YO0UTHM 82 The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, April 24, 1 968 Young Milton bures its soul on booze, drugs, birth control By Jaoet Ferrier ides et is purpose. B81db cee- Irol pilla sbouid be foc macried And bere's ohat tbey hadi 1n cooptes oeiy, SOT foc the girl seyt "un te bave a geod Simo." Wbat shoot Tbe Plît foc fie H1e says - "t1 &gree. i sbooid leenage girl? Do yoo fieb il be out for any leesage girl. If sboutd 10 made avallable for fie fiey ca'It labe the respeoslblily teesage girl, andl restrlctloasfor fiat comtes aloog oli oocb posi- ls ose aod avaltabihity 10e- lImdîes, lbee tbey sbootde'l get creased or redoced? We ashed iet Ihal sort 0f situation ie fie se vecai yooeg people ansd bere fIrst place. 0f course, matocity are the aesoecs: bas a lo1 io de olth il -loi oho's "Actually il oolda't mraîne le sey obai mahiriiy i.? Nopor- mucb differeoce ohelber the ce- son Is complelely mature no strictions oece lucreased or col, malter ho. long lbey Une, t beow hacau sa Mods oold latte itlIf fiey il I oas the type 0f "mature realiy oanled te aeyoay. Taleg persoo"' my parents omid 1110 such a drog )Ist so yo may me lo be, Ild go crazy."1 carry on senual relatlonsblpa "I sey matuclty comes ollh olîboot the Iear 0f gelllag preg- experleace. Wby col lobre hlrib saut Is only cbeapenlog the obole conîrot pillta, il's a sure thlog, ioo't il? There sboold be nco Teasoni foc a girl getting preg- nanl le ibis day and age, andolfi The Piti, the risb ts gose." I.Yo'lre ccasy. Yo mese le tel me yooog girls 0f tbirleee and foocteen sbotld lobe Ibese, go oot and have a spree aey lIme fiey feel 1110 il, and eepect thelr parents lv sit becb and read the eveolof seoupaper?" "Weil, my parents figure l'm old enoeghtt 1 maire my oser de- cislos tbey'ce realty seat about fie obole t"10." ..Not for me. la thefirstlar. t old sever lt myself gel la that tded 0f situation, solen setic a case, ibere ord be no seed for me 10 tahe these." "I1 don't haoo If 1 coold tâb theer or 001, il's bard 10 sait. I goess il depesds oo ho. old yse are, wo you're gel ng sel olit, Betit Wardle os glosa as avard of mertt for ber rote la *'SUU1 Stands the Hou," lthe Milles Didirlet 10gb Scheelenlcy 1. lte Slmpseas CoUllgale Draina Festival held la ose 0f 14 prelimlsnarles in Port Credt receatly. and ohat yse're set te gel."1 '*fls opte lte individuel 1 sa, bul persooally Il wsetda't otter tu m. Heck, everyhody's duing "White ve are os lte whbjenl 0f drugs, ohal do yse have lesay about ttes?" ICoissed en Pýage B3> YOU COULD BE LIGHTFINGERED with a lier or Milton Rotary Clvb'o "Careeri Nigh t " if yvv're invlived that waov Joyce de Kveijer and Allune Robertson of Martin St. Senior Pub- lic School .0erev t thvvgh. They were ivterest- ed inheorinvoregisterednedicalIlibriotioPaul- en Syencer vf Milton District Hospitol enylois the tvtv. the Medivel and Hosyital enhîbit va ne vf 18 svhedvled displays. (Staff Photo News from 0. S. D. o report on ictinities at Ontario Schoel for the Oeil, Milton M-schnol happwa'ag Six weeks te go and ail is weiI record-dunice colmmfittees rfnishqels Tbe 10 en schooi dos't stan i The iscfi By Shirt Pacsons for ln ce are eiy sx weebsilefi Pl joy schoot Ste, kt ieast 10 Uife foc this yeac. Bu;t dc oorcy aboul it1'11 att ou agalo sent September. le grade 12's are stlllpuIlisg Rt an effort le reise mosey se do Hornby girls' ponies fi win championships pi Two s1.1ers ai a Horohy dis- trict home have good ressor for tri extra-large smiies ihese days. Fisola and Sheila Jones, er