£Th Canadian Champion. Wedlneaday, Match t13, t1968 Fr. tbs Mltsn Curlina Club HIGGINS PLAYOFF Moxday, Ma. 4 d 7.00 D. Kenedy, A. M(cKlaaou, M. Clllag, G. Snell 13; S. Fay, G. enaîl, A. Mllr, B. Petit N. E. Milau, B. F rame, L. Wath' e, J. Kxluht 9; C. Anderson, T. Frncth, L. Dais, D. Smith . R. St. John, L. Athie, A. Cairn S. Clemant 11; B. Bld- dll, K. er, B. Tom, S. M- Fadidet 5. S. Legte, B. Kxlght, B. M- Phil, &. eedead By Defaxt; U. MoNal, B. Clement, J. M- Milau, R. legsnarih. IGGINS PLAYOFF Mnda, Ma. 4 @ 9.00 R. Caultet, L. Arbl, B. Stew- art 8; B. Reed, F. DtxnG. New- uI, A. Millet 4. . arrot,, E. Lii, N. Culte, B. Beeal1; K, plat,A.Calrns J. Raid 4. D. Rxntay, D. Ptotumy, R. Brancie, J. McCutcheOn 10; S. Fay, B. Etahite, E. Tolstha, S, Wnch 6. K. Mare.1D. Leslie, B. Tom 14; L. Prah, A. Muxt, A. How- dn, G. Snel 3. HIGGINS PLAYOFF Tuasday, Ma. 514 7.00 S. Badalt, P. Garler, J. Pli- cher, K. Wood il; S. Fs, D. HBlt, R. Cre, B. Casou 3. L Seso, S. Luctw,W. ElleY, T. Carrants 7; B. aMtetd, B. Pillipu. C. Matin, D. HBaprt S. D.~ Farley, R. Gardhause, K- Durnat, . Schuyler 10; L. Hughes, S. Child, . Foter, S. Wxch 8. Ba. Wheeler, B. Polle, J. Car« ne, E. Tamplin 9; D. Meritt. J. Nxle, L. SampaCt, S. MC- Fsddas 4. IGGINGi PLAYGFF Tuesday, Mr. 5 d 9.0 P. Bar, G. Fetce.J. Broxwn C. Fard 7; M. Phlt,, C. Beetot, B. MClure, P. Johnson 6. B. Fus, B. Rid, M. Raalett5 Curlers busy MlIon Curling Cluh Is neartu ita final mxxih of the easace81a lit lauha hIcs ihey'll ha busy fSte nan nail the end o tht seaso The club's anuel meating ut ha hetd on Mndap Aprl 8, 1961 A namiatint cammit oulas Ing of Maurice Beat, Mer. El aira, Dn Kennedy, arry Ric dalla sud Ross St, Joh asbl appoxited. There ill iehaiction eana alglt this neel. The txlln thia neel,'s ctedule andacWei dat oS cominu evnts. The Anuel Anards ight iA ha field on Moday Aprit 15,19 Tckets are in tht proceax xtt ing prited sud 0011 ha avItW aiartt. Cxndng etenta nctud, Ma 23, Mied Open Bonplel; A 6, MeuiOpes Bonspiel; Apri Annuel Meeing; Aprit 13, T Cauntp Bexapel; Apttl 1, Asa Awirda Nlgh; April 2, La Curling Cluh Annueal Mtaing. Maonda:. A Club Chices Bonutiel Match 18, i5land APil 1 Birst 64 curleru 0011 ha acteÇ Tuesday;- 7.00 - Blggiau RoundRobii 9.00 - Mied Rusd Roh" aedesda:- Mlaed Rouxd Roin. Turada:- 7.00- Me-s Compeiite R Robin. 9.0 -Me't Cltusud )A Campeiite Round Il Fridayp- 7.0 - BessGrs 900 -ocal A .md ix fl G. Sinclair 10; M. Baty, V. Barbr, G. Snel, A. A oId 35. B. McCual, A. Munro, A. Falk, D. Pugg 9; M. Eàeard, R. Rowley, C. PicIet, J. Kelly 2. MIXED COMPETITrVE Wed. Match 6t 4 7.0 D. Mrrt, 16; C. Aiderso, J. Anderso, J. Kelly, B. Pet D. Plolemy, A. PtolemY, S. arrsp, p. Waters 15; G. Nen- eit, J. Harrison, G. Snell, . . Waler 2. MIXED COMPETITPJE Wud. Maruh 6té) 9.00 G. Sral, N. McKtnzit. A. Arnold, B. Carruthers 8; E. Mlsox, E. Eeard, R. Braucier, . Braxcier 7.1 L. lHughes, J. Huges, F. hox. P. McCarthy 10; B. Pollen, J. Snell, G. Sell, S. Pollen 1. B. Frame, L. Frame, D. Fat- ley, J. Titumpaun 10; D. Leslie, A. Lesie, R, Rnwlay, B Munro B. Taylor, B. Dunan, . Fel' cher, J. Fletchr 10; K. Moore, p. Moe, . Nole, P. Noble 7.y MIX ED COMP ETITIVE Fr. Match 84 9.00 R. itonluy, E. Mille, 1D. Ls-f *lie, A. Costlgan 7;, B. Whelet, D 1. Thomson, A. Cairns, B. Fal, 5. H. RlddolLs, M. Bell, P. Barr, G. BardS; .Clement,1.Clem- aset, A. Rowde, M.LItowden 2. MEN'S COMPETITIVE Thursday 4ê'.00 