rED ER oboard 1-2829. 7h5l-l637 fies, golf clubts, 070.676. 7051-1600 ,town Toronto, 8.30 on. 878. 7cSt-1657 gentleman ce- hoard in dean te, in Milton or El only. Writs 67. 7c51-1l664 g? Drop down hapter 0f SF5- shocppers) nacit in Trafalgar Rd. aI -o. 5 -m Milton are ne. 8 P.m. CaS at 878-2952 or >rmatinn. 7cSt-1615 ANTIED soan to, bouse onbly, must be able 10 nork sion. Phone e78 t. 8ci2-1614 Umsiseasavail- mil part 1001100 inoecessary. Ah- aroings. Wriso 0 -204240, 4005 tHenry, Mont- 8051-1383 :ations cd by the uoder- i p.m., Monday, - the position of )ARTMENT .OYEE ship of 187N5ya IcMILI.AN. orintendieot, Nassagaweya, pbellville, Ont. 6h52 IENCED Secretary ocal buosinss of- May 13, 1968. in typiog, 5150- rid genral office futrre. g conditions, sal- mid frioge bons-, itiog, giviog age, referencea, to; lo. 268, an Champion irio School ie Deaf n, Ont. A PUJLL TIldE viMING ZUCTOR FE GUARD ks - Minimum Val Lie Saving Jion. Red Crasa nustructor. utpenlng. ary $75 weekly. orbing conditions. PIF 10: LORTINS, anofa Resldence, .1Milton. 8&51 ss Tool and Maker Tout and Die Mo- [ hy automobile dcurer in George- pable of morbing i15 10 builà auto. dies. Roperiente rusion dieu wossld 080 bourly rate, lical and life in.- hy companty. Ipply: ONEL DEPT., ~D PRODUCTS .TOWN) LTM. Suelpb SL., ttown, Ont. O. 3161. 8b43 URN lsndiy Ossmpls nt A&a - barodu effs.. 16 SERVICES 116 SERVICES 9 E111P0LOY111EIIT WAUTED WILÇ Cars for chfldreo in mv vm hoe. 878-3718. 9c51.t68 WEIL do :ypln my nusM hans, fast sdacrte. M7 6638. Cai amytisse. 8c51-1625 MATURE womao 10 baby uiýt att week, t or 2 children iv Ibeir homo. References. 87".944. 9cs1-1655 00022 cmr for cifldr-n, in my ontry hume. -No. 5 Side- roadl et lt Lin. Phon 878-2233. 9cSl-1616 WE WANT WORK I A group of M.D.S. students waot ta taise nooey 10 tour Europe ln 1969 - suomer. Any work for us? Europe Work Cbmpany Colt Evenings: JANST BEVBSLY 877-3443 GAP-NET MITCHELL 854l-2331 90-tf 13 FOR RIENT HBATERS wltb free service. Phone Millon Hydro 078-2345. l3ctf-425 0000 Pasture for oifers or steers, water and setn. 878- 9195. 13c51-l690 FURNIS8EÏD m for gentie- mn. 247 Elmwood Cres. 878- 2622. l3c51-l684 2 - BED.ROOM opartmnnt, av- ailshî May 15. No csldrn. 853. 2069. 11315-1600 3-ROOM apartmeoînth hatil, heated, sultahîn for 2 adsWc. 8704787. 13c51-16l9 l-BEDROOM apartiment, on- aifable May 2. $90 per month. 878-2174. l3c5l-l6l8 FURNISME> mon or monm and huard for working gentle- man. 878.2016. 13c51-1675 FUROPSNEID monm for reot, elderly gentleman preferrnd. 358 Mais St.. 878-3655. 13c58-157 3.ROOM apartmevt with gar- age, suitahîn for 1 or 2 adultu, availalah May t. Reply Box 266, Conadion Champion. 13c51-1620 HOUSSKREPINGUcbins, on heaultfal Loke Baptiste, good fi shlng. aIl modemn convenin. es. 50111 slenp 5.0On a gond road. 10 miles north of Bancrof t. 878- 9190. 13c5l-1654 FURNITURE ANP RUG CLEANING MACHINE Do your on u Otorurs and rog cleaoiog. RenI ose of nssr cleanlng machines. Simple to operslse snd us. Pull instette- lions wltb machins. Rates for hmsrly une. Phono. 878-9094 use-et 14 WANTED TO RENT EY LOCAL O.P.P. ofEicer,' 2 or 3 hedmonm home. 878-3616 oftnr 4 p.m. 14ce0-532-tf SELF - CONTAINRO 2 - bed- roun, aperîmneot, by middle-agn worhlog couple, in Milton. 