pq Os ose oma.,tse.wl senut Cie COse,,isetee 05 e.a.MILTON, ONTABIO, WBDNB ^ushnris.d. seons Ci- Mui 5e th. PatS.« O stC .SDAY, APBIL 24, 1968 otuwc, ,o amute ta sn CýsO ai M1ti =sas Twenty Pages.-Tee Cents. _________Residential rate up 7.07 milis council passes record '68 budget Total spending hits $1,298,758 Budget br, Tht foiot tlowl italciatas t I peoditacas clit tht imoat of last ty opent ami tht sonst udltegets leav $3 ,00 onhighsch ol ota roinedinl somae cases suai h.ra '9c ý9c 9 c 9 c Merry wins at festival Percp W. hlarrp lichool, Desoqu, mada an excellent ehoclng In Tuseda's division of tht South ltn Mutin Festival. Compet- let agaleet anychara frem titres 10 eigtt othar etrants, tht Penny Mers-y cheriaiersansd soagaiers amargai citi two lirais, a second si Berea Iliri place prisas, Th baya' rhoir and tripla trio con lirai plana oups, chiae the )uelar coeir recetoti a shitld fer secnd plana. Tlia sclioei's an- Iisa tht Intermediate chair, senior choir aseisoprsuo'ilto-ha55 choir caopellllees raneinti cactilicatas for Sari place duns. Prnipal Jais, Eohaap praisti music supervtso rns. I. Slesor edt chair leaders Mise Cercle Woed, Mca. Pal Cla3tto5t sud Mis Gall Cherriagies far thein cor, in preparngn tht asienis foc tht hem-1 Th' gps c wli entertaho paeatan d litwraitai tniida fl egieau fl ss iglot-' i 1h. scitoal i 7:30 p.i. May 9. Becerd sptilg ai $1,298,758 la reflectin Mlltee's 1968 bud- gei that cîl i crease tuxes sesa $5,000 retadeelisi asstesmtety $35, Cseecl Frday eening, le a speclal session, adeptd a mill rata ai 81.04 fer rasidentîi (sp 7.07) and 95.34 fer commercial jup 8.59), Tht $915,026 te h. raised hp taxaionx cli h. speet as fouis: Oestral rate ...395,810 Migit Ochol ...195,840 Publir Ochoil . ..224,400 Saesl Sohoit .. 6,427 Coutp raie . ...72,503 A proposai toeut $35,000 frosu tht hltone Distict lOgi, Ochool budget, sitar tht Board reta sed, cie defaated hy Milles Coisil ch.e it astahiishtd the 1968 taii rate Fnldap. Tht spacisi cmascll meting heard fistne chairsuse Perey Barr propose tha eul. Be ptant- ad oit tht board "had as anar- sgt ai $25,000 surplus" ai ra- cent yesrs "sud ibds par cll h. us exceptien." Ht argeed "flt idiraisus th.st haustss- muen, er so-caiied butstssmen, may th.p casent lied $35.000 le de,".1 Be ehstrted tht Ochol Act sape ceusait mat raise tht Bleds btl ha muggeated esuecil cal tht $35,000 sud lei tht Board gelau tht GM.B. te gui tht Bleds. "If ce haveto ratse lai the tend et tht pean wa'ii de Il . . . fils ime semassue siarttd tatlaig haci, 10 tht scisut beards," ha cesclucdad. Mayor B. Bat ted tht $26,- 000 ptapleg lield ehsuld havne beas cspitsliaed bt aine tht Board had let tht cotaa sud ceci, had procetdtd il cas tsu laIe soi la go to tht O.M.B. fer approval. Cesecullor B. McCoatg chai- itogtd Csuecileor Bsrr's refer- toce le"lso-caledhatstnssmas" o tht Board. Bt eted emueil- lor Barr haîd beu s mehber of tht csueit that appoitat tham. "Thep ara puhblic splrlttd cili- sens,» tht counecltor ceeclued. Dtputy Batut R. Barris mag- getad tht memters cere ras- posahe citîstes aed they had gosu onar their budget Ico or three limes, toplilelg 1n cois- cil tht differtece ta $100,000 le luis ytar's and leet yesr's lig- ures. "Yoi cae'l espent them le go munit lower,1' ha olistroti. Pcdeling sut thetloin ted eut 18s sptedxlag aid may tueur aide- finit chlcit csuid be addad te chatevar lte public schoil board may asi, of tht $10,000 itiascsl, Couicillor C. Psy suggeaied as- star $35,000 delIiî "1could h. vtry serîsus."' He reperted a for renie. Cousl itsd dos Shis tIc. 