No Longer Needed Items SeUl Quickly In The Want Ads ut8 T r. 5w Axe Ti Ia c fi Ce i bi bl ILI pi BIRTHS ATKINSON - At Ltombe Dis- trict Hopital. Aberta on SuBn-a da,, May 26, 1968,iDoald, i Dtv n.Atk,5 o, adaughlt-r, 8 ý bb__1o.Frstgraoddaughterc fotr Ry and Eteanot- Coulter. EffARA -A-r. and Mrs. PeterF Burt-o fnet Bssett) of 421s Pear St. Mltn, are peased tu announce the birtb ot theirs dughter. Christina Dlane,S weih 0 ltftb3Jîs., aiMiton v Ditrct Hospital on May 27, r 1968.1 FUNK - Mr.and Mrs. Haroldc Funtk (ner Bridgman)of ilMit- toi aotther honey, Kimtter-n ]y Anne weight 7 bs.7 ozi., ail Miltton Distritt Hosptal on Maya 25, f968. A 515er lot- Cyndy. v MAY -Mr. and Ms. Cat-tMayh i,htoIoanoutnce the birth ofl thi son05, Stoett Cari, teight1 8 li., aiOakîtte -Ttafalgart- Mornt oiHopital un May 14. 968. A rothot- for Poriota and McPHIAL - Ron antd Wfla2tt McPhaii,(net Mskttt f cl22 Ontaro Si. Miltnat-e pfeased t nonehte bitth of theira daughter, Rhoevda Rut, neights 6 fA., 5 005. at Mitont Ditrictn Hositl on May 24, 1968. A sis-a ter tor Marlyn. WLLth -Mt- and Mt-. Ronald, E. Willis (nec Wrght) ot 37 McCtanty St., akittit.Ont.,t ar pltaîed to a11000000the e birttAtf ther daughter, eîght, 7 tA. 2oes, at Miltton DitrictV Hoital on Sunday, May 26,h 1968.p COMING MARRIAGES NYHOLT- INGLIS - Mr. anid Mrs.Dulatgfîis tgfîs tht forthcoming matragt o theto daoghter, Botit Marie, io Mr. Brînd fBtnf Nytolt,t to f Mr. ad Mrs. Reinke1 Nyhoft. Gueph, Ont The wed-c dng Io t.kt place Jttne 22, 1968P ai Si. Daid , Ptebytetian chorch. Crpbffîttfe, Ont. TAZIAR- THOMSON - Mr.à and Mrs. Maurice Coulson 128 Onario St. N., MitiolI, o.. ntiotctthe lorthcinting mor-t Elizabeth Thoms&n, toAMr. An- thitty Tozior, son o Mr. ondf Mts. Jseph Taziar, RAR.1, Freel-c ton, Ont. The weddstg 1tuoke place Jane 29, 1968, 3 p.m.,ai Lntt-nffe Unted chut-il. MARRIAGES COLBECK -FITZPATRICK- ,Mr and Mrs. Eat-f Fitzpattitk Dnonetht ain.tttge o their daughter, Mariann, tu Mr. Ro- bt Thomas Cofrîk, ion o Mr and Mrs. Gent Cateîk Ml- tin, on May 24, f968, at St. Paît s tUnited o oit-h mitti Rev. C. Hainet- ii.atfng. DOLBEL - BEN'NETT - Mr. and Mrs Arfhur Bennett atr pftasod t o announce the mot-- riage otheir daught.or, Brenda At-eetttt, Mr Stuart Wiliam DobtI, son of Mrs. A DifAcI and the tate Mr A. Dîfhtf on May 18, 1968, ai St. Gortg's Angican chît-c , Lnwiitft, Ont. CMOS 0OF THANKS I sish ta tho11k my neighbors onJohn St. for the beaulifla ov,îlrftîst o Ome during c4-206i4 (Mis. JohnTur-noer. I îiotd lisete10 ha11k Dr. Hanter, Dr. Legate, nuerses and saff for tbetr k ndnssnbontn hon me durfng my relent 5117 in Milto itstrctlHospital. Specl tatksluoailmylrieflds sho mode phne îatts. visiled meand sent ttiiuet-s and crds. C4-1950 Hatet Mounlain. t iîsh îo thank al]my ftiends, neigt.ors aid retits for the icrds, visits, ftintets and thor ittms miîh I1teeiicd nthîto Itias a patient At Milton1 hispitlf Speciltthanks 10oItl the nurses atd staff, Dr. Aik- enhead, tigole and Rotontski. Thanks imAi