onnumommum -j Bp Wtts 1. Moore mnd irrt. M. Wartenirt Feisraerp'eentertalament Mtartod on Feirraary 7 seltirtire membert Mftise Centrel Heptiot Cirurcir Chirrfrom eanile. Ftten Mitded onder tire dir- ection of Mrs. Jean Thsomson, chirtr teder, mnd Mrt. Grec. Coletit, plouint. Tise resîdeots gralp enjoyed tiretolostamd the sMngng 0f lire chirîrnd e tovelp eveaisg wsatctoosewttesetor- ving 01 cooleenmd tee mnd cof- fee is tire Manor Auiltierp. Tit vlaitorts ee tirauid Sp Miss Lottie SMoore. Tire Cirurcir tervice on Feis- ruaorp Il wstconductd isp Bon. K. MoGosen, esltted isp Rev. LOose f Burington, seio reed from Luire, Cirater 22, verse 7. The sinltters moeretttitedwdts School boi affectnort Contttitret ugglîogofscsol orte s oonderietl'y the uring- ton Board ci Edacetion witi re- suit in some ne faes iteti tsen' tseo nortisera toisonis mol faI, essistant director of estece- tion D. S. 1 Lasntoanonse remently. Mua ifba latter 8mweétod te reeve On Mondap, Mercis 4, e dele- gation 0f SahisipresentedReeve Willieam Coniter setistisebolk Tire Proclamation 0f Baha-e'u'Oe st tise Isagasepe Coacil Chaembers. Tlseproenations MRade irpSierseood Monre, Gek. vin@a Bairal,on oisaiS 0f tOu Behluit ofNasagaseepe. 'r E n I .2369 iranpreenntd 10 tisa Hads of Sgle oM mmen 140 netions, spec- llyp ionndcoptes ofll'e l'ok. Tie Cnadien cqp oftis pui-i cation seanreoelved isp is E- ontiency tire Gveraur Genrl dritg ou interview sita Bal" rcprementttivet et Rideau al on Snda , Gtotr il. Tie Natioal Asemmisipo! Oe BRUSi of Canadean s ateseprivitege of meetings for tie same gr- poute etaPrime lWistr Pear- sonanmd Oe Leuents Gover- oo Mmut oftie Provinces. Tire occasion fotee Preman- lattint.t isteliitl' atlverturp of tiese mding of tie oigoal tetters iy 8eaulla, Monder of toe aU. ieifti, tacrowned kedo Euoeç lcudiuiGuÇets L Victoria, Kermowilim1IoM Grman, Npoleoilfii of France, CzarnAtosander E of Rusie, etc. la Oe Meteeatir century. Lt- tortsere atmu eddrnamed t1 C- elstiUctlleeders Iscludisg Pape Plats . Ttop sere emarkale not oaiy tocansete Osp ere wserMOn la majestic loes iy BRar"lir seho wse M liatioe n udoel enrsie pertecution iacluding iepritasment amd tettimchnt fresems igntive tend, bt alto dec te tisecontent Mo tttea 8,amtaiVeg. lcuded lu Oscm »gtase onsee latie MOgS ta «mre Ose peton0fd e serid farengir colective Smcurtp, o. entmmonaseectf top gnoncd, i tiese orvtng ofcommonion isp eiders from eacis cisrci. Tire toat of tie drumsoamd mtic of tie pipes seitie ssetng of tetits Mearted tie Fetraar bisrtidaypaprtp Mffsitha ebang. A large umitr attended teoc- canton seldihs sean stored isp tire Eastern Star Lodge. Atoonetl tie auditorium ses prettillp de- corted sith fiosers settiraimve- lp bisrtsdap ceake athietoadtble. Tseeaip.isve briidap gntssere ionored ltisongisalserenot seencoongistoattend tireesere over 90. 