Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Feb 1968, p. 7

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m of $1,M,00EJC bâenof$rCro40t etaimgCok-t been amnuieed 117 gaga cd Nlimic ey reiAfISmU te- TI. Credit Valley oed by Mone ltal, among libers Peel ad Ballon any of 11h stUHin 3mIvA n porim cif etI the lHcal bha- ED DRS Reg. $299953 Eegý $329.95Ç a9- 95 Reg. $379.95 Z5.00 mly 59%/* high. )r as Low as rment Plan VARE 878-6011 gosflilHg Counoil passed a ie sllief ai Modays meeing te ancep respoIiHtilly loi 45 pe r centlof1the cost o phase onW Hi the Oie:: Wiliams chaooei im- prosemeot sheme. Cot of 11h snhHmH on the Credit River shared ils the CrAdIl Valley Consereation Anlborily, ta nole t AHCHd $9,750. AI an ealier meeing conll j objected to some Aillie esimâtes t1h C.V.C.A. SUd piepaied for thiewoî, wHoioti autboriliesh bpe w ili redore floodlng le Glen Wi- liams. Conerlifel HostO IHld Se kepl donSp iig ecluipment frAR 1the are. DepuAy-eeve Tomilrepot- Jngif tx rfom a meetiog vilE C. HV.C.A. oils smld t5hp vere ieadp te starI oHn1the icheme. Tiiey waled oly o a resolullon 1H say Esquesiog accepled 45 per cent Ht the cHt. ThHy ecpiained ome esimâtes were oS1the igli side but reoled Milton Figure Skaing Clubs 410tb aunual Uatng Caroival wil lealure as ils theme The Wizard Ai Oz n ebey0ppeiform elore ia oSIis eopecled tb Sea sellool rood ai Mlon Arena Salurday Fehruary 24. paie lHn11e anoual eveo. The prokram is co-ordinaled Sp the efforsofA Club Piesideol Mrs. Larrp Tyrer and her saff of about 12 enlhusiaslic women. R elurning as gueul shaers are brAier and sister combinatioli Nancy and SIeHeH Dover, 1the 1961 senior Pairs champions for HWetern Otario and tbe Niagara *PeAHHsuIa; Bon Saverwovwon 1the mens champlsnsinip AiWs- ern Ontario and he iagara Pen- Inlsula; Judy Wiliams, the 1967 iChampion for senior ladiescom- petîbon foi Wesern Onario and th11e Niagra Peninsula and Eric Waleîp woo ilI round HDut1the -casI nf guesi aiists ai tSe 5show. > The cast for the Wizard of Or ,Includes Letîla Nadalin as Tclb; t Çarole T rer as tbe Gond WIM;i D ehie Lounds as te WOlAldI Susan Vandecan piaying the robIe of nIh1e Lion; Jantre Sraub an Gorthy; Sandra McLaughlin an the Scuiecrov and Anne Arie as e Wodsman. The chiîdren of OzinclureJul- te Spr, Julie Beiderman, Karen îAppleton, Walhey McKay, Mary Hardy hikers A piclurosqne area in central Nassagaonya Townshipowas tour- -eHI on IotSunday Sp a gioup f Bruce Trail Club mmlers fromn Toronto. TSey wibed oer a porton Ai the rai, thrnugS a swamp and a forest tract in a circulai hie; î siartiag frnm 1he 15 Sideroad- FitBS LInintersection. iinng diiertor o 1the ToronooB. T. Club, Gnng Broswn led 11e trip. --An emptp lraclor-traiiHî truck piunged off igSwap 25, 