hhetped in amy îlhîî to ou iios s. b4-2016 'Mary Stokes. I i outd ik tuh iffer 017 thoeh ,,îand appreoitalin to Con- stable Poetsuonondu16te mony frtnds ami fretatives mho elp- cd me inmyt-ecent actident, also tht mony doclirs andit- sepot-clarîf Dt-. Bhatl. mo made my itay as îîmforlobte s posibtle rt Joseph Brant Morial Hospitlt Burlinglosi. c42054 Donald J. Haggut. -6urdeepest apptiiaotuol1 the mony people wooî messag- es atnd acts ol cnslation met-e such a comfot tus in ot-105ss. Wt mouId ike esptoîîllyty 1 uy hîsîmiuchiietoasure the en- pressions and als of tribute f rît lan's lssmnats and tt-edi DOur hanks th Dr. Atk- enbtad, Rei. Mr. Niholson and Mr. McKersie. Vet-y snerlî, PForence and Mit-loy Mahol. c4-1990 The lîmiyfytltle Mabel M. Hufîmon uiîh t ei rs ther sincere thans toreat10 s lt-fends and ntighbirs tir tbeir lot di, tlt-altrtîbutes andex prssins of sîmpalhy durng îbcrt-ocenl sard ercoiemenî. Spcat thoihi 10 the nurses and itlttif1Hattîn Cenlenniat Mnttt-hîoî,o ihnd ,lober mhîtt thre. Sfio thMaNab anid Son Fuiorat ChaptIlfot- thete knd cînsiderotisi. c4-20110 Mi ymciethtbnks . 10I 17 friendsntbî sent suîb lonely cards, ftomtrs and gillu anid visited me mite I mou in bos- pitat and lot- tvet-y kindness lu my tube. A speiial tanks o Reî. R. W. Pister, Canon Mason and Arcdeotii Powel lot- ter knd visiti, also 110 Dr. Syet-. Dr. Legale and the kind nurses-ioslMlon District Hos- pital. Mi gralofut thaeks. c4-1993 Cill Bealy. N MEMORIAMS HAMILTON- In loîing mem- îryuoadear moîher ond grandmîlber, Eiabeth, ntho passed alcof May 30, 1967. We mention yoot- name, Aid speak of you ollen. Gîd btîîs yîu, dtar ntîer, Yîî 0are net logotteî. Eiert-ememeredby Muriel, lue, Gin aid Matg. c4-98' HAILTON htîtn rty of a dar sîitr and un t N MEMORIAMS McCAY -In loving memory of a der lather. Haruld McCay, tibi pîsîed aîsay May 28. 1966. Ahalwoîuld I gie tu ofasp is hond, [lits happy face te sc Tobheothisvoceoand sehis Tatneantso muchltame. Te say tine heotsoatlsoroms, And hrlps us îo lot-gel, But thîs so fr bas only prîîed, Hum mach me miss hlm pet. God g ave us slrenglh ta ighî il, And courage tohbearthe btom, But whal il meani 1tooepou, No osie i lt-net- kso. Please God, tllke a message. To ms lather in heavesi above. Toit hlm hont much wemeiss0 And giîe hînt attl ot love. Lîvirgty remnembered, dougb-1 ter boan anid son nI-ant Bill, c4-1989 COMINO EVENTS Bngo gomes ene-y otdoy aI 8 pm., HolyERosaryPaîsh Hall, Milt os. 3-1916-tf Puobre, Brdge & Fun Nighl. Salorday, lune 8, 8.30 p.m. Ad- misomn50c. Ladts pro- vide. c441948 Bahai Fireside to be at ad's Restaur-ant, Campbelîilfe, Wed- nesday, lune . 8 p.m. Mot-y Lumon sltf discuss "Prophecy. Eiet-yosecot-diolty inviled. c4-2009 You ail cote 10 the "Tro for India" and Rummoge Sale. spon îîred by 'Hot-sbp 4-H Ationee- tes in the Horeby Orasige Hall, Salut-day. lusie 1, fromt 2 o 4. c-4-2568 The Miltont aid Disrct Univ- ersity Wimtn's Club milI hold ils annuol mtetig aI 16e Mo- hawk Inn on Thursday, Josie 6. Members wifI meet aI 6.45 lot- disnet- aI 7.30 p.m. c4-1985 Carniage House Bal10 o u gurlle nentbuilding, Salton Cuunly 'Museum, Salut-day, lune 15, i p.m. - 12. Bufet sup- pet-, cenlennial costumes opI- iol.ltnformaition aed tickets: Rosi Hart-fs 878-6962. c4-1729 St. Sephens Sidesmenstan1- nuat vrîety show on Salut-day. lone , at Mart-in Street High Schoîf. 