Woes fi doen hase toss, or priatticaity anythlng [tus just a plate ta sieelp. it. Bec tdias ras toward i malte, frenli slscnsting, ,or thtngn UsaI alt golzg ep ne do aopthtng elâle aiy n tIn the prenent, ahyn bdt. [anple, mne me tytug nul e finir ratUs a era hauillna kgroesd. I asot me tha a le tntertnr tn gntng tonesles 1 asy hatter rales 1 ait on habod, groanng gentty andl 30 à.m. au Usai hrnadlonm in ging 'thtsg but a big ban l onss. 4: goisg In mains me apring nacli everp ianestng, car- tes daraning another uir thon let tt slip ules p Usai Pma as 0111 sermud- IL nit l've heen tbean0i mI ice started out rtUs a new troem. Evestualip, i ramnd dlng ressemhling a sultans Ln biacki ami pilî and debt nid Atlas np ibds Bookl, Kim tnd an Use peaenar ni tn- icleostn. IL rosnda pretty t litu mont tega Usai dn, pets in Use arin. t~ hld e a teenaâger around the utd 1 have a stols isst alli oas'l 10 ntudy, Ilori nlo. But he dLdit sai any- rgnlng or halng nnippy or rater on lier pscsntl linges - À a tremendonn thud ose of i a has nlieugged. ? hntel McGtibon ta Use 0ll -ý SEASON'S CHAMPS anal individual minners in Lawrerce Lakirg ard Fred Johrsos. hart rom, the Legios Dart teagoe mere meli rnmarded John Kernedy, Ken Johrson, Bob Egglnlor, et Iheir recert arnuai banquet. Prom lf tc Star Flitor and Oor Melrcier. right sn the frort rom ore Mutf Grittiths, (Staff Photo) PLAYCFP WINNERS mcme meti remardedal o rom mîrrers are Len Appletor, Hsrry Rom- the annuel Legior Dart Leagor banquet helal lard, and AI Blt9 Osck row Tory Mash,' Bob iv lte Legior Hell in Miltor, Ontario Steel <carte, Jerry Tmiss anal Legior Presidert Lawo- Prodncts mon th1e Playott competitior. Frort rence Lahtro. (Staff Photo) liy Mrs. A. Rl. Conîter lilon, rao 0111 Latin i oser i A MoUsnr anal Dataghtnr hlit erstood, condnct It lierseL., quel hlghiglted Use May 6 meeting of Use lnt Looville Comn- cPaayi Girl Guides beldi in the mud- years ago , otu1s of Frveo6 Publie S puissent. Terry Dalieshire eo issue of The Canadlan olafereal Use Grane precedtsg lb Miton, May 14, 1868. mapper, sippieait hy lbe Guida mctkers nonveseal hp Ms. Rass onulabie of Brampton las t Saiderson. tu oinsm gentlemen wlio eo- Mrs. B. J. Johnosor, Distrtct Fardent prealtlentions dan Guider of Burlingion, preseneal an named Peter Bcaddy, wo b ladges as folosews: Basas Scoicliman, thouglihe toni Fergonon, lt Clans aad Reedie. cuseal of saying sndry dis- wramasn Beverley Ascait, 20f ses under the inspiratin cd Closn; Elizabeth Pergosos, 20f whishap. Thse evidesce afler Clase; Anne Lammerse, Nsedie- t haftore lhe magiatcatn oas w0m5its; Cathy ilford. Fire ctest 10 convint hlm &Md 1e Brignade. Os ballon of the Gubale i. AseUser pernon rab hialls mothers, hirs. T. c. Ramsnhaw n, anal oho hans bees alciviof pressenteat Guidle Captaio, hics. 1er, las hes lmprtsosed lout R. Harslen 01111 a gift in ap- bharatter! soo. preclalios for Use leadership se al liilitia order han hai ts givbog lbe girts. hirs. Hiarnales sienne 10 tlie Quees's Btrth- made a fittisg ropiy, lheo mInro. oral Corps of Volusheers ta thanea Mrs. Erc Jaclison, Brosen tIalo gril assmle ai nioce 0,1, Berlingion, lin preseoteal lin 2 3cd InsI. sud fire a teu coioceal sles os "Our Calanao nuiai zlaasec Is honor di In Mexico, ose of 1the four Oorld Ucsthalay, aI the gnxrrtsno, Cestres of Guiding. Quehan, Ottawa, iKingston. A second film oas ahout In and Lmon.m The vol- ileritage Camp nearhiorcistmrg, act in conjanction wlUs Hel a cntessii projeci 0f th1e Ginl )ps, lu cane tie offcerncon» Guides of Canada. Ahout 2,000 gartsoon ai those atatio guides, rangers aod cadets re- sach co-opecatom ami tht prosenisg Use 10 Canadian Pro. n of volunieern 0111 pisoE vtsces and fcom clher colntries communication olUs the of- armandth lbsorl met togeUser sdtng Hec Majestyla 10maCi undec covas for a three weeli iliose namedn for Use purpose. hliday of felowup. Os aisplay ws a collectios of Guide donloased oy Gutide Head- quartiern, dopicting Guidns bn Usnlr respective costumes' THE arosdi the seoril. Proiects for sel5G AN0055,IG O 10 Miea naire,r,asr Ja est A Di r, a rtaoEio oy L.tî.nsn,,,Ne.s ., rno allieCrrt..,ei.sManager 55, W0,S. a~5, set 11 Mainri.. 