i 6.10 5.50 530 5.20 i -5.00 Read Up d Airpert i btd. i Charle) i 8-6949 :Ts hIer ids per Ontario F A phonse ral tram Miltos De- tachmest a0911e .P.ta Milton District Hospital lformed at- ministralor allon Mccualg ot a bus accident on tighwny 401 Wedsesday eoenag ai approi- maiely 8 p.m. Wiin minuten emergeacy machinry van snsi into cmtion and tht haqptal staff, dactrs, firemets, pnice, B. John Amibu- lante ami Emergescy Mesren Organisaion vrkers prnpnred tn cape vith the second mach diceter exercice. Thirty-fLve MlItos District High ichosI stdents ceppnntdly Injired ln tht crash vert admit- ted, prttd, sent bo varions de- partments of tht haspîtal for treaiment, referred tnotherhu. pias or released. Tht greatent change oter the irst eercice van tht aclual transporffng of patiens from 11e OtariaotchosI for 1the Dent hy ambuilaces from about 1e con- ty, tire trucks, and ome prlo- ately avsed vans. Laes fai the whole exercice van crrled oul vithis the valîn ufth11e hospitai. The sesi tep iii bu a sur- prise exercice, vhen suose but tht miministrator ami hep per- sonncet vould bu avare of 11e exercice. Allhough Mr. McDeaig is confident ils staff is ready 10 banadt ach an eercla, there art no immediate plans for on. White Hospital snaff, poice, gmergeocy Measure varkers, ami S. Jahn mca carried on their dates npproimatlip75 geests fronm ther hoaptaîn ami local officiels toired t1e building and rated 11e performance. The lotevayn andi each en- trance la the hspital vert pa. rollad by palice ami olnllorn vert pralibiled excep for spe. tl cases. The perpose ufth11e etercise van la delermise 11e capacity of Ivo covtilonstips la tht UnfedStants vert vetoed, duri.g Hniton County Councils April meetingg ast seeh. Coventions andl aupensoshave heen pcolar toplcs on the con- cil agenda for the last toyearn. The shieci cameop ngan inla& committe rvport nslhorizing Warden W, F. Hoterc George- lovnand Reesse H. H. Hinton, Actun f0 attend the Nrth Amtr- ican Casties Assocation con- vention la Wanhington la Augst, anad ose gttlog Couaty Asensor Robert Beach permission toant- tend the International Ascsng Offcera conveation in t. Louis, isisouri la Ocluher. Bolh convntionsa vert deleted fromin he apprneal int. At the name meeting, a renoution gave every memiar uf caincil per- mission tu attand the anoual Ont- ariu Municipal Asociatiua con- ventioa in Windsor, seat Augunt. Seter&l conciltornsaggested High school meals go up A montiag deicîf in tht aper- ation of tht cfetria ni Mlto crease ln rate. Slattments tram BenverFauds OVER 35 CASUALTIS rsulonu gom the bustho ial iaer.TopatentsoIvferig faa acdvet hh pposedy ookplacevnHigh- avuatovo avd oudseve ratmev e- esoy 401astwev eiseavo lton Ditorluben ode ed. rit ospital'vhev itwas seup fluthehlppu (Staff Photo) 11e hosptaliIn case o a real disaster. Admintsrator Dalton McQuaig vas quit e ploased ilh 11e vhule exercice, vhlch vas cnmpleîed vithil an hor. APTER THE CRASH Vs Gavronski, a Hospital Auxiiary warker, aids an iv1urvd patiet dowe the hospiai corrdor to avothvr raom whvrv shv e l evee reatet. Staff Photo) NOTICE TO THE CITIZENS 0F THE TOWN 0F OAKVILLE Daylight Saving Time WILL COMMENCE SUNDAYI APRIL 28, 1968 AT 12.01 A.M. and wiII end SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1968 AT 2.00 A.M. F. McLean Anderson, MAYOR, Tewn eF Ombflie Fruit rinks --Bain threafened onthevetis- Fruit rinks eaUd, but onny a fen drops feil Tht elghth and tant meeting of the Sccotch Bluck Lansien vos held titurday ai Llgep Hall. Tht discussion vas on Fruit Drinks. Mtmburn vent lu tht kif chenanad made apricot hals, fruit vhlp, rhuburh minI cock- tal, and ripe sparkle, then sampled the faud. --Refarded Chlldren'n Weeh In tht seat ftnm-ralning ram- paige la ihis disrict. Tht North Ballon Association for the ben. lally Betardad wnul seek yosr fltcat lppurriag May. --Daytigbt Saving lime ar- rives thin veehemi. Bel por clnck fnrvard ose horBSandny ai 2 &.m. operafars 0f 11e cateteria In- dicaled lusses and memburs ooted the Board is respunoible for a ltos up lu $1,000. Il van indicattd an incrense vosld bu permitted and seot year the Bord vold sut accept ren- ponsiilty for any lann. An important message to farmers: & CROP I NSURANCE Protects you, your crop. .. and your credit ... with Iow-cost. compreherîsive coverage against the hazards of Hail. Wind. Drought, Frost. Flood, Plant Disease. lnsect Infestation, Excessive Moisture and Excessive Rainfali. Apply for coverage now Te inssre sprise grains - apply by May 15 Cop ieuavo sa uaatetvof praduton.e Blect the covtsauc yau vent-t60, 70or80% of eoutcavraeyendctof a.2ndvp.ey mved gain - end if vaur ctd isnhcowthe Ouarantettevithe isuranc maSes uo 1 th ittrece Ta nurefoanet - appiy kv May 1 Deissed to mntthenods of hnth dary larmersand cattlems. this oovtaav ssutvn soodod vostuso hay, hbos nsago, cote sianvag-et $5,0.