r' *IRTHS CAIWS 0F THAMKS KETCBEN-Mr. and Mrs. Ketn. I wish t0 thank ail my neigh- net N. Kelcitîn (nec Mer- bort antd friends for titeir Set l) ta happy t10 announce t1 elmîli sisitn.cards and lelephone birtit of tbctr daghiter. Sandra calis while 1 was a patient it Lyno. t Peel Mmorial Hos- Guelpht Goorol Hospital. pitl, Brasmpon, on May 15.c3-1973 Mrs. John Turner. 1968. A sister for Mark and Ste- pheot. Isould like 10 litank ail my f riends, neigtbors and relatives NBWBLL - Keit antd Diane for cards and flowers 1 receiv- Newell (nec Wllace) Of 98 cd while 1 was a patient in Mil- Lydia St., Milton, Ont., are ton District Hospital. Speciai pieased to announce te birth thanksts Dr. Legate, Dr. Mac- of their son, William Gregory, kay, nurses and staff for titeir weigitl 8 lits., 14 oes., at Mtlon special care. Dintrict Hospital on Thursday, c31923 R0ay Powell. May 9, 1968. A brother for Robt. VIZZII - r.I1would like 10t tanitmy VIZH M.and Mrs. i. lrfeEds, neigitbors and relatin- VBellini f tncAtin) f175es for their cards, gifts and BlStMtoare pleased ta flou-ers I receined during my announce the iirlt of tIeir recent iîîness. Special thanksts daugiter, Giovanna, weight 7 Dr Mackay attd Rev. Hainer, Ibs. 13Ozs. alMilton istictalso te nurses and staff of te Hospital on May 19, 1968. Milon District Hospital. c3-1935 Marguerite Sosuth. THE CH^ andi by t Aul, Ce$ Ot li Tues wc fu bol Qu c. bl bl gi l l foi IL Tt BL Thte engagement is announcec of Margaret Ciristine, daughler of Mis. George Rlten and thst laIe Mr. Ritem, 10 'Dugtas Ray Powel, son of Mr. andMrs. Ray Powell, Burlinglon. lMarriage to takre place lune 22, 1968, in Zimmerman United Citurci t3 oclock. COMINS MARRIAGES SJEWPS - CAON - Mr. Guido Caon, 390 Gntario St. N., Mil- ton, announces te forthcomning marriage of iis daugloner, Anna Marie, 10 Mr. John Sjerps, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sjerps, Barrie, Ont. Thte wedding wili takre place Augasl 31, 1968, aI Holy Rosary Citurch in %Gitlon. OEATHS ANDERSON, Violet - On Wed- nesday. May 15, 1968, at St. Josephts Hospital, Guelpht, Vio- let . Fosey of R.R. 1 Camp- helîville, beloved ite of Mac Andersont and dear mother of DoritIhirs. Gien Scot) of Limehouse, Betty f Mrs. George Wheeler) of Hilîsburgit and te late James of Georgetowon; daugiter f Joseph and Daisy Fossey ami sister of Mildred (Mdri. John Craig), 30e and Ken; a1sosurived bysxaind- clildren. Rested at te McClure Fumn- eral Home, Georgetowen, snhere fumerai mas held Saturday ai- ternoon. Intermnent Greenwood cemetery. b MAI-ON, Janice Annerte - Sud- denly aI Milton District Hos- pitl on Tuesday, May 21, 1968, Janice Annelle, in her 151h year, beloned daughter 0f Flor- ence and Murray Mahon 0f Campbellville; granddatghter o Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Maiton of Campitelîvilie and Mr. and Mis. John Elliot of Morriston. Resting aI the MoKersie Fus- erai Home, 114 Main St., Milton, Funerai service os Titursday aI 2 p.m. Intertnent in St. Davids cemetery, Canpiellvilte. N MEMORIAMS LONGDO - In loing menoo-y of a wonderful mothor, Ben- ica, mito passed amay May 26, 196. Sitellered hy te Rock of Ages. Anchored on the goldensitore, Inth ie loing armns