ce and Gave Rg foconi tlasitortbland- Noic opta inh onI Roues crogi th Cien- land pa sinm and leit anari et I prayer. lion I ay itattl cont- '-i ao J perlod.La4» 4-ifse Riainsa la Lie DroIt maoud Icidec la te pul lbe tric i asirSe gosler. jefl id Stddal W~ Wysni tr Drink lot Tei [iay up ftic lb rai mapu ofdth geala îole retlabti. Sciai' net onSeacea ovin lbe uppir cight &rd Iý )eaI Lee fcCie ladlE irtiod. laIs. îrid four limtes Reri ga Milton on none à Ce tlerd par- atolle tmi o0f cilfit sqi Anl - Single Reri Ps asieî Sandy Roi )rts scirin sgoals IMENT Polie, yoffs M. IOND HILL C. Ag P.c vs 9; F cop, S. ILTON D. I CHANTS san,7 DAY - - 8.30 P.M. IDAY - C. Il - P.M. Davis, t; IL clair, .TON CScH ENA G.C Y, FEBRUAIT 7 D - - Adutt and Frn 51rr eîing - Admission 4. DOtS.. Hier lia, R i- Millon Minar Joio FEBRUARY 8 - Figace Sketing - Pro-Arn, Chern- R.1 tAinz; 9-to Caini vs Cairns T. Fce IIRUARY 9 6. Playotta - Rich- Ca.ot Il os Merchaîls Coln , FBRUARV 10 te 1.10 - Miltin ectey Itocai Puic Skatiîg 25c - Pie Mie Garni - Saîtern .- Public Skating FEBRUARY il c. - Richmnd Hitl FEIRUARY 12 m.- Msndey -Novice garni -Midgei garni i.-Jîeîe garni FPBRUARY 13 I p.m - Figue ,..-Pro-Ar - voiWilsoe 9-10 p.rn hiai os Torner ýItOn inor Hockey N.wmarket Fords set precedent House league happenings capture tournament Milaon Tcefelga Focds gaI t offced insu giving Milao NOVICE gar Dibon, c olecdy per- ne for lient ecos. blte [c division of lte Milton e9 lengue kIt focrltiee goale Cud Ms heam tuea5-114en titi Fîcemen.lancter an- tomircy beat Litle Ponliacs ndCrst batRebkahLodg Satucday. id singles tb Diein's bat foc lteaii ciaro. FrIme, Lyoni, Glyn Robertsanld imnn i aslisteci. Brry Nove soreed Ftrimen'n goal Item Steve Hoitanason. Md Labineelci scocecittree l ad slsted on Brcd î's goal t10 dvi a 5-2 min 7Sibekait'n lieucday. Ricit- Seragioi and Scutatlled ilstt. arusit, Laitinowlco Erc Ellison wiet teassist- cie KtcitenandlitepitenH&n. scioceciose goal land useas- eacit for lte lootog Riieiejc an Duncan scoced icIe for ccîay sie AI Klip added a ,l for titi 3- i mnn oir ittlei Ici, Jeccy Tlmbics, Doug mon and Styla Wilson an- Bd. clun Iomden ncaced onceland lied ooPie Rotls goal bo itiad lte losirs' alici. lyCrstcksitaon lssisled on eon's goal. BASITAM o Bcadbury let fly Setacdcy, ,og IbrieeIsaissland trie sfor Louai 4970 as licey d to an t-5 min over Milton Sam Fltcheir cegislerea c tf tricks midi Randy Hodenscoced Iice and nossteci on cee goal. BSltrier wusImpltt tie rois if a plymnter, ptcing op tcii asiste lad Kn Austin as- slated os Soit Srndiuiy's goaL Soit Rosit pIed te lostng Police oit lmngepals thingles goeg toBill11claric, Seve lime- lier ad Km limmlain. Sleve ralr aslolid tImbu adSoit Sargent, William Purcirci ad Johni Kelman asitlcoce c .t le Otec Satam acion Mlon Dipartment Store iatltid toaa 1-i ie sitit Loca 4970adRilit tclompted over Scoscies 5-2. Dia Lslii scoed