20 AAJCI0N SALE 1 20 AUCTION SALES AUCfON SALE The Estule of MSS. ROBERT 0fR 6566 6tix Lice, Oakville, I mile souh ofDerry Rd.,3 ;iiles seouto tiarcby. SATURDAT,' MAT 51h, 1908 AI I pan. FURNITURE - I Admirai re- frigerator; t electrie slave, G. R.; clark; coul and seuod alove; kitchen table and chaies; i bof- ft; studio coucb; 4 rocking chairs; srming machine; dining raom suite; micket-cbrsIe-fictd and 2 chairs; radia; oiù spore braler; manlel mit-ro- wilb trame; 6 dining mot chairsn; setter; hall rock. Vacuum cteaner; cbestcrieid andî2chairs; 1irounditable andt smaIltlablex; rog 9 - 12; pilutre trames; 3-piece bedrooto suite; dressers andt mash stand; 2 odd chairs; 2 steel beds; t large occanionat chair; brdroom xuite, complete; ail lump; round dix- ing t-oomn table; 2 lronks; bot-se huir setter and chair; wooden bcd, dresser andt math sd; diahes and brdding; nurer-ous antiques. IMPLEMENTS - Cultivalur; momer; soutffler; dise; wugan and t-ack; hinde-. Masxry; mu- gon. demacrat; plase; colle-; aagc andt nos drill; hay ced- der, hay rahe, extension ladater; quaudit0 of louIs and gat-dra equipment. TERMO; CASH. Estate and auctionrer sot respossibte for any accidentx day oI suie. ALBERT MdBRIDE, 20c2 Auctioner 677-4642. AUCTION SALE A Reminder MORGAN SELF Lot 11, Con. 5, Exqarstng. SATURDAT, LUNE lI t p.m. Fat-m tools furniture and an- garus. WARD BROWNRIDGE, 20c2 878-6730, Auclianrer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE 1 For JACK TISCHLER On Derty Rd. lHornby Gt'eenbouse propertyl, 4 mites south- THEI ast of Milton, on CItA SATURDAT. MAY 251h Qud Att1 pin. shoep, tbe tolloming: by i TRUCKS and TRACTOR-1957 ro mater pomp and motor; 16 Autt Clxevrolet Made] 1600 3Iton plot- 45-gaI. steel borrels; t set plat. farm trock, A-t; 195t Dodge fatim scales; txay fat-k car and half toc pick-up, 33,100 miles; rope; 2-seheel trailer; robber tir- John Deere Model M tractar. ed webkarroe; De LavaI ___ compîrîr with hydraolics. etx- creom separatar new condition; cellent condition. haIt b.p. etectric mater; qoan- lily ut spray materiat; large IMIPLEMENTS acd GARDEN quactity of bardwood floaricg; EQUIPMENT - John Deere 24- 1.000 nese Il quart baskets; 1,000 plate double disc, cearty cese; good bampers; quactity of berry Tl 16-plate double dise, A-t; t Pla- craIes acd boxes; tadders; Cra- cet Jr. garden tractormwith 3 truck ckuics; car caics; forks; 100, b.p. Briggs and Stratton engice; shocels; and articles 100 nom- Oak disc and scufîler attuchments; eroos 10 mention. ver tnt. 13-roc drill groin fert. and wi grass seed; John Deere spreud- FURNITURE - Mfalt etec- Aui er; I.D. t t-tootk cultivator; i.D. trie stove. cecc condition; Norge Toi 2-farrow plose, 3 p.h.; George 9 f t. refrigerator; 2 cbesterfietd 00 Wiekhammer mil; Int.5 t. suites and 2chairs; 121 inch Wai momer; tnt. Ilbar side ruke; J. AdmiraI TV; t floor lump; 1 w D. tractar scaffler; Mossey Har- table lamp; 1 3/ bed. springs Il ris transplanter witk Oct-t. and and mattress; 1 single bed ; 1 ¶r mater attach. double bed; 2 dressers; 2 end fre tables; t odd