878- 6780 hetween 5-7 p.m. 14c5l-1636 1is PERSONAL LISTEN TO: Ferry Rock- wood, Station C$OWO. Oakvilll, Kitchenser GHYM, SUodoy, 8.00 ams. 15c52-1468 '5BAHA'U'LLAH0 Ose Wundred ymars ago. ose Voice forecasl thse spiritual hreakdown sain alicting aur tcofld - and gave us the solu- tia0 lu fi. The serins of oests thot surmouoded that Speakerus file coostitule the mont remark- ahle slory io nanas spirituell bistory. 10 is 4he s1057 of Baba'- ullab. You nue it ta yourself 10 reail i. WRITE:: Baha'i, Box 164, OakvilIe, Ont. Tbnre iu no ost or obligatiotn. 16 SERVICES GARDENS plowed, worked or colo-tilled. Lanns sot. CoOl 878- 9497. 16c5l.1660 PLANNING o Spring nsd- ding? Why ot comsult Hilton Party Rental for your restaI and caering needs? Phone 878. 9413 or 878.9936._ î6o84l283-t Furniture Restoration Craftanan rsfniulting, uphol- ttery rspalrlng. Antiques aP5CI8k 'si. Phe eiitimsae pic - up and dnlivery. 1-519-833-2210 W. WHITE - ERIN 1621 K & R. LUMBERS, -Cerllflsd marpentry and6 5155o et.MILTON 878-937 ACTON 853-0633 16058-tf PIANO SERVICE Expert Tuning and Repairs Mel Winslow MILTON 878-6572 Septic Tank Pumping BLUE SPRUCE ENTREPRISIES Donestit and Induntrin. MILTON - 878-869 160-el Sewing Machine SALES - SERVICE RENTAL PHONE 8784861l Milton Fabric Centre 12 Hartin Street Services mnd Repaira on H. nKes Of Senlng machinss. 16c-lf HANDYMAN SERVICE lilI fin anything On pour bouse. Windows, swilches, or peint a main. Charge. 12.00 par hour. 0167K VANDRNBRRG Phone 878-9459 Anytime 16o4f WALNUT RANCH LTD. Cripplsd and Disebled Cows snd Horseo 24 Houe Sereins Lic. ons. 13355P 28-04 Waterdown MU 9-1044 PACONI Highesl cash prOtes for de"d or disableil cons and horses CALLg OPERATOR - ARR FOR Zenith 9-7950 Lic. No. 94RP68 126C6 16c-tf ED. McMULLEN Contractor * Cernent Flonrs, Sidenaibu Stoopu e Chimney & Ftastering Repaira e Stucco Warb e Fireptotes Phone Acton 853-1818 16c4l-t Speyside Rent-Alîs POWER AND HAND0 TOOLS AVAI-LABLE AT REASONABLE RATES -Rota Tittînru & Chain Sons etc. Cail Speyside General Store 878-9603 16h51 INCOME TAX EXPERTLY PREPARED for "FARMERS a BUSINESS MEN - TI Gen- erals " FERSONAL - TI Shorts HILL'S BookkeepingSystemns 420 Fine SI., 'Milton. PHONE: 878-9762 $3.00 and top. 168 Farm Construction 40% GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIZE Trees, Fonce Rasa Stase Piles, Ponds etc. Lorge oins renorei. baH pre app. 90e noulti be glati 10 simats pour job. Watson Bros. Brampton, Ont. Phone 451-4804 160dI LAWN MOWERS Sales and Service e LAWN-BOY e TORO Sc the Trrrific Seîrclian Hornby Garage Hornby 878-4790 17 REAL ESTATE -I BUILDING LOTS and SMALL ACREAGES Building lots, 5 and 10 ocre par- rets, on good rmadls, close to nain highways. BARBARA KING 100 Martin St., Milton. Tel. 878-3551. 