TieCrusoCeepo, ensay, March 13, 1968 Annual report Adds $17 to furid Ci 1 4 Bll ads 25 phnes erefor Sicity victims e c urc es im ilg amcte Bel ads 25 hons hre Min Sà% husisnSOO0OAffee H ornby, p.qshgro~av~. h r h s au ugau~' The annuai report ufthtie Bel1 tise CoOpOOytiefgr 5 $312 Crisci seprts tihe CanazdteienDr- P for 1967 manVfO ren milion rop widths 293 mli- aster Relief Fond for Sciy. Telpiol Cm "Io l 'ion )nt1966 P et c9 entn i ch has is collectiona sepot for nords unreree nie d 1grohf l oin i19ss6i6, Cn(a, ii oeifisirasoic to build new H illcrest U nited Church teCmaysoeain; h fti a pn nCnd.rti rai i trhsclet Acs Droaby uninexes o f00- epompny's oeain s. ise Tise total Bell Canada payr0t1 ed $17.55 store $10 oas sent to 900 ci sio cnmileo t intitepansduis,'50 u ecea nisîo.- reort 00 ieto mllett e.fori96 wss$237 million. New te Caaien Red Cross for aray. ing ietd oiionng tsaI srvIc "Hlllcrest United Cissschnis the naime selecled for a new f ciurrhint serve tie ornisy and l R e Asigrove aroas et Esqusisng H Tonsip.f Tise ongregalloOs olAsisgrnve (I aa and Hornby UnitedCisurcshiave secised to amalgamafe soser tiem sen nane, and eret a modemn e new hris missoonsto bre senliew Tiiri vicisty et tise Ion prosent bild- c sitoujsk ,ngn -- proisably Midw'ay beloeen r Aresa tietion on theo Sevntis Lin, A MtBon ste war dsiip campaico among tie e ansal 90 famiboes -_ ttalng aboutb The s 1805resideol mesoers - as 0 Ilichi a launrised onothise ueoef. mcress BR, P. Ketis Hankes, mn- Larry sie o 1tlie oruby Pastoral is but nt deisgbed esr tisoomaIgamation. and oarn "Tise rongregatonu s enlissias-a uf lir. tc and ecilod," liesaid. "Arn- y paoy vi algamnation wilI proite us wtb nions etr ailUties and a more ef- prolen Orcient operation. I il nl efect 'The the obole lite ond oork niflise carniva. rongregation, and improelits lirs, J. service 10 tie communituy" t Tise twon ciurcies lie iarely threenies apart. Mot ni tbe mombers are rfenss and close nelgtiisrs oltis ibose sinlise oter P r ciurri. Tisre is an encllent commuoity spirilcooering isti f i congregolions tie miister e- planed. Tranelling tîme, dplcaion of servces and lise need for btter Tise Chisitian educallOn tacilties Ciurcit ere also important factors 1n Marcit the ongregation's deision, tie Gordon muster sid. Mr. Hawkes alsn Aid m, serves oaliird eurchil, h is prenitte charge, Betisl United ai Drum- a prapn. spin, and tbe tiree lurcliy ser- 12. M cls paced a scat il minutes misnutes pot creato a trying labaissti treaur oc tie busy ministr, Tise Belisel cisisc i sl romain o function on ils oon. fi 5 a oarger oburcis liscoAsisgrone and Hornisy, bas oscny noce modemn lacilîfies, and oppeuco usite oste- qu010 for lise aroO's future needs, Asisgroce, once Iocatodfuriisor sortis un tise ienenth isle cftihe enironce f0 lifeoortfowonfllage, wos incoryorated os o Metisodiot risurcis around 1860. It oas lofer re-locafed justOaufbolf the Asis- grone inersection. Tise Hornisy cisurci s avague0 iistory -- but ot for long, A Committeo ut blolorsoonso ofareody deîsing solo ils pant andisy thse lime lise noo curchlis15open, o full bis- tor-y f0 yromiSed. Tise iistor- Ions lace o man-sized nchallenge, as tise century-old Horosy cliurcb nos once conneclod outo no- deotucurcisos aI Boues and Trafalgar and lofer foined tise Horoby-Aosgrene-Betiel cbarge Planming forlise merger oas often tahed about in recent yars bot il otOicially bIgngosnfJanuory 1967 whien r.uau- aioocl meet- ings nf lotis Asbgrove and Hemn- isy cisurcises appololod i commit- tee 10 inneofîgale tise future. Tise to committees licol mol sep- acalely, iben togeliser. Tiscy