$20. nr $25 por tonofhay orhay equoalet - ueth pemrmsnas /owas83 cetst paveton. Selvct vous ccseag nttsh assof hat cou moulId hac, t ay or tfotaage vextntseotit yautcopu taied. To innure grain cars. saviseans -- apply case Thesrenot intodution ottv ne nuac ln ivesto cootrageor rain5vcornsana sovhvavsCornvsoeted coansheIfaddnd 5azatd af idisto dcmanv. hvnn vopn hosb isutvsl tar 70% olvous pivnsto$1prvshnhvforconv aed $2.50 pot buhu or assayhens Fnal aPPlicotsce datesra fn - on thesoae c aryat frthtte deadles in our ana, check with cous loaaent, Orvtttusdirect. $15 desen A $15 dponstovnut ptnmium cootct - vtttsh baa payahinevOevue eportsvaut NEW,.'NO-CLAIM' DISCOUNT Fodvtal and Otatso Goveettsusdis o nua 30% ot ait ptvmium vants - anvU a snewUdscon t ohet toduces pressums stsil tutthert Acumeulatiuvessmuv discout ot5% undottsch plan is llowed eachbvatass hotac oldnîn vbo bavt sosscvpotedotcams -up to avmaximeum discouet oft25%. Tht ptudenitesmr ns survs bsn vsops tes tht sae etasnvthia 55v ssursoha hbuidngs, rnachss vîv. cous pmse ad Fur mnre information o detans oonevnutstq oausotopn, stt vous local agent -osrasst THE CnOP INnUnANCE COMSSIONnfOF l~ONTARIO 500nniversityAvnune Turonto 2, Ontario luaume hlud àmi ciadoobES fouslbImm: MCCUAUG INSURANCE LIMIED 208 MAIN ST. E. MILTON 878-2894 thece conventions vere acînide tht country, and vould bu of hittie use te Hatoo Co.jniy. Steakloc in favoc ot Mr. Beach ailtodlng tise Missouri conven. tion, Beave Blton sald it wao foslinh ta gel "narrav mlnded' oser a few dollars here ami there. Depty-Beeve Mrs. E. Burke, Burligton, rtphied lIons the 'few dollars"' here and lhtre thnl kttp puttlng 1the mliirate up. tht nnld she coud nat cee nny coosection betweenAmericnand Cacadian as ensmeot prctices. A heter ide& came tram Br- lingtoa eeve G. Gatiagher. He feit tht province nhauid deiegate officiais lu the Americn con- vetions 50 tht heets uofhat 353 'inlur.d' stud.n1tAil off to Windsor, but Second disaster exercise success Veto U. S. corn ATTENTION FARMERS AND HOME OWNERS GIGANTIC SPRING ON Frost Farm Fence AT MASTER FEEDS S TE WAÀRT TOW N For the. woek of May 1 te May il Inclufsve Master Feeds, Steanarneesen, are effering price redussions in Frost Par,, FirynnLine Fonce Productn. Do et ee h.,nled hy nar pricen, the preductn yen buy are mode by The Stenti Cempany of Canada and carry the nsèes quality chat have mode the Frest nane faseous. BOOK< YOIJ ORDRE NOW AND TARE DEUVERY SY MAY 18, 1960 THESE PRICES WILL NO? BE OFFERED AGAIN THIS YEARI O10DISCOUNT 100/BE __WE 10 OFF REGULAR PRICES FROST FARM FENCE and MASTER FEEDS Two Trusted Nomes TOGETHER Bring You Today's Finest Fencel ~j * 4 *REMEMBER THE DATES M MAY 1 TO MAY il peur oppevtsvit t te ae il money q on pocci tainsfonce reqcarements. CAtI US TODAY FEEDS DIAL 877-3512 - GEORGETOW YOUR ONE-STOP FrARM SUPPL Y CENTRE N Th. Canvndien Chnmpio,ovWvdvndny, Apei24, t968 B7 rentionsHospital irenionsturns sod they Ivarn coutd 11e apreaf A fine da for BarUtila, an f through the province. mayor Getrge Harrtngtonphras- Burtiogtoviwas sessduvg a dete- e ilt, last week, oaa Josephi fate t10the assessors' 00550055. Brant MvmorsilHosptal board nion,' reminded Reevea Hltoncaot ot governors membv Pui if Il wns gond vonugis for Bar- Fisher tora thv Birut sud onaa lingtot il shcuid v gond vnnngh $92,000isexp ansion pragram 1for the cmunty. for the hsnital. Bath Amerîca conventions The construction viii taise Ivo were lsaacied off the int. Thvre years aad lacrvase patieat cnp- vns ao comment ta tht Child acity tramn 228 lu 517 heds. Wvitnre Leagot of America con- fereaca 10 vhich, nccarding ta Actoni building wllicos$7,. 1cammlltee reparts, 1thv Child- 057,013, ohile fées and eqnlpplng rens Aid Socety had deivgnted the rooma viii absorh anther Ivo staff memtters anad to $2,192,987. hoard membvrs. This canvea- Hait ut M.P. Dr. Hl. Harley tioaavas heid la Detroit - fint t 1aied he canldertd tise haspItnl &cross tht harder from Windsor ose oflhe mastessentiiniservicen - enrller la Aprit. la thv comfaunity. îeeds GRASSES od maxtarn rosrt pliot 2 OP* Snnd E irley 0 is no a78-2391 NOTICE On behaif af the Board of Directors of tht haspitol, 1 wauidliïke to vxpress our gratitudv ta ail the people in thte oeseuvity who made aur Disastvr Exercise a success. We appreciate the co-operation receivvd from bath pativnts anid visitors, esho refreinvai from visitinfi an the night ot the vnvrcise. DR. C. A. MARTIN, Chirman, Board of Directors, Milton District Hospital s