'Osider lthe Act ce cas't do othtrcise," ie eniai. "Cosncits haut tees otjctutg 10 scitot board hadgetsfsrpas and titay lioiiiy giva lin, lt'stime ce casi 10 lthe Departmeet soi argue people sho liSe clitie chat Is anailishi. If boards dii et haut tht protaction ai tht Act they coulit mecttlng thair budget," Cosnchiior Barr arguti, Cosulior limillie qutati oe memiter ai the lichis0t0esrdsay- 10f ihat tht budgat could lie cot a fsrtlier $40,000. "~If ose mas cae ste $40,000 to est, chat's tht motter clîli tht rat?" Be sai te tsi callei tht indidel cho asmarti lion Il cas stIli there aid stat eare css $9,000 ai books 10h.e hougt Coonctiior McCuatg repertai that oe memher of tht echoit board ahstatsti fron votieg in faner of relorsteg tht budget. Counnittor imilie ptasied ut thal cas lis cay ai regiterng lis obtjectin. "Tittre is a tetier way, lite ntng aguaint," Coscitior lin- Csatg stggeetei. te a rare racoriai unte Cosn- ciliors Barr, Ersotz soi lillie mapponti a motioe to atallish tht rate odîli $35,000 tahen frost tht ligli unhoit board budget. Os lie deitat a sec motion cvu car- riti setiag tht raie lncludiag tht tait ligi sctout boamd budget. aacraetotsal for tha tas:r expeedituras otay. Secars Garhage Btreets aiS calte Pire Proection Street Ughts Poline Protection Indestriel promoioen Planning sud snauine Tece Bali, propertles Ceettageecles Welfart ReUl Public Relattons Pache Oestral Psrpss Area Parling Asthscitp Cemmittat ai Adjutmeet North Ballon ttrhan Board Ambulance grant Uhrary Conservation Authority Recreatloe Comltattea Retardai ChluraS Sohota 0sf Cosîrnl Deh.sturas Recontrai frrnm sitars is Coutp Rate Polie S0hoo1 Bigli lichlt Saparate Schosi Tot espeeditarea art estimais redure ibis ammaut ly an snla rtased loy taxatlit the 8a 915,01 conuersation citt ose Board mtmbec, hoiener, cito fait tht tedgt cnsid ha cul. Couneiior C. Smillie coecurr- cIller Barr 10nttu hiet CosehlUor R, McCsalg ted tht greatet lecrease le tht bud- gel cas for salarias sud "the parents soi public demasi tht lit leachers."1 Be ptasled sut tht piayieg field, cici cas sot maggetid for daietteuras, cas te let yar's hoiget prestntad te conecl aed thera ted sol ap- parastiy hte asy suggestion l h. debetet. Cesecilior W. Fergusos fait tht cmneclt's ssiy avnea nf pro- test cas le retartaog a hodget Cuit ene ai lthllne diversion job Tenders for tht raisuaties ai tht Sevntit Use Esquaslsg ai Borhp Eat ietersection, haut heae called hy tht Billes Counlp Boids Deparîmt, ide ara dat Tlisrsday, May 2 su tht joli. Estimatti ceai et tht prejent Is $300,000. Tco mlles ai tht Sevtnth Use cli te reiscatti sorthcardfrom tht "TlInerstionaaTrafagar Road Ciakilti sud tht Base Use, cih tht sec costraction 10 ras le s iterth-cetacy diretion, jtatasg tht preseot Seveelli Use of Esqutslag aI Bnrnhy Tocer Golf Course. Oe buse ai tht "T"' Inter. sectioe lias tete tors dlowe le facilitais tht rnidhalldleg pro- gram. Lost . .. one hour Doo't fnrget In lors yoir cloclis FORWARD