LAND BlD GOES TO SECOND DAY Ile estlmated the laid planing depsartt te h.a le 591 eligieer aid te troaurero p- poslnc Mllln's loti applcatlna for anneatton of an addlUioWa 2,202 acres. Esoaeslng argued at Oie cPanlng c of h aig n Toesmy huaI MIlton 0.4 heen graiited 200 acres Jaisiary t, 1967 and had not acled 10 service Oat laid for idusrel dovelcpinent ye. Esqaesiig solicior M.&.3. Me- Qsid achauwledged hatprpery hid hoon sOld hiy Oie tnoprcscerly ownelIn Eaqeslng afoclod hy Oie anhexalon, snce lice 1965 hearing. Board chartîso A. H. Arreil, Q.C, stlPolaled Oie Board nas nIt coniderlog ai amalgamation prqiosal referred b Oc, akie. Presentalea i a reselutlon cd Oakvllio Cuni, csfligfor staff sieetiigs htneen lillon aid CakvlUe 10 consder amaiga- matin as vlgroisly apposd q the Miltcon solior D. N- Cocchle. Tie Board ruled Oie reiolctilos as idmisuiblo, achilanledged Il noild ho con- sldered hc, Oie Board aid Oie Board might hold np lis decîsli for a bref lrne. 'Wo aront golif ta hoid up air decisi for aoc, leicoi of ime, Oie chairman achliowledged, 00111< aiy decloton nccld ontitahe effect unoti Jaisiary 1. Planning Drector cofCavtUe, E. R. Ccimmlng emplaslzed Oie develepmnent i Mhilton slioiid 0e Olmted ta lis service cap.acty. HIe malnlsloed Oere nas no nay Qalivilie coild ho asmirod Oie problem of develepmnenl raild oct gel ot et control. A msp, lolriduiced hy Oie Planninig direclor, sioned pro- jeclted deveicpment ni the brun Of Milton wtnOmtOe tonn's pro- posed sihienallon bouicdres whlch ho sald ouold idicte' a )Mllo's oun nenqiper iervlog the cemmnsdtc for 108 years. lFuli approval of WlI. reso "Rural Medical services 1 ?9c Ppu~llaton potentalaiof 53,800. A second map ras preented Outlinlep a rednced ores il 600 10 700 acres whlch h. aigpesed woild provide for a towncf 19,000. The redacodareadeleted RAiY estnscd expansion oethOe ton.. Il exended sStoin teDerry Raid aid lnchided Oie lle. District Hosltal. os Oie eset Il eteided ha]n acotei hrd Lîne tram Oie Onaro chel for Oie Ceaif orth la Rlghwac, 401. Il deleted Oie corner lm. medlatelc, norOi of DerryRoaid aid oas! of Rlghwac, 25. The oast haindary uas pcojecled dlreclly nrth to 401, attng otf a Irianglar are. Id Esqneslng nhere 401aid Oie Basie Ine Roaid Idercepi. Mr. Cummlag malntalned Oie prnhlem ci grnoi nows realica regionel prnhlenc. Qsestonad one Oavlle's develqopent plans, Oie director faresa & Cnompact uriai area Inth sha naOf idC"Iele rlic pen laid forth a01Rlghay 5. --Oak- ailliePlans dn nnt frsae graOit ln th. area aron lîaito,, h. stressed. Whn tie charmai ahaecved Il noild bho nnorhiaite te leave toise homen an Oe Given Raid nest O aitonUin a Gvyile, Oie dlrectnr canceded theyc, cld ha hroighlaieOie Tuow ofltan. Mr. Cnmming nated, henever, Oie western corridnr feliy develnped ncald accammndate 10,000 people. Qnestloned on Oie amontniof nsaihe laids 1n Oie redciced ares propnned, Oie planinlg dcectar Inicated he had ont made1 ailownces for vallecs and laid1 Oisl ight ast bho altahle for deveoemeni. M£lionaplans tr a IrunS serer ocslem had aione nt base con- sldered in deveoinlg the reducei MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, lution More trout Locai anglers tank ideailage of Oie eeer-hrlghles!ogpreccs poor weenand hp wnta Oi W.l. Centenolal Schlarslilpof thagncthofru. tered las! cear, the conveotion The