1.M .be enf 'ho C' . 5i. Ste - er ndree I. Ontr a r i Wéekl vswis.. S . Smogipi. no . air Il r,SA oi rt,, * .I. O.. P sa t.s .0 km a 5 Oea.d n.ro atn. i 210f Ctaan badges oece ais on dispiap ami demonraeal Use crative ahiity of th1e girls. Mothern and citer tuents bond In the closisg exorcises nroun Use Camp Fire. Donna Oyers prnsenled Lt. hirs. G. nectar 01111 a lotus of apprerlatioo ami fareweli gifta as Mrs. Becker raturns 10 Germany 01111 her huslasd ai th1e end of May. Songs anal "tape" coocladeal the progrnm. The Chritn Stewardnhlp of Time sens the Useme for th1e worshtp service aI the May meeting of th1e Afteron Unit of Use Lorville Uinitedl Church Womeo beli ai the home of Mrs. George Conlsoo. Mrs. Ouralge Gushy, Mns. Garfield Cotlilg ami Mro. O. MacAreila preseoleal pione, Bible readlngs and commente oo 111e Iheme, coociodtsg with a quention ami answer-dilogste. Mes. E. E. Baldiner no-ocamn- aied 111e preseotatios 0f th1e Study Booki, assinteal hp Mms. F. O. Coliig ami Mrs. George M. Col- tiog on 'Woman of Courage-, iliustratig 111e Illfe oiaChristias 00050 of Japan. Mrs. George Couison favonreal with a piano solo anal Mrs. N. Langton con- ducteal the buisiness perboal. Mes. Melford Coliog na Mrs. George Coltiog assisteal the hostess in seivi luoch. Mr. andI Mrs. David Leaver are eojoyiog a t1ree-week business trip te Europe. Il ras wlth regret ltaI lte communily san Mr. and Mrs. William J. Robertsoo move 10 a home in Milton. Tttey itave liveal ail Useir marrinal lises on inis sie anal contribtuel Osich 10 t11e social nda spiritual lie of Use Looville United Church. They 0111 be trisser! daily hy their close ueighbors anal frietis who 1s1h Iloieo many pears tu eojoy Useir seo home ant neightours At t11e MoUer's Day service on Senday morig, 0ev. E.E. Basiler performel 1the Sacra: ment of naptism for sine chilal rent aI Zimmerman Unteal Charch, KaUserise Laura,daaugh- ter of Mr. anal Mrs. Bvine Base- den, anal Daniel itobert, son 0f Mr. ami Mrs. Davial Currte onre ckrtstennd. At Losevilie United Church Use followlng seere chriteoed: Mark Rtobert Davtd, ses 0f Mr. anal idr. Alan Bur- Malge; Heather Audtrey, daughter 0f Mr. anal Mrs. J. K. Cmul. sont Selley Elizabeth anal Larry Daniel, daaghter anal son of r. anal Mrs. Gary Onardt Donna Lyon ant Marlese Darn,alaugh- ters of Mr. anal Mms. Ronald L Nixon; Elizîaeh Anne, daugh- ter 0f Mr. asal Mrs. R. Severeign. Study petition A campaign for saler highway opeeds headeal by Mrs. Lillian Ayer Irak asiother Ctep foroard tast week wheo a petiton askdog Use opned Oimit lhrmug Rorohp be lseered weuil betore Ilalton Coty Ooads Commillee. The commtlee, ordereal cmenty eoidseer Jack CorbelI 10 binut- igate the sItuation., The petition asks the opeed be lorereal front 50 10 35 m.p.it. on titre roads thrmcgh Hornby. for the bride.. we'I1 eityle a Ioa eIy haardo Boi complement radiant you ... on your wedding daY13Mteai Jim Snow Study new boards By James W. Sentir gin Conservation Authorlty. One M.LP.P., fISon Eant bs for carrylog ont capital ton- procemeots tIn the Esquesise An Ite businss of lIse current Conservatton area aod lihe ciller session molles fouird sereral for capital improsements In10e of the Commsltees of Zohl i am ioten Valley Conservation a mnmhar hase bn mont active are&. dnrlng this pont relit. The Cîm- An there In avdidespread tnd mitiee on Ellicaion aad Univer- on the part of many of onreIder. slty Affaire lias hen meeting IY nîttzens for self-ntained twime weehll duringithe mirsings restai accommodation ai a