The Canadien Champion, Wedmesday, May 29, 1968 1U WOile foI-sloglog dess'l ap- peose 10 hae qote madelthe roliag mat al faored musir 1n lis are&, Il muet 0e at least the OffciCW Opoition TOe coffee-kose type f tbing la comlog on srog.... cross- rfrasce tb Ynuth Poer's in- tendloas and Koxsad fi. Paul's Yung People's efforts.... and ma a resl the nambr f artists in staff 1em Is also se the rise. Qua grOep, composed of four girls and 100 guys, put Ieir senior igk clool mallemnaties 10 gond use aid called tese- ses The Hal Ilozen. Formed inJaoiary flblsyear, Thie Hall Doen conisîs f gular- plaer Doig oisfîeld, oko illi Ken Brownoproides the maIe solcing, wie bMary Anse Godins aid lisan liecube mis in alto and Saro Hume and iliela Penrose complete tOn so- prano end of il. (Etiampioni YOUTH FRONT The repertire is f the Gor- don Liglifoo-Peter, Pal, Mary- eclers cane leuglo. Peceplion bas so far ben ac- celerattngly bter; wib aud- lences tudgnalthe preioisly- referred - lu coffee boises, Georgeton's Yoil-ln, Millton 11gb ichool actinitîes, and so for.. AIl loir girls nere members df clurcli coirsIlihe area aid Doig played guitar for tle LO.F. contry and western band. Manager RonoBerubo nnied the groip plans lo"practicebard and perfect seceral more varted numbrs 10 iden teir scope." Horse shows Tno area ridlng clubs are planning a series of open horse sowos ai Lonville area farse on Btanday aÉternons, boglnlng 1n June. Te Cedar Valley Oders aid the Burllngtnn Wetern laddle Club dil oltly sponsor fise sowon001e Iird uday of eacli mont, bgnning June 16. Thie shiows ci la leld ait Doig ap- so's Rnciog R Ranch oi Five Sideroad Brlogton, al a mle cent of Guelph Lise. AIl sbows wcll ai open o 10he publi. Hrsemen cao gel for- tbe ruIformation from Mms. ap- so, tbe Cedar Valley Eiders' secreary. WITM MURDER ON Hît MIND, Albert Srachan seeesstiewed hy audences Wedvesday, (Gordon Timbersl pals the ise-grip on Pearl Thusday acd Fiday ecenvngs as they attend- Bond (liz iadell an Dr. O Shea Cameon ed Mlton DistitîHfi5h SoeulDtaratic So- Mtichelltrieso sop it allth hisae rascetys Prouctonof "Pnk Strnu and Snolîvq ed. This as one ni a number of specrclar Itîta. (Staff Photo) YOUNG LOVE Me had gase. for onlya moment, A stlkoette of 'a' agaloal 1e sky, wplias1Irelad obat sOn 084 meto; '110f to folles', Itl ed make lerCrry, Wt tM bs aahappp krsa I rîed, For pas 'm.It -catrn,. I thogbi, I coibi aInaSS, amSide, pAid eoor MItis b"te. I Iaead bar usry -ich, Ig WII5Sa rot 5, But 1 bapa to l ua 081cb, wa u evrta Sa 1;: se. I cas sorry if i made ler cry, But Il made me feel so sad iside, To see ler wIth anogler gey, I bec ten, l'd burt ler pride. I used 10 lite the tîmes, Wbasu the cbid ben ber bair, Thome cary apactal lImes, Thal non are balt a prayer. Thn tboaghl f ber close 10 me, LIte a millier aid a c4Id, Ia air arma I'd htpe 100be, Te daSacerlips so mIId _-PAO Bp Marslia Zuest Our edutional ostem, as il la non, seeds sone drastirclan- ges and 1I bel tis chiange ntli cune fbrIO 1n 1he ilst century. Thea btggesl prnllem of igb scholslsodap is 1he total lacli f respect for a person's indiv- ldualily. lisilenîs are ordered aroiod and erded frun class 10 class like caIle, Uusualiy, tliey are ooîp alownd 10 nico res- pectabile and acceptable opinions and, of corse, il loplos oicb as sen are bosglil up yoi are ex- pected t10 bep ilin Ile limits or leave. la the ilst cetury smaller classes nilI eliminale lis prollem. Classes nilI have 1ree 10 ise sudents ilI a teaclier. In lths nay, 10e tendh- er nîlI 0e able tn uoderstand eacli sludent's personality. The tearlier dili es noon is limit- allons and ilI knwnliat 10 ex- pecl nf is. Because f 10e smaller classes, oudents nilI be able tn dscnss Ieir prob- lemes and air Ieir opinions more freely than tliey noild te able lu in a large claso. In the firot pear of igli school intenive study f vocaions soisld take place and acI stu- dent slold decide nich job ls best oitled 10 ise. Tlen in 1he remaindng years f scolhe k sOldent may aise tocard is par- tîclar goal and study subecîs especially pertaning 10 his fut- Televisio may 0e an import- ant part of educaio cnîle 21st ceoîcry. 