r- CHAMPION WANT ADS WORK FASTI. BIRTHS CARDS 0F THANKS COMING EVENTS DEI68ISON - Mr. and M..Many thanks 10o Dr. McCutcSs- SI. Stephenis Sidesmen's An- Dave Dennison lnee FreeCon, Dr. Kslossski and nurses nual Variety Show,. St. Jude's man) of 430 George St,, Mil- for the care they gave me sohile Anglican Churcb, Hornbp, Fri- ton, Ont are pleased tu an- t s a patient in Milton Hos. day, Aptit26, 1968 ioclock. îbnc te bitl of Ilseir pital and le tsy relataves and .fdults $1.00. abildren u.tder 14, daagbter. weigbl 7 lhs., I oz., fviemls for cards and flosoors. 50. Eseryone welcome. ut Milton District Hospital on Sincerely, c5l-1624 on Tuesday, April 16, 1968. c51-16l3 Hacel Ellroton. TeKlrd e ititS- FL.ARITY - Houston and Leone We wish 10 thank friends and crealion Association is having a Flarity of 202 Mary St., Mil- neighbars for iheir cardsa nd Danlce on Saîurday, April 27, in ton, are pleased tu annoslnce visits whiie Chris wsea in hospi- the Kiibride Hall nI 8.30 p.m. he ith Loe theirh dag ter l. Special thanlos for ail pour Admission 81.25 per person, 5 KritaLeoemeiht7 Ss. 7help on the farm. Il ws very studeot mîlh studeni card. Lu- oirs., aI Milton District Hospital mach appreciated. aky draw. Lunch provided. on April 20, 1960. A wee sis110 Chvis and Anne Gran. c5l-1659 for Shelley and Tommy. c51-1677 GAETN -Mr.aod rs.Gin I msh 0 epves myincre pring Dance, Salardap, May GAETN - r. nd Ms. ino sh t exressMY inceeil, in teLegion Hall, Milton, Gaelan inee ýPaola) of 462 thanks io relatives, friexds and 9 p.m. Orchestra. Mary - Anne Kingsieigh Ct., Milton, ate plean- neighbors for thei r gifis Of Rae and Radiants. $8.00 per ed lu announce the birlh of floscers. their cards and letiers couple. Lunch. Bar. Tickets as- their son, Uloid Gaeton. weight during my sîay mn bospilal. Ai- aitable fromt members and ot 6 ibs., 3 ozs., aI 'Milton District s0 for the mnany acîs of hind- the donr. Sponsored by Sunt. Hospitl on April 20, 1968. ness 10 my %vile daring this lry- chine Ladies' Ausiliary. cI-1673 GBNEAU - Mr. and Mes. Noel ~ ie Geoeau lnee Norseworthyl of c51-1682 Chas. Bryant. Biossom Sunday Bus Tour e leasing 9 0.15.. Sundap, May 12, 173 Main St. E., Milton, fOnt., I would lkr tu enpress My Prom Milton Trasel Service. 14 are pieased tu announce the sincere shanks and aplorecia- Martin St., Milton, Ont. Ail-day birth of their son. Victor Jo- lion 10 my friends and relatives bas baur in Niagara Peninsula, seph David, weighl 6 l-bs., 13 for ail their cards, viaits, guIts retorniof about 4 p.m. Tickets ces., aI Milton District Hospitl and many telephone calis sehile $2350 per person. Children saine on Aprit 23, 1968. __ I ws a patient aI Milton Dis, prise if required lu occupp a McCAW - Mr. and Mes. Rober-t trict Hospital, also lhsnks tu seat. c52-1683 McCaw of 111 Anne Bivd. are Dr. R. A. MacKay, nurses and PIeasod Io announce the birtis staff for their kiod attention. ai their daughter, Janis Joy, C113 arcaVnFet weigbt 6 Iis., aI Milton District t would like tu thank aIl my i FOR SALE Hospital on April 20, 1960. A -friends seho sent floseers and sister for Jimmy and Linda. cards and visiled me during mIy 2 BABY CRIBS, good as nese. PHILLtPS - Mr. antd Mrs. Pe- siay at Milton District Hospital. I igh chair. 