-I damne a e kpiu oes lm ais l. h a àtel, 00"$» ofs tabu.s thé boit WM m u ni% t t abairass, are Mr&. Jean ,Geercaeun; Mcr. Am àur, tdtltos; Mm Key DiUn Ralpi Wskely, Oaisvife, e Museumn staff. [neil a polar mtath fer 9&E. hambxrpon i t d te, prIZÉ yur wrdlsg M sd @tery et ns Charge. asoliticus davalopsoant Lin te, boum 8,O0 people ta ed fer Itutton*tll, on tha r thé nid HuttondUel Park. is, utalargreand mdmusis qiertu coupleam mNi sr. ane phéssad S- Land bld... (Cettaed teso Paga a) Dr. WIlaMM Kack ci East Las-. 4 m, ltohgas tastidled on Ml. to'a frsunwnter apply. Ite referred tn dtailto10tise testlslg Ansd aquffer ut thse oxti t Kelso, Dir. Kecis uoted tise weltoere lad s cspacity out20050,00gal- lons datly anod n protablie 4,000 O. Presant posptof aerages 5W,000 tallons datly. M£Itos suutor it. A. Lever noted the cooparison of iml rates dtd sol SEow for lise tact MIl1tons ndabetres werenll sold oltile Onkvtlle lad $3.000.000 not taaed. As alowaceforthts brosght tise rates croser, ho sug. gested.liRe also ooted Mltto's feseral rate dld ot tocrease ttiss yesc tut fhéhvtflsahdîar5ad asrantsoay four alls. Thé héaring adjssérned 55*11 Wednsaday ai 10 &. mc. Me- Consacle haicated hé ted three witnsses to calS bafore conctsd- tog do rcase. HoId field day in Georgetown Georgetown Park wlU hé thé site ai thé Eaqueatng Townlp Publie cheeltl Track sud Field meet Juse 19. Gleo Wliams scisootprtnctpal Ralpish MKeown nllplted for thé ose ufthle park ina letter readat amerent Georgetown raunrîl meetIng. Mutual Aid network at Georgetown blaze Six firefiglciers fronc Milo from Mltou, Acton sud Oakiulile Fire Deparîmeut ece cuiied lu tire departuleuts. GJeorgetowo Friday eveoing 1e TeMlo irfgtr 0n aSsist theuGeorgetown tbrigaute four eurMi rllire teire wlish teyer's tdgget fire. aistoars Ptroig etire Tise blanc deslroyed a large burldsndsrof h eo gtborin.g mussiroom isouse i Meadowglen a og frols e epntae Growers ai tise oorlis.enslend o I wsa fris uua ldc Georgetowo. Itnislete 10conloin Il osliste filtoluiadailc lise blase Bnd iooluoglis billobrgse soc poerinrytise Feiruary, 1963 ire iere usai buildings' Georgeoon Fiîre Cief gulled lise Rointood Fleur Erwin LewiS putln10a Hallon Mll's maio miltbuilding. AI MoitulAid ral or as sisrne ha1tlire, Ciief A. E. Ciemeol caiied for ieip trom Aclon, She la a suicide islonde. Yes, Georgetowo sud abville ire dyed by iser 000 issud. brigades. 1he Caoadian Champion, Wedonesday. May 29, 1968 MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE HU N'INTISTt I OtTtDAY as a rendetof Nassagaweya mas cetbae lo MisHnnah Wlsun and her descendants at the home of lier dlaughter Mrs. J. Kennedy Suoday. 'Staff Photo> Mrs. Hiannah Wilson has 9Oth birthday Aruaod 30 rluodosondrelu. hrs. Chris Franks (Mary) uof .tt iues cougregnleed Sduy aller- 2, Oocisoood, Mm. Vers Itarris sooutIlise isome ut Mr. sud of Aclon, and John of .R. 2, hirs. J. J. Kennedy. hMartin S., ROcbwoooii 1o ielp hrs. Huuuuh tWilson, Mc. Knedys uher, cle. Sunce lise lder Mr. Wilson's braIe ier iilh hîrlisday. deuil lu 1947, ohe ias mainain. Born May 23, 1878, lu Ns. ed lise large tarm home on Fiflis seganeya Township, she wa, Liue Nsssugaweyu despite ier daugisier of the laie Juisn sud age. Jan Player. Ms. Wiso 1 esergelîr sud she marcied John Wilsonuon bas etiued ier seose ulisumor. '.pri 15, 1903 sud heir f5ciiy Cube tor tise trtisdsy psciy orcludes Mcs. J. J. Keuuedy (Vl. wus made isy Mcs. Kennedy sud ns) 01 Miltlon, Mcs. Neli Murtiu s umhec of tiftIs ece receîved fflargacot) uf Cumnieililie, hy lise uoagarian. Nassagaweya Council Briefs At lise Mae meeting of Nasssgaweys Cosocit: *Membo cs syns-ucc the townsiip%'s sise ut costssuda lh-yenc apoolmeul uu the cou Scotch Blocis dam 1n