8 p.m. Adulîs $100; cbîfdrentondet- 14, 50c. Ticketn aîthe door. Sponsored by the Sunthîne Ladies' Auxiiary. c4-1798 FOR SALE SINGER seing machine, 2 nes nId, A-I condition. 878-3150. lc4-1979 BEDGING plants, ail inds. G. McMullfan, 5 Sidet-oad. Dm- agit.lc4-2069 50 10" CEMENT blocks; lac- ueoîooonvertilee t pump. 878- 6175. 1o4-1949 2 GIRLS' icycles; 2 boys bicycles,i sert gond condition. 8786456. lc4-2052 PULL SET of dronms, excel- lent conditio. 87-2649 alier 530 p.m.lc4-1981 t SLEEPING traifer; Cole- man camtpstoso and lanersi. Phone 878-2115. c4-1799 TOUEIST lent. 9' x 9', 7' high, nais cndiion, $5.9Apps' Alain Clantents 878-6173. lc4-2011 FLOWER .tndiiegotahti pantt. Cult uI A9 King SI. o- tphono 87S9 579, 8-ilJotos. 13-1966 1 FOR SALE Hi-fi t-cord ptaiot-uvd stand, 62camer'tas,86m.nt.iio an cru; 25' TV; Eigen .iidsus flent; stldroums;,topoe coitdet-; hoîltîi range and 2 iove, sf waîher:.)fîîîîdromaî, dier; din- ciest; i coI-t t-int ltable 5tennisî set; -photo cîpir;e;ec ti 10 ater cooter, spirit dupli- [calot-; îulhoord mîlor; at-c Ider. transit leit-Is; tipod . nd sît it;i copper pipe; fti extngoshrs;ulteam cleanet with incter; H.D. braile mach ine. Phono 877-2286 Beîween 9 and 5, Mondey to Friday 1 FOR SALE ADDING MACHINES type mrflers lot- sale or tentaI. Phono 878-962, Harris Stationat-y. Ict-417 REPRIGERATOR, aporîmesil size. ecelentoconditon, used only J mos., good buy lot- col- loge ot- home., 878-6041. lc4-1992 CDA maoure f rt-elot- pick- op, arge quanlilies onty. North if 10t6 Con., 2nd Lisie, Tomn- ship Nosagameyo. See sign aI fat-m. c4c1978 ITALIAN Provincial dinisig romsuite; ilohen toile, gar- on aid other assorîrd tbols; Be- atty mringe asher. Phonie 878- 4300 isi morning. 1î5-1984 YDU WILL IRE buying pour building ma terîafs and cool aI Crawords Campbettvil le. Duick service. Higb qualfly. Phosie Campbellsftte 834-2232. lctt-4l6 NEW 3-pece bath includes laps. tfght 'bocincolor; 30 in. propane range an also be used i'itb nalural gas, gîod cosidit- ion. Phone 878-2250. 1 c4-1995 SOD, delfsered or laid. Lont- est prioes. inest qulitp. Prompt dtistt-i. John HunIer, andscape Cint-actor, Acton, ihone evenisigs 53-2445. 16-4927-t Cedar Posts & Poles Hydro & Building Poles GORDON CROW R. 2, Hespeler. Phone: Guelph 822-2259 lcS Attention Freezer Owners At the present ime, Prderal Isspected Grin Pc-d Cotle are stît asofloble. *FRONTS 45c *SIDES 57e *HINDS 69c Cul and mt-pped lu pour spocificolion. Atsu FEESH SLICED LIVER frenm same calle. 