Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Mar 1968, p. 18

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86The Casadian Champon. Wednesday, March 13, 1968 Haiton 4-H Clubs to Organize Arena Th itcb a Lary lac ot ad a r of Ms. panT wI problen Th cariva Ms. J. Pr' foi The barcb Gordon Aid n 121. Id: mionues Mer. Do cp andi Mie. L Aftr sh 519, tho I.O.D. short cht o! o!GOntat today lbh short St offeced 1 $200 and Tbe c writes, idet in LO.D.L- teatats Closini A!sil 30, clitona i Haomilon miss teoche c raisce *Conditl poitise o stboittit lat Pror arto LG West, Ho Spi St. A lome geatly te e! Kaox lac ailen Lib Orç for As o v a grto TwMp- W. Ea Dp of 5tunt( irons Ke* nAst a Im lai 14, Md tic Me. Bd» lIe. bat 84rc b boaarrinod., local officiels bone isrudoflood wriog and o.k enoryns o be .ap.elally carotl roood swol- Io 00k and cteMs. t Wbile lia Febm"ory2aflood la1 tom u aprobably Iun oe* 8kl. taw xomc et UlteWlldtof,8 ta sUn a oWeBtly ci aocdr botore sprgla r10 n5117blo. Town polie,.gr Md gem.1 e0- seuols m o mgeeesd BetCW t- Two champions in showmanship, Halton wins honors at College Royal >% N AD By Geof Taylor, Exesion Assistntn Otario e ormeel of Agriculure and Food on Tuesday. Mrnh 19 ai 8 p.m., tise Aton 4-H Agricltural clebs wiii bo organizeil for 1968, n tise Actai Cammanrtp Centre, and or Wednesday, March 20, or 8 p.m., in the Bonne Comnmunity Centre, ail Milrsn areo clubs wiii be fsrmed. The 4-H Clubs ta be offeredin Houas riis poar inde itrawberpu Tractsr; Sisep, Hostein, Jersey- Guernsey-Aytsisiro and Beef Caif; orage; Cors; and Conservation. Ornerai senior 4-iH Clubs are aaailabie to mcm- bers lb prars or one, as of Januatp 1, including the Senior Herd Ma agement prjeni for beef andl dairy club members, and tire Cannotvatioe Club. Tie Tractsr club aili be spenla o mbers 14 pats or aner. Al previaus 4-Hoers and ohrorraai onng people ieerested are initei ta risc organleatian meetings, miserealal tise information ran be obtoin- cd. Tie ciief obectiveo f tise 4-H progeoms n tie deaoiop nt of yaung farmn people tirtoogh train- ing in agriculture and good citizensiip. WHAT MAKUS Up A 4-H CLUB? A. Ton or more fars einyung people - woane flot Ions tsar borine years et age by January bt and bave not rrachrd Eeir Sist birthday by Decern- ber 3sirnofi tIe club year. B. Local 4-H Club Lýeodr - mise work closely witb tbe yausg people, belping ta peovide intrctioo andl guidance witb the 4-H prograi. Thse mon and omen provide ibeir services 0n0a voluntary basin and mucb othte crendit for the iuccess ai 4-H is owing btb eir mrk. C A Sponsoring Organization - wicb mnay bec -y groupnorbh as Agicultural Societirs, Service Clubs, junior Farmmrs, rtc., who are interrsted in lIse developosenoth te youtb of ter commun- ity. Tise oca sponsor cotibutes at Icoot ane thictl af tbe inannial support of tbe club and n many case taire an active part in tise club promo- boin, WHAT KINDS 0F 4-H CLUBS ARE TIIERI? in Onarnio 4-H Clubs srec orgoniord on a projet basis witb al membres o a club carrying on tise ane proet. Thse following srec recognizeel as official 4-H Agiultural Club project wbîcb srec currently orgaiaed in Ontario. Dablt CaI, Bref Clt. Poutry, Swiise, Sbeep, Co-, Forage, Grin, Sopiean, Sugar tient, Tobaoco. White Brais, Potato, Forestry, Fruit and Tractor Maintenance, Rrcentiy nena Senior 4-H Clubs bave bers dccl. oprd for membres betwern tIe ages of 16 and 20 yrars. resent Senior 4-H Proecets include Engineer- ing, Farmi and Home Elecrir, Conservation and Hselet Hog. WHAT DO 4-H MEMBERS DO? Tise type of activity and work wbicistise 4-H membre dors, wilI depend upon tise ptojert sleeted. in ail roses bowever tise member - 1 