplied fr wiOds inte tsoship dilg May. Thnestrucuries, torbidisi uev- en nev ce idences, Ioresident- laI iddtions aid as accessncp bildng bcbng Oe 1910 btai 10 9 505,550, rompaing alOi lati ' earls tally i i ime f t 640,000. Rovembor 3000fthOine me er ke vas made a pniestaloi ap- ptinted rertor of Si. JonstAng- liras Cbrrb, Wlsoa, movlsg tle St. John's Anglcas chrerl, Jor- das Oree ears lhier. Ris ix ears is Iat areavwere People parade tempts Bobby ta. "butt" in UsIes llisslae0f fedecal elertios candidates is rsstid' tced, Rasinful iobb teOieais ait bocome Oie moet sooflit aller relebrtp InHalisorolny. In fart, ibis is preciuelp Oie problem. Tbis teeekeid, pecole from ail oser Halles swarmed 10 RaillIe- sabe Point, "Ose home sebere Oie beffals oaim,' aid dlimbod iside Oie feoces In gel clouer 10 Oie animais. A gresp of vsitors, sumberlsg more Oias 30, mece observed by Conservation Autistafltf on Sisday au lbep malbod viOls inte beffalo compound. Resesrces Manager David Murray said "Oie Autoirity Is very roncrced Ibal people are igescîi Ibte tiges and enierlng Oie compound in order 10 gel a botter lobk. Pesplecas'lu emrnto gel usud 10nlssinng atthe animais In as aildoor sulting.11 "'And alflesgb Oie animais are sot vlctess, pas bave tu remee-1 bar tbey are wild animais, anoi uider crn onitilos Oey mifint allacin. We wilibavelsoes- force tbe "Ns Admdttancrel cules in order topcnlert people, atey arenIt beno seyed."1 At preseut, Thne RarsesSecor- hpy Agenrypatrolsateatlesane. The advesbirero tsmebsm man- aged tu îvoid Oiese poliremens notice. CORDC holds annual meeting Ceocîlior Urs. AaskirArtbes allended thne asesal meeting ci tbe Central Ontario RegliilDe- velopment Cesoril as Raisaga- weysscepreuoitaiive Thorsa&) eveoisg 0f lIsI eek. Thne meel. lng ai tbe Houp iPti ntLodge, Maple, vas cbticed by Adto, mayor Les Duby, eurreot CORDC cinairmas SoOi Mrs. MacArthur and Mc, Duby bave been cenamed 10O th bosard of dircrssfoc asoibei lerm. Cbarles MacArthnur attende% welli Ms vîfe, andti Iece vere 1h preuent frose Acios. Osly Adtos and Rassagavepa 1n Ohs ist rict borame membori fio CGRDC for 1968. Millen Caundi belonged ini 1967, as tbe ili-time aiPerintendent. A recceation graduate and quali- lied ski lostructor, he la worldng te isfuse sese ideas linoKelso operations. A cisse asd roseboat ronces- TR.ad Wdd" theme ut Sutunfuy Cber. Saturday, Juse 8, Rattiessake Point Coservation Ares sel echo witb the esctted sinsts cf 450 8-lfpesr-old boys. Mem- bers ni 30 abville Cub Packs, tbe ymung smeters seul attend the day-lesg snnai prlsg Cub- Omeslng's District Commis- tisser, Hrold Adamsoo of ak- RE.R .FOSIER ville, sRld the Cubree tsia once BEy. . W*yearly event of tbe Okvlle titi distrirti omsting association Rit. Rev. W. A. Towseed of wbtr, be remembeced, be blm- London, Otaro. self used 10 attend asa boy! Bsltbp Toeoosbssd preacbed in Accomtseoled asd aipervtsed Grare Cbrrb 5onRsaday. by teir pacb leaders, tbe rube Tbelr iasntly torludes suvn- selU rompete focaCubreeprtte. yeac-old Brenda Jean, ose anti Thts wll be zarded 10 tbe park ose-balf-year-old Barbara Jase eblrb accumulates tbe masti asd arias Rbert. brs etgbt points tbrougbest te day'sarliv- weeks ais is Mille. itdes. Rev. Fosters indution rere- Alto, sncb cub park in tl dres mosy ta tetatlvely plaosed for is merbers ts rostumes 10 rep- Juse 20, altksughboficiral cOs- rosent a country. Tbslslobeep- filmato f tbe date by rburrb ig wthtbhIe "Round tbe World atborttes bas sot bees made. Teme"l of tbe atlng. N* s ý Jase Mofîrbers, Ovtm Di- rerior, lt vlsltisg Gainville anti Milton Sools discustsigOie tester safety prsiram ai Kelso pool. Red Cross lessossoll bo tiogltithOree, tbree-week ses- sisosstarlls6 Julp 2, July 22, aid August 12. Tie rbildres are bessed in from poinss&a1 over sorOiernOGakrelle and Miltos. A Carlisle-Kllbrldeati CampboOlvlle-Srsekville rounte mut bo added, Miss kicEacbern saps, If Oie demaid Is great eogb 10 warrant IL Obe added "We bave some of Oie most qualified staff inOntario Public summodgou art are: 1:00 p.m. - 8:W p.m., weeindays, 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. weekesds asd bolidays. Officiais bope isinave the Kelso pool open 1tinshepublic aboI Juse 15. Two frlesds were basi luschn iogeOisc. To oes disguoi, Oie otber belped imneif tu tbe larg- or porionson the ploie. 'Fise massers ysu bave,' stid is frlend. IfI bad bees losr plane, 1 vesld lavelain e b smaller porio.» 'teel,'sas Oie ansser, 'pas gutiil!» before you become upset over another messy defrosting job. or tackle ariother sticking ice tray, or pry apart packs of iced-up frozen food, or become frustrated over the lack of storage space and endless trips to the store, see the new 'NO-FROST refrigerator-freezers now on display al your local appliance dealers. They're bigger, better, never frost-up and never require defrosting . . ever your hydro YOUR AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR- FREEZER DEALERS RICHARDSOWS RADIO & TV 201 MAIN ST. MILTON Phone 878-6949 CHASE'S HOME APPLIANCES 181 Mill St. UNITED CO-OPERATtVES O. FONAI Brate. S., Mlle., 878-2391 C~ HARDWARE & APPUANCS DON MERRITTe Autorized Owner-DeuI.r Buy on Easy Budget Termi 136 Main St., Milon 878-4011 IDRUMOUIN srttes wiad op curse hobbies attend &bd meet P OP WILL BE P LEASED AS PRESENT THAT'S 0 WRST WATCH Pu~chased 1EECTRIC SHAVERS1 P rh df rom "e. . edaayar DAD'S DAY IS SUNDAY, JUNE 16 L 184 Mate S. Milan mu Som EUL OF THE5 ton Roui ,bourd t!i ÎTRY le Crisp LERY 25C 651b .551b lices p 95c et. 3G VIff MIXED C K LE S Jar - Reg. 89c 165C Tiau Rg 69C BAS 49c DaOO 878-445 .-k** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** ** *-k. zRmmý .-J - 1

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