Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 May 1968, p. 9

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il LOST OR STRAYED 116 SIJIlVICES !6 SERVICES.. ký 4-Dr. -v- =a&d bineR mmne ar i' and auganà Lic. mm-58 dle ti500 S bloc wMl e, tibs l a Tin, tP~'e radio. Uc. ....... siAIS nttO îrtop compact Mn- ember ced [or. Supm mer steetlsSg huchet îstlit o. Lic. 26453. i Canso edan t cliver mOIs blue liesoar. Bace madel la a eimanntau te and *tun& on and aton radio. Lie. rolet edan cr black wltb lalecine, Ib" laiquipped -r engine imdi coimion. Act- o tban 48.tQ c 2-Dr. 7 Parisienne 2- 501usd in »s setdbing lnage- lth V-8ocuise, l bribe, osti- day sa2 IANTED mediaty, m& sun ta crx lau homo, 87&M56 chaii auabi foi-a, enumusc, i-M or mlnlag ses. Replip M& tendent, hdisei t Cana" Ltd, Itn, OwL TRIAL ICIAN LY M IxpERIM î not easetial Sstane heuhilitéci STIGAN rovincial -Ltd. ovn, Ont. !221 46M NT WANTED r WORK 1 DO-HS. stadmn nce.y to toan focra k Company RLY rn?.s0 SEL 8%= 9.4 0i-~ The Crecdit Valley SCHOOL 0F NURSING 5&is 10ccepting applications for the fal term from l taPerans, 18.35 peut-s nIfugo. e Wob wfli have a Secôndary Sehani Graduation Diplomo mith a minimum standinsg Of 609 la Gi-ado 12. The reset a aI scedi ho bc atlsni-ai<gliY mode, niste- nIai-t SIticIfe. bielt on jaisi adjacett 'a South Pool lisptai 'in Cooksnllk 'Por Isaiher Wssnm" saisn am apuolicattin foi-m. cangul: MMS ORESSA HUBBERT, DIRECTOR The Credit Valley School of Nursing 100 Upper Middle Road, CooksvillO, Ont. SLAR5 Ptewondland femalle dbd, 10 moôt. oId,- selgh 105 ibs., otnèM~ ftm'Aptnlohy Lino 'and Na. 2 Siderokad atae. Tut- ion in right ta- I3BE6Y). 878- 9818. Ilc2.1913 13~ FOR RENT PURO8ISHED i-nomi for mach- lig gentleman. 878-2016. 13cl-1834 00018 posture, for bellots or steers, mater and shetter. 878- 9195. 13c2-1882 SMAILL fui-nislsed banement apootment, avaitable May 21. 878.2379, 13c2-1844 HOT5 *«y WATER HIOAIS witb fret, service. -tbolite Miltan 9ydra 878.2345. - 13c-1728.tf FURNITLIRE AND RUG CLEANING MACHINE Do0 peur owo lornituce and cog cleaiing. Rent ont af aur ielenning machines. Simple ta, -aplaîes and use. Pol instanac- tlOns i.11h machine. Rates, lac haurly nu. Phone. 878-9094 13i0t1 PLANNING a Sprlng mcd- dling? Wltp mot coiant Milton Party Rantat lac your i-entai and catering oeeds? Phono 878. 9413 ni- 878-9956. 16c44-t203-tl IsI AND 2nd niocîgage tonds r available, also 2nd nioi-gages pucased. Caîl Glenn Donzey, Oakawa Realty Investments, 827.5713 anytime. 16C11.1690 Furniture Restoration Ci-alîsmank rtinhing, ophol- stery repoiring. Antique apeciat- it. Phet estimate. Pick - op nd delivery. 1-519-833-2210 W. WHITE - ERIN 14621 K & R. LUMBERS Cerlilied carpentry and gener- aI canlrctiag. ctmodelliasg, aI-- rtraitions, rc. mamns, Orlon mark etc. MILTON 878-9937 ACTON 853.8633 16c38.tf Septic Tank Pumping BLUE SPEUCE ENTERPRISES Dameslic and Industrlal. MILTON - 878-6869, LAWN MOWERS Sales and Service as LAWN-SOY sa TORO Set tht Terrilir Setection Homnby Garage Hornby 878-4790 16e-tf CRYSTAL WINDOW CLEANERS Por glass and windows in yoor home or business that shine and spai-ble like new. Phone 878-3077 Pree Estimates t6c3 ED. MCMULLEN Contracter * Cement Ploors, Sidewotks di Stoops