CI-" '" " 'ý P--fiDep.. ýeny-boPugos.-enCents. MILTON, ONTARIO, W6DN6SDAY, MARCH J3 1968 1S Parents clemanci School budget: costs are up"F as en sch oI A lt of proposed 1968 oxpendtures for Milton Public H( B eto nt o ad odysrd was presented to the toon conneilsfinance cnmmltt( THE FIRST SET 0F BABTER IRAkS in Milennnsst cotppled chnire. Maornc Hst otites ont Rtacy Cîuso teel fond-rcninsg unepaigen achoque nuile sampige tennucea John em- Oece soldt tuMayore Han esHst thins nack, s pie, left, aed c-chirnni Ri Hciacti Cpley, ho club lIne it Onmail uppeni foc foeds tonstanding, lobok olh(teff Pioto) Tht BruceStireet bchoni battit lso't oer et, Whle tht nchoihouard cdaims "o nsud rstoudnlg"causud the current contenstrsy, prents of Bruce Sret tohool chlidreu roiteraled their stand t a Home sud Scsul Association meeting tant nlght (Tuendy)--lhop mut tht chol prtntcntd or a nene ochool to toho ifs place ivan a mitttu assursuce th school woold sot ho ctosed otho if ls under tht MitonPub Hhool ord'n juindigis, tht Home sud Sohont Assongiaton hearo tht conntp ord of Ed- uatton mont b o rupthe hsidiog ohea if fates oer ail HuRton educatio n n1918, Thtyplpas to otifp tht ContBoaHord thers tn a trotg lom-otdt feehing to peeserne tht 111i-ytar-otd- nohol Tht cnntrnsersp hogan fier the Miton oard't Fehruarp meetiog, when chirmsu Don Stinoon rinud tht "hypoheticai quetiton" about tht cttnti'n future. Ht nuld iH suomod in hune srstd un ptrposu oeil, sud ho ooodtred if tht Csunlp Hord moid ho iteretied ho contintng il nenttouer, Tht Hord 100k nonaction, When parents retot th pres reports, thtp hocome lrmed ai tht posntitp t tu oiug thir 9 c '9b 7c 89cb 1.3 I 1 egoiattons on a oto master agreement fr OttarioSieot Pro- dcîs psts lu Miiiton, Chatham sud Oshamo pants are nom in suvntin etinsd a conciliation ord heiriug hon hotu nheJut' td for ent Wedenda, Mîrcît21 il th unitnsud compsuY hase tt eaoied u ettement bp tht date, Mesuoiie, a lheaenedtrite ai tht thete pats on thopresunt cnsieucf'n epiep date, tIm Fr- day larcin1, il miipenbubti ho diiaped ooutiug tht resuS t O negotatinun, brgiig cnuncil chieosu Marty Copain nid Tuendait, "Wa are sfili meetng, e'rt mnsiug aioug, bt nt tmo tincin iy," Me, Caputo nid, Ait tht n-monstarp items hune hotu coersd tb dte in cotecttaihs, sud discusions hogin todap (Wedieudap) on tht monseit Items iluths contrit, Thtunion, United Autnonelr- ers, inteteing a package slnd- ac lu thuas tintutomnehori are gettiug ln tins-"Mg thrce" lcr Hasactsrtug pisntis. eguas Bue hobgaInluToront Onu Jan- --Sut Incasmort neeinuta th "lrk O e ns ai" gOnteaL, --Hpetug lu juta Bllte oer a nain suit, nofl' i5. tanriers t Ontarion Stea'n three pion t acher soled totote srint ctinn if necessary. Mlthos ortens oled 966 par centbinuunvr out nriing if nconnucy, oit tht Chaham note as 87.5 par euf ond Osh awa0wa005.H5,par euf lu tanne, "0We are hqding o strietin ua ho ntctsonry," tht local cpet suntuise suid. Politici runs in the family Plesinruusn me lumiHies, Kesuelh Harets, pounger he- ther of Mihton'n eene Hon Har- ets, as ecentiy uppintedtnthe cocili etthTonhip et Cm- tien, Ht ai conteted tht pot- ilon lu th Deceohor election ad mosn eromip deftited, Ht' sigealion o n onItht couuiiioes ted in is suisuqut appuit- ment, eost end sebool, The topto took 1 top o major thaeora thte ds- cussiono utth net Homo und boletl meeting, and resulted in ecretry Fred Masse riiing1 the ord sud iouitttg tht mem- hrs to at mght'n Homo and1 Schoot meeting tu dincusu If further. eerut phone colltshtoten Hord und Homo and Schoui memhen foitooed, Me, Stioson orote the parents' group on Feheuary if, emphuiiog tht Hord dld not anttcipote cioolug tht chool, "fif muid pperanunfort- usule mnttuterntunttog lhande' ntinped," ho mete, and lnitod the Home sud Schoul to