8789436. lc58.l548 er Phiiiips inee Bertok) Special thanks to Dr. McCutch- FoTbuetalrw- the ~ ~ o bithontei, Dr. Kosiomshi, ail the 16 $1O200 078.083 1c51-1688i Milton are pleased toAls ihnksn10 xtras. 120 7-03 cl18 Mtoae pieasedf 10 on, oa urses and staff. ____________________ Gordon weigt 10 b arr zy Res. Jeflares and Rev. McGosen -WEDDING gomol, fit size 12 ta ai Milton District Hospital on c5112 ar Woods.1.Poe8-64 lcSr 162m April 16, 1968. 51-1622 ________________ VERSTRAETE - Mr. and Mrs. Siocere thanks 10 Dr. D. Aik- DARR brosen stain for padi- Fred Verstraeîet ee eohead. Dr. W. H. MeCrea, ours- dock type fencing. 14.75 per gal- Kransz( of30P n e~. MC es and staff of Joseph -Brant Ion. 878-4554. lc5l-1671 Krantz)of 30 Pne S., il-M norial Hospital, Burlington. ton, are pieaaed t0 annoonce Deep appreciation to friends, BEATTY wrisger mosher, aI- the birlh of their daughter o eighbors and relatives for most new; also Thisîle baby Catherine Anne, sceight 9 lbs. cad lsesclsadkidcrae 7.78 c5-1662 10 ozs., aI Milton District Nos- adfowrclsadkn arae 7-78 pitl 'on Friday, April 19, 1968 drivers 10 and from the bospilal ADDOING MACH INES type. for my 0if e. cSl-1642 Fred W. Harbottie. writers for sale or rentaI. Phone ____________________870962, Harris Ststlonary. Wýe seish tu express our sin- let.417 ENGAGEMENTS cere thanks axai gratitude to BOAT, motor ansd trailer, 13 ___________________ relatives, friends, neigh- fi rao-a-boat, 10 b.p. Scott mo- Mr.andMrs Brce irdarehors, Canon 'Masos and Rever- T etrd.8731. Mr ad rs Bnunce Bird enare- end 'Smith for the many acîs of lor, TeneC ie r 878.31. piesed10 nnanceIReengge kindness and sympathp entesd- c167 ment of their eldest daughter.1 ed 10 us during the days foilow- WALNIJT extension table, 2 Lois Ann, 10 Mr. John Alexander ýigtels forblvdlaeecletcniin Douglas, oniy son of Mr. il ~Iels farblvdirvs orlttcniin Mrs.Ceci Doglas R.,- Î -Ca. daughter and sisier. Sincereip, ssindoss wells. 8783620 afler 4 edonia, Ont. Wedding t0 take Brent Msrry, R chad1-d1630C5-15 place Saturdap, Jane 1, aI 4.30 Brn ury 5- 15 FOOT travet trouler. in nese p.m., Si. -Paul's United Churcds, .We wish tu express Our sin-vondiion, sleeps 6, seitb equol- Milton. cere thanks a . gritde 19 ing hitch. 11,95. Phone 8%4 th mn çfin0 vçlOssand 961. bS-1641 __________________ oighors sho <i'kinidll Éelp-' ed and comtortea"us when me 1 METAL kitchen cbxl OEATHS so suddenly tosI our beloved siOl. and laps; I babp buggy. ____________________ son, Robert, also for the many mraktes mbt sîrotier, $13. 878. losely cards and floral tributes. 3243. lcSl-1686 KENTOIER, Mtarion Joselxhine Thanks also 10 the Ontario 22CL 0-so rpaig Jose -AtJospi BrntSchool for the Deaf. Casnadian rifle. fired less thon 1000 sbots, Memorial Hospitl, Burlin30t0n, Geseval Eleclric, the Royal Cas- 2 sceeks old. $30. Cali 878-2341 on Sonday, April 21. 