4 The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, March 13, 1968 Merchants face eluminatuon here Friday Georgetown holds one game advantage Falure 10 haag o0010033-0lead lIen hack-han4d a second 1o10 shile Rada and Lane ots!double pt Miton Mrchansin acrucia.l thenet. miors for higl tickiog ans! Ds t on ntejnor C lîsoffs _Graam Bra set Clkloy p rooghiog. vutîlte Georgetown Raiders Son- I day 1n Georgeown. b The Merchunlu tali advaniage of aleasiiy penaliais! Georgetowin dlbans! put Ina goals ly tIbm i in île fir01 portos. Inthesec-t ons! tley eoises! i heir lbas! b 3-tans! commandes! a 3-2 leadai the osd4of ile ericd. t huaIlto ires! intie third prlio t ad 1001 les iln 10 sots on the Raider gal but allovies! tîrs unanaveros! goals 1n gel hy Pie Lee In the Mitaont. Milon wi11 le up oginst a d or dis situtiomnataln the srtes- cames lors Frtday igIt. If they luse, they're ou. If tley wint's Georgetotan'a home geme. u no one roaliy kots olere iley ill play IL. Ors!iarily i sisals le playes! in Georgetuwn Aresa Sundoy afternoan. But tle cOol 10 bales! for the Baiuam Tamr- amon. A Rider eecutive sais! Ils ovious soluioun wmunis! e t100 lors Frilay ans! gel il oer ill. Rager WIIsfung andJim Chlak- lsy gave Milon their 2 -0 laad in the frot prtos. WiIsfong tlook a potsa from Jan Riddel In île Raider toam, crulsos! in fron uf îlent, lad one Soioflobkes!ans! biscuit la f rooL, Kasin Bal as- hilton outolot île Raiders 13-4 in tle firsi perlad i viila mon 1n thie sin 110. Craig Brusl put Milton ilree goals aleail vien le scores! fron the Ioceoff circis. Gaorgetoms mss ivio mon short aillae lime of lha ilird goal. From tieme0on1inMiltonlias! littia 10 cloor abut. Goalosliy Torry Laswick ans!Paul Robinonm loft 1he Merdhais cUig toia 3-2 leas!. Tliay vere ouishot elglt to four ila o ecouslperius!. Oreni hcMullen scureiiGeor- geiown's tyiog goal afaer the Raiders lias! pplios! prosaure 1n île opeolng minutes ni theaffna2 perios!. Terry Lesvicland!PaulRoliin- son scores! 1 sinI Milton'aliopas 0f austiof tle Raders lors Fr1- slay. Robinson'5 goal came vole Kavin Rail ms sersiug tle oniy Milton penalty io11alhir!porios!. The gamo vas a rougI ona lIai susi Jim Cole ans! PIiI Laseli siuaro ofî 10 lIe firot bout, ans! John Ras!saoais! 000Lane bolk a couple of slols eacli lator. Cole uns! Lasoll oach ga i usamabutas FIRST PERIOD 1. Mtilton - Wilslfong (0144011, Huai .....6.15 2. Milton -ClalbloY (Bern,Hal .....17.37 Ponalties - hchonemy (O) 2.10; Larmons! (G) (major)108! . Cole (M) 11.37; Laval,_(lnr major) 11.37; Bail (M) Johnoson (O) 12.40; Gervais (M) ,l4.00; Laoe (O) 17.19;hceoenemy (O) 11.30. SECOND PEOIOD 3. Milton - Orosli (usassisas!) ....6.23 4. Georgeton - Lassoicl (Hay) ....12.34 5. Georgetown - Dsiyor (P. Rob- inon)..1319 Penalties - MdcMenemy (G) 1.44;~ K. Rolinoson (G) (major) 4-08; Lormons! (G) 4.22; Hall (M) 7.40; Ridnah (M) Lana (G)(doule min- ors) 11.44; K. Roibinson (G)l14.14; Gervais (M) 14.19; Hay (G) 10.29. THIRD PEIOG 6. Georgetown - McMullln(D5iy- er, P. Robinson) ... 3.10 7. Georgeowns - Leswicl (Lar- mol) . . .. 