Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Mar 1968, p. 21

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'Computers, carpets and shaky teachers Ipredicted for future in education collection tOpai for j store, Sas coliaci- ce $70 was sont ta n Red Cross for t Italton Red Cross «a. ,rom PatronsO ai tb noaey gals a 1& idr ) eperieacid lousis ýrcserty ta the vaye ' ta earUer Mthiar 1x laume, presIteat of k Co. Limited, han 10 athree-rnanboard natoed for Fletsdon he firm hotds a hall 00 acrmsofFleietlg- the centre afi Notre (ORK! M.D.H.S. stUdiMt "PE of wok at îud ha appoint 'ANY 0 1 878-2101 "Tbis situation oereyoubave a teacher ai the iront Of 00e roonm onu the kdaout ibere is 8 pour laarng situation. Jut as i am stantding tare talhing laon for 45 minues, yo'l gai cent Uitile ia 1he ay o learntag," 0e nid. Dr. King dlaims tutets munt become involved alto their mrk if ttay are ging ta learnaony- tag. Be crticized students for thelc lackofaImotivation. "Sbud- ent, especially thase in the four ear corse, hase trainmd them- selves ta shom op ond it nmly for enleaded perlada oftlIme. Thelr faorie periodi aapare.' 'They show ap no ner thon they have in and leave as eacly as possible nd gof off some place and ut ang around, Surniy iboce is somthing btter for our idn to do ihan bang aronnd." ho said. Acoring to Dr. Kig, com- pters are a thiag ni 1e future. igt nowteitre are computers that cas marh essays on content and set ot timtabios. The tudesi choses ihe ubien t e mnts ond the information is plagged into the leacer's ime- table. Bth ara wonnttrful ime sa- ers bt are stili ton anpensino ta ba practical. fh rosIs $4010o mark on essay. Comptrs are used also in mach stondardined lests and ronk each sindet ar- cordiag to iheir standing in the province. Dr Kng advocated te ionov- ation othtie crodit system, This1 would do aaay with niasses of1 stoets as such. The students would not ha - geher as aclans. but raiher with indiidoal groop. A popil might 0e ith on groop for math ond anotbr for hisiacy, depend- ing on is accomphsbment in 100 indiidual sabteci. The btggest probino sithth 1e sysiem is the itBa bhat studenin wouid loso iheir sense f identi- fication ih a graup. The groop identty is necesonry. Teachers illworkundergreat stress oin bohir n000mie, Dr. Kng said. "Tbey must loaro bo provide issolnemeni and refrain from sanding in front of a clasa ond taling." Be poinied out te need foc greater preparalion ouside the ctassrnom. "The ieacber %,iii becomo almost invisible ta the rnom. Once e gais tbore, is job sbould 0e jusi about onr, if the tesson ta prapaced cor- ectly."1 la ctosing, the speaber urgad leachers 10 accepi the Depari- ment of Education ond their in- speciors in their ea rote as by Mc. Cecil Patierson Bote0l i.C.W.edlheic Mrch meeting ai the home of )Ira. BillU HarrisaonsWednesday aI I P.m. for the0evcotinas, the îcpic 1'when Yeu Pray.' Sevra ladiesaslied Oor y eadisg Sciplure tasIs and gietsg com- ment. Bal cal ord ".Pray', answired hy 14 memecs. Miasiimacy convenr Mc. P. Merry as la charge ai 1he mission pragram asd 1104 on ttecîstiag oand infrmative me- ceî agi, tira. Mery readi a lttler , ifrom Mrs. Coltoa aha 541h hic dhuaband 18 wachtng In Langvie, 1 Aleta on an on Odien mission "field. 11e epressed graiiful jihhaa l e hec fctînds ai Bethal ~church for the many bonas leul J la heam talon Chistma. 