e Cbimney & Plasterlng Repairs Phone Acton 853-1818 ASPHALTING DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS MILTON PAVING CO. LTD. lunder new management) Por free entimates, colt Walter Hayward 878-9234 Harold Agnew 878-9553 16b3 Sewing Machine SALES - SERVICE RENTAI PHONE 878.861 iMilton Fabric Centre 12 Martin Street Services antI Repairs on alttrmihes of newing machines. tOc-Il -Farm Construction 40% GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIZE Treen, Pence Rows, SIane Piles, Ponds etc. Large elmns remonved, hiall piie app. Wr moutd be gladi to estimat 1 yoor job. Watson Bros. Brampton, Ont. Phono 451-4804 tOc>tf Homne. Maintenance. .Service For aIl yor state mark, i-oa- cremib ka-eing, planling. oto-tttîing, ai-piet-y, paietinf, sinori i-ipairs eIc. CALL DAVE 854-9967 16c2 WALNUT RANCH LTD. Crippled and Disabled Cnws and Horses 24 Hour Service Lic. Nos. 133-RF 288-C-2 Waterdown MU 9-1044 16ctf PACONI Dead Stock Removal LIMITED Oighet cash pies fac deud et dinabled i-oms and liai-so CALL OPERATOR - ASK FOR Zenith 9-7950 Lic. No. 94RP68 126C68 16octI 17 REAL ESTATE PARSONS, TAYLOR & NIGH REAL ESTATE LTD. 39 Lakeshoce Hmy. Est PORT CREDIT, ONT. Phone: 274-3413 A. spacions brick home mith pani- elling lhroughaut the down- stairn inavailable, close to -Milton. This Il - i-nom bouse leatores a vei-y large and hright living and dinisg acea. a cony dec, modemn kit-bts and ound-y i-omr domonsiars and 6 bedrooces, 3-piet bath upstairs. A ennveniently loi- ated home on is N acre, si-ted lot, il enuld inexpenaive- iy be duplened, us il han an extra kitchen and hock stusi-. For more information, cai 878-9827. 30 aecres, on Hwy. 25, neur Spep- side. Par inortmation on Miltas and 9Ohihn kuïtlt½hs abO ire. BILL KELLY PHONE. 878-9827 MILTON 17cl Oakville 9-i-nom nplit-level home, beauti' lolly landscaped corner loi, 3 bedroons, large kili-hen witb neparale eating ai-eu, L.shape living and dining man, large family i-nom mith lirepalce and math-oui to enclosed pal Io' linisbed rer. rmn ansi ound-y i-onm, smimming pool Omner han bought and home muni be sold. Asking $34,980. Hornby - Rancher $32.500 lori- bis custom roiici bungalow,. on 2!,1 acres oa lanal. 3 bedronms. kit-lien, lin ing monm and separate dinini ronni, baisement ltnished mil hoge 34 n 12 fi. rer. ranm, unc 2 etia hodroomo. Double coi altached garage and non broadnooni n living asnd din ing reonts. Si-bool 'buses a: tht dnor. Siluated in an aret nf tnvely homes. Income Homne $22.000, 9 - rnomed lai-m bousi aed 10 acres nI tond. Housi mode iae 2 separate apart menîs. 2 kili-hens, 2 biat ti-ns etc. Eleciric heat au ail healing. Driving shed uni niher snalt buildings inelu ded. siisated 3 t8ienorlh mess nI Campimllvitte, il smatl village. Came, set ot makie os an aller. 100 Acre Farmn $42.000 is tht asking price ba this produrtive laim in Plu Ibth Tvip. 8.5'iîl Ii00e afoî btnck home, in gond candis ion, 40 nl 90 banik bai-n. Suit dings sit n top nI tsollin terrain and provide an oente lentt' view oI -Mounisbtti Conservation Acta. Ideal la lavesiment lac a graup t, make asportsman's paradise Dut to many sales in thte mont) aI Aprit, oui- listings are lam If o ai-e lhinking nI buyitA ni- seitnil, piease cuit peu wwca Keiti gnl r STELA 'ÀRiON Milton 878-6705 17c } à13 S1JMMER CAMPS r PORT ELGIN - Belote muk-. ing restervations, check our var- 4au types nI accommodation. Dri-vé upor phone 245 or mito j Pari, Elgin Toorist Sureau, Son 406. "3se "",67 OAK-A-LEA OY'S CAMP ~WODSMe~3SHIP, CANOEING, WL' j NTR~ LLS & OUT-TRIPS Combine gi-est camping skd- otentures wîth cnmmanity ex.. , patience. 