dresser;s t smol Qua t 1uSd rotter; 1 corn shetter; table; t kitchen table; 2 card ver 4-cycle Briggs and Stralton eng- tables andt 4 chairs; I Singer - ne; 30 cedar posts; 20Osteel sewing macbine, A-t; 1 24-incb posîs; 350 fI. snose tence; 3- reel type lawn mmuer wilk 4- section karrows. nearly nese; cycle Briggs and Stratton ecg- c turnip barvester; root pulper; ine. t sausage tiller; t garbage 2 power vegetabte sprayers; Dua- con; lors; pots; pans and dishes. fi TERMS - CASH. Farmi is sotd. hE Ftarniture set'ling ut 1 p.m., foltowed by imptemenîs atnd gar- 1a den equpmenl. trucks and tractor. RÉa Owner or aootioneer col responsible for acoidetnts sale day. si 1WARD BROWNRIDGE, Auotioxeer, b Photne 070-6730. mt Mes. Cameesîn Wilson, John McNabb, Cterks. 2c Ce lut CLEAEING loi AUCTION SALE fat or "aau Cailla, Tract-r, Imspmases, Anaiqur ae. ml Tht umdersigned bau rerueixintrnuctions teoto RL L (BERT) DAVIDSON IL To sell by aucuioad thUe fat-t, Lot 31, Cons. 3 Esaulux Tmp., siluteat on the jrd Lice, 1 mile nortx ut 7 Hsey. fille torto adjoins tse Tomn ut Autos. PlniSATIIEDAY, MAY lB et Commenciog a1 12 nous dbatp. Io CATTLE - A good berd ot rack, 16'; tarrt wagon wilh fIat Pl meg. and grade Aatgus rutille. No. rack, 16'; 2-wheel farm traiter 1: cose, fresh Jon. 26, naît at witb steel box; Cockshutt No. 6 foot, rrbred May 5; No. 2: rase, tractor manure spreader; Lets f rrsk April 18, colf t af out; No. chopper; paota digger. 3: cow, bred Sept, 1; No. 4: case, bred Peb. 13; No. 5: cose, MISCELLANEOUS - Beatty btrd Juty 10; No. 6; case, btrd grain grinder wilh 3 h.p. mot- Jan, t; No. 7: case, bred Aug. 13; or; steel lIane boat; circular No. 8: case, btrd Aag. 20; No. 9: sase on undercarriage; 10' o 121 g cose, btrd Prb. 15; No. 10: rose, larp; 8' s 10' îarp; grain auger, B ttrsb Jan. 28, lu be rebrrd; No. 20'; tes redut- pouls; Ot-tnk Il 1:beiter, ttrsb Feb. 1l, trbred ukaîn sase, 24" bladte; 2 steel sea- B Aprit 9; No. 12: brifer, treos ter îrougks; rubbrr lired sehee- N Mat-ch 11,la, be btrd; No. 13: bat-rom; set ot scatex; 1!/2 bp. O bifer, btrd Juty 17; No, 14: bei- gos motar. 2 kravy baes jacks; fer, btrd Jan. 29; Na. 15: rose, electrir brooder; sorme assocîrd 5 btrd Peh. 7; No. 16: rose, btrd lcmber mie shoOt; fred carl; J an. 4; 4 kriters, posture bred in cutting box and pipes; taading Oct.; 12 choice raInes. bot-n chute on seheels; emet-y; etru- b sinre lasI Ave. patted Astu tric clippers selsh 2 beads; art il bull, 2 yres old. ut debuesers; burdiecar; pile ot TRCOR oa IMpLRM- xcrop; pile of rails. ENTS - M.F. 35 diesel, aver- PEED and TRUCK - t ton ot boutrd romplelrly fast ter- mixed groin; 1,50 bolet ot In excellent condition, art t-f strase 1957 GMC boIt ton mllb a raglor ubains and braI bouser; rocks. I trortor puiley; Preeman loader- for AM trorlor; dram hook far ANTIQUES - Seller mitb 2 t apreade-; M.F. 3-forose 12' bol- chairs and table ta matcb, over t toms; 3 ph. rullivalar; M.F. tan- 100 peut-s otd; 2 aId taxuy parlor dem dise, 3 p.h.; sel ot 4-section choies; coller; maxb stand; old har-oses; M;-H. grain