W- aren. mg fer rim r Kil- voloi- La lbe [ement wb, au k d amuu* DOWN WITH liy lira. Cecil Pattersoa Congaulaiont'1 Perey W. Merry School on their many vie- tories at tha South Hiton Music b Festival on Tuesday, April 23, bldiai the Galxy Clb. Elght etltools ver. ln tb. competii Perey lierry captured tva Cbotr va s ecnd place, Inter- médite Choi r lnthirpae poeeCongratulationIs 10 the teachers, lm Wood, lira Clapton aud Mise Ch.rringto, the cBactors fSr Percýr Merry. About 7,000 atudents ver. at- tuacted by the Suth Haton Faest- liva, for achools sortit of 1he Qaeen Elizabeth Hlgtovay. A large momter of parents attelded fer th. morning and adlernon sessions. lirs. Cecii Pattern presnat- ed the Percp W. lierry Home and Sahoal Assoctatioen Cup i0 th. viflere, Tihe Lor. flac, zser choir. RtobertpFinlay accted the avard. Mary Wiliams recelved 1h. trngshy for tb. triple trio for Perey W. lierry Sico fromn Mrs. IL DiteIsh on bhalfit othe &Éderls Nom aMSeboolAte- taIm lacer. sympathy ta exteoded te lire. J. Wood, formeriy nf 1h. 8»t Une. nov r.stdtzg ln Port Credit c. the passg of ber ulster lirs. Hankin. The late lira. Ranhin wu&saquent vieil- or tn tht. district. About 15 youn frinonda from thL e grade 8 clane ai Percy Merri ver. ptua ia surprise lirth- LLL.dey party for lits. Cisty Cerd- tagiy on Saturday evestzg si bei home. The eveaing vas plauoe by ber mother andthroth.r Calvin An lad a fine lime Md dencini vsu entoyed. lh. North Trafaigar Sllmettel 1 beli tbeir weehiy meeting il Percy lierry scbooi n Mondai evenbng April 12. Tvesty-elgb ladies attended for the wetgb-ln gaones and esercises. lirs blarybe Kubeobecker recelvet tii. prize forthe beiv.lightinac of th. veeh. Ai auffée brouh fi lra. Judy Finmde announced th Dr. J. C. Worr.il ci GaBvill vc.id h. guest apeaker on AMn CAMPBELLVI.LE The Canadien Champion, 10. Tlh. sprtng sess niasm 0f 1h. tiiomIbes Wiii clon. on May 20. Place for furth.r clamses ta the n.mmer and ogain ln the flu vili h. mode, hi The tirai foalinga 0f the sei-a aon ve have h.ardstverebhatch- ed afew daya agomad ae dong L nlcely, on a feaimon the SLth o Une. R muet be sprIng, a lias Sean. Barns4epe ofd Brampton ittended lbe party forO ber friand Cindy Cordingly mnd w vis a veebend puest wtth the Cerdingly faonliy. t Birthday greetings 10 lira. Deibert Don. Hovard Bradley. u Saron MU1, lichael Hncoch, Cynthia C'ordingly, Br.ndaHeed-t laon, Steven Pr.stige, Tom Cal-t bons, Kiaren Hayter mnd Josephi Seliba. liusic nlght vii h. heid ai i Percy W.iderrySchonionThura- day liay 9, et 7.30 p.m. Thei choir mnd triple trio vill pre- zest their numbera n. given i liusic Festival on April 23. Dr.mquta Recretion Aseor- flatn ta spnsoring a party tube heldi 1n Trafalgar Hall on Frlday, liay 3. Proceeda are for tbe promlotionof ltocal iuer Soltbell. Ladt year the yonng people hall a vonderful zemmer 0f aponts. Drumqutn Poe Wees ver. Halon Champion. lb. motherso0f Ftrst Drum- pila Area Brovolea, Guidea wxd Rangra are pr.zenttng "Qach Tricha" Ina Percy Merrp fichoel ai Tharaday, liay t ai 8 p.15. lb. Hydro will h. ln clarge of 1h. program. liny lochy G.E. prises lu h. givea on dries. Wrong Cragg Th lb oame of lira. Gardon 1Crsag vas ncorrectly uned in a cave stocy in lastveeh'apaper conc.rdng the dng probiema 10 Hazagavepa Township. lb Thvoman vho spohe about 1 8he prnbiem ai last lionday'a , council meeting via lira. David t Cragg, n0f lira. Gordon Cra«g as reported. This newapaper regrets tb. error. r --Haiton'a Industriel film, "lb. lia and th. Boy" viii premier. on Th.radap, liay 9 in a a asoecl tloos5ng for officils ai I he county building 1n ltua W, UR Pack candy for Sait. tea hy Mca. G. Pelletterio lias Edni Retth, 