Under Coon Koret hyRoisitort TIETS Cdnnaseessni .s ;mn Itoreais mon, ail gradues tr of Pan.. llortilturel Schiel )NE ien dsn Wh hsave come 10 Io ncuual ntIiowldge. 0 isey.,are sr learo lion s CedO nyn glullure and b ____ Imorove on onhai lisey di hnow. t Tise granp le spread ihrough-a Sonshero Onlario trom il. Catis- t arisns 10 Brnamptons on dairy,. pnullry and grape tarmns. C Lee (prmsmsnced Des) les slayiii ai lise faim ni Arnold I Ftshi on Burnamihorpe Iioad, ILs. 1 Oakvillo. Allsougs Lee o le hMs given ame Il appears f lasi In is signature. Tc pecople g frnm lise western Hemispisere Ilh oumld seem 155 han hs tirst ame lait.N Lee rends EngUis onlh a£ lisoronst hnonlede of misai ho isas rend, lai still han a Utile1e troshle conuerning. 1 Lee's spoisen Engisla ls m-à prousot qulcisly mils lise help1 ni Mr. and lirs. Fins and liseir flue cildren. Mr. Flis eoplatosîthe ncesnty tospeais clearly and slnualy, oflen lrltiog ose point Lee dees ot 'underslnnd o ian he dons se ltai communication 10 possilse. massage 10 communicate 50 eacqi uncterstands lise aiser. *'He loos a lot more Engliss lisunwe Inoo Korean"' Mr. Fiss pointa oust, appreclatini LeeNs dlfflcally EALIR >o plan un works on district farm *rn Canadian, agriculture to 36 isronghdbiseas Pari 01 'w th Colomiso Plan AU graduales 5 cd an agriculture scisoul, tisey repreait somoetOfKOre&'s tcop fi prospecive farmers. I On arrivailanCâuâtadaiY -t P in Centraila Agricalture iciseo, a meac London, ufflere tisny Intime il orienlated and lisestisey utereà Setolt atotndlVldoal farmo. Aller lonog on tise tarons for a year ti they nill relurs lu Ceniralla for i monts 1u discus s ai ley have learned and encisaoge Ideas. Tis wl aso glue lisesponsoring Canadian Goueromeol an 1n- dicaonof ntlie effeclicettess Ot lise plan. Don Drts h is e Co-ordLnator ofthlie programandis responsihin for placlag lise Koreno hys on gond fanons, it s essentiel lisey are placed wlish patient, onden- otanding individuels miso are wiltiOltu helP the cisilors ouer lise langauge harter. Tise purpise of lise grnsp 15 te promnte dairy caile lnduslry la Korea and Japan hy inarning absoutlise prolilents our dairy tarmers isave and hoon b oser- coule lisem nis the impteoneni- aion of our procedures. Japsan han about 7,000 dniry andonais 1inlise country and hopes to Increase 1h15 numiser hy ion- poring froon Canda. Tisny are presenlly importiio soone ansd ospect 10increase liseir quota. By isaulag Koren afrmera comleisere thl iso cl ho enaled lis nons nis Iheir caIlle ai isomo nis lise ment modemnaid lm- proved methods aliseir dlsPOSaL Elghleeno f lise îrouP are os dairy fîrmo, four on poulry farms anid Inn are on farons nis grape cnyards and dairy caille ile ane ciap 10 ai Jordan lîseries 1n St. Catisarines. Lue omos a smali sogelahtn farmn et bson andwas fonissnale sn hoing placed on lise Flsisfarin. Prodoclog tho Reserve Ali-Can- disen Holstein BullIn 196t5il1 idicative noflise type ni faron tr. Flsh nons. The Ileserse AIl-Canadien Is the second higist rated haIt Is Canada and sooneliing aty farmer wonld ho prond 0f. Tise suit tan nid 10 lise Argentine and his son oas 1n use prise oney ai lIon Wloler Fair 10 llaly lasi penn. Lae Isgreatiy lonpnessed ails lise degree of mecisanlnallon on fan Canadian fanon. A clou 10o fae Onrio Faron hachlnery Showon 1 Toronto lett hlm aonazed atbolh the sine andithe pnice of fae onachinery. "Euerythdngisso expensive isere" snys Inn. Wilnai scisonli aIbis homo Lee and bis friends deselopeci soone pre-cooceicnd Ideas ahout the sze noflise herdu 1n Canada and came isene nis an ex- aggeralod figere. Lue expecled tooneeibende mors langer ltai faey are In renlily. itla1 bhsLes and Mr. Fisi' intention 10 isaue Leefsully versai in lise gerailon of ail tht onachlnnry on lise fanon holon ais on year stny is oser. "i ts diing sony meli for lise sisor lte of i ime (one month) hi han been hem" h is tostructo said. Mn. Fisis said Lehad operate &U lise mactdnery in the haro and han lennned tu