1968. Mur- adian Legion, the palibearers, or 854-2569. lc5ll1645 ion Josephine "Josie" McLe>dl hosorary palibearers, Dr. Mc- mite of the laie John 'Dang Kay and McKersie Fanerai t US500 Gilson freezer, in Keotner of Acion; dear mother Home. Speciai lhanhs 10 Father good condition. Richardson's sf Evelyn tMrs. Ken Marshall) Murphy, Father Neustead, Sis- Radio and TV. 201 Maio St. E.. and the laIe John Kexîxer Jr,; tors af SI. Joseph's Sisters of Milton, 87&-6949. tc51-1656 grandmother of John Keotner, Wcterdoen, Constable Brooks Cayell, Kenp, Joe and Robhin ond Sergeant Sherseood. May LARGE giossp peints of Canao- Marshall. God bless each onie dias Champion staff photos, 5 x FaneraI service wili ho held Bruce and Normra Kelman. 7 size 11.0. 80x 10 sîce $130 plus Wednesday as 2 p.m. aI the .51-1670 tan. Cash must accccmpanp or Ramiey - Sboemaker Fanerai der. Enqaire nom ut Champio Home, Adtn. Inlermeol Pair- office, 191 Main Si.,,Hilton. view cemetery. Acton. b _ __________lc58.1567-tf MOOEMrs A ( sse) COMING EVENTS HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES -At Guelphs General Hospital Frigidaire refrigeralur; Coro- on Pnidap. Aprdl 19. 1968, Mary .Bingo ganmes every Monday p ado electric stove. 21", fuily au- A. Reid, ifle of the laIe Allasa 8 p.m., Holy Rosary Parish tomclic, glass door; eieclric Moore; dear aot of W. Colin J. Hall, Milon. b47 1337-tf ssoshing machine. nearip nom; Reid of Sudbury, Laura (irs. CooaisOop aeSl.continental bed. Oak headboard. J- Woodcocki of Maine, Mamîha KsoonSS GRo, Sarda Ar- ean condition; drop leaf table, iMrs. Lloyd Stokes) of Camp- .S Runt .audy c1-3 ideai for sommer home; trilighl holîville; de or cousin of Kather- vil 27 ai 0 lO 5-16 lamp. Ali these items fromt a ine McPhedran aod Mary iMrs' DrmalBy io ot ean home. Other household Art Norrishi of Campbeilville. hall refistration of Bcstam andîtm as. Poneral service soas held on M . 8748. c51-1638 Phono 878-9964 Monday aI the McKersie Fus- îft 7-78Ic5~ eral Homne. Inlerment in Old Kachre aI Boyne Ceotre, Fmi- Barying Graasd. Camphellville. day, April 26, aI 0.30 p.m. Ad- mission 50c. Ladies provide. CONTENTS 0F RIGO - At Milton .District Nos. c51 1669 3 BEDROOM HOME pitl on April 16, 1968, Liol10F Hl SOME ENGLISN ANTIQUES Jr., infantlsonof Mr. nd Mms Rommace Sale ...l,17.2 aha,16,4dc Lino Rigo of Milton. - aods pî 2.Im po 2500 miles. S1,000 cash. Interment scOs in Esevgmenn soved hy Sooshîse Ladies' Ass- ceetr. liary. c5-1672 Lasco mossor. Toro. BesI ci Musc for poor sent Party? Roîccator, Engiish makre TALBOT, Rose-At St. Josephis Coustvy asd Western. Ratrs cea- BesI oPter. Hospital, Guelph, on Friday, oable. Cai Jobs, $78-6494 or April 19. 1968, Rose Camoher, Bill 032-3063. 5l- 1678 Phone 878-2795 holoved vife of the laie Res- ben R. Talbot; dear moîber of Hoi3 Rosavy Pavisb wishes tu îc5 Thomas of Niagara -Polis H em announce their Anaal Gardes York; Daniel, Brampton,; Mrs. Party. which scili fakte place Sol- Paul Dietsch (Ileel. Sas Diego, emday, Jase 22, 1968. BEEF Califomnia; ýMrs. Joseph Kelly e49-1449-if (Margareli. Milton; Mrs. Wal- h ovviî oesCu lace La Rose (Patricia) 0f Coi- TeUirst o n'Clb SPECIALS! gan and Mvs. Edward Memîil of Milton and District soili meel (Genevieve) of Westminster, Moy 2, 8.30 p.m., Actes Lihmary. 