loY 15, 1968 mi PaRÉ of gel- t Me ladilur lu ae crlait uthé. N rnersi as iat.iry magmnnt )IR flrut-cloau fer hem.x Urge cor church ru isy Mms. Cecil Pattemsas Tht regalar saealis at aIl Presyterius ss1 Asu=_i aIlentan £sua luM Socîetyýws Isold la the tSanday Irbool rotas on Tluaay Miay 9 Si t p.m. wItI le premant. lira, J. C. bMlarsall, the pradest, opened the WA. wih praertfllowed by s hysa uad Lord's Prayer, liru. Jettct ws secrutarypra- tain. A tettor of taaku VUa read tronm lru. W. Hasmilton far Sauter lavera. Fîsescal reportu ware givnsu asdcctpttd. Tise memberu decidesi la hald a isaaar ta tise lat tait. Preuldeat lirs. Cecil Patter- ares welcomed tht ladiesu sIs preublusi far thu mtstonary meettng. lira. Esi. Cromble rossi lbe Gladi Tidiagu prayer, Bustneuu flastd witis trua- surerus repart lutsg ruasi. A u¶ lutter argtsg tbat enery hama Int tht eno.gregattau recaîna a copy of the Otui Tsdtagusbook 'J s reasi. Tistre are 62 familles In, t Ossags csgregattan eausuc rectîne thePreusbylursuRecard. i Il vas muggeted tisaI tht two maugazines lu cambinelosintt A ca msttet wu. appoinîud ta secure a sear for the Cati Thaabuttertag meeting. Railcui sard sas usbansi. Programt cauututed of readtags by lira. &S. mtth uad lira. Fret, Ammu. Tht clapIer frrat the tudy baok sas Xitn ba the prestdtst. A suit of faod andi pialat su hait!i far tht V.A. lira. T. * no &Wsa ausi rs. C. K. Jarvis serned a daity lusch and les. Csartesttu sert gtvn iy lira. F. Jettrail. lira. Fred Amme ianted the mtaalurs te a htrome Car tise 4Jase metintg. Congratulatioas ta Louasse IlacEissas sha recataed a amuiralistructiaa scisalarsbip fvaied aI $25 Il the Peel Muasic Fustival rucely. &lises Aas and Isabel StastI of Gaelph are atatîlat sith tiseir sittr lira. Vii Hamiltan ia Millon. 4-H itamemaaiag cilb's acslentmesl day was iseid as Saturday Miay il. Leaders ands girls gailuresin lai. Pasi'a Christian Ederatias auiling ta Miloait 9:30 p.m. Rlegtutrataon of gl vs Calawesi by lire- ahctias'o clurai leaders auxd pre- mallang ltader badges. Tise girls sere dlntdtd lota senitor and jsnior groua, and Ouled in a trait quis and campleted mess and breakfast planstng aist. Aller lsnch lira. Williams, hobase ecasassist, selcamed lise saathtrs and Ortenda Car tise pro- grams. Exiits sera sel ap by tsur clabs and tsar bitissere givn. Oinur spas sera pre- setat la ail girls wba camplaled lise prajeci. Congratulatios la Hedi Noai as recelng ber csaaly isanare rerliitae and pis far sia clusss casapitted. A large number sera prenant for tht atiersaus pre. mîtalisa. Clubssarissili restitue la tht tall whts tht prateci aiSl lu "Tise lupper Club." ai Re NEXT TO TRUT NEED AGOOD STA CILUX W< * Beauitul arte waed li teals as il stains * Use il inside or aut _e lITRODUCTORY OFI Raogular $10.70 DRUMOUIN Choir., triple trio sing festival songs for parents, friends nbination agazines lira. Clara Fard sas guesi aI Haraisy Wasea's lasilate OP Wadaesday ato ansd sbased sildes of baidian visite ta Rai- laId. IticMspu and lrtlawLC Thone sere maris apprectated isy ail preseat. lias EMasne Lamb#s aider dugiser of lir. snd lira. Sidney Lambs, piaytd su arrardias sais aI thu sunaa artsg renItai of tise Canadien Arademy of licl. Tht concert vas hitid tals 111gb trssai, Rarllsgtaa as S- day steoa liay 12. glaise la a grade tsar papl i th the Arademy and sas ase ci uppras- lmately ti0tirldres tramt Gleorgetown, Milas and cthllt Visa look: part la tht pragrsss. Darisao Palasi of Miltas gae a suis samber as tht Ltdanas, thig a a 5e &V sspltldaccardaa Vicri pradarta saurs ilu a casait organa.sdtsnerydeligbt- Calt l btett. The aglurlîstre- mensu were Hawaiien asd steel guitare aut arcardias. Get seSl sisses toir. Doald Peacacs, a patsaIta in Mlto Hoaspital. Tht regetareauisrepary apas- sared hp fise Bayas Rurreallas cammttte sas belsi as Frday eenslg liay 10 i th a tise rawd