milk a couh (sooneihifli he had neser e BYONG DEUK LEsud ho haost Arnod Fish specdiug a yeac ai the facmto1 lescu as mco aeeîiccoed had ateock iccthe bacn,feedincu as he cscbot Casdiangculcture, ude the Fish Hoseico. A Koesu farmer, Lee is he Colomibo Plac. Staff Photi g ta ize me, Splace tuemeus mou ibm on stl hoici eaitiOi. ut eerythinli clcîcat ontilts he oswon 00 cots or blown Summer-winter shelter is designed for Kelso A dsigeni1aR$32.110 Pitolc shler, canteen sud naaisonon facities ion Klsi Conservaion Aen as displayed 10 meonhro of Hallen Ileglon Conservation Aufaoily aI the gop's nsoal meeting ield Wedesdiy aler- Archiofles e oh anasoo sAn hiet Joasi Hamesi. o Burtinglon digeed the sruct- are for a site sean fan tiappoin on a iilI ai lie sontis aide nifae laise ai Kelso, oenioolng ithlie entre properiy. ise structure ls digeed ton year-nonnd use, ion a pIctdc sieler for ummen ulsitors and a mlndhreaio and ciange roons ton tise cmonda ho hase locised 10 tie aren for sisalngandloho- gondo 10in inte. il ouid et- ure a large woon canmlty on four concrets pllars, wutliac5n- teen buildin sud oasiroomo tlanitutAlon sasandoenloldis. Tise tront nouid bho pen, oer- looknhlmie, nAle tie rear would aneho dM0n ad proviiB a gond viswo !fahetoisgganiog and sling anea of tie 40-acre pari. ConIs includi an eslmaled $0,ii ion the canupy, $1,000 for lise buildings, $6,00 for silo wors sud grading sud $6.000 ton fao inotalllan nfservices, ccsronms sud sepic synleo. The o onnnillo oordng on tho seler prapoual van anihori te prsan lie dsige sud iring *hach a daslsd repori lofase " bal f11meeting eilhe aulicrliy. --Sunday's crisp and snm alernoono loned oany stay.ai- homes onlo te highmnys Ion a enjoyahie iooday dm1ve. .y iii dins e hoe cooingt b Canada). isil 10 Niagara Fals. Aisuaigis -Welil have 10oail for sonon on is lis1 of dilihes 10 coo- carmer eaiher hfore ou gel oniusno. aaeo iePe on fan iggen machdnery ou- crisis inuiingthlie American sida" ho said. and Korean goeroments, hae Les adapaion 10 Canadian lashe May hase 10 return ways as nt bee limtd oons if a setiiemeni 1 nt fanm on on. Wle ai Cenralia reachec. ise homame 9aproficetol 1shot Most oninlandini ahout the Lue enjoys some ni the Can- y oun an 10 is potie, cor- adian-Americaut music lai dis- tenus oannen and is nicons gInks hth hippies and fahe genes tol ms Beales, and loiss forard toiaegre I te laoae, se ore about everYthieg Extra! Ca s n aryns Copn V SCHUYLER BROS. LIMITEO Cailif orni a Dreaiming ? Look ut C. H. Norton Bus Linos California Circle Tour Ail tours flIly escocced .. o ocecuîghc caalPuice uclodes transportation, hotel accommccodation and adecs- sion o local tours as adceccsed. Deluoe coach is aash. coon equipped sud ir conditioued MAR. -MA. 3 ERPERiON 22 DAYS 3 COMDTO FEATURINOGcsGrad Canyon, Sat Lake Cty, GantRed- oood Forest, Sac Fancsco, Los Angeles, Sghseercg tip teDiseyand, The Psîcled Deflecand othecuypectccilac sighcu. -STATLR-HILTON, Los Ageles -ci ights HITCHI1NG POST, Cheyenne, Wy. - 1 clghc HOTUL SUTTER, Sac Fancisco- 4 elgicts -PONY hOiDIEt, Flagsaff Aria 2 ights For Reeraions and Information Cali... MILTON TRAVEL SERVICE 14 Martin St. 078.9211 - 878-2527 OR CALL... (No Toi Charge) C. H. NORTON BUS LINES 63"4958 634-6928 8270971 (Local oc long distance charter sud othec toucs ane sus able) esday, Februery 7, 1968 * 62 answer classified Resuits? Aller receliOg ne Ios han 62 ansonore to a r.- cenniclasltled advetiloooti ln The Chsampon, anossher &dver- tiser ls convinced Champion classltleds get mosults. Why not convert unused Items to cash, finci Items you sanlor corrb the itai .,Lntral datton market to meet your neds lhrough Champion Cassltleds. They're easy 10 place. Cati 878-2341 and an experlenced ad tiser mlii assisi you. Econnm- ical raies for cash, 1on. --he sllh annul meeting ni Ration Preshyierlal Unitled Church Romen les ob h ield on Thursday, Fehruar 14 ai Well- ingon Square Unted Church in Burlîngion. Area t.C.W. oonm- hrs wmli Ionatendlng.