10 tbs. or oner, 35c pet- lb. Beef pt-îles at-e gofng up. Abîle Ibere are silîl a imited L.tuunt if grain led catîle as- aitabte, I suggesl pou order eat-- f]y. Glisot-losin Milon and ditrict Aadeosday asid Thursdap. Boy dit-til fot-teArfait, WATERDOWN 689-6561 BUD ORGAN 7iA C oncessioîn> Footlomboro. Io4 TV TOWER SALE 1 î20 îîoee fslalfcd toîtti aoffchan- - îîodIlead. S5850. 10 oe hiistai îled vsîlh ail chan soS baad. S72.50. 5' titIs r instaltoo th lb Itchoit tofltoîd 8505. Eti-,aohads (fot- sondiî TV ,t),lI. sslolîd $15.f0 FM. stereo ead. Instaflet S 15.00. 15eeetcolor head. Inslalteî S64.95. Autîntll rotor. Installai S69.95. Repairs of al types. d Richardson's Radio & TV 201 Moii Sreet East MILTON Phone 878-6949 (area code 46 CLASSIFIED RATES Teleplsan The Canadian 191 Main st 878-2341 Champion MUilin, Ontoria BMR.DAH.MARRIAGS. 10FORT11COS90IO 11100IAGES.EN 500 8SAL. .FOR 5001'. OC. --1.25 0in110u 1charge fS 15 011111 -$11.00111111111111charge111for15 -d. f51par1-d110111.551. COMIO 0105100. 1111015olr TilAIl511- $1.25 5for10.5ints-.lUn. IN 2501050A10- $1.25 1plu»5 111par05 te of1 1155 CLASS17150DISPLAY. 0051.01100.0- $1.40 pr 1.- 011111 111. DeaOline t. îLaOtîîîOn -5 1..2111. 1100 50111510f8111 011.11151111 - 25 ddlîtî.-. DEADLINE US 12 NOON TUESDAY 8.The Canadien Champion. Wednesday, May 29, 1968 patoed assas May 30 1967. DEATHS Aooea i ased sieithatosd day. CUNNINGHAM, Robett Bot-er AAen 0onetic' toed mas calted Homet, Burlînglon. on riSas, otkhromi aHs May 24. 1968, Robort Batr -wil SmithtbCunoingham,' n tis 92nd ilAînoui,î hearli shelivelh year, beooed hband or Esth- -tiff. et- Books;St-at-oncleolif Jntes Altaci nonembed hy Bill, Cnninigham of ES 3, Geor-ge- Elzabeth, Bitfp asid Mot-y. tion, great lscf lMs. Chat-- c42065 les Le Richeo.tR.R.3, George- HAMITON -Infis'ing mom- loin aid ltîooîoeCîn nîinghom ilon ta er mothrat- nsd olSyracuse. NY. .t-.îednîîthtr, Elzabeth Grace, Pinot-af smcstcas htd on Mnnday ai tht'IoF ret-soFun- itho p.îîîod tuai M.îo30, 1967. ral FHome, Milon.Intermni 515 ilofa dtitatohtad grand- r. Esetgreenc-mtet-y, Mitîon. fat-. Geortge tnccoît sho p.,tîîd attai J,,f\ 18. 1-52. Sido 'Uh odîî\tien'wias son- LINIDSAY, Chrstia - Gsi To- Aineý esday. May 2f, 18 aIt-Sut- ido hv iue in tAc rain Lady of Met-tp Hoptal, Chrst- Eo.ît-îg burdiees tllher, ina Wedderhurn if 709 Anette Saot-ng f is and pain. St., Toronto, betioS tswife if Cnstant mas tboit-desîtîn, the laIe Hesr H. Lindsay' dar tie et- taItil he lîde, moîher aI Mrs. . ee (Manif. Nîm .ho9 te peacthilly droant- Ars. W. Lasoi Ot -F.rank M. Hart-s J.,and lt-mnW. Lnd- Sida i bv.sîde. say; sister olf Williamt Wdder Sadîs mssed hi Lora, Art but-n and te ate Isîbol Dolby,.nd ftamle. c4-2014 lim and Johsi Aedderburttn -A. itn oiin Puneral service as eld o Sat- Inîîfavî taternd o Tharsday aflernoon ai the Tut- gadatulirW ho pss- net- and Porter Yrhe Chapel. gidfavmavh 8ltm. Toronto. Interment Prospect Uisceoi. ,îîar.f, Non arut-t cemetery.av _________________________________Stifi ocS. stilf înîssod, stifl NORRIS. Anie - AI Halîono Ct-i Sir. Masior on Tuesday, May 21, haIdly missod, %sile Gtadys. 