0f Scstomld. ,ent a lev days last weob wlth Ir cousin, Mcx. Jean Everet nd family.h The Eo.ning BrandI 0f Et. v obke'a A.C.W. met i lie homo M lra. Alen Tyrelli at Wed- elay ntgbt. Foflovtng 1h. evooItHan d busineas Pari 0f ile meeting, home made candyf as pîcbed loto continers and C rrappted for freener storage untild t gnes on sale aI 1h. Spring S rei aI the Panlst Hall on Oit- irday. Tbe Zlmmermliv Young I Couples club met ai the home 0f Citt N.d Beth Birnes, Thoîr plest speaker vas Mr. Harris of the Clildr.n'a Aid Soriety of Borliipton. Ho shoved a film and apobe on the procedureo0f adopting cildren. RaypPowell ja a patient in Milton District Hospitl. W. boy. h. will bave a apeedy recovery. lira. Gardon Sinclair bas taon apatientitn Joseph Brant boa3- pital. thetarporteditobedning very veil, and enpected home sueo. lic. and lira. Viggo Fulsang of Peterborovlalledrecentlywli lir. and lira. Tansley Barns and Broce. Scott sou1er bas bean confond 10 lia home vith i, cane 0f mealea. Ther. viii h. a Yonth Raiiy ai the Golden Horneahc. Yonlth Centre on Tr.maine Rd. tfia ualourday night. Guest speaker .11 b. Bill Taylor 0f Ford listor Co. Enerymne veicome. Bob Sldllum, Sr., ta a patient ia GahvilUe-Trafalgar liemoril Hoapital, foilavtng n.rgory lest Tboraday. Ho la reporied in Ils doing very veil. Former rector Ancaster guest Th. Ven. Hon. David A. Powell a former rector 0f Grace Angli- can Cbarcb lu lton, vill con- dect the 9:11 and 11 a.m. servicesa i St. John~s Cburcb in Ancaster on Bonday. liay 12. Mir. Powell in currently nec- ving th. Eptacopat Churcb in Salie, Kansa.. hy lira. Cecil Patteron The uvual eochre vpoovored yi the Eecreaionil committea ion belld at Boyne Centra on riday vili 10 tables ln play. timera wilb bngh scores vere, dca. H. Pearson, lira. liyriie teer; gents, Harry Davta, lied or second, Veste Bradley mnd am Thereauli. Laochy tally cava ver. vnn hy lias Bssaie mi1h, lira. S. Curtis, Bornes Conlsnn, Donald Douglas. A fione lunci hrongbt lie evening 0a clone. lira. Melville Dolby la con- iaiesclng il ber homo f oliovlng a stay in lton Hospital. Best risSes for a ayeedy recoery. Mr. and lira. Tom Jackson mnd daugiter Violat 0f His- urg vere oisitora nn Frlday ott thair mother lira. Gearge Peicoci ami famtly. Mr. and Mcx. Lîveron War- den ore movlng Ibis veei totheir fino mvw home on lie Fonrth Lina. We velcome them la flts district. The members 0f Horniy Sonli Delsoteena 4-H Club met on Saturday to bmnd in thelr racnrd books mnd rocipes ln pra- paration for judging at Acieva- ment day on May il in lie Christian Edocîtion Bnilding, Milton. The sbit,"Famlly Mals for a famly viti tva fruits a day"' vos practicad. Ann Huil, Linda Kuenzlg, Mary De Boer, Cathy Conrse, Hosoityn lierry mnd Karen Miarahall ire in the rosi. Motherv and Iriends are inoied toc the afiernnonprngram May il. Cangraholattons to lic. mnd Mca. Harry Hinhot on lie irth 0f a daoghter. Boloted ldribdiy greetinga to Stuart Wilann, yonng an 0f Mn. and lirs. Herb C. Wiason n bis necond tdrlbdiy recently. Btrthday greetinga tn Bruce Pevtreas, lira. G. Manted, Biliy Devlin, Wayne Lawrence,HRendait Babb, Sesan Taylor, Bill Clark, Sieve Lavrence mnd speciai greelinga to Itevin Lavrence on bis apeciai day, one year nid on April 30. Lncal promtera0finnrasoit- bail for Gmagb diatrict are necortng coaches toc lie teuima. Reglatratin data for the boys Wiii h.l innonnod nent veeh. Cnngratulotions In Paul Ku- bmnc on receiotngiaflashbcamera as i prlne in 1h. handicap roll- off tMil ton Yontb Bowling leagne. Paul lad o acnre 0f 399. Appronlmiteiy 70 yonng penple fom elght to 17 yeîrso0f age enjoyod lie hovling during: 1h. past son.m Trcphiea vere îvarded at the