pThe Canadian Champion, Wedesday, May 1, 1968 20 AUCTION SALES 20 AUCTION SALES 20AUCTION SALES CLARN AUCTON SALE OC Hosaeiotd Fursulure and Sointe Antiques For fln. Efate ni the Late N.8 MARIIRET A, STEWART 'Lot t, Con. 3, Burtinglon - Nos- sagomeyo Base Lino, appron. 2 miles South ni Campbellville, off the Guelph Lino. SATURISAY, MAY 4ts At t p. 21" AdmiraI TV wnith stand,, jast like nom; aise portable rond dining roomt table witb 4 chairs; D)ominion Washwelt ma- shing machine, gond os nom; 4 mooden kitchen tables of var- i 055 sizes; 1 wardrobo; studio coacb; antique rocking chair; antique Boston rocker; antique bedroomn suite consioliof of chet of drawors. drosser mith mirror, and bod witb spring, is very good condition; 1iraitnled wiîh spring (antique); 2 mat tresses, t goosl as nom; tritigbt floor lamp; 2 suit cases. DECORATING DRAPERY BROADLOOM, " Resldetial " Industriel " Commercial Ready-made Drapes on stock- Far Custozae Servica CALL 878-2067 POR HOME APPOINTMENT SYERS 223 Main St. 874.»O7 GENERAL CONTRACTORS RAY OLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD, " Home Improvements " Renovattons " Mlterattons " Addiins " Commenrcial or tadute UL 4-2263 Texacana Enterprises A. BARR & SONS 878-3493 157 Robert St., Milton " Trenching and Boring " Baclihon Front End Loader "Air Compressor " awn Mowing 21 c-tf WELL DRILUINO WELL DRILLING J. 8. RUTTAN R. R. 2, Miltan, Ont. Phone Burlînglan OfElson 4-602 CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY MILTON UPHQLSTERING Nom omned and Iparasad hy Lorna Arthur PHONO 878-9094 R. R. 3 Muois et RaopbootNsy *Auto trias *upbosery, tlina *Custom boUit ftors *Pirea pIck-p a"d delley 21o>tC Harold's Upbolstery , j PME SIItRT /i Cati 878-2056 'Reupbnitebring dssstertiotd muitas, chsroma Chahs, truck seata. onatoon building and ma .Ryâng. Prm Rallonstas Piebasp and P-*uon HAEOW mEild Halton Upbolstering Re-Upbolttiig Ctutom oult WCru*aOt Chmone Kkcbn Chaisn Rus &o U1phsty Shampooing tire piek-ip and deltp. H. JENSEN IL R. 2, CAMPBELIJVILLE. Phione. 854-9939 2w01 20 AUCTION SALES 2 antique balance scales; 2 astique boss mith strings; caId stos. tait wirh osen); 8 kitchen chairs; mictcer rscking choir; chest of drawers (4 drascers and doors): I choit et dramors (2 ss'nild in:erad 1doors): an. tiu raniaphorte. in vvrkinf order; plattorm rocker; dasen- port andi 4 chairs; 4 antique Iranlis, sm-y nice condition; 2 antique wringers; old butter bomîs and moulds; bookcase; Westinghous refrigerator; 4- bars or electrie stone; nId lime picturo trames; 2 copper boit- ers; 2sugar kettles 1cast irsn; 2 push lawn momers; cradle and sido; sevoral wood planes; nov- oral old cracks and dishes; t bond auger; quanlity of gardon] bools; piles of unplaned pine boards; and mnny more itemis too nameroas ta hoe menîioned. TERMS are cash day nf sale. N o resorse for Estale bas ta ho settld. Auctioneer and Executors not responsiblo for accidents on proporly day of tale. CHRIS A. SCHTOUTEN, Auctioneer, phono 878-2576. Jim Langedyk and Mrs. Wilson, clorlis. 