1968, in her 88îh par. Annie - -_ _ C4-1945 Martin, idom of Vict-ot-;step- TURNFR --hIntoinil nemot- mother ofIsirs. G.Mainuiel fMu- if a do.îo tother ond grand. riel) of Riehmond Ilill, Mrs. mtther, Mat-i J. Turner, utin Vera Coates of Saskaon and passtd 0000 May 3l, 1952. Melville (deceased); moîher of She dmfls in GOmis beauliflf Russel of Pickeings and Myrtle garden. Idecmased) ami sisler etf9How- Shellet-ed feui sotrom and ard and George. pain, PaneraI srvice as fromthe Sale io H, mooderlot leeping, MacNab and Son Chopel osi ri- Unlil e meel gain. day May 24, mviîh inlernaent in Ever remeîmbered by Lna Evrgren cmetet-y, Milton. Chatlie and famnily. c4-2012 134-Il ic cý M ff t 1 ci K a R 8 ______________________________________________________________ ___________________ I 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE FOR AN 0K USED CAR THE CHOICE IS YOURS AT Jack Richardson CHEV - OLDS Limited 66 Impala 2-Dr. Hoardsop 65 Ford Galaxie "500" Here is an t!scopîionallp dean Pisifshed in poseder bIse idi t-we om miloage lt-de in-_ mtching inlerior, Ihis is a isbed insieifieb blie ntfth clean, locally drfveri, 1oI e matrhing interfie. Eqaippod outomobi le. equfpped i b V mflh V-8 engino, outomaic 8.oogtne, autontatic transmis- trasisssfon, pinter steering, sion, ponter slerilng, ponter pomer brahes, custom radio, brakes, cusom radio. Lit, Lic. J-86100 ............12,395. 188556................. 1$1,695. 65 Corvaf r 4-Dr. Hardtop 66 Plymouth 2-Dr. This popular comtpat Imîdel fo This slylish 2 - door Satellite fioîsbed in satin bne wmtl bardtop is finisbed in pont- matobing inlorior. Equipped der btuemwilhdarktop antd ilh an eoniîat6 cslinder inatching inlerlîr. Equipped cngin, aitti tansis iIb V-8 engfee, aulumoîfo suon and customt radio. Thfs transmisson.powter steeing. cat- oSt-dalfofietht family power brakeshîcket teals thut r-maitos gîîd tanspot-- and radio. Lic. 352781. $2.195.'latin ai aereasiianft coil. C i: 724-979. . . ...__ 1,495. 66 CheVrolet Coach 64 Acodian Canso Bitoapiio 2-dut-. fiîfslicd in ot- 4 Door Sedon minembwhit ited inerior, Fisioîd in salin tilsverth vl oîfinder cîgîno, standat-d Thi:s top if tht lina model is transmission aid a custom OSOiffîtS îtiîb an eoointl radio. Lic. 188559 1$1,695.1 A cstîdot- ongine aid s:and- at-d taomsssioîad also lealut-es ci: lot t-oSo. Lic. 65 Parisienne 682-898 ....._ . $1.295. 2-Dr. Hardtop63Fr 4-. Hot-o s o poplar Poniact2-F 6tî Fo r sîdas'îîdr to dîttr ardhop finished in z Fnsec nsOCloo a iro iîta sfth atch iît Acîtmpfomnningt-cd in- urc qua ith atcing n- trio, Tfs focafly -onedi mot-ime .Equippod îi.ilbV8 en- itomtobile io oquippod mitti gin-. .tomitictranesimisslion, V'8 cniillo' ai ta oao icorivg and hrahes. mîî:,, oîo:andcootolradio. c,itiow tadio.Lio. -84531 hîJalfîi- t-ode a 1.,995 c ,hti scn hbe approoiated. Lic.JS76632 ... -131,095. 