4domi a 15 fot embanbmeal andI toto a field nouS nif Speysicle 1Tuesday HI laul veek. The truck receloeil $1,500 damage athough à Il di d n001 p oe r, and lhe driver oa nuil. T1eîe oas $40 voîlh aiofdamage tb fences, ESnug. CAN GIVE ANY CAR THAT SHOWROOM. FRESH LOOK corne in for à complote appraisal today. BILL'S AUTO BODY 878-2721 ~"878-3251 equilpment ould lever puices resulting ln savingo. The depulp- leeve empiaszedC.V.C.A. aul- orities teltIil oosid hi ioolishHot to do 1he 100 johs of haonel Im- pioamnea th1e sme ime hAis from aH economic and flood pie- venionstsandpoiHl. Tbeyppnosed t10 dean up1th river ai the troubte pot ad sUrce a piere off aH islaod 1H Hraiglilen Itie iianel. "I wvas mer in the GieH Sun- daLy," slid the reeoe, "ad 1the People Ibere tila If the trouble vomis cleared Up dowtsream il woHld Se a goedparl nI the crie." "Mr. Whie smld lAkiHg parI off the Island vhere il juls out would give th slîeam a eller flow," said M. il. Be ou- liAed how Iis couid heip the sil- nation ai Ihat poiHt, a trouble spot in the Glen foi maHy ears. Asuîed bp 1the Hepuy-reeoe worb would slart immedaly, Elizabeth PPlips, Brenda RoH- Hon, Nancy Edwards, ebbMe Shidan, Paîl Cam, RutS Bell, BeI11 Caîr, Chby Guon, EvHanA- sen, LpePiot, Marjorle GolSel, Donna Appeon and Mary An Farlep. The Guaîdo of 11e Wiard vin Se Joan Grswold, Judy Bond, Cath0y Arnold, Dleise McCann, Jean Blanbborb, Maîlin EIli, Shirley Cristie, Mariln Bond, Betty amiltono, Jane Langiidge, Marie MacMnurpby, Brenda Laur- mice, Sosan Tbnmpson, Susan Cnpeiy, Carolpon Chester, Mi Champagne. Wtogui Monoees include Janet Howard, Allta Murray, Susan Sheridan, Lana Ellison, Marha Btddell, Sandra Guon, Deburah Appleton, Marp Lauren, John Lauîsen, eenCleary,JoC Pai- ton andI Mary Uphot. A group o Mufir10ins wii gui ito th1e Ac as vel. Tley tn- clude Kim Colling, Raymond Maurui, arlen Jordan, Valerte Glbs, EddIe GatoeFcis Berry, GfIby FramMmNb.d Wilbnell, Leann Wilson, Kelly Can, Marilyn McPal, Richard Bnrlbcte, James Bard, Ka- leen Blaclseb, Janine Hein, Sandra Tonelli, Kelly MDonneli, and SUsan Smith. cSnICIIl assedtbe neelled reslu- tiIH. Wter piohiems vere aiso res- poosiblt or toigigng Jlm Lodgor aid Clareoce enny HtofR, 2, AHIH, to ouocil 10 ieqoest a nulvoîl and calcin basin Se ln- stalled l fn tci tiei pîquerly ai Chuchill. M. Ledgei sAid tbe waler Iid up H/A5s ringing waler tie Ms celar. Cause was partialiipdu. in1the Adtos reserooi eiog buille- sîlle Ms hume on Churchill. The HOcHs ater Oas 001 caused Sp the on siace tSe aiea looded ielore 1he reservoir was hult. Be el conditions couid under- mine the îoad eoenîuaity. eputy-ieeve ill recaiied Ioidng aI 1the Aiea einre olîS tSe engineer and iecommendiog a cuiveit Se installed. The ioad superittendent, a