Depîrtmiot StOci's lise goal fcem BilPres- nitk. Ron Braditucy etaliatid foc Local 4970 on a pay fcom ittibi Dpee. Gary Lawrence scored bwina tuPu pelth oth Ie m'lntng end f RI51- 2decisie Igant Bcomties Sombrs. Otier eIt scocrs once PhI Collans, Soit Meceiro ad Paul Wilson. comas bld tceî asslnset wie Don Mîdiui itad ton ld singles oenni Pter Mle ad Jlm Titompsono PRO WO f TitiPie Wee Division snm titcee close games iis eut as Milon Lumbr fliipcey 10 a 4-3 cooalt y McCuaig, Cc- Aa Tire ecigaci losds Chiciten Rings 2-1, ad Fîy's Pinmleog bal Miton Pitncmncy 4-z. Kim Jnsen scoced two goals ad an assit foc McCualgsad singes ent 10 Roo Coulead Andy WYsma R ysman plced aP aassist as wonu. Chtarles Alcocit scoced lolce foc Mlton Lombirwhitie Alan McKimo scoced once cod as- sioled once. Sleve Knoomes as- sisted on AicockitM trst goal. carl ilzIe as te soie marks- miac cr anadian Tire, glvlng tiem a 2-i in over Hoed's Cckcn ings, Fllet and item- art Porter lsiislid. Blair eowmmc mas Hods lune scocer. Stepiten caicn nt Milton Pitecmîcy ce singie itandediy, scartng a bel ticit foc FayMs Ploming. Stîva Wilson scored Fly's irst goal and Paul Stove r plcited up an assisl on McCenM lai goal. Tony Saba scored frum Kent lsmond ad andy Mouray from Gave Millr for te losirs. MIDGET Harris Slalocery dobledPlg. meul-Citemiccil 6-3, Kiglt's Mein sWer bitaliedity Bluis Auto Sody 5-2 and Ledmiitlatpped Parit Fîcm Diry 4-S2 ite idgal division. Olive Climeot adGcveYemm botht scored Iice for Harris mhite iniogles mini lu Rîck it.I chtelilud Louis Antonissen. Soit Knomes, Johno Pinson, icit Mlitell, Stuart Robertson ad Steve Cemetalîledlntheassist department. George Presmdab, Ray Evans ad Alan Lewis cunted for Pig- mini - Ciemicci. Ray Evans, Doog Coulson and George Pres- niait essisbed. J. Malcom, Gave Morey, Gemn Micitelil ad Ben Byoli pIced Ledwit Ina 4-S in amer Peck Fecm. Smit, Malcolm, ad Mrley cl Issisteci once. Harold Salis scoced a gonilad an asis ad Ricit Lom scored a gon. Mîbo Frame ncored tmo goals ad one asoistfoc Kntgitl's. Brian Honmard, Phlilcmoitcm ad Wyne Emmseecb counedagoal. BoeriercIî ad Emmsiteeded titi ansists sit No encit, miii singles ent t Piil Seositco ad Mie Framne. Ricit Coibicit scoced botit f Sils goals unessited. Bad weuther gçoodskiing Skligetai eu Edmn'ilS aila bmw ebit lîsI end dico tonad- vicie nater conditions aler 1nth lice a. Altitougit te sipes oneein goud Condiion Sebrday afternoen, skiIecs beslleled bo go 1n viem Of tie mentir mml minter. Glen Eden orbcrs mire ou Saturday mortdng 4 itte itomi- adier and a rig bind lb loitreakt up te icy palcites, ad by 0000 Che siapes mire 10 falrly gnmi condiion. Titi snom makers mire ockintio ugi thIe nigitl and teceoasbtctbaegomi base ad surface snom Sundly. Titi neul lMing lulouE formîrd lu ai Ibm park, cccording bo Con- servation oflIcials, Is skte alcc- es on te lake. Field oficîr Gave Mrray sald ita