1mai) glfts sere dis- tril'rted is tise Lodgn memitro mnd ail tise resîdets recelnod a package of lte overt. Tokirng parinlatie progrem sere tie MIton Girls' Pipe moud ted yirs. Berha Powell, tise Hîggln seoin plaplngthre eccord- tenaend thenTtrnnlrams -- undaries hi area î Effective ttebgnn o te ne sciront ear in ieptem- to, sudet slng nons M0 tHlgirse an d presontatteind- tIng Rlling Meedowst Publitc . SchsonI it te tranoerred to Id Firoiese Public Sciront, Current Fairviews tdettînv- tng on Car Springs Rond or wstoM il sell te trmnsferred to iliside PublieSchion, If tirey are toril' of No, 1 Sldertad. Grade 73amd 8 studets pre- aetttp citduled for Rollisng ireedowss II attend Fairviese if tSeptember. ir Mr. Lusleso cted students il saety et one reusca for tise lsale-up oluce no urtiogtoapu- -pli 000 l'ed 10 cross Hlgissa No. 5 to ttnd ciol. tler piahstof tie d'ange, seIiseo s imogisI absout poRi l'ylise costraction of Olree ew si publiecscl'olsla tiese ntierr ýe section of te tosn. are nceo- *. sitated l'y uer-crosedint. e Lodge production -- ottisCOM- G edy satgs. A seigitflnchtoaci sean orved aer tise slnioglf 0f Heppy Brtisday. OGm f tire bislsiday guotstisankedmumert f tire Lodge for a tovly timea and lrs. bIt Tetford tirmitd tito on l'elalf of tire resîsteto. On Fel'raary 18 Dr.T.SS.Dut- tan of Grace Anglican Ciurcir coadocted tire ciapel mervice.E Dr. Dstan tsaite from Pteim 15 t mnd Lui, Clapter 8, verse 4. De the evedug of Feiraary 10 e pleemont time wsan pet ln tie eodtorium is tie resîdeotseisea bingo sanagalo played, sponor- ed isy tise Civlnts frum Gel- ville. Seventeon games sere eajoyed. Tise seleruS Were srs. Peet, tirroe games; Mr. J. Sll-t vaen, turo gumet mnd Mrs. V.t Mtanu, Mrs. t. Soati, Mr. J. istacilocir, Mms. M. OHmn, Mr. M. Sucliffe, irrs. V. Coning, Mrs. iH. Donpagse, Ms. Stan- Sope, Mrs. A. Agne, Mlooliary Ann Ford and Mr. Eimer M- t(loney oe ame eci. Mr. S. Smali tiranisd tise Cvnttet mnd etended an Invtetion for tiem lu retero noon. An laoplrlng iour wsamaent la tie auditorium on Feirury S3 seien teretîdeatsof tise Manor joloed 1n a song servce of praieto th ie Reudate Dos- gel Cisrcis slogers of Toronto. Tise speaker wsa Ormer Iprunt. Tea, coffee amd coolets were served aI lise endof tie prngram isy tire Mnor Aoiiary. Mitt rLotte More tismised tire vt- S ltort. yTise ciurci s ervice oa Fei- raery 25 wan coadcted by ev. C. A. ainr of St. Paul's Uited 9Cirorc i etis M. i. McNel t u ntire argon. Theo mlosteroucrip- ture wsaotaireu from Mattires 14, verses 13 to 21. lA dellgitist muicl ws epr- seated intise auditorium ono Fis- rnery 27 iy tieSeisor Ctizen Clubs of OGeinîte. Tise choir commeaced setistire iagltg of "G Canda'. Tis n seufoiseed isby trias, readlug amd ttdttselris w sere il greatly tajuod. FOI- un loingthtie concert, refresmeato - sere served and Miss More tismitd tie vittru for comdng. Mrt. Robert ion,, sld ci OtraoLiseraiLaader, wlsetir tire guest speaker Mi tire fmsdlag meeting oftise Hltunanmd Hlton Fast Womeo'u iteral Associa- tioa Tirursd&y, Marcis t4tir, Tihe meeting tIs ieng etd aM tire aivili mnd District Cias- ier ci Commerce Cioiroms. 