Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 May 1968, p. 7

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ELPWARTED MAN Full or Part-Time local representative. splied. 'Must have car. er information sariteta 8ible, Box 278 iOADIN OHAIs351N Milton ffl .OYUENT WAITED' NVANT WORK I > of M.IS. studenta rasae mone3' 10 tour 1 1969 - nommer. ,y work for us? SWork Company ýaU Eveningo: BEVERLY 87e-3443 MITCHELL 8542331 90.11 T OR STRAYED R hound, feceale, ho. Sideroad an d Upper e on Walker's Lino. "-234. 1103-1965 FOR REIT 'E for cent, Mollit. 13e3-963 )M home al Paslinoh 8-6431. 13c3-179 eHEl) rom for work- ,man. 878-2016. 13cl-1834 r frontage store 01 160 9.pply V. Mule 87&M03. 13o3-1926 [tC MOT WATER S with free service. Iton Siydro 878-2345. 13c.1728.4 NITURE AND :; CLEANING MACHINE r osan furnltm-e and ing. Reot one of acr mchines. Simple Io nd use. %U Instema- à Machine. ir hourîy us. ie: 878-9094 13e42 MMER CAPS LOIN - Before mak- allons, check aur var- ;Of accommodation. >r phono 245 or write iTourist -Bureau, B=x 13scl18 AK-A-LEA V'S CAMP %NS0IP, CANOBINO, KILtS & OUirTflr rgreat camping ad- with oommunlty «.- enings oisly. - BOYS 7 TO 16 Write: Y PATCHET 1h Une, Hoenhy hrochure, or ne 878-2227 138042 TED TO RENT 1000 house, preferb- Ory anea. Referencea 1needed. 0782234. 14c3-16 house or aparlment hnedlalely. Youang 1 0mai hahy. 878-4694. 14c1-1622Of GOM houte, Milton or- the end of luiy. Ex. i refereocco aviI 34. 1402-190412 PERSONAL IA'U'LLAH" dned Foar Np, oe 00001 the aphitua M0W alicting aur ad gave us the solo- lTse seties of eveota mided Usat Speaker. ate the mosi rark la mon'. lsll ào the .10e>. or Boisa. OWe àt ta yomuu Wa8IIE: : 'l, BOX 164, mville, Ont. e Su0 or ôbllgatlai 5042 16 UIE ANl3SESM(TaSerice Reaanole nra. Trees ont and removed. Phonoalter 4 pm, 878.9239. 16o8192 PLANNING a Sprlng wod- ding0 Why no consult Miton Party Rentai for your rentai and catoring needs? Phone 878- 9413 or 87-9956. 6c44-1203.tl lot AN4D 2nd mortgage fundo available. also 2nd morlgafeo puchaoed. Cal! Glenn Donna>. Oakawa 'Reaity Investnents, 827-3713 anytime. 1601-169 Custom Swathing STUART MCFADDEN PHON1E: 878-2639. tOc-Il Furnituro Rstoration Craltiman rellnlahing, uphol- stery nepairig. Antique epeclol- ist. Fhee estimotte. Pic - up Md delivery. 1-519-833-2210 W. WHITE -ERIN 16b21 K & R. LUMBERS Certlfled carpentry and getter- ai contractiig, enodelliag, al- icrations, roc. nooms, trini work eic. MILTON 87ff937 ACTON W833 16d38tf S.ptic Tank Pumping BLUE SPRUCE BI8TERPEIS tiomestic and Industiel. MILTON - 878-869 14042f LAWN MOWERS Sales and Servie e LAWN-BOY e TOOO See the Terrilic Seletion Hornby Garage Hornby 878-4790 l6-tf CRYSTAL WINDOW CLEANERS For glass and windows le yosr home or business Ihat shine and spachie like new. Phono 878-3077 Free Estimates 1603 For Service and Satisfaction 1 Consodo 16 SMRIME Sewing Machine SALES - SERVICE RENTAL MitPHONE 878-861 Mitn Fabric Centre 12 Martin Street Services and Repairs on àail caeahofa sewlslg machines. l60o-ll 0 ASPHALTING - DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS MILTON PAVING CO. LTD. (onder nasa management) For frai estimâtes, cal! Walter Hayward 878-9234 Harold Agnew 878-9553 16b3 17 REAL ESTATE Christie & Woods IREAL. STATE BROKRS 189 Main St. - Milton $17,500 full pelce, 3 - hedroom storey and a hall home, cent. rat location, close to shopping and schools, dosanstairs living room wilh lireplace, sapanate dining mont, kitchen. hase- ment with furnace and laund- s7y facilies. 