6.59 8. Geurgetowns - P. Robinson (Lana)*.. 1.05 Penalties - Lasal (G) 11.44; Hall (M) 14.13; hcMullaii (G) 15.16, Merchants like Milton Arena tie series with Georgetown Some poope 0111 tell you home ice dosno malo any diffronco ta a hocley geme. Doo't lellese tlem. ABter lelng ilumpoil 11-3 ns! 10-2 in îlesaime vealo y he1 Gorgeown raidert, Merdhants returivid tu home oweetlhoteanais sent the Raders avay siogise from n 4-3 448002 on Friday Ricl Colo tartes! lllnga off toc the Iherchants arly i hefrt priai talon le clses! in oua2 pittern play. Don ltaros 44f te dsc ou of the corer,passes! ta Jlm Col, silo umpod il uer ta Irollior icl for tle couulr. A minote aid six scond!s laer Tom Boy scores! from Ron Lana 60, osen lings up. Secondl prlio goals liy Bo Larmans! rom Tom ay ais! Knt Roineon from Paul Roinson ais! Bret hcMulleo gave île Riders a 3-i leai. Craig rs clsaed tle gM talon escoreodGcalamBero's reblan!. Item n wnnand ai!loI the rean4fromtSlie abri cnter. 16 wao mis!say lîroughithe sec- ond prtiodefore RicCoe scor- od is second goal of the ge. ears, Rlck ans! Jim Colo soopi la tra albreast, earos sînt an; Peasny droppos! île poo. Cuit ONE 0F THREMLT7ON TEAMS toi eenîoe awarclo from ib' 'our Tovs Torsos'ane lbheMlios en Wens wobowon oh. cbunposhp inh, divisionThenNovices wonoaochampion sb.p and tohe Bntis e 00then boss is the cnsolation rounc Grobam Rddnil, Coach Bob Watinss and James -arkin receis( tuches! il 1n îhe opan corer ais! aih Loys! Vaugai. Vauglan tIen o foi. eoeChuslinThonsoe o a onsoler of h co the gansesas ies! up. complainas! of n sore hee. Lngon Hockey Ebcoi'on(Staff Photi) lot long aler Coe'slyiog goal _________________________ ______________ Don earno deles! rouod Pill Lavel ans! shot laico lelore taocing is om relou s!y Pea- 505 1n îhe Raider cage for tle wisaer. Tlie ganse, a reai lifinangerh i la île serles ît as! ldeen visa on hume ice. Goale Bob tee splitthe10dtiee Milton 'minors take command in Four Town Tournament play Mitoo taaonsskuale os!10maor lare of ilhe silvarwanra ai lhe annuai Four Toms Touroament at Aclo aturs!ay The Novice as! Pee Wao clubs secuio le h Championshipu 1in hor res*ct- ive diisions, sihile 1lo, Batam toam lîasiiy coppas! lIc Conol- ation Sertes. O this first springliih wek- ens! Df the year, Actoo etendes! its usuai warm 'olcoma 10 tle homreds )f gadiators anos!spc- tators from Ferg.is, Georgetown ans! tMilton, silo filues!Acton, Communiiy Cntra. The Iinor Sports Comioite o f the Actas Legion put a lot of imeanam effort ioiu maiog luis n muet succousfu aveat. NOVICE Briao Wilson ans! Trry Fils- patridlo slared tle :ialmisdtng sutis, as Mtilton blanhos! Actas 4 - O 0 iening Novica action, whiiiioGorgetown olitowasltd Forges 13 - 0 intheotlerserles. Gary Diance ais! Trry Nuva salons! for IMilton inte tire1 ans! secons! perios. Inthe le3t perios!, Allen Doncns li from SteeBanon, and Nova comlinos w111 Dance as!d'ionon 10 wraP up the sîsiLout. Actun pickes! op iloer oniî touraimeot tropîy as Ibis Oui- iasteii Forges 3 - 2 in thie Con- solion Oround of the Novico sec- tion. This alsu markod thoe les