BellThe Canadien Champion, Wednesday, FebrarY 14, 1968 -R7 Cockbùrn is Peterborough rep Taylor leaves Halton office tep H. J. Stanley iey, when they worked ie Well- ington. ýe memies o the staff et The larm people of Pnfee ou- Lr10 tepartment of Agri- ty are meeting in fie Junior and Food, worileg ie Farmer Building, Brampton, one w111 bt ttavtsg Inte 1eWedeesday eveeeng, February ai tre. Tiese are John te feosor Johsn, wfeo taies Up fils san, Assectate Agruttr- dattes as Agruturat Repet- rsetattvt; Geott Taylor, entatit nl Peterboroughe, by ton Asststaet ftetcees- MarrI t. Aey Hatesa Coeety 4 Hatton andFPetl; and rteedu weetd b11ectrme. Une Dstai, eeri-stene- Geott Tayor rrteed le Haltes tein the Haltes office. us Neteber 15, 1965, te werk as Extension Assistantfofr th Coctstsu"u tbas faen wrk- ceentes eof taten and Peet, t f te Erempn e tte wrtseg eut et the Mltteeoffice. Departinafli Miton and .asurreod- verage are& 100 square in lte cam- masBrtes, lad mnd smilla to includes 111e OBlailie and oetiser sec- and flassaga- aslnoe sMay 1, 1965. Ht han Buta c-erdsattea the 4-H and Junior Farinerwours ten110h rolles, and wsath1e Atng Agriruturat Htprtsonfatlvt for Peeltfor 1966, seelte Herfi Norry toua time eut io reculve ils Mater's Degret at tht Ontaro Agrîculturat Cet- tege. Jetn as Ban oetstandlng Agr- cultural Club record an a mein- br et ABerfoytt 4-H Ctubs ie Wllington Ceunty. HIe tather was a 4-H Caît Club leader for maay ytars. Joha rereived training la tas 4-H program un- der Herh ferry and Henry Stan- Prier te this he ieud gradeated frne tie Ký,mptvife Agricuffur- ai Unienol and worked for a ear as a salesenan fer fiee Unifeef Ce-Operafivei of Ontarto. lier-' teg the past twe years 11e han huilt Up a reputatioe fer Bard work andtenthulsiasm in 4-H and Junior Fermer ectietes. le recogitionetf ils effeofts le 4-H Club wnrk, thtetatten 4-H Club Leadeirs' Associatien preseted Geeff tanti arm- chair at their meoutl meetieg. Ht nelt b? teavnortie Oea,'t _________________ Ment oneMarch Il te fake sp farmling aI 1, Grrie, le Huron Ceunty. He eettt Bt mas- Two-faced ril ne Marrie 23, te Mss Susan Mrten, a memier et Bfe Junior ratteil fw-iaced ilektbit Farmers' Associaion, and a isut, but fan netf e yts graduate efthIe cempiitît Agri- te coneentoneour Bsgh Cultural Scheel Bsm- Eronemicu iad. Wt could ste rai- Course. tce essec osys tmen, eelenuttaung eer tyts off tBe reed. But evea twn sets ef tyts are ustîtes, if yeer car aladeas are tresiedup. Ctear vision is ensential te ner saftty on the Bghways, se clear off tht frot Butre yeu start, and always drie iattB sme frosh air rnmlng l. Mrs. Anet iistm Shas aerked fulti fomr'n the Mlton ffice, omnet April, 19lt. Ste it Wttee ttaeing le mcd-M.srriefer Cal- gary, wiere er 'c Be. T. M. Dustm wtt Bu as- suing fils ne dules as retr ut S. Stphet's Chrrh. ~Iiapion Farm* Page -Farm accidents ci safety survey sh< "Mmn, Marhlrery and FIre,", ttc Safety Ce-nedinelor, le tas Bus Bu en choste as tht 1968 sddress "Slow Mnsing Vehîies Btinme of PEnn Ssfty Coaneil et ns. High Spetil Trafflr." Ontario. The amnual conféerence Il wsea îndirated thal this tri- of Buis erganiaten ceas Bell a1 mngelsr aarning signali b sf111 the Unversity of Guelph, Feb- ot cnmpietely arrepleil hy 11011 reary 5, 6 and 7t. Htpreseting arhmn and rural peeple, ie Ihal HaltesPn FmSaiet Counerlare mmcy are nt vet awae. of ils ris. Thte ust ni Slow MnelngVeh- irle sIgne as graphiratly illus- trateil By OnarfoeProvincial Pol- Ire Centable H. G. Elson, Trafi- purpunt. This as dlesignedtilt Bu ustil on ail vehîrtes travel- Bing ai speeds ondes 25 i.p.., whirh lertues nalI tarin neirles. Il