Deparmetoftansidn ad voted le have the meney put loto rares!. stoched Oie pond wntO Oie $50.000 building tuai fer Oie 1,650 hSeckled Trani aid 500 expansion f McDonld Institutes iànhon Tran Frldac,. The Rai- ai University of Guelph. te, Sporcnme's Association a 0 Presideot Mrs. W. Webbc re- doaited 100 Raen earlier 1n perled chat Oie W.L beehs did Oie sessoa. net balance for chia cesr, aid ased tac Idoas tram Oie finer One tlsherman hic Oie hanS (Cfftnued man e e6o>ahout Z s., alordac, Charge of arson in Speyside fire A Brampten couple, frmer aid manyc possessions lnrladlng resideals of MiltoanadSpecstde a cal anned hy Oie tenansnere areas, have hoen o ntlc charged las! la Oie Ma ch tire. nilo arsna teinng s tIre Oiai TheDOtare PIre Marsha's gutced a Specside home lheynere offlce and Milton Fire Chie! A. reaclog an Marco 5. E. Clemeol have heen advlaed of Mlto O.P.P. laid Oie charges Oie charges. Mltnn aid Actan this neeh. The couple appeared fire deparimeols hth aanered la courtefraprelidcarheclcg Oie Aari. Cos. Joeph Feld. aid Oie cane nan idjanrned onil camp t. haidllog Oie lavetige- laie in Jane. tUne fer MilleonO.P.P. Police anepected a ire ath Glenspey Farms home anned byc Charged are Re Wlsoen, 28, Bcrece Frame mîglil have hoen aid hi. calte, 26, et 80 Mac- delihoraielc, net. Il nas gutted Mnrchc, Ave., Bremplea. American-owned f irm Procor buying P. L. The hiulOn-ied P.L. Robert- son Manfaclurlng C. macsen ceme under cenîrol et American uwnors, il ras anonned tId. neeh. Direclers ni Oie Roertson firm have agreed 10 seil moee Oiai hailtIheir comun share, 10 Procar LM., etfGotvilie, ai $35 esch plus a large nîhoriof third preference shares at $18.25. Pracor i.s amsbsdiarc, of Unono Tank CarCo. of Chicago. Unon Tank Car annoced il raild exeed the offer an the aime bris le Il tarehoiders, ceniteail on ?peccenlaccept- aire frem commen s!ockh od- ors aid a.67 per cent faverable repic, frem ihird preference holders. Fainded le 1907 te MIlItOcb the laIe Peler L. Robertsen, a note4 Invonler aid Idusrialtst, the licm presentlc, includes Oie Milaon taclerc,, the Torento heai officre, a Mnreat pant, and facoies in Firida, InisasaW Puerte Rire. Mc. Robertson in- veoied the sechol hoad screr nhich carrdes his taie. Robertson ceimna shares Iicmped Oc, $2.36t 10$31.306oOie Toranto Solck Exchange Prldac,, A resalnltan la lavestlgale Ifcan ge lontowuandgelthem," Oie reseletioe aid te nend Il ei complaitsetftiadeqeace modi- cemmealed Mr. George Frcer, t10t0e ares level. cal service la rural areas in the Acton. An etimated 100 nnmee ai. countrc, recelved naidmans ap- Milton dororcameoindertes. îeoded the it-day coaveelle proval ai Oe Ialtan Districit ire loin Ihoene n1eorîhero heid ai Si. Gerge'o Aagltcas Wamen's Instiite annuel con- part efth1e country. 'We have'l Cherch on Rlghooc, 7, Geerge. venilnlaGergeown Mac, 22. bhad sny troubenhie 10.1 oheuo cown. Reai hyMc. D. Weidoer, aruna i Mlen," sald Mrs. R. Gues! speaker, hrs. PatîKer, Paacco OeresalaUtineclalmed Wilsono nOn vesog 10e Base .0.2, Avion, Pas! Presidentlni Ot dlfflacýichan heen eoper- LinetaiRnR. 