120,000 fuîllprice. 3 -hedroom hrick bungalow, living nomn and dining rooce, kitchen wilh ample caphoards. 4 - piece colored hath, full basement with entra bedraom and nonr- 0h00 n om, partiy finished. LOTS lo aces, lot wilh pond. Asklng iog $7,800. 10 acons, north Burlingtan, otroom. 112,300. INDUSTRIAL BUILDING 121,000 fll price, 3 offices, 2 washmooms, approx. 3000 sq. fl. floor space, by ail heated. Ashing 943W00downi. Cali 878-2095 878-6057 17c3 1 ACRE Exquisite Country Home 3 large hedroomi, huiches and living raoon, 4-pece tlue bath, dual ail fureace. breeeway, garage, vegetable gardon, frait rees, heautifully land scaped. grasi like broadloon, low taxes, loaded wilb ex- Iras, close ta bus service be- lween Acton and Georgetown. Betng offered for $25900. JACK HOLMES REAL ESTATE BROICER 84 Church Street Eait ACTON - 853-1650 llocated heside phono building) 17c3 Have You Noticed Our SoId Signs ? WE STILL HAVE ALMOST 2 MILLION PURCHASERS FOR FARMS AND ACREAGES. WALNUT RANCH Best Realty Cail JOHN COLLETI LM. 0 Crippled and Dsaîbled Cocea and Homses 24 Hour Service Lic. Nos. 133RF 2084UC2 Waterdown MU 9-1044 16c42 PACONI Dead Stock Removaol LIMITEI) Higheîî cash prbces for doad or disabîci cowo ond barmen CALL OPERATOR - ARR FOR Zenith 9-7950 Lic. No. 94RP68 12"C6 lic-Il CARPENTRY Expert Cerpentors Wili buiid anyfhing pas need. Aleratians, Repairs, Additions, Cabinets, Gara gos etc. CALL 877-4621 l6c6 ED. MCMULLEN Conractor 0 ComntiFionra, Stdowalka & Stonps a Chinsney & Plasterbng Repairs e Stacco Work 0 Firoplaces Phono Acton 853-1818 1604-Il Farm Construction 40% GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIZE Trees, Fence Rosas, Stane Files. Ponds etc. Large ehes nnoaved, hall price app. 90e woud bc lad t0elesate yaur Jab. , Watson Bras. Brampton, Ont. Phone 451-4804 10 & Linsurance Limiied 310 Main Si..tMilton, Ont. 878-6292 878-6592 REALTOR INVESTMR'NT 1PROFERTY - Censrally ocated in Milton, 2- ssarey 5-unit aparsmenrt build- ing. Annuat cessai incone $4.860. fully rented, 93' front- age on Main Road b>. 132' deptb. Listed price $43.500 with $15,000 don. SMi% morîgage. TENNIS ANYONE?' - We bave recently lisled the lands aI the Milton Tennis Club an Main St., having'a fronlage aI 155' b>. a depth aI 132. En- plame the posentiai af this site. Priced to soit aI $14,000. "ONE OP THE FR90 - Ideai. t>. located in hilton, modemn 3-bedmoce spit.level home. combination living and dining noce, vali b oeu llbroad- Ioon, itchen voth breakfast area, fenil>. norn. eautifol- y landscaped. nan>. entras. Ovner anniaus to seit. Bariy possession. Li&ted price $23,500. Open ta aller. Car ries for $102 P. . & T. nonth- 1>.. "PRICED TO SELL' - 2 beau. tiful 10 acre lots having front- age on the No. 15 Sideraad, Nessagavoeye. i lot bas 688' frantage. cedar trees. strean, pond sites. $7,300 viih $3.100 dovon. Ovner open ta offer. The 2nd lot is in the village aI Maffes. This isan ecel- lent lot, good strean. pond, nesa bungalovo homes on ad- jaining propecties. Ovner op- en taolfer. Anisius ot salli a OFNTO OFFER' - Moiera 3-bedoon bungalaow, 1000104 in Aclan. consisting af i epa- cious living non, dinlng mrn, kitchen. 