showiigof 0falllheFrgsotrtos, as a lae gemo rsfly just rail0o i of ime, Georgetowin put up a fierce le lciing gama linlheChampion- le slip fioal, lt waltos! intheaflion *_saveo minutes, as Mltloncamocc d.stroogly to cla a 5 - 1 trlumplo /e In tle firsi frame, à single b1 Gary Danco onu foliotes! ly1 smarler ly Da Marshall, ou relay from Allen Ducan an( Kein Bowdidoî. Grant Bo"n mîttes! Georgeiown's only scon in the sacons! parios!, on a pasr frsm Gugeoos. Closae cci1o loves! îhe action in île firs hall of the final trame, until pass fcom Erc Elsoo to Ona - L L .01 iiyers oust inornni Leswi ck too hot for Merchants mee uswniville nqext Raiders take lead in series Milton herdliaito ell on for ivio parios!s Wesnessiay otgit bui Terny Lesaick ans! cumpnny rai rompait 1n île final stouz. Ls- aid scores! fouc of lis Ose Gorgeongoals oinle ilirs! priai. Merdhants railes! 2-0 lilie Ërst parioos, 4-2 in île second ans! lIen sufferedi othird priai iel-îioms and! voiîos!up losiog 10-2. Il oau tle scondl tisme n S ports forum b y b ob bu rt t 1wo oft pie il Lar thr pas ibc far n fir The bherclailis ara goiog tu hase 10 le on iheir lest lelaulor ands! play top notc hocle he Is d!using ihir Sktes agao alter bt FrioayoligIl.la Sunîlny'o losslin Gorgetwnmacles! the most cruciatîlov in10the bi nries. Te herchants mus siloaan aa ganse il lhay are giof to th tata île camponshl. Sunday's ganse uls labies! "hilton" rons blie ocs!go, The p Raders te l easelsoss ide open, speodinig the groiloulportios otJ the airttwosperis 1ilie penalty bx. A lkof toams soucImss apparent. The horchaiis soans 80 lona p tsac 011ilehthir pissing plays shen thapanlerthe Goagetls rtal. hi Soeaof the playrs Iieci 10 go n aonea lu ofen. On other 0cc- u sions Ithe 0ssing wos off. Tho fiaol shos on nt iamns ola! enly n 26 for ac eam. 0f Ilein 26, Miltiobas!3lion the arot perios! ans! thon fa"es! The Raders scores! fise sucossîse goals, Ivo in the second sud c tr00 in the thirs! and! manoges! lu boy thiogs ull itt0inîlen fiait stna.H Thre 10 a gons! possiblOty Gorgeown 0111 sot le able 10 gel t1ir cOol if a saveoi gane is nocossany, Ib ihors! 10 pruot îleC signifcana 0of île oma ce. ui aller ise ganes no oe has toth an homo Ice or tannin a'oay le. Il cauls!le the ultimata n dramatic finish o s 0 mahe seîenlI ans! final ganse of the soces ployes! )n nutral ic. Stano Lasrencols asmncelis baen el ai lIn blue ine. Low- rence, on f the ardet hiers on thaleans, hos prutahly the lest pontsot as tell 8e lai leen aut f action sinca le Irulie is ailla in tle fIrot geme agnionst Gorgowon. ilionsovices 0111 le pcling ileir skalles ans! sticisaon 1n prsporaios for tle Internaional Noisce Bockey Wel i Bampto Mleiril Area MarrI 16 tîrauglhîrdl 23. Thse Bramspton Tauramant w10 dresi 0 toama in tour dfferent clasifiatonssand s tklotan i t e elargest noice ouraiant In ths caris. EudI taninpys ai ltast tsin gemes. hilton 0111 compiete 1n the C diision. 