sund o represuntulive to the ord'n meeting Moudop of this oeein, "An eupiouutiHn oilho forth- comiog ohtch wmliipluce Iis mtter in the propor tac' spectise," he aid, Tht Home oudbchnoieoeculise refusud thtinittation, sud reinnutd thoîr requnt in hast tht Hard attend Ibaîr meeting lu dincus If,"Tht articles lu the presupst 50 0009 parants, woo etSil unuid ho houter to buse iH enptalued to us of une ni nur meetings, rther thon tu ont niour momhrs t the ord meeting," eaplibed Home and teboul presidont Mrs, D. Ptoiemy. They sent nuret- prosunlutisto b the Hnrd's meeting, sud chairmon Sttlon sent a second ltter oupiainlng the HardbA d dcidid ogant goiog lu tht Home sud Sohool meeting.,In istler ha e- peated tht seboul onuid ot ho cinsud woblei H asunudr tht Mlton ord's iurlsdiciion, A mother 10 the audienceaosked mhol the Hume anA choul muild do lu moine tht Contp Hord bease thir ncouniaionsu,"su couid stnd assunarmy ut mothers ollhour or mocrosod," smiied the prenidout. She suggnsted tht ussociation should mokea astrnng reprasubitaflon lu tho Couniy Hord, Charges trains with speeding Four cbarges of speedtug hoae diath, thetreainocrtmmentsifittd tean lidait gainni Cadios île irais oas traveling aioto Hational Hiwaps atirtrIans 5S mites pr boue, Tht ceon ere clooteti mifI rader tifmng atoreyu han umarbai o 1903 dis tyIpMitas OPP, ruhng biît he ailcuai Act oiol Hltion Cromo AttoreyspPeterlhmitstrcoainb to0miles as loue K, lioWibhuamundedthe police oser aucrossiag oheropenitectisa bo cbeck CHH, transpattis, signains hoasorderetibof are fotioiag o Christmus Ena tfa- net pef instabled. tp uttile lissooti ceusfng is Proteotine disicen for tint Euquasng Township mIen tmn Monuemonti lenel crossing ers Miton teenagers oece iited, ordireti tînt Noneohor, uni ara At suniatptest foliomlng ftir tu ho inntubieti mitlio 10 moofîs, Yeunigster dies us humes sweep Moffut ureuf house Ose of nia childreniofMr. sud lien. Ktneth Law, 8,8, t, Mut- fai, died mhto fluons noapi Part ut their home Wednesduy ni tant meeli, Tht iH'mnh-oid boy, Spillwuy ke linolirlotis Denpite Tusnduy' noomnluem, Spriug muet ho on tht oup -- tht tnt thot han formed o soid orch tsar tht centeoutul purnnpilmuay stnt aronndHNewoYaae'notOhtnd flsly gaet mupon htouday sud pou oansese tint cuscuuhug mter- fuit onocemoue, Tht tutl-flnvdug muter fnrmed top sies on tht npittoup lu lieceoshor, sud iouiipcloinndl to tht centre ni tht spiiioay uround Hem Yeoe'n, Tht mass et ire grem aud grto thrnugh tht oold meather sud there bon hoan nome ltuai nptcuiaiintht ice might hast staped tbore loug- te,. Tht oserhead cntnred highi- ing made ilia night nihoanlydur- log tht duehons houes. Tht miid spoil on the oooinond nom tht laper nfice lo soy dim- inisntug l intz, and nomoime ou Mouay pitfinatiyoonedlo. Harvey John, oas appaeenliy standing in front nof ooud stose ohon 't tupioded, David Lao, 1, as tabou bo hospitol ufftrtng teom burn andsnther chiid bado cutleg, Guelph fireearrinei ut tht lmo-tnrey sone bousu ubon lien, Law sud o ntlghbnr one rushing the bidren to the bs- pitliMe, Lao auptinai eha hd put col ou bInîlewonod :sinet, sud il is hoesed o sporb igniled sud tnpiodod, Tht Bire oasuconnlalsd to tht titchen, upsiair hodruom sud bthrnnm. eighbnrn heitod cloor anap tiebris andlouhedufter Mr. Lao'n dairy brd, An iùspector for the boae mar- sttl's ofiea innotigoed. Dr. Franin Former, WeliugtnoCoun- tp coroner cuiied the bny's dtl "a stop troglo accidient" and nid no inquant oilho halA, In addition tb is parent, beothiers sud sisiers Douglas, 15; Daid 12; Elizabeht, id;ussl, 9; sud bra, 4, the boy is sur- slsed bp irootareunsMc, anA Mrs, Harvey Heloisno asd gruodmuiber Mrs, James Law, ait ut Hamilton. Funerai srvice toc 1he boy was lu Wtordoon, ne by "Costs are op, but tboy sit ho parflutiy offset