5 So-iy. Augosi frit. July optnings ookly. MUSICOKA - BOYS 7 TO 16 t Write: E 'RAY PATCHmT i. 7M4 60h Line, Honby for brochure, or A Phone 878-2227 13sc-tf -414.ANTEO Te HTr 2OR 3 romn aparimnn, In c la oiltn. Replp 'Box 272, Con- trillCamion. 14c2-1908 SMALL bouse or apurimont manied "inmediotey. Yoang cople with smalt baby. 878.4694. CU14cl-1022-tf 3-BEDROOM hoose. Milton oir- ta, hi-face tht enal nI Joly. En- ahi-. 87î.3334. 14e2-1904-tI 15 PERSONAL DON17 boy asy Iighi bulbs ibis meobenal, but hi- sure and boy then ni-no week. May 23, 2A anal 25, Irain o Rota-y spon- nore4 drive 10 bellip Scouting. 15c2-1631 "BAHA'U'LLAH" Ont bstndced peurs ugo, one 'Vole forecost tht spiriftual breakdnwn nom aoIlirting oui womai5 - anal gave us the saleo ,,liion tn il. Tht stries ai evools shah sorvoundeal 'that Speahorie OIe canstiiote tht monlt remarh' able ssnry in man's' spirituea: hiestôry. It is 4be ssory oI Sabol sahai. You ont 60 to yourselt 10 resad il. WRtTE: Bahaci, Box 164, Oakviîle, Ont. Thece la n nost or nbligatin 16 SERVICES s- ANDERSON Tret Service Reanonable rases. 878-9239. 16r2.l87. PLI, 'SATE HOJSE- FOR SALE 1ON MAIN ST. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR SMALL BUSINESS Cai 878-9509 Nights 416-925-5675 Days 17c48-tf Leonard R. Chandler 'Town and Country" Realtor WR ARE RECEIVING MANY INOOJIRIES: for tai-ms. country homes and acreages. INTERESTED IN SELLING? CatI us for a fi-ee aisal - fl blaion. R.R. 1, Moffal. GUELPH 824-9199. 17b43-tf Christie & Woods REAL ESTATE BROKERS 189 Main St. - Milton $17,500 flt piie 3 - bedr storey and at hall home cnt rai location, close t0 shopping asd ochools, downstairs living room with lireplace, separate dining room, kitchen, base- ment with lui-noce and laond- ry lacililies. $20,000 full price, 3 -bedroom brick hungalow, living i-nm asd dm151g rooirn, kitchen wilh ample cophoards, 4 - piece rolored bath, fall 'basement wihextra bedroom and recre 0h05n main, partly finished. COUNTRY $16,800 full price, 4 « bedroom 2 . storey stucco, oider type home, situated on t acre of land, in a village accessible tn 401 Hwy., kitchen recentty i-e- novated, neparute dining rom and double living ronte. Ashing $5.000 down. LOTS 10 ares, lot with pond. Asking ing 57,800. 10 acres, oortb Burlington, streum. $12,500. INPUSTRIAL BUILDING $21,080 full price, 3 offices, 2 washrooms, oppros. 3,000 sq. fi. Iloor space, by oit beated. Asking $4,500 down. 97-ýÔ58965 17c2 Por Service and Satisfacti on Consîlt Best Realty & Insurance Limired 310 Main St., Milton, Ont. 878-6292 878-6592 REALTOR 54,008 PULL PRICE - 1.-8 acre country homne site, situatrd 10 mites nartb-west nf Miit's. 241 fi. Irontage by 330 fi deptb. 