S uga r and Spice b y b iI1 s m ieay ~/i4ca/ nUfR~èf4i6i/it~# SIX NEW PARK RENCHES itave bison ln- out maiiting on tue meeitaud resI tnd staileol by MitIon's Parts Board of Mien- admire lte vine ut ltae pond, 'neatt lte agement, titrea et Victoria Part and sitade ut a itandy trea. titrea et Centernil Petit pond. Imu girls (Bluff Pitoto) A senior member ut Haiton 4-H agrcuiturai clubs, Jolis McGee ut B.ii, 1, Nornai oas setected tiat yeac 10 represeut Ontario 4-H cleu os a trip lu lartie. The Arah-Israenh coctilci oas on ohen Be oant there, pet Bie tranetlad treeiy cheocgti the cocntry. Bere, la as arile eeprlnied slch permisain Promn the 4-lt ami Judior Farmar Qsarteriy, Jolis tlis a straightuorard alury uf iaraells agriculture, scelery, peupla, mar ami refugees. Tihe beautifui campus et tisa Instu- tnia Bides many worid leaders ta scientii fields. From ltae gepe 10 asaropisysirs, Irraiendous researcht tacililias ara Bindisg ne knooiedge. Brâiant mas tramt att anar ltae worid are attractrd by lise reseachl Pacitities ad granis Par nae prajacts. Bat, itomaner istarasting and infor- mative ait tisa nae aspaiencas mny ha, ohen travetling, ont eans about paopla. For in ait my expanleaca il la sot lte pinces ad sites visitei misicis malte a trip mamoraitte, bai tisa people one mats. Tise paople in Israc hava tise abiiity 10 anjoy Ilt seiicis many Nortit Amaricans sece lu have tosl soma- misera. Tisa yonng peuple doot de- mnd, an me do, lv bc entertaiurd. Altisougis tisy isavnt an many diver- sions in tise formî ut moules, dis- cotisèquas and roltar-akating rints; tisey hava fun mithont unlificiai hetp. Titty taiti, seis, play ai sports and are seidomt hared. Tisane seema I bc ha ms aatificiaiity tisare. Friandaip stases mort crm- mon tisera tisan hart. One aras mat- atout men malkiag dusen tisa streel armi- -ian-atm, mush thair mives malking beiid. Oee is atiomaid tn have a alose friand ouside ot ltae marringe, a custom iiri la Promnai upoo isere. 1 itink vtry tam of tise tîranli girls i mai mould ha ihappy living la subaritia lin Toronto. Isay ara tee, indapandant, ton usad tca s ratdomt shicis momes in Canada do noî isave. Evan molista- isaod datant lie ltae tsaoci momas doma. Cisidran tisara, especiatty iii tisa kibsutzim, ara raiacd almeat antiraiy ansong teir panas. Tisa "sabra" (nalmae-bore larsali) la more reaponsibie ai an tarliar sgt tisa is nosottapsal in Norths York or Don MiSse. Parisapa titis is haasa of tisa tanna situation la Israet. At 18 tisay muat eter lte army for IWo yaarsaund titis is un accaptai. uni in moait casas, meicomed tact. Parisapu il is alan dot 10 tise tact ihut maay bava itata raisai asoog thair peersauni issue hen Poacad lu, make decialons mare otas ad aI an earlir aga. Thay havan't itad tisa slilfiig ot intareals anad questions tisaI parents ottea nmil- tingiy accompinh. Tisa sabra is vtry mcli iatormed about tisa morid situatioa. Ha la in tht ceaIre 0f a fend mhich cuh daalroy ltae morli. Titis la utsf is enoagit te crate rabid iterast la potiticai avents. Sinca tisa rail oftIhe oortd reacs 'in maya misicis mli influence tht chala et tuants in tisa Middle Eat and ltaus isut, Be kisoss aboat temn. i fouad lta lte Israei tinese more about Canada and Canadiea prabiams tisa aay young Auntaias 1 Bava talkad go. 1 mas asisti about tisa Fneýncis-speakig canadiens and isos a.s8 an Baguit npeakiug