4 The Canadian Champion, Wednendny, Match 13, 1968 Relentless effort, hours of work 00.story behind successf ul carnival Ry Suit uri ngit prepaeig costemes tee Wa tisece ciildree ue o d seee ll Thirttees huedred peple teud shesiser teo houlilce le Milon Aeesuressntly i tehtrtthe MiSesn Fgere ShtlegClui's 105 tassaI caeslval. Tisa carivial sel off wutola hitîcissud nwu temcd "a 1ota1 ssccess" ity clubt presldet lM. Laeey Tyrer. A socccvn iluas, bt o sewitiseut alt tsednuehk sdsa retettens elietoetiteporl of Ms. Tyreresodsmalcon- paay flu neagit a 101ot Mbg sl- utites otea mens oe til11e proees. Tisa Tiusday pelr lu ihe casinlsal son Ms. Tyrer asd Mie. J. W. McCutcieee -p al Th MarcS meeteg o Bsule Cisrsh grupes as eld Felday Mercis i aIlie hMme et Ms.1 Guetdas McGlitboe. Tise Ladies' Aid meettng pened uthtislie prentibt le tie ciri. se gve a peayte sud tise stiglPsalo 121. Ms, G. MGibisen read tisa tmlntesofthe lst metieg. The treassre'5 repet ns rcad iy Ms. Dble. Cllectonuaataheo up sud tedlcalad. Tise lades ihciddte 00111 tw u qlls tue Mie. Loyd Fshr. Thn rol nu asnered ntis su Irisht jee. Atte slsgleg luevesesutfHyme 519, tisa meeting clened. IO0D.E. sponsoring short story contest Mite.W.IR. Merisone. resl- dsentitaevnciat capser ct Ontaro, LO.D.E.. auseusced tsity tisaI tie St cnecuiot abast nlney csnpetlllus stil se uttred in 1918. Tise anerds are $208 sud $50. Tie cempeitinb upee let vetees, ctins et CsuDAA, reo- îaeninlaOtar. Tie lue lecal LO.D.E. cispternara urgiegea- tetatstee its aseel. ClevisE date ofe tcelcol l April 3, lot. Claleaoshe l1988 cemp- atidîua la Ms. J. L ..Camnees, Htamiltonl. Miss Hlas Waugh, Teronto teine ofadancd Englisis Lit- etureitse ejodgc tee 1918. Condtionsa geerelsg tie rom- petitinshsuld bseeualnedsetoe uhattieg menuscelpîs. Con- tact Provincial Chaper of Ont- ari, LO.D.E., 168 JacksoSult. Wst, tHamlton. cause et illnens. Feldoy sou Mevr. T yrer up al slghti iaitiug tue s psrty ste nas luihst tolluunte eshow Salue- day. Aed Saturday elgitsI OU lie neemlugly tleeleooprevldeol play bonI le 55 peuple teem lte caro- bval uetlllte nec omali bouro. Suoay svwansuexhuitied bel sotlslied Meu. Tyrer olecp tue th irs ei ime lu lbree dayo. Mev. Tyrer liaos ee n ilis lie club ftefe oifutlte 10 ycaro il hans eee lu uperallue. ElgisI of tise aine y oes siten su lecitaege ofthlie costumes. Mes. T1rrer Tiis wuso olloned y thse WeldF Day utf rayer meetng. A gond thsogiiteeoite day nos resd isy Me. E. McGitMun, Mev, Joffer-b sou read lie miutes etflita latp meing, aise liete reanurers'P report. As ipite a en 18ex 18a itlocks came le te mahe qults à tee litebMie, a pot lucit luncht ueo arsuged lu M ield ee Wed- 1 nsday Marcit l0. Al ladies arc lsvlted le cemo esrly sud Selsg t semetltbng frtue ltediser, sud ielp te quil. Collecionuuso taise up sud dedcaled by Ms.t S. Mueeay.t Ms. F. MciisM tenise rad a short hitoory othlie lady nise prepared thil prugeso. Ms, Roîhie lilvaetsom et Ceyles, chislmas et tie AsonCiurcis Weu's Cesterenca lv s mini- te's ulte sud hiso een anusn- drtul ielp lu cisrcit