65 Valianf Convet-lîble 63 Falcon 4-Dr. i his inatrîfosîad contertible lit e s a pipifar compact 0mo- os iishedin azueturutquise 1del ini ah u average condit- f stih maiohîng isiti;ior and a ion. Em4apped mîlb ecînomi- f ita top. Eqîîppedwiih gas ctIaoltîvidot- esgine and au- savtng stoni-6 clirdet- enfioe, îom aîtc transmission. Finish- 1 ,îoîomaîîoît-ansmissio.nj d d niTusedî blackmîthîcot- custont t-do.Lic, J88195..... ptomening gtey iilerfor. Lic. $1,650. 186-805. -...........$895. EASY TERMS AVAILABLE ALL CARS GUARANTEED JACK RICHARDSON CHEV - OLDS LTD. Open titl 9 p.m. - Mouday through Priday Sautday 5 p. 6791 Highntoy 25, Mlon South 878-2393 - 878-3812 - FOR SALE McCLARY Eosy masher mith Limer, 2 tbree-quat-ter Imie beds wrîh hcadbiord, Fench P-o- I i , cellent candit. oitj. Openi o-il altffei.878. f681 lc4-2072 AÏS-SRTED 1900 - 1920 et-o 78 epm reeîtîding. in good lcondit- ion; RCA victrola and retord cabinet fromt some et-o; a st of reîorded speeches, lot- mer perional praperly of indus- riallît James Doncan. Cali 878- 2341 or 854-2569 enenings. GIlet-s cpen. lî3-1943 CAR, TRUCKR61 TRACTOR TIRES, nent und used, over 2,10 Ketti Springfieldtitres in stock, a t izs om prices;flIaIs ised, $1.50; sobeets balanîed. 11.50. Wt haie batteries lot- mosl lors and trucks. 'Miltotn Tire and Radialor Service, 191 MiII St., 878-2711. 1î4-1983-tf Land for Sale NEAR MILTON 25 Acres- Nice Vient Good Spri11g Creek Ideat Building Site Phone 878-4357 'Ic4 TRUCK BODY 16 f1. x 7 Il., 66 wide. t 3,à Oak Ploor. ROLL-tJP DOOR. Veri t-easo11oble. E & R Truck Bodies 2278 Nipissing Road Milton 878-2429 164 2 PROOUCEFORSALE ASPARAGUS. M. Troas 854- 9952. 2c4-1974 2j0 BALES mised boy. Oak- ite 845-1979. 2c3-1899 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE 24 8-WEE'KOLD pigs. 878-26C8. 3c4-20014 2 FFMALI- Iiat-otd pureo toîoîffler.îîîoPoit-rs.Phone Actîn 8531248. 3b48-1720 PUJPPIES, 6 ntteks old, crossI hrlsonoBragleo - Germmit Shep-I herd. 15 eath. 854-9876. 3c4-1801 SIAMESE ittens, Sealpoint, 10 weeksolod, regitered, heal- bhy and tî.ainrd. Brampton 451- 4174. 3c4-2061E PURE BRED Hostein heiler, 2 nIrsod, due end of May; alto reg. York sont. due end of lune. 878-6456. 3c4-2051 LACOMBE gtnernment op-1 prted andommet-tial boars, probedlot- bock flt, fromt igb îîortng R.OP. slotk. Harold Mekoand SontErin, phoneCal- eon 927-5485. 3c4-1842 CHESTNIJT gefding, 7 yeot-î, t-caf stytisihthorse; Buokskin mare, 4 years, good child'n rid- ing horse; I back mare, 3 yrs., goîd schoot horsr; I yearling black tilt. Campbetlvilfe 854- 2581. 3c4-2019 HORSESHOEING Village Blathsmilh Mobile Sbop GORD. RECORD -Farri et-- Spectattoing in corrective sboeing and îrimming lot-al types tofbotses aid ponies. PHONE Oakville - 844-9187 lctI 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE IHN DEFIRE bay rîhe, used t2 ht-i. $100. Pbone 878-2725. 4b4-2022 JAMESWAY barni oeaners; silo nlaaders; auget- feeders; mifk bandling eqlipmenl: silos. Sats and installation. John Ridgentoy 87&-6175. 4c4-1730I The "Gondmill" ased cor pou purobase loday 13 guaesne.d 10 give lhoosauds of sle and espense-Imee milese. We W)il Not Knowingly Be Undersold We Guarantee Satisfaction With Every Sale AT MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. 