drill, 15- ttomer stand; sel ot chimes; as- tu; 3-attueo teret lusd roller; tique burose; iran sugar ketîle; Det-bo-o 16, merder, 3 ph.; M. tomne otd rocks etc.; forge; an- M. combine, 6' rut. PTO, mot-k- vil; teg vise; sor blaukumitho ing ordr; Moira pop-up bale rouis; box stove; set toflera loader; Nem Idea t-aubei mase- off nId tire truck; 2 ire sa et, 7' ul; MIP. Rolobar, S Ph., and ire plose. .oo au es; Nem Hoilard boy rtuier, gondt au nese; AC Rota FURNITURE - Rentrese van. biler; bale teevaor, 26', Si h.p. ily rook slave, o goud one, t-e- muot-r; farteury wagon wtb flat set-voir and sestmisg dlosai. 1T50mS-Cmb wxlidort;on deyeof sell OrcW of Suie: Fsastlm and aniquesa et 12 sinon. ttGlowd hY maSumu implimme, rucak, food suile Ossmr or asieâse- Dml xvpocalible fier aschd. Nu renta. ChmiL i C. Mtohd~u ax BTOBT, Asogsa. Rackwood, - iblân 20 UCTION SALES 20 AUCTION S1AILIS Just a Remtinder .SIVECIAL CIATMP IRRFIELO AUCTON SALE AUCTON FRIDAT, MAY 111h At 7.30 p.m., for SATURDAY, MAT 181h ERNEST BROCKLEBAN, 12.30 p.m R.R 3, Streelsadtle. 6414 Walhor's Line, 6 miles To hie heldat u the colth-esl af Milton. Brampton Livralurk Barba WARD BROWNRIDGE, 3 miles nortb of Bt-amp 20c2 Auctianeer, 8704730. an No. 10 Hmy., ut Scelgrov 9 Shorlhorn roses and beif VICTORIA DAT t-unnixg mitk Hereford t si.nce Dec. t 12 cosx regis Antique Audîion edi; 3 Shorîbuex ros s cuIvrsaiu foot; 7 Herrko I pas., Moday, May 200h Shorlborn heifers, 1Hl yrars Narrai ParIs Hall opus; 4 slrerx, Hereford-Sh CANADIANA FIJRNITURE & bot-n crossrd, 10 monlbs old FURNISHINOS tram an otd calves, 4 lu 10 months aId Ont. Layalist 11790)15I-rooto fa- Hereford bull, 3 yeora aId. At miln bamstead near London seiîh the abute berd, Ihere (name withbeld by requesl), bie a consigriment of mext which we bave bren insîrocîrd andt local stoukers. !0 selI by amners. Excellent ont- TERMS; Cash on day oft ique pire, cherry. ash, moînul etc.. pleurs; 2 tons; Canadien Auclioneers; glas; the glss;chia ec. WALTER andt DONALD glassoervgss;cin t REINHART. Na rset-ex.Omners or auctioxeers ROT ASHWORTH. p.V.î., cal be responsible for uny a Auclianeer, dents inxconneclion milk 20c2 439-050. Bramptnn. sale. 2 DECORATING BEAUTY SALON DRAPERY Vogue Beauty Sal BRGADLOOM A NEW COIFFURE " ReidenlaiDealgned istt For You * Reldenlat- and » " Industilel CoDS0PTpB EAUTT SERI " Commercial Ready-made Drapes in stork. Caîl 878-2461 Por Cuetoas Setrie 192 Main Street CALL 878-2067 FMR HOME APPOINTMRNT EN ' SYERSHEN' 228 Mois St. 876-2067 HAIR STYLING 210a1 198 MiII St., Miltas. GENERAL CONTRACTORS CALI 878-3711 FOR APPOINTMENT RAY OLAN r Modern equipasent. BUILDING * Bxpert atytlng, rolorng, lsg. CONTRACTORS LTD. " Home Improvemesta ELECTAICAL SERVIC * Resovelas " Altert-alons M PALEET " AdditiomsM PAI LC * Commercial or Industrial LIMITRO e INDIJOTRIAL UL 4-2263 e COMMERCIAL e FARMS & HOMES et ELECTRIC HEAT TaxaCana Enterprises INSTALLATIONS A. BARR & SONS 66 Chat-tex St. MilI 878-3493 878-9513 - 877-3; 157 Robet-t St., Milton2 Trenchine and Borin0 VAORDOSRI Backbae Front End Loader T N