ladies le Avi, Atico sud Uited ltates sud thevugi tiese cetacs site las s sIde asnoledge of the needa sud opeetiensu et nmes is a chagleg ciuecli sud lethits cissugiog ueeld. T'httisme frtue ltesevime 'Scar One Aeet,.e Surdes'. To houp al rom ialdng tce Day etf rayer lue grated sud glve a geeulsg unteesudieg ut sisal lhisddy relly measute ciltdreceetfte seunseld of God, readingosure laiseiy Mrv, E. *Mcaitits, Ms. Jeffersone, Ms, ILH Mcie, Ms, J Irvieg, Ms. S. Murray. Ms. MlcMu sng a solo llled My Tasit, Ms, Dug- e las Irvngreeod tcelieme, afita - tr ufthlie Peudigl lie. Luecht nov tienseeved Ly tae L luecis cemmeltie ooisted ity te hetess. A Ivly lpisg day added ceme, ilb Mers. E, McGou, grealy te tie large attendaucu ai Ms. . lieboer, M-os Editis Sie amusal li. atic'o Messe Dc, Ms, 1. Jogi sud Ms. S. aI nta resitytarîsu Ctuecit vs Lcide ai lie doue lu greel ll.dA laturitay ateesee. lit, Ptrlch'o Ieme nov prenent Tise Ro. J. . Mcoeue pened le the upper Suuday scisool rees te atenees uit nords of nl- usera tisc vrobus bitulso ure ___________________ nteactlveiy dioplayed fteetSu ready isyer. le usa lue bal tise dcralcu ea-reum ul nrlsg bloomosud large nacI L ib e ra ls Plaques 01 cemtiesd vinsanso Slonrs mode o relsulsg olmos- Phere tee ceversatou sud re- organîze for women As asrenaît of Iteres hw et aetngdt tsrty in Feiuary, e graniof m nes lune ge aaed lterni staliseet.lWeeienss Assocgiatiotothe SaHalles Est Tantp-tla onna ard Ms. WB. a Dmndsan. Pst Presiats gd tht Otaro Lbieal Wout's AMstaMm anmd Met . LHas- min, Peentcib th Torante and DistritlWtmelsAssoca- tan seû. Ais meetin la FahneMr Me Irns raInPteSog cabvie un" assiedpe.idtel adouil as enta n elsietd. IM» hawmameting teertht uiationtta te a b. bMri 14 a.nases icsSpe ta bve mm iReset i=a ua ouat upMr. TW» a niraaled lan alasn *«Baun" Met Irons Krnm- St444188, omOvlte. mute octuaîsucs mr ocul of tes. A large fliueeribskoet suopeud- cd teom lie calisg cnred lie atractive large lea table, carried eut ultis fioeanud ceudies le Sihe clr scienaet rose asusile grec. Tiosetpeselng tea sure Ms. R. Ceu, Ms. Nuge0,14-Ms. Robert ThetaPset, Ms. A Wisele, Ms. . W. Coe, Mr$. K. McGeu, Ms. Seishudy, Ms. W. Fraser, Mea.JohMOu a, Ms. Bstan Lami. Miss Mary WlII andaMe. George lienS pevlded pano musc daelsg teaternaont Tisetrespensultifoteeconn- lag tevarins hoohnsure, hEillg, Ms, C. Wlsnansd lils £na CMisMIm apros, Mrs.Johsn Bell, Ms. W. asibU1, casdy, lira. Chares Adesn, Met. Hlon Babccl; nietty, Met OGrdaa IRalttaI, Met Mejorla liPatIl iitdlrt'aMma.Olve Ball, lMr&. Jeta R«thtenstus an. le*E dtnêcandlak, MmsharaTfl. UMet J an prenîdast of lte Hamilton skatlog club lte tient yesr tise Miltos club wueoin eçeralles. Site jioed ti ldb doitnosite moved to Milles. Mev. Tyrer baom costume woet over tise peevldnt's job bcaune il alloua ber te gel in sn lise grosoduoeh. Mes. Tyrer eplalncdse coulde't be asy happier titan wneite v ittlog ayeung sotei'for a costume. i1 love lvldv and I eeally eviey costume uneS, vo niseol get theam math tegelter, usaI more ceeld I Titee nomen, Mers. MeCut- citoO5, Mev. Juaie McCualg and bIen. Lys Orissotd are crediteit as bilg lte motisers et tigure sating b inRlos. Ail tisrce have ben active nince lte cluits le- ueptloe a decade ago. Mes. MeCulcitee s lacarnival litoliniou and public relaiees cireclor. 