Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 May 1968, p. 12

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1~ DIUMQINN12 The Canadien Chsampiun, Wadnsiday, May 29, 1968 Fun, fish, film highlight fun night Mrs. Featherstone W a1. Presidffit Bp Mes.Cents Patteeson Mes. Lu Buettier eteetiled lise ladies ai Desmqntn Wumenla IntiutslaortuetsaMay meeting rarenli. Preaideal Mes. Baeii Feailuraies melcauteiagemsp. sa Presddad. Elgisiansmaresi lieerodl catl, ama a page or couamu lu a nesmq*r pen ulu mait.l' Bpresealtivea la lits asnulTabarcetois Dinser ta belu liMthebaPise RBesm ai aullie mre esmes, Ms. As& Bltar and Ms. Baipis Featier- Plans mre turmesi toatatead Ballon District anesal ta lu luMd lu Georgetomn. A cheqpuwua ta lu sans ortue liselluii rat Pennies tue FrietdaMip. Severel articles maru la lu dlstlayed lu tsaeihobby ceafticamner authBe snuai Meeting. Mes. J. Ptcbatt S. luanedasi a mmi g, su eut- beaideresi labiecilohby Ms.Bael- ter, and a ceuclatati cenîreptuce1 by Mes. Gorga Baliey. Dela- gales sumasi ta attend mre Mes- dames Tam AMaerses, George Bstie, Wllilam Wylie aid . Fealiesrtos. Tise peogeuma otue sa amIlu stilate ear lies - 1if9 mare gises et. Tieseattibeauntyped bp tisa president aid ln atprect- atiens aie as givan e bus ofi cisseolates. e Mes. Tam Aideeses, cauvaser tueratiacatian, gave a tais anithe rentre ai Elinil Lake tue ces- tiesing adacatias. Tiis scisal mss st ap ln 1966 and hba eena a greut succeas. Tise sudenla - may lu pesag, Mdde aged,mwhte ne ladies, orrts tact ara saverai satioalilies. nidtsanad otiuru camne tram Meossse,BSuduryP aid Sast SBe. Marie and iloa 9 T Ose isssdred sud tIety flue enule ýre lu accummadatesi lu classas aid 00, 09 ibts sambar, abatsut lin l Ui resideuce. Illta assamud tBa l Mr ~mot adlte cen achieve grade?7 U8 ln 12 euits and grade ight lu -at tise same lenglis ai ime. à Oerry Wrighst Is tise directar lui charge ofthtie Ontario Man- powe r Acadumie up gradlug couses.Rbulet Sterling, cng- lias leaciser sdreases tisai lhe almaqtisere bas tl e luai alt ipsalitias ta ialdthelise aideals, ture eampla, smoking lsallaed. Local ultisena pay lau doasa a meuh loatatendl classes. Aui labiag tise course are alrlulag lu gala mare edistatinte sacure baller posiesos. Ose man mus lrytag tue grade 10 su bu cesld lie an dil lamer service ma, salisaer la la a certitled alec- tIndes. Tisare are nu age limita gar tise classes sud meut ara lu Bhe 20 la 30 pear geasp. lnadts- ditin lie caBtre bas esmertus Red matiplause s horct lerut classas aid min ne tiscea day seminars. At te lseedai thlie meeting lancsmas sereetiby lise hises. Ofilcees tuerlise cumlag puai' are, pruaideul Mes. B. Fealiser- stual tIrsi nice-preuldaul Mes. Lua Buckier; second ulce-presl- deai Mes. Fruank Walleet secret- arp Mes. Witt Aidarsut direct- ors Mea. Johna Pîcieti Se., Mes. Georga Balley,Mra.WlIla&mWy- lie, Me.. Frank Welier;audilurs Mes. Pinkt SrS., Mes. W. Wyl. But; district directur Mes. Tomt Alders. Cesvasaes are, agricsltuseatd issdusdr, Mes. Fraunk Weliurt cltisenship, Mes. Tom Aldersn; isome acesamica, Mes. William WplBat; healis, Mra. George Bail- ep; Mulaorical researchs, Mes. Fred