Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 May 1968, p. 2

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Plann.r uWgecouncil 2 The Canadien Champis Chart town street Eyalng ftuleadanooeloai and lncreased raffl, liils Plan- ning Board agreed Sat week la aoii MonbaConcîl la propose seldho for tocn strealsthalwold indicate lihe ulimale ins ta Seodie asirlpaled raffie flans. Reporing la lin Planning Boad for aàalll-commItllee, Deply-Reeve Ras Sacria e- clVaiees commiliaels cas- alderallon of blgii densaly devel- opmneatltha crearea. Facors welgind lncladed services avali- able, tree Vldlils amidftle pro- jectias of aireelsthraigll lin areas propased for annesaias. flceals of 100 fas, Il teol and Il teaI era propased for cas- iderainandamitle commtlas ad- ,MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Otario St. N. 878-2022 Chrstians gouhrmetbinith some eftlie Lord Jesus Christ. Lrds Day SUJNDAY, 181412o6,- 96f 1.30 a.m.-raiiing ai Bread, 12.15 p.m-Sunday Snisasi. 7.00 p.m.-Gaspel Service. Wedoeoday. 8 pas. - Prayer ant Sbie eaiog. AIl are melcome lu lisse services. Jesas sait, lie usat isehevetis an Me halh evelasicg 1fe. John 6, 47. ORACE ANGLICAN CNURCH Mlon, Ontario. Rector: Rev. R. W. Pasier. Assistant: Canon F. H. Maon. SUNDAY, JUNE 2d, 1969 Tise Day of:Penircesi - 8.00 a.m.-Holy Communion. 9.25 as-Jr. Chsrcii Irbool. 9.30 a.m.-Malîinsands Sermson. 10.45 a.m.-Sr. Chancis Sool. 11.00 a.m.-Sfoly Communson and Sermon. Preacbcr, tisc Si. Rev. W. A. Towscsrd, Ldoo,Olt. Tiiorsday, Jonc dIs - Holy Communias, 10aen. HIOHWAY GOSPEL CNUECN A local assemiiiy af THE .PENTECOSTAL AUEN11BLIESS0F CANsA Pesior: Sec. M. Chrirsaeses. LORDS DAY SIJNDAY, JIINE 2cd, 1968 9.45 a.m.-Suestay Snisool. 11.00 a.m.-Morniog Wroiiip. 7.00 p.m-Evangelistic Service. Wetnesday, I p. .- SBie Slady ant Prayer Meeting. FnitaY, 8 p.m.-Yoang Peoples Service. A Cisurnii Yau Cas Maie Yoar PRome A Warm Wecc.ne la Everyooe KNOX PSISSYTURAN CNURCN Rev. J. K. L. kirGomo S.A. 8784M66 878-2652 "0 corse le os wasiip est base doses; laI os kocel before lin Lard aur Maien." SUNDAY. JURE lot, 1968 9A35 a.as-Sr. Clsireli Seool. 945 i.m.-Youing Peopleaà BIble Clie. 9.45 arn-j5ie ThMsken.P 1.30an-Jr. asireliSebol. 1100a.s-ummriqg Wornip. -rIs. Casmianlo f lin asainla miSbu admnsn- O& lia 1aiea4blmu. j-i 3 - The 0.0-To- wll alMeol eI hm@ u . IL Cnu rJeo 85 tabel ai., etS8pPA& sanged the segiiealla CaundI Se asind la dealgnaie the sliniala vidhb of malnstnreels. Vinsfida ls domsse i ldnglnoperlor and Commilîe ofAdbistmeni are lv be nooified. Tise Commîllea la la le advlsed liaI viserea alrans- fer of properly ib requsaed, dedicaias f tlinsecesary lami ta permit lin niimaîn srail Idth, sliaild Se a condiion of Cammillea approval. Mir. Sarrin ravleVed ml at blali iadbSeas cansldered for Mals Si. Sel fassd impossilde alors lh. MalnSfi. Vas tha major througil ary for lrnfic. Hlarold Funk, seacomed ai lin meeling as a sew meisler, sg- gesled possibly te Ibm d ensly ST. PAULI CNUECN THE UITIED CHUECN 0F CANADA Mais Si. ai James Si. Minister: Rev. C. A. Haioer, BA., B.D. Orgasiso and Choir Leader: Mrs. Harot Mages. SUKDAY, lUNE Jod, 1968 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worsisip. Sermon, "I Belirce." CHURCH SCHOOL 9.30 a.m.