laIe Arrisai, Oas tbSe ashid io carry nul the recommendalion. The prýietînioniAi's Meat Playlng tlle role of1the Flghttsg Trees are: Dawne Jub1, Slerri Brush, Baib Wardea, Karen VlrSery, Lori Lynn Foras, Diew billigan, Lrrlo Thumt, Chryl Flîqoatrick, Ganeuelle Boyer, El- len arian, Catby Rssell, Les- lie Slnaib, Gong Sralb, Wendp Wright, Cath0y Oearn, Cathy DonaIHIsH, Christine Beelon, anu Glane Lamb. The Qadlngs innlude Kim Rlddll, Kelly Vlnlery, Honnie Sue Douglas, Karen Bridgman, Bîh PearcH, Betty avrslodk, Amie Milligan, Mary Kay Milieu, Cindy Lou Bauker, Ule Kehîman, Tracy Thnupe and SSHiiy Chuch- mach. The Peppy Blle! 0111 fealure Cathy Bood, Fae MacKay, Merry Oiswold, Gebie Smith, Marg Kîlitt, ViciSrliuizzi, Kim Stralh and Lorraine Smith. Janice Slraub, Sue Vandecan, Amie Auie, Sandy MacLaughlon, Carole Tyrer, eUbie Louods, Cathy Bmid, Merry Ortswold, DebMoe Smith, Betty Hamilton, LorUffill Smlih, Carolyn Chest- er, Fan MacKay, Marg Kliot, Vîrbi Sîlisizzi mcd Kim Straiin taie partinbuthiePrecision Ballet. Tues Bouston and Steoe Ger- vais si! don clovn uniforms and pronide cnmedy for tSe andience. VALUE SAFARI JUNGLE BOOKET HT HEEHHEAR HA N. 1 Large SAAH HGreen CABBAGE 2 heads 25c No. 1 FHHAb Large CRISP LETTUCE 2 heads 25C Black California GRAPES 2 Ibs. 39c Nu. I S B ANA N AS IL 5c JAIry SA-H' TANGERINES 3 do.. 99C Large Juicy GRAPEFRUIT 10 for 69c NA. I White MUSHROOMS lb. 49C ChriAgIIHH ButiHHHHaIH 24-A. LenI H BR E AD 21c FREE CanadIa Pakers ea DELIVERY Back PEAMEAL BACON DAILY 6cI ,%tapie Liaf CanadIa Packers IParHhment) 1 lb. pkg. JUNGLE' TULIF MARGARINE 4 pkgs. 95c CAH0A' CanadIa Packers - DomesiHHI lb. pkg. PURE LAI SHORTENING . 3 pkgs. 99C W---SH StraineHI - Reg. 4 jars 67e SHA. Jars Reg. 2 RAIl Gerbe'r's BABY FOOD 8 jars 85c TOILET TI Chyite. - Reg. 39c - 12 Chef Rol& Reg. 2 BAHe BROWN 'N' SERVE 3 pkgs. 99c KLEENEX Maketlwoll e askod le attend the nenI meeting Ai rouneîl toes- plainHo5w Se itnds tInrun a pioposed slaughterhmetse bhidnd his store on the seventh line. Counci feltllin Bealh n Uit Sad rontrot oi ISese situationHsbut cloiS K. C. Lindsay saidtheioon- slip ad thIber WH 1Hstopi eh- jeoIli ndustries. 'Illm nol in iavorAiaslaugliî- erhouse I1 h1e towshisp, par- iîulaîly HAt lIbre," derlaied Councllor Pallerson Sut agieed lte requesl sbould bave ahearing Aller dltidllons Aif1the varloHis types nf lauglilerlng were di sdussed. Coireupondence flimthe Gep. of Bîginoays reveaied rosponsi- Milily for clearing sldewalbs 1n Norval restedoithîhe municipal- ily. Bmevei, Ihere is a 5per cent subsidy on lthe orI. Il vas agîeed 1he rosI couid go on the road epenses. A leller tîomn M.P.P. Jim Soin oulined plans for an Air Pollion Conîrnl office in OaS- ville 10 open lMis yeaî. Respon- sibtiy loi air pollution conîrol in Peel and Bllonwould @volve fîom lheîe lu co-operation vils the Dparîment Ai BealîS. Counillor Pallerson opposed an Iem oHn1the agenda wcpio- posed couni go i1H10 'Commit- tee nf tbe WhoIn l deS hauto- malicaliy encludes the press, for a discussionvwitSthe airutect for t1e township nffices. 