20h2 #rI BEAUTY SALON Vogue Beauty Salon A NEW COIFFiURE Dealgord Jual Por You -aând- OMLETE EEAUTY SERVICE Cati 878-2461 192 Msa Street HENNY'S HAIR STYLING 198 MiII St., Hilton. CAIL 878-3711 FOR APPOINTHMENT "Modern equipment. "Expert îtyling, cotoring, mac- tag. 21c«t ELECTRICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC LIMITED e INDIJSTRIAI, aCOMMERCIAL a FARMS Ce HOMES e ELECTRIC HEATING INSTALLATIONS 66 Chartes St. Hilton 878-9513 - 877-3752 21e-tC TV AND RADIO SERVICE DURNAN TV AMt APPILIANCES SALES & SERVICE * Phlllps TV Ce Tape Renordors " R.CA. Sterao, TV, Applanes " Spsrton TV and Stares M2 MAIN ST. 87084441 O-ig PAINTING AND DECORATING Gît VANSOELEN PAINTING Contractor Industrial - Residential Interiar - Enîcrior CatI nom Cor Free Estimaies 878-6137 Bon 114, Hilton. 21c-Il TAILORING -REPAIRS TAILORING ALTERATIONS ast REPAIRS KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 202 Mlain Street PHONE 878-4472 21607-tl REFRIGERATION KING REFRIGERAION INDUISELim COMMERCILL SALES & S8R0llt Menobeca nlh Roam t Service nnghsa Aascaion or Rokltsa CAUIgUEA 854-2228 - «.EARIO AUCTION SALE PIsto Morses, Reg and Grade Hltte , Traceur. tesplemeei, Lianter, Pond ec. The undervîgneti ha, nccisecl instructions fromt CARMEN CELLUCCI To seol hy auctos at the larm, Lot 21. Con. 2, Nassagaweya Tsrp.. situatd on20 Sideroad,l1muile west ofthe Gulphbtiso 5 mites north west ut Camphellville, 7 miles south of Roctswood, SATURDAY, MAY 4Mb Commencing ai 12.30 p. HORSES and EOUIPMENT- moar, moanled on a carl and Pinto mare, I0 years old, bred compleîely portable; creace sep- Jane 6, 1967 t0 stallion owned aralor. by Walnuî Ranch, Waterdown; TUK odMSEJAE pinta titly, rising 2 pears anti TRC an04 od MSe, o n c-p pinto tilt5, rising I year,' bolh U -194Fr3/topiku (rom the saine service sire. mîth rocks; Ariens riding tamo Theso are protly hcsrses quiet momor, 5 bts. 24" cul, almoist and accustomod t0 childen. oem; Homelile chain saw , 18" The 2 aliter unes have both blade; 2 rsbber lired wheetbar- been ritiden. Now mesters sad- roms; 2 sels of scales; 20Y lad- dbe; blankol and bridle, der; fan and mater; 2 - wbeel ceetcarl; 2 12' miro gales; REG. HOLSTEINS - 2 cows, 50 steel pools; blomer for forge; fresh inhoarch; 2coms. bred 5roout ventlatoors; A chcen Jan. 31, 1968 ta Troelo Pilot; feeders; 8 chieken Coonitains; com, breti Oct. 10 ta Grsonmood pig croogbs; 3 gos brooders; Rag Apple Hector; boiter catI, 300' extension cord; sane pain- haro in Marcb. eis, 18' long, mode mith 3" pipe; Empire gardon tracter; plow. GRADE HOLSTEINS - 2 dise and cultivalor for saine; coms, tresh in Marcb; 3 cows, pile ut scrop. hred Aag. 17, Sept. 18 anti Dec, 23; heifer, 2 years, opn LUMBER ETC. - About 100 used raitmay lies; 2 new gar. YOUNG CATTLE - 10 choice age doors, 8' n 7' wull tracli; veal calves, fronSto ta0 b., 2 boxes batbroom tle, 4ý x 4'; fat and ready for marktl; Angus 14 house doors, nvions types. boiter caît. 140 building blocks, 5,. The fol- TRACOR ad IPLEMNTSloming is soarty att cedar andi TRACOR ad IPLEMNTSgood qoalily: 2 pieces 4 x 10, 16'; - HC W4 tractor; MEH3-fur 2 pieces4sxl1, 18'; saie 3x10 rois plom; MH double disc; plank, 16; 17 pieces 2 x 8, 16'; boavy duty 2-ssheel trsitcr with 20 piecos 3 s 8, 16'; 20 pieces 2 x 16' rack; fermo wagons milb