2 bathnomns, famil>.mno, den, many ex- tres. Asking pire $22.300. Ooner ansiaus ta, oeil. Imne- dialo possession. For the Boît Resuîts - List Photo M.LS. Membera of tise Brmmpton ReaI Ette Ban,. 1702 Harold A. Clarke Ltd. REALTORS 62 Lakeshare Rd. E., Pori Crodil 278-7223 COLLECT A World of Living Beatifully tretd i-acre lot vith new sptit-levet brick home, main fluer consists of 3 bel- ter then average sized hod- nooms, 4 - piece hthmoom, large living omn widh sliding glass doors 10 inviting sun dock averloning near lavons and large kitchen wilb plenty aI coedre caphuerds, luxur- aoun broadbaun 0cm rsthe liv- ing noom fluer and stairs ta main floor and to baneceent rceto omwbich is me- licolously finished and bas large stone fireptace and aiso slidiog glass doors ta vatk- out patio, wrli insulted shreugbout and indeed a bome you yl ho proud ta aisn. Fresent ceorigage is $13,000 et 84%5. Fuît price 135,000. year oid home, ail convenien- ces, niceiy iaedscaped -lot, on lierseclion 0f 2 paved roadi. Open to offers. Inspection by appoinîceent only. $70,000 asking price - Corner farce, 100 fertile acres -of genlly roiiing terrain, immac. ulate 10-monm brick home, ul- tra modemn throughouî, 2 hathrooces. 2 fireplaces, en- closed patio, double garage, abundant napply of encellent water. This home features large family rooce, pictuce wiedow overiooking loveiy pond. sucrounded witb swhite lence. stateiy trots. Bore is equipped for horses: soater, electcicity lhrougbosat. This in a prestige netting. Inspection hy appointment only.. 120.000 - oose. bure and 10 acres, 6 niles fron 401. Terces. Inspection hy appoint- ment oniy. C;alI BOB McCUAIG 878-9543 17c3 Oakvîl 8-ronce nplit-level home. hoauti- fuily landscaped corner lot, 3 hedrooces, large kitchen with separate easing area, Lihape living and dining monm, large faceiiy coocewith licepaîce and walh-oot îo enciosed pat. o, inished roc. reoceand laundry monm, swiceming pool. Owner han boui and home mass hee notd. Asking 934,900. Incomne Home $22,«0, 9 - rooceed farce house and 10 acres oflIand. House ceade into 2 separate apaci- ceenis, 2 kitchens, 2 bath- rosetc. Eloctric heet and oul heating. Driving shed and other sceau buildings is- ded. sitaated 3 miles nortb- west of Campbeliville, in sceau village. Come, set and ceake us an offer. 100 Acre Fa rm $42,000 is tht sking price for this productive farce in Psis- linch Tmp. 8-omn Icoe and hlock home, in good condit- ion, 40x00 ank haro. Buil- dings sit on top nf rotiing terrain and previde an encel- lent view of Mountsshrg Conservation Aea. Ideai foc ievestment for agroop to ceahe a sporismans paradise. Building Lot At Hornby. $5,600. 3 ocres at Keiso. ceagnificent viece. $12.900. 0 acre perceis. Prom $10,f00 and ap. STELLA PARTON Milton 878-6705 i7c3 Income Homes 20 AUCTION SALES Lt vour home heip yasr un- camte. Se aur large 2 - storey nrick home with 2 large self. contained eparîmenîs, tocated i n centr ai Milton. Price $25.000. Also while Irane In- camte bume vith 2 sel-con- tained apatnents. lacatedon gond lot, close ta doonlosan Milton. Price $18,500. Inspec- lion b>. eppoinimens. Farms and Acreages Look over aur va ries>. aI farmi and aeonages. Itois aur pleas- tire ta serve pou. Cli Gibson Wiloughby roprosentasives. Ann Archie Cairns 348 Main Stetu Milton Phone 878-6980 1. Complete Ai'ction Service Chris A& Sckouten MJCTIONRIER Sales nr aIl types. Sales condocted anywhere. Tel. Are. 416 - 878-2576 s R. 3, Milton, Ont. 20b2812 207 Mary St.. Milton, Ont., Solicitors for the Enecutors. 