HORNBY Missionary to lepers shows movie to club FIV VIARI 0F PROGRtES as prncirai oi Kil tce o$M iheck PulicSahole Ori egtoneN. bride Pbhli aol eaiediJ Moceisnea ores- Hooc clic cro i e priciîpalofni Kllitde PS eaio ron-i thtlioce anîd Semai Assoo- einîti onSertrecîber, lonkso n e t tn Tuesday eîening Assocato ptnoidet Ms \NFordo hs întamed the slina Mr Rasbertcpeset the git toMr. Mn snc ne isoeng eightyeas ag, wasosn rsocswh l nîîeor fall assieethie headnposi- hnkeIad opeetd, StffPPhotn) KILBRIDE Principal, custodian honored by parents Oy Ms. William Watsono t AI Argent, Orynimndeot of' Progracs and Ronbert oes, te. cretionoSuyerisefor bmare& ton of theOereat no Deyutmtotfor thton ofouchongtonatdrestad tht members f thtlilhrlde anme an SchnlAssociationlust Tnesduy eveniing. Mmr. Sones mute relerence ne th nen ylan nhere tie tome mut ha diidet frte ntiren eslgaated ecretios areas and asmmred att tht lans rs. onterwuy egriot hrtrer develimrmt o f local ecretion tacilttes. Hie aiso commeoet Kitrite tnr their flot commun- ity spiit. M. Argent at Mr. Snts ere introtrcet y Gordon barris n thanet hy Dr. R. Muiheat. Presiteot hrs. MryRasharry catet on Mrs. Wibert Fort ad yesented lec ilS a siler cream an sugr set, tOto calet in Princiyal James Morrîsonuot presentet hic clth a test set and o book on Kucshyflntogrupy. Os hehaaif otht Kiirite Hban att chool Association.,hrs. tosharry eresset thuoho ad uyreciaioo or tirir itenost ad taithirul service. hrs. Ford fasha en caretuker ot tht Kilridn schrot sîncentie opendsg in Seteorber t9t0 att prer 1teto onos rencharge nthe t room school toc erght euc. hur. Morison is halog pro- anlet and trunsferredtobeyrin- cipat f the huohawk Elemnntary Scirool on Srice Avenne i0nom'r hongon. Tht scirool wl opeito Sttember t9ti nth ntcîctet enrolmet ot 350ad a staft 0f 14. The scirool ili ha enlrget in1969 te1accommodat OOyo- ils. An oren conceyt sciroot design is te ha sed, (..thtre are no i ttrior nuits - cont. qoentty i uyers ro be ont teacinc unit). Tht sehol i constmctet in yods and ires theoyypeurunce ot hingcom letelc mon. Tire focl ornt f the sciroot i soan etensîrelr trioiyet irary resta cec en- tre. Tht crriclmnorhkirter- grten. pyer oe and er to stttts s desîgnet on un in. gratet pprooci. Conseiyiently tht strident wcr11 yrgrssuas ruy [dtp as iis mastery ni srofls aitom. Teanm teuctong is teo has [n an attemt tc tihiethtie staff esurces more effectînelp. To facrhitutn flrxibiitv oc grmyping ad redore tht noise factor hlch romilts froc thr anicipatet monectt, tire schocl is equippet ith n arnîstîc ceil- tng ad hoadlooc thrmugirmir fil souait hanotet tht studies show tht use o rrmtitom has yoen te ha hoth yryoseful and pactica. M. Morista intoucethel tnewprincipal, Normaslionetl hM. lionel receiet hiselemer. tary educatiot isliamiltos. He gatuatet tram Westtalt Colleg- laie la 1952 andi eceioed i liahelor f Ams tegmeet fm McMaser University in196f4i. M. liowl's 13 panes toarri tng eptiesce