of Jesus, Site is sale f or evermore. Lovingly remembered by ber daugitier Bernice ami son-mn. tam Robert. c31934 LONODO - In loving memory of a dear ite and sister, Ben- ica, mito passed amay May 26, 1967. Yoo saffered 50 mucit in il- ence, Your spirit did not bend, You faced your affliction itit courage, Until te very end. You tried so iard 10 stay mitit ut- Your figlnl mas ail in nain, Goli took you home in Sis loy. ing care, And freed you f rom ail pain. Lcvingly rememhered, hus- band Frank and sister Celia. c3-1933 WHITEHOUSE - In loving memory of a dear husband and grandfalher, Frank, mito passed atea>- ay 23, 1967. Somellmes ils hard 10o nder- stand, Why sorme Ibings have tb he, But in His mercy. Ood has plan- ned Beponai our power îo aee. Lovlngly reremesrd by is selle Lily a"i grandsons Ken- ntend Richard. c3-1816 CARDS 0F THAuKS 'l seisisOcexpress nMy uici dum0*, f0 te 01508 ad staff et Mirtne Hospîitl. "MWli th-&& ts bDr. iLoueanmd Dr. Syer. ali 10 opyfrind Wh0 *tltcardsa mdviaited Wubfi I wul a patient Ibise. càGnt indlt 1 mold like 10 offer tos -titanks and appreciation 10 ail d tote folks mho made my stay ýr n Brampton Hospital an com- t lortable and citeery as possible, t Dr. and Mrs. Mantemurro, Miss 1Harper ami nurses on surgical, thîeymweremwonderfîl, almytfa Smily. friends ai St. Siephen's 3Citureit, Sfornity, Ballon Cen' lennial 'Manor. especially boyt in E Wing andi ail otheru mito in any may contributed tomards my comfort. Tbask pou, one and ail. Lydia S. Royce, Billon. c3-1977 ANNIVERSARIES t In honor of Ibeir Fitieit Wedding Anniversary, te tam- upy of Mr. and Mrs. Ralpit Rae are holding Open Boute aI ite Nortb Trafaigar Communily Centre on Susday, May 26, be- Imeen 2 and 4 p.m. Al triendo and neigihors are melcome. Please, no gifts. c3-1930 COMING EVENTS Bingo gamtes enery Monday ai f p.m., Boly Rosary Parisit Hall, Billon. it-1916-tf Lest eucitc as i teBopoe >Community Centre, Friday. My 24, 8.30 p.m. Admission S0c. Lad- ies provide. c3-1932 Paper drine comisa Friday, May 31, sponsresi by Milton Cuits and Scouts. Walcb et eek's Champion for furtiter details. c3-1938 Kititride and Disrict Recrea- tion Association is sponsoring a dance on Saturday. Boy 25, ai Kilbride Cammunily Centre, 8.30 p.m. illars orcitetra. $125 per persoot. 75c mitb stu- dent card. Lunch pranideli. c3-1972 St. Stepitees Sidesmensan nual nariety sitom on Iatarday, June 1, ai Martin Street Bigit Scitool, 8 p.m. Adulîs 11.00; cildcen ander 14, 50c. Tickets ai the door. Sponsoced by the Sunsitine Ldies' Auiliary. c4-1798 Billon Cen-ral District Girl Guides of Canada aunual ba- aaar, May 2, 1.30 p.m. 10 4.00 p.m. - oly Rosary Parish Bail. Tables: toucit and take, candy, aprons and taocy goosis, bab- in, wite elephant, books andi tea tables. 'Bottera, please, me need pour support. c3-1960 1 FORSALE GUPPIES. 142 Robinmood Cres., 878-2015. c3-1964 ELECTRIC gular and ampli- fier, 1150. 878-3645. 1c3-1922 AUTOMATIC asiter and dry- ci, $200. Cal878-9766. lc3-1936 10KG riding lawn momer, $175 or best otter. 878-9083. c3-1941 28" BOYS bicycle sitit ten- ders, good condition.s 878-420, lc3-1921 BEEF SPECIALS! 