R. S. John, G. Fletcher, L. > Hughes, K. Wood 8; D. Rowluy, t. R. Rxley, L. Furlan 7. L Slesar, L Arhl, A.Cairn, C. Adersxn 7; P. Gaer. K. plan,L. Davis, A. Falk 5. K. More, S. arrot, B. Clem- oext t ; M. Eerd, E. Toltzha. A. McKlanon, G. Snell 6. MENot COMPETITIVE Thursda Là 9.00 A. Muro, A. Cara, K. Plat, A. Shtuhlettang 13; H. Ridols, C. Adrsun, . Culte, B. Clsment 2. mi MEN'S COLTS M Thursday Là 9.00 it S. iittot,, L Furlan, M. Mc- 8.Guire, J. Red 9; D. iowley, A t. Falk, S. Childs, F. Dîxon 7. à, Ma-.aa. W oas9rau ta amt ,uis a., rtumau Ysac dorr Mns. Itabei WawrSuct. PO. lau 164 oAICViLE O T. AFTER PIGI4TING for ove bout and ten mvotes thîs 78 Pound Whit Mutlilcame out second beat with Briun Russel of Georgetowni Brion caughi tht fish in Miami Ht used baby Murlîn loi boit. Tht fish leaped oui of tht muter t1t rimes belote heing Ioned sulrly in tht 30 foot lishivg boat. Tht catch ha beeettrd ini on open tournumeet in Miami. So far tis the largestteîny Nervous animais EIk dies of broken neck of allon Region Coneration Authoty's dead Ela han tatou ot the earlier ihtoty -- the aadmal probabit tan lto a tree sud broke ls nech wwile tunniat trout cbldttn wo o ore sex otheriof tht animais 10 tht n- closurt neat Rattîtanake Point Park. Campelivilit et Dr. ClitS Young did s pot mortem un the tomait El sud sugestd in is report it broke ils nech sud nub- aqutut ided otpaeuunmtftnm tapuSure. Tht report was read 10 Tursday's meeting of tht Authorit eecutitu committet. afTue Depatmeot o Agricl- ltoesays we have to vautinaut the elk fot TB sud bructlosis," Feld Gficet Dano Muray ioid the eeuullv, "but we are vert reluctant lu do this. ThtKl are vry arsous animais, il teey get ion eocied lhey ;ost drop eaîL.' 1rmB su Abrta fume preserve in Deemer, but twn dieddarlnl their iraI twon eeks here, Tnt o tht remainint thteo are e- muales, and due 10 clt in the spring. Mr. Muray suggestti tht Autotit abould Watt util calingtimo 10 vaccinatthe Et--ant extra commotion mlght brlng about the demie Of mote o the servons animais, bu in- dicated. Beuldas, th Elh ore sac- cinated hatore they leBt Alberta sud nere quarantlned for ix wteha bforo the train tip tI Ontario. --First day o! ipring la Mrch 21, not TursdLay. ~-Broca Trait club meinet onjoyod ac prlng hibu 1n0tlb Rockc Chapti 0tt5 1010w Blgh- wsy 5 un Sunda. :ish and Game News b uar n Cou1ls ov When tht rt clxnintta came ta Amrica, thep haddied inther very primtive bts sud lxg tih- los &long the castansd tund a very bhstsh ntaet lndaed. flet louted ouI xpxn the gret tresti thai stretched fat hudreda 01 milea ln each drectian.Ont ut th1u vaut uthtetnas came thaîr food fat mînt a tear. Encept farth8e amaî l cearings that gre ndien80corn sud atfew buahels nf nheat, their maix aource ut fxod came ram hxt- tng sud fButan. Their gtides were tht Indes with wham thet had mauaged 10 maSht riend. The Amerloan Indenwauxsu ex- cellent huntet sud Busherman; ha had ta ha il he wsted ta lin. Thus 15 hunilufandd Buhin the Blrai elters managed tonsurvive sud prxuter. Sa aur frut ettletn ln Csaa nere frthuntersa sudBhermen. Tis tradition bas been handad dawns tram generitian lx gener- iion, but st lite ont sucstara ne do st have ta o ut asudBah ta aurvive. Todat ne hut fat aport. BIluea God-gtvex herit- opt, sud alun s prîvîlege, ec teliow sportsmen - let'n teet t a sport. Department of Landesud For- estu report that the harvst