rent fer the part tran weekls an iti they cou afford, i wontd 1111e to continuen 10 do so antil onr eorli Point out Usai aoy monictpnty Is compieted. maY ash 1the Ontario Honslng Our mats agen& if ibs in.m Corporation 10 carry ont a sur- mitine now consite ni Use con. veY of nerd anal demaod for So- nideratios o ill 44, baaig Ose tir Cittzess ltuing in Useir Bill 10 Impiement Use Couny mssictpaity. If on completion Boards if ducatin. Deiegattos of 1the onrvey hy the Otario represesttsg neyerai irgoudza- iiong Corporatton asd neadle tions have hom ansin r hUe fona, then aI th1e requent of the committen tsciudtng Use Ontarto munictpatity, thn Ontario Honstog Teachers' Fedieratin anal Use Corporation wttt proceed rstth Fednratin of Onaio ichoni a contructin program 10 f111 Trustees. The objections from this tond. The mootclpaltydoes Usese organlzattoss hase hees nt Shore Inothe capital or ttpenr- tery mîsor in nature, pertaiig attog Costso0f 1the project. but i ooiy 10 Use mechasies of the munt agres 10 ancept a reduced tmpiemestatiio of the Bil, and rate on municipal tanntioon tohe onr nommtttee oin now ha pro- buildings. Rente on111e Ontario needlsg etUs clanan hy clise Houslog Corporation Senior Citi- study of Bil 44. zen Honstng Unils range fromn As a member of the Agrimi-. $37 10 $43 per mosUs anal are tarai Commttee, riv had a mont bassin! os 1the tenantes locome. tnterentisg presestation hy Pro- The Corporation la preseotiy fennor Normas Pearsn of the asig for proposais fromt bultd- Univrersity of Gueiph on the pian- ers for 1the construction of 32 nintg of land u for Oniario. Famtty Units anal 30 Senior Citi- The Hon. Wiliam Davis,hMIDI- sens Units in 111e Towno0f Oeil. star of Ethanation, han aonounced vitle. very non 10 Implanment regiosal neparatle nchoni boardn similar in the nom, county boards for th1e eiementary and serondary nîhool nyntem. Thin ILL hare Use et- fact of greatiy reducisg 111e nm- har of separate schoni boards w1Us1o Use Province aad horisgisg Useir programos more cioseiy in tise w1Us Use publie nchoni nystnia. The Prime Mininter, John Roberts, hasan sunceal nuat a select commdîten BIL1 ha set up 1n t11e erp ser future 10 con- aider Use Lui n hat have beau onhiaitteal on 111e Sith Com- mttne Report on taxation. The Prime liininter staind UsaI ths Is ot a re-opening of Use whole questin of taxation gil, Use duties 0f t11e committee iti ha simpiy 10 deail with Use recom- meondattns costaseal In t11e re- port and Use may brtefs nuit have heau presested 10 the Pro- vincial Treasirer hylndividuais, corporations andl munictpaUities. nopai ansent hans han gireshp Use Ueuteunt-Girersnr to Use Community Centres Act ohlcli sseui alioran for lncrcased grant s tu msnicipaittien for conniruct- ton ni communtty centres, Binai- 1sf aronan, baseor anda ondoor snmlg pools anal atlic fields. Os Menday, Mtay t, th1e Hon. J. il. Simosett, htiniterotcser- gy and itesiarces Management anoned approval of two ad- ditinai grants 10111e ikaiton Rn- N&W aursi,,, sch..I seeks appications The Credit Valley SchonI of Nursiog 1n Conliuviieispresenl- ly annceptisg applications for 111e lait from persons 18-35 pears of age 0110 lave or 0111 have a Sec- ondary Ochool Graduoation Di- pioma 01111 a minimum standinog 0f 60Oper cent in Grade 12. Ary branch of Use four or five pear programns may qualify pro- vialeal Grade 10 Mathemnatics, Chemistry and ose of Physies or Biology are iotluieal. The restaleotiai schonl 0111 be au thoronghty modern, nin-storey structure buill on lanal adjactent 10 South Peel Hoopital 10 Cooks- ville. I eopects 10 open bts donne 10 ls fia clasu of ours- tng studesis in September, 1968. Miton District Hospital is ooe of fise particbpating hoopitals sud numes 0111 receire part 0f UseIr training belle. For further Information and application forms, contact Miss Ocessa