ose tour itefore Vo go In hodSatur- dsy eeenlsg. Dsylîgt oaning Tume sfficilty arriots in Milton and district aI i am. Sen- day, Aprît 28, and wit ltest util Ocloher 27. Yo'l toe as itour's eieep Salsr- day nigitt, bt yoi'tt gain Ilial itor haci, agein in lthe fait. If yoi can't remamiter clint cap o lors tlie iont itis ceetend, remamiter tht formula, "lipring for- card, Fait hacteard,"1 A ravivai prcpossl for amal- gamnalios h.letse Ciakie ami Milton has linon recorinmtidas a nounoer-proposai Bn Miton's hmpesding aseatios itearng on May 30, Tht amalgamatioe proposai ditl h. Oakilie's case agateai anotoatios, s sptctat meeting ai Ciahuhla Counciiagreeiracetly. Tht actioe cas opposat hp foreh Oaitoilae concliors DoniliGor- don ami Gaoff Drtc-Broii,, Thea sonagamatIon ssggeaion lu 001 a sec ose, fi cas firt proposti hy Atlan Masson cite h. cas mayer seoeraI yaars ago. Il cas furtitar advnced by Mayor McLese Anderson dits tha ice toiscere discsstg lteposta- lility of asicahie simesatin ai 100 acres of todustrisi lanud. Taihu cent terminati shorly afler. Gahyita eegnear KattRealia bold Oahvillt Cuncti Miton's prestot caier supplp coet ser- vice a onastmumeof20,000 people. dhie lthe land tht town mains te souto could accomonouala sp ta 50,009 isctsdisg Industriel and commarcial iteieopmest to sup- port lhem. Gihytlle ,ois solicitor Sels, Dtptc sud planning diraclor Ed Csmmtsg as cali as a sumh.n of cunciliore ssii they cent cou- vincti Milles cli gel soe tiad --bt tht imus "saliul h. s liite as posable" 10 limil the smont of deveiopmet clich cul tah. plane. Planning Dlnactor Csmmisg toli Counti that il tht tecue ctra amalgamitti denalopmeet couli tia place lin tht smath "citent it tetongs"' soi Milles cmiid tatilgalthetestfil tidid assessmaet. Miito's efforts te ausx ai- diioeai lansig te hck te 1960 sud sthstqsenl reports sud 0MB KNOCKD UNCONSCIOUS and suffering severe facial lacera- tions in a bus accident on Highway 401, Aima Buckley is com-. fortata and treated by rescue moriteru. But thte accident and thne injurias mare flot for reai Aima mas une of 35 high scitool students participating (as injured bus passengers) in Milton District H-ospital's full scale disaster exercise on Wednesdlay. H injuries were simule ed. (Staff Photo) Shelter exemption might be $51 here Cexapteaiad hy equaieatton no matten what te itndviduel factors &Md laglalaties thât lias asseasmoot Bs ahoot $2,000. soi beau leslzed, tht amouet af Uoder thetBoco's recentty set the provniali basic atelier et- mil rate, which celis fer solen- emoption, chici, Bs destgeed 10 crasse nf $28 oes$4,S00sssess. rerate uncipal tuxas, hashete ed hoise, the homeoceer could diflicuit te detarie tecai.iy. sctuaiiy psy tes muelclpaltaxes Mitoa treasuror Mrs. A. than lest year. Brea ndi dcsted titis week te Tht provncil basic sheiter amua exected te h. pald hy the exemptioon wli ho shows as s provinctal Soerameet Be radtce credit wheB htottbls art mailit homteecsar taxes, hssed on te and tht mselclpality wil tentant liret $2,000 of sessaiment, may te province for te totat ai tht h. $51. The amou iel lttheqnal credits. Await decision on radio Tht application for s radio station Bu h. hasd in Miltoe and terne mato ai ttn Coiety cas iteard hy te Board of Brtcdcs Gonersera ta Ottawa