AI EV Air Camprrxsor D R A Lamn Mamine UR A 21c-t TV AND APPULJASOOE WELL DRILLINO SALES & SERVICE 'Phîtipa TV & Tape Reco *RCPO Sîra, TV, Appîli WELL DRILLING 2Sp2rMAINiT.s B8et-e J. B. RUTTAN R. R. 2,' Milton, Ont AIT G N Phone Bortînglon NElson PAINTIN AND ____________ CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY GIL VANSOELEN MILTONPAINTING MILTONContractor UPHOLSTERING Industriel - Rrsldela Nom osened and operated by Interlar - Extrr- Lot-se Arthur Cî o u-Fo als PHONE 878-9094 Cl o o reEtm R. R. 3 Miltas 878-6137 " Rr-uphalitery Box 114, Milton. " Auto lt-las " Upholatery clenlg __________ " Customs balt tura " Pt-et pick-up end delivery TAILORING - REPAIR Harold's Upholstery ALERINS 379 PINS STREET ALEadO Cali 878-2056 REPAIRS' Reupholtet-ing c'nheledlei KNIGHT'S MEN'S W suites, cbrome ehaL-, truck $eat$, cuus building and ro M11 Mals Btreat trytlsg. PHONE 878-4472 Pt-e tillsatea 21 Pick-opa andi Deiverlu __________ HAROLD ICJ64net REFRIGERATION Halton Upholstering KING Re-t1phoIlet-ing ng REFRIGERATIOI Cabstn Bal Prapture INDIOSTRIL COONE Chrome Kilcee Chaire SAILES & SERVES Rug &i liphulstry Shampooing Memiie Obt Pt-ee plck-sqa und deliley. lionSrv1iIael H. JENSEN e mat e&ma R. R. 2, CAMPBmLVILL. cMAmUIOVm& Phone: 85-4-9939 8542228 20 AUCTION SALES 20 AUCTION SALES 1 The Cavadian Champion, Wede.adey. May 15, 1968 - 2 20J.-Beace Trull biliare bat! R Tie meut diffiUE pari ot ;e- tan Ia a ftor tir 5-mlebille tisg to tse to Ofe laiderrl LAzUMN - AUCION SALE 0f Dairy Caille andt Peasm Ma- incry, Dalay RqsdpmeSi sud K Mlsrullaneuaa ae GEORGE HARRIS ton, e. Lot 23, Con. 5, Cbinguacusy ers, Tmp., on the 4tk Line, 4 miles mcxl aet o No. 10 Hmy., os 22 Bide- 1er. t-oad, 3 miles saulh of Chelten- dUsh hum. îrd- SATURDA, MAT Il otd, At nounsaatp. 10 CATTLE - 45 brad of Hoi- 1 stxein andt Ayrshire rases and bri- ang fers; 7 cases, due lime of sulr. miti Same ut-c t-egislrred. This la a et-n trry gond dairy herd. MACHINERT - 3 t-adora; 3 aie. robber litrd wagons mllh rocks; Nem Hottand No. 268 haler, tike cese; plus a fati lise ut othcr tut-m morhisery. Ail in vent- good condition. mutl DAIRY ROUIFMENT - Durl- cci- RanI 27-cas butk rouler; 3 De dhs LavaI usils; slainirss sIeen sink kM and xlruiner. PERD - 5.000 balles ut hay; 3,000 butles oftaus. And some furoilure. TERMO; Casb on day nf sale, Paot- ix xotd. Omner and aurtionrees sol responsibte for asy accidents on day of sale. - WALTER and DONALD RBINHART, on Aurlioneers. Lunch booth. 20b2 E ING T52 s-il rING lau EAR 0Ol-il MI -a0i Dter 2,000 blind Canadiaus a-e employed in isdiist-y In Can- adoa. CLUAING AUCTION SALE For MMR. J. MILL-ER saii A. B. (FAT) PATTERSON Lot Il, Cot. 10, on 10 Sidr- road betmern the 91h and 151h Concensions, i mile briom Brin. SATURDAT, MAT 111h Of fut-stisre, vebicles and a compîrte lise of gurage rqulp- ment. Po- mure partirolars, lasse ruil the ouclionrer, Ken Clap- peton. KEN CLAPPERTON, Aurlioncer, 20C2 Phone Bris 833-9796. The muat trequesi ot-dat attbe ba- uithea Uniteldatindilding la Newe Tut-h I orange bies. IL Ix eslismted la