4, Milton. "We OieQOtario Junoer Farmers, en. endI.cristal emergenstes gai someone ihe oe0 mntes. plained the orgaisation aidper. ýrequdrlg dantru'.nervlces, ad Hanever, 1 hoc hat hoc, do pese of 10e club and relaled the dat. to elae acoue nt have a prahiem 5ai04 dGeorge- highlights et hec eeperieace as Fo rural aras e eseclalic, a1 tus.4" restdenl. i conr The lno@M@rn-reed le accept incmore on oe appied fer Oh t conclded, ..Se il herehc, ,eoved Oti h. nnen's la- thIte do evrcchig possible 10 t$rIty fer mtertaIose hin -"artc or iem1'bni-th1î lilfneicce ta croate a botter ait- The resahluian ras orignaillc, Irted by Oe W.L 1a Baltnafad adr Oe leadership et Mrs. fese Mcfiiery, R.R. 2, Actas. Mrs. McEnerc, eaplalned tOsI bile ah@a id net have asoeflr- tlstatstics or iformation an ilt abe had lamai hercocncls- Lais ai complaicis f lastituts camentn hec ares. Oie relatai!one icideatlînvole- ng s Ballia.fad lady nhnie hus- lad as struck nlOi menlngltas hring Oie cght. "lIer faidlc, lactor ras oaiuna amaeraltc mie, aid trae or faur ther latars refiased ta come aouto h.fermo. e finaiuichad tecall tdnctor she had neyer seen oetre.*' "lWe are mdc, 10 miles from oergetuwn aid Oive miles fronm eton. Whal ncuet Oie stuato Ie 1hicarsesfürther anay?" ai dded, Mmr. D. Mrray,, .R. 2, Nor- , agreed. "filas IImtrpes- blehe gel a doctor out. A cear t aI phoned fac a dciaronas ymdcictittacormc, mother-la- an ad enen the aisrerlng ec- ce rethaed ta aner."1 l'Yeu ai make thernccome oaI akes Halton, ntario home 11Oa .sner Indagstrl ipra- nUa. film and Oie arard-rIn- Efpo fim oic Onaro nID travelling tronc Englaid tis Mmmcr h.n Miltn Mayor ai Beal lah.s a holiday In The Mayor, Misriteaid tam- plan ItavielsltMsparent, Mr. Mc. Percy Best I. Ware- Dorsal. Mayor BesI hbu adc, made arrangements te, aiocig a copy ci( h. Itlta *triai film, and tsattemptng gethOe pplac."Otarl.acl- -el' pîclare as reil. ile hMe trip Io a holldac, t, Mair Bit idmltas! anc, Great Brlan'a rlch liMut- arantI 10hie sfilmsaid se asmoue, tIItai, find tenteldo itle ~W FEU AIOVE MAIN ST., steeplejocks are removivoad ce- atlng, ta.. paining the aid steeple en Knox Preabylerie Chorch. Whiie o ute " abisMafaberar tlcyve wan the admirationvofaehast of sidewalk seperialenol- consiller, bu lail eaU for chir oerial derring-do, vthe "jacks" have val yct heen Mayor cg Wrw" iM ltaha- smamped weuh offers te trede places with anyone an te arcp la I. Mm mas gaod. Tiyre net fiished vet, bol lreody te aid camer - la gieaming in the ,un wieh ils fresi coase ef palnt. (Staff Photo) as.gaeca' snoniag 0c-lar bas an bal heone lan. fie Ontaro Mncicpal Boardspprov- ed the 0c-lar aid aud Ihero raId ho ico fcrOer h.artngs or objectons. Clerk J. C. hIltyre said coandii ud pae h. necesmary Sc-aws tn have Oie Zoding Bc,- Lw Implementcd nlihOiee vi- tgted mlnor ameidmeots. fia h-lar ba! haentwon ad a hait eau lanftue -mIa gaid ailorcea stict limitatis ai Oie iparrpitg lndilrc,, Amont otier restictons, the h-lar &in e .eayaltasvrnltlaa place cdoser tisa 308bafi rnm lie eamng, aid ne edoser Ia 1,000 felt frem a ailliage A chione saîting Oie.inimo of 2,000 spuare teet toc ner haises ln ai agrlacitoral zone casad manc, ohiectiane ai th. MarcS 26 .08.0. h.arlng ln Oie Brookvillc Hall, totIwurasased nitiout revlsion or alleratona. The hc-lar Is astiep canard lmplemestlng Ouitua.Mshp's ci- Ricaaiplan anidnrIlI at1h. tmdndp comilhaeofdad>iist- mail 10 mais daciis onaimr vartascea.Up ta so, lhey 0.418 go hy ta. Saik. fie S-lar Ineirdes uthacha for eaarryhag ne ri u a cri oameoe imaine slaud sp Ma tatemet - 1885 aper. ares or Oie ilstituteoailnies of