20 UCTION SALES 20 AMTONSALES 20 AUCTION SALES 21)AUCTION SAlS AUCTION S AL E AUCTION SALE rm ulthgrad c, lias do id deer tu clu more isaferrei tylord st va ta truie .talother ar- abrei, and odote uim lir. Tlm- ome of Bue a praislta He men- e besattes ScolletteS Drauts De- or Snqui2.pauau &. wmw fl fln Puai, Aniqum aid pur- tsem Tt.eaanderslgned h.a reeved itatuctons frora I. D. GRAHOAM Ta salIby auinat he Ic.fmmLut 10, Cou. 10, tri Tmp., Orabuvea 1oi'm"', atated 2 mlesouutt of Eina VOlageon SATUBJ>AY, lUNE lut Caaameaackat 12 sacea GIYIIE -Rggtta&ad, mecouartuacot; Serge vcum c crdilsi ni ROY. casti; Lau, pump and mtor; 4 Surgeu uatt; a daugher cf Sae0aad, t 4 30 lb. paila; Universul fluar yeur in 365 day, 225M8 bse.yp ile; rsa u oacer ml, 3.69%6 tect, ellu reda mittb ga. b t trbetr 3vn ahelfer nuit hy Herdmuuera tiltar fna;Pal tal lenr 14 tow; Adreua, aiaughter et 20V chute;,topl.ewts h Citation, ut 4 >mru le 361 iuye, 200taa hminclti 15,498 Ibc. mill. 3.95%4 test, e; la i atr1 ua ut clis frech mth bail cuit t oa rsbber; 2 heuted maue tact, a la tam; a 2 peur @rend. boaclu; mater trough hater; 1 daughter of Ivandua, milktng Stewart oippers; so ballera; weil, ralreitan.maverage rope hulera; leather tic drapa vactacted. for mc; tattie Iruineru; aiel.2 TMC112R and ndINJEM-rcfecrs ENT - ml'. 50 tracer, fla; ELED - Atut 20 las of mlx- New idea No. 502 :Ztor od ed grain; about 50 tan miaci er; M.F. N. 72 SF. comnie. hay, haled; about 2,«30 alesd 10' ut. gaai condition, Ovu- traw. mmc SIuswemttuer mitt a a hp ANIUES - Large dinner candtllor. ami 2 aeaauon bll; culbuffet, cary aId; drmua- cutotm mrk; Hew Ideu 302 eadcmoesad ec tla type apreaier. PlO' John radcmoeaai -lc Des-e 11*im'rw plw,î41, «.lave sa set, cccii aId; artiat 1ue; baud vacuma.vey l; toma, 3 ph.; Taua calS tutcul oak vcttota itb recorde, gaci tivtar. ltne m. 3 tit;M.F.conditian; 2 old pie Ireabtua doubleadise, 10, 3 ph.; MF. 10 alses; aloimondea clatk; 2 gali.j haler, 11e sew; bute toalert ate Ju an otrol ani tark ut; Odyrath bail Jeug cck; ute rnni oBur cli calor, 24'; Suacler haie eca- CocablerpaIuiat; tan, 36; Hemwlieu parale ar cpper boiter and lii; tuiler (41aid rae; uatvbul .pressing irons, ver;, aid; li r- er, 16' rak; Lets grioder, drive parler heater; boa clave; cl bel; gralp augera, 36'6" di Oa; .ptturerae; ctater-ut ter;431 mtr I p. 14dis- pickle croet mith langa; li la hp; meedr. 31h fusai ',cochie jar; cut lagfle ir %hp;wee,3p.h.; fana gbowl« ati moustache cap uni mit arlea. l ec; nmatshav ilg mug; zmap aBurer-y gman rtices.li. m211 crei fat items. TRUCKJ - 1953 Parga 2 - ton p1JRMrTutIS - Bei da- trock, stock ratko, steel plat- port, kitchen sel, 5-piete; flueri fanau 12' gaci reninlg rier, potishr; vacum cleaner; aie-ei malar ucurty aem. tntc juicer; eleclric friug pans; etetrit aven; partar tables;i DARY aud BARbN ROUI?- bhei nduspriogc; roonht Iman fMN - 400 gai. Champion floon lamp; radios; set cf ilvet' coler; 4 3ga. tatulesu teel sare; dinhes; gordes wlcker patta; 2 straluere; Hansansaa- set; iras fireplace basket; ttghl es; statesu slee l sk, double finîsres etc.À '0511889;Cus itta ctrl os day of cade. No reserve. Omuer glclng up fansala. Omner or austonrer Dt reepausibe fat accidlenta day of cale. Order af Sale;:l'aratoire ami antiques t 12 haurp, tltawei by semor, lipenena, datay equp-ent and fred. Bonuu hIBSia AduniaSocety Laites. MALX STREY, Auctîoucor, Rackmuai, Paone 8569750. Clerl: l0ury 'Aleeer. 