canad"a reactad la tsein darmaads. Hem did S Pail about De Gauties stateastatu? Wtucit, by tisa may, look place miit i wsean a lI. Titere me bots asartd s commun antipalthy to De Gautte's ractat actions. MyseIt, Pur tala viaew on "Couéiec Libre" and ther luraeli for misaI Be tait mas s cup-out in Bis auot aapporling thistroali casa la Jua. Tise oid htecto-typa ut ltae sloupad, ptrsacsled Jae is not ai ait avidant. Ha itas hata reptaced hy a seit-conli- dent tigitter. Titis new-Ponnd sait- confidence ha affectei ltae diaspora oa oad Jamry, ao, Nom ltcey, ton, rai lift sp liti itais. Betura S taPI toc Inruel uith litahst ut July, maiy peuple mare appraiseas- ina Pur my saty. Heseever, t tati tisai iloo teno particutar hruveey lu be in Israel i ut tlima. Paritapa tisa mout pecaliar (lu my nyna os tise greal namber ut suldiers avident. Isty casid ha anen standing un altet-aumaers, maiting in lire, Pur moules, sitiing hasida yuu un lte bas mils Poil btatie dresn, hitol in g maciia-gsns la tiseir laps. Raly, lte oaiy may une ru d tll tisaI tis a mr mas on, mas liai titare mas o cumpirîr absence ut then anidiers. Tisey mere ail ut lte bordiera fhitg. Eveeyona, 1 mas bold, la a anidier ina lamai. At Kauul, mitan tisa tacis mare called lu ist, lte eider stodents tika Yaitaip mare guards ai tise gale, dsg tranc:has and 100k tsrna hatag louis-outs la case ut allacti. Peritaps harassa uftihis constant tensiun, tise reliai ut viclory nom ltaI lte test hai bren tiftta is ltae casa ut lte idotirallun ufthlie urmy. To me il s e e mi s regrettable ltaI a "mur- machine" la made su munit ut. Hose- ruer, itlu eaCsy lu, sec mhy titis fart S thinis tisaI lte mout moviog ax- perlanca ut my trip mas a bus trip titroagi ltae conquerai territory ut Syria. te Gotas Heigits. Tia driver ut lte buns mus a anîdite in tisa driva le, capture tht Heigisîs, ose of tisa bloodietl uni muai met- comted victorias. Ha describri lte action veay amotioaly. Maay ut tae meau and wmee on lise bas seara maeptag. We drova up lte moualains and malcisti btsck-ctad furmers as îisey drova titair oaaau arouud pilas ut grale, drugging togu lu lirscai ltae groin Promt ltae isk-muct ltae saine an ltae methuis 3,000 yaars ugo. Atar saatag tise' agricullsrat meltuoda ut tarari in lte vutiey hatose il mon a sisock. Overtookiog tise plains ut Israi, tisa Syriea bunkers stooi as titay itsd a fem meaka naliea, Tisa ammunitin, clothas ad food ut tise soldios mare allit lafI. But then men baud flad. Naby, tise btsckanad, lmiated isuiha osf tanksn and trucks glinted in tise sa, At sunlet me anrivad ai tise gbost- toma ut Kuaitro. Belte tis a mait mus PCeatinsed on Page B4) Ove ni tihe advanleges ratepayars shouid aspect from councils, aiecled for Imo year tarma. la the itind oi fiscal re- sponsibiiity thal rafiecîs proper budget- ing and planning. A proposai lui Milton Couvait tiret il adupt a budget, choppisg $35,000 flrim the District High School Board, againat the recommandation ni lthe Board, wouid nul constilute rasponsibie buol- gating iv ur mid. Fortunalely tl did flot gain acceptance or the municipaily migbt cary easity heve seau tas economy shattereol. We rau appreciate the frustrations ut the finance committee andl membera ot council. They ehl had plans for lte year which lhey hopeol 10 sels impie- manted. Thon came the higit scitool budget ciaiming savan more milis for