leagne parts il Canadien Leglon HiilonStucday aflernon April 21. Paul mndhii sister liargiret alsa vero ivorded ioyiity baddea fnr fitia fuI attendance. Grade eight pupila of the pubie DEFROSTI NG!.. wis thme Time to Trade in that OId Refrigerator on a New S"FROST-FRýEE"' WESTINGHOUSE ( At the Coolest Price Ever -- "SPACE-KINO" MODEL FOR HS MOD. RJJ40 * BIG 13.1 CU. Fi. * 124-lb. FROST FREE FREEZER * NO DEFROSTING EVER NOW ONLY 288s8 With Working Trade IT ESTINGHUSE MDEL1 AILB STAINO AT $199.9 LaIT, T MOD. RPJ3 1 Deliveryl Free Factoryl IW-mS 14.3 CU. FT. 'vq * FROST FREE THROUGHOUT - NO DEFROSTING EVE NOW 2 9s W Gt Wrking Trade CHASE'S HOME APPLIANCES *0 MINI FRER * HUGE REFRIGERATOR SECTION NOW ONLY 3558 With Working Trade 878-3221 )MAN Recreation euchre successful'event vero puesta et a testimonial hamnqoot nn Sahocday evening toc Pcstesanc Huas Canera, ceticing h.ad 0f the Deparîment 0f Poni- tcy Scdence il the University 0f Guelph, mnd aivîya loobed upon as "Mr. Polrymoan." The Scout mnd Coi parent aux- llary h.ld i auccoasful anction ale it th. Cimpiellvuie scol gronda on Sehorday afiernoon vili William Coniter Jr. îas eu- thumer. A large onm 0f mnmy vai roaized lu teep the orgaid- notion in bondi. and private achonîn 0f Gainville vhu viii h.l attending White Gaho Secadary Scoi 1n September ver. gtven a tour 0f the uchool clîarooma on lbursday mnd Frlday mnrnings. MILTON BUS SCHIDULE REXOALE 877-2251 mon. te Mf. Dowm U DownIU l Up Do s Up Do Up GEORGETOWN4 20 11.00 110 .0 1.20 6.10 MILTON 7.50 1.50 5.45 BRAMALEA Exp. 9.30 9.30 10.30 12.00 1.15 2.30 4.30 4.30 Expl. MALTON 8.30 9.15 9.45 10.15 12.15 1.05 2.45 14.15 14.45 5.15 REXDALE PLA=ZA 8.50 9.00T10.00 10.00 12.30 12.50 3.00 14.001 5.00 15.00 Georgetown Transportation Ltd. CUT THIS TIMETABLE OUT J 1-231 saer Cub-Scout Auxiliairy auction successful By lira. George 1ngbi Frtenda 0f Rev. D. C. B ichai- lpth a enleoded lu thone so n isorry la heir ho ia in 'mpaliy sdenpasgc Hamilton Genral Hospital. We 0f Campiellvillla's oldest ic.Iù a bics.y ErCoicox dents, bics. Mary (Stissie) r n r.EgrCin t stysent Sunday wOh Mr. andMrs. ce. wio vas innorced tai John Nichnlson and Iîmiiy at k alliae Cimpiellille Oory- Flamioro Centra. Gronnd. iloe van lie last o f ninaetn ypty famiiy 0f the lie lir. mnd lie vn or litend doil 0f &. William Reid, a pimneer lioe lite Mmu Wilia dch via iiy 0f Ibis are&. them lavM ilFnaymdck vo r. ami ir$. Alfred Paterson asoed Mnay Fila an. Dia lvad home ladt Tburaday PberehytecintdCeettteryamp-its ra monli vlaiting ln Cali- hloievl e.Sme ml di& vith lie litler'a rlaivas. frombstoian-Ommgi Prshyater- rienda 0f Mca. Ellan Dîio iant churchex tating lie secvice. aacry lu hear aile ix in St. Frlendx of Mra. Charle Stokes eph'a Hospital in Hamiltn. o ..1 apelil il OUT 0F THE FIGHT FOR FAIR PRICES June offers you honest prices on top-of-the-line brand-name carpetting und oxperienced, fast, installation. HAVE YOUR HOME'S CARPET AND DRAPERY NEEDS INSPECTED AND APPRAISED AT NO OBLIGATION. dnesdey, May 1, 1968 9 sorry 10 heur ah.e ta tn )£Itn and District Hospital. We wic ber a speedy reoaery. lic. and lire. Wallac. Ring enloyed a trip 10 Florila, aMI lir. and lira. Russell ih.rr.o a trip lu Europe. ippy ldrthday greetinga te Anna Eîrly, Mru. Loron Mtitch- ell, David Newhold Jr., Plllp Motion, Shirley lta, and John Teandale. Weddinc innlersirygreolingz 10 lic. ad lira. Rnfer liahon onApril 28. lira. Gurdon Coniter cpeaed ber home 10 fIonda on Monfiy evenlof ai idreasdiemonstatiou. St. Did's Preshyterian church achodulo vill play 1h. chimes from tie tover ei 1 p.m. eîch day of lie veeh and un Son- day ati 1 m. nd3 p.m.,vhich ire enjoyed hy ail. Mc, wam th arrn fonr F are