13,100 PULL DOWN PAYMENI -10acre lot with 68811. frontage. streums, cedar trees t 87,500 fll price. Carnies las 537.28 montbty. $3.000 IOWN - 10 acre lot, ie j the Village of Moflat, excel lent sîream, pond. surveyed cedar trees. Pull price 18,500 -73 ACRE PARM - Frontage os Hwy. 25, 9-rokm brick veneen hernie, modernited, banik barn 14 stalis, 40 acres workabte, Il acres bush, glood pend sites Listrd price $58.000. "OPEN TO OFFER" - Moderr bongalow, in Aclon, spacioic living racla. dining raim, kit tchen, 4 bedraams, 2 bath r oims, recreation room, mâai - entras, 6%6 marîgage. Ownei ,. wîll consider any reasoabîs,1 s oiter. 1MILTON - Modern split.- lent home. situated close t0 shop ping platra, Schoel lar tht r aI, spaciaus living raam r ining room, watt t0 w a1 .bioadtoom, kitchen. 2 bed nrorms, master bedraom, 22' 13', recreatian raim, monr 8 entras, TV tawer patio, 69t N...mortgage crries lai g10 P. 1. & T. monthly. r BOARDIMO (IOUSE & COU D MERCIAL GARAGE - Situait ed an a camner lot 90' nl 297 large red brick bouse, co craie block garage 60' ni 30 gaad rentaI incame. Listet price $4.08. 120,0 dawn. tistYbur Prop.rty Todai -Photo MILS. ,Mqmbers af the Bramptan Real Entat Bard. 2 -,17c The Canadien Champion, Wednesdeay, May 15, 1968 9 17 REAL ESTATE FOR BEST RESUITS o t i - . CONSUIT A MIMBIR 0F THE Orangeville Real Estate Board 17c40.tl A. E. LePAGE RIALTORS LiMITID Memrber nf the Toronto, Ontario and Qahoille - Trafalgar Real Estate Boards 55 Yearn' Cootinunos Service Colt BOB McCUAIG 878-9543 17c2 19 LEGAL Notice to Creditors ln the EssaIe aI ROY R00ER SON ELLENTON, taie nI the Towon oI Mione, la the Coun. ty oI Haillon, deceaaed. ALL pernons having any claims agaînst the Estat nf the ah ove named deceased, who, dîrd on or ab0u1 tht 261h day of Mairh, 1968, are ceqoired t0 sendi notice oI tht saine to the andersigned Solicitor on or be- fore the 31n5 day nI May, 1968, aller whirh dote tht distribut- ion of the Essaie wilI be mode o'ith regard only 10 dlaims an notice. DATED aI Milton, ibis 200h day of April, 1908. HAROLD C. FUNK, Oaciiter & Solicitor, 219 Main Street, Milton, Ontario, Solicitor for tht Enerotri, 19c2 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS MELVIN GRANT CAMPBELL, tl or ESR. 1, Molfat, In tIse Township of Nassagameyat thieCountryoflleon, F=e, deceased. Att pensons havie1 i-taines ag- anitht Entait nI MELVIN Have ou Noiced GRANT CAMPBELL, Ite nI R. Have ou Noiced R. 1. Mottai, in tht Tomnship Our SoId Signs ? of Nassagami-ya, io the- Cnunîy i-Hltn armer, deceanel, wbo lteal un or about the 22cd WE STILI HAVE ALMOST day nf Mar-b 1068, are requesî- PUCAES t1 esnal p uluars oI iheir 2MILLION daimAER îu. thopý undorsigneal on FOR FARMS AND or 'iloi-o e 251h day nI Juco, 90, aller c-hi-b dali- the said ACREAGES. Entat c-il) ho alinliibutal amn- ng the parties enltitol ibere- teu aval the Enocutors mitI net ho tiabo lo- aop i-tains oI Cali JOHN COLLETI sih îbey havo net tben e coîveal notice. *Daîtal ibis 71b day nI May, Harold A. Clarko Itd. 18 SHARPE & NICHOLS, REALTORS 207 Mary SI., 62 Lkeshre R. E, Pot Crdit Milton, Ont., 62 Lkeshre R. E, Pot Crdis Solicitors for tht Enecutors. 