0f Federal Inspected Califorvia; also sursived by 22 Mrs. E. C. MsLea ssill speak o grandchildren. Strallord Presiets. c51-1623 Grain Fed Prime Beef Roquiem Mass aI St. Joseph5s Annoal Flower Lancheos cel- *FOT 7 Church. Aclon, Monday ai 10 îtbralisg lM0th perofe Eden Ur.- *FOT 7 a.m. InlermesIl Qustic cemel lied Charch scili he heid ini the * SIDES 57c M. b chuch, Toesday, April 30, I pi.. Mrs. Jean Parker, gcesî spea- * HINOS 67c ____________________ker. c5l173 Cal and wrapped for pour IN MEMORIAMS Auction Sale. Salarday, April freezer. 27, al 1.30 p-m.. in the Camp- HUSTLER - In lovilsg memorY belîvilie bail park, onder asus. Delisery in Milton & Adtosare (i a dear husband and father, pices of CsOh and Scout Groals Wednesdays and Thumsdays. Wiiam. mho passed awsy Apsil commiffce. b51-1639 30, 1959. Mfaomoth Aixoual Chicken Bay direct from the farta. A gardon of beautfu memor- Barbiecue, Saturdap, lute 22nd, i.,, sponaored hy Norval United BUD ORGAN Bpeayed mi Il a Million leurs- Churcis aI Maple Lodge t1arms. OndIy ,alssed hy mile Gertie Seserve tho date and seatch fcr 689-6561 WATIERDOW CLASSIFIED RATES, Tetepsom Tii Canadian 191 Mata lit 878-2341 Champion Milton., Ontario SbOTOS, De-STOS, MARnIAGEs, FoRTICOMINO 51000lOAOS. ECN. FOR5 SAt& F. Ï015 TC. C - -*I.28 i.-tI01 ct-I. fI 15 -rd0. - *8.15O« 0110.05 000 . Zum -d10) 6 0.50 1h0.255. COMIfO 8015111 CABOS Or TIIANOS - $1.21 fer f£10fi' Il,. o.. EN BRXO015A15 - $1.1 Pl"10. 0pe 11ne Cd "Me. CLASSOSan DIILAY. RZAt. ESTATE - $1.40 00. 1-10 101)1. 51014110. tels e1a51f1Ca10n - à P.0. MOllday. BOX NUMUM te thie office - flic a0d110101 DEADLINE IS 12 NOON TUESDAY 4 The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, Aprîl 24, 1968 1 FOR SALE TERRIFIC bargains! Colorfut and durable areii rogs, 9' o 12'. Prices hegin at $49.95. June Draperies 8782513. lc51-1617 5-PIECE bronze lone disselte suite, round wood grain table, extension leaf. excellent condi- tion. 878-2481 afler 6 p.m. lc5l-1628 HOUSEHOLD furniture, bed- room, kitchen; ironer; Sparlan TV; hi-fi combissation etc. Ray Olan 8545-2263. Not weekends, please. lc52-l634 YOU WILL LIKE buying pour building maleriais and coal ai Crawford'î Campbellville. Quick service. High quality. Phone Campbellville 854-222. lctf-416 SOD, delivermf or lad. Low- est prices. Finest qualily. prompt detivery. John Hunmer, Landscape Conîraclor, Acton. phono evenings 853-2445. l-4927-td OLDER 7-roonl home, in Nas- sagaweya Tmp. Reasonably prie- ed for earty pobsemsion. For fur- ther informsation, call Halton aod Peel Trust and Savlngs Co.. Milton, 878-2834. leSI-1652 LARGE coppertone no.- fros1 or wshite Frigidaire; Moffat el- ectric stove lmindom front), ail as new; iow grand piano, $230 or besi offer; 4 ducks laying); ihoroaghbred Sanioyed; haroiess and ileigh. 853-2158. lb43-1591 FRUIT TREES for your gar- den and back yard. Peach, plam, cherry, peau and apple, dwaef and semi - dwarf. Speclal prices onSaturdayx only. $2 ta $3. Chudleigh Brothera Nurseries un Hmy. 25,. 3 mies noclis of Milton, 878-2V35. 1hb2-1474 CAR. TRUCK & TRACTOS TIRES. new and uaed, over 2,000 Kelly Springfield tires in stock ail sizes. tom prc, fiaIs- f-- e $1.25; wheeis baianced, $1.00. We have batteries for most carl and trucks. Milton Tire and Ra- diator Service, 191 Mill Street 878-2711. 