19c3 General Session County of Halton, l To Wit: f Notice is hereby given that the Court ai General Sessions aI the Feace and aiso the County Court aI the naid COUNTY OF HALTON ii he held in the Court Roon. n tht new ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS Base Line, Esquesing. Comceencing on Monday, Juno 3, 1968 at tht bouc of 10 anm. DaylighI Saving Tint, of vohich ail Jus- tices of the Feace, Coroners, Constables, Gai ers and ail oth- ers concerned are rtquestod ta lahte notice and attend 10 do and perforce ail dutios whioh eppertein to thece. ANDREW W. PRANK, Sheriff, Sherilî's Office, Halson County Administration Building' Bane Lune, Esquesing. Mal 151h, 1968. 19-41 WALTER and DONALD REINSOART Auctioneers 20h3 LOCAL AUCTIONS MAY 231h, SAT., 1 pin, 2 trucks, 2 tractors, mearket gar. den equipceent and a choice of- fering offumnitare for Jack Tris- chier et lHornhy Greenhouse~ propertyl, Derry Rd., Gakville. Fu ad lest weeh. JUNE lIt, SAT.. 1.15 pin. Tractor, farce cechinery, brai- tort and a large qoeesîity nI choice intiques for Morgan Self, Lot il, Con. 5, Esquesing. Fait ad nent weeh. 3519E Bob. SAT., I pin. 2 tractors, farce machinery, fttd and furniture for Raiph Kingdon. Lot 1, Con. 5, Esque. sing. Fuoli ad ater. 31N1M15h. SAT,, I pin. Trotor, force cacinery. hay, strasa. cattie and swine for Jas. ,McGibbon, Lot 2, Isl Line, Es quesing. Fuit ad later. WARD BROWNRIDGE, Auclioneer, phone 878-6730. 20c3 AUCTION SALES ARE CONTINUEO ON PAGE 8 CLEARXNG AUCTION SALE Of 70 Rtou. Herolord, Pige, iheop, Tract-e, Misiey. fied Fuesitune, Antiques, Rtc. Tise undersigned hc-s received instrutions Iran HOAROLD G. COX 10 oeil b>. aurfion et thetfarna, Lot 25, Con. 6, Eramosa Twp. situated on the th0 lno, 7 mniles nocth of Rockwood, 10 miles est aI Feresas on SATOIBDAY, MAY 25 Ccecenencing et 12 nomo Catalogues an request. or; Hi. groin bioder, 7' cut, on CATTLE - This is an oid esrubber; Gebi 10" hantmer miii, tablisbed bord aI ceg. Hereford 2 screens; 75' beit, a ceai good catte. Mr. C an started thin bord ont; ligbt traiter. 35 years ago and bas continu- MISCLAEU te ously osed voeu bred bus. The S CoELLoat;2enionJE Seel present bord sire is O'Neiiland 2' 2';bo na:tuesion5'adders Perfect Choice (poltedi - bred by moto2;ganagr 5wt J. P. ONeill. Average deily gain wiîh r; Woods grain chopper 3.10 lbs. a day, weigbt pet day S..cotor; etiem hery and aI age 2.81 lbs. a day. There are r ; dor ah r n d voeer 2atueuptaitoncbsofagve.Posts; steel waler trough; high atsist u ho rebred.Theref an beace sceles; Stewart stock clip. 8 bred heifers and 6open hei- Pers; cettl iler e nw fers. Bnlance are y oung calves. 30 nwfnead3 te A real gaodbherd of caIlle I posts;2 ew wood gates,I13and Hereford steers. about 600lbs. 14%; pie of new lumhor. F100 and SHEEF - 2 novos FEBO, SEBO aod WOOD- bredhiarclst8 and 22; 5sfatAboutl12bs.of tieohy seî, bogs, if not previously sold; 16 cieated; 1,000 baies aI bay; 500 Sufflkhecees with lacets, upt bales aI traw; 20 sons aIfcixed 50 lbs.; Suffolk race, 2 yearn otd, grain: about 4 single cord oI pure bred, not ceg. dry wood. TRACTORS and IMPLEM- TRUCK - 1953 Cbev. hall Ion ENTS - 35 M.F. gan troctor, lreck witb stock racks. 