0f Federal lnspected Grain Fed Prime Beef * FRONTS 45c " SIDES 57c " BINDS 69e Cul andi mrapped for pour frer Credit terrms available, Deinery laMlots & Ac" same Wdnmsdays addThoradapu. Boy direct 86cm te twais SUD ORGAN 689-6561 WATERDOWN E & R Truck Bodies 2278 Nipissing Roasi 'Billon 878-2420 lut 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE ASPARAGUS. M. Truas 854- 9952. 2c4-1974 200 BALES minai hay. Oak- ville 845-1979. 2c3-1899 3 ANUMALS FOR SALE PONY mare, 3 piors olsi. 85% 9893. 3c3.l970 POODLRS, 10 aeks. register- esi blackt miniatures. $75 mitit papers. Phone 878-841 ater 6. k3-1959 CHINCHILLA Due 10 etendesi vacation, sur- plus af 23 standard brai ani- mat.must ho solsi b>-Ma>- 3006 Gonti selectlsn of medum endi dart coler phases. No rearon- able offer refuesi. PHONlE 878-6637_ 4 UMPLEMENTS FOR SALEf VEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED RATES Ttirele . Thmmcana"ha 191 Mafidn st. 878.2341 Champion iIn nal rS 5SAL. FOnRMRlT. ROC - -1.25 W.- DEdlf- a 15 15 Rf baOEIAM - 016PIl-In 115 nsIL- n15of CLASSMM 1DIO1PLAY, RMAL MTATE - 1.405« e15 Els RE. BO flgadjn. tt hLW EnoÈto - I.5c aMotior. DEADUNE S 12 NOON TUESDAY 6 The Canodian Champion. Wednesday, OMay 22, 1968 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE -_ ________ 1942 INTERNATIONAL stake LACOMBE gsvernmenî ap- truck, 3-ton. 854-2418 afler 6. proned and commerciailtsoars, 5c3-1940 proited for bock fat, f rom iigit scoring R.G.P. stock. Harold FOR USED CARS Mecit and Son, Erns, phone Cal- edon 927-5485. Jc4-1342 SEE M(JFFAT MOTORS Aiso for uscd parts. HORSESHOEING Wrckng seneral models. Village Blacksmiit TEXACO STATION 'Mobile Shop 1H MOFFAT GORD. SECORDst-t - Farrier.- Specializing in corrective sboring and triwming for ail For Vour NexO Car ... types of borses and ponies. TRY PHONE BUCK HAMILTON Oakville - 844-9187 AT 3c-tf BELL BROS. 878"380 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 3ct BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. 388 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2355 Volumen selhng amidItem overhead rouables us 10 scl pyou a re- condîiooned used car or anew car for lens. You'l ho pleasanily orprised sehen pou get our price on a non Cadilac, Pontiac, Buicit, Broamnont, Acadian, Fircitirli, or GM.C. Trucks. OUR MARK 0F EXCELLENCE "GOODWILL USED CARS" IV ý 1 FOR SALE BOAT, 12' aluminum (car top), good condition, complete 1149. 8786987, c3-19 24, 26" AND 28' boys' bicycl- es; 26" and 28' girls'. Earl Green 854-2538. c3-1928 USED McClary cefrigerator, n good condition, suitable for cottage. 8542661. 1 c3-1927 SMALL trailer and Wood test 9' n 12'; railing for Ford pick- up truck. 878-3547. 1c3-1958 TELEVISION, portable, Wes- tinghouse, good working order, almost new. 878-275. 1c3-1971 FLOWER and negetable plants. Cali aI 69 King Si. or phtone 8789579, Ed Joncs. lc3-1968 jADDINO MACHINES 1type writers for sale or rentai. Piton. 878-962. Barris Stationas". lctf-417 SOFT drink nending machine, used only 4 montbs, automatic indoor - ouldour. For ftrtiter information, phone 878-2201. lc3-19it2 JOHN BRAN weed sprayer, 21' booms, 45 gal. tank mti 3 pI. hitlcb. Pitone Bsriingtos 634- 3905. 