Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 May 1968, p. 7

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Faillout shelter survey 02 24 HRS. A enmmer-lnsg Suatprdter- lion a-rvoy ai alsmaa intaldings in allon Caulo hoga- ou Mv- day mornog, vhvv ba-sofosar- meynra narted mea-ring, in- sertiug anid sng op lise rad- tion facora ci rommercial, lsdsrlal andi large resieuslal bildiugs n lulie nrtiseid aithe ruty. Tiesreray Ilu homo taises iy ersra tn-tie Cna-dannfDe- prtmen ofeubile Wrisaart of a satian--ide tara-y tOu Sud Oie maxia-sa-petetia- seler for Ca-duna lu casesci nartear iur or elier dia-niera. Tie enevayera are inrldng tnm te Mito-nfire ofSthe ItlnsEmer- geusy Meamren Organsdtionn aid une ieided hy W. J. Wa-lle, a neen gra-p leader su the pro- tection tara-y deparmen. Bnx yaug me, al seronid aid tiird year stdenin as Otaro anversttiesarenus irilug su teama S funwinexaine fia-rn, vain nind rofet oySauyniaisie buildings itere fatouta-protertio- ra-ld te niSrded. Tisey are prlmartly tderested in gvrs- mentbidldings,idntriliaid rommercial buildings, intt- tionen d idghisle aparta-ent buidings, M. Woeileexlddned. N privaleisnmes nerlbuildngs oe tea ian 1,000suare tes nuseieinInlurtded ln ties aruey. Coda#ilwn't enforce Twp. à "Weflidftne pubicIoluieih leary of a-r nreors,anid îe na-Id lite enoryva- e o non - oolly visas ve arevdoivg,' lise gra-p tender eoplnlned. Forliis reasa-, ail a-rueynru rarry an idestity rurd beanlngttesr photo- grapu, uundi lley isumi ents onar or ma-sarnSfn alulding about te bulnaperted a letter auplaln- lug Bhe tara-y, ad ntgned hy Ontarl' regLona-l emergeury planing filcer J. F. hirLaun The grenp tan )st in ld ad tara-y lu Welinagoouo-ty, and eniertsuta day lu alla- for tise rest of tiseena-a-r. Tise teama tegau tOier anris Mons n th ie nrthars en of Oe ruty uid isy Bhe end ef tant îeis operste tart longstotitira ln the more henully popalatedd aa-Bers la-nS O hille aidnortisgtnu Mr. WenlSIe nid nera îere prnhaisly oer 500 staile build- lge In Sesusrueyod ln Brllng- tonaaIe. "EarhIspqertionnsa-uld sot taise more tonshan a-nisa-r,anid îe try sot tOn itere itO nr. mal actintolesaai any of tise tald- lng," tise gra-p leader nnld. "Ment people issu eteon uory rn-nperntiue an tnr.11 "1We are reall ust t aldng sta-h -- for ea-igenr5es,11 is iddad. "We wass to ldeuityanid locale buildings itis a potetiel A FAL5OUT. ~ a. ls m- Co.OadiieseorW. n. torgor and zane rvey reully makiug the rouds et Hetons larges leader Wlles Woeltle discnss the prnjecl whie resideuliel, inuslrial, commercial and institu- slnd eue nneveyrsn Johu Noousu and Bill Mc- tiouaI buildings, searching fos places a-hich bllanri meennre np lthe -alîvu Couly Admin- cnld ford falionl-tsee sheller fte rsescents isration building lunlthe backgronnd. in caseoniaa uncleer disanler i-telles EMO. (Saf Photo) If youare planning to modernize your home, herets the place to begin. Moeanizing yens home con ha a delighttnt enperiaure. Home imprevemenlo cou do a les ta help make ouensaavoe living belles Ihan ever. Bol betose yen nlasl te modesuize, yenohold tal abo o toee. lhiug