08er teaîmela that dvision are Goderbo, esplr, Iesol, l.amidon, hirllem, Pris, Si. harys, Sildlet (Wn- cool),Simanad Ttffealerg. Trl-Cguaty action 01 l eai lislbout this gOeiid. Thsa Pe-Wos tail ahi.e Lir tuartr fOa sertes wtIC ~ilPoodhoro Satrîlly 90 iffl i OasJavnflie get lotote "sBs-nuIl d alU Bacaxai e ma,,ttttn o.s,,..,ta,. ami as o games the Raider scoring aen laoo lafugras. Leoaick ocorosi the firs1goal 1ith gaeo rom Tom Hay. Be des!d up île rahouns! and langeil loby Vaughai. Bay set up Ron ,ana for 61e second golmis!tay rough the firot pariai on a nico osa. Lana oit Vaughnan frua maot 20 feel out, cotcliog île ar side. The Raiders conîrolles! the rot porios! but by ns greot oargin. 0011 goalosvotre scur- ad 0111 Milton a man short. lion Lama settheRiders ahois! -0 1n the secons! pariaoa onlieir ui power play goal. hilton corsil tIaironly Isia goals uf the game within n minute of euoh 61her ais! for a short whIlle loub- adlke tlp eytire reOiiy lu îhe gamo. Jias Colo scores! on a quidlo shot from île facooff Iroas irother Rick ais! just o miaule lalec Don Rearos Irougît île torchants tu aitîlnonosagoal uf lie Georgetowt tam. Bail oliot tle puch Irons île moinI lui il vina moches!d oms, Jan Riddei puolios towors!s tha net and! Don Boomns fisislied île play of!. Georgetowon tas short- hndesi Tram about île fise min- uie mark intae10 15minute mark of the secons! porioi. it vas s!urlog ihis yerlos! île Merchants put tortl their most consîsolnf effort, luitley couis! not cash 10 on tle lylng goal Ras! tley s.oresi the equolizrr hafore Robinson scores! for Georgetown, the gansa may liave lias! a difféent complexion. Paul Robinson fInos! imsaîl ilune in front of the hilton cage The saeaRobinson scores! 101r 1n the same yocios!. 'Me thios! yoiod iolosgnl 10 Teccy l.Uswick. Lesuscli scoros! four goals ad Paul Robnson scores! his Ihîcd ol ouîhe amo. The gome yul Ras!ers aheoil 2-1in othe serles ans! maide l possibleieoc Ilim ons finish the soclies io GourgeowniSooilay. TdiHBous, Do Hans, ons!lhe Colo bruihens lurns! in ohole- hearlail efforts. Tuhoo's re- cons! o 21 goals n tloi games leases ille 10 choon about hut il would le o nly fir t10 5il ho has leco the viclîns o cicua- stances raihec Ihan yonets- ainingo. Georgetowns oushttîhe horchools 41-23 'beiliess!y ans! aocnes! eaclo ol hIbm10 goals. Grudge match sale starts Tickets osol ou sale ihis ael foc îhe yollcc.rlceoion brosa- hall tonfutgansaîlt is binig stages! 10 Milon oO Aprl 21 ai 8 p.m. t's the seconis!Onnual 'grus!îs match"' lelosos theIon forcces, ais! romise o 0 elthe nno- tiomeol highBgis! of the season. t Al prccods fbons theganso oill l e lurneil ocor 10 the orthnHal- 100 Associatiuî on rihe Menal'y Retordes!. --Fasl.acllon clss4fleis ir 1 eacl oeek's Cham'lion binl hyersoas! sellec logehs.. Tr them and :;os. Adon Driving School LICENSED INSTRUCTOR OS. ICERTIFICATE Cars With Dual Controis for DAYoitIEVNINO APPOINTMINTS wasilug noo ime geii o !oj bcasu acks lile O.M..A. puay- olis. Thorohili ecamo the iliril loa insix gines t10 bitlthe dsss. hMilon bol Thornhlui5-i loul liooday iifhl hece aond iisposas! of Ihea in Tlornlili Saluriios lo vitue o a 3-i vlclocy. The Fiyrs oupocles! a rougli tome Saluurdy oas! lIaiis oliai lhoy got. Jon