Tecs; pic relallens, Misa Gladpes Feaiiserstaattflamars and carda, Mes. Les Bucbier. Mies Ellen Morley spent a pleassl m eelas hU d slcay mils gieltreeda Misses Asu and Eil- eau Tabser ut Toronto. Mes. Tam Bipsies ai Gibbons, Alberta arriesiortue am eeks, baliday mls bar daugister Mes. EdihSmiutlsand sas William Tallys and ftamlly and dangister Mary lu Landus LOWVVILLE Meg Gudgeon wins honors graduates as veterinarian Bp Mes. A. R. Casler Congaulations and batldt- as galao Miss Maries (Mag)Gud- Tisa Evening Udit ai Lamilie gees eha graduatusi lad mweai Unite CiuecisWamen mt ai lise tramtBe University of Gulphs home of Mes. Murray Clling, mils lise degrea i Dactar ut Bld LUse, ftuetBe May meeting. VelerinaryMdcn.Mgas Mes. Ere Ossgees cesdectudtisa mas they ldMedc oise ce ie woraip o thethem "Raial wa tueorscblaatic aMility ln PreJudice" dsetng mMceh discus- Bhe ciiul fedadl h i suo rop .m met rsr ne st amard given te a mumbar i Dabait resne h atr tegeadeating lass. lshe asthe Be useren of Courage" from distinction ofbalng tiselirad thecuren sudybok o Jpm rmumneve tolune mon ts Tise campiete utitmwaslaesned saun miichis tapresanted inl tafo tuelie WomeuIs Auslliaey ai memary ai Andrew mSithB inu Bhe Bulinglua Assoctation tee der ai Bhe Otaro Veteiuaey the Meaaty eturded. Il mes Calege. asanced Bat mambeu matU d As wmut Meg mon tBe aard lu travelling ta Torento su Jasa presentesi bptise Updtn Cnm- 4 tn essslt lupacing lhaies t pyueorpeaiclencp tln large Bhe Ovesean eliel Depot . atmaimdct;tbisu odnCesn- Tiestessu seevesi eeiesh cli Bronze Aadier particlp- mania assbad isp Mes. K. Smih alii u utea-curralar acin- and Mes. . Peur.IdsathUnvriyoGul; Congratlatios s luM. an a ileuttisa Usfordly i iphe Ms. Tam Fadter, Bld LUse, aledianc e tis aI Bhe Cliege on tise bleuis ai Be rdaugite,Bayai; &Mai a dîer lrep tee ElizabetB Anse. particpattes lu înîer-cnîîegitî Tisa .C.W. Tbua-utiuring aditrmrl n xctv service t tise Lamilte Uitedi aci taer-mai aid leustiDr. Clarcis mes camlacted by tB udOsgasu viii leav ai tBe ansi ut premident, Uns. Grdes Maim- Jas unfreBuUnersity ai Sask- streuton uBnduy monsng. Suc- achseman ut Saslatesn, misre lai gest Speaker aaBu. Cul- se wmliiteach as etl assiopast- luen McKechide oa i.StJohn's gaut td o h umr Unitd ChrchHamitonthe sincere and beari-teit spes itc e er sermon laing ptysxeddora Mr --Th is Bdden Wnman caitBe pBtetsetM uiss Heâr". Sectl muic as po- . S. eatbaringtsu anthe sdden Beat~' Ssecal asc ms pu-deais ai Bale sn, Beuce, t idesi isptBe Junior Chute andBarlinglan su Salaeday. Yeslis Gratp Band andteLde U Trio. i ieLde~ Congaulations go tn Barol Tisampsu and Donaldi Barris, on BaerCunMltion uf tiese ae i Set June 3 opening Orangeville Park An offcial qsastng fte Be s Menrs, Conservaion Are& on Blgismap1ES.a mile nuaeBcdB OruageyliSe, hau beaplaesedtue Monatap atiarn, Jasa 3 at :30 Crodit Vlley Cosereation Aaslsily hba tuvitesi JohnuW. Thàlcier, Deputy Maiser of Emregp aid Basateces Maage- meai,tla l u gsuispeaker tuelse Sb i.alaemig ceemetes. A tsar aid refeedimeais it tllor, .