-Sunday Scisool for al boys and girls ever - yeums. 11.00 a.s.-lnfassî Nursery in chiag o scisteret ourse and nursry teparlmeni. 11.00 am.-Bosys ant girls "- ocrsiclusive will allant cisuscis 5itis parenssant Proceed la Iheir tepnmt- mes'- Olowicg tise sec- ond iysn. Invitaion To Ail BOSTON AND OMAGH PREESYTERIAN CHURCHIS Minister: Rev Stacley E. Smitis,BSA. SUNDAY. JUNE 2vd, 1968 10.00 a.m.-Boston: Warsip Service. 11-15 a.m.-Bosîon: Ciiorni Scisasl. 10.15 a.m.-Omagi: Cisurcii Scisool. 11.30 ar.m-Omagis: Worsldp Service. CHUECH OF CHRIST No. 5 Sidecoat and fois Lise Trafalgar SUNDAY, JUNE Jsvd, 1968 10.00 a.m.-Biisie Scisool Clnes- es for ail agis. 11.00 am.-Morning Woroiiip. 8.00 pm.-Pceaciig of lise Gospel. EMMANUEL SAPTIST CHUECN Commercial Sreet, Milan Fasior: Rcv. Cisyton Colea 878M473 878-5542 The Lords Day SUNDAT, JtJNE lot, 1968 9.45 a.s.-Sundsy frisaI for 11.00 .m-Mamnisg Wrsbip. 5.00 p.m-Youîii Tise. 6.50 pm.-Sosg Service. 7»0 pan-Eveslsg Wablp. Nurseryj aI Ssasay sernice. Wedsady, 8M00pas. - Bible BStad stPryar Moain AIU Are irsniy WaIaamaB n, Wedneaday, May 29, 1968 widths dvlmod laM nt b lhe saflouer la malis lb.hecameare. 6 f etow. Ne wonderd ifbaltlng 1 davelopisenl andt he acquisition i o laod for ff-stroot parkling s mlgisl 001 prov do a eller solo- ias Mayor . Seat manainoed the 1importance of ineplsg municipal Éfinansces ln mmnd. seule the tows Seh t teispted t10show leadership la develeplng lthe parking latons LMary Si., If i u p aetemerch- sais ta geltageliler for lin ali- maie saolion. Tha Board aalllrlset sesdlsg the respes for sreet wldth dasignallons talthe Covail. Is cossderlag a resalulion tram Llodsay whlciisougt legis- lallon la persill lin mnlclpallly la remavebSelîdings daemed su- slgiilly or la pour repais, menu- bers aspresset caation. Coasilor P. Barr lermedt he proPased leglataias "dicta- arial" and gaverai memiers agreed. Thle basic prlaciple of provldlag for lin ramovul of .. hazardonsbilidings Veaaccepl. ed, bul memirs tncldet furtinr sltuy would Se aecassary lefara s passlog an opnion. Members sgeaI cosdarable lime on a draft sigil iy-law. Chairman Nons Pearre nsul-it CELEBRATIONS WEREIUN ORDER for Mr. and lars. Ra tat a suggesled drafllacorporal- of Britania Road East on the occasiov of their 50îh% 1iag feutures Iron sacii by-Seses aoviversary Suvday. Mr. and Mci. ta. hosled frie la several ailer moalcipailes. relatives t the North Tafagar Commocity Centre. (Se.i Debate, delay decision on county assessment MILTON 8783272 N»YShow T mnes Sun. thro Thurs 8 pm Fri. &Sat. 7 & 9 pmrn THEATREI t2Dm TI4URS..FRI..SAI. MAYT 30.31 JUNI 1 "THE YOUNG WARRIORS" - Cler JAMES DRURY "RIDE TO MANGMAN S TREE" - Celer JACK LORD SUN..MON.-TUES.-WED. JUNE 2-3". "HELL ON WHEELS" - Celer MARTY ROBBINS "CURSE 0F THE MUMMY'S TOMB» - Celer TERENCE MORGAN TNURS.-FRI.-SAT. JUNE 6-7-S "GAMES" SIMONE SIGNORET - KATHREN ROSS "VALLEY 0F MYSTERY" - Cler RICHARD EGAN ARC HITECT DONALD E. SKINNER SArcii.