Incintes vice- prtsctpalships ut MoutGard- tas, Roling Meattas ast ttiJza bath Garen. For the pas thmee yeaamaM. liemei bas been prin- cipal of GlewotatPaui SRchtt Mr. licielista arriet astbha tirse. ctaIlre. UMr. Jive Jahnson coocted the.i taflatiitof othctmnfta tire tit8-i9 tera. Tht stte f officersnweroas folloms: resi- dent Dr. R. Murhead, yost res- [dent Mms. Mrp ashrrp. irsi vice Mms. G. barris, second ice Mrs. Rchat, recorting secretarp Ms. J. binmes, c- respoodiog secretucy hrs. J. loglis, treosurer Delmar Coul- son, pulications Mrs. Williuan Watson, yogram Ms. J. Otor- ic, social conener (top) hrs. W. Wilson ast Mrs. t. Jcsos, (eeiog) Mrs. M. chett ad hrs. A Stontes, memhrship hrs. R. MhuMiren, historias Mrs. J. tnghis, charcan room repreetattîes Mrs. R. Znct- er, staff ersenratint Miss K. rackentnîmy an principa Nor- mas boneli. Dr. Muhea. presitent for. tht titi - t9 era resested Mrs. Rshrrp ith hec past ymsidtt's pin. Mms. tusharmp thanhed tie members for theireroereot they hat shomo hy tteoding tht meet- ings and for tire eo.operatinn she hat cceinet froc the teociers asdthtie esecuiilotdriog tht yust er. hrs. Arreor err's knoter- grten luswon tie slritît an unurd fr tire Mtiprtns in aire cdancc. Tire nec rcsdenlticr. hurir- iead brtaghl lie meeig toaa losecir lihe sicint niftire tien . F runees Broirrepresentet tht Çileride Sfeto purol ut tire ergih hauoal schol ytrnl ac- iornrtat ttaaoc Mav 16. 17 and 1t. Tire Kliride Oueto Ptrol mechars enioedthtir nîr arl ctior lut Tluisarstp.May 23. Rot tocs, arsonireadad Sot eirocolate nere secned 10 tire chiritren and stafft rî r i te seroot Iy socil cenr hics. H. Jachsnn, hrsA tokes, an hMr. M. Shîeti t 5.m. t Aternurds bowingwas en- y (oped urtirhe Milton Bolucup. - An offce re 'on etd at - tIre home ot M. ad Mrs.tioss 0 tarIrottlc or Kilbride Sndv. Tirose tteoding oece M. nt y hrs. tendcrsor an hMiss Lola - Tiromsonofot titas, hMiss ýs Mlret Hareis ot Oui Ci, Michican, Miss Posocor Flt. id ererr nf Wuerdo-n, Mr. and ff hrs. Erl Jenner ot Los PAoeles, Mr. aot M s. P osOmtirnd Mr. of and Mrs. iapcuc oTero, NY., ,e and Ivan Zrmeucotf eerr's ne Corners. QUIENS GRAD David Walter Madili, son of Mr. and hrs. Gordos t. Ma- dii, 232 Gondras rve, Bar- liogono, grodnated in ced!- cin te roc Oees University, Kngston, oneSatirday, Map 25, and iii shortly leaoe for a cents intenhip t the tooalJuiltt Hspital, Vic- toriaBC, Tht May meeting 0fi. Sleyh- *'s Anglica Chnmch Galit nos heit recenly ai tht hamt0f Mms. Alas Rircp. Mms. SIti Bradiey, the pmsitttl. neltamoet tht tat- aes 10 tht meeting nhuch nus rpeoet nithithe GOnlitPrayer. Tht roit caît nus ansntret hy 1f riembers sot ont tisitor. Tht membems nere ashadt 1 ane their tavoritelaner nhlchprnv- ed tht mont nasitie most papoiam. The ancrttary's mtptrtnasgloet op Mms. tdgar Oliphat,nhoatsn rend tht comepastence. A Bible stroty mas cootoctet hy Mrs. Geoffrey Den-rmtah, tabea lrom Chapter f4 0f Rt. John. Qoestions ant noners