&W the pubMin laeicame i. atesi. Tise savparte fu taures anse mqaplag a&W plicancad the laha taguicld vils ush. il va. a JcW ~ e tlath ie conservation mlsadiy, 1k Iowns i rsa4 vos aid Mne TaWsdlP. Ba- ?Ar aSid cid $1 a car viti bu vaimd oteopds ýang day. Tis@ As1kitiyluog5o piarai in 'mm hmid»et rra Celia VitBasesOU MraGlua DpmaCouseaai BueOuuarto Ageuslurai Categeai utOelphs. Me. aidMes. B.J. Catitueraid Me. si! Mes. A. B. Catiter ai- laudesitBe veddlng lade vuek ai Misa Jsdith Lynaeidesl daagstee of Me. aid Mes. C Mursey Cesi- le, Welland. lu Me. Alliter Breadater fai Bagea Fails. ASH Tea, shower fete brides by Mes. O. Peellacteia Viaiaora s onSudap mils Me. and Mes. James Marshaillmare gMe. sud Mes. Cameras Marshali 1aid Mr. sud Mes. Babart Mar- shall ut Omugis, Me. sud Mes. William Marshali ut Milieu aid Me. and Mes. Wtltred Greedaesa aio Cantpballvllle Si. Peslls Preàbylerian Clarcis, Belson, celabcaledBthe audivursary service tlad Bsuday.' Me. aid Mes. Pari May aid daigisterBSery ut Bercby mure Iluuer guess au Btday vils Me. sud Mes. Buis Marshtall sud tamily. Mes. Jean ouglas ai Grimsby lu a patient la lise Liccoln Me- marial HBsptal, Grimsby, ft- lamlug recaal .segaey. Bar maay gresin u ibis district i mli br a speudy recaveey. Wendp Wbeelisaad celebratea bar elgists bltisday an Uap 2i, and Jaay Weband vitlu beIl su Juse 1. Misa Jean Marshsali le pre- seully homeanvacaties tram Brantiord Geseral Bospital. Tise Zimmarman Yesng Ces- plus Clubs mal Frlday aigsi atlihe home ut Me. aid Mes. Barold Saidesas. Bey. E. Basister ma gues spaker. We are see lta repart tisai G. Cueseli Is a patiant lu Josephs Bruni Memnelal HBspital. Becent i iiars wmus Me. aid Mes. Fred Alexaider mare Me. and Mes. Tam Boler ut Aider. sisalO sulrsday ulgisi, Me. aid Mes. Ted Shirey oet Breutlste su Sauaday nlgit, aid Me. aid Mes. Barney Wanumalar ut Aldarabul on Sanday digbt. Me. sud Mes. William MeFusi. denatulemiedthetisattb eddlng sudiversuey celabeatian et Me. aid Mes. Bert Cooks ai Sterling, hlai ttise home ai Me. and Mes. Boy Andrems ai Long Beuncis. Mes. William McFaddenpoue. ed tua au Satueday evening at lise Trousseauttuafoee)Mies Ruths Miller, uldesi daugister et Mes. E. Mitler ut Westas. RBais lu lu miarriesi su Juce t ut Pîsegensu Presisytasuracb, Bumber Bimidt,toAtlenPter- tielsi ai Waidbcidge. Miss GaliliBrasnmas glist ai banne ai a ichon sisemer balsi aith lieosme ut Mes. JeaEsEnreti ladt Feldap ulgisi. Gall i. la lu marreesi unae 2i ta Fred Featiesdn ut Burlingn. OMAON Final euchre for season Bp Mes. Cai Patieracu Mes. Barman Clark lu a yaS- eselng ut ber isume lling a stay lu Milieu Hospital. Gumetil misisus are unleudad. Wnrhmnen bavsa aed vantas buillditg a nwme authe s st..1 camner ufthlie Derry Btad and Fajets Lie. Tise lan utacisraotue taseasua mas hlMai Bapisa ceaire esPel- day Uap 24 mils 18 lablesiuplay. Wluaers mere Mes. Veule Brad- ley, Mrs. Olive Baine, Tom Beus- fied andi Ourald Caries, lscisy drama, Mes. Clapies Uap, Mes. J. Sields, Jse cillanad Cliffard Burin. fTise parties mili resma lu Bue Birlisday greeltgs lu Karen Detiln sud Gardon Perry. Congratulatioes lu Me. and Mes. Benry Peacoc teeiar 18is weddLng anndversary su Map 27. --Admirdstraler DaltonuE. Mc. Qualg and hoard chialman Dre. C. A. Martinare