2ffl 12 NOON ls OuI DAILVWNNA GOULASH MUETTE DAi~11II" AND SCIINITZEL HOIJSE Halton Country Inn 111-ROOMS - BANQUETS - CONVENTIONS -PRIVATE PARTIES FOR RESERVATIONS 870"701 (OPEN TO THEt PUBLIC) LON Salon PURS por Yen Y SsRItvcf 461 raut 'LING wallon. 3711 IDMENT 2i.# SERVICE .ECTRIC OM35 : HEATING ITtONS Milton 877-3752 21îtf SERVICE AN JIANOBS ERVICE aMe Retardera 'V. Appilauea ci Steme IECORATINO ;OELEN NG ctor Lesidealia alter en Saimalea 137 Mlton. 21c.tl -REPAIRS RING lIONS ,IRS EN'S WEAR Street 78-4.472 2laIl-tf RATION LATION ratce SUgtUMW 20NUJM 1228 IG DANCEIUN THE BAIN IVUY SATIJROAY1 Weua ofIllgiuay 25 oa 3 Sidacaad, Norta onu h une aof Vol kswagen introduces tIhe automatic stick skif I. Check the YelIow Pages for thse nome of thse Volkswagen dealer nearest you. Youve got nothing ta lose except a clutch. -du 1maui st. a., MuILTON SAVE MONEY on a FREEZER NOW CHECK THE MANY OUTSTANDING FEUTURES Ï?RI iD N THE NEW PROM ONLY Admirai sl49.oo Freezer " Na? Quite us Illutrulci 0 CAtI OR StI US NOW SAVE ON YOUR FOOD BILL 0 BUY ON EASY BUDGET TERMS 0S ruions *,s-oyqy -I for MORGANSL Lot 11, Cou. 5, Euqueiag, 5 mites southwest cf Georgetownonm SATUIWAY, 1t0.IE1 ut 1.15 p.. IMPLEMIET - Triple K mabhis machine; rotisacrie; et- cultator and harraw attarda- ectit e cream freezer; kitb. ment; A.C. 5' roary momer, 16' en table sud 6 chairo; Simmoas bale clevalor; buggy; mauden aofa bcd; elecîric Iran; portable ahet wagon; mlkiag plaw; record player; tard table set; cardwood ;7Z. lama fursiture; lether lcggage; MSISC. - 9 ev uys, TV table set; 2 roam lttaou saw, nee; 200 7' steel poata, n-ca- lae;dae n utis ver aaed; 200 hcuny lumtaum ANTIQUES - 2 piae tmp- abeetu 3 a 4: 80' tapper PiPe; bourda; I plue dmegh boa; I pie la 11P- letric mter; set Plat* blauket boa; 1 pise chest cf fana utalea; extension ladder; croers; t cherry chest cf tcp ludder; wheelbarrom; 24 drowers; I Englista mahageay .2 raflera; tauikisagulino; sidebourd t9 aoaorted plue, cher gremce fluaxue; tire thulua; ry and wlnut tables; rare ar. saum. hammera etc. row bock 2-paed rocker; SHEE? EOUI?. - 2 bardai bronze audirous; trou andiroso; cou; dreacher; ayrlage hast iras ireplace et; iran tea ket- lumps and fred trougtta: de; iransusgar ketîle; iroa grid- dle; copper tes kette; large FURNITIME - Moffat eleo- Stase jug; uap bucket; cil rit clave, double aveu, uew tas- temps; laters; gobleto; piîch- dition; Frigidaire refrtgeratoc' cers; fruit nappies; china etc. This atac chatte ofertag of anttque articles. TERMS CASH PARMI tOL0 Purattutm and antiques altog a01.15 folloveci by wagon lut, mlucelluneausaundi inplementa. Owuer or auctioneer not responalble for accidents sale day. Unr. Cameman Wilson, WAR.D BROWNRIDGE. Johns MeNabb - Clerko Auntoucer - 878-6730 AUClON SALE 58Abrt1 uep. STORA4 Commentbag t 1 >. l'rtg.; 24" electrit alove; auta-o. T P mat i aeer; Wetla ttaphori; ssauauOP lag aetable; mardrobe; (NTEML dresser; bedz; TV; saui tables; amps; accerai aId cdada; rags; cheterfield; chairs; plutforuià& rocker; rope makcr; 2 bedroons IFUR anc sutes, tomplete; dia"s; <acta; and map oBur items oaa came croco ta mention. Mca. W. S. Hanna, Prcp. Note; 'At thesaune sale, Itemu f rom Sacers Cartage wiil be sold under tise Warehousemax'u Lien Att. C. -H. TUPIMI, Auttlnet Phone 36246. WuaBur parmtttlagMilo Boy Scuasvtliiaapnr drive inao lituistaFrlStp eceutag fraui 4.20 tla8310 p.m. If Il rara, Bue plbup la postpauued tu a ter date. Informaionuaad euqurea aiesld bu direclai ta 878-0614, ao tte u smbera lnaun ai- certileameai elumere Inta e _ ____ lame. --______ -LOUNGE -DINING ROOM Fully Licna.d RICHARDSON'S RADIO & TV 0 We Service 1 an Cf m &Ali ua.u What We SeilI D- Mrs. ED active in A corresponenuifor Bh ilo Caauiau Cbampiou and Actas Frec Press for mauy yeare,lira. Esther M. (0111e) Davoopori of 25 Colilgooi St.,Guelphpass- ed avayta Si. Joueph'a Itaqital, Guelph, on liay 10. MB ue a70 yearu ofage. Beare movng ta Guelph four peuru ugo, a&se bail au active 1M3 ta Bue cammualtp ai 11.1. 