01110 tbe ubortage f teachers as itlu now, lis mighl ai a solution. The only troible is, hon noild yoi ask fcr an expîcoatîo oc sonietbicg yoi didnot uoderstaod? In ottier cords, caoi televlsion really take the placp f a bumno, t-the- lîlehtooi.lie hinybe hiogu ilcage 50 the studeot can study is suto' Wtc by research work. Instead of haing one textbonokthrownoai yo, Ithe clans sboitd 0e taugt 10 examine the subieci Iroigh celer tecîbooks also. In Ibis cay yoir knowledge of the mli'- ject is broader bcause yoi are able 10 compare opinions of 10- fereoî people. Frencb sloitd lecome ccm- pulscry iu ail grades startig ail grade one. Il sboild cuoc mees- tricted 10 tle ice year coirses cn igb chol. We sboild real- izer bat Canada is a bilicesial coitry and Ibat ne migbt gel aloog oîtb tbe Frencb-Canadians a lot btter if ne c-operated hinybe by tle ime cetcry il rois aroiod Ibere nilil e no more <noms and ait students w111 ai marbed ocn ork donc during Carmelina - -Crisci ir Geseralion 18 represeol- oive ibis eeck is a 19-year-old Mllonian obo arrtved 1n Canada wih er parents in 1912. Born in Slcly,ltaly,Carmelioa Crîsci atended llolyRosaryiep- arate ichool and asassistedker faiaer In the MiII Si, grocery store for a numbr of years. Tree ears ago, 10e aigas maoaging the store on a ful- Lime asts. "I1 nden nork 17 ors a day," olie nnled, bt indlcaled shenseld lin stayiog in 10e family business for teille a naile. Anp move inthbusinessnworId noild 0e tIna ioiar occupation, she fet, Alboigh cotetednil i bllIon, Carmelina fet ibere In a dfiite lackof recreattonal actlvlty 1n te area. Maîemalîco nas ler favorite selject during oclisel aid 10e cwuld ail rcaal haiog fet aoy chianges nere secessary in tle educalion melbods nsed. Among the replies ne received followng oirdragsetlfor opnon ono the grapefruitt-shaped g lobe On lonerlng notiog rigOlo 10 aged 18: Il noild 0e a gond tlaog. Yong people loday are ailler equlpped to vote tban persoos t0e sine age 10 or 20i ears ago. Yoing people ae Ieir owno mb-culture no, includ- iog Ieir own music aid onn ideas on gond goeroment. On te nec Freedom, morallyt I's 00f really toigoidîcliace complele freedon f moral- ity. W111knon restraint on people's actions, tliy canlurt themselves or tbers aid gel lto trouble. O er felow-generationers: IIARDWORgING anoagress of hec father's Miii St. soccîcat- ket, Carceirca Cttsci s acne- ergere. tepreceitcticn cf (-en eralio 68. IStafl Phet-ti This genratuo citi do a equally gond, if nt b-lie oh tlan Ibose ailoce lhem. Tbcy are uoually more exposed to thn nurld ai ac earlier age, and nbnn tbcy got cider and can udertaod bbce*ord's problemn ailler, ut tl c a gond ccmbinatucc. On Relgun: Tlerc doscI ap- pear to 0e mueS dutlrccce btneec the churcbcs' aste deas foc. fils quiOte biely llinrc utll ai aneceumccuical clorchb etore long, Thc lacs laid doco by tle churcb acc Sil gond 10 oc Se y liday, particularlo île Command- menn. tle torm, This Is really quite lair, eopecîally 10 te smart studeot obo bas etremety baid nerces aroiod ecan ime and as a resît cOlins a poir mark. TOis nay soond impossible bul maybe iludeot Power clîl relgo in 10e cext 100 years. A aigo scool run by students is raîber bard 10 imagine, ls't il? Tliere are maoy studecîs in tlie senior grades of lbhe average igb scbooi wo aresvery itel- igent, perceptive and who Once great leadersaip qualitles. Tbese studets are fairly rapable f ruoning a scbcol smooly. Tis is also imite a gnod beinning for doseloplof oir future lead- College education sboild, 1n some nay, ai free. Many yoog people wbo migît like to attend college do 00f even gine Il a thoigbt aicause Ieir fanilies sioply ca't afford it. Maybe tle 21st cetury dit nîlso brlng a solution 10 Iis proben. Do yoi taink dress aodgroim- lng reglaluots nill ecer cbange? A boy wbo cbuoses lu near is Oir tc is soislders sboildn't base to undergo nocbery and rude remarbo îrom teaclers us- tii be is fioally îorced t10001 is obks or lease scbool. Undor- luoately, on oir society coform' 11y nilI alwnys 0e enpected so Iliat tbe looggo 1eaidiflerent wili always ai sttfled. DR. DAVID J. HARDIE WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING 0F HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF FAMILY DENTISTRY. 