17c49 Rural Acreages This is the tino of year 10 unc nature awakenl 50e have sev- eral 18 acre an& up home or camp sites of oxceptional heauty. Some have toems through. Lots oftIrons for shade and pnivocy and plonty of gond gardont spore in most. For your health and content- ment 0f yourself and child- men, il il noîl worth ivesti- gating these properties which are hecoming increasingly scarre and mare naluable. Income Property 2 - storey, confortable, older homo with att ton serviceu, situated on 54' x 132' wetl drained lt with gond gardon and fruit treos etc. There is o self - contaived income op- artnont on eacb tIvor which will provide stealy incone to carry espeoses. Home is weIl insulatod and bas stortos and sresetc. Very weil located close to shopping, churehes etc. Woutd moite o good i- vestouent or mremeent hune wlth incomo. Inspection hy oppointmnent. For Farms, Homes, Estate Lots. Contact Anna &Archie Cairns 340 Mais Street Est MlIton Plhone 878-6980 17c51 For Service and Satisfaction Consut Best Realty & Insurance Limiied 310 'Main St.. Milton, Ont. 878-6292 878-6592 REALTOR MAIN STREET PROPERTY - Ideal location for a profes- sional office building, honing approximately 155 ft. front- 080 by a deptb of 132 fI., fully sorviced. Pricod 10 slI at $14.000 dlown. $22.000 - Modemn split - level home with attached garage. This homo consists 0f a living roum, watt-to-wall broadîon, conhinalivo hitchon and dliv- ing mon., 3 hodroons, bath- roun, fuît basenent, F/A cit heating. Movthly paymnts $99 P. I. & T. JUST LfSTED - 3 - bedoorn bungalow, spacious liviog roun. broodîsooas dioivg roon, Iýi haîbroons. futly divided hosoment, F/A ail heolivg, paned. driveway, patio. Lisîrd prico $20.000. ACTON - Spacivus bungalow, living roun, dinivg monm, kit- chen. 4 bedmonms. don, family roun, 2 btîrounu, mavy ns- Iras, TV towor, storns and scron. Listed price $22.500. COUNTRY HOME - Esquesing Tnp.. custont huilt on o 120'v 300' lot. 5 miles east of Mit- ton, brick vonoor bungalow wilh attacbed garage, living monm, kitchen, 3 bedroorns, fuît hasenent, electrica hat. iva. Listed prire $34.708. 'Now is the Hour" to Caîl "Best" for your Real Estafe and Insurance Requirements 878-6292 17e51 17 REAL ESTATE 118 TENDERS [The Canadien Champion, Wsdnsoday, AprOl 24, 1968 17 REAL ESTATE HOUSE FOR SALE ON MAIN ST. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR SMAlA. BUSINESS Call 878-9509 Nights 416-925-5675 DaX A. E. LePAGE REALTORS UMITWD Member of the Toronto, Ontario and Oakville - Trafalgar Real Estate Boards 55 Years' Continuons Service CALL BOB McCUAIG 878-9543 17c49 100 ACRES 93 workable, 9-roon, house. mo- demn facilities, large batik haro, short lano, weII treed.' close 10 bighway. $32.000. Ternis. Roy McConnell REALTOR 855-4411, HiIIsburgh FOR BEST RESU LTS 091U ~Tlf01 CONSUIT A MEMBER 0F THE Orangeville Real Estate Board 17c4O-tf Have You Noticed Our SoId Signs ? WE STILL HAVE ALMOST 2 MILLION PURCHASERS FOR FARMS AND ACREAGES. Cail JOHN COLLEiT Harold A. Clarke Ltd. REALTORS 62 Lakeshore Rd. E., Fort Credit 278-7223 COLLECT 17ctf Christie & Woods REAL ESTATE BROKERS 189 Main St. - Milton $23,900 fail prico, 3 - hedroom spîlt -leoel home asnd cor- part, large kitchea and liviog room, 4-piece bath. side drive. 634% morîgage. Incarne Property $15,000 dows, askiog $48foul pric,.5 aparîmntu plus 5 rooms, all renîrd, building has new roof, atomioum s10cm windows, revenue ofS$490 pr month plot owoîr's apart- Country $37.000 full prico, large 4-bed- romSlave bouse, situated on 10 acres of tond, close ta iti- ton. Asking hall cash. $16.900 fait prico, 4 - hvdroom stucco home, large hitchen. divin8 room, double living monm, 3-pieco bath, situaled on main paved road with half acre of lond. Ternis. Lots 10 acre lots. Friced fromt $7.300. Industrial Building' $21.000 fuît price, 3.000 sq . fi. contains office, shop and Ina washrooms, situated on op- prooimately I acre of land. Farms 860,000 futI price. 