g The Cenadte Champion, Wednesdey, May 1, 1968 Rotary career night helps students to investigate future occupations Stdents trpm MartineSt.SeOtem Public Sctieol and MltenDtstrtct1 HîigliScient cere Ln gve hance te question representattees et a nmselafscd ccupationis ai the tt-1 taryCub 0cd ilttns careers slglt Teesday eveninti et at wek. Memtiems cfte Rtary Cteb, witcti rgsnised the event as a cdi projeci, cern divied i to diffément gcneps te show fitms, dstritate broceres and dtscuss titir respemtiteonccePttoaswtth the stedents. Camers eprseted anti ciairmen presenting ttem t- cindeti JtM Adroos ie goern- ment service, Eact Btack te ae- conttag, Jois Coecay te engin- eertng, Jim Ditîs tn jnrsattsin, Ken Etstey in pharmacy,Dr. John Brown te agclture, DeaKen- sedy te edecatten, Mie LeitOi ta eait merchandising, Dr. teve Legato te medicl and los- pita, EHB. Cements inetour- ane, Oed Nictiets la la, John Soeml iaelitg, Dou r oewn te saes, Dcsg Contey te manu- tacturteg, Ray 0Otan teservice Industries, Lochde McKerste n tenerat direction, Tise Powers restauerant cocu ant i Jm eegr Fors s ere sent stdents ptanntng te, attend soua ctiice 01 three preferancesno tnterest wnatd atti organtsationnet the evening. Tiree representatives et the Canada Mapecer Centre spolie te, the stedents. Tiey tnctnded Senor Manoer Counsettrs, aed -Fanc(t Mss Evelyn Each uege ttiey cdine thier partit and abisities le - Mitton Manager e I e Hrtwett.____________ gestedens teise se se a arer settedt aae10 h akil ndMlo ofcs muta tes, menltty TI4REE REPRESENIATIVES of the Canada Mecan ee lIh solesd ilnefcs s. powoec Cenr e sypeared s Miltnotnary Clebs and Roc Teck, inonier senior conseller ae 'Crners Night Tesday coconingcinMlton welcomeol by Rotry Club presidient Dalton Dstrict Hîgh Shool. Hcrc Mes. Frecces Day, McQuaig asnd Caeers Nghl chsirmsc Normeni Ssenior CMC couesellor, Mm ,Eelyn Hertouei, Peerce. (St Pholol Thro-yowr rudsprogain FLOWEHS 0F HOPE r~ ~ ~ ~ ~~hf The-er od rorm er ttie tasttew meattis ttie De.1 retardeti cittre iave tieepre- % o0 township curves, h ls parilttos caeso fo A three-year apregrasi cloread constrection and repirs fr tonsitp ods cas appoed loY assagadeyt Cani nnMosday. Depty-Heeve William Hsey, roads conmttee ciairma, pre- seeted the report cbicti mittiset cnrli in tiese arean: 10 Stdernad ta Conn. ;Hassa- gaceya-Eist Flamnbore Teca Lise ta Lot 4; Seconti Lise ta Lots 1-3; First ULit Los 1-2; FifttUneLisen Lots 27-28; Ttird Sideread ta Cosc. 2; First Use in Lts 10-14 anti Lols 24-5t itb Lise te Lot id (nec bridge Io replace Oie tat coodeabridte te te tocnstdp) and Lots 12-l3; 2t Sidemoat (sec tbridige); anti Sttt Lise Lots 26-27. Mont oethie improvements are at crves or "blind itta," Oie depty-reeve epaised. Thia 28 YUARS 0F PiINHFUL SERVICE ni the 0gev ot KlbinîcnUied Cisrch wece ewaued ec cennly w nubcthe covgegtiîoo prevevieci Mis H. R. MacDovald ith i oîcvaideacozeo eci roses. Hem Mcv Mcoîlc i v howno ccepi- vo tie ocsenlelîev froci assistant ornaristv 'Mut elâeorate teel shed" wDf have te he tarn down Hassagmeeya Coit decideti ta camp deen one enioR ly-tic intetagements ai Monday's coo- ing Ceuncil rdereti a tandonee te Oie aorthernaraea nf tie mcli- sictp in er tnen a large "otl sled" ie