by iocroastd revenue this be,' ebirman Don Stisos toid Tho Champion ttor tbe meeting. "Il siti mean o sigbily frger domond on the toon."1 He o ood ot qute uny figres, hcauso of fou mny nocertain- fies ., goseromont grots, tbe rata of paymont Oubie lslt ay fer 62 stustunts cing oducated lu tbe Miton sehonts and 'ho tochers' sutaries oicb hune pet to ho sttted, Tht board as a surplus on 1967 ntertion oblcb oilti hoppiiodtoard Iis yeao's onitensos, it oas piotod ot, A DEDICATRO TEACHER en Milton Public Shiooln foc 37 panes, MissnMngreeGemeehfsbeeeuounoded ancesceeeal osetel - nenof huededsof Cnodesso hnoed the cnclusion of ceneeescl yenrS here.ed in1964nndbnieseincrnto, (Staf f Pioto) Teacher herE Miss Margarg wins Centeni Forty eareocoeacbec 37 of1 them i oM innPubliec chouis, and aim osi a quaricrofnia cen-t tury ni servicen b the iochiog 1 professinulhcnugh tht Halonut Teuchrs' lostilute, hune eocntd Miss Ma rgacel Gommail a cou- lenniol modal, Nom retiredadsldintg in Toc- onto, Mi ss emmellil mi rais geod bouitb sud fteqenlip sili teachers' instifula meetings and nfber gufheings in muitain ber long trieudsbip olth Hllon'ncd- ocalers. Sho oas seled for the cneted omrodbplthe Ontario Depatmont nifktinctioo, alte consultaioniuutlh Ballon Nu, distrct ureo supeclnteodeul W. L, Mebei ut Milton, Miss hemmol came lu Mitnu lu tooch iHO926 ood rembiued on the Bcuce St. seeol niait tueS27- Export Christian ground rules, medical missionary urges A sbcloking orid, îleecnsug- ing cuit of tha presunt-dup min' stonsurp sud île challenge tb Chrinilasn b etpoef Chrintifau grountieulen oece presuttti o onr 350 bp De, oert lMcClure men ha spote in St. Paub'sUn- itedi Clurc onu Mnoday eening, Tht rtirett medicl mision- rp mason a tour ni île Presh- lentes of fIebUttai Church oie srsing osernoos for 42 ears, tha tat id s maol utperin- tendnt ai Httam CrintiantHs puta infuindu,. TM h ncoiug orit, le tuid tht andiende, ms Irougini about inp teho~ioigcadintes, Ttup breogt thomeo onteai a distance coet b westero cHltures. Ha euggenîed thaentie as satin- nastias thinga ere bhore, bti nom CUSeiias mtust Siare th responsihilititte penidi a mes- niqo for thoue deua duslse,. "Ynu Oct tht cutodiassou tht message ît nti slaa o m nI font uni if ype inn't gise if lu Hum, wso l ii?" Dc.hMcClure choiiooged, Ha nuerntd thi Csuodisus otien hune s mny o moiug fhingo unueipcumplîchi- dasosnouetcuse for dong aonling, Ho mrnedtht stives "Aonsi go for iobb," Tht otIemnise nfluenceti lit dts anti Cana- diasnare teing jutigedti i It actions, Hoing île tiuiereuines pattemson un tdia, hte oued tho nloganniof adiprtotal strn "gonds sottictrpuorpor mon- ep reudid", The tudasubusi- tesman finsisthin qneh bouc- ou, He a ou'tueleenobcina thing in ponsibe. De, MCure sggested tlis misaitypea at Cinistai groundutietefoneige lu that part otite orid, Tht traction of a snnietii tentie miii in i predomnan'ipy curai rea of tadia upsein île customs, rehigion uni culore of a vst acta, Diti e gisetem tha buepetts in teron utChin- tisenfhics b cugo itb tim change? Epresntheîle ofut Dot in action un île osip ay lu gise île inftructibos, le sug- Tc o man mIn han tserpihing Hi is bird tb enpressnthîle of n Ood buttlu o muni mInis hmgrp il ts tremeudoustit eaoy inpmeet- ing Mis said, D.lMcClre sog- gasteil, Te s bum tus Qd mip appair aictof etnaîd; fu mai ite Is stoin lu th tru of tualiug; tu a cobli, ta th turm on suclatis, "SoIn ue dipy ne aqirees me iloaetf Gad te emoin parnon ccrdiag lu thaer naedi," Tiis lad De,.lMcClure o fth chagtng rote of thea misiosucp sud tha effrts in agricuture,1 madictne sud educationoTIare1 is sol an mucb direct essuget- lem ansture ned tobeh l reparted. ta île field nI agricuture De, McClure citi ha tenefits of intanlulatiosni a disel pump, A villfage ni 10 