represeutiag Milles DistrictBHosital attse CanadiensiallaAssogiation conventies ln Vancesver tBd. WATCII OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS AT West End MEAT MARKET Let Us PERSONLLY FilI Your FREEZER with Sida. and Qesers of Claa.d Moaday Opan Ail Day W"esday Opa. Thur. and Frlday eMI 9 W. Fasteed aBrand 5ae W* Servethe Béas End, Te. W. CHARLTON, Pzsp. RYAN'S 3 Days Month - End Clearance Begins Thursday at 9 A.M. and Continues On Unsold Quantities, Friday and Saturday Personal Shopping OnIy - No Phone or Mail Orders PUmas. These items wiII go on sale on Thursday (tomorrow> morning at 9 a.m. These truly represent some outstanding savings for store shoppers (personal shopping only). Corne early. Quantities are imited, and while we do expect te, have some of thes items stili available by Saturday, naturally, Thursday shoppers wiIl have the hast choie. (Ail sales on these items are final.) SAVE$3.3 LSS HAN1/2 SAVE Up TO $2500 SAVE UP TO $44-00 SAV $303 ESSTHA ½LADIES' LADIES' BOYS' BOYS' SPRING HATS COATS & SUITS SPORT SHIRTS CASUAL PANTS r00 values 1.00 valuas jJ ~ .1 valuas !. Uu $4.00 UI $6.00 L $30.00 $130.0 O 86lU Assred styles, coiers and Lmied qaantty eniy -Of Were cearing eut Ouu ulsey go. Tise balance Of tabrics. Sizes l'i6f 1ce- the popalar "tee-kays;" cas. spring hais aitishis iow ous sprlng coaus, sais and iveiy. Broken ranges of qua- ual pants, sizes 14 and 6 pine. These are ail tram ensembles, represnllug thse lily shirts, inciuding several in lise narrent "hot" lunes. this spring's snck of beau- seasons sesesit as...m name brands. Neat, siim, tries, cas. ti miiiineey creusions, Ia by anmte of Canada's lead- asstd. styles, tabrics, colors jas makers. BOYS' - STREET FLOOR BOYS' - STREET FLOOR MILLINERY - 2nd F1008 FASHIONS - 2nd F1008 SAVE UP TO $2000 NOW 1/ PRICE SAVE UP TO $2.72 SAVE UP TO $2 .33 LADIES' NAME BRAND YOUNG LADIES' LADIES' Spring Drosses NYLONS Textured Nos. DRESS GIOVES Valuas I 00 Rn. Reg. R10 Valuas .67 $50.001 $1.50 el $3.50 lu lu 80 To 3000 PAIR QPI Fesai clean - out ut sur lossIi know tise truc value Thrse poinular buse are by oefCna'sbt spring dresses, lu a wide ar- L suan as pua see thse a tnp maker. Stigisis subkabwBOe Cn aas ast a ray ut sew s tyles,ains, car-name. Il YTuawear dress ut thi et eter q. isausuy n makers. syes, qIa rectiy puputar sisades in siseers in watising sueigint, Asstd. itular sisades. lpiyiuand stlers, ad tise tatesi tabrins. Reduced lisese are in 60 denier and "tesirerd" for sisuse siu ss'sgatdsmeoutds ta rieur, are tirsittaaiity. ise su tank ypuang. Double suaves nylon. DRESSES- 2nd Fi.00R HOSIERY - STREET FLOOR HOSIERY - STREET FLOOR GLOVES - STREET' F1008 SAVE UP TO $303 SAVE 20% SUMMER NEW, IMPROVED JEWELLERY FLUSH-A-BYES Values 97 ugg. .8 Chanse tram a large assoni- Tise iantiy dispusable dita- mcnl ut Spring anti Ssm' per tue vacatiun imd. Eco- merd jeweltrry -nechiacru. numy pankSout48's in hast rarrings. pins. ai a traction sizes ilimil i panSagepe et tisa rcgular pri.pr ACCESSORIES - STREET csuet FLOOR INFANTS' - STREET F1008 SAVE TO $724 GIRLS, TEINS' DRESSES Values I.71 80 $14.95 TO 771 Were clearsngOuar