daoghiers of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Q Jones of Green 011100 fiables, a Stxih Use, Oakvilie, have won m champlonship awards for their a poules ihcoigh the Caoadiao w Horse Shows Associatin, toc. hà Fiooa's pooy jumper 'Set- te &nta" topped lis class for Zooe c Two district (Ontario) je 1967. p Sheita's "lsiao Echo"' Oas re- serve wiee ln fie poey hunter class. Points oece amassed ait variors meetings ihcmugh theilastr year.a Both girls wiii receive fleir irephies ai the Zooe Two soards night, heiog heid Saiorday, May 4 aI the Holiday Iee, Toronto. Poetry Forum How ood il be If people - aSl people Were hceeght together To Uve together To woch wifl each ather To play oith ose anotber? Peoplte of Africe People of China Jewish people, Christi-n people Black people, white Perue, Aut together. To defs,0f each other, tn love ose * aoher To fIght togethec,toitogether, tu loite tegether. *To love; net hale To oiog; not curie Te give; nultaoe. Bot together - pecople w111 nothe: Foc sec emnds are prirelilve Not able te, Uve le God's oiay... Elersalty. Corcy Wllflouer ARTHUR A. JONSN I.D 1T1 j 9 n.t 3pin t heir trip andThucsdayevn- gI il ob the forer 0f a Euchro rty. The paroy,whiohcasbeid Campbellvillte's Ugoy Hall ewa faicly goed crood, the ajoclly 1010< adels. To achers fromt hl.S.t.S., hic. îbissoo and Mrs. Powys wece i hu4oohelp tbet'swihtelc ont. Mrs. Powys gracioosty înaled faivepciseaferlbe ganses. bereowas a man's and ladies' rsi prise, secood prise, and 0f ourse, a hoohy prise foc the uayer displaying the most tatent Ibis area 0f enleanor. Ilefresheets oece prepaced igirls frons 1lE. Oednesday, Milton Higb stud- nls lested iheir talent against ..0 represontaives in alracb i field meel. M.OH.S.'s leans ade a gond sboclcg ohich is ncoirogiog. The district meet Il 10 hlId 10 May and il is cped that Milton Hlgh's tract: tam 0111 continue oilh the sec- ess ihal las aiready beco dis- layed. The lasi acea in iotramural ports for holh girls aod hoys his year 010l 10 badminon. The seiches 0111 be playedas doubles M0 il lobes ooiy ose Ioss le et- imisele a player. .tls oelcb sud see oho ends uy le front. Priday night sec 67-ce's lasi 111gb Ochool dance foc M.D.tl.S. The dance, ohich oas a beille 0f fie beands, featured io local groopa, "The Wildecsess," from Miltoo sud "The Fine Aelde" <rose Georgetown. l'm ocre ait M.D.H.S. studenis appreciate the hard woc and ef- fort fiai the members 0f the Rie- cocd-Daoce Committee have yul forth ihis yeac. Oiholt fleir rime and inlerest the moofty social aertnis coutil sener have lahren place. Candidates for Mr. and Miss M.D.H.S. have nec 1000 srroo- ed doc o 10iel fîselists. Tbe girls incide Shirley Bridgman, Sharon Cee ami Darlese teslle, chite the maie compeliiors are composed 0f Bob (Pie) tee, Doo Heacos sud Boh Mactin. Olosers ouIl 10 chosen lithin fie sent weeb and aoooced ai fie form- aI on May 3. Good loch 10 aSt Anvd se ended anoiber oeeb foc M.D.H.S. The year seems le have goce Se so qulcbly it's bard te 1011eve. Wben yloulre youcg lime is icelgiuificsul, uclil il'. g000. TRACK MEET Lasi Wedeesday Milton 911gb Scbooi boys' tracb leamn nisiled O.S.D. for a dual Iraca meet. Sberood Rogers oas fie star foc O.S.D. as be woe hetb fie mite aed 100 mlle. Oreg Crocb- lord aise on 10 eveels, the shol put and discus. Bob Cundy won the juielr dlscns oib a toss 0f 117' 5"1. htle Smli plcbed up 12 pelis in a losy aflernoon. MilIon stars wece Fontes a&M Peccoil. Miltoo con quitte a few tracb evnes lot O.S.D. dem- iealed the field evenls. Tbe tinaI score Oas O.S.D. 77, Miton il. The nazi deai meet lsWedses- day, Aprit 24, oilb Etora and Fergus, Oorh la prcgressng: on a neo triple >omp, long lump sudf pote nauli rnoays and hlgb lump aprons. 