'I ar- hisHuleHIge 11e press and respect 11hïr lgemneHf,»etldcouniL. '1111 go HIoSg wIIh Pa," said the dput-reeye. The reeveaîAo Agreed il vas parI Ai township business. The aicient appeared le dis- cus esponsblit fo structural damage 10 the township oAille blding wMicS e lel reiiected HA lits 00m. Be felI île nnus lay elseohere and laid Mis case e- foie couerin c udSer. T'ie deputy reeve and possiSly the reeve wli accnmpany the aichitecl on a iact-flnding tour somne Saiurday ibis m00h0in see the evidence Mi. Balford has collected. Counci îecently Sadetled$5,- SUS for repars 101the township offices. Sînce Esquesingilenllooedlfour memlers on tbe Bornby Paibs Beard, Cbarles Ausin oas ap- poîutod 1o join lbiee Aier town- ship iepresentatlnes named pie- siouslp. TSîee Oabollle repre- seolaînes are alun on tbe board. Reeve Cnrte presiHled for the lwo Sour session ateniled Sp 1the enie couail. T-BHAHH Round, Ai rliCn sT EA K 85c lb. WING STEAK 75c IL RUMP ROAST 79c lb. Meple LieU Smoked PORK SHOULDERS IPMeule) 45c IL Maple Lest WaxHHI Newfoeandland Style BOLOGNA 3 Ibs. 95c Maple Leaf SLICED COLD MEATS 5 Varlelies - Var. Pnr. 4 PIcgs. 95c Maple LeAf PICNIC HAMS 1iHîlb. TIos $1.35 Tin MAple Leaf NA. 1 SLICED SIDE BACON VAT Fac One's 65c lb. Ia - Cbhd-R.Cheesr lA-Oc. ETUMBLERS 69c i lb. pkgs. ARD 5 pkgs. 79C an - 2-ply Tissue tl in Pkg. 3lc TISSUE 8 roIlls 95C xes 69e 400 SIme :X. 2 boxes 49c oH ýWedesdRy e lgA 5 home Ai Mis. Genrge Isglis. The meeting opened sdth the lsstihdte- Ode asd Miy Stewact CoIll.. in uHso, aHd ioadiogs enilled Mlol Desses and InDefense of 40. Mrs. George Black gase 1he secitaiyHs replort, Mrs, Omeî VanSininthie inancial report ad Miss KatIiario McPhedîan the cheHi report. Fise dnllars vas donated le the BalîonsCounly Msic Festival, aid an invitation Oas aocepted OBanaokbhurn W. I. SUIS Aniveisary at Limehoose OBITUARY James Vansickle James Haronld VanslcbieH R.R. E Milon died in Milon District Hospital JanuAîy 26 aller aieoe- thy ilsess. Fanerai sersice cas held at the MKersie Fuserai Home in Miton ils 0ev. John Stalles offciaîlng. Intermeni wnu at Paieîmn Unied Church Cemeteiy. BonlnHBallon County in 1904, Mr. Vanstîkle rereised 515 snhooliigag I Ash eiemeotAry srhnsi. In 1935 Se maîried Laura Gsnby and spent Uts 11e fArmlng ai his R.R. 6 Milton faim. A memhei ni Paieîmn Unied ChurîS, Mi. Vansirbie enjoyed wnedwork, iiutisg and lishiog and wan active in the Ontario Sîeam and Antique