4 Thei Canadse Champian, Wedvtsdey, May 29, 1968 S by b o b b urtt Toc dtethave te read tht atge ta tsaav yutre mat Bavard Tai- bui Pui, tie home f the Leasida Lefs, tht sto ettry inothue l&ilit nCocty Basthall Leage. Mui ftoed out f th parkt tthe aichhiac houttes ad stases la tie Bayvlew - Egittt district prias ta ame time Wdnesday vista MiltenBcd Sut oeted their seasta agaiast Lasid. Tie part, thteaut aad tht attitude af tht team eecutiOt shoutit &Hii ta acredt te tht teau. Tht diamatd. ane ai tva la tht part s t titated tatticatLtaatde Bîgh Schal. Avay fraut tht hait diamaads ls a tract sutettutdigtht footbalifield. Thti isasne tht aly camplea af is itsctd intht arta, ht cotrasta wtth lie Bed lut haome ild. Athoctis a vell eys diamond is at ciac ta score ruas anda rrowd f&ahutt 30ilI at ttiSe out tht oppsthon, players must ccl a certain pride vhea their home patts is velept and varthy of eepta. Wth tht coilapsing f tte ToontoMpît Leafsia tht Internation- ai Leafat tht Leaside Leafs, who wtar Mapte LesO Stetarms art Une utly Trot ttam classttied aay licher taa tassir. Tht leaves them ith a lot o roam ta dtav tram. Presideat George Millet said they cutld nos accommodatt atîthase vho wat- cd ta play, ami il would ta coceivabta that rda could ao have a second satot leam in tht eacice. Athoutilstht Leasidetembtat Mito y sautaruas tl vts't a ruail pstdtd ame. Tht Leais came arts tht tltowsac ighl sud tait Prestoa 3-0 tatuad tht nt-hit ptchsac of Osets leury for the second wtt ta tva ames. Althuth there are as rbampiooship taaaers ta aacht lot tht Bcd Sut their picture tas rthteOOd rosidtrahly. Tam amshaw, richt hatdtd pitcher atro payed with Camptalliosîla tst star sigaed Ttaraamin is cspcted toutee actionasaoo. e, aloag olus Nalor asnd Bob Le, cutd protide tht sort to a gond pitchiac staff. Date Asetat and Ray anda oth signed but uither sav aio ta tht Leasldc spener. Juotitta Gary Naytar ami Graham Bra trned ta gaad prformances. liera puached a pair f sngles ami Napir played a suta ame as short stop. Gala an outîside chauve eista tocrsomnBlElliat f Campell- ville. If cach and manager Dut9 McCutchtaa rat pull tagether toutgh gys ta put up a gond shointa this year and eyp them t- gether net yea,thcy couldtaeaeordtctt team onoce tht youtn- er playrs get a ytar'a experitore under ther tats. A lot depesats oahaw DlutMcCutchtotaesiut at tht helm. e kbave tauthali, raats htsgh an populatsty wi h tht players ami mare thon that -- ietls a reai sort f dedirassan tavards tht Bcd Sot ami iaeutall la itutral. Cr 5w. Oak Tu irai Te wc fi bel si e Ces bte ths fut IL IL Pl Ii t Sox sting Hamilton1 post victory in home ifte a adattetiontta Onae acata playistg manager pa st records or pra-seaso e ogMCth u aro ports, Hamilto Sbeis musa midgtt, a handiot of gtadattd hast let Miltan Moaday a ittit jrtstilts aad a ev atastatd suttttistd adsttilsartittfr Ittt rlttttdiates tocetiser asti camne a 4-I defeat at th hansiofe thteOl t mellitg Use rous. lied uut. Mittoascoteti aU focs cees ta Bt taly wat thetBttlt'ftrtthue irai tattnin, Unt ieldtits lots ta thttt starts, bhta sa thtetiti Sept tht eaaste twoe cso irat tîne tiey had attttttttrd fat tis e st of the gase. Up fram ta them. the Btdgts, Dutnlicares vas Un Age change seiiled minor age is lifted ~j Association met last veets&asti t teema tht great cattaversy over age cange la Junior ast i snr RED ox l4URLERS hase goad reaaaa so smile atter heatieg hockecy as tata tettieti --- for Hamlton 4-2 Monaou. ton Narlor, left, releoed Bob Lee in net sassa ayvay. tht fifth