tas purposas alonae. Council set out fa, trim ils budgets and pareid them to lest yaar's rate daspila italthy increasas lu debaenture paymants. lTae Higit Scitoot Board on lwo occasions indicaleol il couidn't do ltae sema. Cauncils do nut bava thea legai rigit lot ralact an aducalion levy, aven titough il formas part of ltae miii rata for cehici, theacouncil la responsibla. Boany peopta feul In reaura this andl il ranitiascoun- cillora avary year. If counicil had cul lte higit scitool board budget by $35,000, il wouid mean nulting mura titan ltae counicil failing lu meat tas rasponsibili- lias in ltae tan rate. Evan if anme ut this amnount was savad by ltae Board any balance ot ucarspanding wouid formn a daficil ou ltae lamn. For counicil to toisa a daficit ut the sire possible undar ltae pruposad course ut action, mbt naul yaar, mnuld itave beau irrasponsibia. A counicil elacleol for lues yaara sitould et sonme point rea- ira ils future as mail as prasant raspon- sibiily. Wa don't lita ltae incrasa lu ltae miii rata, but ma bnoocsoane ut mit causeol il. Basides taacitar salary in- croases, ona of ltae titinga is a playing fiald et ltae itigit acitol mitit a $26,000 tîb titat mouid as aasily itave baan de- beutured lu, cusition tite mutl rata Bika titis year. Eupandituras ut titis typa could suraiy be discussad by the board and council finance committaas belote titay ara udartaitan, to datarmine ltae misaIt cnurse of financing. Liaison, et limas alther tittu in ltaeitaal of budget praparallous, rau braad mora collective uudaerslaudiug, lu ltae mutuel benef il of ltae laupayars. Tae board ou ils part bas misaty puivtad nul lthaI tome of ltae budget culs mada possible test yaar, mitit a couisequant drop lu ltae ioard s lavy, are being fait titis year. The aupandilara of salting a mutl rata tnu offtan ignores lte more fer- raaciig implications of prissent actions. Unfurluuataly titis la lte Yser for paying W/uue ini6ui4ed detieniètttwè,' ? Raraty du mn laka lte lima tc0 raply lu soma ut ltae miaguideol aditorinis lthaI originale in a sostitaru counly daiiy newspapor, but ltae coutinuad blinduasa il projacîs lomard MillIon is anasperat- iug. Lest meai ltae pundil tram ltae soalth, in atîampling tc0 buitld opposition for Bolon's porfaclly togicat and raîsonabla application for anaxation, put tl titis may: "litera la also ltae question of mitier MillIon can adaquately sarvice lit a tnds il seaka 10 gain from Onkituite and Esquasing. At diffarant limas dur- ing recant years ltae lomn bas suffarad mater sitortagas. Andl il la reportad ltaI Oaituilie tusen administralor Kennelth Needitam stili beliaves ltae onty may Bouton cen assura sarvicing of ltae an- nenad lands la bc avantnalty pump me- tar from Laite Ontario titrougit a nortit- soutit pipeline cnlling titroagi Oait- villa." lTae lest itaaring ut ltae Ontario Mun- rcipai Board iteard ltae omu ut Oait- villa's umu nopart wituesses testify Boit- tun cuild service a pupulatiun ut up 10 25,000,' andl as muaI mail bom, ltae mater sitortagas occurreol befora lte major 12 incht water lina mas installeol frum ltae Keiso underground suppiy. Apart trom mit Bot. Needitam may ha repurledl1 toitinit, Bouton la asiting oniy for tend on mitici toI grow andl daeieop. lthera is nu indication ltaI Oabvitie ran acar servire lte landl referrel lu, aititar, and rertainiy no une bas pruposedl any