- ftRA.I.C. 17A MiII Street, Suite 2, Adtos Telephose 853-2740 or 20 Slavebami Rd., Poil Credil 274-3e4U Offilue Houns by Appoinoomesi CWIROPRACTORS A. F. KENT, D.C. Doclor aI Chirapractie 237 Kiogs Court Creseent Corser Martin St. Mosslay, Wetsesday. Tiurstay 1 p.m. tla9Pmpa. Tumtday ant Priday 9 am. co 6 Pms. Saiarday Il amn. ns 3 pâns. Phase 878-2031 INSU RANCE CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Aulo-Home, Proiociion-Aceld. unI and Sirises - Pamily Paras LiORilily Your Milton Agent Mr. Thea Kura R. R. No. 1, Milles Phone 878-9741 The MtualLife ROBERT S. HART Agent 341 Orville Raad, Adtos Sus. 416.451-3460 Res. 518-53.1527 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Panerai Home 114 Mals Si., Milien Gar 15th year ef helpfsal, courteous service. 878-4452 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, 0.0. 184 Mais SI., Milton Phone 878-9972 Ras. 878-9678 Tuestays, 9 ams. la 5 p.m. Frudays, 9 as. la 8 pa. WM. C. MILLIGAN, 0,.. 111 Trafalgar Rd., OakvIlle Office Haurs Daily tocluding Salortsy amn. Cali 845-1511 for appolstmesî LIBRARY HOURS Tueatay. Tlsursday esd Prlday 12 acon la 5.30; 6.30 la 9.0 ilonday, 12oes la5.30 Closed Wedoeaday gaturday -93-12, 1-5.30 AUCTIONEERS C. Hl. TIJFFIN AUCTIONEER ANtD EVALUATOR Phanss: Rakwood 8564246 &#4073 EDENC MI1Â8, ONTARIO. ed &gpin doring a speclal meeliag of Haloo Caol> yCaocli on Thursty-- lies lossed iack 10 a commiee for tanISer ce- search. A finl avseer Is eapecled on Sepeminr 17 vises mocîl pians la vote on lmplemeollog the sys- tem durlag a egular meeing 0f the caorcli. Main contention turing Thrs- day's fact.fladlng session wsl lb. pnopased rani f sciia sys- lem. Most coillors lgreed il Vmuld Se mre coslly than tha preseol syslem of Seolng local asseosors in aach muniipaly. luhea ica aoly staff VIlh gai- offires in eaci laonand loirs- atdP. BuSe e seaffor equalisa-' ion of assessmens&crnoss tha moly, lhe lesefit f Implemeol. lng elecrrldata-proresoingpra. redoras, ami lbe facl liai nich a sysem Vas the firsi sep losard a reglonasllslionof goveromeol Vers ieavlly empinnined. OakvIlle ami urlingtas alose VIII lose aboussl$224,000 la muni- ripailaues osni-l Telephoas Company holdings an a reoili of the sese assesslng systemi 11V5 poited oul. The rumpasy lb presenlly as a fluedtlax lasis Sel shes a "100 per cealassesi- ment" syslam s s lrled the Sel Telephon o nd corne osutf il thbasasods cf dollrs alead. Thse same lestIua In each municipal. lly, il vas polnad omi, bSeltha tvo sasîlsero loens vasld ean the biof lhe loss. The crmnly Issessmenl rom. missioser syslem vmuld cari the cosnty $446.Z73 la operale In lbe finst year -- an eslimaled 1.21 oils as lhe rassty las rata -- a report iy lallossssessor Robert B. Seach revealed. Tlslsîiiasl 925,000 more than local muacl- pîllîles nase yay In loai for d b . . h . ~ a n a r S e t e ai m y m ur ab a ici e # e l = 50 hnzal The dase la %on te Uaapmalil <ewivy cetwMàp*c vu t ieit mnsolh. Thae nealai ageS u ba At i aiWdb, a NUballet Us-in. MIhlIbout 6wllHm Rai % ai llfSlnscaily masna i ll b. ser vil esein m d. MSa, acaimaare lira.Jean opesed wllba la ise li. ÀA MaILSJ. Newman, lbe mas- Barber, <eorptelau s;ir.Ans gala costome hall la Seing ar- euss Imasgnstive dirariar, lisArtlar, MIltns;Mm .Kay DlUa raoged for Satorday evanlngJune promises umsal dacor for the. Arias; Ialpi Wabely, Oalsvlle, 15. The >st-fliniiet bilding, ball. Re hopas ail