278-7223 COLLECT 17ctf Country Home Luxortous andl nom bai-k - npit brick anal sînne hnne, on beuutiflu nota-cre lot, mith 3 botter ihan uni-rage nie beal- rno.ns, ta-g- 14 s 13 fi. kit- i-bon, nireiy fiaushel milh gi- trous cabinets anal conrtier top, epurinus living roon wilh shiling glass doors t0 tht cn- npiriog suct derk nverlookicg tht bai-h Iomns, richtp hroad- loomea l oors icuding tht siair 10 tht maîk-out hase- ment area mith delighlluIhy linishel roi-i-tion i-nm mith bug fi-nant lin-phare and stial- ing glass doors t0 ouldor po- lin, unfinisheal entra bedroonm and ontra mashi-on. This home is morthy nI pour ic- spectin anal honnis many ex- ira t-alunes. Colt for appoint' ,eni. Piie S35,000. New Bungalow Sparhhing ni-m brick bungalow mith 3 bi-droons, 4 -pite huibroo. i-hi-i-iy kil-h-n mith ptocîy ofnI abraI finish' tal cuphnards, i-nomy alining area anal spocinus living i-nom. Gond harlmona leuîrs lhroughont clean elerlrir hi-at anafl l hrighi boni-ment. i-ah lo- licishinî in i-erre- ation room anal entra heal- nrris. Inspection hy appoint- ment. Frire $23.000. Farms & Acreages Cait us about nur lai-ms anal ai-i-tges. Il pou are huying or netling colt pour Gibson Wil- loughby LIal. represntativen. Anna& Archie Cairns 340 Main Street East Milton Phono 878-6980 17c2 USE CHAMPION CLASSIFIEDS To BUY, SELL RENT, TRADE ETC. ai 19 LEGAL any hearing that may bo held wilt be given only On persoos snho hare liled an objection and i-ho hase rîft sith or dctivred tothe clerik andersigned,ithead- dcoss t0 wbîch notice nI hea- ing is to ho sent. Tht tant day foc filial; object ns wilI hoe May 22, 1968. DATED at tht Townof Bur- linglon ibis Srd day aI May, 1968. Wmn. R. Sites ý(Tnmn Clechi, 426 Brant St., Burlingion, Ont. Bill No. 17 The Corporation of the Town of Burlington BY-LAW NUMBER 3458 A Sy-law ta amend Bp-Iaw Num- ber 2810 la cegialae the boild. ing and use of service sonit lune and publie gartUeât THE COUNCIL OP THE COR PORATION OF THE TOWN 0F BURLINGTON- H4RRY EN AICTS AS POLLOWS: t. Subsection le) nI Section 2 of Bp-bmw 2010 in amendeit by enserting aller tht mords "Pub tir Garage" the loltoig "salmean a building or per lion Itireol osed lo- tht bous ing nir a-e nf molor di-ivennteh ies andl/or lai-m machinery ai mhere mater driven vehile and/or lai-w marhinery art equippod for operation repoîr ed, or hepl for remoneration hire ni- sale, or load uponmwbici mater drinen vehices and/nî lai-m machînecy ai-e parked loi charge, ni- displayed for sale ai- any ailier establishment sob jert t0 lirenne as a public ga- age, bot shail nt inctude a pri naît garage." 2. Sections 6, 7 anal t oI By law 2010 shaîl be renumbere 7, 8 and 9 and a new section t shoî he serled as fottoms: (2) There shal ho o sepurot ia service station or publi, grage, the lollowing cegulal ions shail apply: (t) Surh cr washing, &ha only be incidientai t0 tht opera tion nI the service station a public garage. (1) There shal ho ano sepacot building loi-cor mosbing an theme shail be o wall or sertes permanent or tempi-ay, hi yimeen tht area mhere tht ru washir6g is dont açd tht alie iervice hapi. (3) There are adequate store and sonilai-ysewers in the opio ion ni tht Direcior nI Piabli Workn. (4) Tht diiesays and exit t0 and 1rm tht cor mashin ci-tas shall bhe sulficient t0 tî sure that no coi-s or nehlirle shal park or stand on tht pot ;ic stret aI any lime provide hbat thore shaîl be off sires tparking sporce uitihe plare c tngressntosurh premises