ntredis- cosset hy tht members ast tach ose rend a verse tmom tht Bihle chich ymosed vtmy inspimita. Dumiog tht busitns pemtst a netditg ectytita nus discusset and a commiltet choses. A sale 0f buihs, hanse plants ant tlon- ers nos hett nilfi Mm. Jlm lntoin0charge 0f tht aucttoteer- log joh. Mms. Clifftmt bnntem witt ha tht cnventm for tht Jone meeting nhich niti hea oditoem and theotre stght nlth tht taties of tht Anglican Chumch Wsmen ineltedto10attend. Tht meeting closet nith praytm foilomet hy lonch anmvet hy Mrs. John Ros- setl and tht htstess. Tht genemut meeting of tht Ricrcest United Chorch woshetd on Wedontudy tsenlog, May 2f, at i p.m. ai thteliomohphtnited Chumch. Mms. CllftortWriggtts- morth netcomet tht ladies 10 tht meeting nhlch she opetet nith a ytam cattet "Rita Doms". Tht tevtiotal periodmwas tpenednlth hymo f56, "Prom Greestuotss tcy Mointains" hy Mrs. John Wallace. A scmiptome eudisg on "lAtaomois" nus gises hy Mrs. Harvey Nrma. Mms. Watt- ace shtmtd a film estitled, "Tht tpe nf tht Beholter", chlch mas lntemestln o 0&IL Tht minutes 0f tht lust meet- ing cece eut hy Mcs. Vernoot Pichet. A daste ilobe httdhbythe Starttght Unit os May 3f, ut tht Percy Mermy Ichocosusasansu- ced. Tht itmlngClrcle nif meel tht first Wedsestoy 1n Juta. Tht ftumfight Uni t ha becateming to tht tith Annlveesryof the Horn- hy Wosens sstitute wtdch nil ha heit os Jota f9. Tht congre. gotiat yicolc miii ha helt or Jose 23 ai the tochmoont Fart. Tht neot mtet'îig odtthaeheld a Ashgrone. Mms. Wricglescoctt closed tht meeting nith ymoyer By Mrs. Jim Hamilton vr511 enîoyed. Fred MCrron of ntion fas becns itiOt ith trinats ln this district for tht pasi eeh. Mr. asd Mrs. Abert Marrh- ment hase bean isiiot nidi Mr. and hrs. Meivit Penaey ot Gr- rie ad Mr. atd Mrs. Bll tMarch- ment o Wlgham. Tht weely auchra parly of tht North Trafalgar Euchre CluhnOc heid on fatrtay nlghl, May fi. There waine talhes rit tuchre 1n play nith the prîtes gong 10 tht floing inners -Mrs. Jach Ninon, Mrs. Joe titis, Mrs. Franh Peacoch, Rotait King- shot, Jne Ells and Charlie Trimhte. Tht iochy trans nere won hy Mms. Rotutt Klngshtt aot Jack Nixon. Thttnet tochre ci ha hoît o n airtaY ight, Jute i. Tht f1na1 tochro pariy of tht seasonnwas beldhy tht Recreatiot Committet of tht Btyne Com- muthty Ceaire on Fritay night, May f4. There nere if tables of tochre ia play nlth tht prîtes coing 10 tht fotitalng wnoers - Mrs.Vee radley, Ms. Olive aan,Tom litasitit sotOtrait Carton. Th iochy trans nere non hp hMr. Clayton May, Mrs. Jim Shields, 30e Etifs att Cgtf- fort Norto. Lnch n as serve t hy th committet. Anoverthry reeting s 10 M. snt Mms. Rirfi Roman nho nl cehmbate their wtttltg anniver- tory on June 3. Mr. an Mrs. Garry Hamiltonr uttendet aansrrise hirthday yarty 10 honor of Roy Smuth of Brmampton. Tht party nan heit on FrttaLy nigt, May i4 ai tht home of Mm. ast Mrs. South. fevemai 0f tht laties 0f Eten Untiet Chorch nere goants 0f tht BtbesaaUitet Chorrh