ioped lu bave a irecit piond on Che laite for caces ifI uecesi mes sitomi Iter Iis season. mcrktet and neyer lt up unili aller tbey bcd captured lise New- market Novice Hocisey Tourn-. men. iti Ford's wcitmped Lndsay t-S2e ite lirsl gami, ten biat Orilla 4-1 aod Georgetosn 3-i. Titi Lndsay vtory oaa tebMg oai as titey oneelieteahm teat bat Mlios mal year. This oaa lte icol Mlton Nevice em le in tiet oscoamint. "7lie boys won te praise of many fauotere it teir pal- terned piîyo and test siting" manager Dwson Ellisun scici. Bruce Ellison scored te icol goal of tlb game and te mdy goal of te irst pecioci 10 glvi lte Fords c 1-0 iecd golof loto lte second perlod. Johtn Sositm cmored Iice 1n lte second periud and PaulSproat MESI'S COMPETITIVE Titurs. Fît. 1 ci 7,00 St. John, D. Ptlemy, I. les, IL Wood 7; R. Rid, A. ro, A. Cairns 2. e LEniard, E Tolelaita, L. tee, G. Snell 7; R. Milison, kndecson, G. 1Hill, R. Tom 1. Gîrbir, IL Plaît, A, Mian Martin, IL Moore, f. Sar- I. Luclo t. Macrili, R. Cilda, P. John- 7; M. Benby, L. ArMic, C. Ln, S. Ciemeol 6. MEN'S COLIS Tlcars. Fît. i (a 9.00 Andersn, A, Munro, L. te, J. McMIian 9,0S. Naditu, airas, F. Glon, C. HunIerS. .Sumlîy, A. Fait, S. Catîda IL Pitiips, f. Luclo, G. Sin- S, . PettItli. .Fletchec, S. Clemeol, T. cbh, P. Joson t; S. Legati, îmwley, J. Kelly 3. Harrap, L. Furlan, R. Mc- t, J. Retd 9; M. Deelo, C. tin, A. Miller, S. Wincht 5. C.A. COLT PLAYDOWN Samiey, IL Moore, L.. For- S. Remiey 9; S. Nadalio, S. rp, R. Harrison, S. Clemeol Somley, IL Mooec, L. Fur- S. Rooiey 9; S. Luclo, P. con, G. Snell 6. HIGGINS Manly, Jais 29 LS 7.00 Rldduiis, R. Rcdgit, A. ms, S. Scandier 9; B. Rend, Prencit, L. Waliti, G. Smith ,Cennedy, A. MeicRicon, M. tg, B. Greenfild loi C. An- derson, B. Cimmet, A. Muler, . Segswort2. R. S. Joku, B. Fcame, i..Div- 1a, IL Sagamoclt 12; E. Milsie, S. Randali, C. Honle, J. RolgIsi L Sieaso, S. Luclo, IL Ducean, T. Cîrcaîca 15, . Meril, P. Gîbr, W. Elsimy, S. Winch . HIG<3111 Munday, Jan. 29 ià 9.00 IL More, F. Lit, F. ToleizitI, P. Scanier 7; G. Strate, F. Glaon, A. Cairns, M. MIGulce 3. F. Marin, . Eskine, C. Thomson, . Similil; S. Hîccop, . Yîmm, A. Mller, S. Clîment 2. . Ramey, J. Citcllenoc, G. Hoden, . Tom 7; a.RSud, D. Lislii, . licaucler, N. Couiter 7. HIGGINS Tuesday, Je. 30 i@ 7.00 U. Hges, . Sckuyler, J. Cacsey, L. Sampace 8;5a Wieel- er, . Polies, C. Mati, R. Sac- rison 7. S. NadaUb, . Plilipa, E. Fos- tic, S. McFîddeu 9; P. Barr-, S. Cids, IL Cre, S. Casson l6. HIGGINf Tsesday, J"ut30 (_d 9.51 M. Eeacd, A. Munro,G.Sceli, J. elly 8; M. Sealy, A. Cairns, G. Sinclaic 3. S. McCuaig, G. Fletchtec, J. Brown, . Pegg 7; H. Funit, B. Taylo, C. Focd, . McClure 7. P. Bacr, M. Rasbcry, A. FaI14 10; Nt Pbelps, C. Soîlan, C. Seid, P. Johnson 9. L. Fucla, IL.Rae, A. Hom- den, J. MîCulcitian 8; G. Flet- cier, IL Pat, F. Foolm, J. Reid 4. on a4-1 second penno lecd over Lndsay. Lindsay scored