Preoeroeîs Association. Be leases Mis olfe Laura, his so Lyle who is in the R.C.A.F. ad sîaiiooed ai Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, dauglteis Lasi- ene (Mis. RH. Fietz) of Bamil- lon, Marjorie (MrH. Fleming) of OanvelUe and Beva aIbhme. Be 15 aIse HurivHed by iHItHrJeaH- elle (Mis. D. Baîvoed) o! riant- ford and MariHn (Mis. onoper) Ai Peeiee Island andbroheiJark of Vigiala. Be Oas the son af Johnathan Vansirbie and Olive BAilman. PaShbeares wnre William Meredith, Ken SiolAndH William SevensonI, John Vansichie, Reg SoîSh and William Mari, aSl neighoars. The hostess read an aricle oH Iternaional W.L ewsHand Mes. LeoHHHAnAdres c.portedonthe To, H.:cU i' , b.ook. Mnî William Webl) rvport d on tiv IHîHH baOHIH 'Hconvnion, aisoof lHTHd h er services as Oel as Mrs. Gordon Csslter 1H lead a 4-H group, to he heid ai Mrs. Wehh's esery THHHHIay eveniHg for eight weebHH stArtitUfFH- ruary 12H, fril 12-18 yebiH Mrs. VerA CHHUîAm iHAd an aricleI, COS 'U15a home f ail races. Mrs. JamesBayHloHlHeb charge of the iirogram, Inter- ational mosth. TUe GoldHen Bobes ArHHHd was TiadH IHIIHwO<I wlth Mrs. Webb Hgling the mn-lA oA A Dlffeenl World CAHHHHI Be Madle Up lndiffereâd People. Miss KAthArine McPhedran gave0orldly coireHi eHeHIS, and bold Hf lhe HHW plaques iH the CAmpbelsville F0O. Village 508h aOdiSivray in 1961 abd Ceres- Mis. George is5shoed col- od slhdes of UHpH 'U7 abd tUe meiHngHU losed cith the Ceen and Wi. GracHH aHd A Social Hiall h HUH OAS eHlyed, JohH GHrdon OAS iraserred frHm t JHosph' Hospital,BHm- iltHb 8H MiltHH District Hspital last Satarday. Mis. Rohertl Eist csll l so the March meeting HI the Camp- bllisilie WoHHe's lstitute ohen Al inemhe rs are asked tob ring One isaf of homemade bhici, ight cheisea bhssoHi otU loi hake-off csstest. Meinhers aie invited 15 Peel-BalîoSsmmaîy DayH HHUaJHing sOUYeAHtHH ai JunOir Faimei -ollhHg i Brampton, Fehuaaîy 23 a! 1:30 P.HH. Ail memunis Hf cHOuIs H n ayose jsleîesled 15 iositedad a echage olacy yeaslhireads ilii tahe plaie, A dsplay HI HOup Canadian haking steosils wiii hoe displayed Hp local W.., Hf ioleiest la ail. Mi. and Mis. Claude logtis aad lamily ovre Suoday goosts of M. andi Mis. Jacoos Inglis and faiAoly in London. Friends of Joe Curele 0lie soîîy tb heai 5e had the mis- fortune 10 spîli hot oaleî oser rDoIT I I misceilanos showei asslsted hy Mis. John Hayolon, Mis. Chari:- Mîith- Il a;i fSWlci- i la . - Hi,, I i la,. ni, aol honni-j i MîHLonccann Wihtlucre iih cîaoi gifts loi he- lorlhcom*og marîlage loChailes Bapsîoshico lahes place ithis Saluiday Fehiuaiy 17 alKilihide Usited Cicsich, wilh airýeplioo la Kllhîile hall adeioaids. On Friday Heiog the hisi man Ross Michell and DAHHH Rocosid held a pieseHiatioof HoO oHph 1e HgHoHoCharles