Wnmes nho heit their meeting an Tats- day ighi, May f1. sirthtay grettites 10 Uttit Tommy Plant nho nil celebrate his tirst Mthtay on Rainrtay, Jane i. Members 0f ttenOUnitd Charrh miii be pleaset 1n hear thai bts. Douglas Johlil, R.A., R.D., nas oritainet ai Tialty Unitet Chorh taniKitchener on May f5. Ristier theaev.Fmet Johion as a former minister ai tten Unitet Chnrch. Fret Job- lin Jr. has teft for a summer of nork In10tht mission fielt ta Western Catata. Friendsniiha pleaantta hoar thai thetwtn hmnthems have tollyrecoveret tmom tht senis injuries lhey sisiaint in a car accitentnar Sindrîidge tamier ta tht yeam. Tht North Trafalgar Commus- ity Chah hetttherMaay meeinga tht home of Mrs. LloydtMarshal. hmas. Dave Donling nelcomedthe ladies 1n tht meeting nhirh nons openet nllh tht clubh"Ode". Res. W. Muchas tram tht mission ta ltpems Oas tht gntst speaker. Mm. Mnchas's attrens, accon- panlet hy a movie, "Day 0f Goat Tldiuigs', hmntghtIn10 hose pros- et a first hast accotai 0f hon their mn.y est! articles.otei pattent. mre uamat. For, nqa year thie ciltren ta thc caze- snnty have reffl bdluags,cl- lactet Ctton alpares amt cu posage clampa for the lapera. Tlie hiaagan a&W siae. are uaet by tht patienta, VM19t the clampa are attd 10 raiemtney for iheir oeeds. Last peur the and a raid tons of used stamps wera soid, iringlng tht ttptma seme gî,oO. 'his was a very Informative emenin t 10 Il mcm- bers attentint. Lunch mua acre- et and a social hour enjayet. itrtitay grtttts an Jun3 ta Mms. Erneti Rat att Jark Marrhment, to .efrty Feensira on Jane 4 and Bohhy Drtn-Brooh on Jute 4. Chttren playing iih matches mare the cause ot tht tire itatith testroyet tht hart an tht tarin which mus ttmmerty owndtylM. at Mms. Mercurt wht lista ttr neerai para ta tht Ninih Line. Tht tarm ts renet hy Mr. at Mrs. John Lamtarinh. Acte>,,Pr-Cst concreSupplis MANUFACTURERS 0F 0 S.ptic Tanka <Ail Sizen) 0 36" WeII T1110 and Lîde 0 Culverta 12" and 1V 0 Sidewalk Siaba a Pig Siata Phone 853-1529 ~I.%I[Oi hlWfll I NO -ý AT TRAFALGAR MOTORS Good Selection 0F USED CARS 0 You couldn't pick t better ime to pick yourself a bargain. We sure have plenty of them! You'II probably find juin the model, cotor and equipmeîlt you've been looking for. AT THE RIGHT PRICE!! 409 Main St. Eat MILTON Phone 878-236 0 F THIS" * CIMENT 0 SAND P.LASTERING MATERIALS 0 GRAVIL aed ae'heue of lalldt Michaela Building Materiala Ltd. 2436 tokohhem Rd. W. Phone Dronte 827-1087 Ne teit Charge ,î ý c à for the grduae .. . -ec take honore in ~~rr~ec' '!¶~heping you look your besi for the sehiri ofpronut. partie, graduation day a Sponsor a gift of peesnac heautymrare tor pese priesa t fatate. 33 Main Eat ~~ 87&2131 A PERFECT WMDING Starts witIt quaiity jeweliery frorm engagement ring ta wedding ring aed the couples enchange of gifts. A DIAMOND IS A LIFETIME GIFT Ch.... WM hCnfid.ne. 184 Main St. - Millet JI * a i tu n b at The Junlor at At racki roetait thrnt brioat Afle ng 1i mver