1,000 bours, in excellent condit- ANTIQUES - 2-seted decea. ion; Newe Idea menace loader crat; cutter-, dinner houl; 2 toi- witb combinelion huchet; 44 et sets; kitcben table; 2 pine M.H., in good orcter, PTO; IHC cupboard; 2wasb stands; oid 3-urrow trai ptow, on rabber; secreîary. oah; rocking chair; M.F. 3-farrow, 14" hottoces, trip ceantel dlock, vesy old. in work- beaces. near new; M.F.pring ingrder; 3oiîîlamps; oîdir- tooth cuttivator iith scsflling ont, pictore Irames; cracks; atîachceents, nearly new; Ferg- dishes; caw heul; sieigh beils uson 2-furroy plow. 3 ph.; Bu- etc. Cèentury Parmi. ehier 17-bIh coltivator; MM. double disc. 32 plate; IHC 15- FURNITURE - Leonard ce- dîsc grain and fertiliter seed irigeretor; ail space heater; drl, single disc; 6, 5 and 3 sec- stsdio coucb; 2 Kroohier Chtes- tion harraces; steel land reier, terfield chairs; 2 hois and2 3-dram; Newa Idea tractor man. deesers; vanity; Moffat eteclrlc one spreader; corn planter; pot. stade; Northern Elecîric refIn- eta digger; New Holland 68 ha- geretor; chrome kitchen table ter, good condition; New Idea and 4 chairs, large sizo; lornen.: noyer. 7' cul; MM. side rake, 2 pair of drapes, antique satin 0-bar; 2 wagons wilh fiat racks, ined; sssall tables; chairs etc.; 16'; Enoker baie elovator. Marconi 21' TV; radio; ineps double chain 28 fi., N/4 .p. mot- etc. TERUS: Caus wth Clarkon de>. of Sas, Order of sale: Antiques and Puossiun ai 12 slsWo, iallowed h' sawagon lot, miscooneous, tmpieenat, fend, pige, *uuan md omble, Omner or Auctioneer nat responsibie for sccionut. Everytthlng tao erenuvod b>.May. 30. Panaigl 1 Booth b> Mlioma UJC.W. MAX STORRY, Asctonner, Rockwood. Phion.e88955 Cleckm: 0. aiji mol M.IL aP&..b4l BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD, " Homo Improvemente " Ronovasions * Altecations " Additiona * Commercial or Indaîtrial UL 4-2263 Texacana Enlorprises A. BARR & SONS 878-3493 157 Robert St., Milton " Trenching and Boring " Backhhe Front End Loader " Air Compresoor "'Lawn Mowing 21c-tf WELL DRILLINO WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN RR.,2.2,Milton, Oit. Phone Burllngson Milion 4-402 CUSTOM UPIOLSTERY MILTON UPHOLSTERING Now oomed ond operated b>. IarneoArthur PHONE 878-9094 R. R. 3 Milton " Ro-upholatet>. " Auoo dm " Uphoîsser>. cleinin " Custom built luýitare " Froe pick-up and deliver-> 21c-tf Harold's Upbolstery 379 F181 RSIJET Caîl 878-2056 Reupholstoring oheteslleld noises, cheome chairs, truck seats, cutom building adnd.- tyllng. Fre estimates Piokups and l3olveriea HAROLD KBLLN 2lix4 Halton Upholstering Re-Upholstering Custom SuditFuritane Chrome Kitchen Chairs Rag & Upholitery Shampooing Fret pick-up and delivery. H. JENSEN R. R. 2, CAMFBELLVILLE. Phono: 854-9939 21ctI MOVING AND STORAGE CENTRAL CA RTAG E MOVING & STORAGE Local and Long Distance 878-6338 21c7 CALL Crowe Taxi 878-2992 RADIO DISPATCHED 24 HRS. SERVICE CONSUIT A MEM00ER OF TH4E Orangeville Real Estate Board 17c48tl Leonard R. Chandler Towan and Country" Realtor WR ARE RECEIVING MANy INOIJIRIES: for farmo, country homes and acreages. INTERESTED 1IN SELLING? Call usi for a free appraisal- no clligation. R.R. 1, Moffat. GUELPH 824-9199. 17h43-tf 1 ý 1 1 "«-*ý'.