1c3.1931 I MASSEY BARRIS med. size iraclor and ploo, in gond ran- ning order, goosi tires; and one trailer. N. Homard 854-2429. lc3-1937 YOU WILL LIRE buying pour btuilding materials and moal ai Crasfords Campbellnills. Ouict service. Bigit qualily. Piton. Campbellville 854-2232. lctf-4l6 SOD, delinered or laid. Loso- est prices. Finest quality. Prompt delivery. John HunIer, Landscape Contractor, Acton, phone evcnings 853-2445. 164927-t LARGE glossy prints of Cana- dian Champion staff photos. 5 ni 7 size $.0, 8x 10sizec$1.50plus tan. Cash must accompany or- der. Enquice nom aI Champion office, 191 Mais St., Billon. lc3-1929-tf ASSORTED 1900 - 1920 era 78 rpm recordisg, in gond condit- ion; RCA vicîrola and record cabinelt ram same era; as set of recorded speecbes, for- mer peramnal property ot indus. trialist James Duncan. CatI 878- 2341 or 854-2569 evenings. Offers cpen. c3-1943 CAR, TRUJCK & TRACTOR TIRES, ncm and used, over 2,000 Kelly Springfield tires in stock. alsizes, lbm pricen; flattised. $115; mbeels balanced, 11.00. We bave batteries for mosl cars and tracks. Milton Tire and Ko- dialor Service, 191 Mill Street, 878-2711. 1c32-3473-tf TRUCK BODY 16 fI s 7 fi., 66" mîde. I1 % Oak Floor. ROLL-UP DOOR. Very reasonable. Tbe Goottmil" usai car pou psrebase Ioda>- b guaranteisi ta give tacusansfs afeut ansi enpense.free mlles. We Guarantee Satisfaction With Every Sae AT MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. 388 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2355 You Cen Pey More But You Cennot Buy Btter *1 Bt Th kh6 1-Th JAMES-WAY stable cenr silo 4 years, nem. 878-9413 4c3-1942 FiEGUSON trcotr andi plows ansa i dsc borrow. 827-1 2171. 4c3-1924 FORD trartor 8N, neslyl .teamned, cleaned and decoratcd, ail ncm rsbitcr, nbomroom con dition. $535. 854-2655. 4c3-1939 JAMESWAY bars cleaners; silo oniooders; asger feedro. mutk iandling equpm1 t ulos. Sales and installatioen Jhn 'Ridgemay 8786175. 4c4»1730 SVEHICLES FOR SALE 11 1967 FORD Custom 500 mita pomer ansi radio. Reasonable. Spd Newton 853-0477. 5a4"-25 1961 METEOR 2-door, front body clamagesi in occident. Piece by piece or total. Best offer. 878-2341 or 854-2568 enen- ngs. 5c3-1980 7 WANTED RIDE 10 Toronto daily, Mt. Pleasant and Davisville or area. 878-3245. 7c3-1976 LIKE quartette singing? If pou do. comte 10 Trafalgar Bail, corner of 7tb Line f(Trafalgar Rd.) ansi No. 5 Bm>-., 8 p.m., Mondays. For information, tait Ross Barbness 878-2952. 7c2-146 FARM 0F 50 TO 100 ACRES Wiît large bouse of 5 bedrecms. Near Bighmay 481. CALL TOM GILES of T. S. H. Giles & Co. 845-1633 or Evenins845-4483 7c& 8 HEU> WANTED MANUAL WORKER kEOU.IRED BY Department of Highways, Ontario For permanent employnsent on a patrli Icales aI Palerms. Staeting salaoy$l.94/hr. for a 40 houe meet. APPlp 1182 Nortl> ahore Blvd., Burlangon, holmeen 9»0 a.m. and 4,30 P.m. Monda>- ta Prido>-, telphsne 637-5621. 8c3 5c3 8 HEU> WANTED FAMILY for mort in green- bouses, itouse pronidesi. Appi>- ai Borniby Greentouses 878-- 6438. 8c3-1%67 FREE COOK BOOK Gel pour Rasleigit Cook Book nom ansi information luoseta make money tella8g Ramleigh Praducîs, full or part Lime. Write Rawleigb, Dept. E-284-FC, 400 Richtelieu St., St. Bens-p Monîrmai. 8c3 RECEPTIONIST WANTED -Wit liling ansi typing exper- iente. 