o 1mb oas the only cassaly hutl 11l e oui for the resi of île yoor illi a roh- on collar boie. Manager Jon Wison faitthîe hoys uluck tb hckey aind ployas! a cous! hors!gime. Tloe Fiyers hasen'tlolstinb 12 gaimes. Tliey asol Bomaisille 10 île seai- finals 1n Bowmaisille Saurslay nlghl ais! hece Sunsloy aflerooso ai 3 .m. Bowmuoviiie isregaries!aslîie leam 10 hoo. They ousios! Nap- anee iothîl 105serlesaiulsloali mako for o gous! series 541h Mi- Keih Hlggs les! the Fiyers, scoisg the first and! hirsI goal Salucilay. Paul Kllcleo scores! the othec macler. hicersiea hi tsioassiste wlilo Tom Gous!log, Mariy Seoils and Ken Parion al lias!snlge assist sgg CAN GIVE ANY CAR TIAT SHOWROOM- FRESH LOOK Corne in for à complote appraisal today. BILL'S AUTO BODY M9 878-2721 perloîl. Thornollbis uaiy goal canse lnthaeIlirs!parias!. Trafalgar girl Sandys a pro One of Trafagar Golf and Coutry CluI's nost promislng prodots. Sandra Post of Oahsiie ta tliosiel turnidng pro ais! 0111 lecame Caiada's firsi femalo profesaional gofor. Mdiss Pont playes! oui of tle SttILino Traalgar Clbfor seseral saisons, She maIes ler pro dobtiFriday aI 0t. Peers- burg, Florila. i. multoo's Ousour. Thon inlo C Row..Lto made a su-!cassful scoun bc doms leftvilg, ais! Lalino'oics cunios! ous socond! îoal, of tle ia gemeo a fow monlts lter, a PEE WEE -çI ia île Pao Woe preliMinarieS, R Akcton lamles! Forges 1l - O, à wloilo hllMiton ios lobck in île dying moments of iloir contes! t0 osorcome a 5 - 2 deticit and eleou nan6 - 5 siueahac. Davie from Rorrînglan gaee Georgetoms a firsi frame lois!, wliicl Incroasaei 1n île second4 staza, as Inglis conaves! on f a pass from Bpllamy. Minutes a Inter. Run Rowley spu 21050n MoCann 10 fi oaily ptM 1tno lhe score shoot. hoCimOnpenei the ilird pisurjs coring fraîn1 Ans!y WtseMan 10 momoiliarily 1 deasiock tle ,ssua. Thon Goo- a rgetownstmal commanons f île t 1 content 0111 three qiic cunutors 1 ta gis e m o 5 -2 lba!.Nulle JmnaeIhe plays for singles loy . Osboroneaid laglisanls!Ballamy 1,complees! a cumîntian from lO avies aid Barriottoin. W:1 t fise minutes leoB In play, hil- n ton lsttles! up the action in Ileir d oponents* end, andt during the pmelee, Marko Rysttans! Ass!y wisemail comhioS! for a goal apioc 1n0 arrowth1e gsp ino51-4. ly With tonty secondsu remiotng, *Milton pulls! tleir gealkeoeer. *ans! the osdd u ower allowsos Steve McCan toti re the tyisj ,i aliy. In île final tvanly saCOndo., sý McCann rnppes in a goalmouth It ralay froas Tony Salbaa ndadrl Hyati to gain île clone dectolon. Altînagh Georgetoms lad fno cc trouIte 1n winuing the Pa Wee n- Cunsolation serteu titI anit - 0 2a sictony, tIhe Verges neimoder on ai 10001 desarves!lionorilO mon- ih ion for lrnuery undarrtfre. Ho bY UIotrally made dorons Of fine , uses as tle oorgeloms clubJ la sbatosi rougI souil oerllsioim- nd mates. ar Aclon jumpas! oto an eariy )e leadin 1thîe Pee Wee Clomylon- L5 slip final, as Marshlil singles!, Lifg uns! Hargrnooscores! on a PUS rsI from Cotes. Roweser Rais!y 1i Rogers camlined froiMirk rad Itystt ans!Bon Roniley, -aitIen Roeley soIns! tu