Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Feb 1968, p. 3

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fr1 MTONS SMITIRINO APTES OVES 20 YEASS os cegacive Session Clerk Edgar Marshall are shown prer of lt. Pols Peshyterion Chorch et Nescon vi-snting as sJsee ens service tu thr populet ce- lge, Mes. James Marshall mas hccored by the 9505e mwhie het lssbancdlonks on at tight. csngrrgatioc et a decne and resetaton Fri- day. Minister evroTreor Lewits, refI, and (Staff Photo) Failhful organist at Nelson is honored upon relirement Organiet f Si. Pauls PresSy- tatan Church i Nelson for Oer 20 ears, Srs. James (Valera) Miarshall wni hoored on Ser retirement Frlduy wolhi nco- gregationl dînner whlch oas ai- tcsdad hy Mot ut the congre- gatin. On ehalf ut those present, Clerk of Session Edgar Marshal rend aprasentntilnxddress ohile Sr. Bonite Sell, itrs. JenGun. hy nid Srs. Janet Hyxlcp pre- l@eISO lver tea serviceanid a houqet et red roses. Several speaers pralseditru. Marshall for er fithfleessand loYyt 60er oorh. The odni- ster 1ev. Trenor Lews s O chalred tSe dinner and program eald Il oas on sscb loyaly that thie Chrstian cbsrch oas founded anid tees stilI flourisbing. Patient . . . . cieerful .... friendly . . . . nîce personality . . . courteous .. . . acius oot please . . . . bost anid tenh eIptul. . . . efficien. Thoe are tusxt ae i of tise accolades recelced 1n tise peut three oees iy Ms. EvelynOat- bralth ot Mlton Ieprtment Store, sho bas eeo selecled as Miltan's third "clerk of tie' veeh" y ani avalanche f votes. "Sirs. Galbraiths alweys puts thie csstomer's interests efore Ser on," sai one bllot. I'Hec selles mate shopping ois twon bhabies apleasure," saysaoedier. ,'lhe lonys bas a nix nid a conversation," said a third. ,'Se is bonesn bec opinio and usuelly selecîs sometising wtdch t eoioy waing eter," raves a fonrtis. And eaCis dlaIms "she aonys seemu bo * so tst oSai the cstomer vents. a The commets came tram c sraedom sempting eft he flood et *ballotsib tise hilrd oeek et tise 10-caneS compeitin sponsored lcipattog merchanis. Mrs. Gl- *braitS recelces a framed rertis- cale plus $10 in cesis for tise avard. TSe management otbihb- on epacomeot Sore oas so pleased olitise neon, tbey have made arrangements to sntabty arecnenie thie cler's populerily wlhi a presentetion as oel. Srs. Gabraith i veu at .IL 1 Milton and bas een woocbeg in thie tepartmenl Store fcr tihe peot 16 years. She remembers Dare onee sst Oive on tiestvalf w heo she egnianid today tiera 9are oer thcee imes bist maoy clerk In thie eopanded store. Se oilli laver forget bbceibig tire thit gtled the store a eo years age -- oorbdng ai tisernI ci thie store, she anid otier cm- plopees didu'l have ime te cn tn Dae rear for heîr cots anid Spurees, so Daey grabbed neo cnn'e coals off a narisy racks anid russed lto the bitter cld o f winer as flames leaped e- * y, obe mtdastly asarts. g "1 heu Daen really interest- D difrn p e p d o bn aoqnd t eetliedeekhOrk President Mrs. Mrorle Don- Sy cf the W.M.S. onu W.A. pres- ident Ms. Ileel Leslie express- cd appreclation, ot Only for ber worh as organidul, Sut es a ard- woringo memer of botS organ- iellou. Se bas eco a rea help, se aoeys tlgured Valera went the secod mile inwbetever OSe dld," Mrs. Leslie said. Alert Hunier, cbacmaniotîbe Board of Managers, uidîbe con- gregationa ia Insu for wrdu to express their eppreclalbon properly. He noted ec pleasent personaUfty, ln addition to er denotion tc hie musc of the Cbrccb, mode Sec o clseble memter. Mms. Marshal eupressed er eppreclation lu al for "ssch c IncelY, memorable evening" anid assured iSem Se lcved every minute of Sec or. Wbile yo'Il usully see ber e- hisnd tb ise ,11Mrs.Galbraith sierin10tise ladies oer deprt- ment anid is qute femiliar wltis every item 1n stock. lMr. atiratlhi's sand tEar worked fer severet yearu 10 tise seme store. Recently e bas Seen clerising ai McKlm Hrd- Tisey iave boounos, isobhIn uzverslby. Jlm is iniis firsb yeer ab University of Toroneto anidBruce is diegpesl-graduate sooris ai U cf T, wonrtng oOerd Mis M.A. in Frencth olicis Se iopes to start ieacing set taIt. Sisppers