flet 10, 14'; 4 pioces 5 n 10, 20Y long; rack, 14; N-Iside rae, -ar; srem1cxs5 and 2 x4, vrions IHC traclor momor, 7' cul; IC lenglhs. No. 102 tracter manoure spread- or, PTG, gond as nom, used for FEED andANASU"- Large 4 lu. ds only; Maple Leat bale pile of manure; 600 bales oC elovator, 26' with motos; grain hay; 900 bales of straw. ontger, 20' mith molor; Goto 101 FlIRNITURE - General dieep hammer milI; 50 drive bell; bale chute for IHC haler. treeze, 23 cu. ft., nearly nom; bed, springs and mattreai; 3 'DAIRY EQUIPMENT - Surge tables, chairs; Easy wringer wa- millier unit; Surge pomp and sher, TERMaS: Cash sncb clerk on day of sale. Enerytising va ho removeti by May 15. No reservo as tarmn is sotti. Owner or auctioneer nul respoonibte in case of accident day ut sole, Sorder ut Sale: Fursilure aI 12.30, tloweti by wagon lot, misceSlaneous, tomber, implemonts, teed, horses oad catlle, MAX STOREY, Auctioneer, Eockwond, Phone 856-97553, J. C. Motntyre, Clark, 20W4 BLACK HORSE ATQE #4# Canadien an American ENGIIN FURNITURE - Victorien China, Lamps,I CHINA - GLASS - I Potery, ron l HUNTING PRINTS __ZIMDIOA mmY. 2s - ACTON 22Margaras St. MillSos 053-115S7 478-4446 Mms. Wm. MoKas - OPEN DAILY - WINDMILL INTERIORS BROOKVILLO (4 Miles Northi af Mohawkl Rae.way) Largo d ropteat pn voaieo $150. Large dropleot mainul tal $1 nS50. Pine poeplt cu phoard $195. Chairs, cheols, crocks, silvo andi jewellery. OPfEN AFTERNOONS -CLOSED SUNDAYS 20AUCTION SALES 17 hurt in ýseardf costs town $7,400 20 AUCTION SALES 20 AUC'I0NIISALIS AUCTION SALE PMt STANLET M5CRE Lot 14, 61h Line, Oakville, 1 mile ssesth-wet nf Otornby, on SATUIWAY, MAY 111h At 12.30 pot. eharp. IMPLEMENTS - Ford trac- truck; 300 Ct. hait in. plastice tor, A-t condition; Case 7 fi. pipe: t metal parts loin; a quant-e traiter mower, new condition; tity of bolts; large quantity of Cocksltutt 4-bar aide rakre; Kel- paint; tamis fertiliser apreader; ly 'Ryn 36 fit. sketeton tnay ni- 24 in. tnwn smeeper; 2 tamis evotor ond undercorriage; bale mowers; 4 tamis chairs and bancher; McCormick 6 Ct. mow- table; large qoantity of tamis or- er, A-t; rotary mower, 3 p.h.; nomeots; forks, ohoveta, oledg- 24-pintte Otaco double dise, new; es, chains and ornaIlt otls etc. Massey Horro wagon and good flot rock; 2-wheel traiter ami FUR34ITURE - G.S.W. eteet- flot rock; 2-furrow Pes-guson ric stove, new condition; Prigi- plois, 3 pli.; set 4-section bar- dira Cotdwatl 8 ft. refrigror rsws; Massey lt-hon deil;- Mes- 6-piece kitchen suite; =iele sey 6 fi. binder; set bencb range; 2 ottily tabtes; 1 aide- steighs; loading chute on board; kitchen couch; dinlng wheets; scolfler; tnt. matking root suite; cbesterfsetd and plan; wagon hon; stone bat, chairs; sotid oak gale teg tabte; 2 roeking chairs; t srs chair; MISCELLAJNEOUS - 32 fC. 2 bedroomn suites; t Easy wasb- oaminum s Ct. ladder; 32 fi. isg machine. wooden ext. tadder; 26 piecea of good 2sa4, t6ilt, long; 14 plec- ANTIQUES - t horse drasso et of good 2 x 8, 14 ft. long; calter, A-t; t splnlng sehee; t quontity of 1" tomber; 55 lenceolnd sideboard mlth band cern- pools; 6 anchor posts; t 35-fl. ing; I otd ptatform rncker; 2 hydro pote; t