aven lha cc"os lefore tîlead of tle perios!. Actas rogaioea sailrtdlivd iead oarly ln tle middle staoza, an Storey complotes! a rlay frtm Taylor aind harshall. Bol îlot m&sail for Acton, as )£tion moses! lotolitl gear wtlRoaloy lir lillioffrom Andy Wisemani 10 docosa out the parias!. In the final trame, Wiseman lgthened the einsaI 5- 3 as aposs from Stove Marshall, ans! thon Gave RobeortonaCa- 04d the scortsg wlth a fiaes sel efort. Jim Harhin and Griems R14440 splOt the gaaltendlag norea for tho iltlon Poe Weea. BA2OTAU Georgetowni Irohe net t IL for goal splorge In the finl trama ta upaot IMilton 5-I In lle initiaiBoatam rouns!, A frot po.iod poal loy Ricî Jubl asisted loy Bol Rusk onatches! a Georgetowan Marher loy lyas ram Long. RickJelolhslPedBOb Bradbuery socure a nocond frein oas! for Mtilton. Thea bat stanna oelongos! to Ivaus of Goorgototas as ho counts!tvica andalsa madi lhe plays for tailles loy FesleY ans! Nivoo. Rarry Kitchain nat up Randy Hoveden for IIbel0ss loxai reply. 1 Goorgetown outiantos! Actas 3- lIn a ciosoly fougoit centeat for the Boutin Ch&mPionsiitP fial. This iastho only siiocass- fui tournoy lis! ly Georgetton representatives. Fergus managed s! kâhta citI tle local Bantaimfortwoperteds of the Consolation round, lut Mi- In overwhlomos! them wtth lOve goais ln the final fraetecomn- plote n 10 - S route. Bras! Ev-i ans! itoie Wrigglestaorth ser not ovclYIJUy is ntheY shîLrOd thoe loutout honors for theviclurs. Mairk Gronhe toed off for Mil- ton lothe opouiogporiod, follatad loy Phil Colieo's coutor assistad loy Rich Jullo ans! Bob Bras!lory. Kerry Kitchen, Bol Rush and Jim Robertsonn.otched it!ria marlers, titI assista going ta 0111 Ciarrisige, (2),.e-d Randy Howasen. Third poriodi alvos wore airas! ly Kim MountRin, Don Leslie, Bol Bras!lary, 0111 Clarrisige, ans! Phii Colis%. Assintants mere Rush, (2). Kit- clos, Brauibury. JuIl ans!Mau- rcecoCurtis. 0 F THIS' I*CEMENT e SAND VP ASTERING MATERIAi.S a in àhastet Bauiding Mîchaels Building Matermals Ltd. 2436 Lakashore Rd.W. Phane Saine027-1047 No Toit Charg LIMITED TIME ONLY! SPECIAL DISCOUNT OFFER on Texaco Motor Ouls and, Lubricants; Start the nom season with savings-the Texaco way! Now you can make big savings on bulk purchases of top-quaity Toxaco products, indluding worid fa- mous brand names tike Havoline Motor Oil and Marfak! Take advantage of this unusual opportu- nity. Give us a cail today. We'll save you money. Form Trode OnIy R. G. CLEMENTS MILTON, ONT. - MUL.878-343 Your comamunty Texaco Dstrlbut@r I .1 1968 Vauxhail Vivas JUST ARRIVED $100. DOWN - $61.00 MONTHLY Approoîvsately 40 miles per gallon. General Motors Factory Wartanty assures expense-free motoring. MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. 388 Main S. Mine 878-23S5 Uilt- sen"d one ecal DE 7 Mason Audrey pleket EthelA lors 251 t for 8 1 for 3. L"d Grvai Coli"o Kersle Thel 105, J Rasbeî 0 for 1 Lact Kath C os 2z( Limai 244. 638, Ors 7 for 0 for siOZi Lai 659. Tielo Cor Roy 210, 657, Huo Roy vlt Vie Gus 133 101, Tht, Lai Brt 1 M. oi. 25! Jac . 201 ll ta Mo 20 2 38 T 24 21 m