015cr eecutîve mcm- Sers ure necretsry Polly litsuit, inesurcerJoyce liemple, lient elce-presideut Elleen McCuteit- sonan oelsecond vice-presîdeol Fsy McKay. Six dirertees arc Mes. Elles- bet Fsrley, Mes. lancite Ap- pletes, Mes. MeLaughlie, Mes. Pal Guso, Mes. Betty Blschtechn anid Mes. Maureen Wtlsos. Metitees ietp out i uthit lnlsg, neuleg, lylug sktates ami 101 l111eetitlegs tisai come op. The Retaelaeo play itigitretiter te tise nemeeteti and go te tise rIeS fllleulg Frlduy oigit's hsocktey gume sud seltilgouptor tise tollotelug day. Tite Rotaelas aIse isclp support tem senau- cially. Faut Fesser desigsed sud buiSt tise cootle nectioe et tise scenery lioyese, soudtd a lita job of111. Tise 1988 show nas oucta suc- cens, tise cueculive ln cueulder- lsg mshlug il a tue lgit son sel yeor. TieseoisIover tee titis ycesud alltt tait eSla te levtteg, lut olready Mes. Ty- rer sud cempatis areptanalegle- usedo a setter doit neut yeae. "We hbe t teitecis eut sodgel more peuple uerhleg wlithus"> vie oald. Lite soytig geleg toeoey lengot ime usdee lte same peuple, tiese ohiiug club itoss ecs celticletias seing aoclique. "Nul sol', replies Mev. Tyrer. Escit yesr ne invite thsepublie sud tise memitersip otttet ausual meeting,cdth itUtle or se reupesso" site salit Titis yce titere utît se s delîile attempt lv gel litespeuple tesa meeting. A co-uperOtivu ides ltai ueuld give girls teem Milton, George- loue aed Actes more ice lime is lu tise plonning stages. Mes. Ty- rer copaislte syole mtibisnoy. Tise thee clubs wuld ire lwe peros elwestem and tise pes neuld wnutealocisclubtwnngitts a ueit. Girls lrem eÉther efthtie lisree clubs neuld se nelcemedîs otiter efthtie etiees un thele re- spective viglits. Tihis novay etO tise girls usolluR eItra 1cR lime ceuld gel l it iteot charge. Mes. McCutcee blapresntly preparlug a guide bookison heu te peeduce s carelval, reveolieg 2.msuy peints leaened eelytheeutit th yeaen et eepcelcuce.Tiso nold S. e a dllInie asoettoeucemeen. A lincveey succeostet uegaeiles- Ueo titere are dcdlcatad peuple nise neehs ecouselisey wntlesuad *e eejey evory minute 0of. L Ite e ane 01 tise MiSesn Figure Shatlsg 11Clos itlab peuple site Mes. Tyrer, th Mes. MeCulcisessund a otntof uI thse s nso stsy upsishtsueelding Mdand lsctienis saci toleail tise tue -thcy isod deleg il. limpe Ms. Hal McFhalland Me.A. Wlsosn et eiargeetfte tes tables sud Sic deceeallsg of Sic luel.S. bal, sud Ms. Ted Lyle sud Ms. R. Ceep tisa kidîcisce. ugeueal cos',enee fte tie ell-eegneisd aternera nus Ms. C. Hilt Sesides telenda teoMilie, visterasure presnst teom DOi- ille, lleeaiy, elson,lashach.- ewnu, Dsdal,Kiliet, Devo- qillansd Wsto. A0 Ta MOORE INSURANCE CAMOREVILLE 854-2271 A Covrlete Fumily Cletime Store 200 Main St. . 878-9261 lYERES FAMILY FASHIONS Clothing - Caepets - Draperies 228 Main St. . 