las eeoed. Buiding taspector . W. Oagewassmit- ing ciea ho caited it"tisecmus etahomate tlshdtIthiseeone seon.' M. aage bold cauncitîces Oe laisiner had appieti tom a permit tom a semmer cottage on a 10-are ltntin Loi 3, Conn. 4, lai ho iat 0reuse iecasce il waas ot attocod leOesonieng lyla. Latee ho hord a build- ing lad hee ereciet, and on in- vestigato tend a "ery yen. Miv isrc rMcAiihur tolinoi gralm he evenirigervic ter ivo novîiseci Mcv Mec reen elOOireetfinc lie setahie' builiding, O15ly 10 feet elit a large open vecandaisona lise fron. Ho atli th ie ner and the man said il nas atolcisieti nere ho cotti sore iisgaroeniolson lise daco s e osllis e ropety iv ent a lrge gardon. i1WO-if ejeiv anay wolhlitl there iiil e 27 îoot sheds arnend tisai crnmer," saudtein spector. Caunritlosagceed. acnd uet the tc]l sheod Imscoce dow. -"Il scundv 1lieibocee tisaI yîsc ,mooedcoociddCocl- toc lors, unne MacArtisur. Mr. Sauage old otduncit ao e- seingoineiuiding yemm;ls ias seev $250,000 vomthisisueti 50 lac tiîcv onu. Man0areforto home ise voriS end. Campaign for Iower speeds goes before road committee A campalgo 10 hac-e thespeerd Omit in the oviage o oenisy locered ias hoon 1inlie cabot since early Marris and eut hoe plaeti os tie agenda tomrlie May meeting ofthtie Hîton Caeity Hoadts Cocciliee. Mrs. Lttian Aer, a Hornisy residoot lois ted lie racouigo and new hs & pttton eresent- isg 35 Hornhy tamisles and 43 chiMmrena cneg tie acîlces. The petitea nsiste cianee- eti treuglothe Ponds Comttee to Csety Conci anti inally 10 Oe Deprtuiesi et Transyortlfoe cosideratier. lco.reti leoc u0 10 35 on tise Base Line o ncthrlsengis lomniy, on Traltgare tin bOkvlte roc Hlgisoay 401 lvlise Base Lin, andonOtlie Sdenoli Liee in isquesiOg roc Oornisy Loere Golf Course 10 lise Base Lin. Tise camyuoeo cas enactdiîn- ily ttyeth ie uyes tosi c dog in acareaccident. Tise dogisad coen ilie amity 1oe a oîme et yeamo andi Ms, Ayes eared oideen naiti aiso e h srl il lis eecasnon egistlînaenacieti lv reduce lie 50 c.is. speeti Si. St rang( subiect 0ev. Ru! atliig tu Eccans. and aslied sud. Tise sianeger ment pner dishohoeft edier acm discrepaic im unti Stamp will honor "Nonsuch" voyage A tfsr clr Canada Pos Of- fimo 5Ç tamp te ho releasetione cuie r-jese 5 ciii commemnemate tie ýing musial p o OO0th Amversary of a pertînes ce MmvvHenery Gem- tisr mendt voyage of dtsevemY ,,Dovaldibetorn ierly tise Nosicis in Cada's ie posiino. nerOiemo caters. (tfPht) Stccesa et the Nensucbverdurme blu Pso istacradteti ly itanus wttb tise opeaam cdf Canadas West er ~ ~ ~ trog tnEhus dresle fur trade. ;er n Em aUS The sec tamp, borzontal ta tfor sermon formiat anti Iavig dimeselions tirs. R. bicLean ly tie Britishs Americio 5Ban sant Finey's Onday Note Company LUmited, Ottaca, Jeaut eiOi tise te ecn cisose tacilittes il ho e sedt t to tisetite village of print 24 metiio oethOesec insuee 1A strangerjied tienily a comiinaion ofithe seel ti these chy Oey cere esgrnoteg and photogravurme pro- a tO sud ho ment la a cesses. Mucilage employeti fr anet tieir disappott- îlots issue is tise virtealty lavis- tred eut. Thirs la an Ible caiertat eseti on tee pev- Saccentd, il exresses tous occisn for Canada Pot hetore hlie. Atthlie Ofice siiMSOp. ,cents