Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 May 1968, p. 1

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0, . g a ah. i- 0-1 109-No. 2. Servlog the. cotemusily for l0t years. MILTON, ONTARIO, WtDNISDAY, MAY 15, t1968 oi OaryToPgs-e ei -m - M ma a - & Inside c i C3 â khedC" LS s ue MI ]ALVES OS EARLy TES MORMIMO letore Malion ridlag LIbral AssaclUion lad na.ted Rad Wiilai Oa- ktg cnidstul ecaitei6the Jum 25 federal eledios.It tasitfour ballots before be emerged vit va.v seJorlly avec Mis ciseai cicisier, Mayor MacLeas Aderson, &awaof ai lvlle. Candidate tr& 1.1, la mens recelvlsg congralaaions sitrtly aller 1,30 .m., frate Mayor Asderson, rigb. ýr cotesiers for the pst vercbsinessmen mia eLedvih failmta. aid JohaiMgit of Ostoile. sev Mla.ourldng vas ititot a Uberal candidatevites M.P. Dr. arry arîr dacldad ta reUire. (Staff Photo) Strîkes hit ai school, quarry 8Mb.le braite oit tMou darn kin b iltion ai dirit.ti recta.e voit at tie mitc Bcota adiiatioatroem -esW. IL Barses dlsm qaary g av o hm Eul Use. AI lise bigit itai, 13 laioerz geuaa coitractor Ievart-B a.i St. Csathrine&sJrdedl 8 atrr tiirastliasth Ra M cil a atite liai begal it 9 mnenolo a utepreu c i Icrease lavages amn cas iqggai à iay emeeingv]l or r.f.sed la mate aà Ttre are as pîcket lies ly veai ite, capont Ste aprlsteatlcal Cole Barbas.1 tia aulitrades vaciars vî nclue vorbisg ai the acitol ru. ciglit brlclilayers aid cc lad ta stop vanlilsg, 1*cl vil la. da.s lia arouasit arc ait cril laid liThe Camepion. "Il sffect sus i hliracya ai ilte exsiag scitael."1 net iffeciug the areas e c cal' -- the ieip aid acades Otitervise conitruction.i t iy .aied cf pragres, a. BAI Man and the Bo ,CH Hail Coui i mini.e cla aid soui1 3 9aturlag Balo Cassly vas1 liy municial, provtncial1 3 c rdi repreetalivea foi- Ilîficit seigonllurs-i flm, proditced liy Mon througi ls ladatiaiDe- it Committec, vas pre- for a&bout 135 Illig cosnclllars aid municipal rili Commlttec Chair- Çocksiy abuerved et lia film sue aro Mid a escoasi- cd do mas-iours 09 aicasideralia.. The pcodued bp Raobert 3. prdcions, Dundes, andI ,*The Misai Tia SAVE 27C Haraiy LP., George Md.un Jise Boa. M& Mgity et lia film am clic aih. variaes as- tiandI voit la lla. faqecdfilm spusied &acts of tit coucty frucs lhe ssuggdieu 09 ou Iral te the cemplu- im0l spoclalse d ha- ousse. B vas voven atten a laema et the it Mgi cnita on tite Dy inty in brioaiciia.stg fiasibits ta Mis MaBtos Casaly. Baot enliceiy1 fila las nome el grspiy d fh0.sa foalr ai sotsi is the tasnly lat valion s., In& laI seclionsandai vas deocdibed lil as a *"sail .0 casaty. Wacdcn W. Bi for a reouplias spilg vealiar Ilas eapected. Tii. .triia la the iratt i t Ml62.praiecciince fil shrt- ed I fat. Gly four Mitasniarcy tpiaytes alte W. . Bariea caipasi are lsvolvad la te stinmt Uere, bt tiare are 18 tierc ont as stida ai tia campa"s amals vsreiitese lu Witerda.s. For lia Orsai pari oft2sweeit, the qarry foremas ai "ailerpresent- aives epitte peallgio igvMhl theftor empltyeea valciad tram tal ctUnels sith 62e o gtes. LenSchuBof iHamiltn, bsiness mis- &Pr ai the Te':,sares Local 879, tbM Tii. Clampon the unioa vas cerllficd as the eaiployees' bagaling agent liai fil). Fo- ia.lag six mths of segoataios avec a cotrac, tlea naogement iiontta lied ta reacit asy agreement, maly as tia masalary Issues,e si Ie va.cad. It vas legal ta