Undertlkesa aSpeellie ProjeeL Tis proert isi completed by the ladividuel member on bis or ber Iome tarin. Mre tise membre gains tise pactiral experienre of actully dolag tise reorlt reqluired ta complte tise peojeet. Mem- beres learn ta, keep anrurte recorda on tieir projent, subiit reports and observe tise e- nuts ai tiseir applied knowledge. Senior 4-H Clt Club memberes us bave tise oppoeeunity of addng ta tieir expeelence by complrtng a Beef or Dairy Herd Manage- ment peoject along witis tieir regulse calt prject. It. Attend Regular Educaglona Meetings. Isese meetings arrIeld once o montis tisougisout the club year wIiisn ot case lfor a ste or si ontis perlad brglanng la tise spelag and ending la tise taIL ProctcraI demonstrationi are lacluded la the program ta gise membres an opportunlty to deZelop tiseiW kill.Meetings a r oduted aceording ta psliamentary procedure. IIl.Eshibit or Particlpate at Acrielvementi Day. Eacis 4-H Club conludes bts yese setisau Ariievement Day Peogrant, Earis memberela reured to pariripate la tisnprogram, la rdTre tacomplte is r bereproert. IV. Particituato lanO0&wrAedgliea. A wlde vani- 01y f aii lntlc t tise eossty. reglonai and provincial level have bren desigssed ta add lateret ta the local club prograin. Tisese arglnttlrs laclude educational tours, rallieo, competltiono, laadeashlp courses and teavel popmm Don't argue Faris paon car diers are Illed misas tiep rua lintie side ai a tea, an ara it as tisen rp lu cross. Tire average passesgar sean'l.1a n .1 on ssu;e it con bas on, tise cnt siatis t Tise HallU traits, grades lacs, salat, nottesn Hal Sn05 grant vat lands Mau ron moy stray to sean the fru11 ditcbcu and creola drisgaqsicb thaw, ad mringu banc eeon lracd. Parents are rgedt i nmPeso Ue thUprsc stoalr spea chie paupa cMldntn. --AdosLégioCboeolbro, frsi feos. chie uuiag trip i; bp. 10lai;muse, bave bau Mbd etta 9h.itale agIin Beware of "premium" or gallon fertilizers ir treensda tait miles. Ton teriliser csss maY lte ilE stop. Wiat chance te tion150 buif1! pu bascis paur ftan- il engiseer l In ses ise tiSser is tise GALLON, an il pea cr Lcar rylog te beat iais laougisi a preeoium tertiUszer. i ssisg? Treat lenel cres- Fertilisees boutiit by lise ga- mr eit tiespect he y is de- ion teqesetlp are poor iuys te- and don't argue vtisan cause tise price is venp hisî.tis. horse." Oles fertilizer sld is tire gai- as __________ lon csts as maris as $3 per i, gala. The aerage tartilleer on Study fruits sld is gallons eiglis abot 14 Ili. per galon. Tis meana ilai cu tiird meetigofthieaScotchs 143 galosu are reqalred ts ma.im II Lassles as eid ai Llgap up ose to! ofertiliser. Il peu ia at 9.30. Tise discusson are papîsg $3 per galon, tise to n died fruits and consed fertiliser is cedtisg Psu (143 s in ;, el th is dds mnd tieir $3) $429 per tu. Fertiliserssld fi: S. Tisa girls et ta the csdap cets on average of $8gv i sn to mate oen-steomad pr tes. Hoeer, te pine nn- g mur Inruit sauces, opple gs rom $00 la $2a Per tbs. tom-ronde srup, mndrit Tkss, fetilisers obicircost moe -Tbep ties indstised thiole bn 85cents pr galonarebhiga- and atiernc. lp mverprioed. - Anotier poitin us tiliser csst - ti ttie "premtum ertiliner." $10,46 grant This ."premlam fertiliser" oStes lins EastM.PP. JmescsonitSnncro-sartasts (trace Lito Eas M.PP. Jmes lemets) mtrîcisara la correct vioay paooauscad a $t,460 nuteet siortagos. Mos Osftr- I ta Halivu Regies Caser- ta snîîs ava au sirrtagos o sn Athoisrtp, Ian assistance nmlr-nutients. ad acquisiionoe!flioad plats Micronuietsisupplied in cs n ailli. Tise Dopar- premîom ertlisers uap cause t! ofEnarcp and RPoauncas pleld reductioss. Mcr-st- agmet gave tietrant. riescs are veen crtical