is: yens henneheld wiiug. If yen begin yens moderiralien programme by re-wiriug, aimos everylhing abonutvos home wiii snddenly eem helter. Veu have al the elecricai oleln Von need. Yens applianen mitI pesra- h etler, andi yen rau add al the vew eues Voense ever ikely te ueed ilhool the aunoyancaetfeverloaded cirouits os bion- tuses. Re-a-iaîog iii let yen taise advaulage eftsha new idean lu honnehoid lighiug. Wilh decorasive enseier ighing poil be able ta ejny pelie liviug eu pleasn unmmes eveniugs. Yen mil, iu atns, hoepeuing the doors le she jeyî ef ll-eiactrir - liing, iecludiug the quiet ramiers et elecrcaluteing. Start moderniziug yens home by re-a-ing. THE I4VDRO FIONCE PLAN a-litlet yo er-iaa yens home rghl Cea-. Cllea tnaiiied eiecrirai ronlrursos fer deusn or as peur Hysise. la uougiuuqL&uu mil m I * I 6U I A mitahe ln beildrsl plana wih llat a ha-ta belug ereced "tlier qMae, estimate Oesr oa-Lot 3.Conucession 5, aver 100 a-arlty, ad determlne tie pro- sortiOnesoy vîlI provIde againe] pnonorsnshopiî.' radioactive tllos.11 Paasoe n optl."u One ildug Bey are îa-ntng for îo 414 not gvovi lotot it Oie lu Oie nervsces anussanle IO no-rstope Boa-Se ella- n ," a-Id bildiugs. Thoerueyrs mate Balla- E. M. O. Cn-ardlnatnr ena i euitti- - sro W. Bruscs MGregnr. hle ubveadiselow groend, The Insectionuteamu roverlug ahdne alb io a te' taltnn lisayear Surlede Jon usaI ie all wer andantr, NasiuadiBill McLellued, j. elcuesrlpae i adny Lambsert anid I-Fraderlube, D. A plotns ruey iaiaiseu suNensod M. Mdrirde. Al are Aberta lu 1964,iisere protectin todeut atGuelphi, Waterloo aid vas lneated fSr ann atimaled Weternu oduerasles, anme of 1,650,000 peoplea. Tisecrass- Bmegnelgaoe s Ca ua-atra-yia lnuried tun are pistngug o ae rartiral yeara age aid senuld beromplet. engneering pdintersn ile tbey ed Iter tsis ayaar. meanere op Hln alla-t-Sree Aid usai happons In Il ~theseltera for tise benefi ofSftutre Inrmationu rllorsed? 15 gasgaa-rntlona. ddpped OaitoluOtnwaîwhorerom- puers asitmoute data nid a-ise a repues un use aunaillsy et accommodatins tor uuiety- seealdngCa-adiena lu the avent Of annYutaonaolenr-risarg.. ed aidiles hoiweeoarra-s- trY Mnd in gîloa-l glsr.. ne anY nnier dnunler, ns the a-ruayern airons. K W e Euenuoally, H ItunuE. hM . K WOe haltes tu reretue n list of nie a-lOabde builings. A Son yenirn l os agn Bhe Haltonn rganidntionn 414l or a amine a-ogi suarvey, ialdug Winh to announce th lot ia-s5 ntmodrsiply.a-ad buildngs, rommerrial bildlungns, 0o rve you oet bu hck - do w» bulding hy-Iuw squnre Seat Ibertlof theminimums 1500 sieane tees reqelred lu Es- quesneg townshti, Ian eyed uym- Paihilcnsl]Y iYcanrtl. liniever, tieY ade no exception foeB. t nd L. De Mann, tise eners, wtien sliey asspeared aI the lent meeting OfS rancIs vtth sestîder 7E. Devogos. "Tse sy5aw neya a benne mont ho b1500 a-luare tees. Ta-r bhuse le esort 76 tees a- each fluor. Tise nant goy May ny ho 50 tees lais we mustbde sy the hy-lnî,'- Reeve GeoreaCorrne lnld th5e biilder nd iner. Wisere 414 tIse mintuhe a-rer? lieltsier. teildar, a-uer or cnenil ca-Id trace Senît. Thse a-ner dnem 5t deny upplylng Snr ment & Son .overings îey wmII ho in buainosa >n a full imrebuai Chriailens - Reg. 29% pis. Fresh Fers Plain, Sugar Donutn 4 pkgn. 99c FARMERS' SAUSAGE 3 Ibs. 99C Chrlilens Old Country - Reg. Me Frenh Sîrlola, T-Bone, Round lb. 24oz. lanS CRUSTY BREAD ... 