loi-a leant 20rcars forcatch washlini - and ai tht place nI toi-ens fri-n such premies for ut jeans i cors from each wash tint, i tny case. (5) Car washing shall tl plare only when tho service st, tinor public garage is ope lo- business andîthere is an a tendant on duty. ,(6) Not mort thoan 3896 of il gross floni- ai-tu oI the nervis 4 station ni- public garage, exct -ding office, showroomn ant mash-noms, shaîl ho used fi cor washing. (7) Thar o machie or eqol, mens shal ho instalted havie à caîed cupoeily for washie crais i n encens of 5 coi-sp hui." 3. The, Section nI Sy-taw 20 cenumhered 7 shahl ho amende by detetiol "Sec. 4 (16) ut ,uhstisuting therefor "Section O(10), (il), 112), 113). (14) an ( 16) and Section 6." 4. No part nf ibis By-ta g.hall come in lamce mitho, thti approvat of tht Ontar t.Municipal Sourd, bol sobjeci sucb appronal tbis By-law shi i take elfeet fcnm the dole e panniol thernof, O ENACTRO AND PASSED th 1201h day nf Janua-y, 1968. c- George W. Harvingian, W Mayc 4 Wm. K. Sims Citel f Explanatory Note Re el By-Iaw Number 345E f- Tht purpose nf By.law 34 i's t0 resoriet cor mashing lb i- dose in service stations y, public garages ta incidentai uà r onty. y Tht Bp-tam is self exploit nei-y; homever, if mo-e inforron nion is reqoired pieuse enta 0aoy oI tht loltnwing perla ras 637-3851, Mi-. R. Roberts, Planning Ca 'dmissioner, w Mr. Wm. K. Sims, Clecli, l: or tht andecuigned wT. L. Jlin, Assistant la i Of Cteck. Il a" 20 AUCTION SALES Complet. Auction Service Chris A. Schouten AUCTOONER Soles nf ail types. Sales cnnductedl nnymbere Tel. Are. 416 - 878-2576 RA. 3, Milton, OntL ffb20-n Ward Brownridge Licenstal Anciionei- Paro - Lintstock Pumniture Sales R.R. 2, GEORGETOWN. Phone 878-6730 CLEAIOING AUCTION SALE Fucssiesae, Implemesta & Tisse Comner 4tb Lint and No, 6 Hwy., 2 miles south nf MOil grave. MONOAY, MAY 208h Commiencing ai t 1pm. Parnaîl 'A' tractai-; 2-toa plnw; double dinr; 6 fh. Inti- national momer; hacrows; cul.i vainc; ni-ller; nanure spread i-r; boy robte; patate plow; mbeelbarrows; wagon; muire torte; houa naw; field tilt; mttd -spi-ayer; roin-titter; tamn mom- er; mater pump; harrels; enteant. isien tadder shonels; faills; r onîn; 8' n 8' lotl shed; truck 1949 fieu-y pick-up; lurnittre; dresser hodn; seitet; kitrhen -cabinet; bail mu-ro-; watt dlock; tables; mai-droho; siep stool; -dishen' tawn chairs; chitd's swing set; anal many atlier items toonuomeroun 10 mention. i Prop or aurtinneer ont ce- 5passible in niast nf accident dlay nI sale. N o i-est me as prop. bas sold cproperty. C. 'H. TUPPIN, Auctint-, Phone 856-4246. Elia Honchar, Prop. 0 .. .W. Main, Clerk. 28h46 r ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE i. 1 mile froro Ehonetti- Churcb, 7 mites north oI Mohawk Race ,r Trark, on tht CompbelUvitte ir Rnad. SATOIRAY, MAY 18, 1008 nl Cammencing as Il o.m. 1- Spinning whetl; captainea c chair; mainus wosh stand; i-lochs; round tables; sih-lt amaster' denk and ste; feasth. t rot mainat pedessa sable; on 1- ohe; round table, top mainut; sai-i-w bock chairs; niem mant- t, . ;mritiog bon; brass npirit dl hetîle and stand; Seoninglon !tIlomer pot; candetabra lump :1wiîh cranbe-ry receptacle; bang- i ng lamp; ctipboarls; old ree. n