Tuesday. Applicani Loren J. Cassiez of Londons iBid a decltaee woiid not le haodtd down for ai lest a moiti,. Mr. CassIez aind parleers Erest Heoesson and William Logaen h ofita Barngte, plan a 24-boires-day station itore wlith a staff ai 1 ich, coeitd stant operating in Soptemhor.il te applicatioe le accessfoi. Mayer Brise Bet and DepoBy-Rent on Harris sp- paared ai tht hearng le support of te application. Radio statioes le Ico e ghhorleg Ions eeiered opposition. Tht Um11e prinipals itad esniier apnplied Bn te it.0.G. for a statien ta Buringtce, chith was turntd doon. They htave prnperly under optiienla Milles for a studin and Bransmitter. Tht directors Pian te apptp fer tht cati lelters ClHBI. Happy fifth birthday A aiendtd fUt anelotrsacy celeitcatinn was iteif ytsterdsy (Tuesday) ai Ontario icitoot for lte CitaS, Milton. A speclih,- day diear cas h.ld ai non fnr aU the studenls and te aftrnone prograu ilcied s cartiaa fnr the juiars and a rte-piantieg fltramesp for senior stadeols. In the afternoon tht sitqt Inetruclnrssfd studetBscomptled teir Ceeteell proect chee part .enches and picotaese teere pre- tetetd te tht Muiloe Pachas Bnard for piacemefnt ai Ceneenidit Pari, on Mactie St. A staff dinear cas iteld Ttesday enetnen, wiith an Informai pro- gram clici, humoroeisly traced lthe grocBh and hloB ni lthe scitoot. The Cialiilie Rumes Soiety cli h. caiied lo to h.ip Nîssaga- cea Csunit ru tlie township ai packs af id dogs cmlih ana roiming th. towsip soi tedas- gertng livestoni, and retadeets. At Meedip'e April meetingofa cuncti, memhtrs aulliorizai clan, J. C. Mcelyre Bn lalepliose tht iog controlofficeraithe Oak., ville Bumast Socity, chesner cashdeels report panks et doga roaming loose. Nassagacepahas se costracl fer service front tht Delilla organisaioes, but the ciani, fait a hasts for paponant couli h. cochai sut. Pratacsa discussions abouti d doge ralmsuett hisday sehan Mns. Gardes Crang StheI Flfth Useo ttalti the rsnerl mteeg ta rela a serite of incidents ai han ierai durleg th. peut ceai, One Thurudiy a park of flot dega attemptei te sItar, han psueg deaghhar s ab playai la a field sean thair honte. Mr. Crsg hadin rais trai th. tr and ai the laild on s tracior le rascut lier. Saturiay chite hics. Crsggcas corlisg lin lier gerdan, tht pack, ra-appearand soinoe iog yuonpei loin tht haro checa tae camaes ana hapl chIae asother tnuada tht clicten pans, hics. Cragg sai te loaie ose ai tac tss- haad's gsns soi lira sh ait1 ose iog, îlots anotar Iriai Bu allant lier soi ces lioaity drivas off chas her iasghler titrea elose alîtl. Tht same pach retursti on Mesii sud gsi tNe dicos, at sai. Mrs. Cragg aippliai a good descripion ai tht packo, tht leader teiag a taIl, siaidar, h'.ct isisp dog. e tstai th. 80Sie 90 Ibns. leader cas tht dog thal attachai her. "Ose la a selgi,- bues dog, AM h. tois fil's le the packo," sh. id. Mrs. Crigg said does hast wtpei sut thaîr origial 30 heat ci Btep. "*Thap paid us, but that'a ae coeatione fer th. Yser& of jasete ce lest."1 Site eaud tiay cana ail isaid doge, nt trape or mongrais, soi in gond conition. "You cas'l sit doco ai that haro aIl days, protctog 300 clicha and ail the naines." Bit learad for lier daughlar't celfara, and cillai ltae 0.P.P. 1n os Sitarday. Retua William Conlar