inning Naylor pitrhed the tlth and sth inanins Tht final acteement actealln but bth tuas mere chtrged ta Lee. (Staff Photo) gtats thtttlaora an cxIra tiet Sox go against power in opener at Leaside Mito Bcd 10 loti this ua- son optnt 12-5 ta tht Leasitit LeasintaTraataast Wedaesiay, tnat isaiet eti asotte et- tet a Davidi anti Golaths taille. Tht Bcd tut campoteti mostly of graduates f illon Mtaor Bauthal ami same st111 in tie raahs, tnev they hadti sîthamis fuit visen tht Leafs vert itao- drcet. Thtmea try ta stactsed wvus ptaycts vtth pro capettente e. Midthet. Ptayrs sgnee t Nev Yorts Mets ai tie National Leagetantthe NevTattsYasSets ami tise Detroit Tigers of lise Attetican Lcage, a ptayct framn tht Palltplst National team and sotte Inter Coutty recruits matie up tht itaf taser. Athough ever ilbinl strttstac vas oltaeng utîhit btIrather ta tht plate .( a costly stries of errata. ed ot a pair Leaside scorad 12 ruas on 12 Mercier, Rti bittandm fine errars. Lcasde Brush sud E scorad fourint tht irstinisi, stagles. tvo ta tht scond,aone tthe thurd, Mltonaaa four ta tht lfth antioneancthue fourth, oncei seath. Att Payne paced tht ta thet tisrd t( Leada vtth fourt ts, tva snges Naytar aliasi and two douthles anti cal on hast its anti Bah thrutch an error Mis stcond tîme on thre ias at bt. ta tht sinu. firts Td itht anty home rua ai tht ame in the ftfthtanniac. Boi Suivttan, Ed Jordan, Dîch Kroti and Babhn stant atl had I,.j ont it aac. obhîe Sllenshad UUWO a doubhle andsi for th Ta- otamNya. a h hg otE ~ tai talr tanwasthe ig a ti Cd Campbellville trims Flyers woin home opener in style Campbytaiiht itveatteoPened scorati vhcc Btcgs thrcv Anti- ise season ai home Baaiay atght rev's grounder poorly ta tise ctth a big 10-3 tictary cver MiI- plaie. to0 1n Cattytaliiti. Botispîlcis- Boughton, Bayler, Clemesi, ers vent the route as Garnet ami Facciat allduhlcd and Htgs itchell fornCampielltilleteslted siagieti fot Billon, Par Camp- ichard Clemeat 0f Billon. talîtille Briisn Bavard Ml tvaw Mitchsell gave op ltet ruas off singles. SdIl Bobenisas, Bill iac MIts. Be valSeti four snd Genns asti Jnhn Inglls nîl tutI- struts-out i fla. Ciemeat altaveti cd anti Gang MrLaughlls, Allan 10 ruas off cigisI Mts. HievwathetiPstttrsoO, and JttEarlysiagltd. flac and aIrons-oct sevesn. lis Billon vilI go agalast ourtac- leam aaes ttade six errata ta. ton Juniors there sasticht (tOct- Mmd i Mm. ncsday). latte lime lu 1.30. Camptalitille vent toto a 2-0 Camptalloille totO meel fGuelps lea in Istht setondiaas sotls s in CamptllîtitleBSunday JuanN valised, state second atti cored as 2.30. on Hoaad's sietactre. 1 23 45 6 7 BBE Bavard tieti for thitti on Bern's Multin0 0 S2St1S0 00 3 51 erran in centre bul vos thravn Camp. 0 2 7I 0 0 1 - 10 8 t out. lngus douisetdava nta tht right fiteldiUne asti scareti an Billon: Clement aad Bouthtaa. Pattersonssngnle. Camptatîtilie: Mitchell anti An- Billon came rigisi harkts tle drevs. tht score as they scorcd lttie ia tht top of tht thirdancoateru- oive tioubles bp Bougtn, Nayier B s o sp a adCiement.Bu h t p a la thsehoott f the third Campy Milon Junior Berchants stili tallvfitl sevedth ie caine up as isoit their aanual banquetSaday thcy catte up wtth a Mig seven ai 4 y.m. in theo Chantes Botl. rinina that featuned doutblts Eti Bush, coach of tht Bamiltn bp Gasitis andBRobertsonl,a single Bcd XVtags, viii addresslthe team bp McLaughin ami a watts ami anti lacisels ant inditidoat tropis- four Billon errors. tes vili Se presenteti to lise re. Tise finialrn 0f Ithe game wno cipetes. oconcd