100 acres pro. ductive tarmn land, bouse with att conveninces. 50 acres, north of Guelph, 5. roorn home and hatik haro. Asklng $30.000, hiall cash. Cali 878-2095 878-6057 l1uAMm1q~ I I Private Sale 2 - STOREY BRICK HOME 1bedrouns living omn wilh firepluce, large diabso rourn, :y.kica: kîtchen, fll base- mont and garage, ce lu scbauls. PHONE 878-9700 17051 Leonard R. CHANDLER REAL. ESTATE BROKER Coucleous, Professionat Service Thinking of Selîing? FOR FAST RESULTS, LIST WITH Leonard R. Chandlor A eoding Real EsIate Brober 824-9199 R.R. 1, Moffat Honm - Forma - Acreage - Businesses 17a41-tf 18 TENDERS TENDERS The Board of Education for the Town of Oakvilîe FUEL OIL The Huard of Education for the Town ut Oabnil-to nOl ac- cept tenders up ta, 12:00 Noon. May 7, 1966. for the ssppty ni Fuel Oit for the 1968-1969 hoal- titg season. Speciticationu, lucat- ion, tank capacity and grade for oacb uchont, availabto at the foi- tawing address. Laneul or avy tender not nec- rssarity acceptod. Sealed leaders, piainty mark- od as tu, contents, null hoe re- ceived by: -Mr. H. R. Lishnan. Secretory - Treasurer. 10051 MILTON SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD Invites TENDERS For Transportation of Pupils TO AND PROMB'OLY ROSA-RY SCHOOL, 'MARTIN STREET, MILTON. Succnssfut applicanî nill ho required ta proide banes n- ctusivety tam use under the air- eclion ut ibis Hourd during the normal seboot wonb, Sealed tenders narbed "Trant- sporlation" are lu o uhmitted to the undersigned belte 6.00 p.m.. May 10, 1969. Copies of bus routes supplied on roqueut. Lonoul or avy tendeor not voec- essority acrepled. ROBERT W. CLARKE, Seccntary - Troasurer Hilton Seporaîn Scho Board, 224 Rinerptace Crescont, Milton, Ontario. 180c52 COUNTY 0F HALTON Equipment Tenders SEALED TENDERS, ptainly marhed as lo contents, null bie receinedbylthe udersigned u- tl 12:00 o'clock noon (D.S.T.). Thursday. May 9, 1968 lar the toltuning items ut equip- t. Ove 5i Tua Pick Up Truck; frade-la, ave 1964 96 Ton G.M.C. Pick Up Truck. 2.* Ove 1!4 Tan Truck nitb Damp Body and HalIs; trode-is, ave 1964 Il, Tua G.M.C. Pick Up Truck. Coavty Tender Forais must be used and prices shahl includo Fedorut and Provincial Sales Tas wbere applicable. Tender Fua and further in- formation may ho obîaived Iran the office ut the under- signed. The tus-est or any tender nilI nul necessarityhboaccepird. O. J. CORBETT, P. Eng., Cuunty Engineer Cuvy Administration Building, -Milton, Ont. 18h51 TOWN 0F MILTON TENDERS For Industrial Tractor, Loador and Backhoe TENDERS nîil ho recelnod by the Deputy - Clerk untit 5-00 p.s. un Movday, May 6, 1968, fur the suppiy ut t yen 1960 Ho. dot Industriat Tractor, Loader and Bacbboc au upecificalions. Tendeor specifications may be bad by catlisg aI Town Hall Milton, Ontario. BRUCE McKERR, 18c51 Works Suporintendent. 