224 MARTIN ST., MILTON 878-43211 *FOR THE FINEST jewe A FEW OPENINGS ARE STIL ~Silver Savii THE EASIEST WAY WE KNOW TO C' 67 piece service for 12 -12 Teaspoons -12 Dessert Spoons - 12 Foeks 12 Salad or Pastey Fueku , 12 Kives - 2 Table Spoovs - 1 Culel Meut Foeb - 1 Butter Kife - 1 Berryitpoti 1 Sgar Sheil - 1 Chest with Exciting NEW 67 Chest Special ... $69.95 3 PIE HERES HOW1 Afler choosiog yoae favorite patten avaloble vn Sterling, Slverpiale or SIz 40 eqoal oieekly plyments INTEREST lifelime of di AND THATS Each member wilI recaîve a Con' Drastic change needed Student Power run schools in twenty-first century? r IN DIAMONDS L AVAILABLE IN OUR ng0s Club 4 DWN YU DREAM TABLEWARE WVmROCjERS * CE SALAD SET Compmetary Giftwth the pvochase oni"Sel Speciiv in eer Suver0 Mîst. Reg. Value $8.50 10" ~Glass Bowl Large Serving Fork& Large Serving Spoon IN TODAY AND LEARN THE1 AGES 0F THIS CLUB PLAN. liie o4 ebr ny UT WORKS... andl set sietrom our "See Specials" iainlenss We Ihen dîvîde the rostinlto T REE) and yoc are on poar oiay t as îinîng lcoary. SNOT ALL... nplimentary Gift in your pettern Class Marion Younga senior studesl nf the flxe year corse. states she believe s the seniors do pot te nce s don, hersol 0< id- <d, "Itojooit a atuall'ctio, 1 gucus. The seiors want t0 look bg aod superior and the grade tuners are the ooiy ones aroind to0l0e niperlor 1. So ne pick on them. Il's ot right, lat il's so." Marion doesn't fel there is any rvalry between the 13s and 12's, sieciflcally re- ferriof 10 the graduates. 'W0y slimild there li; aller ai, they are ail seniors. As for îhe idea of fice year seperiorlty oser two anid loir yoar stodents, tkere's oly a small mioority con have this feeling." Judy Ferrier, also a senior ise year Arts and Science stud- ent, leels lorre is this smali mnority. 20e 10ys il existe, stmply beccose the leacliers nrvss the idea 0f Great Intelli- gence in lis corse, and as the brios f the sdhcol they muni set ac exemple for the rest of the students. Eer snoce grade ine, 10e says "A" stodents are relerred t0 as the smart oses. SOc feels Ihere lsasmaillrlasht betweec 13 and 12 graduales, lut says il's ooly a surfare reaclion. The senior superiorlty oser the junordois enut, bt Itllsnothiog couseal. Tosse 1inlits calegory, figure since bhey liane been in the schoil 1r loir or llveyears, arcecllttled 10 sho some ranli oser the nencomers. The grade 13's feeling cf higli raok is strenglheoed y 1he at- titudes cf the teaclers. These senior sudets are gicen prlc- ileges acd firnt conslderatlons, thoigh ondoihledly tbey dn gain these rights neth the pasning of the years. So il appears Iliere is afeel- ing f smperlority amoof the senior classes, them lu a put- donc o the toc year speclal corse, leaciters do inluence the suients, and boere is a vr- iedopnio aotthe corselich Malles yoi a sucressorafallure. Rgit or nrong, aIl lails exIsta. Only stop and tlinli, and put yoirselves 1n thie uidortusals sliois. Yoi miglit ertoge a llttînonder the glaro. et body for th. îad Prlday. All tresreC Bruce loase Ceanaau. (Staff Photo) MEU CIAL Z HEATING ALTHOIJGH 18 0F THE I H:E WILL INSURANCE ST. STEPIIEN'S SIDESMEN'S An nual Variety Lhow AT THE MARTIN ST. HIGH SCHOOL SATa JUNE 1i at 8 p.m. ADULTS ADMISSION .... $1.00 CHILDREN UNDER 14 ......... .50C EVERYONE WELCOME TICKETS AVAILABLE AT TIHE 0008 %ffSerd by the Sasahia. LadIes0 Asaîîîsry ----------------- THEi HALF DOZEN, ove cf a vomber ni music Browe, Mary Avnneocodwies ovnd csov Be- gronps making the plonge elto the folk field,. cube, Chat's guîtueisi Docg Boiid front and nlades Sheila Pentose, Sharon H-fan Ken cestre. (Staff Photo) Area's coffeehouse fad crates The Haif Dozen