1c52-3473-t MUSHROOM COMPOSI AND TOP SOIL 8 yard 1usd of mushroom compost, $15. Top Soul, $23 a load. Deliverp ini Milton. R. CONNOR HAULAGE MIL.TON Phone: 878-2659 2 PRODUCE FORSALE HAY and slraa. Gordon Je; lerson 878-3119. 2c51-167 *BORDER Caillie pups, 8 wmk oid. John Simpson 87-220. 3c5l-163 15 TONS of good Rodney oat 2 2 peacocks, I year old. 878-943 * 2c50-1b SEED nais, aiso hay an straea. 878-6439, 1364 L..wer Bas Lise. 2c51-leý HAY for sale. Large quanti; #Iialla brume mined. Lar fhales. George Burkhoide phone 634-2913. 2c-13' FOR STRONG germinatil seed corn Ihal's ratrin lu gmti plant Pioneer. Place yuur ord rave. Cali or see us. Rayn 2 Brus. 878-3205. 2c51-16 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE 18 PIOS. 8 weeks old. Wils, mcýD.well 878-9463. 3c51-16 8 GOOD, pig., 8 corhs John Richardson 878-4884. 3c51-lf RELIABLE. soand, cheste gelding. lady's or chiid's hau e.854-2339. SaSI-16 SERVICE H. Bull, out of sery good Seiling Rockmna dam. 17,000 lbs. of miik, 4.5 te 854-2338. ksc-lf aHQRSESHOEING Specializing in correct shaeing and trimmlng for types of hart., and poules. Phone- N Oakville - 844-9187 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE 1 4-rom Case coro planter. 877-9948. 4b51a1633 FEEGUSON side deiivery rake; 3-furtas 10" plow; 8 fI. tiller. Ail 3 point hitch. 678- 9190. 4c51-163 A HUFFIELO Universel 4 die- sel tractor, 2,700 hours, good condition. Tansley Barnes 878- 6134. 4c52-1598 5VEHICLES FOR SALE 1953 DOOGE hi ton pick-up. Phono 878.2097 or 878-2741. 5c5l-l7O2 SVEHICLES FOR SALE - WANTED 5 IEICL FR AL OR SMAI.ER uhor c 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE 1961 Votknseagen delune. nese tives, immacalale coniin PONIES for soie, registered Phone Aclon 853-2516. 56318 P.O.A. iAtspaloosa) and Grade 1962 VALIANT station wagon. Welsh. Cati 85-0909f afler 6. excellent condition, power hrok- 3543-1577 o,ý pash ballon automalic, nese 6-YEAR-OLD boy getding. 16.3 tires. 878-3836. 361l-1661 bonds. polenlial hanter, quiet 1958 DODGE hall ton pick-up and soand; alsc others. 519-856- trock, in gond runnisg order. 9994. Jc5l-1629 oarge bon, heavy duty springs, Ti FEMAE do, pat u y a l 'isa good tivestock macks. 878. FEMALE. d1,pr uk x 4884. 561-1643 Border Collie, good silh chiid re, eil Imained, 57.00. Phone 1963 CHEV. sedan, 6, actomat- 870-4668. 361l-1781 c., radio, .., finished in dark ______________________htue with matching interior. Thinis aclean car. Prîced ta sell. 878-2718. Sc5I-1646 35 M.P.G. 1966 VOLKSWAG- EN 1300 sedan, equipped seilh ~Blaspankt radio, red leaîherette snterior and seul hoits. Pull '0 price $11295. 8784574 aller S p.2. WORK561-1685 TI BUY WITH CONFIDENCE PROM MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. 