duriug a Grn- oral Assmbîy seson, delegatex consume at-mnd 80 galloa ot the at-ange flia par ment. This avarages appt-xiantaiy mne gai- Ion pet- delegullot. BE SURE BE SAFE BE CERTAIN NUDLIPI t1111050915 CONSUIT A% MOMBES OF THEI Brampton Real Estato Board eriiay. botns. Il Il&%qe4 Caea Pondf' tit Prssa Glass INOLISH ~ S URTRI- VcoarC slp BW.2-ACOS ANTIQUgaEa$ Mhs MHIN, -m MeRSe - PteNy DAIIT WINDMIL. INTERIORS BROOKVILIS (4 Miles North of Mohsawk Raresey 4 Poe. siîver-plated tes and coffre set, Qaeev Anne style, $60. Canadien rappel compat mith hardie, $10.50. Bras omport $& Baby glass i!ce rream parlor set of 25 piaces. Pictares, paivtinga. WNTED - Bottomn part of 6" Westward Ho Round Butter Dish. Phono Acton (519) 853-0365 Chuancs favors Una pepaei Now that you've found it. CAN YOU USE IT? You ramembereat put- tir0 pour momer 50008- WHEIRE aut faîl - aura eough, there il mas un- d1er that antique coffes- grieder pour mife bought satdl sutorieg in the garage. BUT - montha of idia- vasa and fighîing for garage xpara may hava damageat is afflclency. Brieg It le coe for a complete motor tara-up that sell maite yna both more cager te, challene the lamne arly, 10-25TAIO Hwy. 25 et 10 Sdrd. - 878-2952 SAVE With SERVICE Y, ES, WITH REGULAR GUARDIAN MAINTENANCE SERVICE YOU SAVE. PREVENT COSTLY BREAK- T DOWNS, TOWING CHARGES, AND THE DANGER 0F DRIVING AN UNSAFE CAR. HAVE MILTON MOTOR SALES - 388 Main St., Milton V Diagnose Your Car Eloctronically VACATION TIME WILL ROLL AROUND SOON - BE PREPARED - DRIVE IN TODAY FOR FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE WHEEL BEARINO REPACK MOLS $2.25 trcludas Braite Lîninea laspected Wheel Cyls. B, Flexible LUnes smp.cied UNIVERSAL JOINT REPACK Disseount lespeut Clane$6.SO send Repuck EXHAUSI SYSTEM CH-ECK FR18 Cedîllec - Pontia - Bo,. MOTOR WHEEL TUNE-UPS ALIONMENT CARS0MOST $.O PLUS PARTS WHRL BALNCE 8 YL. 110 CARS $2.50 PLUS PARTS Per Wheel SHOCK 24,000 Mlle Aut. ABSORBERS Trans. Band and Most Cars * A Pair U Lnkage A.just lnstliled $26.00V FIuid Changid Ail New Pleasurizer Parts andt~ A 12,000 mile or One Year Guaranta. Labor $9M AT TE NTION'km Home Freezer Owners The business formerîy known as Gorden Les Meats and Abb.t.iry is now under compîeteîy new management VILLA ABBATOIR lobks forat-mat1 estaklishivg for pou a flrst-cleaa abkatoir and retail sale of meat preparet for boars freezîng or these pt-amuses. VILLA ABBATOIR Cetrser of Base Uise Rd. 8843 end 71h Lis, Itaeay 8843 AIL MIAT OOVERNMENT INSPECTED AND APPROVID SIDE 0F SEEF .......... ......57c lb. HINDS 0F BEEF -----............ 71c lb. FRONT 0F BEEF - . ----------- 43C lb. SIDE 0F VEAL -- ----.......59C #b. HINDS 0F VEAL - -- 79c lb. FRONT 0F VEAL ----------- 49c lb. SIDE 0F PORK ... .. --------- 44c lb. PORK CHOPS -69C lb. SPARE RISS --- -------- 67C lb. PORK SHOULDER . . .-47c lb. W. Pick Up Animais for Butchering 0801 10 CUl TO YOUR SPICIPICATIONS Please Phono Ahead for Your Order. Open Seven Days a Week for Your Convenience MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. Pl ai l le tu PI M I I 1$