bld ci a aituation clint occohrad a fete yeare ago innoiving a $1,'000 chais on tarh.ys. Tht actuel tous cao $2,500 bt tht iog oistr's tosurasca pati for Il. Thte maximum clait for pultrp h. said, cas $1,000 per pensse. Cuiliec raportaes oe tucwn- slip ratient liai te glue sp a gond slietp business, h.caese maausig doge ted itstnoyed su masp et lis animais, Depety- Batut Wiiasm Bsey, chu &ae raisti slieop, sali h. olta had ta shot doge malaailghislrln le cepiy 10 a aSggtstai pitral ssate, Cseaciler Mcm. Anna MacArthur ieuno sas gue- happp people it shoot pet doge chici, carea't ding auy haron. Bit agreai thalt if Ihara cas defuilat proof forrmacliaction agstsul a pirlicolar dog, thea uiatuaily il sali h. taen. "Welrt gtasg le feet prtty irtsdfi if 0in ai ck e hein oft a clhid h.iog motatati. Tlis la a vtcp serions statione sud ce muet do smede aouet IlV" le oriar to pravnt th. liilaig ci jut any iog, autherleîtles ciii te le ltae hauxde ai tht clan,, lis raoponsilililp h.lng te eollip Gihville Bsmasa Society. A ragular road patrol spistem sug- gestai tanliernte mealngcas vatoedti dt1h. argument they cuulde'I h. ansuai chae lh.p cee nseiti mat axpcip. Bp thé tîne thap gai ou the arse of tht crime tht damage teseli ha dos snd the doge lang gein. Ceseoillars aies teanti manp taen, pet dogaseghth.lsepsumi- ai. la addities tu th. rematet of Mase Cragg, Ceusoil haard i re- (Contineda se Page Titres) Vol. 109.-No. 51. Nassagaweya colis dogcatcher WiId dogs attack Iivestock LES KET ý20C 9i >3wl - m ~akdlown Cas pipeline seue ef tht major arae ai es- COU1d1 $001 iptsrshoudget, the amot actuel- Bigitl-ni-teys agelts for efor ibis yaar. Tht figures art Trass-Caaada Piptalises ara ta ast soe amtaiele, mach as Ie tht Nassagawtpa and Esquestsg applicable actase, say sot prodtice toweshtips ianrming lsedowners ste. Tht table Is se indication 01 s 36-lect ratorai gas pipeline ciii h. tauneliti trougi the as h.foe long. 1987 1907 1968 Beports lildcate tht tint, ha- Budget Acltiel Budget gistaeg le Sarnda, ciii eter Nes- sagactya te tht Mcdfal area.f ai- 28,191 39,653 34.360 toc tht No. i5 l dtreads ai itt 28,100 22,229 24,700 townsips on a coite ittadieg te 10e,87li 116,915120îl,2li0 tht Toronto direction. 1i5,564 15,564 16,246 17,000 17,079 17,i00 68.938 6li,2li1 69.15l rass fires 100 --- 100 li,300 4,725 7,000 ga uA Uad 9,610 10,901 8,885 S uI*htDWDy 5,774 7,718 7,1 0 o is w w 270 240 110 o e t îw e 11,620 25,191 20,000 Tht grass lires seem le h. 300 5l 300 sbiigars atn olw 8,890 8,787 8,760 sitdng acreofh ost ath, flte .. - 00 leg os fBt n. yglr 7,000 7,000 7,200 MitnFr eprmn e 1,000 1,00 700 ieDprme a 60 60 900 perted jut ose grass lire catlin 300 0 0 00 tht psst sevn dsys. i itappesid 4000 300 300 Saturday n C.P.R. propertyserc 9,79 19,093 2093 tht Milton Brickt plant in Esques- 19,793 19,793 208183 Ing Township. 