nor'it-soulth waler linos aucept Qakvilla representalivas. Peeki.ng into Milton"s past Si YIARS AO, lu 1917, titre. motters et Lewis Brick Yard et MillIon Heigitu poseol for titis phtoo, seafeol in a ratîmay car. lThe ceeu on lte tatI la anhuomu, but Robert Deforeat s in lte rentre aud George Lot sa et rigitt. Photo routesy Mrs. O. McD,:Iugall. Our soutitaîn editoriat senIor con- tinues lui suggasl; 'Witen il comas lu, devnioping andl sarvicing nurtit Oatviiie tends, il as ouly togicet ltaI Oabvilia, mitit ils greatar population and itigiter assasmanen, cnutd baller itandia lte job titan Bouton. Wa suggasl lthaI et titis lime Milton officiais sitoutld concantrata ltaeit efforts un improviug ard radavai- oping certain aroas miithin lte present communily." il is quite obvions tu any aboya lte Dundas Higitmay, ltaI lte Oaitviite lte soutiteru seriter bas in minc is vastly different titan lte une -vo inom in titis area. Arounol Bolton, in lthe Oakitvlta orea, il is Millon ltaI dons tite serc'icing toi sncb solid industries as Hand Citemi- cal Industrie., Canadian Bonter, James H. Mattitema Co. and a good tom otitera. lta y nover iteard of Oaitvilie snrvices. Juat mit magir Otkituits botter able to parform in titis area, titan Millon la aiready providivg, is bard lu, rompre- itenol. lThe editoriat seriter titan drags ont lte otd citesînut about lime for action ou lte Plunitt Report. Il migitt be re- memitared ltaI only Oaitvitle found lte Pluntoît Report itad some mnril. Buggnsling Oabvitie sitouid bava nu itesilation about opposing itînus ap- plication, lte edilor couctudes: "litoe is good tessun toi betieve lte mitute ef- fort is ant nercise in misguided doenr- miniation on MitIon's part. Ils casa for aninou tion loita nu strungur today titan il dbc aI lte uîst." We disagren, andl me bava yat toi sala any Oabvitte plans for devetupmanî ut anytiting aboya Higitmay 5. If taI lown la painled as lte beat ablte 10 deai miit lte ores in lte nortit, il bas taiteol lo pruvide any bunprints. Or ia il more a case ut "misguided detarmination" on Qaituille's part lu prolocl ltaI whiici il c an't service, and t0 ralain ils bigneas for bignesa' sae. Editoriai mrters in lte soutt itave aima ys usel teir blind aida in alndyiug lthe Millon potentiel. Il bas eimays beau "sport' lu write us off as "cuuntry bumpitins" or "ltae puor country cous- ina". We don't reaiiy mic, sinca ltaeit influence is an insignificant, but me do fot tioy bava an obligation lu, kaep abreast of lte factu. tl paritap sitoalo ha pointeol ont. ltaIt a vesI majorily af ltos lu ltae aea proposeol for auunaxtit"si, ara lu faune of isecomiug part of MillIon. W. doult underestimale Oakviite's influence mils lt.e Ontario Municipal Board bel me do feol Milton bas e perfectly aogiraI andl valtol cae for auu.aêstion. Everything thal cocld poauibiy have ecn wrilten abmut the Utmerai Ieadership con- vention has already been oritie. But fi's Spring, almoat, and we have a oew prime minister, almout. i'hey're hoth protty green, btommer usually toltows. No, i dldn't het agalosi Trudeau. Bul i canIt seie a guy Calted Winters evoroinning an eleclion lu ciai country. We gel enugh uft1h11 nonsense ahout eight monilhe ut the year. As an Engtish teacher, t atways loch as cames fur symhottc suggestions. Winters has atready heen deat oith. tfettyer souis shightty Bise 'Bell wllh yer l'Il dc as i please." Paul Martin. 