srike as Tiursday, May 9 &M the empioyecs valiad off0thelot onFriday. Tii. business manager said a Nwo-year conrac viii cougit. Base rata noss I $1.9t aid tb. aida. vas asblsg $.35 la $.55 pr bar In 1908 aid 25 cents acros the board for 1969. Bal the cotepeoy aly oalered seves t24 cetsan as itaccreases for the tirai year. Wh ofa btchermgotatlonswtce scbed- uled ai presime, M. Scultzs aid viwe are prepared t10 tetl v162t6e caaipay any ime." dustrial film ga carear ih cadiag the film ami expressed goelsg îp ilathe casty appreciltion ta the Indidfsral Comiliceeforîtavant la alta.. the 1n plling the film. e pi soutilent phioto- pariclar tribote ta Jas Mrt Mengsa titiare i Atln asnirmas aitheco0.no eftamilarvih- attae vah a hefilm vas &p. lidIi gcaser- pcoved amdilidtialed. stry, esidabi- Il vias aounced 10 prinut main roads. Illite film lava bees prclaasd ry Mr. Casitslcy aid il va.M tbaavalable itarti film oasthe ta Crausaan ciionîs for shoa. lsg sot onlyy laide t0. cons [nter presided butt hrongliasl the casntry sui aid bufftt pre- possibly abroad. Crown Attorney quits seeks P.C. nomination Aller 10 yeacs as Cra.s At- torney for alta, Pter McWi- lais. realgned as Friday. lie- Wlllamswvasforai la remig teac... 1w i selcMq 0. Pro- gressive Canervilve nila- lias for lalln.. The reigm«lin laretedred by thePobieaServasesAct, Mur- cay 'touliuxa. asistiai cci. fr 6e pal four veets, il ait as Intacte cra..outiliMr. ttc- Wilim.re in lacod ad .t . d tly it McvilhgasWi caitent 0. nominatilon aainsal Givile Casaclllor Ais Day ai Onk- vil.e Parts Board Bonbones Ad- mialiciaor 001 dalema.Te noinnaing cnvntoinI.Tirs- doa lan itvilae. x! McWIiiaas Ila assecceis- fl in 0.haelia. Mbd. ewil lave 10 re-epplx focMis psition as Cra.s ali tte nsdred iiy the Aliorney Geseal's depit- meni ai Que..'. Pari. Rud Whiting is chosen to'contest Halton seat Rad Witltlg, 37, vaucitses Llberai candidate for altas rtding In a precedea-sltterlsg somlsatlsg convtiolasti iglt (Taes- day. Tite lvely, iesgtity meeing featred a t vote a. thet idrd ballot, braites asiy by a fartber ballot, resalilg is a narra. tes vote margts aser Dikile Mayor Mac Lean Andersoni. Four canddaes sasgitt thte spot vacated by Dr. tlarry alay vbes be assonsced tva veeis &go lie vontd sot serti re-electits. Jolis Milght, alilite vaselimna.ted tante tiret ballot asd mit. Ladviitt of mlita. feU out la thte secasd ballai as a lt-vote edge. l. tbe lidrd ballot Wbtag and Andersons Ued and a recasai fslied ta braithlielie. Detegates vere lssed mvw ballots antd ly 1.35 a.m,, Wbitlag vas dclired te victar. A cipaclly cravd esimaled betveen t00ad 750 jammed Hrsby Taver Gsif Clib and cars filled tite parking lots, qiled orrsat a pracllse grees and llsed te rond for a mile asd a af. Citecisg credeaials icite 113 rtdlog members deiayed thie start i tite meeting iy 10 tintes as a steady flov ai members fied lotothe bulinlg. In.bs nmamionaspeechit ilig soted bis daep rots lanLber- allsasd bs clolr service record. e pramlsed ta repraseat ail te people ioite rldlsg a.electlas ta Ottava. Tire. partclr aiea. of cascera e cted vere bassiaf, agri- cultre and goerament qiesdlag. e empasLMa bis suppart for Trudeau vita asdersaads te Frencht Caadias asîlonli as vl as te fagie Os assonscemeal aifte final declalas, MacLeasAsdersas piedg- ed bis support la WMitlog a&d Wilg pramlsed la begla tae cam- palge