ý_-- "' 1 " n*Expert tyins, colorlng wav. Ing. 21C.02 ELECTRICAL SERVICE McPH-AIL ELECTIC LIMITRO3 e INDUSTRIAL 0 COMMERCIAL e FARMS & HOOMES e ELECTRIC HEATIIOO INSTALLATIONS 66 Charles St. Miltan 878-9513 - 877-3752 21.42 TV ANP RADIO SERVICE DURNAN TV AM DAPPUAeS SALES & SERVICE * 8hillps TV= Tapa Recoodm *R.CA S ' oTV, Appliaime *Sparton TV and sem m MAMI ST. 878444 PAINTING AND OECORATIIG GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING contractor Indutielal- Reald.ola Inteoor -r.Exteelor Caîl noce for Fnee Olmte 878-137 Box 114, Mtilton. 380.01 TAILORINO - REPAIRS TAILORING ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 202 Maile Striet PHONE 878-4472 21ofl-tl REFRIGERATION KING REFRIGERATION INIUSTRIAL COMnMCIAL SALES & SERVMG Momiber of: Refrigeration Ses-icie Fgnglim Society «- a" - Association ai EeMogeration Contractoce CAMFBE.LVILLE 854-2228 PRINTIIG For Vour Printing -... *Top isalt>. Effilcient @ra * emaname Fili THE0 CANADIAN Ci4AmpioO 191 hainBLet. a 416 - 8M - 2341 17 REAL ESTATE 19 LEQAL 20 AUCTION SALES The Canadien Champion, Wedsesday, May 22, 1968 .7 FARM FOR SALE Notice to Creditors __FRM Choice 100 sonrlaa, situaI- AND<» l55 AUCTON SA LE ed 8 miles north Sheîborne. IESFor 7 e 4 , Weil lenced. approsimately a n the maleaior he Rstaoe or WILFRED BAINE acres hardscood bush, 44 acres LVN CA6tLL O hoh obhea spring crop, balance hay and Mloto 0fRAN APBIO CucvlltIe eda Pature. Bakbarn, -ater on lt o .., moffsatite Osier GarmersonLot 14, Con. neerfa*lit veu Towship of Nasagaweya. le 3, Second Lino west Mississau- DECORATINO BEAUTY SALON Brick 8-room hoose. hasement, he Comtsy or Hitou, Fore, ga. 2 miles wesî of No. 10 -Hwy., aconveniences, ail healing. ead. hait mile soutih of Steeles Ave., Reasois for selling-ill health. l esn aigcamagonSTRAMY2t DRAPERY Vogue Beauty Salon Fo nomto al ainst the Entate of MELVIN At i p.m. BROADLOOM Aà20W COaqqB Fo nomto ai GRANT CAMPBELL, late nI R. MACHINERY - Iml 414 eindlaFoYu GRENVILLE HENRY R. 1, Moffat, in the Township tractor wiîh Iront end loader, * ReoldanOlmID .ulad aIFr HORNIGS MILE on Nassagaweya, in the County îuîîy hydrauiic, 600 hoors; lot. * Inissti*3 COIsnl'tJETBAM amSEvice HORNING MILLS of Halton, Farmer, deceased, Super W4 tractor; GehI self- * Commentai el8826 who died on or ahout the 22nd ulaigfrg aolf oi Phono 925-6312 day cf March, 1968, are requesistading for aer waghton, lefo faeOsp n 9 w to 17c4 ed 10 send particulars of their er; 2 rahher tired wagons with For Custom Seroti124bStue dlaims ta the sndernlgned On basket racks; plus a full lineofo CALL 878.2067 FOR NOME4 .E.L AG ortorthe c5th day of June, atter ammc Inral in APPOINTMENTHE N S A. E. ePAGE %8, afer whih date the said good condition. E N ' Estate wl ho distrihated am- Alto some lurniture, antiques, YR RIAITORS UMlm 00g tht partles enîiîled there- and articles tocnomerous t0ER dember of the Toronto, Ontario 10, and the Enecstors wl 001 mention. 228 Main Si. 878-2»67 HAIR STYLING and Oahvilie - Trafalgar Real he iahie for any dlaims of TERMÏS: Cash on day of sale. 210-41 198 Min11]St., Mlton. Estate Boards which they have flot then re- Ocener of articles and ownser 55 Years' Continuous Service ceived notice. of properly cehere sale to ho GENERAL CONTRACTORS CALL 878-3711 $3,0 onrpo Dtdthis 7th day of May, betd and aoctioocers sili not ______________ het.A 98 e rosponsible for accidents in FOR APPOINTMENT good invesiceent and con- connection with this sale. RAY OLAN amoe. mu,.., fortahie livine, Octets 10, SHARPE NICH m ar 20 AUCTION SALES 1 1 - mouem eqtupment.

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