Oie Onarin Schnni tor Oie Des! aiOie Ralnon Cenenal tanar. Mr. Cnmmlng streaned hi. mailn cancer.nid Oite population locrease, and net Oie sonenalno ares. An earUler ninens, engneer Keli Reele, doell enlenlvelc, ai Oie SilltY of Oie flaw franc Oie Sixleen Mlle Creeh la aot- tlcleotly dIlute senage plaid et- fluont tb aveld pnlluion ni Oie Stream tOu fions rouglc Oati- ville. He prnjected Ohâ lO17when Oie popolation reaches ai esllm- sied 10,000 Ihereighî ho rom- pliti regardlog Oie dincharge frem Oie presenl treatmenî plant. He malolslied cosructo et connervatindams nowunader considerallon nneld ho reqtilred tn manlala the dlation factor efthOe Stream Orogh the lana. Questilned regardlag Oie change lrom 190i5 nheo Mr. Ree. ide sggested a population of 20,000 iehi horeasable for Milton le hi. presnot evtdence ln favar of s 10,000 population, Oie engier eaplalned Oie difference nos la Oie dilution factor nhich had nou heeo lincreased. A solution ho onggested laOie problem et nenoge effluent nwu constructian of ai 18 loch sn, lne 101the liche from hitea. The cool hoeuîltmated ai $1,500,000wnich nneid nerve onIYth Oin'n otOie area in hotneeo. OBetore ca shouid allen pop. ulatleon lexepaid il nhaild ho reiatedtle aturai resources. Toit,. the oic, peint 1-m lrciog 10 maho", Mc. Reehie stresncd. Oshcclle Ireancrer Joha White ncmmarlned comhined milt race. cf Clahoilie aid Milteonladicallag amalgamaclea nneld redire Oie 1968 Al It lSrodC-%- Yo oritOice ,o Otaw. fr a PI , a tMilon Otaios MuIta. rails 10 ana. noud ac- commodaI. a ppulation of53,800 and Introchiced a plun if redmced haindartes to accommocdats an estlmated 10,100 ln the opeaing day ce the Ontario municipal Board U ana.Uaerlng lic Trato Tuesday. Mlt's ancceato. Md ln1965 oclglaiy cslld for 598 acre tronc Emsing amd 2,206 tronc Defle. In an tIterlm declateii th 0.M.B. granted Mta. 201 acres trom nc seaisg, 4 acres tronc Cakyillie.Thefialdecigi wus wlthbeld penilg cons[der- alla. of 1h. PhinhatReport. lnc MrcS th Bard dclded th report ws ofalong range nature and declded ta permit a fluaI hearlag on h. 1965 applcaion. Tha hearlag la cotiuilng tnday, (We"daap) lie Boutd harlsg Tueaday sai Clahollie evdance tronc tie Il Il r "41. Il OAKVILLE PROPOSED reducedbondartes lined in t0e sngle oiichedareaneurrainding In Miiien's reseîed anneatien applcation the cern aed the dauble hatched area inic- in Torontooen Tueidayc, ininilg lteare& ales Ohile's proposai te redace the ce- SaUgol0c, hilton raild permît a peplaton ques! 10 60 le700 acres of OakhyllIe laid. Of 53,800. The preseot bunodarien eith1e The application is fer 2599 acresth&twonld luwn are sbuwn in 10e heavc, area In Oie aImest triple the sise f 1e tus. i4Te hear- centre. The annenatea applicaten isaIut_ tog IS centlneing Io Torento îiday. Auditor reviews town's operations wind up year with $2,141 surplus The Town of o! ileended Oie fiscal cear 9l it na o$2,141 surplus an coeratos, accring ta Oie anneal reporl t ofaiilern Lever, Hashl,Chagnn andMac. iltivcac, filetd aiOi 1he canI recentlc. Tereotnwas re- leased for peblicatonilis reeh, accd a ncmmarc, nf the report appears in ai adverllsemeot in Omis issue. The auletrs catilateation te Oie tawn'n als!aiing laies et $91,982 nhich reproseols 10.86 per cent et Oie currool cear', le'c,, UP .77 per cent ever las! ear. <Cocii, sioce receling the