lmmedlately. Masy aifte delegates vere sainlg tirongiiont the conveton. Wie polce iiiocited the lms.taute golf clati, cars Used te aida of te rond. Cliii ffiias expressed contera about the damage ta the sol green as vbicit masy of the cars vere parited. OGm car became mlred and vas abaadased. MacLeas Adrson vas vetispparted liy plicard-vaving dle- gales vIit aigas '"We Ban bMa". A piper scbedaied ta pipe Mim lavasusonlle ta daosbecasse of the cra.d. la Mis addrea. lesggeited It va.bi laiteliard van t tobi Md al- ta. for tii. Lberals. e lsLaied ite dtd ai asnderesimate titalai. "Il lave noyer sioud fr ibat vichIi icasM soet doanmdi lave sevar iii lmfer litan5 Ies r did nai be1erité daclired. e cted te ned for majsrlty gaveramesi and prtameitary reform. mia Ldvth, aamlnated by orte Pearceanmd arld Faank, cted Ca"nadls aity as a a.mber ta.eaobjecive. e calied forsa itra.g federa gaverameaitau eat far il of Canada, Masiag eqialisalias ai earisg tpptrtsaily and seiecttoe beip la areas ci ased vnesamasg bis proposais. e c.fledftr a tridg ai gavera- ment speitg aid ts-cç.ralion belvees lalir and mainagemcnt lc checkit dingcotis. Milton youtl in Halton's i One ai the geeis ai lite prem- Ier. itovisg of Malta's taduai- ralfOhm, "The Muanaithe BOY" on Tiirsday eveing, ladasper- lai reasas for belag aapecially lteccsted 1n seelog 6he film. Rlcity Dobe, 19, af ilton vas tha maie "star" <dielS-miasie film. Ami alhougit 1w lad spent part ai a Ivo-veet peclad liai fun belng filmed for segments i the color motas pclre, Thursay vas the irai dîne 1w lad seen the finlsited pradac. Sa. af Mc. VrgLota Dube of 171 Bol i.. Mita., MIct vas attendIsg White D itsMgliSciton la Gatvile lai fall iasenthe film crewvisvlted lie scitasi foc same abis needed for t.e couty's ventuce ia iittirialipromotion via film. "llm vecy iereaied ta pitograpby, a. 1 vas sutglag rund valcbing them mabte6e film vitentey asid me i Ild litilobe in t,"Mctc.tcalled. Ms princpalImteedIately gave permission foc the lime off stitas the iile. noce reqrtred, aid for a pritd of tNo veets r itk accompanled the film cccv frate Roberi J. Meyer prodct- ions, Dindas, arasti the tassty fLImlag the souses Uey vanled. :h is star riew film varbing lanlte englnedsrig di Ista. ai Fard's Gabville pla commuting daliy frote Ms MiBt hoame. Tiie fIlt's osiy othec "lstai ls asnGuOaktle Mii scbasl gi Misna Visdcramp, wvobu t misar part. Mallas's beasibl racreatiasal amias, mode uctes aid rural homes, iO bildings aid boomiog indastri are the focal pol intofthie picla Mr. Meyer vrote aid prodac the fasa-paced film, aslsg t maai moders of techniqutes, partrby 62e casnly 1inls be 1011t. Dr. arry ltarley vos a sanding avlati ria te crowd alter he addressed the grasp betwees ballots. e recalledis nointionio meeting lns mlon Town ati la 1961. Tiiere vitre four caindidates thes, lie sad, baltbree aofithe erenIt somna.ted and ibat lefi Mim. He aoled is decisios sot tomaitk re-etecioab.d beva a dfficili one aid be bcçtd ailviasld inderstand. e empbassLed is dactaLîs ta vltbdraw b.d saiiot la do vi162 lie asicome ai the leadersbip convetion..e expressed eoery confidesce ln Pierre Ellaott Tru- deauand lasbed os ite as s persasal frleid asd s "iremendous leader far the Liberal Party"~. today's issue Features iisveait la Thte Champion: 0..D. restdasce causeilar Do Bramette tries ast for the vortd otymptos