are remioded o con- tinue casting weehly bllots for tieir favorite cleris. You cao vote once each oeeh of tise 10- oeis contet. dacis bonday ai 10 .m. a 00w 'clerk of bise oeek" oile seleçbed Irom tise accomolaebasllots. cp17 w19.20-21 22-23-24 Color Dtrectorn and ahareholdersof. Bolton Mtutuel Pire Innomance Co., Campbellvllle, loohed hack1 an an ennellent year durtng the cemponry's 78th annuel meetingj held 1n Atn iLIrry recenly.1 Garbage on brings police Several complaints ebout peo- pIe dumping garhage on ton- ship ronds in north Hlton have1 Sean reglstered olîS the Milton: Deachmenl of the O.P.P. The1 t.P.P. ptrol ail township ronde le Esqoeslng and Nassegnoeya. "Section 98 of the Hlghony1 Trefflc Act dels otth lttertog thie ronds, ondea penalty for îbis offence is sp to $10 for e first offence," 10f. C. J. Paridnon warnu. Resîdents should vioit the townships' gerhage dispnsel ameas drlog open heure or make arrengements for the anntlary dspoai of garhage. During the weeh o Fehrunry 4- Fehruery 10 Inclusive, per- sonnel of Milon O.P.P. wortmd a total of 960 1/2 hours and pa. rolled 8,621 mles on ares SIgS- onys. Asearessît of patrol 148 charges oere preferrod, 93traf- fic oerntngs oere issued nidlll vehlcles oere sefety cheched. There oere 32 convictions regis- lered in Mgstrates Court. Cit teaders Sids wnlU Se clled on the in- onrance for thieMilton Publc School Board, trustees agreed Monda9y. TrustleaMrray Hood ncded thie mejor pollcy f the Bonrd explred on MarcS I of this year and ation woold Se reqslred lmmecitaely. Memhirs sgreed to mahe thie nluetiona of the properties estahlishied in 1963 avalahle to local agents for ent- allshlog updeLted valutonofig- ureuanid proposais on thie con- erage. 'he tender for the cocerage wil Seon0thie three year termi, thie Board agreed, and wdll ins- clsde att St tSe stsdent accident losuranon coverage. Surning Rectal Itch Relieved In Minutes Ecclccof a rlleg subtacie Rnelieea Pl. A.si Ohnlehe Hearnhnlde. If yenwant madtcnoroy rlifo f nohing Plba'-he', gond nemi. A rnned aiernh laboratory hiu fousd a unique heeinecshbsnce thin proeptly reliecac she ning ltch andpcncooychie harrod. This sbsnhcies o haro ahoas Se prodocean ont effm- tiveateaof heiing.lbs egeem-Lllling wsjpertie lccno help pravent lene. hatr oeau"very ,trilog lospronnoani" wnc aobd, acre cmoog eaaof lonnntandisg. And Thiscwuie complinhed hy a e healing sbance (lio-Dyn)- whicS lybip h« sjue iisea. Nov Bio-Dynea le otrerd la oninenmanedsppoaîiory fore cld PraparaniosH . Act1 for il as ail dene stores-satisfaction or ieoice cundd. MURRAY HOOD DRIVE-IN Bace Lina Rendt We t fHhhay 23 et billion Open Dlytu e a.. Flday & Saturdey te1230eam CiknSnack 79c IChîche a neoSes$1.39 Iîpecil et ah $2.191 BUCKETS 0F CH ICK EN SWhole Chicn$2.19 12 Seec eeor $3.27 14 SeeceesS1x $3.81 16 Seress evrx $4.35 18 SercE ,ti $4.89 2O s. .a N1n e $5.2.5 ADO TO YOUR DINNERS OS PAK SPECIALS Paanlly Bex et Frech FPila .t Six Rolle 30C Cole Stase..... . 5 Sigle Order Frech riat 25e Ste Peck, et Hanap SOn.- M PHONE 878-028 ced sel hava peur erdar readp Open Sucdey 12 eont. Whtte daIms ttong 842,633 teere Peid during 1967, the com- PUeY showed ant profit of $45,- 986. There are presently 2,066 polies in force wlth a totat insurance vaeefet$37,812,553. roadsides ewarning Telere soore six proporty dam- are accidents lovestlgatod, and three personal lojucy accidents resultlog ln three persons helng lnjsred. Property damage total- led $5,571. Ceuses ot accidents wece inattentive driving, speed ton test for road or lreffic con- dItions, and driver lost control. There mas one charge laidasea resuit cof these accidents. There wece 25 generel occur- rences dorlng ti periodinclud- lng one assault investigetion, two other Criminel Code investigat- ions, to Liqoor Conlcol Act In- vestigetions re sulting in one per- son being cberged onder the Liqoor Coolcol Act. The surplus'fund Sas Seen ledIt upb tIlt17.7t6end assets cur- restly total $267,935,lthe meeting 'ens lnormed. Officers were ail returced for 1968. TSey inclode presidecl Lorce E. Chascberlain of Horoi- Sy, cice-prcoident 'lhomos J. 0rooncioge0!oft..2 6Geocge- ton, secrelnry-breesurcr A. T. Moore t Cempellcilllcandidn1- spector Robert W. Shortili of hilîton. Directors for 1968 include H. Craig Reid and Norman Cetelon of Milton, James T. Fisher of 1.R. 3 Georgeon, Cameron MI. Ktchlng of 0.0. 