388 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2355 You Can Pay More But YOu Cannot Buy Better 4 SeS, ANGLIA. needs body 1960 CHEV. tock 1-on utake, C 9Sf.ý5 as is. 8786693. ooods '68 licesise plaIes. 878- 5c4-2008 4527 aller 6.30. 5o4-2107 f963 PONTIAC, standard tan- 1960 PONTIAC convetible, Phoîfî Ane 878-48666 348 mtor, lreshty painîed, Pted 5c4-1996 Ait-tmon 826-2051. 5c4-2013 961 MGA. iîh rehuilt mn- 1961 METEOR 2-door, front ilt- ihoid conditioni. Cl 878- body domoaged ini accident. 6718. 5c4-2018 Pîece bp piece or total. licol offer. 878-2341 or 854-2569 even- 196; PONTIAC wagon, SlraIî îigs. 5c3-1980 Ci[. aitmaic trafnsmtisi, EXCELENT hup, $1,850, 1965 rado,39 11,457-Pontiacî Laureulfosi 9 - passen- 6039.5c4-057ter stati on wagon, V-8, auto- 1_954 FARGO batl ton, exicel- ntalic, Pomer brakes, ponter font cotndition, gîîd sitotr, nent- otet-meg, radio. North Burliog- y paînîed, A-I tireo. 870.9671 af- toni cat] 632-1679. 5c4-1982 Ic, 7 ptm. 5c4-2023 a962toTACsean6 n FOR USED CARS cor an e"oî y, rdio god 8FAT MOTORS $inifn 775. Phone Waîîer Alto for used parts. Miodden, Carlisle, 6894242. Wreckfig several models, 5c4-2020 TEXACO STATION f966 METEOR S-33, V-8 auo»o O talto, buchel semIs, ht-onze, NMOIIPAT beige interfor, nom trspoer Oplen nteekends. coniditfon. 8784792. 5c4-2059 For Your Next Cr ... BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. 87"M19 led It$ftOIJONnI. 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM - MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. 388 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2355 Cadilf an, Pontiac, Bofck, Beaumont Acadian, Fleebird. Veonhaf I or G.M.C. Truck Volume sell6ig amd Iow overhead esiables us ta seli 1 ou a re condiliosied used car or o nent cor for lems. Youl1 be pleasaolly Buick. Beaumont, Acadion, Piroblisl, or GIMC. Tries OUR MAARK 0F EXCELLENCE "GOODWILL USED CARS1' f966 CHEVROLET SEDAN. Lic.1 705211. lusI troded in and ptfricd 10 sell quickly a0111,775 or $25 dîmsi and $76 moelhly lut- 30 mosilhu. 1964 CORVAIRE SPYDERS" 2 GODE HARDTOP. Lic. 187498. Pisiished in red wilb match- iginei.EquIpped midi 'hgh perfoirmance engiae, 4 spemi tansmission f manual) wheel eners, radio, whlite molîs and lochometer. You'B be omnazed aIttis top of the lisie perflormoasce cor. Aok- ing pile $1,65 or $25 doms ond $66 montlsly for 24 munths. 1961 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN. Lir. 52796. TIsis is the Galaxie momiel amdi n dressmi up mith chrome mouldings lt-mssgril 10 reor deck. Very pt-amical, ond îertoinlylIse liasesî value yoo mili gel isi a dual put- pose vehiîle. Equipped wtî automotit. miie w ol s, seheel discs ami radio, Ash- 0ng pile $1.495 ot- $25 dosco ami $73 monthly fot- 24 months. 1964 VOLKSWAGEN 1500 DE- LUXE. Lic. 236991. This is Ubhe targer mmiel, midi 0001- for-table bechet seals and ptenly oflteg room. Askisig pice 11.865 or $25 downiasid $42 monelsly lot- 30 mondis. 