and 19 tables piayssg. VIssera wtth lig scorres Vere, "edst' lirs. F. Puararis, liru. C. Tiser- issu; gentu' Ras, Kiagsadt, cam Thertaull. Lucby tatly dras, lira Rara Krunst, lira. F. Caa, Jark Roabertsas, lisrray Lawrence. tiirthday greetiags la Jobs liacKlasas, Las Lot Fard,Suas Taylor, Jsstce Wright, Robert lrelaad. Wiii Oltaba, sccampasied isy Mir. aId lirs. Henry DanSan mur- slipped ta 05. Jaohn's Anglican Churcs, Annuler as Susday ssarstsg. Arcisdearas David A. Pawell, Carsseriy oC Orare Ang- Urusn cburcb, Mlieua, was lthe geest asinister. Rea. Powell isad iseas a messhtr oC S1. John's seneral yeas ago sud lu sas execalînt assilst a liste lbisbap of Vesters Kanas. Tise DenOsn Cassiiy eslayed s briet vieil wlth their Carmer pastar sud Crlesd. Lotos tisey motared la, Niagara- as-tse-Lobe sud Quetnanssd vluited tise camping greade whtrt lir. Dentia Sr. sud ssany Mber yourte menout tIia ares 50 yesrs ua lrsiaed Car sernice la Warid Var One. Eu pfr us ad Obitau &W, chiais Faliwg s yoar as presideale liltona Fîre Cisiet A. E. Clement lsrsed aner tise reins ofthlie Ontario Fîre cisiets Associatian la lise sas pruuldess Jilm lyer of Teeswaler lutI Veei. Cisiel Clemeai euded is teras duriag lise O.F.C.A. caaneatias htld ai Qeta's tUniverity la Kiagston, iaaday la Wedsesday of tasi steis. Ha ressaias on lise Assaciaia's tire prevnalla cammite. cliet clemeas asd lis site atlended lise caatertace Cor lise tsar days, it itltona Casacilar Chares Psy aad lira. Fay aileadet Car ima days, rep- reseiag casaicil and lise ltas Ares ire Commidîle. krraI anada's No. 1 House Paint SAVE t prices you won't want spass by! 00aO uy your summorir roquirumnents NOW! E 2 GALLON agular $13.10 for $11.10 pur Gallon (Thia Olfer Expires Junt 15) ONE ANY OTHER WHITE LOOKS YELLOW IN? W. rocommenci DDFINISH SAVE ýc PER GALLON FER ; Nuse $8,70 Fer Gallua ln meost popsiar calera pures Jant 15, 1968) Redwood, Coder, Wulnut LAN i sB isy lira. Cecil Paliersas Tht hris ansd triple tria esturtatsed aI Perey V. Merry Scbaai as Thtrudsy evnstgwlua parensa asd Critasss gatbered Car route rdgld. Tise mottera gtvn ai tht recet Music Festinai sud aI slics senerat were VImners of tirsa, secondasi d tbird place Iraplita sert tajayed. Con"r.i alataos ta, the casdsctara liss Wood, l ias Clurrlagtas saut liru. Claylas sud the chldrts. Sperilt croula sere preseslud la tise triple tria isy lilas Vaad as Thsrsdsy evnsta. Prtncipal Jobs Kaluey sas li.C. Car the pragrant. Frtday enslg Ptrey W. litrry auditorium sas OUled ta capsctty Car lise Varity utgbt pragrass isy tht Sidemea ce à. lttphis' Churcs. As usuel tht tvnstg Vaas aejayabit one VIth tht parlarmera mapglylsg a nery bassarsas sud tan-lonsg pragrass. Tht assa Hosptal Day Car Dabvifle Hosptal vas beli as Saaday lisy 12. Bocaisse liahllrs day and tht Hospital day mere as tht sasse date, a11 béies bars tramt 12 ams. ta 12 p.m. miSl receine a ainer spsas end tise sas mailurs s carsage. lir. sud lirs. lierais Tuck of Oshawa nisted siIb listir motlur lira. Fred Taris Ibis ps weeb. A large casgregattcs sarship- ped ai Bethel United Chtrcb as liatierls Day Miay il. Ren. Kelth Hawkes sas ta chasrge Car the juit sernice of SCauday Scisoal sud cisarc warslip Car Christan Family Sernice. Tht sermon lapir sas "Clslmed isy GDa." Tise tacrament Of baptism sas gtvn tl Chritline Louse and Karesglaisa Vandur- dusses, daugisiers ci Mir. sud lira. Peter Vauderduaman. Camtsg its the cisarch felins- slip isy certi5icat, tht CailaVIng sera recelned sud seicossed, Mir. sud lira. Jobs Rsamnis, Mir. sud lira. Peter PawVSV, lias Jan Pawlts, Mir. aud lira. Lloyd Verser sud Mr. ua lira. Peter Vaaderdeaman. Sirthday greetiaga to Rae Roao, lira. Heary Roaob Jsdy Dardas, Danis catt, Pstricia Drtsisraab, Normas Rulsas, Jasephs loliba, Karts Wtt- iamss, Jase Las, Dean Rawke, Terry Cale. Tise North Trafalgar SlImetea htld liseir sttbly