345 lajstore Rond East, sttet- lng aM 8:15 p.m. ipeciat ciairmm Motire meet- ing sell ilire rs. Anne L'lteureux, of Toronto, a vlce-president o Tire Torontteamd Dstct Lier- ai Asomcation. Mra. lHerald Ymatg (Tetepiron 827-4445) mnd Mrt. MrreypL- Nassagaweya Cou ncil Briefs --Panad bispise apprOviBg rond eapedttret of $74,700 and topptemetary roedeaçeedtoree of $30,400 setti a total rond bud- get for 1860f $105,100. --Pased eaisiase emeadLng Bytase No. 5-68. seMir nstated tire rate o latrest paid on tank toannsontd te i-md-me-rif per cent toaletose ecceptanca Of tire prime tenir rate avetlaiste ta tire mniclpaity. --Heard e repori from ratan- clior Rots Gordon on tisesorir of Grand River Comservation Autiorty. --Declded to mand a teter ta tire ctdef croner polMling out tise towsip la vestlgatlng ll seu nrelrtad crontingeseitMon tireaesa, aoddaM t ustome s tirai offce appearu to haeve iea la- formed. --Eadormed a resotution fr00 StonyCreet conait, tuppsrtlot thior pruteut Otirte provncal governmout on tise ecettllp o luodoseert applplug t80Ie com- mttee of adtutmeat to seperate tseo slodiartp-ovssed nîglutor- iag plecen of properiy. Dnring tise reguler Marais meeting of Nasegsep Towna- ahip Counuil Moadep eventng la te townsip irait, councit --Leermed la correopoadeace from Hettoo Cooaty ReatisUnit lire setter et tire towship irailtgl Grae OnDm --Accepted a $850 tander from Gamisyad lannerose, profea- Matail engners from Guelphr, to do seorir ou railrtad crosslug lmproveens. 50th anniversary CongratultionstouMr. amd lire. Cen Sanaders of837IMery St., iOlton, seho Mil ceteisrate tier Sts onddlng aalvertary on Tirursday eveolag, Mercis 14. Mr. amd Mrs. teundes w it irotd an opeanisougeai eHttrais Tower Golf Cluistisat eveolng. bitluulg ai 3.30 p.m. --Psooy $10 ils haeve been tersdag up regolertp la district toseas. TiHE PRESIDENT AND BOARD 0F DiRECTORS 0F THE CHILORENS AID SOCIETY 0F THE COUNTY 0F HALTON cordially invite you and Vour friends ta attend the ANNUAL MEETING ON THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1968 at 8.30 p.m. n the Auditorium, Hlton Centennini Mýnor Ontario St. lHigh'uay 25), Milton, Ontrio SPEC IAL FILM PRESENTATION REEVE A. L. LEDWITH MRS. JAMES SPROAT President Secretary CýLEARANCE UimitedQuantities HEAVY DUPONT "50l" NYLON $695 sq. yd. "FASHION FAIR" SHAG CARPETTING Rog. $11.95 - NOW $5.95 sq. yd. FABULOUS B.M.K. TWIST Rog. $1095 sq. yd. - NOW $895 sq. yd. BRAMLEY BEDROOM QUALITY CARPET n 4 Colors - Reduced to $495 sq. yd. "2813 à O Halton Liberal Women wiII hear Mrs. Nixon transportation. Srs. llerley Msse(845-7475) lu clsurmanof lisenoumntîso cumnslttevsldc iul l'orInt1n0a statof fcersiociudlogapren- idet, tirrne vlo-prnsiatsaiu mecretery mnd treanurer. Addtioaal nomiationt for tire executive o eu stade ta lire. Msseiefre tit mmeting or ta tire aeciet chierman drtng tire meeting. Tit meeting it osea ta aiU lteretted some. Refresmentt wMlt it terved faolsg tira meeting. Cad.fs ecaa 5vig On Dr Cl. in YOU CAN PUT YOUR TRUST IN CADET We Take the Greatest Care with Al Your Garments Tcake Advantage 0f Our Weekly Specials 0 Monday, Marck 18 to Saturday, March 23 mUBautifully0 S H 1 RTS Laundered 2. 