le easlly visible le dayltght, and lumnous ai ntPtS refler- Offer iiteresting progrumis for Farmetr's Week a t Guelph Farmers' Wttk '68 al Bu ell Mneday lhrnugh Fridsy, Fehruary 19 te 2 letht Rar Memrlal Hall ai tht Ontario Agriruttsral Coltege, Guelph. Tht wtek is steut lesa str- ies et "partsagd prograino", dealing with a particules suhiect. Speakers train tht Outario De- partesent of Agriculture and Food, th Uniersity et Guelph, and teadiag fariners w111 gmte presataties oun carlous lopisis. Anotler change le tht pregrain for tht wtek 10 that on Tuesday, tht ladies progrum in 011Bu la- tegrated i suIlthteien's prog- ram. Thtinornisg session 1151 dLy 0111 Bu mainyrnoncernedwith "Yeuth and tht Fanas Famly."1 On Friday, the aoaen'sprn- gram in 011Bu eld at Harcourt MemrliUtnited Chrrh, Demn Avenue, Guelphe. TBe topir 1er 1the day Is "Faedly aed Cea- munity Relaion." Otstaading apeanrà, amaeg tin Dr. Ma>- garet Nix of New York, will part- f Ipate ntht pregrain sponsrtd by Madonatl lstitutad 11e eHoine Eronoles Braarh, Ontario Departasent et Agriculture aud Food. * Dily otssions Bugle ai 1l-e0 am. aen.d are chedol l ted by 345 p. Monday's tneeise"Market- ing and HmndBng Grains." Eon- niistu, an anaI oiestint mad a iarketing auBority 0111 dis- euse problees and tutorolevel- vtd le tht marhtting andhandltng of grain. e"Busnsns yttins for Farin- ln1er'l10tBe Tusday aterneen tin. Farin Management issu teimpact o maa-inatieproderta on agricuture are Bue mais tnp- le 0raetdiscusston. * AU day Wtdaesday 0111 Bu tMent one "Bet Cattie Manage- sueat Synens."' Feeding, mna agnastat, feediet planing, and terres atteetog market prices ter Bet 0111 Bu eertue. Thnrsday han Eau tepirs -- "f oyhtans le Ontaro", la th .Ï morning and "Masure HandLtag"l ln tbe aternuen. On Friday, Be tarreaaltgly Important tapît af "Bîtages and Feedng Pregrains" nei hbave thBe attention cuthIe speaers an thd Buepqlet atted.tMage ratinssee ge upments,fed haadhing yteinsand the une et silos ilI Bu discunneil. garh year everaI Haton CeentFarerts travel noGuelph fer onet or mortet thene ses- sonos. DORA DREUGEPHESIDENT SCOTCH BLOCK LASSIES The Scotch Block1 Luonlen ell Beir first meeting ai Liget Hall on taturday mernieg, Fehruary 10. Tht meeting wan optoedwIth tht 4-H pledge fnlowed hy an introductine ettht club memhtrn, and then 11e eleriion etfeffcers. Thtettlriers areprenideol, Dora Dreilge; vlre-preseÈnt, Sandra Wlsoe; sercreiary,Susn Curry; essistantireanurer, Mar- lent Hume; press etporterJuBt Haslai. Aller tht leders dincussetht neiBete ef tht meeting tht girls Bail lunch, and finhed their nte S. ostly >)ws tien reas headhgfts. Oscar feyder, Fanas Saity Ce-erdinefer fer te Fanm asfte- ty Couencil ni Onario, rtperted on tht Farm Accident furvey hel ln ni n eouelles, durleg 1966-f7t te sid tBni ta01Ofu 632 accidents hB ail aBn Place, or le ther anrils, ont in fhre tarins hRanmaccident during tht year. Offletin, tlctre atre 36 tatatities, mil 36 permanment le- juris. le adlditione,448 ieinpor- Mc Injurieswetre rectîvedin.ta rludiug breken lBmhs, b:'osts, ruts, etc. A lttf9064 ilys off werk atro recrrded, and am average et $20 per day, 1h10 moleualet$t81,000. Medical bitls ftalleil $89,867, prnpety daMage $548,00, gisleg a total of $819,000, or aeer- sgt per reuefy of $91,000I. Tis tees couId Bu greatly reducedi f eRh andl enery family ere te stop and thinie et tht terrible renseuters rnstting from carelesseesu eu tht fanas. --Rerkmen are iafilng ailcet- ae et tht recet l snap te lay mort man-asade snew on tht skil sloyeo ai GîeEden SkilClubi, Keten. SDON'T MISS THIS 1 Milton Figure Skating Club Oth AnnuelH ICE CARNIVAL FPE. 