388 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2355 WHERE volume neliing and lose ovemhead enahies us lot oeil pca a nese cor for lens. YoutIl be pleasantip sarprised sehen poa gel aur price on a nese Cadillac, Pontiac, Buick, Beaumont, Acadian. Firebird or G.M.C. Truck - "GOODWILL USED CARS"> 1967 OLO3SMOBILE, 2 - DOOR 1%3 M.G.. CONVERTIBLE. -HARSDTOP. Lic. J85328. Eqaip- Lic. 686558. A detightfut sports - ped wilh poweemsteering, pose- cor for the Young ut heurt. e r bralces, custom radia, hyd- Thovcaghiy recondilioned and. - ro-malic and OIds jrl-aseay mefisishesi 10 give the bonI va- Iengine, seilh positruction dit- lue for pour money. Priced aI - 1eta. Traly outstanding 11.090 and ose papisents 0f -in performance and value. $53 monbhiy. 4 speed Irans- Only $2,975 or $25 domn and mission. custom radio, wehite- S 1802 montbty for 36 mcnths. seuils and seheel discs. 1967 CHEVROLET hi TON 1965 OLDS. 88 SE-DAN. Lic. PICK-UP. Lic. B76301. Redite- 646678. Poseor sleerîng, poseer - ed nubnîanliatip fromt is or- braken, radio, whilesealls, ful igisal price. On soie ut $1,730 sehel discn, hpdra.matic seith f or 125 dosen and $69 monihîp 8 cylinder engine. For the lux- for 3t months. urious ride cf a prestige car r ai a budget price, see, and 1964 PONTIAC STRATO CIKP lest drive Ibis one auner car SEDAN. Lic. 388104. Eqaipped todap. Our ashing price $1,985 wiih 8 cylinder engine and au- or $25 doses and $77 mont- îomalic. Goud value in a fam- py for 3t monlhn. upy cor ai $1,195 or $25 domn and $58 montbiy for 24 1964 CHEVROLET hi TQN months.PICK-UP. Lic. B97669. V-f en- moOh.gine, aaîomaîic, castom <ah 1965 BEAUMONT STATION WA. and the hest valae anysehere 2 GON. Lic. X9725. This is the in a top lise truck. $1,365 full 2 delase modol wilh aatomatic prise or paymmlts 0f $63 and big 6 engine. Psrchased mentll for 24 monlhn mith nese [rom as and carefollY &25 dosen. maintained by oar Iaciory 1961 PONTIAC SEDAN. Lic. - tmained mechaxics. This dual 73127. 6 cylinder engine and f- pavpose vehicle wiii gîve aîomaîic seeli mauntainesi thocnands af espesse frmee mi- 6 tes. Omr asking price $1,895 or oser the yeavshbyoneosner. s $2 dow and$76 onthy 0cr askiog price $685 or $25 fo 325 dasntad 7s mnll dese and $32 moslhly for 24 icr30onlh. ,,onths. 21964 COMET CONVERTIBLE. 1959 CHEVEOLET SEDAN. Lic. s, Lic. 47266. This sporby uitile J86961. 2100ne finish. aaîomat- 6. compact bas console, huchet ce and radio. Oser $230 spent 19 seats. powermnleerisg aual- on Ibis vebiclo sn the last - maric, customl pcsh ballon four mosbhs. Our asbing prica .d radio. tshiiewuli limes, icit $395 or 125 dlown and $27 e chrome seheel discs. Formeco- monthlylform18monhs. S nemîcal trasportation, god ty loohs and Ihol brealblaking 1903 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2- le espeviesce ofaI acnerible, 000E HASDTOP. Lic. 673491. r, Ibis cor is easonably priced Equipprd seilh aabomalie, 8 91 ut $1,675 or 125 doses and 168 cylioder engise, powernltev. - monbhly fom 30 mooths. mog aod bvches, custom pcsh og ballon radio. whiîewalln, 11966 FORD XL 500 CONVERT- sheel discs and Parisienne's er IBLE. Lic. J88501. Eqaipped custom eqaipmenl. Pisisbed et scibh ccbomaluc. 