contais iseman Cestomary Firsi Day Cover mies. They did't Mncc Service wiît ho provideti ly tise 1tise dawniag oet oie. Postiniter, Ottca 2, Ont. By Carton - eautifal sleeias tisas express lthe sentiment peu seant. -and Mothei's IDEAL BOOKS that areSO f IE OUR COMPLETE SRLRCTIOR GIFT SUGGESTION.S for MOTHER HASTI NmOTES- WRITING PAPER- 85c to $2.49j Sheffr Pens ed Pen & Pencil Sets $2.95 ta $24.95 A Wide Slectie,. of Lady Buxton WalIets and French Purses- $500 te $750 Recipe File Boxes $1.79 te$2.25 RECIPE BOCKS FOR THE ARMT $315 and Up A Solenties of 011 Pints, brashes. Couves, shessls COOK BOOKS Pas, Waker Peter Istiru. $400 ed Up flesm*$.s and I'undreds More-GifI Sugeet@ns HARRIS STATIONERY& OFFICE SUPPLIES la mAINSTE. 1176~W trate on psrciasisig tie landsnec- ensary for issprncemettts, and repairae îtla becacrieti set as tends permit ie Oie tolînciag twe years. ispe teOie retarded chiddren? That is Fîncers of Hepe and -- please te Raeraus chen your canvasser alts. ire ~Th eunwa ntdc ldrec th! ugdcc c haChOCo JINOVi the pcenial suicdes, al the e ut SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL ;iousands inosrs un dsrc to The Acmy Tihe Salvatîo Army iMiltten cecer refuses a call for hcly. Ithesvirea SI I'I lesasia CHICKEN AND NOODLE SOUP sl.25Tc procîde the homes, hosyîtals, spec ROAST YOUNG TURKEY DINNER Chnics, adci 010r serviccs I ivereol MASHE POTTOESOR PENCHPRIE , , cessary foc thse digily cf TIen thsa MAHDPTTE RFEC RE humaoity. The Salvatîo Army Permit CHEF SALAD FRESH CORN membeorhep ori LEMON SHOW PUDDING NOIvi-ems W. Are Open Emary Day Thrughouît the Y@- Residents are askad te mail their donations in ttse bluee ahe m ennelope sewicteis s eailable at ail Chartamed Banks, th ri ars Mi se Oec aR - eris, 110 R ST UR NTCANADIAN IMPERIAL RANKOP"O COMMERCE, MILTON art lt Matn AIR CONDITIONED Miltn R. M. HARRISON, Manager - Heaerary Treier Beer er phi - for tis isaptiss new n This is the sale that's got it. C ek'em and save -cni depeet fng uesîs Most opulifIerr at specially B Ant reduced M'rira f.vurtes-vollM ail eqcoippecdl" "' ai sperallVpceOd Wona Caprice '* opnoseraiallsdar nr Im eemo Che volupeSicci S p r t up a P u s h B u t to n t IrnpalaRadio ImpalaRear Speaker Be-ArRear Defogger . __________Ramote Mirror i Biscayne aDelx etid e ocr Sednadeui SatI Chociny oc f OJa a models inany colorS houlder Bls i Front and Rear c Floor Mats- Ail penciin ponicd Checkextra salesnsset ou sn PowerlideCanada>s messf pnputas carsslrngsyoea spenial savobas. r glmiionAil sale Chacmlals baesVB anginea and are speasally Trensnsisjoleeqeippedti oell o f 5 te optiones ve cent ..asl 275-hp VS with specal salaseevings. IftvnchooneanyoftChevoles'açpwtr Turbo Hydra-Matic ant i sgniticanl incas optioen ambnatloncs, osa sabin Transmission on extora bonus savnes, Tacs Cheesoletideler bas thes iglolccawti the iglol equlpens speciale psîaed Powelr Staerlng tas ena deing Cheonîsîs Bonna V8 Salai1 and Pgw r rke r1 P&~a Steeriing lU sitti Powear Front LJ Diae Urekes and noELEce Cornfortift IV n'StW en g V i el Jutfor you-Chevrolet's Bonanza1~ Sale! ____________________________Sepe yur authorized Cheumlet deee JACK RICHARDSON CHUVROLET OLDIMOSILE UMITEO 6791 No. 25 Highway - Milton - 29c to$1.001 -- - - --------