2e ld la her leter Ohapphsy (they mre bai 10e boes oi qilîs, Utnen, ltgiag, tays, ,booksanad crayons ond touai mare had enled thm ta have 'gfs foc 10aae la thir fied. ,'Mc. Mliccv aninleresting talic on the mrk ai misstonartea in Iaie. Ti i tdChurch bis Ï49 misionclea lantala. Tb Ïcettry la onhall the ine i %oanada ond lias 25 fîmes as aaypopie. There are 845 =yRdfet languagas and dialeca *and only 14 are officiai. The Canadien Govrsîseal as hees Md 01111 is Oîpiag ndia ta earn #o b lf tsupprtIag, y seating #nâchinecy,gainsand irained personnel tltaeis them. An articl arilles hy e. A. PoresInlathe Observer as dad. He had intecvlemad os mng mnn aka ad baan orkln talia, mne as a poltry expert. e menanld ottrs are-trlv. ta e hw1te pcple oattela ai cas ta dota, ond tala 1em tala themnles. Bp thvelxp- rnt ofI iteas, management caiiag, and etisg ap amalI le indsrtieprjecis, 1ey Mei bal Ins ve yeacs time, ai strides vIil la momde, ward mre foo4 and btler visg conditions for the people. ILiBers ai 1anks vere read cm Ms. MD Dams, Frank ampeli, and Afred al. Invitatons ere reod ramn reetsviite U.C.W. ts a dessert ctaon ond bat shw, ond lsc cm S. Andeas, Georgetown thelc desert lonctaas and A shw on Macceh 18, ase te cr thlltk affecng meetiags prt. il as thclded ta have a pot k cO nscOvon and ladies' gei* tber in Be1el on April 16. Essex smrgasherd dthmet beUtaheid in Behei as Marcl ai 6:30 p.m. and eyeral 18cky drams, tickets are sUti #attable. lainresponta ta o retpest tif lies ai Betl have offredic repare and dllver Is the FPc Iclor Mission, Trontos i ses nf read in sandwiches s food d n la aa rved luth agymss mhOsUne Up eact y for hlpanad narrishmelt May 30. This charitable o carried on each and eserl Y hy chucch gcops throngh*e rontoaond adjacent poiats. A 1he clseoth1e meein ch as served y lMre.J Icktt, Sr., ond lirs. F. Tack tnt meeing Fo bla ta ri 3 ai thi home of MUt c. The Oiral meeting for the Pty cal Fitnas pcogcras Oube Peccy W. M.cry scheei ondoy eveisg 5410 23 lad adLng and mre expressi Ir Itenition Ib parflipate.f ciai cales avetaeapacnhar ail promut vesi ve di mesured. Eorcis&aver vua fnlemild hy a gme volleybal, moch al lhrronghly eajoyed. A note af thanks as taudered lire. Marilyn eeves of Georg-e townawmOuiii ta ph rinaila-m truciar for the gronp, Mx s.t Donna fanes and lirs. Judy Fln- nie as ra-chairmea mre ln charge ond reporled that an a lter dole a film on "Sktn Care, Oake up and Cosmetics" iii 0e sham. Alson assiiag as Mc. Wlnnte Wood. Hat meeting ls March 11. Correction - Mc. Mchael Jones etectained ai a birihrlay party for hec sot Jiminy, for years nId on arch 3. Congraulations ta M. and krs. Chartes Bceil Cee elen1 Bructar) af Conbaville oa the Mirth of 1eir dauger J3nnifer, a OLral grondcbld for M. ond 1 Ms. Jack Trinchier aud a grea gcnddlld foc M. ond lirs. Jack Fetchr, 10,10 Lit. Coagratllions ond tant istas taucM. and Mc. Carl Sasaders, formrly outhiis district nd nom ni Milon, cele- raliag 10lr gales eddOng au- ntversacy coi Thraday March Il. We jotn th3ir friendn in wshing 10cmn maay mre niversaclea. we are sarp ta report bhal Saney Pries a patient in Milon hospital. We wis0 Mim mal. Mc. Huth Bromridge ond Miasa Wttbucn teachrs onPercy Mercy schonf staff, atiendced the 1l aaniversary apet eld la Oakville os Wedta sdoy, Marc 6, Toc the Fedecatios of Lady Teachers. Mr. Armstcong, snp- erinlendent, mngeenJ..eatr and delilneed a fio meavuaga for the occasion. Be rece ineda sorol ai the msutesaofihe irai meeting of the Federalion hetd Ln 1)28. AUl enjoynd t10 eliouos meal and fellomship. Home and School Association Di Percy Meccy Schootmiii meat on Thnrsdoy eenong Marh 14, aI f:ls p.m. Go-tispeakers w111 ta Miss Prouin, speech teacher; Mrs. Haniely. primant consultant. ald lirs. Judd, ce- melial readlsg leacher. Parents