13,58 13,58 9998 Josi a cati, ago, tha lira stu- 13,00 1,800 12,995 alion itad stsry racheds aista. e,4 ,4 305 aiemergency as eoiry oe et ,52 2,530 -,0 Haltle flot ftrelighiig hrtg- 25,l 253,001 290,344 & a iunte wthlr 177,335 189,814 Udt. cassOe hmm ave cl, lire 59,014 59451 72 503 cal.Gsslrs atca h 200:18 232272 04400 omnty Saxpayers Ont? $49,O su 120,679 121,611 195 'oi fa ls er in i0e .E 26,311 26,796 2642i7 Ciemeet tsîlonsted. Tht pscaah's th itre raelae isciudad a lng pile tarirtag ta Estpsieg Wtdatsday, a smeing iai $0,288,758.41. ltevueStcli TV sell i BIs day. adenver- $d 883,731.59. Tht ammaut te h. h.ated stenepipes ai a lois hass 1.82. Mesdap. INSIDE TODAY'S ISSUE J a Fealores Youi t lied le iedy'a lame teclude. m atio idea Page 7--~Sports ...the tend ai the hoch.y season 4,5..Champtee ctasslfled mar- exation ktpae Bl--Editoriais, colomus &M John McGet's report fromt israti. h.arngs art tepecttdtoeflesl- B2,3--Yonth Froet....oics, pic- Imai chas the Board bsILhsng Boras and faatures. es May 30. At s heszng tarlier 04--Womenns neo. ibis yesr "îfor diretieon' tht B6--Faru pagen.... Maytord Bei- 0MB lndicaled the Pttish.li Rt- atei disparsai suie. fpert. qstd le 1965Saslhe rason BlS--Curteg scarde taght le oer detap, cas sot soi a tinter pintants. sud th. applicationicmaidbe final- BI l--Bromitai ganms,poice ns. tzed. fireligitters. Federal election coming June 25, so who's in race?. Prme Mitaster Pierre Eliet h. conid h. sPeakiet te tht Trudau remonti ail isubt fer Uharsal M.P. sssueaapsle. eleclien specutators ches h. au- liti N...prsdntAbr emaected tis Tlitsday aftrnma rucheaid Co.P. rvetaesi lir the country cmaid haut a gestral dat Douglas Latimer cara us- ellecties Ted5p, Josa 25. auailahit for comment aI press But tht bdg tuestion mari, time Tuesday evnae. honers oner Dr. Hsrry Hsrtey, Hatton's present Lih.rsiM.P. Bath partlieu ara tepetced te Coatacled le Ottaca Tuesday heMd sominatlg mtetengs le the Dr. Bariep sald h. hasa't e sar future. made up Mis mlsd chether te Dr. Hariey dtftaled P. C. cae- ras agate or sot. "Issu thlatdeg didate Alias Masses of Oakville. oery straapsl ot, I.1 haut N.D.P. stanasd-h.actr Murray made se cemmiliments oe cap KtrtaghanofS Miltes, sud Henry or tht th.r. There are a fete Timnrniin Rnd "independetCee. presu 10h sented sulfurai," sernalina' fresu Georgetown la He exptatsed Il cas I"perseasi th. lt faderaI otariesn fer Bal- and famly conitdereliema' lial ton on Novesuter 8, 1981. Hecws affetld tas dacliso Âsied if lirai tiacltd te pactiamtet ta tht sec Prime Miniaier Trdeau 1962 aid cwu re-ttarled la 1981 had anythlagtedsdlthhiscrrnt su 1961. lsdanlis, the MP.temphatlcaIip Ths cill ha the lirsi electies replied he did! sot. "Tht sec t 10 he.d siceiocalrldjags were Prima Mitasier has notldag tu ra-distrlhatti. ThteM Bh alis de ctth il ai all," ha enld, -11 rldisg has bteu splOt luis Balise haut ettrY confidenca e hI r. and HaIloi-Weelcerti rldlag, Trideau sud 1ti tlieig hlm ail The countp le dividae it f, Myp support." neticaily, cih Nassaguvepa Dr. Harlay campaigsed for Buriegtsu &M Duadas hamsetg Ppal flaUper la tht rcrtl LIlo up te tarie tht Haltos-Wiett.i, ernd leadesip rare. lding, The Sc rldag of Balton lialtz Liiaral Preudeai tachides Galile, Miltes, Asies1 Haltn Ubral resientEasteg Township, Georgetown Tecrr Ketnnedy said h. espected and Ern Toweship. Dr. BIarry Hanap clii try te ce- taie hls seii. *1i have se uinac- fise h.s cae' rue, but 11h. asuid --About 1,000 Jehana' Wtt. dttade 518 ta, Il cfli put a chh.l 1»»ae tsPtoi fer tU. sec looki su th.e naamtangsmat. csehid'S thirot etramt a>. tng' h. nsid. Mr, Kaassdp nid 001111 I te h. iagd ha Milton. Oakville revives amalga to counter Miltons ann