24 - 8.30 SAt the Milton Amasé Ob Sedelsewhere in thio eayer fer detoils n 18 MILTON CLERK 0F THE WEEK WINNERS JAN, 31- MRS. NELIIf ALLAI'. Selrîe Store, FER. 7- WARREN CHARLTON WestEnd Mea Market Vote now for your choice for next week'sI NClerk of th Week1 invites you CLERK 0F THE WEEK ce the third nwet-h etthe ne hirs. Fuelyn IGalbraith ot Mitor, nprtrur't '.te han heen ertploytd in thie stere for thte psf lie ye se munshoypers teee J her so nerteen oeil ltee as ce ere in selectceg her for fhee un raed "clerle of tht eie' erifinofe ondl$10 TireE theo Ont culture Haltes, star te Cocishu ai Repi Enlensot tien ni Mss. A grapher *CLIP AND MAIL TO: Cterh tf tht Weeh Canttst, /e Tise Catadiat Champion, 191 Main SI. MILTON, ONTARtOM 1 NOMINATE OF THE STORE MY ERASONS ARE: eYu Maewl ekp n ofdne on MPNOE MYTEEMLO UIESE- RtCHARDSONS RADIO & TV L urgent Selecton to Choose Frett 201 Main St. E. 878-6949 FRED MILLS MEN'B WEAR Fred Mils, Prop 216 Maie St. E. 878-9541 CHAIR'S HOME APPLIANCES Tour Westn.ghouse Dealer 181 Mill St. 878-3221 FREO'S TAILORINO SHOP Fred Verstruete, Proy, 217 Maie St. E. 878-3302 HAREtS STATIONEY & OFFICE SUPPLIES 182 Main St. . 878"962 Mct6IM HARDWARE & APPLIANCES "If Seroes Yon tight" 260 Maie St. . 878-9222 KNIGHT'S DRY CLEANERS 300 Maie S. . 878-9941 MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE A Concylete lu-ily Clothreg Store 200 Main St. E. 878-9261 SYER'S FAMILY FASItONS Clothing -Carnets -Oraperien 228 Main St. E. 878-2067 ROSS aRANCIER JEWELI.ERS For thee Fnest tn Oatonils 220 Main St. E. 8784341 878-4463 LEDWITH'S SUPER SAVR STORES THE CANADIAN CHAMPIO 191 Maie St. E. 878-2341 MILTON FABRIC CENTRE 12 Martin St. 878-6861 LLOYD DAVIS JRWELLERY 184 Maie St. E. 878-9972 TRAFALGAR MOTORS CO. LTD. Tour Ford Oealer 409 Main St. E. 878-2369 MILTON MOTOR SALES ITO. 388 Main St. 878-2355 Your Codillac -Pontiacr tomk e aler MILTON PHARMACY Prescriptions.- Cosrtcs 246 Main St. 878-2343 UNITED CO-OPRRATIVES OF ONTARIO Kelocreator Afeli acces Esente St. 878-2391 WEST RND MEAT MARKET tons Holeres 140 Main St. E. 878-6501 CREST HARDWARE & APPLIANCUS Dot Merritt, Prnp. 136 Maie St. 8. 87846011 ELSLEY PHARMACY Prescriptions - Fret Dtlivery Servie 212 Mate St. E. 878-4492 i John1 lsg nt the friendly town, to help select its rit CLERK of -~the WEEK Ail Shoppers uppreciute friendly, ef- ficiernt, and couroeoc c' clerks. With help, we'd like f0 iee our employees get recognition for that littie effort thili meuns so much in impreesing you fuMorubly with Our itoreie, auto sules, and office, und with Milton us u wieoie. You, OUI customers, will name a "Clerk of the Week" from the sponsoring lIsted below, eude week. The person you elect, the ofînner wilI rèeive $10. in cash and u framed uwurd. Hie or her picture wili 'I be publîshed on this page the foilowing week und euch week thee clerk wîth thie greufeet number of uccumUlted votes ie the ofînner. Clip the coupon beloof und mail to :ontes is "Cerk of the Wpek' Conteet, c/o The fhelyful Ont. Your entries muet be receiMed by 10 vad -u .m. euch Monduy. in rush To Bu aoutd bh spetd re ZES RS the MIS ring on a wsrm CheeDi Ods or alers . But no oie ides is for le tathing. But h trade or deal ýhe right time. JAlR -CADILLAC TED M, Ont. ELECTRIC A COMPLEEELECTRIC SERVICE OINDUSTRIAL * COMMERCIAL 41 RESIDENTIAL *e ELECTRIC HEATING Il RURAL POLE LINES andl SERVICES PHONE 878-2048 for FREE ESTIMATES To THE RATEPAYERS 0F ESQUESING TOWNSHIP Pes,. h advised thaï,te.ast date for securine te maximum discout tof 4% on 1968 Tax Prepoyment Certificates 1S FRRRUARY 29, 1968 K. C.LINDSAY, Tax Collecter SELRITE STORES Milton, Led. 194 Main St. E.