1 tleinh a martin is a smai Bird. Amdie suore gut il tromt the eagles ami Patrons. But hae mas a game bird, des- pile the Part, and deserues a sale tor dignlty and cocrage. Il met Martia yeara agu encumtered hy a couple of ptaslered Liherats trom the stickis, and hae hadt the snme dlily then. Tasse are the peuple oho let hlm don, aller he'd made gaueltiag trips to ttnytorit Ceaire 10 speas tor anme local jeris) Turner didu'tl Une up 10 Bisuame. Tocgh. Nu hirning. Watch oct tor hlm la Buture. Be wans il att or nuthing. MacEachen mIn a dtsappnlntment. Be's a man of intelitgence and tntegrily. But hae roci Bis campaigu as thocgh hieoerersnaning tor Reeve of Juniper Jonction, and even made a Bottin ut mithdraoiup tromtîhe race. A pity. Joc Greene la Joe Greeae. t'ce seenhlm ln actioc heture. A dangeroca cramer ut the uld achoci: emutionat, cunuincing, but a prelly tair Minister ut AgriculIture when yoc peocîrate the uergtage. Sharp mas sharp, and atays Bas bmes. Be made the right moue ai the rîphi Bime, and bels tamocu Pur IBis. Desplte a cocpte ut ahysmat lapses durînt the ecuaumlic criais. iransl made a gruat figsI, tut wBs rayteta surry for a milniBea, wons tctug lu olnd up lu the Cabiot, aMi dtda'l have a ganaI ut a chance ta the tirai piace. Stand chap thocgh. Yoc can't matire mura ut Trudeaulssame, symtuSicaty. Binseeer, i tini bels pai pnaaihty a botter chuice than chat chisp catted Laframhoise trum NorthernOnharta. i Boue a cagne idea, Ladramhc6ae means "The Strawtorry.11 Ami ohere ocld oe Be then, internattoaiy? Eaten th sigar aivd crelo, lhais ohere. Att t hope las thai Canadtans o-l ta socr ou Trudeau ohen tht Gali stiasg, the quirked eyuhruo and che ctumpaocee-s grin disappear aSter a cocple ut muathas ut deaSng th ait the garhage a prime main- aier muai put oct. Tu che constant diaguai ut my miSe and daughler, i tmocied J. F. Kennedy tonstant- iy aSter Bis eiectinn. i tapi saying, "ta1re, bels cule. Sire Be bas a boantiut gris Sire, Bie 's wttty. Sure, everyhmip laces hlm, encept 49 percent uftihe tt.S. votera. But bels a ruthiesa pulitician, Whea ta Bie taing lu du sumething basides cbarm people?" i teeltche ane oay about air tom prime minisier. flots nlever, charmisg, rlah, He's a bachelor, mhich prstuhiy accostat Pur the ricB ami charmiug. i wtsh hlm oeil. i hope Bie lieachles itt Canadien poUitica thai tress tom breeze everyane ta predlcig. But i mniida'i cocut un il. Muai ut the o inl tht press gailery tuting atm as che satuastion ut Canada mure s&ytng the ane about blet tes yeara agu. Ami iheylii Be che tirai ta aiarl ruttlug stripa off hlm ohes Bie talla tu prudure immediate miracles. Gomi tucit, Pierre Eliott Trudeau. i thins yoc mlght tisai du Il. And, fiaiy, guudbye Leaier Pearson. i chiais yoc oere a dandy deopile yocr Pasts, ami i ihinti Bistory w111 record you as much. *Pages of the Past f r 0 champion files 20 years ago 100 years ago Tahun Promt the lamue of The Canadiat Tahon Promt the lamue et The Canadian Champion, Apnil 22, 1948. Champion, Milton, Aprit 23, t8t8. Two peuple ami a lwu-year-cid boy ni- rumty escaped senboca iulury ami posaible denth 0h00 thair car mas lu colision wlla a Prelght uitIhe C.N.R. tecel ceusaing un Martin St. Tcesday nigit. Accurdiup lu police, Arthur Diriesun, King Street, mas trelngu ourla ohea the ecginof utche soulhhoind way-Prelgsl