2 Rochoood, Calcin J, Aitten of 0.0. 3 Acun, R. M. Barden of HlsSurgh, anid E. Ross legwonrth of .R. 2 Burlinglon. Lergexi single cdaim 1n 1967 oas e $16,163 lmss cf e harn and implements Sy fCcc in Euqueslng Township. Chou o erc pld for tire lusses, damage and thefs. Among the claims were peymeots totalllng oser $2,600 focr1 cam animais ldled by lightnlng, in- cludlnf cetieanid pigs. Haiton Mutual retums officers $42,633 claims; shows profit DRESSES They Last *Misses le Haîf Suzes 2.00 Regular to $3500 DO ~ NOW $00 The dioner oas secned by tSe Nelson Unied Cburch Women. The pcngram ealso lnclsded a slng-song led Sy the minister, a solo Sy KeitS Harvey of Wt. erdoon and an eccordion sols by BobSy Dryden. five ,>,jured laiaccidents à pust wek FIne Milton anid district resi- dents oece iotsced ln three car accidentsiS te îoccondtbeearee duriuc 'Se pent oeeh. Three oneebsn nid required bospitel treatmenl fotîoiog a ton-car collision ai the Pive Slderced-Hlgboay 25 intersec- tion eerly Sunduy mvrndxg. Mrs. Normon Bron of R, R. 5, MII- ton sstfercd leg bruises, bier dasgter Oil r000 bad broten ribs anid eneighbor D. Aaierson receiced ani ee injucy 1n the ac- cideni. Tbey ocre pessengeru in a car driven Sp Mr. Brown oiich ce- ceiccd $500 damage. The oiher car oas driven iy John Jisepis Cuglicis ot Streetuille, and *- ceived $300 damage. Milon . P.P. invetigaled. Mru. Sanidze Matiies of 380 Higisside Di. received ltg lacer- nions and ercacr received $600 demage ibOa oe-car accidentonu the Base LineSaturduyefternoon. Tise veicle left lise road anid stcuck a hydro pote jusi eoot o! Esqsesing'v FouriS Lino. Eigt-year-otd Aennder ild- deil of 219 Mrin St. mas cirocis Sp a careas ie cross-?d Martin St, near Mrtin S. Senior Public Scisool on Tuesday cf laul onei. Tise vc)dcl', drivnc iy Donald G. Rogers of 98 Joisn S., caosed lacerotinos to tise ricisl side of the ioy's foreisead, es oeil as brsh urn ho 1his ritd ciseok He oas detained i0 hospital overcmct,anid asbeenreleased, Boys' Long Sleeved KNITTED SHIRTS AND JAC SHIRTS 1/2 PRICE ~~ The complete Fanhion W[Uf'T(ILook for Spring ns yourn - IPREVIEW Drap inancd aie:&Il th. i,. '1ffl w prine hings es foryoe. jMILTON DEPARTMENT STORE 200 Main St. E. MILTON 878-9261 The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, February 14, 1968 3 --attîton Red Cross laplanning Change your entlng habits to a fund-relnlng bUita enrly i lower yor blond cholenterol and Mdarch. rcsluce your rlsk of gettlof a heart ttack, the Ontario teart --Town, of Milton lterm tan Foundation advlses. This means bills, due Februnry 29, tMre eating less animal fat and lesn mealled to residento lest teek. fond hlgh in chotesterot. Men's Long Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS $695 $2,98 WORK SHIRTS - - - $2.00 JAC SHIRTS - - - 1/2 PRICE 0 ALL FAMOUS BRAND NAMES Many Other 1Specials Throughout The Store Corne Early for Bent Selection ler- THE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD FROM WINTER STARVATION SUNFLOWER SEEDS - 50-1b. Bagn For OnIy $1 1.00 MIXED BIRD SEED - Any Quantity For OnIy 81/2c per IL McKIM HARDWARE 260 Mai. Sa leServns Yoe Sghta 8789222 Look High-Look Low . You'II Neyer Find Such r \ BIG REDUCTIONS ALL THIS WEEK ..AT MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE Get Here and Savel Mrs E, Gul6roith Depurtment Store dierk shoppers' chokce of week Special Rock of le Petites Regular 80 $21 NOW $ - MISS THIS DANI SALE 28-4 Regular to $9.98 Regular ta $14.98 NOW $4.88 NOW $688 0 INCLUDING CORDUROY IST Ç~Furming Frontier '68 ýjHTIS THE ROAD i~ WHATAHEAD j FOR AGRICULTURE? A BUSINESS SESSION On thse Future of Farming Practices and Safety ai: ERIN DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20 ai 8 P.rn. Refreshments - Prizes 0 Sponsored by Your Local John Deere Dealer... KIRKWOOD SERVICES ERIN ONT. 1

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