20 AUCTION SALES Complets Auction Service Chris A. Schouten AUCTIONEER Sales of att types. Sales covducîed anynhere. Tel. Area 416 - 878-2576 R.R. 3, Hilton, Ont. 20h28.11 Ward Brownridge Liceaxed Auclioveer Farn- Livsocb Furoiture Sales R.R. 2, GEORGETOWN. Phone 878-6730 20c43-ti CLEARING AUCTION SALE For CLA4RENCE OSTEANDER -Lot 6, Con. 5,un the 4lbLine af Chinguacousy Tnp., 4 mile north of Huttooville, t nile soulh of Hny. 7, 3 niles norlb uf 401 Hny., on SATURDAY, APIL 27t1s At 1 p.n. 2 traclors, plus a fuit bane nI farn nachinory; quanIityr 0f mhoat and oaî sîran; quantity ut nived grain; and somo furni- TERMO: Cash un day of sale. WALTER and 'DONALD REIN4AT, Auclioneers. 20h51 CLEARING AUCTION SALE or caitis. Ptgs. Implmmia, Diry Equipsnt RE. The uoderuigned 'bas received instructions tramn FRANK CUNNINGHOAM To soIt by auction aI tho faros. Lot 14W0, Con. 8, Erin Tnp., sil- uated on the 11h Lino, firsî lot vorcb of 'Hwy. 24, on SATUR8AY, APRIL 27 Comnencivg aI I p.m. sbos'p. IMPLEhaENTS - Cocishutt noner, FTO, yen, 7' cul; Cocb- shutl robte, non; Case haler 5 years aId; Masoy 333 tracter; Massey 30 Imactor; 'Fard Juhi- tee tractur with loader, att these tracturs in eucellent condition; Cucbsbutl 13-disc seed drill; 32' bay otevator; barrons; 2-furrow pIon; Massey 8' hindou; Dion Ibreshiaf machine; cern plant- er; mnuro nyreador; drog bar- mus-s; spming tcoth cultinalor; cura bindor; wagon asd rock; bay mupe and stingu. OAIRY EOUIPNMENT - 2 Surgo mithors; De LavaI nilk- er; Samgo pump; separator; mil h conler. Champion; nilk paits and steamners. HAY - Apprusimately 20 uons of bay. CATTLE - Guerosey can, due May 18; Ouerosey con. lmesb; G uernsny tanw, due July 20; Guernsey con. due May 20; Guorosey con, duo Ang. 15; Guernsey con, due Aprit 4; Guemasey con. fresh rehred; Gaervsey cow, fesh Aprili1; Guervsey con, trnsh, rebred Oec. 19; Guervsny tan, Irosb; Ooernsey con. due Joue 18; Gursey con. due May 8; Guer- vsey cas-, due Joan 7; Guerosey cas-, duo June 7; Guernsoy be- fer due May 7; white face bei- fer. bred in Fnb.; Ouerosey bel- terupen; 3 Gucmvseybheifers, 9 mus. aId; boiter caît, t nonth aId; bull colt, t mouth aId.' PIOS - 5 cbunbs, 85 thu.;* 3 neavors 40 hos. MISCELLANEOUS - Soe lacoiture, sccop irn. etc. TEE-MS: Cash nith clnrb an day of sale. Auctianeer's Note: The ahane imptemeats are iv excellent con- dition. The Guerosey herd iv tron megislered stock and s good producing bord. Auctioneer or anner ot ras- possible in case ai atident sale day. Faro ta sold. 'KEN CLAPPERTON, Auiooneer, Phone Sein 833-979. Fred Baptis, tlerk. 29601 Cleoks: 0mw Buttie, H. Royop. Mx SIS2EY, Aaac*maw, -obod Phone 856M.9 2ma JM r 20 AUCTION SALES 20 AUICTION SALES ConsignmentAudion CLXEMG SATIEAY, MAY 4t AUCI10N SALE Sale hold indours. Surplus Gooda and Cimivela for Se reglstnrsd Ossaer HirSa, WILL.IAM 1. ROBERTSONO Appanosea ste,. Md5 100 Gradae Pt. Lot 8, Con. 3, Burtiogton, Homses etnpsntsd lioif mile norlh ut Lonville, on G uelph Lion, wbo have old. ROY IONSON their largo homo and are nov- 20h02 R.R. 3, Georgeton. lo mbt a soualler homo. SATURDAY, APRIL 27ts, 1898 AUCTION SALE Double bed bo spi. and -mattress, almost new; springs Hnousehold Gonds, Antsique@s, and matmess, cherry woud; 1 Tl'oes bitchen sot, table aund 5 chairs (chrome); 