8 cylinder en- in gleaming black with con- 65 gine. powcersteering and brai- tvastiog marconiintemior. Our os, radio. sehitescails, delane prico 1.,565 or $25 down and scheel discs and maoy ai XL's $76 manthly for 30 months. ccstomloeaîms sacbas bck et seuls, cossole etc. Sale 1964 OLDSMOBILE SUPER 88 - prise 12.375 av $25 down axd 4.000E HASOTOP. L i c. on 181 menthis for 36 monlhs. J88643. Finisbed in hoige seith matching interior. Exîras In- S1963 .PLYMOUTH STATION clude power nteering and bra- I. WAGON. Lic. X9501. An or- hes, aclomatic. selecîamatic porbanily ta noup a ose priced madio, 6-Position tltI mheel for 44 station wagon Ihat seilI gise drîviso comiorl and conven- - top performance wilh ils V-8 ieoce. Power windows are an ut engose asd standard transmis. added leatame Ihal ycu %vul] ni- sion. Oucr asbisg price 1975 or enioy. Ali Ibis for 11.495 or 81 $25 down and $49 moolhlp for S25 doson and $74 monîbiy for - 24 moslhs. 24 monbhs. an The "Goodwcill ased cor yoa pamchase today is guaranteed -st. 10 gise thocsands af sale and expense-ftec miles. 67 We Guarantea Satisfaction Wîth Every Sale h.~MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. al 388 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2355 You Con Pay More Buf You Cannot Buy Better C51 5h51 TRY BUCK HAMILTON AT i BELL BROS. 7830 da Sctt 651 FOR AN qa )K USED CAR Ch THE CHOICE tu IS VOURS Bf M AT ack Richardson CHEV - OLDS LIMITRO - -8 67 Impala Hardtop op lise Cherlel Impala Sup- ci er Sport 2-dcor hardlop. fin. tl ishod in ember red with w< malching Interlcr. Eqaipped 96 mil-h V-il engin., aulcmalic- transmission. poseer aleering and brakes, huchet scats, con al tom radio and cîher acceasor- C ies. Balance of xem car seur- c raxtp. Lic. J8555 .... $995. E R 67 Rambler Amorican r '440' bis popular 4 - door compact mcdel is f irdshed in ermine sehite mith complemenling red ixtericor. Ecquipped seiths economicel 6-cylinder engmne, aaîomaîic transmission and custom radio. This exception- clip dlean automobile carnies mith il the balance of ltse nese car marronty. Lic. 679-415. $1.5 66 Buick Wiîdcat his Euick WildceI 4-door harde top is like nese, inside and cal. finished ix plumn miat milh compîemenling interior îrim, and a black vinyl top. Eqaipped mith V-8 engine, au- tornadec transmission, pomer steering and brakes. pomer mindoon and costont radio. Lic. 188538 .............$2.995. 66 Chevrolet Coach liscayxe 2-dootridnà*g1e On er- transmission and a cuslomt radio. Lic. J&8539-.....1,795. 64 Acadien Canso 4 Door Sedan Fixished in salin silver mitI complemexting hine interior. This top tif the line madel Os equipped seill an economicel 6 cylindet engine and stand- ard transmission and also fealarea ceslomn radio. Uc.' 682-88................. 1295. 63 Chevrolot 4 Door Sedan Pinished ix ember black wilh cooîrsllg resi interior. thia ,Biscayne 4-daor lu equlpped with a 6 cytinder engine and auiomatlc transmission. Act- cal miteage less thoan 48,80 miles. Lic. 676.3708 ...1195. 62 Chevrolte 4 Door Tbe locallp csened. lbm mileage 146.0001. I omner Biscayxe 4- deor represents value tirt cannol ho duplicaeles. Finishs- ed in îrapic turquoise seith matohing interior, equipped. mith 6 cylinder engine auto> maric transmission and cas- tom radio. Lic. 696682. ..$995. EASY BUDGET TERMS ALL CARS GUARANTEBO Jack Richardson CHEV. - OLDS. L113. 6791.- Hmp. 25, Hilton. South. 