coiiided ollh the vehicte, pnshiae i1110 Pool 1o1n a deupdilch. Provincial Conatable AI Lemun sald the aagiseee, Franks Joistsot ut Atndato, ald the Preigit with Pin e cars oas travelling abta 10 miles an hour, ohilo the cre as goine aI animew raIe ut upaod. Ai the meeting ufthOe NorIh HaIlua topa SchouI District Board Mocday avening, plana mera schmlIIed Pur an addiion lu tan roos lu the M£Itoc builing, and ose roo lu the Acian bulding. Estimatad ruaI t ofihose cooms oich oqulpuant os about $6,000. No asairance couid ta, gis- os that ihey could ha comploaitd tatura Septeseher upenlag. The Board atsu decid- ed lu rai Pur tour tenders Pur tus routes 10 uperatu la the tait terni Pur tranuportiag the pupils lu the preseni scisocîs. 50 yea rs ago Tahen Promt thu lamue ut Theu Canadias Champian, Aprit 25, 1918. chut Up yoir hans: Section 7 uithme points art rads as Polîmes: If the tosner of bons or othor poiitry rotusesor negiecla le prevat chu ane Peo troapaosslu un Bis oclphaie's peuperty aSter a notice la mrlting tus taon sernaid uot hlm uftchoir treapasa, hoesaal trieur a penalty nul ou- aeediag tan dollars, The Puilomlag pepits have taon granioli choir normai entismne eaamation: Mar- garaI Dewar, Ciadys Feacherstune, cchoi BirFadie ami Florence maîher. The tuai tarea have ohtalaad tBe Junior Matrirnia- tion; aiso the Poliomlag pepils hava paanied tisa lomer ochoci: George Eilitt, Myrtle Boyd, Margaret Lamrae, JeanAlexansier, L£illin Hariiay, Young usimarrieli mes Promi 550 25 Z yarts inclusive. wBose exemptiai bas tata caueed otU ta ealled loctha colors Dont ateek, Tis aies aillt bea all t e- ta ami tara att ta givn sevn dua 10 maite Bis prinate afPaira taere rtpontiag tor duty. Two ci theai Pesai tais seigliBar- Bond Bave taon ni Tarants offriag lots-. liatInt tht Royal Ain Force. TBiry Bnpe ta ta aataptad alter Baraiaalg ta. seteaay LtboetSia Ca Tnemiay lest the meotars of tht csahiahedi Churcs ut Sctlaad. Itillai, gave a cati 10 tisa Rau, Pater Ferttssoae Pur mauy yeaes ministor ut the anme con- gregaion. The Bau. Rbetriaret ofam- ilton, dalivered an einqsont discaiese Prom thse Oirsi nerso ut the lîta CBapter ut Roai- ans. He stuieli that ilmas useanaeth- er Mn. Fergnusn, wBo is ai preaet aI Kiscardise, miss aceepted the dIl TBe- Clergymen preset mare Ban. Mr. tewart ut Hurnhy, Edalisea ut malerdoas, Bon. Mr. Gillespieof ut sqeig, ami Matonrs. Biscastocs, Kay anli Brais of M1toa, Chlat Constable Burton made a nary rtanae arrest on Tuaaday lai, an Duttdaa Street, sean Palermo. Hte and the Star- riftemare drlving and 5.e1 a mas mita a lîpaî wagon ami French pusty. Boret In- ailieaped ait anli seiziag the Uses 1014 hlm Be was the ian Bie Bai ue bainlo- ing Pur, ami &fier a tom mords the foliote leapei oct and made ton the fields, Boret nangt Bis Beel am i Oued aima an is bes. tieconertat trom dita, hae ras an mita the Constable ait his botela, ahen ltae alpat of a shoctiop Iton stuppeli hlm. He mas braigait la Piermo ami remasded Bp Massers. Crocha ami Wehite until PaLturday. nie ent- donna ihatl Be la the Boatf ut Mn. Johaion Zimmerman's horse la nery, neny strosg. Ho eines Bis ame as John Smita ( a aine bp the may me have board botore). THE CANADIAN CHAMPION FkO.ld 1u oIL oNTN AND,, s,,a.,MN COt L.rUI.rw "0,she .e aapd,yut 191M'nSi.,o oI. ou '~ . s'Mo n. -tri Odntn,,. ,. 5,u mî,,t. an, t. I- ton oo, eiesan osai W . -I