tank liseir mergor proposol 10 the OfficiaI Board outhtiso congregatlons, iben in Novemlor apyoaced lotore tise congrega- lions. Eanis noogregaii ooted isy ou overwiselodng maorocly teannal- gomate as ot January 1, 1966. On Janucry 2d tise licol meeting iseld aI Asbgrove curcisanda large, onlisusiaslic, cesyunsive group elected 000 otfilcrs ans appointed a "Planiig and enten- UCH tise eosf vorfiserfy risrcis of qcisarge, silo or tise ent ssde cf tise wAsisgrooe intersectionr t mus founded d 0stis Horrby United Cisorcis to fores rtf (staff Pisoto) fire truck ges inew tun7k A neo 5lis gallon ocler tank nhitie tise pomPer 00ancy. vaon fsfofled in Mlton Fice Se. Monda y eenîng, lise tber hall >artment's 1951 pomper frock of tise mon pt ail tise boue and st wee, and trefightsers espipmect bacS in place on tie reatised a bg sigisootrcliol, pumpr, Thse tank seeioped o feak sen- And, you gessed i, liece ?rai neehs 01, oicis could not Osn a country lire col on Mono- e repaired. fil 500 loolog about day. B5 gallons ot nter o day - Mot Tise brigade recorded lie :ffil on tie fooc le the lire al- er's icol grass lice inoalarm --and flretigiters bcd 10 retilI field nor theBa se Lîne-Tre- ise tank mwIro a day 10 eep it Mai00 Bond sntersectionin Oak- redy foc amergencies. ville. Tie numloc 100 umer, ire Cief A, . Clemeol ex. thc ose usually reseruel foc lnd tise truck is lie une used trun ire calI, ansorel lie rîmarily for contry ire cals, a10cm acco mpaids by lie Town and tise oceosity o iaviogao flli o Milton 500 galloousaferfat"s f0 glions o wolo ono arrivai Tisn pompe c carrsed fot 200 lta counry lire ias oten beets gllons of w aler in ils tank. 1sf- royen. "TisaI rst 500 gallons fle nater nos resyssced 10 douse s ose of four mosf simportanilthogroslire, oweer. anils," ie scys. Ilise pumper- munn on on nter, a tonk truck a Be despotcses to 1h libre tu J. Ostier presid ent soch up tise original lion gllons. Tise ing Seagrane Company instrument assoc. in Wondstsock replcced tlisebaS- John W. OSaler, prosîdent ut ig tank wtia ten 0one MonilOy. Caocusan Meter Company Limîl- Chjet Clement drooe lie truck ed utis its ead ofisce in Mtilon, ap eriy n te morniog an re- as been eleted prenîdet othlie lrsest ai upertime. The eoen- Indsrial Instrument itanulor- ing lofore, boilth0e fireligiters turers' Association. iad unloaded the ioses and Hoansd fisn o oler coorutîse etpipmseol roms lie pusIper and meolors oere named ai lise placed il on a boll-ton trucS io grmup's recent anoual metsng case tiere ere any lire cailsis Toronto. Apples For Sale Ontario Tree Fruits Limited is once taqain opened for the. sale of apples te the. public. -MacINTOSH - SPY - DELICIOUS AT W -OLESALE PRIME à 370 Onfaro St. Miton 878-2451 toc tise new iuilding. A neois agn Sunstoy, Marris 3, lise sen nongregatiin ield its irst jont servicesnt worsitp a Hornisy Ciurci. They crnwstes int lise ciurcis until il wan fu andt etra ciairs iad 10 be pro- nlstes -- and oer 60 boys and grs nerflnwed tise Sunstay Scisool lacilîties in theo baemen' nf lie building eected tise na-o, "Bulcret'. Sent stop is tise steoarssip rampalgo, lastfog from Mrris lo to April 13 Mir, Hawkes reports tiere ls non reserve on bond toward .ie eo iuildn -- *'se'Ille Strt- ing frnm scratcis" -- iut ie is confident tise congregailon can switng tise new building niichifi as tiseyp of tie fi mltslng proaCiis present t be sold. committ ClanudeP EstytiseE Neelands chiarmas financec Elders Roierti Stan Psi le Gil. Nurse, wortis. Brownsi Joisuson Wrtggte Cisair Carney retMr, treasun ier asý are Wa Reed,F niogisaf ifeelaid Thie 1 lostti into the An ons iplans -.o