878-2393 - 878-3812 561 7 WANTED WANTED CEDAR RAILS N GOOD CONDITION FOR FARM FENCING REQUISE 3.800 OR ANY PART THEREOF. Sepîy lu: Fisher and Son LIsIXTRO P.O. Box 152, Station B, HAMILTON, Ontario. Phono Week Deys 528-6749 Hamilton 7951 -or. Phone 853-2829. 7b5l-l637 JSED set of ladies' golf cldbs, gcod coodition. 8704676.* 7c51-1658 RIDE Id domntosen Toranto, up. Ccu arrive 8.30 ams. 878- 90 aller 5. 761-1657 RESPONSIBLE gentleman re- ires raom and hourd On dlean d friendlp home. in Milton or tioicy. day shsift only. Write ampion Box 267. 761l-1664 BNJOY singing? Drap domn White Oaks Chapler 0f SPE- SOSA (Barbershopper)eact ondsy evening inTrfgu ml., Trafalgar Rd. aI -No. 5 ighseay. Men from -Milton are cre than seelome. 8 pis. Caâ cs Harknesa aI 878-2952 or 58-33O6 for information. 761-1615 HELP WANTED CAPABLE eorman to house ean, 1 day meekly .2us1 ho ioroagh and able tu work 4thout supervisicon. Phone 6M8 92 aflter 6 p.m. 8c!52-1614 RAWLEIGH business avail- ble in Milton and Part MaIn c. Experience, unnecesssry. Ah- me average earaingo. Write .amleigh, DepI. -284-240, 4085 ichelieu St., St. Henry, Mont- l. 861-1383 Applications Will ho received by theaunder- igned up 10, S p.m., MondsY, Oay 6, 1966. for the Position of ROAD DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE Township of Nassagaweya GRANT McMILLAO, Rocd Superintendent, Tomnship cf Nassagameya, R3X. 1, CamnphollviIle, Ont. 0h52 EXPERIENCED Private Secretary To secrk in local business Of, fice bqinaing May 13, 19658. Good ahiO3py in typing, Stefr cilting, filing and general Office procedures reqaired. Gocd morking conditions, Sal- ary schedcle and fringe hon.- fils in effect. Apply in seriting, giving age, experience and referencea, tu: Box No. 268, The Canadien Champion 8&S1 The Ontario School for the Deaf Milton, Ont. REQUISIES A FULL TIME SWIMMING INSTRUCTOR AND LIFE GUARD Qualifications - Minimum Grade 12, Royal Life Saning Bronze Medalliox. Red CrOan mater safetp inatraclor. Immediate opening. Starting salary $75 weekly. Excellent morking conditions. Apply lot G. MARTINS Assistant Dean of Residence, O.S.D., Milton. &61 First Class Tool and Die Maker 'Pirst Clans Toul andi Oie Ma- ker required bp automobile parts manufacturer in George. town, Ont. Mont ho capable of morking fromt hlaeprints tc 1oai!. auto- motive parts dies. Esperience in rabber extrusion dies seould ho an asset. Ahone average hourlp rote hospital medical and life in- surance paid hy compal3. Apply: PERSONNEL DE-PT., STANDARD PRODUCTS, (GEORGETOWN) LTM. 346 Guelph SL., Georeown, Ont. TtJRN To pour frtexdly Chisaap Pamily Watst Ada and aIe AUl of lb. balua Meffe home,1ý 638. Ci MATI ail meet home. i 0002_ MY 005 rond at WE A gro mant t Euroe Euror JAME GARN 13 HEIATE Phone I GOee steero, 9195. FUR? max. 2 2622. 2-BE allable 2069. 3-ROC heated, 8784781 I-BEI ailable 878.2174 PUR? and bc man. 8 FUffl rlderly Main S age, uaL availab: Canadii 'HOU beaulti fishlng 10 mile 9190. FI R Do 3 rag cIe cleanin operete lion, i Ratei Phi 14 V BY t 3 bede 4 pe.. SEL] scnrkin 6780 h. LIST wood, Kinchei Ose Voice breakd scnPld lion tu Ihat si hie col able s history u'ilah. 10 read B There 6 GAR mb-.l 9497. PLAI ding? Party and ce 9413 Mî Fur Crafi Slery r ut. Ph. deliser