la plant EMMETT MeGIBSON uf Mîlte renceil dtise Souper Trapisp for AJIlCanaian hîgis prodiotne mîth is s Dual Purpuse Sisset- iores Tise preseeration mas mnale rrcentip bp Norman Hagg, rigist presdet vitise Caraiae Sisrtisare Associatian. ruithifr. I l it tile ai ose un me aoflire minru-autiats lv vae prairlem, tertiliser cansoslve ne dirtinvlip. Il tua mucir aI ane or mare ufthtir micra-nutieats s tira prublaîn, tl irailicultp is vers mare caslttacnrrant. If a premlum tertilinar coa- ains mcra-sutinslO icis pau nre sal sure paa aoed, dastt bap it, as pair cnvld gtito uciruf ine an mare uucra-uirlaas. If pou bavea anaspecledmicra- cutreet prublam, caasuli aquai- lIfed meniter aoflise OstntuioDe- tarimet utAgricultuvre usd Fred ao cvsllrm tire trablau. Ift!his nicra-avîniet iprublea is cas- SLrmad, liras tnlloa tire adamoe glves tu corract tbe prablem. 1)i,,,liaris woir the siravian- shup ïnn Hamvpshire larnb, and vent va iv place tlirrd 1inthe finas. lanlihe Grand Citamplanabid> Ciass, ails tthe top sirtaman in seeat,aieop, Saune, Dairp and Hases cempeiat, Bilt Jackson wus tire ailvoor and ie recelned tire Jacobine Jones Trvpirp, and a Gadstone bac oaaiad ir Cao- ado Pankers. Royal, hotU athUtir vlvii Oi Guelpir, stadeta rnm SultanN Costy slroed tirir proweevaina sttowmatcsltp. JeIt Nvrve awoa tise uowmansstp ftanioralertn- steins oner 010e otirur compt- tors, antd ent oato thiefinalts, competîse agaisst tire top tan memiers in Ove aCher rairy classes. lie as setenlad as tire reserne champio dalry shro- mas, simllor to iis wlstcisg la 1907. Verso Tirampsoone stie n- ior Hereford lass anar ina boys, and Bill Jackson woa tire seninr Angus rlassoual ai igrI competitors. Is lira Seatfinlas, Bill Jacksot was declaredchirm- pon, and Versa lire raserve, out otl14 prtîcipats. McNuhh fumily cleuns up in Ail Canada judginigs panea! eNirulta alliaea frmnT ofAgriuraemofial frmToroisetam woas Cauoea Gseeose ia aGnaraoaisas Mestusey. Ma airor ailleatir presesJon auscar ut Cilumofh Frs, GoeurofaisbolSsoed toFari ergeto3w niabt - a ar lise meoars - 13mpoins - d i t tisn andat Att aadivudiso oftCnamltit pnanrarlb ire Canadtiar Duarsporedars'th Association. Donald McNsmbbirs tlise mmd irorat u ils tis cumpetitin as Johnsona lt n016usad ianos mas Mir man ia 19t3. Patent E. Dscan, . R. 1, A- monte, a meoten at tire Lari 4-H GuarnaaapCaltClvb,aadPaul Wsaddlsse Moraield,a eomier ut Mar-plaraugir Clt Club aiEa mre tied mush 131 psints. Tbe AllConadianudgiatiCam- petiins 1jidted tram piclares pubiscsed la tire .asarp Guera- sep Braadarv Journal. cacir class bas a maximum aI sa animais pictured is eacirofisaven classes, andlotrias mre recin- ad ail ocnss Canada. Tled ton secndailplane anlire ma's dvisonua utir 130 pelins mre fmur men -- ave ni tram John Y. McNairh af iGeorgetownu, brotier sf tis a merandu art- en ioner blasaIt. Henry J. Sanley ofatie Ontario lieparimesi ut Agnîeltaread *PRESCRIPTIONS ELSLEY I PHARMACY 24 I4OUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE 870-4492 -Af, Hours 878-6961 FREE DE IVERY - 0EVLON COSMETICS K H ESEY, 8Sn, PhM CHICKENS 39c lb. CHICKEN LEGS 49c lb. CHICKEN BREASTS 49c lb. CHICKEN WINGS 3 lb. $1. PEAMEAL BACON 69c lb. DEVON BACON 69c lb. MAPLE LEAF WIENERS 55C pak BEEF LIVER 55c IL PORK CHOPS 69c lb. MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA 3 lb. $1. ~\RIB ROAST - - - 69c lb. RUMP ROAST - - 85c IL ROUND STEAK - - 85c IL SIRLOIN STEAK - - 89c IL MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 75c lb. BOLD DETERGENT, Giant Size .-95c Royale HOUSEHOLD TOWELS, 2.ply 2 for 99c FLUSHABYESr Toddlers Six., 2408- $1.99 Big Star White LOAF BREAD.