1961 PONTIAC 2- DOGE. Lic. J85653. This cor has bien dri- sesionlp 31,600 miles by lady. (Name sopptfed on request.) The interi or is immacutate and therrunciîîg gerandbo- dy are ielslanding in eve-p detoit. 10e allomed 16e omner mare on Ibis cor in nient of condiltei, Iberelore me are ashing more. Our pt-be $750 or $25 down antd $46 mosily for 18 months. 1965 CHEVELLE CONVERT- IBLE. Lic. 732601. Port-hde nmot-test 'hile convetible on tie t-oad sreomi lest drive Ibis one to doy. 'Automatic" 010 be t-be sent-et mord for rt-aiendriver or lady of the bouse. Ashing pile $1,890 or $25 dosesiami $76 monthly for 30 months. 1963 VAIANT 2 GODE seith iulomaîfo. Lie. 694195. Omo- edriven ami carelully main- laisied under lacîory mat-tan- -17 requit-ements. Ashing priee $1,490 or $25 domn and $63 monthly lot- 30 montbs. 1966 OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88 4 GODE HARDTOP. Lic. 659 " g~Equipped fot- ondo$,9 11.1 ponter 11081 air conid- hioning, higb pet-fot-mance en-. gl11e. ponter sneeting and bt-ohm. Custom pish bSutton radio, white wlls amidntheel dises. Ouîstomiing velue ai $2,775 or $25 down and $V9 smotlly lot- 36 monlhs. 1964 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 4 - DOOR HAR3ITOP. Lic. 705653. Equipped wiîh powet- steertng and brakes, automal- le 8 tylinder, custom radio, thitemaîls. ntheel discs. Beau- îilully inished iHonduras mao n wiîbblack rool. Ask- ing priîe $1,595 or $25 dows anid 575 montbly lot- 24 mos. 1966 AUSTIN All00. Lie, J87794. Original finish aond relleots good eut-e. Our pt-ie $1.845 or $25 doitn and $42 monlhly lot- 30 mondsî,. 1962 CHEVROLET IMPAL.A CONVERTIBLE. Lic. 186395. Equipped witti 327 V-8 engine, automollc. buthel eals, pow- er steeting ami bt-om, elsite wolls, hall wheel dises ami radio. Exîremelp welt cat-mI lot- and will give connplete motoring satisfaction. Oue price 11,345 or $68 mo001051 lit- 24 monîbo nith $25 doms. 1968 ACADIAN 4 GODE. LUc. J89031. Equipped with hisgh performance 6 cylimier eil. gisie, oulomat-it. radio ansd white wols, Redsced 10 $2742 oith $23 doms omi $94 moolis- ly for 36 monlhs, Lem dhas 2088 miles. 1968 G.M.C. HAIaP TON PICK- UP. Lic. 24797B. Delune body mouldings. snon glore mirent-, heavy duly lt-ont anid tea shoîks, 7" n 16" mest bosl mros erbomper nitb slep. beavy dulp sptisgs. Ask- ing pt-fîe $2.388 or $25 dowsi and $84 montllpfot- 36 mos. We Are Wholesaling The Following Cars 1965 Pontiac Laurentian uedan. Lic. J88222. 961 Austin Sprile. Lit. J87117. 1 959 Vauxhaît Crrsto sedon. Lic. J84747. 6 BUI VA Do% Gond msonlh. 1972. Pt tintutri ditioner Stocka Immmhi T. S. 7 ENGI coal, si WAN' lord hi RTDE ville, t( 878-2903 RIDE Yonge Ion. Da LIRE you do, Rd.) ai Monda3 Ross B OF ' Wilh la T. S. Evi 8 CLE, week. f GIRL dian Cf RELI sitjng, lngs. 8 RELI ville S my ho EXP Block Enlerp REL heeper lady,lIf EXT lime, Phone Pub! TWO To 1 lime 1 AIl lea Appt have This p lot- a Pot- please Mr THE Fui Cia Wi Puc GOOC B Pernr Ample Porl Ns