1 dresser mnd nasb Property of stand; t rocking chair; t small MRf. T. A. TIEf.UE table; lan choir; 2 couches. Located on 7th Con., East ANTIQUES - t wardrobe Flamharougb, 5 miles nortt of with a fuît lengts, plate gisi Clappison's Corners. N otite nirrar; t wbat - nul; 1 dlock; 2 east of Bnp. 6. lamps; 2 piclure frames. SATURSAY, APUIL 27th 2 electric ir-ans, 2 sets of0 quilt t P.m. francs; Ititchen utenils; plates; Consisting of: Albion refrig- glasses; pitchers. cratoe; electrtc atone; Caffietd GARDEN TOOLS - 2 bons; 2 wosbing machine; deep freene; robtes; shuvols; 2 farbu; 2 7-piece aak dioing mont suite; bond sons; 1 rotary pump; 30 bitchen table and chairs; ches- f t. of 6 inch rubimr boIt; 2 roils lorfield and chairs; applianres; af nire f or etectric tenciog; 2 odd chairs; radios; .lampu; ail tanterois; banner; ome double heds mnd mattresses; pipe, galnanized and copper; cals; nigbt tables; toms chairo; rul6her buse; 2 squares; spirit dishes etc. level; whonlharrow; scythe mnd ANTIQUES - Cuphoards, 10- 2 bladtes; sane 4 inch spikes; piece aetting of dishos; tables; 4.6 h.p. outhoard moIne; roching chairs; organ; old rota - tiller; aune glass, .ranks; pictures; picture frain- sasurted sim; 140 fI. fo 3 es; chairs; flour radio; and many wiro; 3 trouble cords; wrocbitg other snotl articles, bar; etoctric nire, sone non TRACTOR - Iternational and aune used; 4 horse electric Coh tractor with plan, coltinaI. matur; caulhing goul; 2 thonts ors, maner and blade. ptywoud, 4 n 8; sono odd pinces TERMO: Cash witb cierb on oI trin; 2 10' tengtb of eaves day ut sale. Irough; floner pots; 7 imrry Onner or auctioveer 001 tes- crates; 8 steel posîs; amali ponsible for accidents day of chain; grease gua; sone petted sole. flowers. JIM MeCARTNRY, Onner or auctioneer n01 reu- Auctioneer, ponsibte for any accidents in 20c51 6f94513, Carlisle. sale day. _______________Wmn. J. Roberton, 'Prop. AUCTIO4 SALES CONTINUIED WARD BROWNRIDGE, ON0 PAGE 8IX 20051 Auctionoe. A UCTIO0N S AL E Of 70 Hno56od Cattie, 4 Traetoos, lUbddssoy, Grmis Or- The tsndersigned boa. recsived istrtnions frttin MRS. G. B. and G. A. GRUNDY To salS by auction at thse farta, Lot 14, Con 3, Es'is Tup, stsated aI Ospringe, juriction of 24 and 25 linys. 12 milno e* 0f Guelph,. 7 milea nest et Evin, on SATURDA, APRIL 27 Convsencing etOl am. sharp. CATTLE - This la a gond 2 walking pIons; pile of scrap; bord tif grade Hereford refile, pressure uystem; nater bowln att homoe raised in gond boallb and pipes; 200' of antan fente; and hreeding condition. Tomr 21 Beatty stanchianu; bull Pen; are 36 cons pantare bred ta a ltler carrier trock and huchets; petled hall since Joue t, 1967. large fan and notor 164 h.p.; Most null ha freshbhy sae lime nheethorron; 2 fond cern; 14' nitb comme aI foot. 1 po1156l fond rack; 300 ft. of I booms, Hereford buli. mocily 9", froin 14' ta 28' long; deboroors; catîle clippers; elec- TRACTORS - 165 M.F. diesel, tric natars; 250 uap huchets. 