'Local compan>-, pleaoan morking conditions. Uuual tom- pan>- ienefils. Appli> n bandsiel long. Our staff have itoen intormod oftIhis asi. RepI>-: BOX 2"7 CANADIA.N CHAMOIO 64 International Publishing Company REQUIERS TWO MATURE PERSONS To ho traineli as local repre tentatives On a boll or parc. Lime basis, 10 sel ansi service non andi estabiisbej acconla. Alil leas suppliesi. Applicoot must osen car ami itave a pleasanî persauo>- Titis Position seoulsihoe sitabl for a busbanansind ie t«a= For fan-ter informauIoaý Fiente write to: Mr. Be 18 HELPWAITED FOR AN 0K USED CAR THE CHOICE IS YOURS AT Jack Richardson CHEV - OLDS Limited 66 Oldsmobile Delta 65 Cornet 4-Dr. 4 Door Sedan Titis 4-door sedan lu above ave his îuxory automoitile is finish- age condition ln ester>- re> cd in midnigitt bise mith pect. Finished in tuxedo black maîcbing inlerior. Equipped mt complementary rmd ln. ilh iigh pcrforming rocket teriorTisit1I- osner car l V8 engine, aulomatic trans- equipped mit an eonoml misson, owersteeing 6 cylinder engine and autorna. msinpo eustomri', P" tic transmission. Lic. 671-503 et- brokes and csto. adio. Anotiter dlean, I omner trade. 1.5 Lic. J77733 . 52595......... "" 65 Ford Galaxie "500" 66 Chovrolet Coach Finished lu powemd nhse moth ýiscync -dor, fnis matching interlor, IbIs laa s yc2dor iiied in er- clean, locally driven. 1 omner mine white mit ced intertor, automobile, equipped miitt V- eqoipped wit economicai 6 8 engine, automatic transmis. cylînder engine, standard sin. oe ternpm transmission and a costo m ontrokesrcsom riowLi radio. Lic. J88559 . ...11,695. j88556 ...............1».95. 66 Plymouth, 2-Dr. 65 Pontiîac 2-Dr. is stylisit 2 - door Satellite Here is a popular Parisienne 2. hardtop is finisbed in pom- door itardtop, finished ina&a dcr itise mith dark top and ure aqua mitit malching inter. malching inlerior. Eqoipped ior. Equipped mitit V-8engine, silb V-8 engine, astomatic automnalic transmission, pow- transmission, power sîeering, er stecring and itrakes, eua. tower braites. ituciet seats tom radio. Lie. J84531. .. $1,995. and radio. Lic. 352-78H. $2,195. 64 Acadien Canso 65 Pontiac 2-Dr. 4 Door Sedan lec is a poplar Parisienne 2- Finisbcd i n satin tunver mllb door bordtop, fiinithed in 15- complementing blue Inlerlor. arc oqua wilh maîchine inter- Titis top of te line model la or. Eqaipped iîb V-f enginc, equipped mitit an economnicai osîomoîic transmission, pom- 6 cylinder engise and stand- r steerine and brakses, cus- ard transmission and alsu tom radio. Lic. J84531- 11,995. features custom radio. Lic. 65 Oldomobile F85 6288................ IM 2 Door 63 Chevrolef is compact Oldsmobiie is fis- 4 Door Sedan isbcd in Madeira maroon mitit Finisbed in ember black mit matcbing interior and a hlack conîrasîing red interior, titis top. Eqoipped mit an econ- tiscayne 4-door is equipped omicai V-6 engine, antomatic mitit a 6 cylinder engine and ransmission ond custom rad- atomalic transmission. Act- o. Anoîber clean, one owner ual milesge less titan 48»08 rade. Lic. J95161i ..... 11,595. miles. Lic. 676-370 . ...... 