Esquosiog Township, S setiUei S chaccccuc Burcy Humpreys sud momisec Ococis Harris uttitun Relon C onsecvatio Autlorily. Tetowoddip 0111 pay tronc li57 to $231 u yeuc, foc s total cosI o $,581.04 tn la colecei us part ci the $1.41 pec capita tony foc cosecvation. hoe dam it cost $600,000 sut tenders msy ne calied iis ummr. - Tiree cor,,ill.ces plunnoni l attend the sonusi dioner Meeting thlie Ceotcal Onaolucconcvluroipmenl Cujocih Tise cauocil ncealty reoewei mcmlicrslciy ie CORDC snd Depuly-Oeeve W. tmp and Cuccillor Mrs. A. McArthur are dlegates. n1 William Frack wss eugagei us a lshocer wlis lise rcuds de- laîmeol. .A garage yermitî souci Mrs. L. Smitis oes reoed, tollowiog acrier comPlults tromn nighicors abot su unsigtlty lt. Conocli free4, hooeor, Mss. Smithc oas ligibie toc s building pecmit Strike ends SIcing isisorers al1Me MîIton Seeard-Hinao Curp. superlu. isiic ltlhcl.iddIiouypro- tendent Cle Boras ropocled ýc ebsurnod lu u'rtoh Tesiuy f ilus ceos. Tiso (obhald heon se wek, ale teir sioty-ciay aisaofutsciedule In msuy sceas ie slood dowu rogress aud uyusy, ho suid. Wilis rainy e. ochers were gluen s 60lcent isys Isisen ulto cosideration, ior I.creuse lu puy. te upointondoo fl t o lytiscee or four dsys ut production Oece Wocb is hues ou chodule uo, lus. OPTIMIST CLUB 0F MILTON AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 8 - 1 P.M. AGRICULTURAL HALL - FAIR GROUNDS Wat'ch for Cottage Supplies, Furnifure - Gardon Tools - TV's - Stoves, etc., etc. Any articles pou have tohicli pou dont neesi, cati us andi we ouIl pick them up. - Ail proceesis to b. used for cueceunity pru(ects. PLEASE LET US HELP YOU IR For articles ta ha pickasi sp el aftar 6 p.m. krry Brns - 87843397 Bllii Russell - 878-2062 la Ela - 878»3334 Johni P~rrf- 878-9286 Tom 0mw, - 870-3170 CHILDREN'S SPRING CLOTH COATS AND ALL-WEATHER COATS Sîzes 4 to 6X lagulerte * 12.98 SALE s5.oo CHILDREN'S PANTIES AND VESTS BY CHERUB Sîzes 0 - 14 - Reg. 98c & $1.19 75C CHILDREN'S SHOES - DRESS PATENTS Reg. te *6.90 s3.99 TOWELS YELLOW PINK SALE GREN $3.98 Value per 2.98 Pair ASSORTMENT 0F MEN'S Tr-SHIRT Szes S - M - L Reg. $1.25 ml 2 for $1.50 WHIfLtEV EYLAST MENSr SHOES SALE sl O.oo MEN'S ALL-WEATHER COATS FORTREL AND COTTON OF Bteige, flack IO/oO andsi ls LADIES ,/SPRING COA&TS & SUITS 1/2 PRICE LADI ES' BEIGE AND WHITE ITALIAN SANDALSsI9 LADIES SHOIS - NuEL & FLATS BEIGE AND WHITE - REOULAR TO $89 ............. s3 .9 9 LADIES' - SLEEP 1/2 PRICE 10)%OFF ALL BRASSIERES AND FOUNDATION GARMENTS FABRIC Ail WooI Excellent for - Coats, SuitsDresses. Good Selec on 1* Rmg. ta *9.98 Par Yard 1/2 PRICE Boys' PYJA&MAS Szes 8-l16 - Reg. $350 SALE $199 J PANTS Oaa te*129a s3.oo Par Pair MEN'S CASUAL ASSOtTED SIZES ANti CObORS Layaway Now for Father's Day - June l6th4 BARGAIN TABLES LOADED AS USUAL MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE 200 MAIN ST. MILTON PHONE 878-9261 COA&Ts 10 %/oOFF IALL STRAW HAND BAGS BIG ASSORTMENT 0F GIRLS' DRESSES, JACKETS, SKIRTS AND SUMS DRESSES SPRING STYLES ANDi FAliRICS $ 1 5 .0 0 R . . 2 2 .0 0 te * 2 0.0 0 BOYS' SPORT 10 ONLY Sîzes 6 ta 16 Aasortment of Men's Long SI.ved DRESS SHIRTS 8VFRST Reg. $6.M an.d $6.95 *3.00 COATS 'M END 0F THE MONTH SALE cava, you dollars cool le designasi calmen. Tima te as use this malt ;ervlco et LTD. 878-2355 IeP w'r 1ER jWindows Princms 72 ME4 SLIDERO v to instail le almasl )rirontal slidleg win- - whaehar aluminam, moosi. or aiuminsm.* Includas transluoeoî panai en close 91ap the wiodow, whtle Oing lighf la entar, ical i1 y talasoplog c andi a safety shaîf oickiy adapîs fa ail rangements. 1h. 17 pravîdas 7200 eoing. Mas handsame Beige front. andi tend goid duaI plate. P,200 50 ny No0 à TV & oppoom a ------ ---------- Am BIG BUY