lie ladiaseha Vllh lhe maseam aitaf. ILfthh ln econsy siss eam- ind cenlenlaleaaisamelar pins, lath lintmisal prajeof ai viiWear t m Main uamsl i SalIons caisly. autnllitly labig ailln& -J55e la a polar maith for SBefra e Seany Bra Imlpie. A bridge la SeIng SaiSIlt nes V*ddllIBS. flu Chionin te mouan am inhy carniages ara lin 15w carriage bousaiam the ploaaod lanpriaipairVedn moued lais lien ewebuilIding, IVU maem main Seildng, thli rl- plce Mid aY a 0O ring lath lins of m sict. An mal Srs ons linAlexander tarai Orceasre Vin play for dasers ls Kloasconseatsionsaras. -An abiiaMsdovellpsen Vn'fl Se sellai ns lin grousd For alisa eerynsai lin progtan labaia ,100peopleila flasr andilniselinIde gafery Sani, în'Il Se tlinirai gliaipai or propaaid for SsIlon*IIe,ons lhe elrcllng tleb. b*Ji. irId my tle. lanycoatenlaprojecltls i fte ainai lad ulondIle Park. Fria vini Se playlag for apoare building hau liai bain campleled A plana, undergraiunVIomeng dancing vllb Sas Harrin an can- and aller a féeminsir adjanl- pool, spors campIez and spari. er. Menniaare madafil VIII Sebiuraedid eanare planned. M RalpS Sac iwedding lnds avd iaff Fhoto.J assesomesl services, allbmigli tise preseni figurae10 diffLeicuîtl astimale erause lbere 10 505e over-lapplng of services sy ao- sessilsg sfs. Tise adjuslmeal wouald lice lie rouoty a loai ansesameal saff of abouta 41, lise equiulalesl of the preseul lotai 1n lbe seven moirlPailies ln alio, Mr. Bearl's report lndlraled. The maln sffvsasld operale tram a rentrai office 1n billIon, Ilb ssii-offices ln eacii f lbe ilier muniipaltlies. B.A. DEGREE Barbera C. Macksy, deughter of Mr. and rirs. R. Mackay. 359 Pearl St., received her B.A. degrea iv Fine Arts and Ecglish an Convocation cere- mocies t the Uiversity of Guelph on Ttrursday, May 23. Barbare iseagraduate of Mil- toc Public chools snt Mltoc District Hivh School. 1~ There'a an Admirai Air Cenditioner to Suit Every N.d - Fricces models have aT.U. raisgs frorn 5,250 ns 7200 - Royal models vith B.T.U. retings fromn 8,800 la t8,500 0Ceaipila Aufamatic Tompeaur. Conarol 0 Air Pr«hoam on &Il Mdl *BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE Check with us befor. buying any Air Conditioin.r - W. wiII give you the bâest dcil RICHARDSON'S "n'O& Tv MmN ae " The proposai for a counly as. sessmfent commlsslooer systeni for Hallon as thoraiglsly dtit- Cre 5w., Te* e vel fi bel as Ce hbi loi foi fat I in IL Pl l P nPhone 878-6043 ,ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT & GROCIRY STORE Sw.et Juicy Sunkiat ORANGES .. 3 de:. $1. Vegue TOILET TISSUE .......-8 relis 79c Clark'. - is-sa. Tins Deep Brewn BEANS with Park ... 6 fer 98c Fresh Cr.am MUSHROOMS ....... 49c IL Florida Grapefruit ............ ....6 fer 49c A-B-C Brand - Sae.»2c SOAP POWDER....................... 49c box Dare's ÇOOKIES, Save 1 9c ..... 2-1b. box 79ç Mary Lou Brand MARGARINE .....4-lb. $1. Canada Paekers - Devaos Brand4 Rindlesa Slce.d SIDE BACON .....69c lb. pk. Maple L.af WIENERS---.............. 49c IL Fr.ah Lean Sutf PORK CHOPS ....49c lb. Maple Leaf BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 49c lb. pk. Lean Peameal BACK BACON ....69c IL

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