once inte sec- ond ccd one li te Iird yorlod. bccd Sodth, 014 Gooddg, Paul Sproni lad Gave Turner (2) ere lieosistants. Ellison, tloskcm, Iproa ad iriol Murrcy ail scored liird piciod gocstoconcludete scor- lng and providi sdn nomber one. liruce Elison paced Mlton 10 teir secend win over Orilia lelit a tree goal effort. ltosiam scocîd oceegoalsdie assiste onnt b Sieve McCaltce andi Spreat, Drille nscored te llrnt goalnIfte game boltiteld te lead birefly. liproal, Renlam and Gcedtng oneite Mlon maclsmen in te clcîmpionskip game against Georgetown. Al 14oite scoring wco done in titi licol perlod. Pee Wees top in exhibition play insmio Pee mees ealhiing Gary Gceding scureci 114cm in te wlonec of te Hespeler-Or- tCe icol perioi 141k John Toneli agevile seris played aI home cssistiug on botit goals mhitet ad itome exhbition secimo mitit icit Bridgman and John Tnneltl Sîlifleel (Wlnon). Milon bal scocîc inolges. Norm Momiray Sailileet 7-i1itece Salucday and assisleci on Tonelli's goal, I-i In Bicmsville Mooday. Ae a secood period famin Gave iRobrs, icitBridgman loh ad Scott McKenzie scoced lMccd Gi-c. charch Ol period mîrbirs witC Scott Mc- ulscss ,w to s Cne, GorgeaRond, GaryGood- afstiss D w tojcs ug, John Toseili ad Kmn Fa1 A gcoup f young people, so far asslstlog. mostly tram among Che dier- Braci Gilmel mas Che on Sel.- mois ai Grece Anglican Cituccit, femI score r. bave focmed c onekly discussion Tonelli biciaci iings off 1Inte gcnsp mhicci meet etai te cburcit second gnme w41b a goal fron Sonciay evenings i 7 p.m. Mibo Ford ad Sicit Bridgman. Under te leadership of Gary Il oas titi only goal lu Che irat Babsose, te membicsitip of ap- period. pcceimateiy 10 discuses sucb Sicit eridgman andi Gave Sole Genecalion 16tlopics as meutlierIs tllied lu Che second pecimd IlIless, ipples, citocc it ly, ad McKenbe ad Momitcay as- Crslian social ceaponslblily, sisted. and te meauiug of bing a TonuS ll t agein and harder Chirstia iadIy. Can bfore in score tbcme goals Statd a yîcc Igo, te gceup 1Intefanal prlad. BihlBtrad- occotonliy sages toboiggan bory bandied te netmioding. parties or similîr aclîvItea. Il as alan Bill Bradbury, nut Thier program lion Includes BiliiBradley, mito situt ont elsil la suchitttuions as lbe jiorgtomo as ceportasi 116 Jona Scott Iaeaa2iiie, ad Che Evangelical Citurci f oc Despite lin igit Anglica a- tendance, te gcnsp conulders Itself Iaterdenominatiioni asd soyonseIletCe youog aneMI agi H Ne7-0 itrîckel Is elceme lu attend. PH N 87 20 Rullgwoy sorry for hleckig FI district rouds FI ALI Caoadien PactlicSajlmayapoi- agiced la Nas.agameya Township ceucilifoion conveneace In lb tonvship Ibeir trainsbhave closid by ilocktng township roads i Titi ltter ixpicins Che CPJI, ban bad dificulty duing te 1 / monbb 0f Jaury scit micitaucal malfoncionusand frozen swtcbîs r caued by te excessively coid maqltmter oas 1n repy tb a O F complaint lied b0 cooncil