awaittiseresuits fina.scial campaligo isefore any strawinga or ap- ing an arcéitect, Tise tWO st ldtssgs woliproisaily planning and extnsiufon lee locludes cisairman Pichet, secretfary Mars. King, treasurer Johinson s, planning and needs on william Wilson, and cisoirsnan Jlm Sbon, es of lise now cssrcs are tCunningisami, Lloyd May, Ire, Cisarles Austin, Ern, [s, Claudte Piciset, Fred ,Vernon Pickot, Harold sn and Clitiord Wrtggtes- trustees include Thomas ardge, Bruce McClure, n Neetanssand Clifford Iesworts. rusan of stewarsis James eylwthillutWilson as sesc- y Mrs. John McBabbi as rer and Joisn Wajlare as Issistit. Stiser stewari fard Brovnristge, Harots Ford Wichsoo, Balpis Cn m, Boy Wilson, JohinsI ssts, James bon, airs. Est King and William Wilson t adites are alreasty ai orl g fise nomen of lise chrisr he ueo U.C.W. organslostlor rganloatf osaI meeting nu Jassary 31 anttie ficst geo meeting usas iseld in lai iec seus enecutive lncjuste tent iirs. Clifford Wril ortis, vire-presitent Mirs dBroworlstge, recoretin tary airs. Veron Piclo esponsttog secratary air, Sompson, treasnrer Mr .st Boisson, assistant Mr re Wilson and fUnit Leastes ýJames loow, Mrs. Wal wnrtstge and airs, Haro "lime of ottorous artlvity and solid acoomplisisment.' Eariy in tise year tise Comp5nY inanguratest Caada's first eter- tronir tetepitooe entcisange 1u serve Expo 67 and its mllions of vistors. Arounst mtd-19ii, it grele past tise fine mllion mark in tise numier of telepisooeu er- yod and,. for tise fi rst time in a jsingle year, esceesest $300 mlj- lion is capital espensitures 10 furtisor enpaast and improne ils far-flung commnsications net- In Derember, Bell Canada en- tered tise space-ae f teternus- msslrailons we ististe start Of constructi on ono an experlmenial eartis station designeostho test varions aspects of communa- lion satellite operation, and ta add a Caoadiao siare to fihe 5wrls's snolenige Of tiese nOf .satellite techiquessinetucommun' a Icatisi oit isolated rtposta 0o s e fr nons,. s Bej's record year was reflect' t est 0 in Miton, witre the Com- *pany 's construction prorat ,n totalted almost $150.000. Across First permit worth $7,000 Figures reteaseni frou te ni- fice ofmiltons ildistnglispector ibis week soson oly onebilding permit oas issuedwitttn tisetooes driog Feiruory. il nas a $7,000 noreisotse andi garage sructure. This f0 tise total of 19t8'sper- mits is Mlton, store nnne once issued un Januacy. Bp ibis ime lmss year $17,000 nortis of structures hast been iosued 10011 permito. forreOsed wafes anudienefits Il, lftne wit slmiltrssianfeslnctiter Canasiao lindustres. Tise cnmpanyO teserai, Pro- vncial and mnipai tan ilt amounted te $131 million, tihe eqsslvalenl of $3.80 per siare of $26.10 per telepienne in servce. Of aisot 284,000 tetepitones astses t bBell CaiuOs nswdtcn0 setvoris,211 were astded in Ml- ton. At year'estsenpO' total tetepisolesn 0servire oece 5,j152,101, andt 5,078uereln Mil- ton. Collected frous patrons ni tien store, the mey goes te aid Siciloens wvitexnpertnced joan ofnits. and prcqserty ta te vove of earttqiaie enarlier titis year. .