3. Mit- tunan aa 1.1. a, Buckvuui. Sbe vau a fermer preideut of tBu Buay Baca Instituts ta Nausaga- vepa aid bai &a euoeged taBue e cotcb Block Institut.MeSue a a directar of thBulton fair boardaid a member of BtJohn's Guill, Campbelivtlle. Wbuu buMe ieuI Bue isatrtct ase attemIed SS. John'sa Anglican church, CampbeDille,asue Anglican cburch, lilton. Fuerai service vasbuliatBth rRumley-Stoemabr tuieraihome 1on Weiaeeiay, liay 22 coucted by teo. A.liîEscbura, Guelph aualatei by BuetIen. R. Parritt, Aacaater. tatermeut vau ai St. Jomna Anglican cburcb eemetery, Campbellvtle. Pallbuarere vere BeusPeter- son, lNorman Taylor, Walter Fisher ci Guelph; Ciff Brawa, Archle Service amW Ray Currie ai lfiltoe. 1 Flower beararswere J. Davea- Spari, D. Cule, P. Ztmmermau, GE TIME àS CLEANERS LON PLAZA) GUARANTEED i GARMENT STORAGE 1 Uvenport_ 201 j Phone 87"949 1 ,&o&a 1 commnunity E. Burt, Debra Ziminu t Wendy Daveaqor,grandchtldreu. The former Ette Fattvasborn ln Toronto, dagher cf Edwurd ad blilaFait. Ounliay 26, 1920 ais vas marrled te Cbarles E. (Ed) Dacel9ort ta Nasuaga- veya cdd bu urvlves be. AIa remalutug are tva sus anad tva dangters, Arftmr E., Guelph; Margaret E. (lire. V. Cle), Bright, Ou.; Eltuer 1L. (lira. M. Zimmermua) OurdaaadG. liar- lia, Waerloa, Il graudebldren aW m mgreat-graWeckld; aatera lira. F. Bil1l is) Guelph; Mra. E. Labback (Ethel) Troto;lira. W. Kenedy (Dura) 3.. 2, Rock- vued; braIsera Ilarry Fait, AId- ergrave, B. C.; Erneut Fait of Guelph; un Charles, 1.1. 1, pultacb. -Watch ot for tbe pboney "'baok taqiector"' racket. PonIce uap aunerai elderly peruoua la the litagara aave beea tibui by the uuitb-tuiktg butai art- ltst àartheeuat veel. Could you Stay afloat financially .. ... If your oat caua.d damage for whlch you were fouad lable? Operating àat naIe crawded tube can ha au hazardoua ausdriving a car an a busy road. If ycu cwn a bout, yor boatIinsurance ls usouiau Important au the iluor- accu on yaur automo- bile. CIA bout inaurance cun help puy the coula of damage dane TO or BY pour bout. lFor eumlleb essiullla uni: MRS. T. KURZ 3242 Lamer Blae Llue W. "i. 1, ultua.L 878-9741 Coperators tasurasce à Associations ol ueb The Canadien Champion. Wedneudup, may 29, 1968 ) SAV -HERE LTDa EVERYDAY LOW PRICES FANTASTIK Oui ISPRAY CLEANER Pr. tC VOS N AIN camp.2.M8Camp. 1.39 SPRAY 2 SECRET f1!-oc. + 6-oz..19uIYSPRYDED RED N Camap. 1 .50 I Camp. 55c &o.o 97C1 Reg. t12es 6- 12 Cmp 13USTERINE 'n INETSPRAY97C 1TOOTH PASTE 1.39 TROL SHAVE CampaI. 1 .501 ANACIN Camp. 1.35 DOMS 99c 100e 99C voS Camp. 1.80 JOHNSON'S Ceup. 1.09 SHAMPOO BAY 7 1tt1c+ -o 133POWDER 79C BOO Camp. 69C HEAD AND Camp. 1.25 BETROM A ISIOULDERS G SETE 49C ISMAMPOO99 APRN Camp. 95e USTERINE Camp. 1.19' AoosII iMOUTH 69C' 6jI WASH 69c COLGATE 100 PERSONNA Camp. 73c MOUTH camp. 7l STAINLESS STEEL WASH 1.09 f79CI BLADES 2 for 65c CREST Camp. 1.25 1AID Camp. 79, TOOTN PASTIE 89CuiSH-AVE Reg& Mint 'J J' B B9M NEW DAWN op. 2.25 SUDEN Camp. 1.49 HAIR COLON 1.49 IHAIR SPRAY 99C IN THEMULTON PLAZA *Open Thurs. & Fr. Evenings 'TII 9