ond frienrls are cordially invited is attenîd. Befreshmenis cerved. Friends in lois district mil! ae ssrry 10 learn of the sudrin pessing on Baturdoy MarcO9 ai Gabsille of Mr. Boy Speers. Be is surviood ry bis aile the former Giadys licCleant, uduo taught for seneral years aiS. No. 7.Sincere 5y:npahb; 10 Mcs. Speers in ber sad bass. Mc. and Mrs. Maurice Wii. Uiamson accompaaiod )y ibeir gcadoitdceo Karen and Grant Willlamson tafi on Thursdoy for a Ootid.op in Florido. Birtbdoy greeiings io Ponia Deming, John Course.,lirs. A. Trischler, Karen William-on, Bruce Baiiay, John Bailey, Shernt Sim, Kaihorioe Ayers and GrntILee. Wedding congratulationsto Mr. ad Mca. L.oraley on MarcS i7. OMAGN Bell lady to speak ait church luncheon hp Mrs. Cecil Patierson tirs. Marlpa French of the Bel' ephmne wml i tagest speaer as Thursdop MarcrO14, ai Omagh Presbyertas Chn:,ch ai 12:30 p.m., ai hich ime iha W.M.S. are hlinag s Pot Luck lonctaon, Lire. French ml shaow pctaresaond talk os "The Changing Years." Mdrs. French cames lnghlp e- commended as she las bees em- pioyed alto Bell Compony foc 19 pars. S0e as a busy schednie speaktaLg ta ctrl, patiO and charitable clubs, and Is axpos- sibie for acragamenîs ond per- sonnel invloed ln Pubientors af compai ,buildings. Sue aisa assisis on traindng of staff foc C..E., Home Showe and ait2 ochibils. A cordial invitaion iseuteaded lean onp o O mldlikthlaheor lis fine speaer. Dinr is erned ai 12:30 p.m. promptly. Omagh ladies iii suppip 011 food, ond onid tihe yaur csmponp. The forth meeting ol Borsby South Deueens v-;eu-Ied on Stsrdoy Iarch 9 at 9:11 a.M., 5410 19 mmara atteuding. An Ruh, presîdent: conducted 0le business, ral ral as onsaered by slaisg fruits tOni con la frosns caased or doed. t A discusasn ond notes mre gises hy the leaders, on the importance of breakfast, and the mony aps fruit con la eroed for that meal, as Malo i the labgniala, an crsisa, or as jam cr marmelade ai the finish i meal ilo toast. Suggestions for improsing record boks ere gises and s i recocd book from a presious * clubO "Foaaring Fruit" as t ghoitaa.TOs hook made Op a ig seior girl wiaaafOne anampli t- and gave MO m mecama bd Ideai 80d 8aiu1stiOas. id Mc. PiltinsomsUAd Mca. a Iiermon leadecs, thon demon- of sctid sectIO8139 a grigifrui and oronge, usilIf the fruis ond thrs ta mahe a fruit cap. A grapefruiti as s -tiotad and e - coraled for serving a br-akfast mea. Frisg pas contdes mre demnstralad Sp the leadrs, and thase along ato htruib cup ere served bfor lunch. Rol coul for next meeing on Mdarcb il is, "Fruit i ae Yeserday." Kiicheo telpers mre Sharon i, Ciody Cuxd- IsgbpadJeaon Kunoig. Stephea Lawrcence is aiieo-tig Wie ahs igh Scho-ol, ering a cos on is brohen aul. Bephen waa Injuced in a rcnto hockey game. Birthdoy greeoitoa to Mcas.Joe Wilbmoti, Trenor iltebal, Beth MLrsOall, Sharon Jattes, Carles Lawrence ond iobetrSargent. Cosgratulations and vnaaty gd wisbes la Mcr. and Mc. Erest Price ho mIL,.ratod 1eir 40 onddiag anvarsant OnMarccb3. Mr. and Mirs, Price bave csid'd Du Iheir FiObh Line farm snoce thir ma-Aage in 1924. Announce New Healing Substance: Shriuks Piles Exehe.a .aI veail te5e0b A reamsied casaier neituta tas foxed àaunuens etisq inhitance withthe ability to @l:n hera. i kaiciepaistial. tOlbibkinsh and dmaomlrin mints an speed@ up boiali of the iajoasd, talaien tissus. lu amae rommcsewhite gesiby rat culridutios mUsaI imperloat a tî issitave mofantkament iamtm t This wua aeompiised inisa ne healin -,DO(l0: Ha. Bi-Dys. in offered ia oist- mIe tn 't fortaa e awai t ]V " te .1d GUEST SPEAKER AND TEACN8RS