-J. T. Bluse, preolileni of ilton Brick Co. Llmtted, tu iseen nanoed to atitree-naoird of directors nanied for Flndon L4mlted Tite firm ituldu O&liat toterestinto200 acreso«Fleing- don Park lu the rentre e01Nott- Toronto. M. D. H. S. Milon Dstrict Hgh SuhOOl WE WANT WORK! During fte summer Of 1969 a grouP af MOlEHS. eludent hope te tour Euroe. we sl do ANY TYPSE o woke very reasenabln rates. Yeur support would h. apprani. ated. 0 EUROPE WORK COMPANY 0 CALL EVENINGS Milton - Janet Beverley 878-2702 Campbellville - Gamnet Mitchell 878-2101 future Dr. lefssoi Sfor lte - 4dre: Stion'i Parts lie 9teaclb front DRt Bari Iad ort M 1Meî MIS liste tfrot " fiel, jtoI ton %a )ir. L. vnans Atr is 19,0the I.O.D. short aIrs.t dent of ci Sutar tedap lia shiort ni. otinred ii $200 ond Ter usiters, lsbnt in LO.D.i. testants Ctoslq April 30, Ciairu etitiol i:I Hamton miss teacier c eriture Conditi ptititti 5 subitttin tact Pro arto, 1.0 West, no Spi St. A love greatly ta u0 na a Rom aur&Ye Tisn Be th.0e.ir Lib ors for Au a s MWaasa a gmut alaad lo 1 Anocidit riLn& Twet,. W. B. Dne ci tien CW Asocia*f UmaPcr* aid mIa tic@uisAak At a 00 J.. K= mad pus eeleI aie -aiw 14,Md lth mm a"ut nar. *Ioa >NSO UNIiSO CI4URCH, on the Base Lire rear Oakoiffe's eldJ aIgus toast, sonoe of fise Imo chorches mergseg te fores eru cres Unied Choscis Tise verger, a year in the plannin ro i îes, toois plane or January 1f The two congregatievu are presu aniro a food-raissg ceespaîgo to tucifd aewe chcrch t place the preseof 5500 f(Staff Phnto) ar Lew lSeorf )pen house anytime ""rs Browo at Sunshine School ed Edunaticis Weeb lu Marris 3-9. tise principal, and arrangea date, ne Ounsiie Irbool Ionise Men- lshe and ber niait os well os tise liy Retarstes dues nolisave Open ciidren, wilIl selcome you. iouse ona certain date, at set The Milton Lions Clubs nere surs, but fil sone of your rom- hnsts toaiMr. and airs. I.Loharn oofity scisoolo and you are 1n- on Feisruory St, atioisicis lime a led 10 nisit fi anytime. film nos sisowi ni tise HS.PE. TiseSe ciildren are members Workhtp, o youc community. Tiseir sisters Tise trainees nI tise Worishisp and broîbers atoend varins uere Ireoted 10oa delicloos lun- scoolo - thierparentsoboe, work cheon of pizza, gioeo by tise oeo and sbop 10 your commustty. Pizza Bouse, Mill Si,, George- ome and ueo iliese brigist, shkm- tOn. sg fares and learn obat is lotOg A cisaque for $21 frou tte 000e 10 ielp tisem lorome gond Esquesing Womneo's Inslitote and itirens. a filing cabinet fronstishe George- If your club or group olises ton Fireproofing Companyowere tonlsiî contact Mrs. Jeffares, dosated to the Worksistl. SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL CHICKEN ANS RICE loup sl.25 f OAST YOUNG CHICKEN SINNER ASYUCHES TATEN IN NENC Rt SMBRf HO RT AK AO R ISR C ION I ONt1a We A eOpen ivery D ay Tir h e t h. ea D7han/ti À4 r Rhanko Te a il Bo h l e t r a i e WeeOU pefnd-vraiing campagn lathewuak LIDR.RESTAUKANT 181 MainamAIRnC hairmaID ihn, On bealf o the Milon Br nch . oada 0 *Phono 87".533 *146 Main St. L.,h i ossicýl 5tagnant peiLes. 'Afîsîi nasrai gfels o1irsscccn- trlrffcasssssyyscss, yOcssssOsror stcfsodissfsfy, ccenemy ansd cfssatfs- siensce sifîsa oer humidificr and efeclesososair cfcnrr, yen'11 ihavc dis' ceserd Tssl oCmfert. Sss geossaha. Livr il op lu cein- foi 1. Scr pour isruing centracter, stcprmenostore or Union Cao. )osov9peoplr, mcs. Ande yo e quiou ogas UNITED GAS With nato at gos, you can takc gentlcnss fer granteni, CALL VOUR HIATINO CO#4IACTON S. A. FAY & SON LTD. * * Pumbla 1sd Na it., MIhon O ~SwvuvlM Is.amussiifer eMara quease 4 aht ASHGROVE UNITED CF tise tisree-poiol Hornb liesserli Lne îoOt isefow rn f869 Il is n erge( f0e k.. e alfeel "Hsf cr, OId oelekiag wi Pa [w b ei bE 7! oi tir, pý pa. p i! t, r c b i i t i TIt's the biggest party of the year. No one was too hot. No one was too cold. No oie was stifled by cigarette smoke. Wrnt to know why? Ais isdern adfsumsdslya, osnçsîsy thensfand suppl orlth fîlorsid ai mbcnstant oem cfy fisfre s ili r i. i Tise escsoos s afst s,sfc o Thelsr e00cr g'a5c Ifsc usriaio* 1 gcatooin colrgc thmeaiachnet getover-hcatedfrom to4