373-2067 BOSS BRANCE JEWRLL8RS For te Fest iv Diameedo 220 Main St. . 8784241 SELRITI STORES Milton, Ld. 194 Main St. . 978-4462 LSDWIT'S SUPER SAVE STORES TIM CAP4ADIAN CHAMPMO 191 main sk. . OM82341 MILTON FAIRIC CONTER 12 Martin S. 8784861 LLOYD DAVIS JUWULLE8RY 184 Main S. I. 878-9M7 Voue Prd Denier 409 Main St. E. 878-2369 MILTON MOTOR SALES LtD. 288 Main St. 878-2355 Voue Cndillnc - Pontiac - Ruich Dealer MILTON PI4A8MACY Prescriptions - Cunmetics 246 Main St. 078-2343 UNITED CO-OPIRATIVES 0F ONTARIO Kelivatur Applianecen Riante St. 878-2391 WEST END MRAT MARK!? Rss Heimens 140 Maie Si. . 8784S01 CRRST NARDWARE &A APLANCIE Don Meeriat, Prop. 136 Main St. E. 878-6011 ULSL8Y FNA8MACY Prescriptions - Fiat Deliutry Service 212 Main St. RL 878-4492 Prayer service held for women of Boston Spring day greets St Patrick's bazaar the frienclly town., invites you to help select its CLERK of 4 Nera the WEEK Ail Shoppers appreciate frîendly, ef- ficient, and courteaus cleres. With your holp, we'd like ta see aur employees get recognition for that li effort that means sa much in impeessiflg you favorahly with our stores, auto sales, and office, and with Milton as a whole. You, our customers, will name a 'Cierk of the Week" from the sponsoring listed beiow, each week. The persan you eioct, the winner will receive $10. in cash and a framed award. i-is or her picture will be published on shis page the following week and each week the clerk with the greatest numbor of accumulated votes is Clip the coupon beiow and mail ta "Clerk of the Week" Contest, c/o The Canadian Champion, 191 Main St., Miltan, Ont. Yaur entries must Se received hy 1i a.nm ach Monday. CLERK 0F THE WEEK WINNERS * JAN. 31 -MS NELLIE ALLAN, Selite Store. * FER. 7 - WARREN CHARLTON, West Endi Ment Marktet. FER. 14-MS EVELYN GALRAITH, Miton Oept. Store MRS. BIRNICI STICKII ot Knight's Dry Cieaners, Main FER. 21 -MSS. LUCY MILOFONG, Ledmith's St.,i s our "clerk ofthrie meci" titis lime. Rarnice hans FER. 28 - MISS CATHERINE CURSIE, Harris Stationcry b cen setoivg custumners nt the husy cleaning plant ter the MAS. 6 - MSS. BETTE BRITTAIN, Milton Phaemnacy pnst vine Years. Vota now for your choice for next week's j Clrk of the Week *CLIP AND MAIL TO: Clark aofaIhe Week Cannant, cfa The Canadian Champian, 191 Main Sa. *MILTON, ONTARIO 1 NOMINATE OF THE STORE : M MY REASONS ARE: ... . .... . .......... u . .....M. . .. .. . .. . .M........ * Ssbmitted byr . ..... Addrasn M * Tour rurre ce,1 be kept in confidence) Tan: SPONSORED BY TI4ESE MILTON BUSINESSMEN: SA' Vit Hri si i Reî R QI di RiCNA8DSONS RADIO & TV Lrget Sniectov to Cioove Frorn 201 Main St. . 87846949 FRED MILLS MENS WEAR Fred Mliv, Prop. 216 Main St. E. 878-9541 CHASES NOME AFFLIANCES Voue Wetnghouse Denier 181 Mill S. 878-3221 RERDS TAILORINO ONOF Fred Vertrate. rup. 217 Main St. . 878-3302 NARRIS STATIONERY A OFFICE SUPPLIES 182 Main St. E. 8786962 MaKIM HARDWARE £ APPLIANCIS "It Serves Yeu Rigitt' 260 Main St. E. 878-9222 KNIONTS DRY CLEANERS 300 Main St. E. 878-9941 1 Fà"-ý m