5 Vouiant Convertible 63 Falcon 4-Dr. his smarily styicd connertible liero is a popular compact mo- is fioisbed in azure trquoise de]lin abonc anerage condit- witb malcbing intcriqr and a ion. Equipped miit economi- white top. Equippèd mi'tgos cal 6-cylinder engine and au- soving slant-6 cylinder engine, tomatic transmission.. Finish- atmtctransmission and cd in Tusedo ilack itit com- custoto radio. Lic. J88195..... pcmenting gcey interior.Lic. $1.858. 386-805 .................$895. EASY TRMS AVAILABLE ALL CARS GUARANTEED JACK RICHARDSON CHEV - OLDS LTD. Open tîlI 9 pm - Moniday titrougls Friday Sasas'day 5 p.m. 6791 Higltway 25, Milton South 878-2393 - 878-3812 No Longer Needed Items SeUl Quickly Un The Want Ads' 1968 'PONTIAC 2+2 - 2 D00K B-ARDTOP. Lic. J88878. Fis- ishesi in regal ced mita con- lrasting Mlark interior ansi black vinyl roof. Equâppeli sita. bucket seats, console mounltes automatie, pomwer stcering and braites, white maIls, deluxe scieel disco, iigh performance 327-V8 sita 4 barrel carburetor. Custom puaithotuton radio. Sale price $3685 or $25. dosrn ansi 1119 nsontbly for 36 montas. 1944 CORVAIR "SPYDEK "2 DOOR HARDTOP. Lic. J87498. Finishesi in radl mita match- ing laterior. Eqtippml sita high performance copine, 4 speed transmission (mansiait witeel covers, radio, white mails ansi taclsomener. Yoult ho amazed ai .lisstop ofth0e mie performance car. Aki- ing price $1,365 or $25 domn ansi 166 nmthly for 24 montas. 1963 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN. Lic. 52796. Titis is th6e Galante model ansi is dressai up mita chrome mosalinlgo f rom grill 10 rear dock. Very prootical, ami certain]y te filnt value peu milI gaI in a dontpur- ruse veh'mle. Rqwipped vt aatomnatic, otite maIls - seheel dites ansi radio. Asit- ing price $1.495 or $25 domn ami $73 montlp for 24 mont9os. 1964 VOLKKSWAGEN 1500 DE- LUJXE. Lic. 236991. This is ihe larger model, idi coin- tortable bucitot sents ami plenîly of lo rooen. Askisg price $1,065 or $25 doten ansi $42 monrhly for 30 montas. 1966 FORD XL 5M8 CONVER- TIBLE. Lic. 28858 YeOlom mita black top ansi white bucket seats. Console mita aulamatic. Radio, white malle ami delone miteel dises. Only M2 doson andi 186.00 montaly for 36 montas. 1965 CHRVELLE CONVERT- IBLE. Lic. 732601. For the onartest little convertible on tse roa s ee ansi test drive tais one 10 day. Automnalic" may ho tae secret mard ton- 0601 new driver or lady ofth0e houte. -Asking price $1,890 or $25 down ansi $76 montalp for 30 mon8iu. 1 . lu MAN Full or Part-Time Ac a local reprenentative. Leads suppflied. 'Munt have car. For furtiter information writeto V. Able, ox278N MOion 9 EMPLOYUENT WANTEO *WE WANT WORK 1 à- A graup of M.-DHS. stdents t mant 10 raise money tOc tour il Europe la 1%96- ummer. Any mork for us? -Europe Work Company Cal Evenlogu: à JANET BEVERLY 878-3443 rGARK3ET MITCHELL 8542331 -nLOST OR STRAYED WALKER bmodilitemale, be. tmeen 10 Sideroad and Upper -Base LUne on Walker'u Une. > Phtone 878-9234. 11e3-1965 :13 FOR RENT >. cOTrAGR for cent, 'MoffaL. 854-9802. 13c3-963 7-ROOM home at Pusncit. àPhone 878-6431. 13c3.179 FURNISBRD ronm for mork- ing gentleman, 879-2816. 40 FOOT fromtage store aI 160 Main St. Apply V. Mule 878-6843. l3c3-1926 ELECTRIC BOT WATER HEATRES mitit frôetservica. Phone BillonHSydro 878-2345. 