4 loaves 99c S T E A K ............ ..85C 1lAIS L ANTS :hooae Hardy action Indludîng Freis A FRYER CHICKENS --------37c Freas lb. CHICKEN LEGS-............ 43C Freais M. CHICKEN BREASTS ..... 39C Fuesai CHICKEN WINGS .. 3 Ihu. 95c FusisIII. PORK SHOULDER ROAST ...37c Mapie LeaS Newtoutmdîaud Style) Byth PlecFae WAXED BOLOGNA. 3 Iho. 95c Free D.Iiv.ry Daiily SUNKIST ORANGES BANANAS Fesni WHITE MUSHROOMS 39c doz. 1 Oc IL. lb. -----45c SO'S FRUIT ALFON MARKET 174 Mill St Milton 878 2-160T commencing in June, 1969. AS IN THE PAST QUALITY & SERVICE WiII ha Our Trado Mark A complese Fnor Uina tram Congolenm te Carpets eAC O . Spocial Opening Ofiers iu oor Ad Nons Weeis. K.W. CLEMENT J. RICHARD CLEMENT K. W. Clement & Son, 0 FLOOR COVERINGS 0 123 Thomas St. - Milton Phone 878-2194 PLAY T C O O L THIS SEASON WITH JAi Supe Reso GO-TOGETHERS IN SUPER SAILcLoTH MAICA er Sailcloths7o irt Top Szes 8 -18 7 SUIMS $9.00 ZIP JACKETS Sîzes S, M, L s13.oo KNIT MOCK TURYLE SHILL Sizes S, M,.Ls5.o Celers Basque Brown Royal Navy Valencia Orange Olive Green TE<LtO4a S<so t"pu 224 MAIN ST., MILTON a 150OMMneSet permit. flie ha-m haa the traa-eeop, roofon, deers Maidowdin 5. "Yen sa-Id belle a pore,"- enggested rlerhkF.C. Llndaay le am tOie extrancesu-y Seat. 'lt a-Id qsIoi e ilnee," replled thse a-uer. Caurss nivvod sy Oie h-a, aied aduined livlloinranvd tuld. or tb onis ometing mil 0101 building ivopeclor Ton -MeLen nn thse ha-ne na-Id comne op ln standard. MutsWah -Reg. .09 eaeh 14 fi. oz. hotle - Save 69eone 2 hottiea LAVORIS -------2 hottlon $1.49 Na-s1 2-ply tisue - Reg. 57e wna-apu" Facelle Royale Towels 4 roUis 89c Na-s1 Facelle Royule 2 ply Tisa-e Mauxi Clera - Reg. 37c ta-ta pais Bathroom TISSUE ---B rollu 89c Sarget - MACARONI or 21b. p5aga SPAGHETTI ..... 3 pkgs. 85c Muple Leat - Tendenfluise 1-1b. pisg. PURE LARD....5 pkgs. 95c Sa-ita$ lb, nue pue PREMIUM WIENERS .......45c Freasaiodu s-ea-ut Style--lb, une pue SLICED SIDE BACON -----59c Fa-sh LenM. BACK PEAMEAL BACON ---69C Fesh PORK LIVER ----- 3 Ihs. 99c Freal Laun HAMBURG -------- 3 Ibs. 99c ;NAPORAGONS .eETABSI PL.ANTS bhouses DN 878-9301 Traction mgs alike ... aSfety Sr, tre =-* mm. or exoed MON SAffl me Qu.Iky us -.Aun., hauss «-s-- -d na OS. LIMITED Ilin «80-2309 The Canadien Champion, Wadnesday, May 29, 1968 Look, mca - cavties nhe dental disioa-nci Blloltn Cennty Bleauthunit ha beau la-y lnspeellng wilcl hldren's e&thdurlqIthe patnine monthia, uai presenied na-e figues on Île îorh to the racnit Ilton Board noflienlilsmeeting. Itia noted 45 per cent of tisoso rbiideen exnmla-d îore ta-snd lo be reipiirlng troala-eni. Tise dental hygenialn ulnited 5,085 clilidren in 218 classoones and foud 2,303 needed treat- ment. A fisther 622 esilidren wore treatoil ai the saltday tngstnal tisiride ciics.

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