for thea dei4, fealure and picirire onSp~orts Page, page 4. *Yasur etral attasmarktet- place, tha Ciampta's ciassstfied secto, pages 8, 9, 10. *Editortais, cotomsns, page B2. " aes about vomes, page B4. a Fart ewms a&d pbotos ai farmlsg activities, pagesa Bt, B". *Maltas - Wetotri rdig nomioatton meeings cbasse Ovasitarougit, MacDal.d aid Morisas as casdidates, pagesBt, Bt9. Scrap store hours by-law to hait "dollar drain" tUas, mUa. nCbatber ai Cote- merce dlscussed carions waysta baltthe dotlar drain friteb MalnStBreet busimess ai as open meting If anday aigbt. Tiie Citatber, aloi asly uta. boimaeses lavtîlg represent- ata, voted la lave ail past by- lavis regulaUistoire basrs re- Several members espresmed a feeling the day va.sso ip- proacbisg vbenisoresvaldbave ta be open six Boys a vieit as vieil as Tbirsday aid Friday slgiits. Titere wvis omnedissension about claslag Mondays lnstead of r Wedsesday aflernaos. Tii. Clamber eapressed cascers about the presetlrreglityaid the condasion lan11weaiiapper's mmidabiout stare bonrs. Tii. Cbamberdetldadtoesper. Imtcihal6 Ituralay sigittopen- log. The evcntalalo a tm sahave ailUltestar.. open duriag 01w r smc pariads tlailltv itoppers d ta lra.. froteotasatre ta as- "Tax payments" in Iottery illegal k_ IStrictiy caitrary ttaheCrite- Win l Cmd ie oCsa" wuita Palice Cbief May Andress retor- rci ta the City of Montrealls -sepposed 'vobutary lax pay- monte.' Tii. boteafExporeceaiiydts- triboted tartes ta most resident, ai Canada nclidlitg mita., asit- lsg for dontios.of Iva dollars, Oriany atier even multiîple of $2 --v. -la beuadtabrigMonrealli Lot fiscal abligations davis. Lio Tiiose vto ,alled backit te) lave.a crackt ai a $100.200 tirai rpris, or several smiller bol rio stili Impresalve parias. sa Despile 11w plans c ting a tII gaversmeni acceplasce, Itlasil ër a lotiary as fer as the letbnlcai. sen Mies of liv are csscarmed. rs Tii. Cmie permits only ctarit. *e. able organisations ta oeil t1wkti ced on somctiig vbichbasbeesfirs the offered for sale aid faod lolav ta a value ai lesltasn $50. 3rai apeabifif part -a narralor dues anhthe talMang --Blicasemli- lanice occtples the screes msay imes thcasgiiat the film. Re plays 6e Part ai9a bigitsciaii ioudent leavlog scitoni f octhe lst lime, remitdsclag about hie glorlons yas62 is rural altas Casity ai contempaisgMisfut- are as a col; is 0.evieels of the casiy'sboomlsng ladeiril- Isatos. Titougit whase a "dctde graduelselatthe piclireRItcl'. a..futre noemapretty vl HALTOWIS NON INDUSTRIAL FILM, 're Mac out at for Mim. Ne tpltfed asnd tireBoy" seas premierent Thsrsday loaa for training s asesgLiaer vith grop cf oser 100 officiats frate arausa tire 0.e Ford Motor Ce. are! aspets cosly. Discussisg tire film and lolokisg over ta b. sent18oDearlicis Idi.» la a dtspiay cf pirtai fate tire clarfot produc- themaerftatare le begla Mi& ias are Jo. Hrst cf Actas, wmiraired tire taingprogras. lgltansae I slniusilcattele cf ctsly aonit aest year avien f Riciry Dubeo sirote; and prc dlas. Tire filr and miltl bec Halton Coost ivg Matci ti providea sciear dellllailathe sboppr's mlad about vies b. ca.ld sbap. Oas ot several sarlersrveys sitaved 1t merbats viasld ap- prave ut a Minday clastsg, 15 vasld opposIl and six wasid folov asy trensetbythe otiers. Ciairmas John Bartiett sald the need far cosientstoairc basrs la cvtdeat in vevi ai the