13col728tf FURNITURE AND RUG CLEANING MACHINE Do pour owabu-oison-e l&d rag cleaning. Ront on.etr05W cleanisg machinea. Simple te operate and use. 1ull inatnsa- lions mt machine.. ý.ates for bourly use. Phone. 878-9094 13.40 13S SUMMER CAMPS PORT ELGIN - Before mak- ing resecealions, chect aur van- oas types of accommodation. Drive up or phono 243 or write Port Elgin Tournis Bureau, Bon 406. l3sS181 OAK-A-LEA BOY'S CAMP WOODSMANSHIIP CANOBINO, WATRR S8ULLS à OUT-¶lllP Combine gront camping a&- ventures mith communil>- «. perience. Sorry, August Mo. 20f y oponing. onI>-. MLISKOLh - BOYS 7 TO 16 Write: RAY PATCHET 7544 6th LUne, Borsby for brochure, or Phone 878-2227 14 WANTED TO RENT 3BEDROOM bous, prehemis y mn country area. Refglmnce8 sUPPlied f needesi. 8782258. 14c3-1%66 558LLiouse or aparlment manled immeÀdlalely. young couple mit $UAgbaby. 878-869. 14c1-1622-lf 3.BBDYROOM boots, Miltsn aS- eat, before te end of Jul>-. Ex- cellent local references aval- able. 87M3334. 14c2-190-ti 15 PERSONAL "BAHA'U'LLAH" One hundrosi pears goon Voice forecasî l eth e ltua hreatdowa nom allcting or woSld - andi gangeu the solo. lion tit. Tihe setien cf oveeta ltat surroundai l"tISpeaker' it Ottte îtte Emnt senart. ae torp in mats'.lelsud hitor. It la tb. etoty er Bals.- uloYou ome ilt taStIUrauE to read Il. WaITE:: Baha'Ie Box 164, Oakvill, Ont. Thers la Dnsso or oblIgatio 5040 1965 VALIANT 21000K mAl aoltomaîic. Lic. 694195. Osen.- erdriven ami carefolly main- lainai uosder factory marran- -ty requirements. Aakioag price $11.490 or 12S doson ansi $63 monthly for 30 montas. 1966 OLDSMOBI-LE DELTA 88 4 DO0K HARSITOF. Lic. 659. 8964'Equipped for cono$on mita pcewer âeet, air cmidi- tioning, higit performante en- gine, pomer steering ansi braites. Cotons ptsh tstton radio, whiite mals ansi mieel discs. Osîstanding value aI $2,775 or $25 doson amid199 monCitiy for 36 .moosdss. 1966 ACADIAN 4 000K. Lic. J84082. For economnicai Irans. portation nI a very reason- able price. $1.575 on- $5 dosen and $163 montalp for 30 mon, 1966 AUSTIN A1100. Lic. J87794. Original finish ansi reflects good core. Our price $1.065 or $25 domsn ansi $42 montaly for 30 montae;. 1962 CHEVROLET IMPA CONVERTIBLE. Lic. J&6395. Equippesi sita 327 V-8egine, aulomnatic, btaoket seats, peo- er steering ansi lraks, mwhite malls, hall mieel dises anai radio. Estremely meIl caresi for and wmO give complele moloring satisfaction. Our price $11345 or $68 montaly for 24 months mita $25 doson. 1968 ACADIAN 4 DOOR. Lic. J89031. Equippesi mita igit performance 6 cylinder ei- gine, aulomatic, radio ansi whtite maifls. Reduscesi 10 $2742 mita $25 siomn ansi$94 monyta- lp for 36 montits. Less Otan 2000 miles. 1966 RIVIERA 2 D00K BARD- TOP. Lic. 384873. A per&onali- ced qualily car, equippesi mita tilt steering mheel. pose- mimwinons. sleering ansi 'braites. Blackt vinyl mutf andi silver grey fintishmwith black interior. Our rite 13,795 or $175 doms and $128 mionlhly for 36 mmntas, 1967 PONTIAC 'PARISIENNE 2 DOOR HARDTOP. Lic, 53262J. Fininhes inis md sita black top ansi eqoipposi mita auto- matic, power steerong ansi itrakes, costom peasbuton. mwhite mals, miteel discs ansi V-8 engin.. Real valuo t $2,865 or $25 domn andi $98 monthly for 36 montas,