tme O F ebos ago, ad isuced counil very slip as bing laemo 1 remedy Ibm situation. E Expropricte properties on Mary St. Preparallan of an exprap- rnation by-law was aollcorlced Monday tY MiltonCouncil, covor- Ing two Mary Si. prapertios re- qoired ta the Proposed realigo- ment of thte street. Offmr on lte Chtambters, Gai- lIomny and Hesloç properlies itnd 1bien sobitlled beseci on four limes the curre ninosessedvalon, te meeting oas tld. Titi Ses- ,op offer itacibien accepted bol the otietîr Imu bnc en signeci itat etmunit bigier figores. "Acceplence ai a bigiter price eoulci establinit an inflaleci value for Eutore properly acquisitions In lte area", Mlayor Brianlient reporteci, Il maspolnled outlite bown bcd speni conulderable money on itavlng ail Mary St. properties appralsed, and Il -oaa auggenled titese figures mitit an addillonai 10 Per cel ntcadi 111ot been acceptable. Tite iy-lao mas 1n bi preplred for exproprition aI lite origin- lly appraloed value. Engineers P. V. Anderson aod Assoclatis mire Inoiructed tb prepare piano and costestimeles for lthe ce-alignmen nf Mary St. togeiber miith piano for a storm sewer ronn a t Inlte creek wllb titi necessary catcht baino andi oulfali. Hit-run accidents cause cars damage Tmo it-anci-ron accidents anre reporled In Miltoo Police Deparimeol dorlng thtepasîmweel. Titi lirst occorreci Toesday, .tanuccy 30, mien acar omned biy Joseph Beauciet of TMdrd Sicie- rond, Milton Heigits, recelveci $30 damage 1inlthe parisi ont of lte Citarles lintel. Friciay, a veiticle osomd ity Mrs. Marlorle Powys of R.it.3 Georgetown received $40 damage in a it-anci-ron acrident. A car drlveo ity William van Zulpiten of ILS. 3 Milton recelv- ed $400 property cdamage in a collision miith a veiticie driven by Larry DiGrent of 70 Brouie St. Sundcy in lthe Piaza parkinir ict, Miltn Police report. DamageIn10titi DeGraafveiticia sas istimated et s2ie. --Don't forgel b deposil a balo t i ttCI,ýý ftite k,, Ladies' DRESSES Sizes 5 -15 8-24/2 Girls' IRESSES 3x 4- 6x 7- 14 Chniadren-s OUTERWEAR BUNTING BAGS SNOWSUITS JACKETS COATS -I Thse Canadian Chempin, Wednendey, Februaryt RfiVwy topas 52, 000 cars A latter to Nassagameya rien- cil I rom te Cauldian National Raiiwîy yoints ouI 52,000 rail- woy cars ccd beon layed i t1i illuminliog lape and mire beiog leped at a rate of 4,000 pe ryeac. Titi leller sepsîthe Iiiumintiiog tape isnoct te vaoleanlouer. l listed excesive speed, mentat lapse, boman error poling te foot on te accelerator Iosecd of te braite, and suicide as editir flot ors ceosing train - car crashtes. linder-or-over grade sepera- lion Is te oanl em ay in pre- viol collisions eaireiy. This mont bi approvid by te Board of Tranaport Govicoors on lte initiation of te monlclpalily, ac- cordfin o 0te letter. An loquesi jury lovesliglling a latal accident taI t illed four yoatits in Nesscgcmeya lete lent year scld railoay c arasithould bi