Uyntoo. Uolh 1hebhilde aod groom lhanked ail fHr Ihei iad- Aoy grils lîsm the age of 14- 18 wlie hase hes a GOh! Guide andadrAe oo IHioIeredin1Ha.gý ers, pie aHO contact Mcs. Waler Hamhly Hi Miv. James OBiyorL Mr. and Mis. Cracnfec, Mahe:: o! Ottawa speot 1he oeeheHd oilh Mi. ad Mis, E. D. Malcon, Isqu.slng Council CAMPBEUVILLE The Canodian Champin, Wednosday, Fcbr Clean, straighten Credit channel BSildrsesreuIngl« s, "history givea u"t histiute mtai BpMu. eogeIlgls Presbylerian chuich oî Marcb is bfo int ùe Sutcheringptgs, Mis. M 20.Lad Is eceling Irealmeul Ai aiy for tBe1 Mus. Stewart Cramp presldaed Mus. Robert llKîot oas date- varions timc o aI Milton District once aI the1e to alevia e fl odin in len ae h Fbrue Wmeen'g Islbhe gle tente cril tM co1n-2Hos.oistal a os i sses K to a lvi t l od n n lnCmr belFebrsary meesIngnihie ered len hi l 0 Msy on- .M.Bospl ll se aHMby isse Maigaiet McPliAil sang a quart- tte aithie service at SI. Dasld's Pc.' nteriAn ChUisenSuOHHHay, Mr. and Mis. Roert EIIiot we2clnei guests vIth Mr. and Mis. aîîy BUirne and IamfilyoI Uilingtn, and they elsiled ithl ThHmas McPhail whn is nyAi- eSiHg At the home Hi ils daughl- Hi, the hsstess. Mi. and Mis. David McPhAII f New THrontI oHiee Ssnday gUesis oS Mis. William McPhAil aid Mi. aid Mis. Jamsliobert. son Aid sons. -HUallon West M.P.P. Genrge A. Kerr, urlington, Oas a speaker ai the Aggiegale PîHd- ucoîs AssociationnofOnarioncon- leîesce in Tv:sstn iast veelc. le calinO lfoiuioimH proin.s cialiy-supeioised iawsscoseisg the quaiiscog :ndussly. - ar~-~ - ~ .fl~ Winter's the timn % j 1;H;.îIIMI //PRE-FINISHED PANELLING TWO BEAUTIFUL RUSTIC PANELS ACADIAN $.5 4' o8' cie GREY ELM $7 4857 $8.95 BOH O 00 QUAUITY 3/16" PANELS,. H W CA ARIHFINISH ~ =5t, Ten.flTjI, CEILING moder iîvg. FAL E 131/2c T PRICE o SL.... 15C L INewI RULA.ffùg SUMMERSET PORTABLE BASEBOARO HEATERS 0 ,'Ypeertî SALE PRICE VINYL ASBESTOS TILES 12"1 x 12"" - 1/16"" MAeU, ZP PATTERNi.5 SPATT R PATTERN cea TEXTURE PATTERNS CRUSCENDO issiee For k iches 6a PING PONG TABLE 0* iln yifaoa d fo 19 Stnrdy nvLrokorg leqs $ 5 8 IJ. B. Mackenzie & Son Ltd. ( , '8 James Street GEORGETOWN 877-2207 % 2 Church Street ACTON 853-1660 Wizard of Oz is theme lOth skating carnival bary 14, 1968 7 ieHalle MIutual Inaur- home o f A. T. Moore. Karen ESîIy, 'Pamla ,ne 878-2369 A HA'U LÀ H * A býd, -, q,,e.H , ,, , mH 7, ,ih H mHH'1 h , H olyHH Hl , d -.- , ,d . II - R-1- 0 1 G.H Hi, - .O ,fHHHHH i II H H b OHi 41- I 'h HH , " , _HH h - ..bHH th H b -11HH -.,k.Hbib h iHHHHHH HH "', HHHHH i h .-i HHH H HHi ,Ipl"dd Il Hi,-ILHH H H H19 NIRS. ISABELLE WF.AVER, SenreHary P.O.IHBox 1A4, OnkjItir. Ont. -I O'S FRUIT ALFONS MARKET 17,1 M'il ýt Milfoli 81824 1 m

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