in thtehoottm0f tise slsth Tise Merchant enecuttot wtt? when Densl aieti, stale second hatti their ateual meeting June vent ta thrd as Bughtaa'sthrav 5, 7:30 y.m. aiththishrd flans gai avay fratt thtetitfeldetu ami 0f tht Canadias Leglan. Rourgh sturt for Flyers les e twice in Mittnss adalia Electrtc Jua- caie Ftpcrs gat off ta a tttsgh start uthiscasta. tastag their fittt game to GeorgetowncJuatats 71-3 and tht secoad ta Campbell- villie 16-3 ta Casaptalloilte Man- day ttght. Ketth Btggs statted against Georgetowntansd alltvtd tistet tacs ta staca MIts and wattstd tva hatters. Mttascored arsa ta tise ftirtao a watts ta Brtaa Botghtaa asdti tva thrtwttg liera ocored tathecnastet siagllaf, advaattttg ta a vals te lttggs asecetttg outa tistewiag errer. Gettgetowtiedthe score Ite send otatree uingles Bp M. Dvyer, D. Denamare sad M. Rnagice ispWScisteand Deat- n oce tain etiird laut Georgetwn Milice liedUnhecmore intahU siti intg as ticard Ciemis* twa &taris stagled, Elllat rtachtdfttst osas error aad Ciemeat scrtd oc a sacrifice fty hy McTrach. Clemeat rtUtoted tiggs ta tht ststh aad gtnaaltd for a three rat hottet hy Dan Arhtc tfital- tac tht store at7-3. Liatsare: 1 23 45 67 HiR E M 01 1 1 0 33a1 G 03 2901 3- 7 9 Girls practice this Saturday Milten Belles gils' tefihal teala viii Be hlding thier tiret practic e srdaY ai h P.tt. amt sgittStsady ai tise Smtime la ROiatyPark. Muray WMitriiicoachstUn tegm tece aaintlBis year. vtth astaste frese CUff Prier at mteeGervaus. Aibhuei thene tanoacoatrtee statta day or date for recta- traitns, sacrer may ta one of- se sparts sten catds lu tise- aorot oan tht toaaiscese. At a recetlmeeIltngaDve MC- 'lei vas etecteti prcatdetlOf the ncwty farttet asautociato chule Jim Balntaaaeltrltd Tennis courts up for sale Billon Tennis Cluh oas ptact! the Mata tt. coutisup ion nile ai a 1151 prîce af $14,000. With the revenue framth ie sale lthe club îatends ta hailti iard-son- taceti couts ta Rotary Parts. Cluis presdet Mr. J. W. Mc- Cutcheon satd tht revenue vuit pay for tise rost of pai acvo gooti curts. Tht ativaninge of tht hatd-sonfartd coutsie vuî allav players ta une tise court for a loacer teasos. Tise cluh han travetitli toccis n couple 0f rtuisestsoas ta the past few e pars aodinIs lteitsc lavard aL mare sucressful staL- son OMis year. TBty totesa to1 usa part 0f tise prortetis frout tht sale ta yay off a mrongage os tht lot. Billon Paris Bard tas dota appranal la priactyte ta tht location 0f toansscourts in Rotary Park. Midgets win Billon Bidtgets vas the tiret came of tht stasta agalnt But- Sacgtan 2.1. DosBearas stafleti and douhittiand Niget Fergesat. Gave fGatta anti Mary O'Nelll aIl sittlet. Thcy tethit Bur. hingtos S-t. Tht Bidgets utc actioa hers agatast Brampton Tiusaly. GrahamHeitrnspuach- 0 f silswhite Bon tan Pattersan, Craig Bill Currtc ail km scoredti bice in tBe taintise llfth and twice attishe fiat ruataity. ted Il ruac on aine bLee atiaveti oce rua Bs e reievetiNaylor age llmit for test Osean iii te for Notice il ycar stiMisaden Il yeara by Dotemier 31, Pee Wce asate 13, Bantam clatir 15, Mid- cet ander 17 sitiJuvitile Ulati 19 all hy Decemier 31. Tht agreement carrica vitStIt a stipulationa Uni allove a Midg tht rigisl of abatte betveet Jas- caie asti Junior, andti13aILeaJas estille cas taraJunioc mter te peat of Juvetile vithaa e- Tise Juiorsn, htaver, sas isad lhetn ace llmtitavoere ILt unter l20 peare Bp Ottemtser 31 Prestdttt et tise Milton Mise Boctsey Asstoctation Bull Ravte salid Be van piettet vith th agreement &Md t vocit be1 