report, han had a "perge-» on lach ae. aid al las! report the figure 0.4 heic redeced le $3,- 00.) The cnrreol dahoohire daM t. $2,397,169 of rilch $60,707 is dee tram ther manidcpailtes, the report ponted aIt. Canni ahanai a surplos ic 1 967, even tOiagh Il absorbed a $20,591 deficîl on 1966 opera- dtons drtng Oie ear. A report on "geins aid tsses from budget" shows 24 items cul under Oie hadgeled amaunt tir a totalcd 150,181 hlo, oeil. maes, rhlte 151items cost mare Oi e Oesimaies, for a tbali $2O0* l laving 1h. surplusa id *2,141. Relief, aarerqseratnai aid ta. ilceeta aidsraa. zcom- of theoonder-estimaîinglastcear. Total enpeniiures of1$1,119, 713 noce nted lie e uilor'. report. This loctuded: Genersi gnvoromeoî $86,609; pretection le persans aid prep- eri, $907,895; cpublic werks$llO,.. 495; soollaln and caste remnv- al 961,158; uocial celiara $Z3,- 906; educain incioding deht charges $380,170; relarded chltdren $1,641; recreattan and cnmmcceilcservices $69,137; debl charges 9190,689; taxen critten off $2,548; nalor lorols Tax bis bring news - good, bad Townaof Milon laopaecs ru- celved same ners -- gond aid 004 -- ftrahOe las depatme.t. The 1968 tan billis rre mailed tram the lana offices on May, 24. WhiletOms cear'a mili rate lsup, Oie hihe IseoffseltOc, Oie provin- ciai baiet iheller grani wrMch gives eh Smonr àRrs 5ce- ducton onaiMs tInst $2,000 of assesament. Tbc Imen F40nioea Oial rhere the prcqxrly laaine- pied bic a tenant, Oie tasn maing maâl ho paasd ai hp Oie laid. $1,363; caunty rates $59,451, capitlteapenitures aIut e- vene 93,282; niscelamoas$31l deficîlt ram provIcus esr $20,- 591. fie tlan a id $285,598 inprin. ripai aid bneres! an doienhices. Financil i reports oetlono boards aid commissions nere aise locleded in the repart. Milton Aceai had a $2,583 surplus o000e pear's eperatis aid Oas $23,980 lnvested 1n Oie capital accaunl. fie naler departmnent report- ed ai $11,038 surplua for Oie cear, rith a haance id $15.225 in the surplus accaunt la date. fie naler nepplc, ocstem anId $100.703 rarth of nter dering the cear. fie Milton.District HIghSchool Board 0.4 a $35,736 mrplaa a. ttalienpenitulres of $578,498. Il has $78,104 lnvesled l l capital aaiels. A surplus of $30,731 rssnote Ili the )£Ilai Public Ochool Board accaslt, rlieneidlreg lotallIng $477,8U4. Thts Sairds capitahalaance heet abues a surplas of $19,718. Tremrer Mr&. A. Broumsu thue hila.nSapate Use« Btard's bonks rare natinfl la in 1h. audt, bssces. tley vrsr lai read rien Oie iemater ma" -I 59 clb Oshyille raIs. SHe alsonntedil.7 per cent of Ml1on's rate taistor dehoalore Pacmeals nhile Oie percealagp in Osheille lic M per cent. Questinned oe repreentatn il ras pelnted ant Oahvil1e-S 55,000 peeple nere Intfornards, each eiectlag Ire colacîliars, "billioancnold bho bt hait a nord Oien," Oie chsirman mused. Millea solicitor D. A. hicCan- achie opened hi. cane ai 3.30 p.m., caingeagizoerleoeMc for evidence an Oie tuan's troal- ment plaid aid i o Serallo. He ncggeated lerlscc, troalmeol of Oie nenage nneld ho Oie neat IngicAl step for Oie lan raOier Oiaa a Pipe leOie lahe. He ack- oaledged ncch a5 neHie cht ho caasldered atter ainoter ealoic- stan leOie preaint plant. <Cined on Page 3) Twnt- oPages.-Tee Cents. O. M. B. gives blessing to Nassagaweya zoning Vol. 109.- No. 4. ïke 4anabïanu On Lt- ýon an ,e- ýr. of X- r- he as he