mcrited ciong lte side. Cluhàs wold select .. itizen"- .uch yeur Milice Counil endorsedepro- posai from lte Rotary Clubt b reccîloale te ionorlng ot an ouI- standing cien eacci yeer. In a leller otMiltnC ouucilthe Cluit coied ils vievas and if titey were inleresled bo name a rep- reseoletive 10 c joint cummiee of local service clubs 10 revlew lte situatino. Il mas poinled ooutlite Leglon bcd lollicledîbe planibul loqiries iodicated tey d ot planto con- linue il, Titi lent amarditcdbien made 1n 1964. Mlton Cooocil oamed Coun- iilor Rbi McCuag an ils rep- resentclive 10 sucit a commilîee. TW. ivre à«r car wrecked A Milton couple leere injured and teir car oas recked ina siogle car accident on Higitmay 401 two odles misl of Milton Fclday. Driver Micitael J. Campbell, R.% 3 Millon, bld bead and itand injcuries and Katileeo Campbll, a passenger, cemplinled of a sore itacit. A child lunte car mas uoiturt. Tbe car received $1,600 damsageinl the mislcap, Milton OPP. repurt. Frntc the Milton Curling Club I.'- Ferd, Milton Trafai ed toa -5O co Coucoly yayolf Milton Paol Sproct tro.m r._e E Godo olmd from licent Mur on a 2-0 licol pe Dlice Turner rey picitec up mariters mtl BOr ing on Mrrey's icidperioci mer Alltougithtie nul play up to per er itard presseci t Craig Jobbitit1 mcdlle acoupleo retain hMo uboint. Coacht Gos Mo boys' lacis of go due lu Ibeir lougit marktlSalurdcy. Milton gues 10 dy cogitl el 1.30 game of lte serte NOTIC DOG 0 lBY-Lam 1 The deadlico C youc 1968 eil 15, t Dog liceoses cadI edCrom theOi0 icocal Centre, t If yoo aish ct l:1teIepisoec5i TheTown of~ PO. Box 31C OAKVILLE, 0 Tetephonec Extension 211 A fieono e closive ofCrosIs) pcoo.ded or ai taine licencs aitove S.A.FEATHEliST E- ilIon 228Main St Ladies' COATS Sizes 8- 12 Ï/ 1/2D OFF 2- Phone RESTIVO'S 878-6043 *ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT *& GROCERY STORE Large Green Crisp HEAD LETTUCE 2 for 35c Cello CARROTS, 16-oz. cello pk. 2 for 29c Florida Pink GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 49c Moderne TOILET TISSUE, Save 14c 6 rouas 79c Queesway Choice TOMATOES, 28-oz. tins 4 for $1. Tulip Brand MARGARINE 4-1b. for$1. Christie's Brookside BREAD 3 19.. baves 65c Orange, Liter. Cola. Etc. OId Colonie Pop, 24's $1.98 C.P. liccon Rindless Siced SIDE BACON 69c lb. pic. Lean Peameal BACK BACON ...65c lb. piece Maple Leaf Wax Wrapped BALONI 3-lb. piece $1. Lean Butt PORK CHOPS 49ceIL Maple Leaf WIENERS 49c lb. 3 -1 .s A c idthnalep- sp. ADUITS a$100 TUD S 17 0 " Peink r Pacia npPecie Gltl tnds theS Hodsils ýordu; col- l i- Ya' in lte -iog and 014 on0 iay gisE It. lecd. treo otr- conS oci I ol- lion ss ng a nFor d n the e. billion oc y sao bo aY saii3e eler i- the se d TO ER -29) bloc v iscoý le Ms S TîuC clOs zc issiinen O00 10ol E, CIec R DRAPERY CLEARANCE ANTIQUE SATIN AND RAYON BLENDS MILIUM LINED Reg. $25.9517 @ 9 ASSORTED COLORS - 48" wide by 95" long 91