familles meet on miles b nsetibe boite a con- stntl luiping tnp stream nf ar, A pnmp 10used li Ca- od, was iuslbedand thaeptied vntd feom a preiussa15i humais parypair lu 88 bshois s peair ititima mienuth cos-n tep mus gaasraiip bongrp, "Tht peple irSuithon inîse it- aossasdtha tuves n Gud," ho In île ftied out acatiai aie- manuarp ietaisscinueuoa thol appi. Ha pointai nul îlot tht Christisu scbeiu ppeabnestsn fo nn-Chrlutiass hcaunsuîle tudents got ont unip educatonu tut oarucier building. For 30 diodint npenings in one medicol soel, Dr. MicClure caportet, thart ero 2,000 pplicant, ail nf wom hati ponnetiadmission regilremens. r,lMcClure alsu nnled île impnortsuce ot trainting surses sud iaboroiorp asti -rap tedh- niotuos, Tin sipoker ueged Cosudianu lous sashae imagination mIen thep gins b minutons, Bn u- prtad $1 wooid treat o teper tue aypair, $18,508 oonttitreat o tuercotos patient toc a pair sud $25 monid remake o tepe'n Dr e MoCen reoaited oue tep- se min a cme te Ma cic te in louis, feet and noMsO need nf nrgery, Ho asted miera lu, start and the laper anted imtI hogin oih thenoue, "«Tht's obot gui me tIon off tht bon, b cas otiy malin t0 mites on My fot sud i'nst0mites tb reoch tle chirc" Tht oprution put tht laper bock in crculation sud permit- ted ber in regain hec digilp, "Hi isn't $5, $10 ne$250. It's shnolog the love nof dtireugi treolmeu," Dr,. McCure em- phuintd, "If me mot a Christian tanne In thtem mw ortd lthi termniug me nAît baeptt i n. Th thtr eio out pst iHin tue pou," De, McCure strese& "Au Canadiessn se havth ighettstandard et living is Mis- oy.,Il otas mu liai our (Cantinseti ou PaseS) c37 years -et Gemmefl ruai medai i/2 peurs hoforo irannlerring lu tht JM, Denyns schoui mhece stu taugnt untilber reieemenitul 1964, She oas ont of thee Hul- fou teachors bonore d oilh o Cor' osution Modal bn 1953for ber sesvice to tht professin. A charter onecutise memhor ai tho InternoalleR eading Assoc- iotion, she was aisu sutcatacp of tht Huhton Teochers' lostif oie for 22 peurs, Oser the poen ntuh mbintaiued a Ufile book in obich she orole thten"Men nf tht 1,446 pupils uhe had toughi -- mony nf lhem lu tht su coni gentrulton, sud maofni hom tueuiog ont an leachors, She beiped osiabbish a boys' choir ai the sebool, oeed lire- ienn boum on uchoni concertn, mon officiai recorder for field deyn, pluueered home econornici in tht chlnoelury Stytorsugo, sud nrgebiced ncoel parties sud paradis user tht peurs, Hec unparalieittd contriton bo odocalio in Mitn mas umpip rtcogndued mith tfoprenant- otins dnrlog JuneniftHt64,Thte nohoni huard sud telioleuchers heid a dtuuee lobher henor suda oommubity presnttalton monheid lutertht oume matin. thtos htapod oilh pruine sud prenants inp inspecteen, ter teitoteauts- egs, tht board, the tomo coonoit, tht home asu oel, trtendn sud foemer popils. "Miss Gemmeti opeut terlite mith us, tmpaeîbog mtndom sund titooiedge, sud she In M hgtip renptoted membor of thetehoai- tmg profession, Theuugn tue ta- tissnt on ohiideen,nshttogivsn agfnat dueilu othin oommuuity," Mr. Wlgainid, --Former tishetitc'mecilise Kelly Hemwinu beau smgncla Oiiestimrepeeanatietehola HHas Rgina, Ceasaint Ântheetty, Ha replas Allas Miasne hobas eoaild Vol. 108.-No. db. ïIt ftnÔbtn THR EAITESEAL CAMPAIGN spenareti lnclly 69 tint bilton OtO nO Hooeby boue been tuffieg oint sels anti onopige mu- Rotarp Club gens off tint goneti osnack, s unco 2,000 sets teottline eneopen foc the pnt couple of occins. Donse Cee- of coloful sats In ouIe mietion Milton aed distrctot endeets. non nf biltons, Gary lliott of Aton ted Btrry Cottet of George- Studet' t tiene hiine hohool foc sesnllp etrec iilti- to oc ar inonue t snob tuffig eeselopen. Stff Pioto) O.S.P. contract goè-s to conciliation hearing milt.h '. - - .ýper. 9 the LU-ety for 107 y