oi- rse with glass danro; cap- e a eder; si-oIes; bstter- n wols; lumber dishescsest f pine lireplace montel; botteront te cbens nI dromrers; buitti-not s' desk; t pair Indien clubs; arien- n tl si-mon; primitive tobacco t- ruiler; boasting lorks tacqit- tal jewelle-y bon; molusses te i-roi-k; brans ahk melI. :e Organ nIant; pine silo and ic- ,on bon ps; ci-anber banquet .d lamp; thaeri munir; jelly pan; i2 large slabs nI ma-hIe; Well- ville ci-nik; gun stock chair; , ooden manh tub; piciore fram es; glasmare; ai-rom bock rock- 8g er crnmer caphoard; Edison kg phoaograph hoilermilk red 'r- roi-ler; moînot sideboard; mach table; wush set, Borolem; iron 10 rnohing pots; Brentwood Id chairs; ci-nckery butter chura; td bigh chairs; Chippendale chair; 4 cron glse; ironk; cranbtrTy hall td lump; tanîteron; buflalo robes; books; bruns ]seille; iosolatoro; W fran sets; beaoms; mu-cors; utand many alter Items Ian nom- tc rous t0 mention. ta Auctinneer's None: As this la il, a very large sale nf fine quality oI antiques ihat tht praprieai- bas colle-led oser tht yeuro. plan ta attend. IsPceview smo houro belote sale lime. Sale beldi ander caver la ciaoe MrIo rala. Prop. or aoctione not ses- '.ponsible la case nI accident day nI sale. TEROS: Cash day oI sale. Lunch buaot on gi-cetds. 58 C. H. TUPPIN Auctioneser, aitPhone 56424. si. - More Auctiion Sales wilbe found on hakj Page 10 General Session Couniy nI Naton. k To Wtt: Notico iv isei-i-y giron that the Court et Gecerat Sessins no tho Pi-a-o andaliuso tht Countî Court nI tht said COUNTY 0F HALTOO witi ho hi-Id in the Court Ronm ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS Baso Lice, Esqu-sing. Cmmncing on Monday, Jurso 3, 1968 ithe ibi- boni n10h a.m. Dayligh Sasing Timi-, ut mhîcb att ios lires of tht Pi-are. Coroners Constablos, Gant-ms anal att olh i-rs uncornoal ai-e requontel ri lake notice acal attend tn dl anal pi-i-oi-m att dulien mbict npporiaic 10 then. ANDREW W. FRANK, Sherili Sherilî's Office, Haltn Cnunty Aalminintration Buildicg, Base Lice, Esquesing. Mat 151h. 1968. 19C Notice of Application BY-LAW 3458 Rn use of Service Stations and Public Garages NOTICE 0F APPLICATIONh thet Ontanrio Municilpal Sain liy tht Corporation of th Toma aI BurtagOon for appc val oIea bp-Ian t0 cegunuite lues use paaaed pli-niant ta Sec lion 30 of Thse Planning Arc TAKE NOTICE thai tht CourlothCrpainofh Town of Burtinglon intoîtas i. appty t0 Tht Ontario Munirpia oard pursuact lu tht provir tons nI Si-i-ion 30 nf Tht Plat t,.ing Art for approvat nI Oy-ias 3458 passedl on tht 201h dayo January, 1968. A cnpy nI tht b~ tam ns lurnishel heremith. cote givicg antsplanon o th- pur.pos- anal tII-ct ufthl hy-tam acnd staig tht lanals a ft-ta thon-hp is aise luroisl cd heremiib. Acy person icitr-nied mu mithin bourt-en (14) days alto tht dote nI ibis notice sesa lh cegistecel mail ni- abîmer On lb cierk nI tht Town of Ourtingin cource of bis objection t0 appr val of tht said hy-tom toglette mith a statemeni aI the gi-n nf soi-h abjection. Tht Ontario Municipal Soar muy approve aI tht aid bp-la but befoce doing so, il may a point a time anal place mhe aÎobjection On tht bp-la hob cnsiderel. Noticei

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