effectintatht Mltteliutn Leagu as Weil. Bt. Bovtsey nid Miltenha tata inadameatat tn a rsth age change opostionith ie BBA aunai metiag. Tise Miiic Btnar lHockey Euecutlat oppoe suy mare Ihat wocBlavloer i age for misar hockey. Rebels opener tiret ma tut fate Rotai pilcisir rutionMamny. Be teck a vslk advanced ta secoadoteDoecg Mc- Cuttiseut-s tiagle andhboth scated viwhntRSt Pattersut rMflcdne ai tisesoct $top isat vas tut btten t Steve Gern9seaslobLceacis tg n lcdt n tlt ig andTt i Ratetav gta aumeabipiicis. ie BcRd Ste vet irocghtiri camplets tieurp befre thle Rabais - efitted aides. Ailes Uthlire atit Mg ilice vas kM e inatreiter. Ne- Cttisete, Dae Gaios, atd Ccig Brasis ailsingled. Rotais scrid otêthe nsec- ondanstianaitheUnfocrtti. Deettn Olcalui s oridinsUn sec- mat vionthgk ilglêdand orad on a trvitg er. Cisssuck lieadait sconitiinttUn fesrlis vien e k tgledlandiscarad ut Oltiak' seêconsiniglê et tUn er Piclucemslartêd astipiicisid ttteg hall foc ive tamilsgs, asti t vasUena rltevîti b, Rte Nllr. ilt picellnoeetiiv iMts,ftour singles v. asti a dobasnd st ayioc alleved r. twoamcsn sek. Daaisdalt ne tetiser gai utthrocgianerrrt. 8.Rut Paierso eu ilbtiisêt lse Milte Stiaitg.Tise Rois- vasi clgui a mu isect d ith tu mne ot, Jotanliémet pêppee I. me. StetltolPpateteromd trth Undrive anti viippdtllasecontd ey for tUndobe play andrtir te se aides. ai Ucd ie lits Sti AI fi ff McNMeilIr nmed heud rsoccer associatien Waslss ttcardlag snctetany. Mn. Waneutnaidrcgiairatitea st BMd tacs beli up uatilthé Asso- d tations anrtait if a pace Ila] play. lie toit of passIn p- il pruacis Uneisoo bordsoruthen U ute 0f a fildititi later toa p- prutris tht rereatet cemaitetp for satte filascîisopport. Mr. C Wanesn naid Se isopedt 10haveN tise Association affillatet i vth tht Minet Oocrer Assocain af Gnaro asti taler playt-ase fron th00rtlavas. Tise date for regtrations wvlll ta auttescedt ter asti it viii e opnt aoosevent le14 péars elti. '-We-re formeti our assoc- iation asti ve'te cdi asti nnnatag nt," Bt. Waltsstnli. Palermo bombs Alan Few Palencae bambêti Omagis la lituas scdhallaction ut Fridap 14-. Jabn togiehart faeti d14 lts Ms oiocpIlcbisit fer tUn Palert esa. Paiensto cloibereti Omacipi- tiser Aat Pcv for 24 hMis asd Omagis mad i ctlerrent tetilat Pcv. Ramis MrFeetert asti Carl liadfieid hkm four isecris te Gave Isgiehart, Johna Seleisut astiDoaa Curietatged thneeearis ot f the tnfttid. t AUl-sar tintiasemas Jota .Jarvis tombinstitiitt teammasmes t iret hautman Oave Ingiehari asti Lous Adamo ai seontetilepll off a rare caentral triple pay. Jatte csogis a pop fl, irati to firat lin bail qiedt leseruntil e car tht ases asti retire tUn sie. Tennis club a successful et tiret eocial fonctlion ci the rat ai te caurts utMalt reet Frtday May 31 ai 7 p.m. KIl memtetn arc laviteti ant nos-mentarsanareurgedti atata ilt membertsipa 10 iee llgtbla fr tise tacet. lit daga anti sali tinta vtll te senviti faoviang ch unaaged tennie matchse. Couts have teen ltauseifor eome Unme nov. Wcatiser cen- dtiones a&t a cieat-up bUita have iaioetheU dla ogel Unenouts n tbape euplen taizbai. trisidesi Mrs. J. W. McCulristan prostisidti s ta te oeofcthU issis's mast ucressfts astes. tirs. McCutlcin urges aU thons nterte t t taâteut memBen- titips sno, so atiate fonssi to Brampton TiseMilOieuUtio5ns ia Baued t in mplthis" a -i..t Uirhotteopiermiî MiBtn piteint eter asn veat tht distance, alit I two rots sud faaatar 19 hater&, Tht aaty acoriag piay cste a tise htiem oflise foct tistt vtaa Niersaat tocisiedtlane Glia ib s e te bd