gravilsg cotepetitasn. Mr. Bat- leui sald tberevonidbeflve sbap- piaf pissas, &a i vumore 6an 40 stores, saâti tiis1ilmiles ai Milaon by 1970. Mr. Barlitt soted titat vtit talcs as tesny stores caleisg tbisg viii bave la glot". Thte BrlangisaMallstieftr of Uit Oive compenes expcctcd ta be labsimess by September 10. Il vIll be lscated ai Guelph ULia aid the Qeas Elizabeth Way. Brnaat62rpe Plaua, Bramilea Davitiva Ccntre, Servay Cea- ire ai Bioppers Wrtd la Brampton are tiars a apeaing before 1970. Mr. Barltpiaedaout the mv Brlngtos plan a bd orgsalaad bas Unes betveen Mitonanaithe pluis.Re alsa mentiascd te mvw plais iiad rgailmd a phoane campaige aid affermi fre cata- logues ta potenial bayer. Ratdesia" Post Panks bof- filoan ai ai totpasmi 1lasMnldg mare aidteore liae an obsteldiCs yard t0.se days -- a total i tree baLby Mion vic. bora lai veeli&ai 0.re's probabiy on$ mare duec ny Ime. Bobby, lie hbiherlo "biLai" maie ls oie compound, may bave la tbangcbMs name lu '"PridacI- 1ve Ptr"in 0.enar fulare. Epatted iscreases ia lie tribe tilled 10 maerialise lai yea, bol Bobys matlog us for il Iis sprioc. Tbree ai bis fa.cfemnale friands bave sas givea bic62 ta a taIt ami sumber far's da. ioy ime, a apoesteis for Malt- as Rgon CnservaioAutbrtl said. Tbe firsl cii! va. i feteale, brs Moda, May t. Asotber Bobby is proud pop three bison babies; number 4 due soon asathbr ita.ed ap Salarday macsing. Aititorlty game lenit- niclansslaven'lI n abal t 1get cime enasgl ta el6er ai0. h seveat arrivais to delecmie tieîr ses, bal Uiy're itoplng there's il least one maie In the baîcb lu carry asnviien Bahby qstls faherlng nmv alicicng. "Barlnol."is lb.namec cita ses focr1theirai mv arciva. The AoIorty's esetlive decld- ed on Iis nomeesclature ai a meeeling Thursday, ta itasor Br- lIsclos vicb i lb.themaclpalty ionviici th0.70-acre comepound ls bassed. Tii. Utile cas il ta called "Buirly"l for short. Mo names lave yet been sel- ected for lie cenialsing Nao talves. Oak changes mind, drops amalgamation ___________________ abville couneil ill ot asei arnalgarnatlafl ltb Mltas, as carlier anned. Ti.s mrger vau te rmed iiy aille Reeve Alto Day as a 5lsiiigit mar- niage." The first i alwo partisotion lastractlsglth. Oasiylile salilcitor ta oppose Mlta's a annlai id at the. Otario Msictpal Board beariag May 28 vau passed. Tiie second part tostructlsg lte solicitor ta prepare a by-lav aesslgalattsg Mitos vasdefea- ed. Cassoilaor DoanGrda. aid 0.50 Drevi-Broali qpaosed te plafrate te start ad sald ccnli b.d ttesded ta farce amnaigaistlnas mitas.lt Tii. cssoi did sot gtve satte- laor Jaoat Depevi aay direction abot vitlpraceedinga ta lait. Calie itad made prevsbideU toaraagamnate Mitas, once ia 1962 andi once about tre. pears Uns. Mitton t. preseaily apptylig ta lte 0MB toa sons aimai 2,000 acres tram Nrtt hkliie. Oak.- vile cficlala lave sld annexe- lia. vasid croate a poplaion exploioln5Mitonad alton i tire film praject waî iiuncired; va.td le usaitie laprevide ade- of Miltas' tiremate star of aire qptase vier &awoag eurvice&s radoter Robert J. Meyer sf Dun- Mita. la oWoS.d 10 astiga- Imwas enthusiastically receioed motion bc... It l .d secau ase of the maisnfMatures eataire 1-si0i ittOiy bultviite y test et lire Internatioal tPtow- LasIs litu1.cre tié Probl hia fait. (Staff pirato) et blag1ii

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