39 c Sj TROUSERS AND SLACKS ANY SWEATER and Pressed and Finished by Hand 49C 44C * DRESSES$ SPORT SHIRT OR BLOUSE * 1 pnce pion Iplears nxtra) dry cleaned 0 Dry ceaned arnd beauilully inished *and loultlessly fircohed whcu p hen coupon rsne wih ncm g * sne it no iq amn. garmenr nLimi feach M *Lirnir 1M Coupon good Mach *Coupon ood Mrch 18 rirougir 23 18hrouqh 23 9c49Cc.c. i.......mumm 98Cu cMMM*MMM Th.r.'s a 188 CADET M JL .15 Main St. E. Noar Youi MILTON During Oe cormof the pua tour montis, teotievroniltatt of Justice, gonreg bdy Mos h Phono RESTivoS 878-6043 ,ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT & GROCERY STOhE No. 1 Golden Ripe BANANAS 2 lb. 29c Julup Oeet TEMPLE ORANGES, large sze 59c doz. Florida GRAPEFRUIT, Pink, Ig. size 6 for 49c 100 Stuart Brand TEA BAGS ..59c Ubirys SnY-Val Pure GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 48-oz. tins 3 for $1. Fre.h Ddtly-Stutieaa5's Meatyone or Chietate Brookside WHITE SLICED BREAD 3 19. lbaves 65c ABC. Detergent LAUNDRY POWDER, gt. Size, gave 20c 49c Stasnberry or Ciocotate Plats5Free Shaker Shirrff's Super Shako MiIk Shake 49c phc. Tender Plump FRYERS .. ....... . 37c lb. C. Devat Brand RINDLESS SLICED SIDE BACON .. 59c lb. ph. Maple Leaf Wax Wrapped BALONI 3 lb. 99c inapte Leat - ideal tor Freezer PURE PORK SAUSAGE .... 5-lb. box $1 .99 Thrift Brand SIDE BACON --... 2 lb. 79c Baha'is enjoy Mexico ilides Ronald Jacobas o Toronto sea tire speaker et a Bthi atmeting ireid ai Dad's restaurant ta CampeIlvIlle. ou Wednesday, Fel'ruury 21. Mr. Jucul's, who l'us truuelled euluuslnrly tl'rouffsout Miexico, sowd sllteu on Mexco, lin peuples and cut- ure -- bail' anclent and mOdrL Hie descrised thes pread Mofe Baai aiFtth lnlexlcoandaroong Moyen Indiens. Privat secretary for a con- sulting engineering rm and tire clairman Mftise Local Spiritual of thre Balals of Toronto, Mr. Jacobao stresoed thse Stsal pria- ciple - tire ed for thse oity of maaind la tise sorld today. Tise vieners sere ienoshosen oUdes lakes ai tti rat Bthle'l od Coagress, ield la 19631aM Alisert Hall, Londo, wtsolins00e7,000 itilevers fr00 arouad tise sorld la atteadauce. Bahlsan d rlendu fr00 Campiellie amd Oakille ai- teositd ties lide shows. Mr. Jac- tas lu planaing a retura trip to Mexico la tise er futre. Safari Ia tt etgirttiroseagtettire Ratp Thetre, tise film "Alasitat Saft" wseenmeayebaut ,480 people. Tise tietre management report tome patronsed toise turmed asay. --Milton Fine flepertmenatan- sered a clt tna ocar tireun 10 lSiternd marDekoilti's Nlall 1Lin Wedesday mraiag oMtst mati. The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, Match 13, 1968 7 1968 Wildcat Sedan BRAND NEW Outstanding in AppeaaneOusornding inPerformannce 126"whee&base, hth performance 430 vrcgine $300. Don - $131. Monthly MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. 388 Main St. Milten 878-2355 4Blossorntinîe In America e'i- Spring Scenic uur Tours ý'.H. NORTON BUS LINESý 634-6958 634-6928 827-09711 FLORIDA 14 dayS & 13 nights Departsees Aprit 20 IL Aprsl 27 Price $160 tui TOUR FEATURES: 11.1ahO.1 I CALIFORNIA 22 days & 21 nights Departure May 18 Prwce $330 twllari)dtio5n TOUR FEATURES: lc.S.l-IF 1.t, akSltLK De I... -ro, q.pF, .reeda i.ned 00 Oh ...TOUR HOOTESS Agents fer C. H. Norton Bus Linas MILTON TRAVEL SERVICE 14 MARTIN ST. 878-9211 L ILADY CURLERS display a widle narinty of de- corrrrr:tee menrber EllnMiler convener Mrs. Iic'ous desserts at their avoual dessert bridge Florence Mahnlrrand committee membler Elinror ai tire Curling Club Monde6. The ladies are Brown. (Staff Photo) Eastern Star Iodge sponsors colourfuI Feb. birthday party y Sti f t