veUiantili erttut visa bd tripleti. Miitoe'a iters vePote Raiesslctiisg a doublie long driaez ta conste tUo. Sttg les ventita Rager ROailcyRte Rabêrtie. Date htlpel ast iJ Tise hate ltesvit i lae htaasptte Tndtay tUnre DakaiU lnitWallacc Puisk'Tint daLy. Gars te lnea 6.30. Tykces loft MiBtnIpTybA-Stars dr Unoir tiret gam the U sances UharliactunTlybs lanhsrlttg ton ktattlay. PiticterCrigJa kM dBritot ta svet tees Mbistamcs verseable tucoc Umre rote asdttheUnlais. Dong Tisesss cultasf Jabis. MlIce Ulggtigs vira qtcctachlat cacis b, AllaDat icaasti avell ittdouitbleDav Thieapson tept tUn Burlitgtr Itld abirt vle ut base.lier foeatUn ganse w veteknkot cd bahtheUnsecondtUIDeUisti Une cacher off tieit feet tan attempt t ta btbaes promises season viii te ansailla malnaiie St crorte. Teanis tastruciutvIlltgt taery Ttiesdlay asiW iset eataig itosa 6:30 ta 7:30 dansr th m th of jun. Buis opi arrasfemeta reu ematieteI entainstrutetciltiontrSgilou tl sommer. Mmr. Anne Pialemny vi Insrutacl begmers. Ajys vilag 10 pay b esectiag t tintait cacontact Mns. MUt ,Cucainbout soiatons. Allisougiste lnuisisprifer everymne Isieresetiletaiseus mesaiertMitietispermieuli for tegtmnere tune the ecl fret a ev Usae satlthlB etalis as Intireet lthUn game The ReentIy Fornsd Milton Minor Socer Assoiation REQUIRES PERSONS INTERESTED IN MINOR SOCCER TO ASSIST AS COACHES AND COMMITTEE MEN. Thos nterested Pleaae Contact JUM WANLESS 878-9215 15 YOUR CAR READY FOR THE LONG HOT SUMMER? MAKE SURE T IS ... WITH REGULAR *MOTOR SHAMPOO SLUBRICATION '- j'AIR FILTER e ~ UNDERCOATING SROAD SERVICE j Mond7 hrough Saeurdy il m o 1p.m. Sunday IFroerty Alluna s Ese raice) Cerner Maie endi Otario Ste. - 0704641 1 viu oui ,bk me, lu ts- cc TENIS, ANYON? John Sproat and Trevor Roberts take part i in a garne of doubles at the tond Tenns Club courts on Main A Street. The club is lookmng toroard to a most uces? Ni Yea.(Staff Photo) e Ja Lawn bowling club bt opens new season ElMitnLava Boasing Club tt- ho n ts 1968 season Sat rdayaithFort Mn 3 memers in attestiaare. R. Farneu s UN revwd the yearlspraain j1s fb l EUferl Weather perasttttag, att for opOnce agsn awntbowlng games taabttMtsldsrs de dt v e is. aosayaalatr-Leagua verte epected ta e ha servcacat a ci atrday tsardactoa ast ight Tesday) a ti urvd as ath aioci vctttiaRotary Partk. Charles Htel, Dea Mr. da y U e ne a enCaadtaa Metr Company, Krsntzt #iL.Rvc ugdaWmm Faet and Lever Bras, aU arc M. bers ofay age ta ja th ctah eterîag îcams uss year. lmj asdti titted asectst vetrame ____ ka atoey yocllg pepei visemight b 110,. ilrgMed. lic aatiL en r-11019Sox busy belristp NdialtiOâg cif Mad MiMltan Bcd Sas have tet taam SaIarday vers regthit ttgîts, th past veets sud thetr vttrkiat memisrSs ae ICOtic tOatse thfMetssay, pckitttc a wt bue o tan tiey wi h tt ther botte asener act lHamtilton 'ia eisgited ta attendtOIMoey Reel. 1 a e tgst W&Miton apetscd ther aseantu Mq. Ie stedlta plytagli Leastdc tantWednesday5 ild a Iagd te gins lin ganse a tPyM.t practice here Friday and a faic ce ciDo igeptita te payfus or hst verksot itttay,andtei wj« u ferUirib t eeidni.paycd Mdy. TW alrittarsflhbuêlthi bisa tie lnesoneviwta ie ut for jase8. Oil '"« haÎit UtUon t~e yugRedSis OMU EtRMuI t 87-USL c19W. 3: ti N IDGET BALL T A $1.00 CAR WASH McE~ATR .00CER ' ESSO SERVICE MAIN AND BRONTE STS. SATURDAY - JUNE 1 10 A.M. TO 4'P.M. 0 This message spansered bty THE CHARLES HOTEL r It -e sy dd ln on in i a ur en M B B h a b 1 1 bat fer Jjilton, bashing a triple, c y th, wi to er m R fi st V fi tE N IE e t t Il y L In Tt le )r