sel fonce slretcb- hand made mooden lieds; 1 ers; 2 12-lt. -mire gales; 4 piles banging lamp; t band made of I fi. fireplace mond; t posl paper rack; t bugg tasnp; t but- hale digger; t rahher sired besg ter print and ladle. TEEMS: Cash. Lunci avafflahe Paroi la Solo! The above espsipment bas atways hau, esal cared for - Cor- nilure hi ottesi condition Fsn'nitsn'e and antiques setling et 12-30, f<stomad hy wagon loati, misceilaneas and implersents. Owner or auctiosee nt responsibte for accidienta sale day. WARD EROWN812DGE, Auctlonoer, 8784730. Mrs. Carserana Wilson, John MdNahh. clerksi 21b5 FAY'yS ELICTRUC A COMPLETE ELECTRIC SeaVî S INDUSTRIAL * COMMMCIAL * RESIDENTIAL 0 ELECTRIC HEATING S RURAL POLE LINES ondi SERaVICES PH -ONE 878.204 jfr REU UIMAU yjor hsy droQ or taUTOATI ntEFR sIGERAT 2O1MtaIS, orMILTa acso 181ag Miie St d 8784445rip to thUtr.setenNIDCO-O TE L. ' 0F dersiq e osi SI, Mîam 07-2 I OU AUTMRWARIGA PPU IFEEE DENAER Ir I Buy ~Pone asyBudet9e49 iRa 13 MaI St., Milieu 8781 Commercial Cattie Sale The Grey Bruce Livestock Co-operative Are holding Ibeir Annual Spring Sale nI 1,500 Commerc- aI CaIlle, aIl Grey - Bruce rais- tdl on TI8USDAY, toRAT 911h, 1968 10 am. E.D.S.T., at their Wartan Sales Yards No teed or master prostded by the Board. G. IL. Rey & D. Moore, Auctioneer. RE2CFORD CRUIMKHANOI, President, 20h52 HERE'S WHY IT'S 80 000D... each piece of pîpîng-hot chicken is inl- vitingly crisp on the outside ... fuit of iuicy mouth-watering flavor on the in- side. That's why we Cali it FLAVOR- CRISPI Wts deep-tried under pressure so ail of the natural goodness of the chicken 18 sealed in rather than cookeci out. FLA VOR-CRISP chicken is never dry, ALWAVS DELICIQUS. FIIW'Ra ~ CHICKEN SNACK fuiroi- CXSP2 Pieces ofChiclsen ~ ,,,O 55.Fresch Pries 79e toltmdr SPECIAL PAK 8 a enlao Fuio Crsp Cckeino $2..19 CI4ICKEN IN, A BOX FAMILY PAK 3 Pieces of Cbîken 14 Piecsf French Frics. Colo Chicken, Rotin.$.9 Slow, Botterr $1.39 Iloney $3' Ban Hnes ne~e PARTY PAK PH-ONE 878.6028 20 Pieces6 of $5.25 open Daty te il pie. - re.lit. te 1238- Sunday Il a.M. ie Il Murray Hood Drive-In BASR UNE RD., WEST OF I4IOMWAY 2S AT MILTON Hardware & Appliances tt@ ,h ~ DON MCRRITT, OWNER 1lu Maln R., Milton 878-6011 -- Frost-Free -. - COMBINATION SNLCIAL A year sCiar Qiarle'. larpalt tmnti cieled llI riraI arias of Raton Cony sssrchtg for KttIbrldes mlaslng Marianne Sehuali, Burlingon Conseil wau Caced mltb a bitt for $7,400 for daisages rosutng Crois a terc accident durin tse marfhoni. A Departmoent ci National Do- tante teuck overtnrned oser Kit- brida, eaerylng a lto O oton- taara mho lcdned tls t8,000-nufan search. Thara vara 17 parsona injLzred. T Mm 7,,400 vas lIa lomn's otbre of lIa satimani for dames. BE SURE BE SAFE BE CERTAIN MIL11PLE LIITIR M 90 CONSIILT A MRMIIR Or THE Brampton Real Estate Board A By i Congra Merry Se torios nI j" Fstival batd ai t athoatar1 sud En aI Bruts, a mars tcç Choir v mi"a Chu Cor Parc tractai tlut, CI t Qsaen I for the sesions Mrs.l1 ed the P viciera, chair. F Mary teephy Mes. IL talion. te Mri. Cedil diter Mrs. Ms ArIn th ther mrai waa an, The 1 ovanini laes tls pri of the Mes. J Dr. J. mud