HubberI, Dtrector,Crnd- Il Vallep Ochool of Nursing, 100 Upper hMiddale Rond, Cooksclle. --Election ferer b hbreahing set arolna nation Conty. TlSere seere Oive Party nomination meet- lns bnthe t1es la1l days, aod lte sixth Is schndoled for Tltursday evetdng le Osheible. ns a . .. a ns INDUSTRIAI AND COMMERCIAl CONTRACTING S00S'OT IONS AND MOlOR EAR -ese UNOEnOROUND mORING PO,' tUNE CONSTRUCTION - aERIAi FLOODcOrcNG CorrOU CONTROt PANEtS 24 NOUR AIsNTENAnNCE nnEICE O lAA Flooring Problems END AT LAKEVIEW DISCOUNT IN ACTON FOR A COMPLETE LINE 0F 0 CARPETTING 0 TILE S LINOLEUM 0 ETC. SEE US FIRST "FREE DELIVERY" LAKEVIEW DISCOUNT Main St. N. Acton 853-1190 Dart throwers hold banquet Aoardn giiore were gises mnt aI the Legion Dort League Ban- quel beli In 111e ingion hall re- centiy. Trafalgar Motors won lthe scascc's çhacîyiocsip. Teoin oîetci,,r c re ccXiI Gril. fillîs, Fred Johnson and Ken Johoson. Ontario Sto-I Pronus gotnio Use actin tsoi cqpng thn play- off champistdp. Tali merl- bers were Les Appleton, Rarry Rowlandl andl AI Olbly. Tory Moab w00 111e Plnyer of the Year award asd lthe Dort Importers Anard. Bob liraotz tooh te tticb score aod iic fis- ish for th1e yîayafts. Ken Johnsoo tt rthe high fin- ish and tn Fliotoo ntth tite high Uron award nactt 000 the Ketth Doroat aword. .-The pond is still tnsy escit day wlith anclers seekiog trout. --That Oofam walkalthon ntdch pasurd titrongit Hornity on a 30- mite raute rom Brampton on May 4, raised as estimated$6t,- 000. Tttere nere ooer 3,000 molsers particiyattng. --Oaiscille and Ditrict Lahor Conocil is conidering a co-cp- erattve grocery store inotheares, FED-UP mîlh tesurarce prob- oems? Contacr the Mc- Coaig Insorarce, 208 niair Si. E. Every FATHER and mother must th ahoot protectirg tsmily assels and mai r e rothirg WRECKS rhe terrily ecoriomy. McCuaig Insrnecv ers ecerythieg ir yoor home trom the mork itench inyour basement toi the anleeca or yosr T.V.a1 McCUAIG Innurance Limited Comple Insurance 208 MAIN BT. E., MILTON - 878-2894 The Canadiar Champion, Wednesday, May 15, 1968 83 million mark. IGN& Uba The Credit Unionwsan founded 1uit assots reached the quarter is muesutoni million mark. A sien milestone tin service HoIy iosory tis (in o t h, 150 wsreacited titis inonti itr mern- ccLdt utuos ilihe~ fiaiffto bers of the Holy Rosary Parisi and District Cliapter of credit (Miton) Crettit Union Ltd., when unions, of whicit 20 are over the total essats reaelsed te $500,000 hall million dollars ineassets. How corne BERNINA cails it the minimatic when it's so big7 on value? because of it's mini-price! sbr a n . . n rmonrai., I'. -P- an f.1s5., r l r on .1 1 ho -0c5* ro5.h. ro r." CI fho i , n , and .. donrSa5 ,s.,c SINGER STRAIGHT STITCH in Carrying Cane.... ....... .._$60.00 SINGER ZIG.ZAG - (New) ---.---- $129.95 "QUEEN" PUSH-BUTTON REVERSE .-$40.00 We can supply Sewing Cabinets to fit almo st any Sewing Machine PRICES PROM $39.95 AT YOUR LOCAL BERNINA SALES & SERVICE DEALER Milton Fabiric Centre 12 Martin St. Milton 878-6861 E _______________ LOWVILLE h le P a s t ,ý Prese ntations, films. are highlights h a mp o u f 1 le B 1of Guide mother-daughter banquet Electrical Modernization can make your extra roomn, extra comtortable When Voor home is up-t10 date elrctrtcalty, il's rasy le tostait elnclric hnalsrg on any hard-to-heat orna. Elncîric hnatrg car lors a cotd spare îoem ito a cozy den. Eîncîrical modenrzaîior con do moch more. Youli hase ailtIhe nlnclrtcat oulnîs Vounrend and yo car add major appliances mîthoal a second thoaghl. Elncîrical modenizaîior mutl probabty cootle hno Ihar yon may thins and thn Itydro Ftnance Plan car hetp il make it possible. For more information naît a quatiit etectrical dorîractor, or ask yoar hydro. live better elactrically MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION 250 MAIN ST. E. TELEPHONU 878-2345 s