ges-tngethtr- i Perey V. liarry asditaram on lioaday Miay 6 siit2 ladies aliendiag. Tisauaual esercises and gamas sere tsjayed. lira. sets Ocissl as agaia lise luui settisi laser of thse saab. Cas- gratlations. Tht ladies art cballtaging their isusluasds la a roundt robin sertes of nolley hll gantes as lise test enealang of tht classes, Moay Miay 27. It VIlI lu itrtstisg ta set bas masy oftheb genlemen ashas ap thal evniar. Ai business coadacied al coieo breaks, il as decldtd tisai the mmsr vil]. met ai lierry scisasi pisygrsundu Car a ssCi- haSl gans. Rames ci tise cap- taias VISl lu gtvn saut Veai isy tht phiucsl tstructar lira. liarilys Reenua. Tise principal Johs Kaiszey sud papils of tht Percy W. litrry scisasi dsrtsg thu past Vetis bane pialted apprastssatety 100 Nor- Vay Oprace trees as part of thelr sciesce pragrsss. Eacb sudoasta inrade 7 sud 8 planted a tree, sud pepis tram 5asdar grades aismrned. Tht ysasag trets were rarttsliy ptasled as tht sarth issaadary of tht arIsai properly sud miSl pranlde aswia- bsreak Car tht play arts a Intist years la rame. Dsrlag tht part Onte Veis 12 ssesr of tht stf af Perey lierry scis a b lesn Caldsg s fls aid csarse as suppbied isy St. Jobs Ambuance soctety. Tht stuatias ls unique Car lise reassi ibis ta the CIrst lIsse any acisasi la Osissille aes and paassiy ta Ontario bas casspltted the course aus a casa. Thsse partictpalisg lsd thitr tamastsllaonsliaday, Masy 13 sud are assitiat thelr rertittcatea. Tha lratatisgshsaid prualde adtqsatt protection ta case of lajsry or ather eserges- cy astil medical lulp casid ar- rint. Congratulatiass la lise principal lir. Kaissay Car argust- lan tht praject and taIse mess- bars of lise staff Car lhiser ca- operalta. Tise Cunadman Champion, Wedlnesdlay, May 15, 1968 NALTION NURSERII 5314 Trafalgar Rd. HOENSY - 878-6682 * Everything for Your ?LANr LAWN OR GARDEN NOW! Shrubs - Trous - Fertiliser a - IvBSg@55n, etc., etc. NOTICEM RE-SURRENDER 0FCHARTER KINSMEN CLUB of MILTON Take Notice that the Kinsmen Club cf Milton has surrendered ifs charter to the National Association of Kinsmen Clubs, and bas officially suspended operation. Fram Ihis date onwards, no persan is autharized ta, solicit funds in the nuame of the Kinsmen Club ot lton. The club appreelatas the suppura le hau iiclved huom the eammunity anar th. puas 13 yar. -I t~er0altumbler Thse isicilest lhing tisaI uver happeneu t l drinks! These witut new thermal lamblena ares il-A atonial. iBid colours! Gay, switling designs. They're dittereat sand eaciting andi as modern as this minute. And the only place lv geI Iheas s yonr il-A station. Use the coupon in this ad t0 Star) your set. lU's good for ane free tambler whda yoa make a $3.00 pamchase. To gel the olisyou psy only 250 each with every $3,00 purchase. Delight yoar chilutren, gusis, lniensis. Serve hot or colsi drinks us the lIvely dew il-A Go Go Thermal Tumbinîs. Start your sut today. Use this coupon to start your set!, CLIP ANDTAKE THIS COUPON TOVOUR B-ADEALER F RE E TIRERMAL TUMIBLER jTh s coupon entitles you to one FREE tumbler with $3,00 pur- chase ai your neighbourhood B-A station. offer expires Aug. 31,19«. Only one coupon par custonner. SETL B-A] OMAGH JACK ICHARDSON1 ROBERTSON Corner of Bouéslin. Rd. GNRLSTORE ICHEVOCLDSI & COULSION nd Ontario Steet INo. 5Sideroad at4thLune Hgwy25a el Rd. Guelph LUne et I l1 (No. 10 Sid.roid) No 0jd« GIRL CUIDE COOKIE DAY ws another sucresalul lund.raising vn urin Kibride agoin this star. Guide Karen Hamilton and Ranger Theresa Lillycrop were amang tht girs sho ment door ta door throuugh the village, utiling tht popular cookits. (Staff Photo) FAY'S ELECTRIC A COMPLETE IELECTRIC SERVICE * INDUSTRIAL O COMMERCIAL * RESIDONTIA 0 ELECTRIC HEATING PIONE 878-2048 for FREE ESTIluATES Your i Week s JANCE IREAK- I5NGER RED - EL lENT $9.00 LANCE $2.50 a Aufu. fui and Adjust angod $9000