0e hipe 10 bave these Se Mlay i foc the COSSA "B.' Area 4 meel 1010e held bere. JR. GIRLS' RESIDENCE Spring has pesped ls Easter bonoeted bead in10 fie Junior girls' cesidence aI 0.0.0. and oas coyalin oelcomed. Tbedor- miliories are brlgbtty decocaled ollb birds and ftowers sboolng fie artisic flair 0f many nf sec girls. The last traces 0f cbnco- laie Easler bunoles and jelly beses are qoichly disappearîng as eneryose sailles doon for the losi terma 0f the school year. This past oeekend chose wo remained ai 0.S.D. oece treated le a las trip 10 Toronto and a tocr of Iinerdate Zoo - a ceai adoenturel The eIder girls are besity en- gaged ie a varlaly 0f actlnities, rauging fcom praclîsief for fie gymsaslic teser 10 hoose teague sprorts oocb as "ýtbcee pllcb" a forai 0f solîhaîl. 1.051 oeeb a beao hag toorsemeni oas staged oitb fie narmes 0f the olosers posled sud a scavnger huot sent many 0f fie girls scamyerlng firougb fie residence. MAYTIMI IN MONTREIAL is lIhe goal af M.D. Ligey Hall Tttacsdîy evnelg. Deckhands hote H.S.'s grade 1 2 population and they're daisg icbls Agnes Jesse, Susan MartIs. tonie eneryrhivg legally possible te, raise "bread" Lewis aol J. R. Ellîs. Qeer a hall dazen Grade fer the trip. Tis inctodeol a echre pacty iv 12 stodeets arganizel the evnt. (Staff Photo) Suashia. studearts visit sweet feni The "blille dears" le dorer 1, On a oacm oonny day early fie faons, have replaced Ice ihis monih the senor pupîts 0f skates oli coller shates and Buoshise Ochool nlstted the facrm sbipping capes. The tricycle 0f Doncn Mottai on the Foorfi parade Is eecdenced each day Une of NassagaceyL. Mc. Moi- aller scboot ami the swing s ami fel las 50S inapte Irees and leeler lotters bave a hriskworh- mabes oner 200 gallons 0f erapte out aller Iheir long Test lbroogh syrop a season. the inier. 0e saw hoo maple sycup cou AIl in a&l junior girls' Test- mode and Mcs, Moffal bad a dence is o bine 0f actlviiy cllh rreat coady foc us --- bot botter- averyose jolenfn 1n fie ton and ed colts ami indinidual dishes 0f festloities. maple syrup. The seelors pcesenled Mr. and - By Donna Phillips bics. M0ffai oilh a pilioo and Resideoce Ccsunsellor cecamir dinh. See Our free km. Chures en due wlde vrney ef Ontarie voataions avallahie te Yeua Skis tu inter. *CRUISS *PASSPORT APPLICATIONS *AIR *BUS *RAIL Lme Us H.lp Vo. Wlth Ye,,r Travel Neuis Milton Trqvel Service 14 Martsn Se. 87".211 - 878.2527 WIDE SELECTION OF *INSTRUMENTS *RECORDS * t-ERT MUSIC *TAPE RECORDERS *MUSIC BOOKS *RECORD PLAYERS *TRANSISTOR RADIOS *RADIO & TURNTABLE COMBINATIONS WAYNE'S HARMONY RECORDS AND BOOK EXCHANGE 14 Martin lit. 878-2151 BIG SPRING SALE at Wayne's Harmony Records 14 MARTIN ST. MILTON, ONT. 20% OFF from Friday, April 26 f0 May 4 on al Phonograph Records, Musical Instruments, and Accessories, Radios, Record Players, and Tape Recorders. Whether you like your car to purr ... or GROWL"1 COUGAR for 1968 is THE personal Iuxury car STANDARD EQUIPMENT and the Big COUGAR BOUNTY INCLUDES Package Saves You Over $77. on a * Front Fonder Marker Lights Host of Gret *Concealed Headlights CUA IN *Luxurious Bucket Seata OGR PIN * Wide.tread tires Regularly Costing $1 37.10 - * Sequential Rear Turn signale Now Costlng Only............ *60!! SE YOUR PASSPORT TO SETTER DRIVING SOON A-T LANG MILTO SLMI FRONTj 4