smarl, crisp, uprine dresses ?lu girls' and teens' sizes. S1111 a wide range of styles, tais- rics, cuturs, trues sciicis su cisunse. GIRLS' - STREET FLOOR GRAB TABLE CHILD'S, GIRLS WEAR Orig. IaO Values .0 $29.95I TO 8.91 Otids anti ends, 'T' shirts, stiats, hais, pyjamas etc. Tise are ail items tram aur stuck - entis oai nes. Items in girls' anti chilti. rens siens. CHILDREN'S - STREET F1008 SAVE ON THESE 1/2 OFF SUGGESTE 72 x 90 RETAIL PRICE BLANKETS KLNE Comp. tSugo Value ;La 2I BOX Of Viscose, Rapun and Nyl- eU11E 20 an, tisese biaukuts a"tBusof2 u cilTis seasisable nun - atlergenic t20 FatlTs and ltin a eigisi Seer mied qaanlity, an ai beautigai decuratu . l etilalsts. Umit 2 lu ors. per catomer. BEDING - LOWER F1008 TOILETRIVS - tut F10 51,ep Dally L&.4..30 p.m. Opa. Mdpm o s. e pu LOCATED AT 1 là WYNDWNA SAVE! BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS com. 80 .67 Matie le Canada, these are guarautred suashabin. Shoret siennes, assld. patteras and cuturs, isctatiing plains. Siz' ns 8-16 lu tise groap. BOYS' - STREET FLOOR STREET FLOOR NOW 1/2 PRICE YOUNG MEN'S DRESS PANTS Reg. . 97 Bp useetftthe top makar ut posas mens panîs, ihe are suai andinlut, slyled tuertise "particalar" pyuong maný. Of revemee didul fais' luc i papalar uhides, YOUNG MiENS - SAVE UP TO $17.00 SAVE TO $9.98 CHILD'S, GIRLS' LADIES' SPRING COATS SPORTSWEAR 0.00 valuas 1.00 Orig. to 80 lu7001 $12.98U Bp ieadinsg apuriawear mak- 24 uuly, cisildeen's and ers' ths.gnnup consitus ot girls' cuais, tues nar stuck, slims asd anme sklra, new in tis seasun's nesuesi styl- fabrics, pupular shadea. es. Bras n ranges, sensa- Ulmited qaanllly. tianai valse. SOTWA CI4ILDREN' S - STREET 2nd F1008R FL00R 'ED SAVE TO $1.44 YD. SAVE TO $2.24 YD. Asst'd. Fabrics Asst'd. Fabries Valuas n Vala $1.9 II $2.98 X d.OFUl yd. e )O.. Cisanse ftramcaîson print, Chuose fruesplalm @Port anes, ptain sporissen ansi aher tenture tabrsca. lace, Prlat. sain tîisrics, assti. cuises, 36", id crepes, puplin Oic., S. uses 45" widths inatBe graup. sarmaus seldiha YARD GOODS - LOYWER YARD G0006 - LOWER )OR FLOOR F1008 M. w.m y- eu a 9tya' M ST. N. -'N DOWNTýWN GUE1.l ebt trollt vint, Bin lent. oral "Cit .sdl ilull abt Qe Drii dis. la t la 1 aise soa psu ti tisa Car a Lou Wei la I pies the EAVESTROUGHING SHOULD BE ~DONE NOW Sn A. Foy &-Sons Lt. 146 Main St. - Milton CALL US AT 878-6533 Your Present Car VIII Neyer Re Worth More Than Right Now Trade ledoy on a aesawld..seck Pontac., Oalek, Séun I, Firebird, A"aan or Vasha y 4 rsechoie.. OV5R A 50 CAS SELECTION in a ide range of mudels andi clars.. Same day deliuery ils cunvenient GMAC terma lu sait peur personal1 requlrements. MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. 388 Main lt. Miltons 78-2333 PUBLIC MEETING TONIGHT The Halton Progressive Conservative Association Cordiaîly Invite You 80 Hear an Address by:. The Federal Member of Kamloops and Former Minister of Justice and Federal Leadership Candidate MR. E. DAVIE FULTON ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1968 at 8 P.M. AT THE THOMAS A. BLAKELOCK HIGH SCHOOL 1160 Rebecca St., OakvilIe

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