- .3 for 65c * FREE DELIVERY * Joe's General Store 176 Main St. Mlon 878-3161 île tan elgistisplane itir 120 poins. GIbhers tram Iis area mre j, gartiey CameratstNor- val asd Ralpir Maiasola o! GeorgetonWoutad ftanlttb villE 122 pints eaair, la tire ladres' divisat, Mrs. J. L. Ciisiratu af Mlaa as liOn mwils 123, ail Mrs. H. D. MucphersosnifGrgtown wav vlir a illir117. Avaliror MNaamnmrauGorge - ion, Ken, oas fmunis la tisa4-O standngs wmule Oa Swacisamer of Aviona as ouveolisauit 1. MediceI CO-OP names Oxecutive Finnie prexY - Tise 19t8 eseutive cOmmttee ut Hatina CnOpinluiiva Medical Services as aonT e nesday eening ut tant aeb, us lise 11- sîetser Borof i Drectars hld tbete flet meein sisce the on- Mal the proredise Saaerdey. Sm ue Re.reo presde 01, ooît six esecutino offirers me e.- instated i il ffeIonon.bce year. Oliers on tbe ecsecsttno isclode pat presirleot George Robertson of Action, ice-Presi" dent William R. Hunie o!1Mi1ton, dirarlars Mn. Roy Wilson O! Milles and R. ". Davîduan of Arîone, and secretary-treasurr Mn. Franis Mullin o George- town. cussions s ontheoposibilitp o! margine tise Halton seeice wllb Cestral CO-OP RairORo, bt nos drnsianssete math.- i'555 more mach 10 attend an aima Ce- aperalive meeting at Grilvhl a Aprit. --Wise lapera ubeçc tirait Ibmoaeb Cbampion ctesilletls-- aibere tise largains are. Rising wiu In ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION, tenu imprtant George Kerr and to nninghamv e r of rapins fut latterasruilay, seeun tise agenda prupertîrs fnr tha Ontaria ederationseatnil lastmehmhen therHaltavPredrratianuofAgri- Haltan Assessar Rbrt Beah and OPFA vice- cltre andltiseOntarioaDrPOtmetaofAgrinul- presdetRoyCoualrer as ciriae Mr. Cur- trernandPFoodiselila sprviOl seina on tise ingiamals spkr arthe aftrrnaaessession tain tapins attise Maseere Holl, Milton. A panel on tise Carter oeil Smiths tauation reports. discssinonv"land assessment s onisigis lîghtr Takîvg part ete Haltcr West M.PP Staff Pioto) CONTACT MASTER PI EDS DlAk 077.31 LO( Oançym binaidi SWE WANT YOU TO KNOW.. Chat nerviceo set nomethtng me junt tais ciscut and tises fatget. Ont business 1 s ro protent te inteeests oi sur rustomers. Tty us for innorance neercoc McCUAIG INSURANCE LIMITD 5 KEY " TEPS TO CESSFUL BARIE PRODUCTION i ith uaity = P roduc* Proper soloction of 1.barley variety t is important ta select the right varety for pour area. Variaus strains af barley have different degrees of resstance te mldew, 5maI. iodging etc. 2. Early planting of barley Earlier pianting shouid resait in shorter plants which in turn increases iadgieg resstance. Plants deveiop heads earlier sa they have mare ime ta flliioat. 3. Fertility applications Adequate lertlizatian is essentiai Ige maximam preids. CO-0P* Big Bonus 16-8-12 Fertilizer was deveiaprd especiaiip for Bariey. 4. Weed control tiarin pianting of Bariey reqaîros complete weed contrai Paor specilîc recommendatians check mith pour Ca aperative or reler ta -Publication 75-Gaide ta Chemicai Weed Contrai.- pablished by the Ontaria Depariment oi Agriculture and Food. 5. Insect Comercia I nsect can rai mast be cniee.Cmeca Barlrp seed is aiready treated for contrai of covered smut and soedling hlight, bat White Grobs and Wremarms may ho a prabiem. check ils pour Co-operative. .aiO#.red ,.. 05,0 A detailed garde ta sfuss1 Barleyproductianisav abais noma ai orCo-ope a ne. Got yourIree capy. 878-2391 m Class, Marc ronidge wn aven 01cm hi er girls taniecame tire champion girl sirammas. Att a! tireur cantestansshave tees actie mamiers ai Saîton 4-id Clairs. Tisey une ail ta te cesgrataiated as plante ieut la lieir individuol classes. 9 By H. J. Stanley gi rr $78-2894 208 MAIN ST. E.

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