oa manne darlng 1917 wnsu stx ldanicai utth thst darlng 19661 but the numhar of huntera ln- creaned y117 0080correnponad- lsgiy reduced hanter uccena. For tht BLrt ime, theehll by 9 residant huners honed ahtther 0 ercentat ut buleuin saut. Il s as Iur subru. ie chareas e mlaalis n vocatioansa vaulolete a *CeUISES *PASSPORT ta APPLICATIONS lx AIRt o *sus *RAIL W iUn HeIp Yen Wbth Ysur Trunel Nseds h Milton rs Travel Service le 14Martn S. 1-1 878-9211 - 8782327 Sale a thon.i BGEST EVENT 0F TUE YEAR! Play your carda right! Deal your.elf in on the sale event of the season! Store-Wide redluctîons on al l amons Singera products! DON'T MISS THESE EXCELLENT BUYS, PHIONE OR COME IN FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION TODAY SMveontie Gold.esflUCh&SeWby Snger Grand nan delcof abs pueri The naslai s emut euOt n sng mathias Compete ihhandaume Italen Pron- ri nbtcahinet andi matoblut atoxi (Modal me 3481 0 fae hnds ut ewnxt traight zigzag, extlusive chainsitb 0 ecuiepashbuhttut buhin ninda righl ite machins 6 protsoacoxubuttbuhld- et-doea geux inas xl buBton buta bu la uuudefle ireadet 0 hudreda ai hoOlt a automnair deoxtlle s abthas exnluse antdundl-sutaas pan anW COMPANY 0F CANADA 0"360 Krr St. North - Oakvle 7 à Pusa 843-1172 INe tll Chul Complote with caming.1taeznimanda, dans, ponosidraghel.Mdu t 23/8268)'L_ COME IN FOR tFREE DtMOtSTRATlOtd farth 8eladtsaevn yeira Indicae 1 tht mxxne hardsanirela a eul-1 thp conititn. Tue major prttl-1 lem remaita the highconatant- raestionofhanera la anme arasa dae te lach of csse ta aihers. la 1967, then nwere 61,000 hantera hangbtlicemnces taubut utte in Ontario slxow. Au ealimated 56,398 of ttes licexcas nere icteilly aned te th field by hantera te hirveat 14,593 muaxe. This lxiaii5pet cel ntscceau rate. Thiaslaascit a bad aveags canadrîn th vastaeun of aur narlhlaald. la tien xl thene large numhara xl huniers sud manne there ndght be uome qestion whther ibis hlgh tMil csu ha ansainaid. Ail recarda show there lx no canne fat cancers. Alan innou asu there heaeu a dacreixe in the numhar aI mteae hirvsted. Rentai ciassifieds top popuiarity poi bring in 60 calis Thomxe"tor cent" items lnatta clasltlad section ut The Champ- ion musi certainît huad tIhe pop- ulatlty poil. An adnartisetropotsua "for ranitl laaxlfLed lIt week drain *Iabuti0 lCaux". Thalle an indltutxnxlawneli rad Champion tlaxalfld an. why xci use thsm puarslltot change dax't wnta to cash? The Cbampion tahea yaar atter lIxt 5.000 hamaes evary week, ecan- xsitally 100. lt'o eauy tu place a Clasxifleai. Juat diaI 878-2341 sud an exper- lenced ad-liber vill asaixi pan. JOHNSON, O.D.I 9l am. tut S a-ta 184 MAIN ST., MILTON MARG - LION' OR LAME? Match is a month of changeable weather conditions. With snow metng during the day end f reezng t night, roada are f requently Evy. This hezard demnanda extra caution fram motoritl. If you are a careful driver, Fid tire ta show you"haw CIAs autama. bile and accident insur- ausce codfld huIt, yau ueet the coula cf damage ta pour ana car or ohens.. accidentaI injury ta youraetf or ocher mnembets ut paur family. pIes au sf: AM. THEA KUIZ CIA Auteanablt, Aedeuf anid itckmsa, 9'mFam, tUuhIMIty, Houa. 399testol 3242 Lane flastins W. R 1 MUa Mole SIMU441 T m Fu til Cha Faut gris sing Lu K.] LOIt trot The si a han nt t b gmi Vl Ca ciE Io ho t ta 01 Pl MM lici ýi- À11 1,11 l ffl MOTORS 1 1- U H LJ CO. LTD.