eachange viw neducatron Dr. Alon Krng, seated, is anAsistant Pronessor ar the Ontario instrtute fot the Stody of Edoratior. Prom left are W. F. SRley, o eanher ar J. M.Devyes avd secte- to furid victims sinesstoaf Alfotta the Coatnls- ACcordiog 10 Dr. Allon King, you con lobk forward bo a ansi array of changes ln aur educa- tBan asisem la the near future. Computers, inisidual learaing, carpeted floor, naiay hids and ahaky teacheca are snana aflla thiaga ta expectin th a 1ear futuce. Dr. King la on assistant pro- fessar aith1e Ontario Inulitute for the Stady of EdUaaila and la 4ddessed local teachersaond alter cittnens concerned a110 edacatlo icth 1e annal Edaca- tion'Week banquet atHaty RaaarY ParIsh Hall ThurstdIeY Betold teactarstair rata mas 1 chongtng. Be dlscouragedteach- tng Oy lecture and cciticimed ýtehetrs for ieachiag fram 10e Ifront of the raam. DRUMQUIN iMissionar try of the Educatron Week commrttee andMet. and Mrs. ran Fhaudboth teachets at Hlly Ro 5ary Dhool andl both members of the nomn- (Staff Photo) The Canadiarr Charmpion, Wednesdey, Match 13, 1968 consultants rather ha0 tn- apectors. "Edctaiooi ta nyour hantis more thonanar efore. TOi depariment ta out. Nom it ta an ogeacy ta heip, sot Ilroatea. Yon should try Ithagsanad set op ex- prîmets. Tachers con play a more Meanioglul tote o ricthan evrbforo," Brian Fichaud, a toachor ai lioly Rosary Schooi, oas chair- man af thoeibaquet. Mayor Brion Rsi spoho riofly and congrat- latad the rommitieeon 01thn job they d oi arranging the banquet. --Omagh correcpodent Mr. Cocil Patrson reports seelag roins, n arbingor uf spring, last aee. BBUY EASTER SEAL S! THE DEST REHABILITATION PROGRAM FOR CRIPPLEC CIIDREN N THE WORLD i5 RIGHI NER IN ONTARIO -ond Eoter Seal contri- butons have madertlail possible tontivue and mostimportat - expavd. There s non other crrppted chidren'c orgavrration that han a comparable nursrng staff or camping progrom, The nermoris of treet- ment rentres and the nccmber of travelling clnivîs r coveqo oued. The EanIer Seal rompargv is a major projent in 230 ceoutre clubscin the prove. TO eceserv ire clubs mork in associatron mith the Ovtarro Society for Crrppted Chidren to tarse and ose the fonds fir the henefrr of more thon lb,000 rppied rhrîdren. a o- - - - - - - -Ota, - t m to>ns, > c-m-e-a- - - - - - - - - SUBSCRIBE TO THE 1968 ) EASTER SEAL CMPAIGN WITH A GENEROIJS GIFT A child or teenager ouho becomes pirysically disabled ftrough accident' diseace or ai birth, has the best opportuttity for recovery end c re hanks to the people of Ontario mho ertdorse this great effort by corttributing generously tomards the work being dace by the Society, This year Easrer Seat contributions nmust 0e ai least $1,400,000. f the total rehabriltarron for crippled chidren i c, ontinue. A re- spor e to t e Easter Seal appeal teceived ar Vour homte mill be of help Io corne crippled cfrrld A PROJECT 0F THE! ROTARY CLUB 0F MILTON' Plias. Mail Vour Donation 80 EASTER SEAL FUND THE ROTARY CLUB 0F MILTON BANK 0F MOt4TREAL - MILTNj I- - - - - - - - - - -I ladies study problems of India i EARLY SPRING I SPECIAL! INTRIiOR - Reg $1100 Gai. LATEX s57 a PAINT 2 Geis. - $11.0 OTHER SPECIALS ON 0 ENAMELS 0SESMI GLOS ETC Order Nota While Stick Laes To Get Prepared For Spring Beauty aWITH EXPERIENCED HAIR STYLING "Y 133 Main St. West 878-2131 y reports f rom- west cnt humidifier and r, yntil bas-c dis- fot. Livn il op in rom- atng contraclerm r Union Gos. s foc gruntcd. il u ---------- ------------------- - - - - - - - - - - c~ m mittee.

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