19)66, multi-poner, poner steer- 4 uap pans; 10 s9heetu, nen ing. 850 boum, gond as non; aient roufing 20'; 30' of 1" campltely evctosed cab for plastic pipe; 2W8 of 4" plastic ahane traclor; 135 M.F. diesel, pipe; 16' extension ladder; 24 1967, mutti-poner, penver oIte- extension aturnimnu ladder; 24' ig. 350 bours. in excellent con- ostension ladder; 36' extension dition; Robin loader witb byd- ladder; 40' extension laddnr; 2 raulic huchet for ahao tracter; harn tinhors, aout 30' long 135 M.F. gos, 1965, moiti-poner, senerai uhurter crnes, about 25 1.100 baurs; 20 - 85 Ferguson iv att; aune nen tunher; uone 1953; M.F. No 74 plan, 4-fur- used -tunher; about 300 bushel ron, 14" trip bottons baskets; 4 caîany bouses, about 10' x 12'; building, 10' x 10'; fMPlEMENTS - Dearboro pitnp and punphouse, 8' x 10; pIon, 2-furron, 12" botton, 3 garage, 2 dours, 20' n 26'; creain ph.; Ferguson spring ltth cual- separalor Viking nîncteit mod- tinatao, 3 p.h., -oiib uoufttng et. used very lttn; largo quan- attacbmnns; Doarboro psoltey, îity cif umaîl touts, abonnis. conversion kit for putley; cir- tacha, bat. binges etc. clrsan, 3 p.h.; grader hiade 3 p.h.; M. F. 33 « luoth Vibra TRUCKS - 1938 GMC 3-ton, Shank cullivator. 9'6" nide. 3 good order; 19,55 GMC 2-tan, p.h.; 'M.F. post bote auger 12" witb hoist, in gond order; 1967 auger. 3 p.h.; carrat topper, 3 fi-ton GMC Flontaide, cuutant p.h.; nond uprayer, 200 gai.. 3 cah, b.d. apringa. shouka and p.h., 21' boom; No. 275 Now Mol- b.d lest springs, radio, onerstim tond haler, wagon hitcb and tires, iv excellent condition V-8 long chute, nen in '67; No. 45 283, standard transmission; 2- l.H.C. haler, ganti working ord wbonl bouse troOnt, 16', cop- or; New Idea aide robe, huards, hedu. oil stovo etc.; 2- Nen Idea moner 7'cl wheel bouse irailer 12', aink. dump rakte; land ratier 84nn'slvenied 3 farni traitors, one niib flat ANTIQUES and FIORNITURS racks; wagon nwith 16' rack; - 6 fan bath chairs; toilel sets; Kelly - Ryan nanure spreader; 5 ait tonps; senerol Ianînrna; Cochshutt double dise; Cucb- aId brass flour lamp, nired fer shaht fortitizer and grain dciil. hydro; pileure franea; 3 bolier 13-disc; 2 sets ut 4-section bar- prinlu; lard press; butcher rons witb stonl dran bars; table; cobbageuticer; treadlle Case nido lcock wagon, oearly sening nacine; nauh stand; 2 nom nith 20' rack; George White chestu 0f draners 5 is estb; thresbivg machine; 75' endosu 2 aid tables; rocker; mound drive bell; otbnr boltu; sotting table; 5 dining omn chairs nov; tara binder PTO. on rob- with arn chair ta match bec; PTO pelato digger, on rab- 2 flaner stands; 2 bigb chairs; ber; potata plantner; polata oeat van; 2 nonden bedu; nId noulder, 3 ph.; nssder, 3 ph.; iron; sugar ketîles; old crache; polato calter; ligbt 2 - wbnel old aIeet trunb; box sl"v; disb- trailnr; baie stooker, 10 bain us: grany boots, oblong vege- âmie, table diabes plalînru, 566 ogps and sautos net.; chrome table MISCELI.ANEOUS - 16' aug- 4 chairs andi mcking chtai-, 4 er nilb notor; sbiN sa, 8"; et- tawn chairs and table; Waodlé ectrit lan nannr; ast mîller, freezer, 15 Cu. fi.; tri - lansp; Wond'u; 2 h.p. notar; lsrge pnd- space healer 2 fans, complote; estal enery; annil; table san; 200 gal. ail tank, on legs. TERMS: Coash nit élnrb un day of sale Order ni Sale: Fuonsiftie and antiques ai11 -n., fIcânusd bY wagon lot, nincelbmnsa impiemtents end cattin. Onner s. asactioner ne reiponsihis for eny accidient day ni 17c» 1